i) FEBRUARY 19, 1899. 11 TTTT3 SIGN OU.THIlEOO.r :Pnra:Gqm o! tba Wbect! V .-j--"" Thv were no 'daises Jn. police court ( -: yeaiervlay- naorntag; k lit is commending to look like a boycott. - r -v . . , r ," Tte remains of John' A. Scripture, ,wh4 ' 1 died hjereu recently, -were shipped to his " .'- - relatives 4a- Michigan, yesterway. - The Iiadles Auj&Jiary-df theY. MC, 4 AT win -Hold its regular monthly bust ';-'C'tueBsr meeting' lbmorrowt 4 o'clock.: f -"!" C.""R. "Whsi'taker. of BSlbmotre, doldto , Zimmerman Whi'teheaid, yesterday, , 8 - . " head ofl- cattle, - that weighed ; 10,509 - . pounds. .- , .'.r- The -Flower Mission-will meet tomor : yy-. row f iemoan et 3 o'clock at Mra.- J A. -Burroughs'. - All ' supetiaatenklenjfcB : - are i - surged to be present. . - "Rev;"," EL j BsiraHwill peak" at the "- rmen'sCmeetfing ait "the T. M. C. A." this -alterjoonat 4 o'clock. There mil be . peeial music All men invited - 71 'TWatCtachment psfoceedings- against . , - .mhj. M. Ray and Miss Levy Mi3h were - ' .v brought ibefare Justice Siotee'ly yester- y ' day, butt were co-Mlnued until next Mon - , ".. There Is a scarcity of soft coal on ithe -r marvel, owing to- deday la nauroaa aw- - - t--lic, but thiere is enough Ho transdt to re - liev any "damger of a coral famine. Hard i pBea'taful. ' 'The wcrk'of cleaning this mud from ,C- - v" tfce rtreelts andf crcefeing was continued - 1-5.. yEaliirday.. The st?eet weeper was put -X- ' 3to cpfm 'I-n lrffr'lgh!: for the first --?r---- me tMsmoinith. ' TesttT'day being Saturday, there .were tij itolf-uco fiales.at tlie-warehouses. . .Al though, both floors are crowded with itferces; amid mext week'e salt's -will nj djubt be larse. ' Joh:n Dunn was Arrested by 3epuy4 Weav-er ye:teirday. It was not what John dure, hut what John hadn't ifloce, thjt cars d h1- arrest. He had fiatled to ray a bill tof cOsts. - ' Tho regular monthly meeting of the Ashevills Free Kindergvir'ten association will beheld in the Y. M. C. A. hall to mlctrrow .at 4 p. m. All imtenasted are coaldiiially invited" to be fresemit. 1 . r Getx-ge L. Hackney will have charge of the 'devo iibnia'l exercisre of the Central Ep worth league itorlgbt, W. T. Jen rang's, sta'e secretary of the Epwcrith - league, c Wisconsin!, will apeak. Dir.. J. H. WiilKiarrts received a ltfr , fi'-n'is s?n. JV. H.. "WTliaxna, whlo 5s - wi h.theTweTfth TJ. S. infan r th,,". he b-iped y-eta-dtay ott tbiei Uniited' Stelts '.r tranlsporit, Sheridatnv for MaeSIa. rS I The ctrly e: stern mail briVSng in the -v c?,ty yeste-tiay was bfteuigbc in on tutn S5 zsi'l ii the nijirDiai?. Other mpil t)ni!l.-'3 are -'-v delayed, by a .tCgbfe- wreck. T.'aia 73, cars rairepor'tea dera'ld near "J",, Marshall. - . . . Lazarirs Clay&bn, C5',ored,1.wl-.s fathr- - ed Into the net jof justice yerd'ay. He - -- I. Ha autcdi for gimtfia?. A wol-rier w?s " " iif' iJaund in bis hip pocket n.d a riarJias was rfcrd "r carrying ean&ea?fl 'werpioji'. r Jck Johnson was also amsel by Deo- wrv gheriff; Reed, charged wi.h gam- - - ' '"!" , - "nrtorrow night, at the GTand . Jn. "Ma -" o The. troupe a a favtorrbe onis here ""V as ie evfdeD oed by , the relad'iness with . ticke ia. The 400,.BUbscr!pt!flcpa reQuired, haj3 teen rraide-up ind the company twj 1 " - givj6.is lriit!alx pertarmaiMje .tomcrrow; - 1 yueaiay ;;'1natipee avenitorf'rTh.- t :ad,r5:g.r. , .; v-:; .? v. T?10 twb-.jIicemei, E,. Wit iGamrsion ysaiA W. C. Rmdley,-who were susoend- ""ed troniHhe forcer two weeks jago, have .f, l " been rertostated cms the advice t the p'o l - lice comnijlfctee !t6 the board of a5derrmiii -.-.Aldermain: Sherrell urged! the re-itfstaie- - J men't,. as. there were some paint's 4a the ' - " evidentee thiat1 favored them . He also, consLidered that they had been sufficient - ly punished and aa any ether valaitifon - of the police regulations would mean Zx dt'ism33sSaa, he dad cot ithimik ithat the po llicemen " worlld offend again. On hia , repreiieai'talyiciro the mein were re-instated, t - They will repor-fc (for duty ttomorr'ow. AHASHEVItLE SYNDICATE yilLf . Longhran Contemplets Organizine.1 S o;lcoiipany to open American " 'Hotel in Havana-Frank- Lough'ran,- "proprietor of the HKtel Berkeley, -19 C conitempjaifcmg th e organization t of a -stock company for -thepjurpose of opemng ' an American , v'liotel In. Hayanar Cuba. , The -project ie not.the outcome of a - - ihurried - conclusion. Mr. Loughran ha . -iven, the, question iserious consideration ' - "-for some time and - it is certain" thac there 4s7a eplendid opening iri Havana - - 'for. Jthe establishmenit of a purely Amer-' lean, footed, equiipped 'wi'th an American - - cuMne and bar. The ..vast number of - 'American sotdiers garrisoned in or near! -r-.rHavajna wiil certainlly create a demand Clylor a national hotel. - 7 Mr" Lougihiran (bas mentioned his ..scneme to a number of moneyed men 'and ail expressed a desire to subscribe for, stock.- From various other sources ":Mr. Loughran has been assured that - ample capital will be forthcomfaifg' if "- j: - he will agree tto give the new hotel his - personal supervieibn. r The one drawback, If it1 can be con " " . -: . : eider d such, (9 the Cuban VcMmaite, 34 PATT0N AVENtiF. 4 SOUVENIRS I(er Color Sketches of Local? Scenery.: j 34 PA1TON AVE - SELF RISING FLOUR. ' 3 pound package, " ' ": 11-2 pound package, 4- . ,.. - 1 HECKERS CCBRBALS- t 10c. 2 sound box wheaten grits, 12 l-2c. 2 nound rolled wheat.- ; 12 l-26i 2 tunkl rolled baits. 10c 2 nnixid nackasre sAQtine. " 12 l-2c 1 pound package- farina, . 10c. HEQCER'S- FLOUR. 2 pound - box flap Jack, 12 l-2c 3 noiimd Tnanlcaeia self rising, 156. 7 Ttnrtnrtiaaolc' eraham. 25c 7 pouoid sack rye; . . . 12 podfjk?wiiole wheals -v 25c 50cJ A. ssZSouth Mala, The same class of S., - '-' high grade goods that made Kroger's store famous of old, is now kept at the little store next to the market. New 274.---"-.r.4i which Mr. - Uoughran regards wikh a igM qutaim T dread. This ds the only oiMrtS3cle io "be Overcome, and Mr. lioughran will ? arrive; at b!m deoMon during the conning month. STILL" SEIZED. An Bilicat distillery was destroyed near Jupdter laet Wednesday by Deputy Col lector JF. Bryan. T The e)tijl was one 'of the largest diis covered in this vicinity -in years, and was owned by John W. . Reese; It haa a ninety gailion capacity and an exceed ingly large "worm." When seized over 500 gallons of beer and- a ' tjuaxutity of liquor was on" hand. ' The still and con tents Were destroyed. . Reese wad taken to Marhsall and ar raigned before Uniited States Commis sioner C. W. Tweed. He was released under bond. Misses. Str.it gioat butt;n shoes, size l&B, at $1.00 sl par N"o other size an J width at. this, urice, J.. D. Bianton X Co. " Horrible agony is caused by piles' burns and skin diseases. These are Im mediately relieved and quickly cured by uewitt'e Wifcch Hazel -Salve. Beware Of worthless Imitations. , Paragon phar macy. It never sticks to the ' - troja--Elarfae Marchi" &-r,'f: 1- ---rvt:: 00ORER .-Dr. David Kennedys CURES ALL KIDNEY, STOMACH " " AfiO?UVFB T TROUBLES C . - - , . f ' ' SeciI ;Pant& Sale. i:. :-e wiu-cl?se: j winter, pants. at adiscount of 25 per cent 'fur this weekbrilv. v ' ; Some.are in medium weigfitaiTdcan be iwprniinfo thesiimmer.l 2 5 per cept : 75 I ft PMancl, Boys'. heavy'Giahink Y also. :; Spring- Goods arrivinff daily, i l- fc" - Y. X" v ft fer-" "" B?nt - UULIUUUil'UUUt IS J. 0 I' - , 1 ' ' r - " - (' . T - - T I-- .-i'wrder to closed WWjiiwSnnlV Stoo ; WtingVBaper 1 and : T A -I 1171 I I 911 H LIH'.K W1 I:r ;--,- i per pack.r-Tbi is special value s -the regular praces re , V -rper quire, thesnvelopes sameprtee: .THe reaswi'ie thiat I have, Jroj " iea this line-and put.iii.a-supeBtor jlineWHOTWsftvI-J, '.vV-. " p- fat all the newest Auaae aodshapes These pnw.outy.rwi.uc R6gers:.::B66k $&& r We now have THE LARGEGT LKJE OF I: v. :J - t f J we have ever carried..- Th& prices are etrictly up. J- to-date, jas new at the goods, and you want to bear luslo ihind when in7 need jf any thins: for v;ur rub. Iber-shod steel horse. . l'r ?' T- - -t Wecaa take I or e;oes lame, for onr Bie ycle Honpifcl is h m pie? e l and our doctors do'not charge T.'iicj? prices j Prompt and permanent cur sruaran.ed try us, -, ; Eugene is$ex$8x$t Phont 228 These articles are almost irvdispensibie at this seasonof the year. i We have both light ahd heavy weights. XoUtPught to have a pair., v Maclcihtohes! Rubber Coat s nd Itobrdias, -5 "18 Men AYecn Oppr Hotel Berleifty. a TAX notice: The books of ray office show that hall of the tax payers haie not paid ODe cent onr he r taxes for the year 1898- " These taxes have bn due since last Sept rri ber. I havethown all the lerir iency that reasoudble people can ask. I do wot-propose to nuffeii or Rllow m. boudsmen to yuffert These taxes raust and hall' be collected. I propose Irom jio on to Iraek the lette r or the law in collect ing.aU unpaid taxes'. Pay now and save: trouble and extra cost - v J. 1L CH AMBERS, Tax Collector ' Heauty Is niood Deep. v ; Clean blood means a -clean skin. ' 'ifo' beauty withoutltr Cascareta CandvCathar. tic clean yout blood jand, keep tit elean,i;by4 stirring ur the lazy-liver and driving all m puiitit irom.me Doay. oegm io-aay xo--banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads. oust iuu tuu&iy uiuous uuiupieiiuu oj lading Cascarets,-r-beauty for ten cents. Ali drug ?ists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c: . - . For Jsale by The Carolina Pharmacy, College street aod Court Sauare. . out nobby, lfhe, of; Oyersuiies Rubbers and Arctics sc sV-cr-"-'-'- -raft Patton AvePhoiiA ian: - n H n ' T III f Tl 1 v? ' ' - - .... " StorN fothe eeasoikAf '99 SUiJDniES AHD CADDLEG careof him:wheii li ?0sps- a.:sboe Gy clI CompaxLxr C. Sawyer. Mgr, 18 20 Ch:srch St Dyer, Chemical Ctei tier and furrier, . , ' 55 South Main St ; I dye and clean ladies' and gentlemen's clothes; also fine fur ruga and carpets, lace curtains, etc. j " t alter and repair also all kinds of gar Rieats; and fur.- AH Jwork guaranteed. Special, sjttention paid to out r of town ordesrs, and ' express : bald one - way."" In city, all goods will be called for or deliv ered free of charge. r'85 8. Main StPtoaeps;' WHY DON f YOU HJkV fish-and v'-Qster in year table at breakfast, din ijr.sajpper ?: joa fcant jjiem lrestf, from ; - j " WM- a McINyiRE, StaU Gk CcntralMarket LARGER QUARTERS At e what a larger jpatron- age demands. :v- - ; THAT'S WHY I have moved from No. 10 to No. sPattonAve. If -you want fashionable tailoring doue, call on " H. PETRI E. 5 Paiton Ave. Ovt r K(m! wood's Store.; "LIVE LET LIVE' -is- L. OUR MPXXO, . x ' :- .v,Best and he ap e st .custom shoe work and repairing in Asheville, dope by - I T. Harris and Tr;f Morrill dreer's old stand. 10 Court Square. qu oa W9ll W 1INIH 2m Of, high grade Is dlfferentfroni figuring on ah inferior ..grade for "economy. It takes less of 'our, high, wellrscreened coal to thrbw 'ou& the same amount of heat than any other coal yoii can buyi It is -clean, satlsfabtory, and coy a no more than lessKefliclent coaLt:. " Carl cliults nil J T 1,,.: -: ...-CMK.-t ?Talkint through his fiatr: ' -.--.- -v ; . ? -r W-ji-vi.. VCl-. --j;. ..- v-"--- '';- ?" ' t '- J- " r- - ' . v - . " " t.'-.',.' -.Tr. -.-, - " ' . - -r Zi'w''"' the "'man is Who : telLr you that he- cai rival our laundry work in beauty, or gen era! satisfaction to 'the wearer. We kee on-top in up, to -date laundry' methods and we take- special pains to please eac individual patron Jn the : exquisite finis and general renovation of their t Jinen Care in handling1 ia our watchword.. ".- AsHevireiSt8am Laundry Thone 43 WE ST , COLLEGE JAS. P. SAWTEB, President. . ; iSnperior f acilities tor Doing a jGeneraJ Banking Business, CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOB BENTj lf I art Mi silb. f 11' live ol hirst Class Liver v. Prompt attention Qpen..,daj and night. Hiding Lessons g.ven 0. G. MILLARD, PliOP. Phone i8o ; , j 27 ffaywood St. 17 When feeding the following articles always go to the LeadingPlace. CIGARS Imported. PIPES French Brier. Meerchaum. Apple "Weed. DogwiODd; Cherry. Violet. . .; Ioewood. Cocoa. Walking Canes Comgo. English Tissel. Key West. Domestic. Cigarettes, Imported Bgypitian. Turkish Domestic. - Smoking' Tobacco Imponted. , ; t . - ; and Domestic,. , W-! fell with and metal trimming. toILeadlliag Established 1887, , : ' . - ... T LIVERY. , For UP'TO-DA TE LIVER Y9 Victorias, Surreys, T. Carts, English jTandeni carts. RUBBER TIRE 3 UG GIES, and the best equipped SADDLE HORSES in the city. Lesions given in Riding, also junapin Satisfaction guaranteed or no pajr l r 5 di- F. A. .MEAKS PROP. - Belo w Swaunii'ioaHotsl. . .. 85 South Main St. KOCO 6 - - ' H; I . 1-1 I I 1 rPrimeras, 5 cents each, , Concha?,:, 10c.;Sor 25 rJentsl . ' Pantanos J'inas ; 10 cents? Regalia PellBej, " ; 10 cents. By the Box at -4 A. THE.fINEST,LiNElO O VB&&L&Lu', CIGjfldS.'ST1 A T) giltraore Patent Flour. Ask Your Grocer for 11. flshevile Milling Comp' Manufacturers. Coal Selected and Re-screen.. - ed for Domestic Use. Miners' Agents, Wholeu - and Retail AsbeTilie Ice and Goal Gompioj "4 PATT02T A VBHTja. DZSTTJiLED WATHR. J. E. RANKIN, Cashier. 9 1 Rubber Tired Buggies. paid to nil rder3. SPORTING GOODS This space is too small toymen tion them all, Come injand examino without lirtA ; m llutJ' Cigar Store 17 Patton Avenue. . " - v. FEED -AND ; SALE HlT.fl.. - - - "V-. ... .X' Iia Hastidad, a- " 5 cenlaeach;" . lignificoV foc$l.00;.p -PerfetD;l- ' lW. 7 ' BoVqaeto - 15c.', 7 v" Factory Prices: - STABLES . - ' - - - ' - y t !

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