0 ?! It 1 Ik J. - -v- - ' ' .1- 5- I or i " - - - - ... . ,. - ." " - ' -1 J t ' --; - TATE EPSOM SPRING !l : pirefvemits ILa rlppe, &i Si (Unre all diseases of tomaacji, Jtflvwf CioweJIs and;IM:iaDie5?s i Jffiffppff mt jot PlTpag Aiaumal eoistaining 5D0i nir lf),ftiTetim oiaials.'g&lli VOICES FROM NORTH CAROLINA. J. S. Oarr, Durham, N. C. (.predent 9t Blackwell'a Dunbam Tobacco Com pany): "I m sa.tlfld that Tle Spring Wa ter im as of tbe ftoert mineral waters' i ta thki owiatry tor dywpepsia, dlAor dered rtomach, impaired diseatton, te." I Judge Henry R. Bryan, Newberne, N. C: "It doe me more good than any wa ter I "have rer used." Mrs. M. A. JackBon, wife of General Stonewall Jackvom, Charlotte, N. C: "1 can. truly testify as to the effl wcy of your remarkable water." GOV. BOB TAYLOR TALKS. R. L. Taylor, governor of Tennessee, Nashville: "I regard Tate Spring as the best on the continent." ONLY RELIEF FOR THE ARKAN SAS DOCTOR. G. M. D. Cantrell, M. D., Little Rock, Ark.: "I "have great faith In Tate Spring water. It was the only agent I found that gave me relief of chronic ma laria. " Faa alle Inn ASaeville hj Mehntsh Ik Meagana, HDr. T D Saaisllhi, W. D. CaFiMfc5a ael5 . A. Mayiwir, FelBaanim's FSaainmnacy, Tlhie (Dairliiaa IPItearinffiacy aimd IParagomi JPSnarsiaiaey Dao9 SamatoHiiiiinni JPtoarmmacys araoi Patt Mclimttyire. At EHIeMalrianEfle hj W. HO. JTMitofl. Ait EBirevairai hj U. IE, (Dilaytoini. Tale Spring Hotel, late Spring, Tenn; fiffiJK. HUGE MILL TO BE ERECTED. City of Huatsvllle Gets the Largest Cotton Factory South. Huntsvuxk, Ala., Feb. 2u: Final ar rangements have just been made, insur ing the erection at -Huntsville-of a cot ton mill of 200,000 spindles, three times as large as any like industry now in the south. The corporation that will erect and operate the industry is entitled the Merimac Manufacturing company of Lowell, Mass., having a capital of $2, 500,000. The charter has been granted and the governor's approval is affixed. Several prominent business men, headed by T. W. Pratt, have been work ing to secure the new industry for 18 months past, hut special legislation was . required to make possible its loca'tion in Alabama. All these matters have been , attended to and the contract papers are signed. A site will be selected from among several that are now under con sideration and ground will be broken within the next few weeks. ' The Merrimao manufacturing com pany operates an immense plant at Lowell and the new plant here will be ;n improved duplicate of the first. The plant will consist of many buildings, includinga bleachery, printing mill for printing calico, a dyehonse and machine - shops. Print cloths, ginghams, sateens, j velveteen and fine dress goods will be ; among the articles manufactured. The employes will number something more than 5,000, more than half of them necessarily skilled workmen. NO FUEL AT BIRMINGHAM. : ..Several Large Furnaces Compelled to ,. : - Bault The'r Fires. '"j Birmingham, Ala., Feb. 21. Thepro 4 f duction of pig iron in this tiiBtrict has ; J been cut down quite a bit by the ur : naces banking their fires on account of ; a scarcity of ioke ;and coat " The Ox ; moor furnace, three furnaces at Besse- j - f mei and also " furnaces at Ensley City . . .r have' their fires banked, and no iron is ;r, being made. Each day jthat the fur 'T nacesara idle cuts the production down . : - considerably. ; J The furnaces are making more-than - ,175 tons ot pig ir5n a day, and with five r '-ol them out of blast it can be easily figured as to the amount of ig iron that wiu oe misseu. - xne aemana or the t''---TtfDducfc is exceedinglyTriskiand orders are on uio uuu&a , vl., wb rvarious . com-1 . ; panies which will be shipped on" for at , - least four or live months yet. . The ex- 'vort trade is just as active as it has been '.and the ereat advance in - iron is beinsr i given by the loreign'-buyers as well as " bv tne local purcuasers. uue cue m ine production is likely to advance the mar- Jtec some agaiix. . -w - , - 3." ; -If Vou have a cough, tthrbat drrltation. ' Vweak ' lungs,' patn to; the ::chet, i. difficult Treath3ing, croup or liwarseness, let us sug , - g-eefc ;xtoe'MinUTo uougn-AJurB.:rAivyy . -reliable and Bafe.'Paragoai! Pharmacy. ; : : Use . Quaker Cabinet and - prevent ,L. M&m. - -MM Testimonials EXCELS ALL, OTHERS SATS THE TENNESSEE DOCTOR. W. a. Bickford, M. D., Memphia, Tenn.: "My experience at Tate Spring Ust summer convinced me that for dyspep sia, indigestion and constipation Tate water exCeU all others known to me, and I have visited most of them in the United States." PITTSBURG'S GREAT BANKER Thomas A. Mellon, (of Mellon Bros.,, bankers), Pittsburg, Pa.: "I believe there is no' water in the country equal to Tate's for the cure of neuralgia, as well as dyspepsia and liver troubles." INFALLIBLE CURE FOR DYSPEP SIA. David Kirk, president of McCalmont Oil Company, Pittsburg, Pa.: "I believe Tate Spring water is an infallible cure for dyspepsia." WEIGHED 141, NOW WEIGHS 219. James Carter, water commissioner, Lockport, N. Y.: "I suffered for over two years with kidney and liver troubles. Four doc- BORROWING IN CHINA. Aitoniahed Diner Out Who Ate With Her Own Spoon. Chinese butlers have a way when their own supplies fall short of borrowing from ihe neighbors at least this was a very common custom 25 years ago and good 8 changed hands over tbe garden wall with astonishing celerity, the butlers meantime keeping a strict account. "At the first large dinner party to which I was invited in China I went as a bride," says an American. "I found my self eating with my own brand new knives, forks and spoons. I stared at them very hard. There could be no mistake, for I could see the fresh monograms. "I was dreadfully distressed, but did not dare to say anything. "When I reached home, I told my husband, rather trem blingly, for I was quite uure they had beon stolen. To my amazemunt, he only laugh ed and said : ' 'Oh, you will g&tnsed te that soon, and when you have too many guests you will find that, instead of asking you to get more supplies, the butler will just borrow your neighbor's and always make op the deficiency.' "And so it prrved, I can well remem ber onco when my husband had asked eight guests In to dinner only half an hour before tbe usual time, one for each of the delicious first spring snipe he had Bhot, that there appeared later a splendid roaat leg of mutton us one of our courses. "Now, I knew wo had no mutton, for earlier in the day the cook had been be wailing the nonarrival of the Shanghai steamer by which it always came. Turn ing to the gentleman on my left, I asked, 'Did your steamer come from Shanghai today?" "I looked down to the other end of the table, where my husband was carving the unexpected treasure trove with evident enjoyment. " 'Well, ours did not,' said I, 'and yet'- le caught sight of the mutton. 4 Oh' ne laughed, 'l suppose that is mine! No aonot yours will come tomorrow mT probably be niuch better, so I shall be the gainer this tim& and enjoy it all the more.' "-Youth's Compaiiion. If Irritable, out of detwBP t urn. a. uuai neaioacj&e, take a few iJT-f1: a-Simmons- Liver Medi- www iuviw reisex. Another Romanee Blighted. He If I were a snowdrop a soft little Bake I would watch . from my place in the sky tilLI saw you fare forth, then I'd "a11 on 70Tir cheek, and there I would hap bne 11 you were a snowdrop a soft little flake in the form of a live pointed War, permit me to say that you'd not be a uo more soft than at present you are. Cleveland Leader. - CASTOR I A X For Infants and Children. Tha Kind You Hata Always Bought Bears the Signature of THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE: ;. fl V VV ATE R CURES tors perdlcted my dissolution. Tate EQUAL TO CONGRESS WATER. Spring water gave me my first relief. R. T. Hargrove, Rome, Oa.; Then T was sick and weighed 141 -'When used before breakfast or up pounds. Now I am a well man and on an empty stomach, two goblets full weigh 216 pounds." act upon the sec re tori as equal to a bot tle of the best congress water." EX-OOVERNOR AND CONGRESS- MAN COMMEND IT. Ex-Governor R. L. Llgon, Montgom ery ,Ala. : "I consider Tate Spring water the best mineral water In the United States for dyspepsia indigestion and liver complaints." Hon. A. H. Petti bone, M. C, from First congressional district of Tennes see, Greenville, Tenn.: "I was called suddenly to Ohio to see, as was expected, a sister die. She was given up as utterly Incurable. Torpidity of the liver and confirmed dyspepsia was the cause. The two barrels of Tate water you have sent her have cured her." EFFICIENT TONIC. T. M. Miller, Vicksburg, Miss., Feb. 17, 1893: "I commend the Tate Spring water as the most efficient and agreeable ton ic of which I have any knowledge." Finest Passenger Service xet EZA "No trouble to answer questions." Direct line to TEXAS, MEXICO, ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA. Write far new book on Texas, free. L. S. THORNB, V. f. ana lieni Mgr. E. T. TURNEH, lien1) .f ass. ana xicKet Agent. Dallas, Texas. SPREADS LIKE WILDFIRE. You can't keep a good thing down News of ft travels (fast. Wlhen things arte the Dear rcaey cwwme uie Dew. sealing." Abraham mare, ei leading druggist, of Beilevuae. u., writes: '2exrie Batters are too oet .seuing bS&ters I have ever nunaieu an my 20 years experience." You know why? Host diseases begin in assoroers ox the rtxmmck. Kver. toowew, Dlood and nerves. Electric BStters tones up the Stomaoh. reeruto-tes liver, uaneys and bowels, purifies the bUood, strengthens the nerves, whence cures . munmuaes ox a MnistAUKL. it builds up Che wntiire sys tem. Puts sew nee ana vigor snito any weak, sickly, run-down man or woman. Only B0 cents, txo ay . j. amatn, w. C. Csxmldhael and Pelham's pharmacy, guranteed. ' MILLIONS GIVEN AWAL. It is cerrtodlniy gHattfylng to the public to know of one concern in the Hand who are trot afraid tut be generous to the needy and suffering. The proprietors of Dr. Kme's New Discovery ror consume tion, coughs and oias, nave given away over ten million tram ooxicres 01 this ffreat medlciiue. and have the . satis'ac tion of knowling it casaoaoiuteiy cured thousaxids of hopeless oases. Asthma, hnanchKia, hoarseness and tall diseases of tbe throat, chest ana lungs are surely cured bv it. Call on x. u.- smith, W. C. earmdchael and Pelhom, druggists, and get a trial bottle free. Keguiar size 50 c ana SL 'Every Daraae guBrameea, or price refunded. Dr. Geo'. H. Lambert, VETE3ELmAHY (STJEGEON. (Gradnatejof McGili; TTniversity.c OflSce Willov .st. Phone 18 Residence 140 Chestnut st. Phone 824. Cattle tested for tuberculosis 5.00 a head . Herds ar special prices. : ' ; Aliases Straalt goat buttons shoes. Size 72 x, ai jijuun pairj xo otaer size and wiath at this price. J. p., BlantonJte FEBRUARY 24,' j.jU; ATI 111 lit :MllE of Actual ' r CURED AFTER SPENDING THOUS- ANDS. George W. Root, Jamestown, N. Y.: Feb. 8, 1894: "Having spent thousands of dollars and. traveled all over Europe and America-viBiting the various springs and sanitariums in order that I might receive relef for the ailments of the liver Bind stomach, at your suggestion I used the water after returning home. I am permanently cured." James C. Kellogg, New York city, No. 825 W. 67th street: "I consider Tate water to be invalu able in all diseases connected with a failure of nutrition, in dyspepsia, bil iousness, anaemia and many nervous disorders brought on by a reflex ac tfa.M IT SAVED HIS LIFE. E. L. Geer, Washington, Pa,: "It saved my life beyond a doubt." ( A CLEVER TRICK. J It certainly ioeks like it, but there to really no trick about it. Anybody caq try it who has lame back and weak kid neys, malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure himself right away by, talrinir Electric Bitters. This medicine I tones up (the whole system, acts as a Stttmularit to Uver amd kidneys, is a bloot purifier and nerve tonic It sures coostl patlon, headache, fainting spells, sleep lesaness and melancholy. It ia purei vegetable, ej mild laxative, onto restore the system to its natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters and be convinced tha they are a miracle worker, avery bo J tie guaranteed, cmiy &uc a ootcie ax r C. Smith's, VV. u. uarmacaaers, ana Pel ham's drug store. Dr. David Kennedys 'avorite Meiitedy CURES ALL KIDNEY, STOMACH AND Llv KK NORTH CAROLINA CORUNDUM CHARLES N. JENKS, MINING EN GINEER. (Member American Institute of Mining! Engineers.) Specialty Corundum and Emery. I would call the attention of all par ties contemplating investment in undum properties, or to owners of corun dum mines, to the fact that I have had a longer experience as a practical miner 1 ia this field, also in the corundum ana mery grain and wheel trade, than any living engineer. 1 That I have unequaiea racmties ior analyzing and testing, corundum and emery, having special arrangements ror cooperation with the most eminent living authorities and with the leading corun dum and emery wheel and grain manu flacturers. j I am prepared to inspect ana report! upon corundum and emery properties and products: also to render expert ser vice as a consulting engineer. Terms moderate. . . . I refer hy permission to Gilbert Hart, proprietor Detroit Emery wheel company, Detroit, Mich. The HampdenEmery and corundum company, Chester, Mass. Charles L. Allen, secretary Norton Em ory Wheel company, Worcester, Mass. professor J. A. Holmes, North Caro Una state geologist. Chapel Hill, N. C. Dr. David T. Day, chief United States geological survey, Washington, D. C. professor William E. Chandler, Colum bia School of Mines, New York. city. Thomas A. Edison, MenlojPark," or ange, N. J., and others. , European references if desired. Address 115 Chestnut street, Aehevllle, N. C, or 120 Broadway, New i York city. THE DIXIE Restaurant and C ctfectfoncry 36 South Main St. Oysters on th Bah Sheik -Oy&leis and Game -a specialty. Lvnch Counter for $hort orderf?. . We wiU servei f, you : anything ' tic m frttj cp h&ieiliplcl ttt(& PrivateTDHnlc Scorns. " " : - 'f ' " '' - r : the dixie 35 FOR as ers THE NEWSPAPER . MEN TATE. DRINK R. A. Hemphill, Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Ga.: "I greatly appreciate Tate water and highly recommend it." BETTER THAN CARLSBAD OR KISSENGEN. . A. Strasburger, Montgomery, Ala.: "Neither Carlsbad nor Klsseagea benefitted me as much as the visit to my Eldorado, Tate Spring, in 1897.' CURED PAIN IN BACK. H. E. Blakeslee, Olean, N. Y.: "All locomotive engineers who have pain in the back when standing erect should use Tate water. It permanent ly cured me of that infirmity." THE GREATEST WAGON AND CARRIAGE BUILDER IN THE WORLD. J. M. Studebaker, South Bend, Ind.: fl believe there is no spring In Amer- lea that contains the healing qualities that Tate Spring does." HOW TO FIND OUT. Till a botle or common glass with yeur water and let it tand twenty-four hours: a sediment or setfllmg toddoates an unhealthy condition of the kidneys; if lit stains your hnen It is evdeace of kidney trouble; too free "desire to pass it or pain in the back Is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in tbe knowledge bo oiften expressed, that) Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every w'iteh In curing rheuma tism, pain ia the back, kidney, liver,, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding water in passing dt, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that un pleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up mamy times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing case. If you need a medicine you should have the best. At druggists fifty cents or one dollar. You may have a sarnr- e W:tle -ani p. book that telle more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail, if you send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingfiampton, N. Y. When writing be suns and mention that you read this generous Offer in the Ashevllle Dally Gazette. A Modern Photo graph Gallery. Many people desdre-satisfaotory photo graphs of themselves and. their famuliei and would have them Waken of temcr if they did not direadl the taking. Here itls pleasant all the way through, a skillful operator, 5m a well equiped studio, !has every thing ready, gete your picture al most before you are aware ?otf it. He does lit quickly, and pleasantly, knows exactly what .to do anki does It without any weardeomie fusstmegs. We seldom !have to give nesittitngs, although we do it willingly, when nec essary. Most of our customers like the firs proofs we show them, in fact, they rarely do otherwise, and; as a rule all re sittings are at bur request, We realise that the better pictures we make the more business we will get, and are there fore very, pant&eufetr to thave them good. , If a picture doesn't suit, hro make an other. Noargueing, no trying to get you to take it We won't" do poor work at any price. We have only one grade of pictures and that the best; that we can make and the difference to pnitoes are regul'ated by size and style of. mount Every, part of the work! is well done from beginning to finish. We take the same pains and use the same kind of material in , developing " and 'finishing work for amatuer photographers. Free incrucxion in picture making with ko- daks. JsjoaaKs learned free ot charge. Rav's'StiiHioi Goes twice as lax , as any otbex-Elas-tia etarch. " . :lakes things .stiff -Elastic starch. DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure, Qulcklycnrss Dysentery and DIarrhcea. Ws (5, , r' , Out glass care, .yomr dealers times a. Analysis made by T. S. Anteeell, M. D., professor of chemistry, in National Medical college, and chemist to the Uni ted States department of agriculture. Sulphuric Acid 130.ST 1 8L1 Magnesia 10.9 Iron Peroxide ifx Magnesia Peroxide (traces) Potash and Soda 5.90. Chlerine S2 6J Silica, Soluble 27 Phosphoric Acid 71 Carbonic Acid 9.90 Nitric AcM 02 Tolbal .- 272.91 Sulphate of Lime. 160.66 Sulphate of Magnesia 32.91 Sulphate of Soda 8.50 Sulphate of Potassa 1.54 Chloride of Sodium 40.27 Chloride of Iron 2.9 Chloride of Manganese ,C$ Iodide of Sodium (traces) Phosphate of Lime 1.14 Carbonate of Lime 21.56 Silica 2.70 Nitric Acid 02 Total 2721 U fl I 8T LJ R if. Mi Ln I ilHiiii Manager Shipping Dept BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVT3 The best salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, sal rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptiions, and pos itively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to gave perfect satis faction or moner refunded. Price" 28 cents per box. Ir sale by T. C. Smith. W. C. OarmSchiael and Pelham's phar macy. Lieut. Hobson i The Hero of the 44 Merrlmac, Will tell his wonderful story In three numbers of THE CENTURY MAGAZINE. Tbis will be a full account of tbe ttnldBg the " Merriiaac at Santiago, and tbe experi ences of the writer &nd his men in Spanish prisons. It will be read by ereiy American ht the land. This is only one of many richly illustrated personal narraaves in Thb Csm. tury's new Spanish War Series. Tkts mm will wittjbr no tker tnagtuvu. In the No vember Century begias CAPTAIN SIGSBEE'S STORY Of the Destruction of the MAINE,7 v; e sffval faSfcTOKtfcsther, &efcvsfassfKa captain, the exploaon and wreck. The whok story of the destruction of Cervera's fleet will be told by Admirals Sampson and Schley, jrrn BobVvans, Captain Taylor, and others. If you do not take Thk-entost in xSoa, you will miss the greatest reading of the yw Tbe November number begins the volume amd has the openmg chapters of a splendidly Bios trated life of Alexander the Great, and of Marioa Crawford's great historical novel of the Crn sades. Lieut. Hobson's articles begin ia the December number. $4.00 a year. - THE CENTURY CO Union Square, New York, m El lick, PRACTICAL ?FURRIER. A 11 kind s nf - fnn'mrniiV. f 1 a : t gentlemep made to order. Old fnr ear- " ' , n.j,,," ,u, ; , . 1 . ijmhj . 11 j 111 11-in iucuvs woraeu over in tne iats!i styie such-as Seal Martin.Beaver, MuskKat Anmm. Ali kinds of fur Te-dyed black and brown colors. r; , A fine Overcoat made of Bear Skin suitable for conductor or motormaD also a fine Deer Hag for sale. Office at ;0es tre icher's

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