Mal6riffitiii84S!if!L' - - .4.- lis. - , -i .Ttoe- reJUteSous "ira - ctomimflfcee jot ,(tne f;:s;'l7.ivilonea witt Bentir :SS at 15 cents per Quire and 1 cent -ig4i i!;:Thi-i8 specfarvalue s the rearlces' fire" 25c, and $0c.. "TC'f -V . " J I .. .-,., - r -.-r- t- r V Ji? lOHLT. Ails Your 6rocor 1 orfJTi -'Vo-f li 1 " - fj "n- 'W wusvu uaviui - -l.', rtA notMns of importance te scheduled. f "ghernYILee &urrier ftrionv Newton yes- i'teruay;w2li Lis two prssojieTa, Ijyncnr ana " ' per quire,' the Vnvelopes' fcamprioe. The - that X J., r&gt. Upline and put ia:a Bpei4cc' llSfr fTe in all (the newe?t ehaW andahapes. Thesep-fll' -Rogers Book Storey 0454. ; i . ..If 3 l ij HAwlAffTn w itMA. : nli paired . dangeaiQW,4ri)clc sidewalk, on " ,s Zeb" Vsmc4 Gaxftt, "Confederate : Veter ans, wIIJTmeet itmnartow xnoitntngr at 11 o'clock ia 'the city Jhall. , v, '"(Jf, anted1: by.. Deiit-ty . Shetift Jones .yeser 'r : ... Aiay for lailure itto p"ay a bB.ll of c'ots. "V1- .. . . v - - :. - J v. -f C . - ' '-.! -mm- -JiT! !. Tt.A Jtil tktaf tXr1 n- "-.-.:::.... mre. m'tirxiK xvccui ' . d&ysnA was jbuaried yealierclay mbrntog --..-.- Tlioesaji Tw4ttr. .a j-eg-tv -"was JaTsi-U?iied "V, becrerttstice Sxuiimey, ciarg-t with, re- -4'-? ; boliad.veT to odwnti - The Hteiury claiss of the CSeaitrial ;tEp Y -worth league wU be held this evendn .at I the h-oime of Mr. aald; Mrs. O. B. yvh f; .;' Ho-to, on, lliawassee 'staet: ; t . - F The Ashev-lle "bai: will ineet ta.; 0-Tk ' : mrmw -Sif t)eani arrainge. ta Calendar . ifcentJiay" 16 ' th iniarriag-e Kf Miss 'Heteter - - (T -wvrticeim- linn m ' - a Trtiofa w - n iTiriiKi mi. i.a - 'A . . . -ma- , wKwwft. m.jwi wnnpn -win (wrrrp hi ivi i it i ) ii v iical x utto- ' ' " flay: '-v.. vvT;Y - , TShe: dimitoirs of thej boardi of trade ' meet this 'af teraiooin ait 4 o'clock ito die .v;OTatheallT qu9Ston of hetter : - dMvewiays in mm aroupd Asmeviiie. a " " "g-ooU attendance 1s expected.. "a h - M ti mm m tr-t j tir wm ' . members ,of " theTegimental band toniight " ' liiiP-loif. .Talk'B muisie store on South IVIata. streeit, . AppDcatt'ions for1 member - : BhSp rill tie considered at the meetaig - Teterday was a giood day in the to i btuaco market The offering's were large and the gra3e of better quality .than usu al. Tfhe bidding was lively .and pterat-rs went av,-ay appareouy wen meaeea wra the day'8 sales. ' f- The Walton house xm Cemtral avenue was the --cene of a pTetty wedding Tues day night. The gTotOmr was J . D . Miller the bride Miss Maggfef "Walton. Rev. H. I. A'tk-ais -"peTtoiTOtfithe'''epenooy. -M!r; lamid Mrs, Miller will reside oh Bal - ': '' ley stnetet. ' The aWachmenlt pioceedanig against - Mrs. M. Ray and -Mfee Levy Mish were .rrienred from Justilioe fstokely's to : Justice Oal Jones' court. Jusitlcie JonriBf :i--t ""dlti'- that the attdchmetst f was valid. "r' Acttion to recover the money w411 proba bly commence ofiay . Tr?ti- PH'ifion, r!f LeSceater, was exam ined as to her samjty before Justice Sum mey yesterday. Dr. E. B. Glenn mtade exariinarii! a?J 4 -declared! her insame. AppMcakitm will1 be made to the hos.pit-zw- &i authorities at Moirgairtoir for her . ad- Police count "yesterday mornSnfe found o.e Swart2bie!z. or Tvofch Mtafen street in !a raet. He was f oumd solicatfing cue- ttamers in front of H. Rediwtotod & Co. e rn - BKii'rn vemie, teid Bentoie1 was ftned : $2. John Common forfeited ": $5 on chfajrge of drunfceamess.' " .HuDfte'-Bo3ffe j was dismfissed on a like chaige. - ' . .; ; POLICEMAN SHOT. Eevolverin His ffip-PoekeVExpiodes Makinsr an Tlgy Wound. : Policeman R. M. Jarvis iia oaLthe retir ed list fxxe the next six weeks, Itaiid up by a pdstoQ shot in hiis leg inflicteid 'by his ow revolver.. The accident occurred in. police head quarcers, just bef ore eouirt. convened yes terday morning. Jarvis had to appear, and While waiting for Police Justice Til soa occupied the time 'by polishing hua abides.,. Sanitary Inspector W. H. . Bird, com mented kpqi Ms vansity, and laughims-lv picked up a whisk broom to dust Mi ootat. He had just commenced on his coat collar when a 41 caliber Colt's re vorver in Policeman Jarvis' hip pocket ex pic idied. A Bullet struck the rip of In -sp-ectrir Bird's shoe, spll'tting the eoIs Jarvis looqs'dered it fentunate tha(t no one had been injured amid wias in the midst r.f a :c!angTatulatory semtence when he felt th blood trickling idiawn his leg. A hasty ' exaiffiimlati on showed th'at tfh'e bul let from the revolver ha d struck the calf nf his leg .iu?t below the knee, plough ing in a downward direction for "over eighlt touches. The bullet that hit ' In S'pecttor Bird's sh.Oa was from a looise car tUjidlse which Jarvis carried In; his hip pocket. It had been; projec'bedl by the bullctt ifrom the revolver. Jarvs was takea to Tr. E.-B. Glenm'a adelpfhiiiai, 'amd! H. L.. Baiitrd assisting, the bullet was. cut 'ouL lb wias flattened tram coritactt wi'th the lioor oartirtidgie and had miade a jagged wounki which wfll be difficult to hela.1. The itajured. man was later removed to Ms home cto. North MaSn street He wtfl - recover suff) fiemltly. in aJttouft six -weeks to rteiturn to dlutv. - - - ' ' & Blow the revolver exploded ia stiill a , .mystery. The commoiuv am.ftd tihn- ry 5s th,aiithe -htaomner xl the revolver caught ta Jarvis' clotaies; . Just to," a fresh, lot of Battle C reek gtortda at Kroger's, next the market. New 'phfrffle 374.- Eyer Dollar You spend is worth " '104 - cent's, if you 'use PERIODICAL TICKETS ::f;;; lherg is no chancre rno .rislCali v, at 34 Patton Ave. an d-et - a,4ticketrbbok free: for t your ;ownuse is the kind &at Housekeep ers who want . only the best jalwa-biiy- Packed in pound and two-pound tin cans, it comes J Into the home with , all Its 'nat ural aroma . and strength. Protected by our Seal, the consumer knows that it : purilty and strength been untampered Your grocer sells this kind, but be sure our seal and name is on the can you buy. Sanborn, - - - " ' ' ' Boston. A. D. COOPER J2 Sotffft Mfl17, The same class of high-grade goods that made Kroger's store famous of old, is now kept at . x - little store next to the market. New 'Phone 374. MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY. It la certainly gratifying to the publi to know of one concern th the land wh ctre not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The proprietors of kJT. jvmg s iew li8fcovery for congump tioo, coughs an colds, have given aWay over ten million trial" bottles of this great medicine and have the satisfac tion of knowing 4t has absolutely , cured housands if hopeless cases. Aothma, bronchitis, ho&rsehees and all diseases of the throatti, ehest: and lungs are- surely cured by it. Call on T. C. Smith and W. C. Oarmichael, and Pelham, drug gists, and get a trial bottle free. Regular size, 50c. and $1. Every bot le guaran teed, or price refunded. For a quick remedy and ante that is perfectly afe" for children, let us recom- ' meed One Minute "Cough Cure. It is ex- ccl'ent for' croup, hoarsauiesv. tickling hi the throalt and coughs. Paragon Phar macy. To Care Constipation Forever. - rke Cascarets Caudy Cathartic. 10c or 23c if C. G. C. fail to cure, drurgists refund money. . For sale by The Carolina ' Pharmacy COHege street and Court Square. I Special Panl fllA. 111 We wfll . dose our nobby line of winter pants at a discount,; of '25 per cent fo r th is week only.l; A"v 1 , - Some arein medi'umejnH:'ran 'be'worn into the summelr?ceDt KjoftMt. I - aoys': heavy 'CTotKiha lls5r:pnng:;goodK!am m if 1 1 i ! KkethigtQu havb tire comes on the rim- 7 fare stays mtHe rirru A thumfe"scfew makes the: tire controller long ; or FhTider, not e tire; ......... , - Yes its.a good tire, It can the Cleveland Then there are You should see them, i 'i ---- " iiLsneviiie EugeneX. Sawyer. Mgr. Phone "228 18 & 20 Church St See Our 49c. Furnish- Window Hats, Caps, Sweaters, Coll H ose Shirts r Drawer White and Colored Shirts, Jelrytc. Regular price- 7c to $ 1 -50; 18 Patton Opp. Hotel The books of my office show that ball of the tax payers has t not paid one cent on i her taxpt for the year 1698- Thet-e t ixep hnve b fn due since hvt Sreptm ber. 1 have hhovv.s ail i be len iency th'U reason able y ople can as&. 1 d not: prppne to suffer or allow m bOfidHinei! to suffer. Tlj'se taxs must and hhall be collected. 1 frora now on to track ihelettrr of the law in cbtlpcting all unpaid tnxon. Pay now and save trouble and extra cost,. J. K. CHAMBERS . - 'lax f'oll ix)t Wowen oomplexlions depend fop beauty upon: digestion. Dr. M. a. Sim mons' Irfiver Medicine regulates tiie etomaah, liver and kidneys, and e cures the blessings of good digesibion. Mm 99 1 Yesthii,ir thr Bur- 3- . well tire?- henyou want it?Jpngrli;thisj When vxiVMhoh it. wHeri ifc'is long 'the W hen izfig Sh'oj:t;the the air con . V MW, - - " Ti be found only on other good things ; - f- "-.I -...-I". i BURWELL TIRES 00 WITH THIS. .1 dye anifl clean ladies and gerntlemen's ciotne; iilsp fine ,Xur ius Wd barpets, lace curtains, etc . x ' Vi alter. and fak'Bii: of gar meats aitd fur Allwork guaranteed Special aAjtion'paiji to "oit" of ; town ordests express nald one- way,. . In city rali oods wiilrbe called, for, or deliv ead lf re of oharge. ytft'fl " M am' Stti' P b6e I'M" P. '-T-i - v. ket Jlway hav Jfig Bet and Ffeshest Fish and Oysterp . It will pay yt a to see? us fefore C. MgINTIRE. Stall e, .Central Market : Phone 23. free Mi LARGER QUARTERS Are: what a larger pair oal age demands. THAT'S WHY I have moved from No. id to No 5 Pal ton Ave. If you want fashioiiaMel tailoring doue, call on H. PJETRlE. V 5 Pniton Ave, Over Redwood's Store. "LIVE AlSD LET LIVE' - is '""... OUit MOTIO, Best and Cheapest custom shoe work and repairingi in Asheville, done by J. T. Harris and W. HorYill, Grecr'iipld'Wntr. Vo Court Square. ON THE? PEDESTAL, 'OF POPtfrlAIl youjwlll flndthe aELLJCOeelcwitii ffilSgSfito iiults Carl lilt verv - mmmr- ? ;,THi. wWUiithjentoniey In'everycuttle otVf'-X -'iTV' doal?thaft,i used.;5a:tt give tout rmoxs tS , ' -. . v heat, leaves ?Jes3r,clinkeTs and -gives out 1 v?----C K '--i-r 1 varrtiu .aam.' urugacness,- una cead, ot ;Clog- XaTIflng. tlirbttgh his hat --.i.; &f;0-$:-r, 1 'v . .... the Inan ;lATwh5irtelll ybo thai he '"ear rival out laundry work in beauty or ren ieral satis faotiaa to the wearer. Wc kee- oor top lq up to date laundry methods and we take epecial pains ta tlease ma individual , patron In ttte exquisite finis anai&fineral renovation of their - linen AshGville Steam Laundry y;; 43 WEST COLLEGE ST. ItaJL Stocls: Superior I Mihties tor Doing Gfinrii (RRESPONDEiyCE SOL (CITED. B uiflire of First Class Livery. Open da jmdj night. '4$ Ilionei8Q. y-j- h6 heeiingEe following articles always go to tBe LeadingpRiace - ; - PIPES "Stoenjcli 3r3e. Meerchaum. supple Wood. Ibogwiotodi r Cherry. Violet . -Rtosewood. Cocoa. Imported, Key West. UometTcv Imported. 1. ,j i Egypiani. J-Y f;. Turkish Domestic . Smoking n Tobacco aind Iometic. Whining Canes Congo. feogltea Tissel. , metal trimming. f &f? IL agip Established n IIITOI H JJJ For UP-TO-DATE LIVERY, Victorias, Surreys, T. Carts, English Tandem carts. RUBBER TIRE BUG GIES, and the best equipped SADDLE HORSES in the: city. Lessons given in Riding, also jumping. -atis -action guaranteed or no pay. , F. STEAKS, PROP. Beloir SwauuaaoaHot3i. 85 South Main St. Phone 5 EL 8IBELO- 1 Frimeras;; ' . tQjents each, --Oonchar,;.-lOc. fdr 25 cents. - ' Pudtanos. tTnas;. Z 10 oenW . ;cBegaliaJel2Rey; , .'10 cents. ItHeBoxyjatEactory Prices. 1 t - aHElflNECTLlNE OF 8 Comb's nantitatartrs. 4- Coal Selected and Re-ecrcsn ed for Domestic Use, Uiners' AgentsJ Wholocalo and. Retail AsneYille Ice and Coal Corapins pJBTUtEED -WATBB. - r as 1 W n sons ripn. 27 Haywood St. , " SPOSJKJG GOODS This space is too small toiriention them all, -7 Come inland examine my line. fBr Store ; PROP., 17 Patton Avenue. LIVERY. PEED AND . SALE C 278. , ; La nastiilacU . 5 cents eacb. 15c, 8 for $1.00. Magniflcoa, Perfactos, Bouqoets,- 15c., 7 " 15C.,7 " SMOKERS! ABTICLE8. TABLE 1 4 1SS 4 . M COLE gau b 'v -; yui-, wji y ox range. Managtr: 23oii.Ay;ft5Wl30;i'L.l r- ?i , I tJ r t -

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