0 M 0 11 THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 28, 899 1 0 O 1 PROGE T ' RAlEIGH Graduated Tax on Income of Railways Sustained : The Omnibus Bill Taken np-Ininrance Bill alSnecial Feature For . Today J Special to the Gazette. Raleigh, Feb. 27. -Tthe. graduated tax on the gross incomes of railways per mile was sustained thismomi&g by a . ctose vote. It was generally expected thai, the Overman resolution offered as a. substitute for HMs tax, would pass by a. narrow margin. When the house re solved 'itself into committe of -the whole on the revnue bill, Mr. Overman offer ed a resolution simiilar (to his resolution of Saturday, as follows: "Thait for the purpose of raising revenue and equaliz ing taxation tine' railway commission or any other body succeeding to (its powl era is hereby required and .directed, as soon as practicable, and in time for the levy of 1899, ibo revise the assessments for taxation of the entire railway prop erty of the state, and fin doing so it should take into consideration, the val ue of the franchise, the gross earnings and net income of each road; th'ait said assessors shall so increase the assess ments when sueh increase is justified, as w511 make each part and parcel of railway property bear its fair propor tion of the burdens of taxation." if Wttien this substitute was put to a vqte by the speaker the ayes and nays made an equal noise. The roll call was eagerfy followed. Before the result was announced the ayes had a majority of one 19 to 48. One vote changed from no to aye, and while those wtho favored the substitute were nervously awaitfng the announcement of ' the -vote two members changed their votes from aye to no, and a member who (had not voted said no, defeating the substitute 50 to 48. The revnue bill then passed- 80 to 6. Several members said they voted for It under protest. The Mil of-Mr. McLean, of Harnett, to change the control of the deaf, dumb and bMnd Institution was passed. It changes (the name of the state school for the blind and deaf and provides for a board of directors to be elected by this legislature. Mr. Stubbs' proposed constitutional amendment was. 'Jmade a. special order ed toj pro vide a greater part of the sctfool money for white schools than to colored schools. . The Pamlico oyster claim bill eame up on the report of the . committee which cuts down to "about one third the judgments obteilmed against the state by the court officers. The state brought seven hundred sufts against persons who occupied the natural oys ter beds of Pamlico sound, but lost. The insurance bilf was made a special order for tomorrow morning. . The senate bill appropriating $5,000 for the immediate expenses of the pem ftenft5airy was passed. The special or der, the omnibus bill, providing addi tional Justices of the peace all over the state was taken up. White, republican, of Davie, said hie hoped no negroes would be appointed Justices of the peace in his county. Noble, in charge of the biH ,said no negroes were on the ltsft. - EXAMINATION" OF WATER SUP PLIES. Thte .house this tsflterntiokL passed the fc4 lowing bills: To protect Ithe water sup Plies of cities land; (towns, (this -bill pro vides two examination a year to be xnade by .the secretary of the state board of healfth, of water sheds),; to corporate the Citizens' savings bank at Asheville; to establish a dispensary in ; Columbus county; to indarpianalte the TVansappala cMan Railway compamy; tio . incorporate the James L. Robimson Institute at Bry. IS V?ty' leavinS out the appropratiiidn'ttf fi,ooo -asked for; itne Aishevllle chapter I Misses' Button Shoes.1 1 B We have a Jarge -Duttdn bhoes to select; Irom suitable 3 g for school Vear ordress. ' -V" - , No ; shoddy in our Children's 'S g ohoes, bough Ldirect from the rhanu- 3 E lacturers. :S;- - : ; v; K. n ; 39 PATTON ATE. v 3 IP iilili fnMiMnHfiffiHiiJsifsiisffiifsiisnsiHiruHiHifnnuuiii amendmeats;-; and to' amend the , charter of Brevard. " ' : - .-- '. ' , ' ' 1' The tfollowing-bills were passed by the stbater lo amend; and "consolidate the (dial tor : of rurham; to aablish giiaided sxCe fa WaynesrlKf, nft allow Cthe ftcrara'to cdnstruct electric ihts. - f.-. TheV'Jinr CSt'ow" : car law wa made a special-order far tomorrow nfehL - Sena ttxr Jeronie 'explaiinied. that the new direc ttars of the penitentiary .. found them selves without money to, pay necessary expenses, even JCo secure the-retum of :a convict His bill appropriating $5,000 for immed'iate experses was at once pas;ed, .i. The senate adopted this aterno)on the riHn hiri lrw nmvi tte; tha)t county boards off school dbrectbre shall, in Juce, 1901. adopt a series of ' school books for three, years and a poice for the eame. Until tho the preseit series is not "to be changed. This leaves the Uni versity PublHshing company's books and pnioes . as cow. ; The house commiftfeee,' some . time ago, agreed on this provided preeemC prices be reduced - ten per centr The committee vioted . down the school book r ptommfiBsion twenty to twelve. Mtoet of the We&tarh eat'orsvoted for It. The joint appropriation committee ap prove the appincpriatiion of $16,000 yeraly tb the etofceguard. . ; . . RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS , TO BE ELECTED TODAY. Bills Abolishing Old Commission v and CreaticgNew Commission - will be Passed 1 Special to the Gazette. Raleigh, Feb. 27. TJie, railroad com missionerslhip contest Is on, The cau cus tonight - unexpectedly decided to elect in caucus tomorrow night three commiss loners. . Biils abolishing the old commission and creating Ithe new commission with control over railways, banking, build ing and loan, associations will- be passed tomorrow. The commissioners salary win be $2,000. , The commissions of insurance, com missioner of labor and tlhe keeper of the capitol are also 'bo be elected tomorrow night. The salaries ' of these officers have not yet been fixed. The amendment to the printing bill requiring the contract for the state printing to be given to the lowest bid der lhas put the democrats lm a, hole. The lowest bid before itha committee was by Barnes Bros., of Raleigh, the populist firm. The committee referred the matter to the caucus for direction. The caucus directed the committee to accept tlhe -lowest bid provided the con tractor was responsible and the work was good. The committee must now either see the populists get the work or else evade the spirit of the lowest bid amendment by deciding the contractor not to be responsible. The caucus de cided the Wilsons case, should be de termined on the report of the commit tee at a joint session, of the legislature tomorrow afternoon. Each Wilson will be voted on separately' 1 -the caucusi decided not to - accept Otho Wilson's resignation?; The committee feels that fit is as much on. trial as the Wiisons. The committee- could " have evaded the trial as to Otho by accepting the theory that Iris resignation put an end to his case but it declined. Speaker Connor ad vocaited this view. There will be a. hot fight, sure. The report reinstating Otho, wftl probably be defeated; possi bly as to Major Wilson also. The com mittee say the case against bath is about the same. MISTAKE OF THE VINDICATED S. OTHO WILSOH It Came at a Critical Moment for His Fortunes Th 9 Dispensary , for Franklin. "'' Special to the Gazette. r Raleigh, Feb. 27. S. Otho Wilson, the eleek, self -confident popullist removed by the governbr f rom; the railroad com mission, ordered reinstated by the dem ocratic legislature committee appears to have made a misttaks at 'a critical point. S. Otho bJae so far done well. He, much abused and (ridiculed, apparent ly without a single friend (even the pop ulisti legisQatiora abandoned him), Was vindicated so far cut the report d the joint legislative committee can vindi cate. It wari a (triumph for OUho single handed. . His case. wWseparftte from stock of Misses1 3 tun? i Major WHaoa. the evidence was differ--entJr UnttJ the redart was in ft was . not : exi-ttiait would be, includcd'tin it f' His case the feinWr'isald'tlhw day before was "mot closed. ,t, His evidence was submitted to" the committee , pri vately. "MaJ. Wilsoa says' Jb&C did 'not know, of it untSi the- next ' af terncbnu . It .was expected; that there .would be two report) wner for jeach of J the . Wilsons: The including rof Otto with, Cha -maJor j in the report'put a heavy burden on the f . . . v, i-Li. I letter; he has t carry Otho through or rather would ihave - been obliged to do -so but tftor a certain action .of yester day. It is reasonably certain that a ma jority of both hlouses are against vindi cating Otho, and Major Wilson would bein danger Joo, lif theViWere yoted :-on itbgether. The committee's -recommend- laon as to Othb will not get Jtteough both houses, probably neither; ' Many members stay that they criticised Otjfco on the efcump. that th)ey beffieve Jie was disqualified, and they are motgoingitio put him black and give him back salary. S. fOtlho, tt remove possible argument that hte vindication would sagam make Mm an aotdve commissioner, sent his resignation to Judge Connor. So far, the plain was, all rigM, but now Judge Conner has placed the resignation on file in the house, and it is taill wrong to far ag Otho goes. His opponents have an easy flgbt, and the major's friends cam run Mm separaitieily. By resigning he ends the inquiry, so far as he is con cerned He is n longer even pretend- ing to be cbmmissii)oin;&r ; a realigned off! cer cant be reinstated, and ' of course the anvestlgutoionr is as useless as the im-J peaehment of Judge Norwood, now that he (haa resign ea. . S.' Otlho has. cut him self off from the relief the legislature might have given Urn by voluMar' y resigning. The only question is "back alary. He can sue for that, establisJh Ihis claim, and then come ito the next legislature for relief. Swinson, the en rolling clerk, was illegally discharged, but he got nb pay. The, opponents of Otho Say he has taken ihtis case away from the legislature. It iis Just as well for all concerned that he has. The fight on the report of the committee as tlo Otho would 8iave been a red hot affair and some harsh things would have been said about otlhora than Oftiho. J. Frank Ray's dispensary bill for Macon, establishes the dispensary at Franklin. J. T. Barnard, J. H. Fonts, and Dr. S. H. Lyle are made commis sioners for ne, two and three years re spectively, and on the expiration of any commissioner's term the other commlsT sioners shall elect his successor. This is an unusual feature of such bills. All 'liquors are to be sold in packages pf not less thanJhaaf a pint npr more than, four gallons. A manager .shall elected and ihis salary fixed by the com mlseibners 4who bJhemselvis receive not less than $50 nor more than $100 per year. The county and 'town are to sharethe expense'of starting tihe dispensary and will each receive half tlhe profits. The sate of Mquor otherwise in the county is prohibited, even by druggists on pre scriptions. Druggists may buy liquor from .tine dispensary and put it in neces sary prescriptions. The bill is now a law. It seems as if the solicitorsh-ip for Buncombe isn'tfixed as was thought. The owners of the bridge over the Toe river between Yancey and Mitchell may either move lit or make it a toll tridge at rates of three cents for foot men, ten cenlts for horseimen, not more than twentyi cento for. double teams end .one cent for cattle eaclto. It id expected that tbe suite" of Cap tain Day against the new board of pen itentiary direors--wi,Ill be decided this week. If it da favonaJb'le to Ithe new board they -will on March 1 select a superintendent for the prison, whose duties wtill be about tlhe same as riow. Of course "he will not, be called a "?u perinftendeut" but a supervisor, manag er or aomie such name. The su3t is ex pedited under the law recently passed for the purpose of determining the title. There are stantlang rumors about the Rateigh waiter supply. Tine analysis blow a fair percentage of suspender buttons, leather, brass shoe nails, sul phuric acid, tc., and a small per cent. xf pure water. . , WV At Bright; of Murphy, is in the FIGHT SUFFRAGE" AMENDMENT. Special to the- Gazette Raleigto, ' Feb." 27.-If tfie, expressions of twoV prominent liquor dealers of h stoata represent the views of the others, the'XigulorirteaJerHvuQiiatSto "will, by ftonrialvactlon'or : by. (informal agree ment' flghib'itihW passage '-of ;the "suffrage ameridmenit - The' rnikribers spoken of aboversay tfaatt the aigitart)brsJ'of the dis perisary and ' projhlbiltfibn agitation are saying thatiwSth the negrto out it will be asy. to carry thfings their way as in South Carolina," and they believe the agtors wre cowedJ TJte llquw dealers say mey don't wMi ito loppose any pub aac'meaBure or" act difrerenitlly f rem oth er private citizens buifc they must pro tect their business at any- cost. Th jn?" gro,' they say, " generally vetoes with hieir: cause. This, of course, 5s a direct admisstion that a majority of the white people are agtafinstfc s saloons,; but tlie dealers saythejr must faceyfacfts. The dispensarybusiniess and, ttta effects-are alive. : Action. Iby ttneJ deal era win meet with' prtompt,retalTation, ot -course. . h i -! Bering Powd er Made Lrom pure cream of tartan the food against alunu ; Alaoi bating powders are the greatest ers to health of the present day; menacers DR.PRESTON'S C0I1SEI1T Physicians Have his Consent to Examine His Patients PATIENTS ARE IMPROVING. Ail Seem Thoroughly Satisfied With the Treatment. Blistering the Chest ia the Third Stage U-edbyDr. Preston is Baing Ta ken up by 0 -her Physicians. iwerycune Usait hasr taken Dr. Pres ton's treatment for consumption!, since ue came to A'shevilie, speaks im the igncsc teems of him. Those Jtrea(ted in ine nret si?age say they are well, and "Ji'it naa a cavaty in lung say f ey are wonderfully improved and com' 1 1 n n .1,. . . -"uc w stow Dejer ever "day, and' so iLuvy nave every reaecia to bel'reve that ;ney wj!1 .get well. Th'ese cafes may are Mune ou or yu .days before they are en nrely cured, bull after the 21' days "-"t-.ment they can sreturia home and im trove as fast there as here, "She only iireiiLment necessiary then is to 'keep the cnc-3t buttered tor a reasonable length or time. binoe Dr. PresLon .has recommended vLidi.ermg ton thiTd stasre cases, the pro fessioa1 altl lover the country are a'doptiing tins iireatmient, but the germ must be de f iroyed first before blistering -will do much good, and Dr. Preston only can de&aroy the germ' of .consumptionj. Let him cure you and return home tka your loved ones, free from ith'is dlisease. There are many o'f these unfortunates in this city that aT deceiving themselves by trying to believe hey have brochltis or some other innocent disease, (but the truth must come sooner or llaltier. Re member that Dr. Preston's tereaitmlent for coaoumpton is his own, and entirely dif ferent from other treatments. The doc tor can give you niames of patients that he cured five years ago. They aire alive amid well todlay. The sooner you begin tre!a!tm'ent tflie sooaar you can go home. The phys;i clans htave Preston's consent to examine hte patiifenits iod Tepfork. -their -progre as. DAMAGE BY RAINFALL The heavy rainfall of Sunday proved a trifle expemeiive to the city, besides causing some damage to private proper ty. ' .. Sunday afternoon a telephone mes sage was received at the city hall that a big washout had occurred hear Albe marle Manor. The street department force was sent !to Inveetligate, but no Serious damage had been done. A hole had been dug to receive an electric light pole. The water had filled the hole and caused the washout. The bridge in "Cripple Creek," in th "Scratch "Ancle" section, suffered from the rain-storm. The foundation at one end of the bridge was sapped away by Khe water and the bridge is now. im passible. A retaining wall on Phillip stx-cot wai washed out for a distance of twelve yarda A large quantity of earth was carried away by the fal'Mng rocks. The scene resembled a landslide In min iature. Public Statement From A Public Man Hon. W. IX. Ohley, Ex-Secretary of State of West Virginia, writes n open letter. Chaelkstoit, W. Va., Mar. 9, 1898. Tq whom it may concern ; 'I most heartily recommend Pe-ru-na as of gTeat benefit in cases of catarrh It ia especially beneficial wherever the mucous membranes are affected. As a tonic it certainly has no superior. W. H. Ohlkt, Ex-Secretary of State. Hon. W. H. Ohlet. . , Pe-TO-na has cured thousands of oV stinate cases of catarrh, and is perhaps the only efficient remedy in existence for "catarrhal diseases; but there -are countless multitudes of people who are still struggling with catarrh and need help. To such as these the unqualified recommendation of Pe-ru-na by bx SecretaryOhley is. directed. is scientific andpurely vegetable. AU druggists sell l " t , .-.r :. - r Safeguards 'li ne Manor ; lphe Finest Private Inn South. Locattd in a reaidencei , -?pacfc.tttn jninutes from center of Asheville on uleo.tTioi car. Private baths:? electric L'wood fireplaces. In connection with The Manor are two artistic cottages, rirst seasoi. MRS, CHAS. n. Knox ats Spring Styles for 1899. in Stiff . and Alpines, just received. These are the pretties shapes ever gotten out by these "Style Leaders." SHIRTS, SHIRTS. We Feeeivei today tlte gircaitetf rMime f ceaiit ihniirH ever Ihiwim iua Alieo bom a&Mi BaegMgee9 wifla Mar amd vuffls alfaelied. Me iairc t ee tBieflnn, TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Hsu iM jpairt f onio Duqd ailie we Baave ettalb Mflnedl a veiry nicceltill ILadlSe9 TaSiiPBniig JD)e parteeoDtt mnl -wMB hieii'eafiter amialke it a specfaBity. i Dop't forget the place, -liiiloc!; Clothing 4:1 IPatloii me cqunaoie ure ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE U. S. II Outstanding Assurance j iec. 31,10.90 Assurance- Applied ini898,., 1 Examined and Declined 1 r a. w j. loouiaiiv. auu, IUOUktUf vv W mi y Income, If 50,249,286 78 Assets Dec. 31, 1898,... 258,369,298.54 Assurance Fund ($198, 898,259.00) and all - -Tr . I'll i ' a oiner naoiiuies 160,550.27)...... J .Surplus , Paid Policy holders s H, B, HYDE, Pres, J.W, ALEXANDER. V-P, FRANK W.'DANNER, Gen'l Agt. N. C. and. Richmond, '. 920 E. Main St. Richmond, Va,- ; Albemarle Parkv Charlotte Street.! lightC steani heat and orien-l opened January 1,189? PLATT, Manager. Ave mii p. 335,IO,l04UU for . 198,362,617.00 30,318,878,00 168,043,739 00 i ia2, - 201,058,809.27 in 24.020,523.42 House. i if. H - I-1 1 . . !"'"! .1 tf. If -V si" I r-; U'- 1 1 , 4 1 1 , E i 1$ If. ' r t 1 IP I r - v - r if. ,.. ,.1"'- ! if 1.1 ; 4 ' ' r '4 ' V : ; r t . . I .J- i"r' t ":"-. ' c - p - -- r "j- - fj -1 1 - sx , - . - - , - -i - f . .- - - t - - i -r 4