-S-i-. -rf , . - 1. C'iCtHE ASHEVILLE! GAZETTEt ; FEBRUARY 28 1899. as- 7 1 'V Air -r- rrrt- Z 1 - TATE EPSOM SPRINGWTE ; PU RES " 2i i j. .Sfe'roas9 Aimiraafl mittailimSimg 55 ID0r!-faP-1 dMMD TT stlm bnlaieb 7 fSMpp iFire & M :i'flwrc'' 'i f ma s a " 7 - -r rr : j 1 ' . - - - v A'- 'Cfewv r " , - - - J - -- J If 1 ? . - - la II - i "" ''" " II - I - - ,7 f f - 1 s - I 3" - S . -3 i- -Sfe. "' '- n ' " 1 .ienr Tui ujpum;-u.ov-. it BLoweU' Durm: Tobacco coan- rJ w. te thia citry for dy-pepsia, dlaor- t Judge Henry R. Bryan, NwDa, V.C.: ... "It doea roe more gooa tnn any w kr I hare erer usad.' Mra. M. A. -Jackaon, wife of General Stonewall Jackson, Charlotte, N. C: I cam trustify aa to the veffl- acy of your remarkable water. v -p(-)t TATX.GR TALKS GOV. BOB TATLGB, TALKS R. L. nayior, govern ctt oi x-ne-, NuhTiUt: "I regard Tate Spring as the beat on the continent. ONLY RBLIEF FOR THE ARKAN- SAS DOCTOR. G. M. D. CJantreH, M. D., titUe Rock, ATK.. "I- have great faith ia Tate Spring water. It waa the only agent I, found r that gave me relief of chronic ma- "I suffered for over two yeara with aa the moat efflcient aoid agreeable tooa-V-i.f Urla.V;. . .-.ii.mRlfl kidney aad liver troubles. Four doc- ic of which I hare aay knowledge." mmar - " a.--V..;. . V V O iL'i " MODEL PRISONERS. That Is What the Keeper of Sing Sing Prison Says of Murderers. - ?What is the most danger oiiTclSss of A-p 'Criminals vou have to deal with?" I asked Head Keeper Connaughton at . Sing Sing prison recently. If there is ' pl; anything Air. Connaughton has become - jf. thoroughly master of during his long term of service at the state prison it is U """ the study of the characteristics of the ..t.-; "various classes of criminals who have " " been placed,in his charge. In fact, Mr. Connaughton's friends assert that ks a icriminologist the head keeper at Sing . "Sing -can give cards and spades to any rsr: expert, says a New York exchange. 'yf' As a Tul'e," answered the head keep " .er, "people are under the impression r - that murderers are the most dangerous -:, ; ,'boarders' we have, but the rule is di- .-t;-," rectly. the contrary. Almost without I exception the murderers are the model prisoners of any jail. The average -jnurdeser previous to having commit-- ted his awful crime has seldom, if ever. been in trouble, or in jaiL The number - of murderers who have been , 'crooks- Js comparatively, smaU. CYoull find it . the case that most'- murderers even while waiting trial, are on their :good . behavior, hoping thai by acting : so rCVthey may. draw: sympathy to their de- S;fense?vigpp; . :.:v : Mr. Connaugbton said thai "the pris f oners v?bo require constantr and close -watching are the burglars highway ;"tfinen and confidence men. " -. -t O- '-4 a matte? f facVf added the head fycieeper :"tbose three classes are the :;;:'nly::Te rtras prisoners in a - Jz-z prison." iMr on said that 500 mur- derers ;were . easier, to look after than HELPING A HORSE TO GET UP. The Slmnle Meani EdidIotciI bv s?S2lewiYprktTruclc Driver Who Knew Hli Business. 1- c The usual knotof people , that bad - gathered oh the sidewalk, to look onas peoplealways do-, when, a horse "falls " down, saw in this case, something' that ' was new ;tot least some of them, says the New York Sun. The horse, the off -' one "of " a .- pair iooked to a trucks had ' gone" down on a snow-covered and slip-; S peryasphaitSpayeinen J cleared away all the harness, loosed all "the ; .f asteningsr so.' that.the -horse , 'Wnid have nerf ect "f reedoni;of -mbve- -inent, "and then didtb one thing tbat Avas new. lie "got irom tne irucs: a pig niece of burlap bagging and went" back - 4T tb p.' horse's; head and: prepared to ; ti :it under the "horse's :feet.: He- spread it nhder the. horsed ffforefoot - first: because that was theTDnehe came; : to first coming from thetfuck, arrange inrr it on the ground close to tne ioox rrTi then Hfting" the foot and leg. and pushing:the":bP--at? Cfestiimonials of Acal - m-rmTrr.fl ALL OTHERS SITS tU!i Tf.w w t w-t- . Tut.: , ; :: Bummar conylnced jne that for TPePT United statci" - - " ' ' ' - - " - urmiatmDva ' PITTSBURG'S GREAT BANKER Tb.iiaa A. Ifellos f of Mellon Broa. pttlbur? "i l Sfe couaWtJSS to TatV. f o? curTof Wu -1 mrD vuiuaun iwrjax- BIA. Darid Kirk, preaident of 3cCalmont Oil Company, Pittaburg, Pa.: , T balieTe Tate J3prlng warier ia an in icuuow cure .or oywpesw im. WEIGHED 141, NOW WEIGHS 210. Jamea Carter, water commfawioner, Lockport, N. Y.: e9 isasnaiiTQiiiiimii aieSprin went around the horse's bead to re peat the operation with the nigh foot, and when he got all ready and had Otv hold, of the horse's foot lo laft it the horse lifted his foot himself, while the driver simply carried Jt: iorward to i ts proper place on the burlap. Then, with this good, secure hold for his feet, the horse got up on- the slippery pavement with no difficulty whatever, and the driver hooked him up again and drove on. Level-beaded driver; good horse. PRESERVING MILK. Something About the: Ue of Boracie Acid in This Necessary matter. A scientific journal states that bo raric acid is an excellent and harmless preservative of milk, and that in quan tities necessary to preservation (i. e., Becordingftoihe length of time for which it is desired to preserve the milk) its presence cannot be detected either by .the sense"-of taste or smell. Five grains to the gallon will preserve the milk from one to three days, accord- ihg. to the care exercised in the cleans ing of ithe containing vessels and the temperature. It is somewhat surpris ing that . the innocuous substance should have acquired an evil reputation in the public mind. It is stated on good authority that,, althoughj vague state ments about it of an injurious nature, have from time to time been spread by its opponents, not a single instance of injury-to health by; boracie acid; has been substantiated. : Within the laslT few months Dr. Liejbreich, director of r the royal pharmaceutical ;institute, in Berlin, Usaid, at the instigation of Prof. Vir- dw, he had carried on a long series of "experiments with boracie acid and had convinced himself that it was ad-, mirably adapted as a food preservative, and in the quantities necessary, for that purpose., it ' was quite harmless. v-He added; that neither in: actual practice nor according to , authoritative litera- ture had a ease, been known, so far as he was aware,,in which 'food prepared or preserved with borax .. or : boracio acid had exercised a -deleterous reffect on. health of any individual. No ryBeasSoni;;anna .There are some curious facta about our calendar No century can begin on Wednesday; yriday or : Sundav.- n i caienaars-can be msed every. 20 jc . viooe always begins on the same dayof thb week as January; April or Uuly ; September as December.: Feb-' alriMarcb'and Novnregfnif juiee aaysj-vj!day,"j always fgin4ifTdiff erenaya;from each ther, ' and every other month In the year.':Tjhe first and .last days of tie year are a ways the sameSTheset rules do not apply to leap year when com parisontis made between , days before ;and;after;February9:ig. T tors nerdlcted -mr diBAolutkm. Tat Sorli water v my flrt riw xnen i was sick, ana wevnea 141 pounds. Now I am A well man and weigh 21 pnds." v oo,, nhTOTa Ex-OoTernor R. Z If oat-m. fe-Gorernor R." I, IJgink, Montgom- err .ALa.: ' "I " cousldar Tiito Spring water the bast mlral water ia the TTif tatea for;;dyappaift todgeatloa aad TVL - ih00111 aQraS Tel? WUleS" w W .StSSSr ToroiditT of the liver and vnfiZi dyapepaia waa the oauae. The Two brrela of .Tata water youave aent "her have cnrad her." EFFICIENT TONIC. 17 IXfiS . . 1 commend the Tate Spring water 5 S. : Colony of Outlaws. - Writers of fiction have frequently pictured the idea of an unknown tropic al paradise' being turned into a general asylum for outlaws andcrimdnals, says the Western Morning News. In thf Bonih isles, not far from Japan, such 8 refuge has actually been discovered. Men of every nationality, who have made civilisation too warm for them selves, have decamped to this ideal ren dezvous, leaving the police to record the unsatisfactory result of their investi gations as "gone .abroad." No rates taxes have-to be paid, and government seems to. be entirely dispensed with The discovery was made by a Japanese vessel. which called at the island. In future the aliens will have less freedom, and consequently less happiness, for the Japanese dominaon will .have to be recognized.; Their dream is over.- ' Fortune . Left:r to Science. By his will the late Alfred Nobel, the Swedish dynamite manufacturer, left almost the whole of his fortune to be converted into, an international fund for the advancement of, scientific re search. The bequest, however, was dis puted by the relatives xt the deceased, and litigation ensued. It is now an nounced that a compromise has been reached -whereby the relatives receive about $1,000,000 of the property, the bal ance, amounting to about $7,000,000, be ing used as designated by Mr. Nobel. This will give, under the terms of the will, five prizes annually of about $41,- 000 each topersons making the most important dascovcry in physics, chem istry, physiology or medicine. The largest proportion of single per sons isr f ounidtt'Ireland and Scotland, and the smallest In -the United States. As the sea'stom, of ;the year when pneu monia, laVgrlpfter0M.4:itBnVw "coughs, dolds. catarrlL bronchitis aiad lung trou bles are to, be guarded against, nothing f is a ;fine substitute," "will i answer the purpose," or ia "iusit as good" as r One Miaiiutte Coueh Cuirei . Thar is the-one in- fallible remedy - for, all lung, ; throat or bronchialSroubles JxmsX, vigonousiy un. UUUaVlUg 4 iJ.'. flViAwwMMO -wv sw VAi.A ybu. -Paragon Fharmi sNOTICE Having ; aualilled - as admlnMrattar of the cstaits. ctf w: H. Sales? deceassa, late a resident itf Buncombe county. aQ tier-' warm havtog cMnM'ag'alnst 'thaacedsat aire hereby nOUfled to : exhibit the sams co auch adminaatrejtor,' on er before the IW day o Jaiauary, 1900." or this itimt will be pleaded as a bfeur to the rtcovery www- xun uau BUI- X899. H&:30H2ii A: BROOTTSTTTPW ? Aa!mnMratc of W., N. Selisc Bears the Mar.Qimae C EiShaturo of CUZ wvttit. iii cfWfX"KWm '.yxrJk,WTf ' . ' w-r bT'. rm n mntr stomacli. two aroWetai full act upo. tjcreu to a J . ANTH9. - George W. Root, Jameatowm N. Y.s wk isai - Having apent thoxtaaada of -dollara aadtrarfled Lall over -Europe and America rkuting the Tarioua apriag. 11114 t. in arto ttat I might Syd'S oSggSt J J -wiiM.,ttiTO.- - tstXkw iUf-eW itir.- : ival- able in all diseaaea connected with a rauure oi nuirxuoxt, in ayapap-wav diii- touaness, anaemia, and many nervous uosoraers orougx on ay a renex ae oaM IT SAVED HIS LIFE. E. L. Geer, Washington, Pa.: "It saved my life beyond a doubt w otrmrli vTTIanitf aUUUVLM JJ CMKh DBayttD)im. 0 Finest Passenger Service -iasr "No trouble to answer Questions." Direct liae to TEXAS, MEXICO, ' ARIZONA, - CALIFORNIA. Write for, new book xai Texas, free.. L. S. THORNS. V. P. and Gen'l Mgr. E. T. TURNER, Gen'i Pass, and Ticket Agent. Dallas, Texaa. MILLIONS GIVEN AWAL. It is cerAaJaly "galaaifylng '-Wtthe public to know of on concern In (the Hand who are nto afraid tSba . gaaarous to tha aedy- nd miffsntoc-,3 Tae p of Dr. Elag's New Discovery Jor consump- tSon, coughs ana colds, have given away aveir ten mamoa traoi Dottaes oi; inis gia"medictai9, aiad hay the satisfac tion af knowing it has abaslutely cured thousands of (hopeless' casesr:- Aathmai, brnmcMtia, hoaawness and all diseases of fch tairoat, chesb andv luags aire surety eursd by tL - Call on, T. C. Smith, , W. O. eacmlchael and . Pelhazn, dirugglats,. and get a trial bottle free. Regular sizs 50 c. anid 'iffvery - DOtcie guajmmeed. . or priice rsrfundsd. ; " . - s MDLLIONS GIVEN AWAT. . it Js -eertatoly gratifying to the publi to know of one conoern in the land wh era not afraid to ;Je f generous to ih needy and suffering. Ths propirietori of Dr. ICiag's New Disbovery' --for oonsump tton, coughs aa: colds, have "glvwat away over tea mlllicm. trial bottle' of (this great medicine and have - tae sattlaf ac- Rion of knowing 3t Inaa absolutely cured nou&anxis xr , Hopeless ; oases. Aethma, bnicMtlB, :hx)lainene6SlanZ aU diseases of the !throaft, j chest and lungs axe eucely cured by" It. Call on, T. C; Smith and WC. Oarmlchael, antf "Pelhamv drug gists, aad) get a ((rial bottle flree. i. Regular else, 60c. andLll. Every bot leguaira teed, or xxrice refunded. v,"- " " :isi- -' ' ' ,i r , ,v tT" Mma with yo whether yrro eon tin Xb BiV-kUlInr tobacco habit. M OVTO-B AG-t 1 remoTes the desire for tobacco, witherv ( ' - J out nerroni dwtreM, expels xucjfa J fc i tine, paruus u viuuu. reKi Stores lost Joodrfg in Ka.itH.nerro m 1 i I V 1 .OOff boxes Id. 400.000 andpockAtcTI V LPC-TO-IlAC from b2? 1 1 S Cynr. own druggist, who VJi nil fTIUT?ncS 'orsfl. Take it with VvV 1 1 Vcl-TAU Patlf ntl T, persistentiT. One I Wf , assaily cures; S boxes, $2.60. jpap aie by". The. Carolina Pharmacy College street ,ad .Court "Square.- rL"i- casescared. But Vdk Dayja ileriheclylj cures Aix Kidney. smMinf s 'AN D - LIVEI2 , mo u n Lf n . Mclliiiitiyire j sie Spring J enn ?WSei TPtn'c'nfrwtrunw'zMHi'rtk-rm . nv vxv. TATB.- . . r. . ' -r--r-.r-mr ,. - -' A. etraaburger, lfontgxmr, ANl:" xri,-. r, -efltted me aa mucb as the visit to my Eldorado, Tate Spring, ia 1897." - - t - .. ... I.. - r1 . "All locomotive engineera who bave'n4"Cie oi iron f'JI' . THE GREATEST WAGON AND CARRIAGE BTTILDER IN THE WORLD. J. M. Studebaker, South Bend. Ind.s" "I believe there ia mo spring in Amer- JLca that contains the healing qualities that Tate Spring does." i At IHleeleFimvSBflo ity 500. Thos. Tirisoii, gPRZlADS LIKE WILDFIRE. Tau osa't keep a good thlag Uow New at A travasi fajst. Wbssi thiags are "tae best'V tttoey become "tie bsrt ulBsT. AUVtajn Bare. leadina rngg6, of BeCevsDs. O., writes: "JSeMrie SSMani are tsss beet selling Uttan I hav ever bsjadlett dm my 20 yar experEeBce. - Teu - knew whyT IfiMt diaeaass begin an Osgresrs of tas sftwmob, atver, . bowels, ; blood and nerves. Eaoctrlo Bitters ' teaea up the Bftcsnshoh, regulatea liver,: kidneys an4 Ctoweas, punnss tne bJsed, strengthens the ervas, hence cures muJtttudes of snjafiajdlea. It bull da up the satire sys tem. Puts new Ufa and vigor into any weak, eiokly, run-down mast r wemaa. OUly SO cstxfcs. aoM by T.: C. Smith, W. C. Garmlohael and Palham's pharmacy; guxantaed. " o fisantas tHgaataxs of Tin Kind Yoa Hare Always A CLEVER TRICK. ltiessalaay loeks like it, but there is really no trick about t. j Anybody cn try Jt who aaa lame back aad weak kid neys, malaria ;or nerveus- troubles. We mean he can cure himself right away by takmg Electric Bitters. Tsla medicine ones up the ; whose system, acts as a StamuSanft to liver aad kidneys, fis a tloec purifier and nerve tonic. It suree (eaasti patloscfeeadiache, faiading spells, sleep lessness and- melancholy. !lt ia purel vnesAable, w;mild laxative, scoa restore the system to to -natirrali vigor. Try Eiedtrtc Btttere and: be xmyinced tha they, are; a miracle worker. Every bot tie guaranteed. Only 50c "a botffle at T C. SmltJs's, W.. C. Carniiclsael'a, and Pelham' drug store. - .1 . - De Witt's Colic & Cholera Cure -Quickly cares Dysentery ens Dlarrfai : Dr. Geo. Jf . Lqmbert, : ; VETEEDIAEY ISTJEGEOK. (Graduate ;!of ; HcGili: iTJniTersity Officer Wiliowitr :3 Ph6nei8 Residence 140 Chestnut st.PJibhe 824Cattletested:fprabereulosi8i 5too .-Bhea'dr Hefds at;. speciaJ, pnees. - , ' ------ !T . . DIXIB; Capac Dr. David Kennedys CURES A1X KIDNEY. STOMACH -"-AND LIVER TROUBLES. : I 6ISouth Jdainf St Oysters qnihe'M r&h SheUi' " Ojeteisand Gamen specialty: Lhnch . Counter for Short orders. Wejwffl sefh 6n anything ircmaiiicUh ios hotel men TRY ts. ---',-;, - Ivat:bining"RoomsT 4 ? : '-i-.-'--.' the dixie: Aajysxa mmdtt by T. "S. AnteeeU. 1. paw of cU3m4T, i NaUoiul couanti chemist to -the Sulpiuiic Acid . . . 13.S7 81.12 10.9 1.0Q Chltrisaa ...i 5.90 32.63 .27 .71 9.90 .02 272.91 160.61 22.91 8.50 ' 1.54 40.27 2.99 .62 1,14 21.5S 2.70 .02 272.91 smca, Solubla -.. SSSl? & S? " Crbbailc Acid XN1Bnc.AClia To(tal SulptSte'of "Ltoe -Sulphato S Magnesia "J ' JSffi S ' i im.itwlc8- Catrboaate of Lime SHlca . . Nitric Acid Total U fl I ATtJIO t ' Hi A. LA I flAlll. ! UzilBl tr Sfcffpirg Ccpt Open AH the Year. Prop ietor. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE The best salve In the world far cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all akin eruptions, and pes Itiively cures piles, - or no nay ceaulred. T3t is guaranteed to gfivs perfect satis- faction or money refunded. Price 2S oemlts per box. - For sale by T. C. Smith,. W. C. Oarmfchael and PeSaJam's phar macy. HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a btle or common glass with ysur water and . let tt sund twenty-four hours: a sedimntor setOSng tnitiicatee an unhealthy twndttioa of tbe ki4fiys; if it stains ysur Msec, it is evdewce ef kidney trouble: too free daire to raes i it or pain in the back is alse convlnciag proor tnat tne kidneys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. ' There Is comfort in the knowledge so oif ten expressed, tiit Dr. Kilmer Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy,, fulfills every wish in curing rheuma tism, pain ia the back, kidney, Mver bladder and' every part of the.urinsjy peesages. It eOTreet; inability to inoldl7 water and soaMiing water in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor wine or ' beer,:and overoomes that un pleasant neceaetty of being r compeUecl to go of ten. during-the. day, and to get up niaaiy , times during " the night. The mald and the extraonKnary en!ec - . of Swamp Ttoat 4s;soon realized. -It eland the -highest , for Wonderful - cures of J, m9tn c- If you need a : medloine you should.; have the - best. At druggists fifty, centsLor one dtaOSar. SSiSf ,wVe' sPfc- bottle asd a SSi'iSt bout V lth sent S?U5r- free Pr' ttv you sead yourvaddreas to Dr. Kilmer & Cm Biagaainptonr Nr-T.- Wh wrrttog be BgSf5:i: Ashevllle Dallr gra - THtoa.7, People deeW'fiatifactory"- photo graphs of .themselves and "their famOies mdwouid'haye.theiri":ftaken ofteawr" if they, did not dread tfie taking.? Here it is ZTrZl', 'a gulped' studio, !has mSJ:rer'Sf- Pictured most before Tou are aware at it. v iie does -ft quickly and pleasanO-s wunout any wearasome f usslneia. - ' iaSSS willingly; when olc aBairy. Most of our. customers Tike the arst -Proofs, we show them," in fact;- they rarely do otherwdse; audi ruleillrZ lt?eJ5etter-I,lrtu,ne3 we- maketho fOCf? Icuto J ve them good. Afilf Pure doesnt suit; vre make an- -S?2vi?i! 1' t get you tavtl11 Poor 'work at Jny price,. We have only one. grade of difference to prices are fc.fmoaTJ").tll'e:work to" well done worn beginning to finish., We take the eamojrains and use. "the same -kind of elPing . and finiaMng USSvlSr aattrer-.Pbotgraph.ers. -Free . , --" waureu iiwjUL' CDSlge, H ST T modern ph Gallery. Ray's Studio: v.

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