;i fit: i 1 rX -y-y- Jrt .r'w-A -- .- - i ... - ' m. r GftflHD SPECIAL BFFER'OF; OESTBEICHER'.S lIGbbds andtlaHies U'e respectmlty aanpuce fbt ereft added to ourtooaTe restaitatiTe lice of Amerieanlfc- kIj ItmJ Model Form Corsets. IBRe corset s are great" fa vor tw,ir8aiU the re- bei n g -alHie gtbs riadr. and best resuJt8-f filSwM-seft diaker's art. It wili Ie totwt . -. . . .. - . Jnterest to Know 01 toe merits pi these celebrated corsets ;-aiid'fr that purpose wili make the f 61- winjl?kraad Bpeeial offer: 9Tie . coapons . distributed jwiu Teeived by us as Twenty-fit 3&r4aaitti purchase of in' American Jiady-r Model Form Corset! online -f oTlowlnar ;days : March 7th; 8thtbei, mh? ?; and JHtfTt Th v?ry prict' of these cornets wil ' pHce their) within reach of eTer wearer. Take Adiautasre of 0r Offer. TCverv fofieL t guaranteed to OHSTREICHER'S Si Paitort Avenue: Are with us when y we state that we carry the line of Fancy Groceries 4hi the city . . we oiier yo . Beechnut Breakfast Bacon Iq. glass jars, ;at 3oc a jar. Boneless - -Smoked Herring In glass front, box s, at-20c a " box." - x : . ' " -.Fall line ot JllASOiB Gr kefs mar in. :- ':G,A. GREER, AYHOLESALE AND RETAIL FANCY GROCER 53 Pattan Avenue- " CnOWII HtKbUf.lbKY J ; VIOLEfDEPARHE, :I ..CRAB APPLE, . . - c "Wilt retail these odors at 50 cents per bottle " w - 1. - - , Tuesday ' wtf Wednesday. I This , is in th? original 1-. ounce " bottles. ; regular ? price 75 cents, Will nOjsell more than one .bottle to any "one person. 3 . IIEIIIITSH g nET.G.11; 5 Church'St vand PattonAve. Phone 132 wneii in ihurry! for Dross., Facts Today U iAmericans Advance on San Tprah ' and -I Manguana. " Resistaace FroxoT ' r ' ' ' -"' "- the Natives. Three Hegiments and gunboat Engaged in 1 "Huiaber of Companies also Joiif: in Eilit AmericAiia are. Manila, Jfarctr 7.An advaace was mode yeeter day ixson&ng by Hale's" bri-aad-MeaSaxiaaxm. The sAmerteaa met wltli reeastantee from the iargeet body of mativesihtey have yt en countered. . Colorado, Nebraska and Wy oming1 Teglmemta, wlthlgtit grun of the Utah regimcait and , two companies of the Oregym regiment engaged, widle thie Twentieth infanitary was held in reserve. A gunboat also tokk part iin the figiliting. Wheaton'e brigade, constetiaig of Cal afonnila, WahingtOQ fund Idab volun teers, and tthe Sixth -arti'lJery, rfned in .e; fighting. Eigbt Americans were iwounded. .Xanfia; March ' 6.- -There was consid- skirmlshing last night . in which theJ Ctolorado and Xebrazkak' Janffcry-',w4tfli ithe gune of the .Utah.,; U4eryvJ2toli .- k f'k rwr3 -arnrpQ f te . rs VkOLJPUlTV. j abI(&;of enfilading .'General -Wheatoa's: Advice from NegraMteland eay c&m- I" " v. - - merce Abere Sis imprSovJng. Busdiiess at Hollo is at a standstill. THer-- hsis been cottSlderable skennisaiug "V'yonS. lalilo, but thus far without casualty. CONGRftTUWTIONS OF NFGRQS CONGRESS Sent to Gen. OtisReport of Casualties From Manila Washington, MarchT 6. The following' was received from Otis tonight : "Following from Ikxilo, 4th instant: "Gwernmemt of cangrees of inhabi tants xf NtegTOs to" General Millejr, Iloto: "We Affectionately salnte you and congratulate for nappy arrival of Col onel Smith and troops under his orders, and beg youjtb &&ut. this salute and eon- grartulatkihs 'to General Otis at Manila, representative of the government of the UnitedStates in1 thfe Philippines. . W;:3f -: "(Signed) LASCON." It h: supposed Lasoon is one of the Negros commissioners. The war department - ittoday received' the followingt-r - VMaMla' March 6,-r-AdJutaoJt Generali Washangton. AddWional casualties; Marofat 4- near San Pedro Macati, . Iiu tottKaned: wThlrd ajrtille K, Private Toicai-iWoundedJ., tf5it California Pri- yates Barieni severe,; Wheeler, thigh. moderate; Twenity-thlrd Iiaf aoltry,- Mrst Sergeant Mctfadden, !hesrt,- ".'slight; FSrst -Cklifortla, Sergeamt - MCNally, sprained anMe to action; Mrst Nebras ka, Private Weldon, ruptured In Action "At Jar-PanayKUled;. Elghtteonth in fantry, Privates JEJverfngton'eiid P - t , "(Signed), ons." r. . : - a If trrttable, ou of sortsv depressed In spirits,' have a dun headaohe, nke a few doass. Dr. M. JL Simmons'; Ltrar MsGi- dne Cor quick relief. -'.kr it CHPiniiiPiTficp lyj lu) ILB liu U; lclni - ranOearSan 3EMSiro! ESTABLISHED 1S8. - A flpeciat Private 'Treatment ofJLnng lijt ATES, $22.50; per week and vpwardW coord to tte : Includes everything, excepting medictzie cost. A certain number of roome are r erved tlower rata for patients whose -v financial circumstances: require, it msbS to ira tiis inedcmes-is6 ' . (rtuded Patle can enteca tutxaSA -L-j--i-'l!., ' ; - T -.. - r.w " - - r r- . t .V,, 53" V7t"53TiirVlCriotel and Sanitarium Co-: OH OOUPTTEE 1 S H Inyestisitef CfMOQit liirrWbttrg, Ia MMrifcJS.-TM -W field nigntferthe dVemoxsfar ;th tife sv compllsbing t3l tnT jwanied: ; with the aid of. InsugeH4 bMfiani-The . most Important of tfeacjilght'ii proceeding fW theadding tf fosac&t-Quay ineoildr the otlitaa7 -sra 4optedT dlreenr laves tigators ,tqr repfcri QtSaicthka presBed JltaJt tiie:c8ilflC thesScaaloek mdght meO)tfort"thte close cdf tlw. week. The name lortrJjkXT, - of , WeatmWe latoCme fnp there WHF W "afeinoWSfe2 to bim Wedges fa' j flght: -5- i Qomtz Questioned. e to -stSg jMiimDerr-Assembly Still X:' in Session. Havana, Mareibb 6. The Cuban tassem My held aauotbeax efecre session today, at which the paymemt of the armyTwai the only question discussed. The- com m46tft appointed to refise a, loanf , of $l6oiOiQO&,a nt be secured unless guaranteed by tflMrUnii 'bed States. 14 waa proposed tn th army be paid the $3,000,000 offered- by the United States and that the balance be paid In promissory notes,. 4figne4 by: the assembly, to 2 redeemed' by. vthe island's future goermment. After. i&c disciissionr 't. pposaS was -laid soygrg: Major Kennoii visited Gomes todays txr p,rthe-detaiegard Xlbazv sa.mez jehted;.the somber of men to be paid is 25000, bul bat tbere are 25,000. moe, costet4ng of j&fBer,-who wvsn't talc money, and inen who enlisted jafiter the rfwar between Spain aodr the United St&bes broke' ouL Gomez failed to give . satisfactory d tailg regarding Ithe men Whom hie claims payment is due. Brook declares that thie- $3,000,000 -wail only be paid to real Cuban aoMfer TUIIHT IN THE CORTES Caused by De ree Suspend ing the Sitting of the Chamber. Madrid, March 6. Premier Silvela to dia- read to the chambers to! cortes a degree suspending their sittings,. A fortnightt heno another -decree will be issued "dissolving parliament. When the decneer was read in the cnamber of depu tits, republicans raistd 'an uproar aod the sitting efttded to'tumuTt, - EHCLAtID GRATEFUL Cahlegram rom- Uueen V ictoria to : President hm. Wshtog-tJ08t -.-t MarcM 6. Ar cablegram fiom' Queen Victoria fto MfcKinley was reoeiyed this (afternoon. It reads: : -"l-ithank you sincerely ejidlJai Ameri can, nation for the honor paid to the mem ory of.!LoI Herschell, aii for ae friend ly sympathy shown -to my country in its bereavement" - . B0NAFIDE CLOSING OUT SALE. Xhnr great -oBine-eot-saW Is .toeairittg its endi - Throngs of v . ahrewvi buyers Avail tbJemseives if the great pportuni ty of buying first claesgoodsat a mere Anyone v iotopested vinthe' purchase of finst class clothing or igents xuroisn tnsr BhbnldaurnUiBftoe:mv wodow and' exaniln mv e?oods. 1 am oiflg to closed out at 25 ier- cedlt below cost. W. GJaser, t4 SwUh Mata. street. - " - "ROOD'S 8S3EDS. Wood's seeds are peeuiliarly--dpti to the soil aiM ciimete of. the sou in. Sold at Gnmt' pharmacy. , Institntton f or the ' v and Throat Diseases. : 1 he PreidentVSeldcfs Them for Major-F Generals, The Qm e was Made on" the Li OMs&d of Sen. :t6rHy Likdv t(y be ihosfn Biigadim Under the New Law. Appoiatmtnt of : Wilbni,Whilcf, It, Ludlow and Chafee BtgardT"' fdaa-a Csrtainty. iT " ': Washingtoo, March 6. As a xeet of atnference tat tthe white house this: afr t&hioon between M'Kinleyfahd Alger it "was deterinin;that tlae army act only; anthorizd two additaona major gen erals, in view of the decision not, to wflse a volunteer (force of 35,000 until: the regular army bad been increased v td 65,000. - '" The presides has seleetod Geerala Ois and Shafter for thie vacant major-gen- ralstaps. Other names considered were ihose of Generals Wilson, Lee, Wheeler, LSKWiton, Chafee and Wood, and conWid- rflaie difficulty waa experienced, to mak- tofll setectionsi ;: ' The difficulty was ftnaTJy adjusted by jtog seniors-0n the Hst, " Otis being senior brigadier . the "Tegnlar army. Tsiit56n to reward Shafter for-ftie- work at Santiago."' "' ' It is regarded as certain that Wiisbn; Wheele(r, Ludlow, Chaffee, and' .Wood will bte made brigadier generals -under the new law, and'tllireie of them -wiffl" be advanced to Major generals if the pres ident determines to enlist the 35,000 vol unteers authorized. THE CANNED BtEF INQUIRY. Adjourned Yesterday to Jleet at hl- cago on Thursday. ' j Washiinglton, ' March 6. The army! court of inquiry adjourned today to meet In Chicao Thursday. Oniy jene witness was examined today, Lieuten ant Munson, of the Ninth Infantry, who condemned the canned beef in strong terms. Itt ds expected the court will be ab sent from Washington ndt more than two weeks. Minute inspections will be made of the moat establishments in Chicago, Kansas City and Omaba, par- (ticular attention beiilng paid o the re frigerated aaid canned beef depart- menfts. lp3oyeieswai be selected at random to testify. .-f , . i ' ' A NEW? D5AJTURE IN ADVBB- . . TIS1NG. The' "Blue Ribbon" Baking Powder Conapany-of Rlchmlookl, W., is using a horseless jeaasdago rid advertise tnsir goods Th.-Arst one ever used for aaver ttsfag purposes to this section. TO CURB A COUD IN ONB DAT Take Laxativs Brom Qutaias TaWets. AB druggists rerun tfae money If tt falls to ears. H casts. The seanias ha L. Sl Q. sa saobr tablet. Qse, s; Burbankfs t I Fietci and Qarden - -; AU of the Jbest vaf ' r Shidefs at ckioinnfiTi OhiorRIver Fbiir Feet Above ' the Water Line. : -t XcinnsfcB, March -. Tbehio river was - nearly our feet above water line tonight ana is rising . three Incfttea aa hour, with the output of the"AMghny sunto reach here'. Cellars along- fie river front have been submerged, bat the damage far has not been sertoui. Railroad. traffic Is still open, here;' but has been suspenden on the Big Sanly division of the Chesapeake and Ohi .Charlestons W. Va .March 6. This .city .is nearty balf submerged.: but th Tiver is steadily Cafflng . at fr rate of two inches an hour. R It esthnsjted Aaf 1 5,000 people have beeri dn'ren from theirbomes and will not be uWe to re. turn for several days. The suffering from Tcold has bee slight AHltraiM on Big Sandy divteion of hr 'Chesapeake & Oihlo aaie suspended on. account ef tendsffdea. :. -; , FIGHT ROTUNDA. Special to" the Gazeite Raleigh, March 6. R. H. Jones, the new member of the board of agricul ture from the Raleigh district, attacked Gaston Powell. renresentalLive from Wake, with, a stick in the cajpUol rotun da Ms afternoon. Powell knocked Jones and a hduee employee down. MCKINLEY'S VISIT TO HANHA. Washington, March . Presidemt Mc Kiniey expectts to leave Washington! in about ten days Sor a vacation, of two or three weeks. His present intention it to spend. aie time at F-emnftr IJaama's wmter home al ThomaiBvaiie tJa. j . .KIPLING'S DAUGHTER DEAD, ; -New. York4, Mreh jjogeplricer Klp--iing,. eidest cMld;f Mr. .and M9?ilud- yard Kkg,aT i0 ihte jaornfeftg ef-pneurrton jai alt the home of Miss De forewt.on -Bast Trty-IIf1;h street, CHARGED WITH GETTING WATER. Gunsmith Mojaerlea", who conduct the shop at 15 North Main street, and is remarkably expert wJith machinery, was a defendant iin Ithe poilicecourt yes terday morning. He was charged by Superintendant.McCollum, of the water lyorks with having adiopted an ingen jbds contr&vance by which he had sue cessfuHy avoided the paymeiit of water I taxes. Last Saturday Superiatendant McCollum and an assistant were in specting the piping in the buiilding at 15 iSoulth Main street. In a closet in -the basement a piece of lead pipe was dis covered, suspended from the tank. One end was immersed in tthe waiter and a. suction a tine other end would start the flow of - water r .XJt is, stated in the complain ha)t the gunsmith bad placed 3)t there and obttaaned a daily supply of water free. Qn motion ofMr. MosseUeafs counel, a continuance was granted until this morning. OPPORTUHITY. FOR THE PEOPLE OP ASHE VILLE. . r have made wp my mind td go to Porto Rico. I will close out my entire stock (at 25 pen cent, toss than oast . Clothing, gents' furnishing goods," irtts and underwear, merchant tailor's cloth ant clotb for ladies' tailor made suits, also store pictures. IDtffiire stock must go I. W. GLASER, i 84 South Mala street, Ashevills. , fhirc May 7 g ; be other prepara- - tions more - widely f J - known than ; . & Glycerine, . ' . but mere popularity f - does - " not CURE I Coughs.rrCERRY5 and GLYCESIITEI ir Paragon : Futnnacj -Co.;-ji , JBAXTEE 5HEirV7ELL Pres. -Oppl PostOffic. ry7. ' . Phone 280." PI ll UliliZniuil LU I" I - ..... Hie v.onstituti nai Amendment Re stricting Suffrage. i Foretaste of the . Cam paign Thar Will be W4ged by Repub licans, e Principal Assault on Git)uml of Cousti tufioiiaiity. the Xh Senator Aifaiu Aiser t There ii n; Negro Damiuation and Accutei r ' - 'the' democrats of. Insincerity Marshall, March Z. The- passage of. the couatitutional .amendment in North Carolina has" called outt a statement from Sensitor Pritchard ithat goes very far into the discussion off dtaite poJMcs and gives the first aurt&oritartive (as it might Justly be regarded) indication of the Hne of attack the republicans will -make on the amendment. Senaitor Pritchard first addes6s himself to the ! task of statement 'Of the "democratic press, iliat ' the present State govern ment of North OaroTina t haS' not beeax properly adminiistiered, fthat is ameers were not men of character and standing arid that there was negro domination 'r - He speaks, of Governor Russell a a? j eminent lawyer and a gentleman of high cbaiiaciter, aasd claimDi-under" his LaanJn'la xcep:acMy: He, says Rnes Jbas appoimted oniy eight negroes out of V6 appoinirmets, while of tne 1 fill. 9 Vh la- habitants f tlie sjate &60,0Q0; are col-;, bred. Mr. PrWchard asserts that-there are 60,000 white republicans. In North Carolina. He says that onily. in twelve of ninety-seven counties, (using census of-'1890), are.-the negroes in a majority, ' and that none of "these have been domin aJted by the negroes. He quotes Mr. Simmons, the Raleigh News and Ob server, etc., durta.g' the Jast campaign as evidence that the-dem)ocra)ts are in ccirasiittent to eekin to disfnanchise il Iterate citizens. Mr Pritchiaild then says: He uri3iert'ook tfo sbkrw- by the foregoing dtemenf.t.-th the-demoem'ts. ddfdi ocAin f ttefnd to'disfilanchiie the negroes, and con tentied! that, lit w&s absuirtl (for any one to ! assert, jthait the dimoertacy of Nonth Oaro 1 Ivdia. would ever , favor the . abrMgement ? r the TigMof suffrage in the slightest , degree. I am informed that (three -founths of the democratic "members of thie pre ' Kt lflgialafture spilgedi the Voters in ithellr respective cWinties tHait they would oppose aniy and an moaeures thait might be proposed for tth1 purpose" tjf , dislfran cWng-'ainy cllaea toff our citizens Y Natwbdfcandimg the?- fair promises which (the deml lMiats madie to order to se cure control of he legisiatture, they have at last tbrown off thfefr nuask and sftarid exposed to the public gaze in theftr true colors. The IegisMure has sulbmltttid am amenidmenlt.to our oonstitu tion which f sustained, will deprive the cofied vKJlters of th'ifc state of the right of suffarage-'which is guaranteed them bv he isdh amenidhnnit ito the construo1oQ of the TJ-nftted States. Article 6, section 1, of the coneltiiturtiom of North' OaroMna which St proposed to abrogate, reads as follows: v - . " " ARTICUB VI. Seq. Ii" Qualifications bf an elector. " Every; malo person, born, In the United Sltefttfe, and every male person. ,whb ha been naturalized; twenty-one year old , or upward, -who shall have resided' to ConKnued on third page. Do You Want Some Silverware For Less ThanOit. is Worth?: We have selected out a lot of Silver-plated Ware, inclu ding Trays, Flat and HoUqw! Ware, which we are offering at 80 cents on the dollar. It will pay you to look these things over ; as - they are worth s 20-i per cent, more than wo arejnow'askihg f or them. -, Arthur Al. Field. Undlajj Jeweler, - Church St. aid Patton Ave 1 ; i "Ct Aahovilles IS- C it- it i 7! ;. f J. .1 . - i 1 f N n. St - t "7 P.: : -1 1 r ';A r- I- 'A V X- 1 VI- --"7" - t

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