4' ; THE .ASHEVfLLE GAZETTE? 'il ARCH '111899 ,4 V -J&'- -y-- .--r.- -J.- TV.iiiv'ft; . : er :.-r. - I. 1 .J--..", 4. . 4 ., fit f ' .7."V -i" - it i. .; " . ' . There will be an informal dance cot - the uaxtery jarK Hotel tomgiat ".51; Ji&t' received A large- shlpmenit of fire jraiier'.tirav trunks. J . v.- canton. "' Ekr No. 39 Paliton avenue. I r - " J. D. BlaiaJioa -& Co. yesterday re . M " v. (t.. M A7 V Am piled upfto Cront of his. s'ttare they ajaapttt - L. -B. Alexander yesterday despa)U5lt ' ootlfylng- Mm Shalt his lurrougn uaa oeejr iucnjoeu xairiy ufcLa. xjr uj tjrwj lxicll time i t is" expected ihe First : regimen wiH have been, mustered u. , The buTiMing Nb . 6,0 Plattom ayenue, jcji .'cupied-by 'ihe .Southeim tlaJilway dckt tf fioe hala been sold Ito Qgdeof (B. E&wiards T-or. 210.000 cash, lahrbni'rtflie real tJafte V agency -o Lf.'A. FarSisoIbbiK. TJre buildl -vtcuijr -i jur. a j an n in tutu. iiirer uuuu; tag uc6 -the property, of William, John vi, Jr Mr?KO: vredfclbjetf . haal aieturned! from the" tialUi wJtere ; be. weaalfc to " purcbaie Bpr.iag goexm. l repoma wooofisafe cmae " f boormiitt 4a New Tbirk. Merchants are thftre from all plants Kf Ithe, counrtry, anx - v lous to buy. A (rtdtaoeklble (flat in toro-de condittona 4a tine advance) in cotttton goods, iie td sfome extent, Mr. . Oes - trcher !3EsiderB. to gmetat export demand. - Mr. Oestrichier eays the evtdieiiicea of an improvement & busiresa in many paints of 'the counliry are very positive. TT-e FZ-a Biaptfcst church trustees last (tt'-gtit jippctttited a : cbzninlt Ao mvesfta lie -lira posiblllty of pxu-chaelng of O. D. - Revell ii pleeei of rand In ithe rearf the Y2nrrch' buildifg cm! Sprue stereet, on - : En.cn Mir."- Revell is preparing to build -i aiTio-ue. The church people object to the ic've' xwlrnvty of Abie propoi?eii r3idience whflch if built -accwdiimg present plans TVtouMf be looateid witthin a very few feet Of the"chUTCaiJ CuHta,fi Vtff lthift Hsrh. fmm r---.tlxe Sumday echiool roorn. . GOLF TOURNAMENT- MissHobbs and Miss Stillings Thf - ' To-Day for the Ctid. " - 'Another beauitiful day made the golf game yesterday afternoon a pleasur able affair. The grounds had become drier land there was scarcely any wind to interfere wtith the drives. Each of . the ladies-waft intent on playing her best and it was a spOJendidly contested game. . The game was nne "hole match play. At 3:30 the game began, Miss Hobbs playing against Mrs Warden and Miss vStillioigs against Miss Campbell. The game occupied more than an hour and -was ftlOed with good plays. Mrs. A. M. Field served a very refreshing tea it. the club house 'after the "game. Miss HobbS and Miss Stllilngs were 'qualified for the finals today, Miss Hobbs having -defeated Mrs. Warden. 5 up, and Mtiss StiUings having defeated Miss Campbell, 6 up. The finals- will be played this afternoon; .at 3:30, and -will undoubtedly be a; closely contested match. The game will be nine holes match play, the winner to receive a (handsome silver loving cup presented - by the club. This tournament has giiveir tbe direc tors of next week's tournamen't a cnanc? r to place; the1 Kaiidlciapa JaMs) Svfilt, There ana already, eJghteenj emttrieal fct Mr. 'Norton's cup.- ' . " HO AHTi-SALOOM TICKET But a Proposal to Hold a Lccal Op ti n Election in J:ne. - The executive committee of the anti saloon league met last highland decid ed met to put atjicket in the field f or the May election, but to circulate petitions to be submitted to the county commis sioners for a Local oploa eleciion in June. A BLACK FEMALE THIEF. : PeJt Miller, aifemlale thief of ebony hne, was lodged Ika Jail yesterdiay (to . awaiit trial in the criminal jouiit for Jar 'oeny. She is ani . old offender, anidl a -hunkired chlairgtis - dould be brought "aigakiist her f oa a Uig!hit off ense toi thait - v. tor which tlbe ia now held. Her method is to prc.ure, usulally of sitaramgera Hia ftihe .. .city, (second hanISi clbthdinig, promlistolg: to sell it and return to the owner rtlhe pro eeeds lees her mfoderalte commission. She never returns' anything' and when she : " hala matde a big enough baul she skips .j -the town unitil ttflie public are weary of looking1 for her. She has beenT working r her thieving game "in Asheville for five or dix ydars;, and luas been oonvacted sev eral times antE served (short eerutencee. Today she will answer to a secon'd! charge nd it ia hoped, that fclther victims will - appear agatest her sufflcienit 'bty make -N- her sbay 'ra jaia a letig' onle. A PLOATiNG CTTY. --v The White Star L4ner Oceanle wlil aC ' , . oommodate. 410 first class, 30& second ,r clkes iad 1,000 "third class passengers, besidie a crew of 390 mini- Tho hnm,vm .yihave-a'caplacity jtf 3,700 Ibans, or sufficient ; for a crulre 'aaiound the world w3thbut bnce.rejaxaliag.. - - Notice. To pen; Sps using : : PERIODICAL TICKETS r:,iElease'add; the fol lowing names - to list - "of .firms in ticket :f F.' Bairis',-16 N, Court - " oquav et Ciistoin. , made Boots - MISS A.M. COLE, ' mff IjllJ BRBL 2 pound cams Seal Brand 1 pound eans Our Own, Pure Java, per pound, Old Blenidr'per pound, Rola BtfcAd, per pound, Maracaibo, per pound, UiniverscUly accepted' & the .leading coffee -of America, lor sale only, by A. D. COOPER. J 2 Sjutit Main, In Bulk HEINTZ'S Sweet Mixed Pickles 25c per Quart Sour Mixed Pickles 20c per Quart Chow Chow 25c per Quart KROGER'S WILSON CAN OOHTcST. Jzlni T. JoTdiin, the recenitly'appaSnJtied clerk of 'the criminaf court, will allow Mr. Wilson, the old clerk, to contest. i lAau VYUJ gfl, -eeed wi'fh his duties Jordan will get new books land pro r v.!.T feet ceirfter tables' at Mrs. L. A. JohTvacin-'s far $2.00. Call aand see them. 27 North Main street. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a. candidate fcr chief of police, subjeo to the nomi cacion of -the democratic convention. F. M JORDAN. BOMAFIDE CLOSING OUT SALE. Our great closinig" out sale Is nearing its end. Throngs; of shrewd buyers avail themselves if the great opportuni ty of buying first class goods at a mere song. - . - Anyone . interestsd in the purchase of first class clothing or gents furnish ing should carefull" inspect my window and examine -mv e-rvola t rm Porto Rico and all my stock must bej ttt;,"111 ttL a per oelow cot. I W. Gliaser, 34 South Main street. . For Frost, bites, burns. Indolent sores eema,skin disease, and especi'W tand first id best. Look out for dis honest people who try to imitate and emterflt t trrelr endorrltnt o?2 Cl H? are not imttatexL Get !De Witt'. Witch HaaS SalTe.-Pargoa Pharmacy. xaM? THE SIMPITeX INHALER- A simple, usefuf san? rhpn lamp for the treatment . of asthma,. hay fever, weak . lugs, croup, and for steam tots the faoe. -Xt ean be uBed ?-Be; deodorizei and "a mir ery lamfit. Circulars on -applioaJtion, Price delivered, $1.25. 'J. S. Little, Nbt:6 vPahnetto BulldiBg. .' , Spring Novelties For Ladles and Gents. x , OutinSbirts for Men, , ; -NeckwearMor.lN.and'MBN ; . BUNLAPand other maUesiix HATS, -1 T v .Eatet Styles in straw hats for Ladies ; S:w!ater Hyertbin& "Golf Goods; j ; See ourhowyiDdows,. then:ramine.biir . WILIrFIND A, COMPiETB LINE Of! t -(-:1--- "V. if - .' . ". ' f.: ... ...-. .-. .Jk.- -v. "L. - C.lnbs Teet?, Cady HflgsSjfe Bo"ok,-ETO., gijaWig ap'i Morristoun Clubs. ' Our priies a'C r 'fgiU ' V. : ; Rogers; I Book 15c, 1 iT-- ff :!V ' Here Is the Cleveland Racer! On this Wheel Geo. Banker won of the World. And hp did thin rraiebeng run in Europe. You Asfheville i Gycle Go-5 Eugene C Sawyer, .Mar. Paone 228 IS & 20 Church St ONE WEEK ONLY 171 pairs )es $3-5i$4. and $5 quality ior ,$'2.50 a pair, till March 4th Rubbers, Arctics, " Mackintoshes Rub ber . Coats at Uberal disbbiints. 48 Palloa Aienne Opp.-: Hotel Berkeley. Youth and Old Age. Age is no erlteriom for ithe wear ing of glasses. Many are- born with greater defects! than cjme With the advance of years. Wheiu the -aeed of glasses ' is actually" i AnA tViA nVi!ilfl rwf 10 nftpfjj ' tfj-T mii(h more' than the- adult of 80, . neffvoua and mujctiHr-, etrain, du to eye defects - in children a as an impediment w LUO XX1 , Mr .r Oevelornien. Exam'nations free. Eyes of children a specialty. I . i McKEE. Scientific optician 45 Pat ton Avenue. v Blair's Famitor Store 4i t Store, lga'. th Inter- i(ioM,l ( h nuni uln in th Catinm of the -Eupch v, the want to.s urline. 1 arT S Dyer, Chemical Cleaner and turrien 55 South Main St. . ISye and clean ladle and gentlemen's citethee; also fine fur rugs and carpets, lace cufiaina, etc I alter and repair alao all kinds of gar meats and fur. All work guaranteed. Special attention" paid to out of town ordesrs, and- express paid one way. In ci)ty all goods will be called for or deliv jsred free of charge. Oajrl Sehultz 6fl S?. 5!a n St Phone 206, 4 Ttmptin y -lent en Mesl is a mlice baked shiid or bass. When fresh from the sea they make 'a toothsome and appetizing mbrsal. We have every thimr In oysters, frSh.'and sait- 'water -fish. In :;irg s. var iety; tuid we jeceive them Creeh very dayl " " Um Gr Wc NTYRE Fish and Oysters, Stall G, Central Market. Phone 23. Free Delivery. The Ashiilie Pressing Club. Join ts f or the? Following Rjn-ons: We AflfPA kep all- your nM v ciothes neatly cleaned ajnd pressed, and always looking as good as new; fact , keeping your, clothes in Al shape, as miamy and as often- as . you wish. We send! for and delivefl all clothes. "r " - All pi the above ior 1 per Months ' A Trial In all W Beg f Yn - Yon Pre 8 the Kotton. We Do .the Pressing JENKINS, MITCHELL,' BOONE & BOGABTr Managers, t Rooms liV, 3; 4 and o, Gazette B'ld'er. Phone 389. - Np-To-Bac frfr Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood purer : 50c, f 1. tAll drugrgfsts. Fior sale" by. The Carottna Pharmacy College street and Court Square. . c - ON THE P!gIESTAL: OF POPULAJl T. APPROVAL. 1 you willflnd the JELLICO coal wia eveijf.c?u.5neyiiie mat has tested Its Mgh 6e-jiuamymi4ve)nomytnr-xlse. . t - . ujcjf . ei me "??7-.! tfle..f C-TZ: "fu a it giro? .uf nwra gantf up your stove or range. ' t linlts Talking through his hat. : .. T " .. f .i . 1 ' -. ':je - - the man ia who tella voii th rival our laundrv work In hMtntv nr mh eral satiafaatiiceii thA vwmf: .w w Oil tOO in UD tor daite:9AntArv TnnfYAAa individuaL patron in the exqulatt flais and sreaeral rennvuHfln nfhtv .ihun j CSare f handHnff la our "tchwwrd AshsyUle Steam Laiiiidry Phone 95. - -43 WP8T COLLEGE ST. JAS. P. SAWYER, President. DBatttteiry pa,plta,r Stoclr - - - - 100,000: Superior Lacihtiea tot Doing a General Banking Business, CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. 8AFB DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENTS UP-TO-DATE LIVERY, Polo Ponies, Victorias, Surreys, T. Carts, Knglih Tandem carti. RUBBER TIRE BUG' GIES. and the best eauiDJed SAnni.R Hni?5JR5 in the city. L-ssons given ia guaranteed or no pay. F. A. MEARS, PROP. Belo Swaunai .aHoteL 85 South Main St. New and Old Livery, Feefl anff Sa Fnl! lire oi First diss Livery. Prompt attention Open day and bight. C. C. MILT, Phone 180. They Must Go Wood Drivers and Braaseyn, ;at I t'ave oa hand 125 R. G. I. Co., Dtson's'. - od will never get, such another Co cife before they are picked over. . BLOMB ERG'S, - . , Leader to Golf Goods In the City -Established I 11887 17 Patton Avenue. e Ay aml TPrimeras, , 5 cents each,- MCncha110c.,'3 fof 25 cent. -Fdntanos EJnas,' lO cens. . Regalia Del ey," v 10 cents. . " "THE-N EST'Ll N5 , .". .'. .i - i t. Patent 1-4 sk. S .65 Biitmore' '-" sk BUtmore -' " " bM ColliQs' miole 171)at F)oirl-4rst r o, -f m; "We prefer the bread made from yom whole wheat flow? to any that we hav ever had upon our table and we have mover used any but ttie best - brands 0 flour. - ! . :i f 5. ii'jrnn THOS.' LAWRENCE. Pres. of Normal & Collegiate In&t For Sale by all Dealers. J. B. BANKXN, Cashier. LIVERY. FEED AND SALE Ridinz. also in.nninT. SAti.sfanHnr Phones 278, a Rubber Tnd Buggies. paid to all orders. Riding Lf? sozzs given. ART). PROP. 27 Havwood St. To close out what clubs I have on $1,10. Iron Clubs at 1.00. clubs; 50 Spalding's; 50 Wright :.x opportu - :ity tQ buy these goods. They are all new goods. .: cm "ARS. " Lvnastidadl 5 cents each. Magoiflcosts 15c., 8 for $1.00. rftbs.V 15cM 7 " Bonqoer " " iso." 7- lt " ft " - vSKldKE RS? ilARTlCLES. I .-1- ' mm Manager : 5- UP " ... ..- j .:..--..: ::' , " "hTI