41 - ; . ' ' : ; : , 'THE HEVILLE GAZETTE; cARCHi 5, 1899 , : I fAje fsesr equipped Hotel in On t'ue souther d slope of the Blue 1 idge mounrains, wncte gs are seldom seen, and,- without doufct thed bt inter ctip are in western North Carolmi, V For further particulars apply to , : J ; JOSEPH HELLEN& SON. a H i . Proprs. Oak Hall, Tryori,' N. C Domain of Health and Grandeur, The SKYjJKA HOTEL is build on a credt overlookhi a vast axea. of the wild and wonderful scenery of "The Land of the Sky." It is sheltered on the nirth from blizzarda, and is open to the balmy breezes and sunshine of the Southland. It's location Is HIGHER THAN ASHEVILLE, (3,200 feet eleviatian). MILDER THAN ASHEVILLE, GRANDER THAN ASHEVILL.E, 1 -.t HEALTHIER THAN ASHEVTLLE. It has its own springs of absolutely pure water. It Ham perfectly sanitary drainage system. It is thoroughly equipped .with hot and cold water, toilet and bath rooms, steam heat, electric lights and call bells Long distance telephone and p ostoffice. Its guest chambers are eta for table, adry and afford charm ing outlooks, w The telegraph and railway station is Tryoo, N. C, 40 miles souta of Asheville. .For information- and pamphlets address D. B. Stearns and Son, Skyuka, Polk County, North Carolina. " a Br SOW OPEN TOSHE RJEnODELED Table first-clats: hot ai d oid 0 01 e KtfwsSfrim balconies. Best location in city; street cars trom lepot to hotel tmace; three blocks fiom Court square. Up to (ate FJrvice, free biUiards, RATES MODERATE. I SAMUEL. H. REED, THE. BLOCKER HOME, O U. BLOCKER, Proprietor. lood Boars S5 per wek : $1.50 per day. OXjXD FOET- 25T, 0 D you want a summer and winter bom e tn Uw Land of the Sky ? Cool in eum mn and mountain-locked to the north with southesm exposure for winter. Pine yater, dry air, 2,800 to 8,000 elevation. Now Is the time, while property-is low, itfels is th place. Double daily train on through Southern Railway. Beauti tvl sceaery and the finest high altitude winter country In the world, attracting attention the world oyer. HOTEL FLEMING Marion, JN (iUrBSRCOXCERT i lenilworth Park Villa One inils from the court boose; threo jiautes walk from Biltmore car line: be of the kealth iet locations In 4 sh Ha. New house, with eitenriye nmrnds; open fires; every home com rt. No advanced tuberculoiis pa (ta taken. I Fbrst class board for only $5.06 and per week. b Mrs. A. Z. Cooley Sew England Home, Board. $3.50 aad $4.00 er week. 102 Patton Avenue. LEADER; looo LINEN NOTE HEADS for only $1.25. BcADAM'S pot-bath Cor. Court Square and Pstton Drink 1CER file Pare Health-Food Drink. A Healthful Sub stitute for Tea or Coffee. FOR SALE BY A.Greer 9 H.C.Johsnon,D.G.Nolandf JmG, Reeves and all First-Class Grocers. Jry it and jou will V drink no other. Water Cure Sanitarium. iVb Head i-IieirMa rftorxp,er1y wmrletor of ;? Fpf. 7 "if the South, is situated at POBLIG. AMD REFURNISHED. baths: steain heat: splendid Prop, Ashcville, N. C. r CO., Proprietors. THE 3R0VE HOUSE. MRS. KOPPELBERGER. tl Grove street. AsaevilJe, N. C. ''"Ho-te nicely papered and furnlahei throusrhout. Halls well heated Baths, hot and cold water. Modern !v!encea. Near street car line. PRTVATB BOARD. HoiiM in suburbs in large shady rrovs. ood tahle with abundance of frsi milk, butter, eggi., etc. Mils r-s court house on eiectric car line rvihon 29i. Rates low. Informatlor tt Mrs. J. M. Ray's, on Lookout Moua r.r lin or at Ray's bookstors Select Private Board. By Mrs. W. O. Hudson, 48 Sprue street. Asheville. N. C. Repainted and remodeled. Large, pleasant rooms. GraJtes or stoves every room. In the center of the city. PRINTING HOUSE, Avenue. g?UP STAIRS. Hotel :AUNA mm- AsheviUe, N, C, 167 Trench Broad Ave Mtdicliiel u No Opera tionsl w Latest Oetoan ' Kassage,1 Batts, ieSweldliKWbve- menisei. , mi aiseases ireaieu. . Physiciahf C. Assisftanfi Physlctan:' ? MmiiiarrKTiepper tfttoni A XToiversitV erly ai3istan physic - iciiani of I.i Boehm Ba'nlflarfnnl 'Frie&rich'C paaiciinatttti)t;,:j i r-- rodafjermanyi prtces and freleTeawes address msa;XAiiiaf 3 offer to all classes 'of j 3 thrifty persond unequal- J ; -IS ed Inducements to lo- rL s " S inducements ; cate within their borders To the Farmer j is offered good land at low prices, and on easy terms; good markets for all he raises, and never-failing crops. To the Laborer: a country where work is easy to get and where good wages are paid . To the Merchant: good openings, where honest,4egiti mate business can be carried sn with profit. To the Manufacturer: an unlimited supply of raw materials, and good shippr facilities to all the large markets. liberal inducements are offered by the citizens of the various localities. The CottfiH Belt passes directly through the best nortions of these States, and is the best 5 route for the intending settler, asitis the only line running comfort able chair cars and 3j Pullman sleepers? through from Memphis, to Arkansas ! and Texas without chantre. It ycu are ! thinking of moving, write for free 1 copies or our nanasomeiy musrratea ; pamphlets "Texas" Homes in the Southwest," Truth about Arkansas," "Glimpses of Southeast Missouri, Ar- kansas and Northwest Louisiana" and i" Lands for Sale Along the Cotton Belt." They will help you to find a good I location. H. H. SUTTOI, E. W. LaBEAUME, TrmT. FuiV Agent. Seal Fut. and Tkt. Agt CHATTASOOGA, TE55. ST. LOUIS, BO, Direct Li te From Cincinnati via DAYTON, LIMA.- TO TOLEDO, DEiRGIT, Michigan and Can an a Points 5 trains every weekday. 3 'trains on Sunday. Pullman and Wagner Sleepers on night trains. Vesti buled Parlor cars on day trains. CINCINNATI OHIO CHICAGO 4 trains every weekday. 3 trains on Sunday. Vestibuled trains, Pullman Standard and Compart- merit Sleeping Cars, Parlor Cars, and Cafe Dining Cars. CioeiDiiati to Indianapolis 6 trains every weekday. , 4 trains on Sunday. FAST DAILY SERVICE TO KANSAS CITY ami the WESTi' Dailv Pullman and Wagner Sleepers, vrlor Cars on day trains. J. G. MASON, Gen'l Southern A-gent. J. S. LEAHY, Trav. Pass. Agent, Knoxville, Tennessee. D. G. EDWARDS Pass. Traffic Mgr. Finest Passenger Service X "No trouble to answer questions." Direct line to TEXAS, MEXICO, ARIZONA, "CALIFORNIA. Write for new book on Texas, free. L.. S. THORNE, V. P. and Gen'l Mgr. E. T. TURNER, Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Agent. Dallas, Texas. ST. LOUIS ANO BEYOND VIA SOUTHERN RY- CHATTA NOOGA and" Nashville ILLINOIS CENTRAL R.R. nly one change of cars. Leave Ashe ville after dinner and take supper In St. Louis the next day. Inquire of F. R. Diarby, City Pass. & Ticke AgeSt,3rtor J. H. Wood, StatJOR-TJckat-Ager Vllle, N. C' f Irt -jy o;;; yizVr: 'l5w't;:leln!Da4lAesa.''TvrJl Vtirtflr rwr marfufacturers fool-your as there Is hoVa' pin sirfade that can ibe feUedupoaefend. S1.00 amd I iU seodjpctrajd.t ome Ivox of rDo?. Sampson's, f emaje yreiiatof J Aadiress Mrs. SampsonSSAjxdxews-Si ixoeasaxer; in. -x. L t - To - Cote Censtlpatlef iRbse-ek?i: fttA tke cascarets vCanfly GathanJft- XOetece t IX V.XS. JUL xai to cure. jflrwrjtistSirsrta tacmvJDl The Colleger -stffeet and "12oirtpSqt8xe2 tux 3& BUNCOMBE'S OliLY ,1 ... MACADAMIZED BOAD Prores8 of the Work; ing Done by Convicts North of AshevilW '-. Dr. I A. TT'oim.:. 4. i i cian, returned yesterday from a visit toorm pf ,the convict, camps. The condi ittoar of the roads and weather has pre vented much roaJd work lately. Dr. Haa-ria. speaks of the terrible condition of the county roaias, especially the Burnsvilk, road, excepting the part that is being macadamized. The macadam work has mow been extended about one mUe-and three quarters from the city limits. The old Kaqt ro.-. T.Anr'a carried the work from the city bound ary to the creek, and ithe new board has gone on beyond the creek. Th stone for jthe macadamizing is obtained right alongside the road. The new quarry on 'the Woodfin farm between the creek and the Burnsville hill produces good solid stone for the work, a. gre'at im provement on che first stone used on ithe road. The oonvieits have been at work on this first attempt at macadam izing Burns vilie's roads since last Oc tober but the slowness of their progress is due somewhat to tha season in which ihe work has been un dertaken, it is a great relief to farm era coming to town strike the hard maoadam of the completed stretch of road after ,tha terrible river of mud that' expends beyond it both north and south. HENOERSOaVILLE ITEMS- Hexidersonville, March 14. Workmen ro busy clearing off 'the ground for th building of the big -.new 'hotel. W. F. Edwards has the contract for the con eiL'uctiton f 'the building. Every conitracocr in HendersonviWe has his hands full for some months ahead. Seven or eight business houses are to be built cm Main street during the summer and a number of residences in the suburbs have been contracted for. Am effort is bekig made to organize a company 'to exitend the street car lline to Flat Rock. If itie plan goes through the cars will be run by dummy engines. The telephone system just opened is in good working order. Nearly all the business houses of the town- and many private residences-are subscribers. J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., conductor on electric street oar line, writes that his lit tle daughter was very low with croup, andihr life saved jafter all physiclanrs had had failed; only by usiri One Minute ( srh Cure. Paragon Pharmacy. DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure. Quickly cures Dysentery and DUrrbra. Atlanta aHew Or'eans S or: Line. Atlanta & West Point Railroad Company The WrsUrTIw'y o! A'a. THE SH0ET LINE BETWEEN ATLANTA AND NEW 0RL ANS, Operate miagnificen'b ves'tLljuled' trains be:wean Auianta and Montgomery, Mo bile and New Orleans, at which lat iter roi'nt clcse land direct c'oar.ec lions a:e miade for All Tex s, Mexico And Ga!i ifrnii Point?, In Addition to this Excel' ent Through Trail and Car Servisft These irailroads offer miaat favorable ac commcda'icins atd, inducements t) iLheir paiToois and residents alcog tibe'r line. Any one ciontempla'tiiig a change of home c'aim find no locatlion miore ah; riactive tnor micre TOnducive to pros perity than is to be found on the liiie tf .these rciaids.- "THS HSAET OF THH OOTH " A beautiful illustrated book giving de failed informaton as to. the industries and attractiomB along these lines-, oau be had upon application, to 'the under signed, who will take pleasure In gi.v ing all desired 'inljormiaii'iion. B. F. WYLY, Jr., Gen. Pass . and Ticket Agent . Atlanta, Ga. R. E. LUTZ, Traffic Mgr. Montgomery, Al!a. GEORGE C. SMITH, Pres. and Gen. Manager, Atlaimta, Ga. SEMB OWE DOLLAR bv freieht CO. D. Rublect to examination, you can examine it at your freight depot and If you nnd it LL TO AN t ilOoToo TjOP BtGI you erer saw, perfectly satisfactory and the CRANDKST BAKUAIS tOB HATF J YOU RVKil SEES OR HEARD OF. OUR SPECiAL urrtn pay the railroad aent SI6.SO TO S90.CO BUGGIES AND SURREYS. 3 -2mmm?r - .CMEUEEN. (OUR OWH MAKE.) ii Iccan WE waht the best. Our wheela.gearawi bodies are Water BabSed and thsHaierial and toftWhsOUR ACME QUEls tte gs; on R a r fl v r nvFR4 TOST of mAftrutl and labor, lea-ring us the smallest profit imaginable; t we w bmldinE 70 bnSIa a d av and to advertisa our buggy factory we are willing to SKLi them OS Indbuild bp XiAHQ feST-B tXCfQ Y BtJ6HJ6S i IN THBJ WOKI. , r y , , - -c THE ACME Wafjwi" .ik-Aafi back curtains, boot storm abfon and anti-rattlere . i a.-c, t v, . n . . . ifr-itvtn nm shafts? PoliTS'mEb extra. BliGttI WEIH8 400 PpOS8n4,tbe Irafcf er. hrZOoZ n(U iOO ulti. -i i 400 -ilea, StvU 0O Ue tJ.CO; 1,000 6. ta" -will arerapa tor iuo aauea, sou nine. j,- Z w ma mm iu. tm ck v a.r.f. .,A SEN P"OMErt0 tA.AR j it Wafaafaytcrypayto railroad agent balance, 4.oo axi 1 SWIM. JSX3 X A E4 Land Catalogue Houses. BU Y-THE BEST yRjTE for OUR FREE BUCCY, -CARRIACEND ItABNESSCATALOCUE. f iKTO E B U Clt nEt? C Oi'JI ficSP Cjrt t C AGO," ILL. HOT WATER WELLS. r. ... Cases Temoeratara Rl L Twety Decrees In Single Htfffet Csvase of the Phenontenen. The wells in parts of Arizona nave re cently become producers of hot water, and apprehension is felt by many of the residents of the region affected that thej are about to become participants in u grand volcanic drama. In some of tlc wells the temperature of the well water rose 20 degrees in a single night: Id a few the phenomenon disapimtred sood after its appearance. In a major ity of the cases, however, the wells fair ly steam from their newly-acquired heat. The first known of this curious state of affairs was a report that the wells at Maricopa, on the Southern Pa cific railroad. 30 miles south of Phoenix, had suddenly become hot, says then Omaha Bee. : It was four days thereafter that the phenomenon first was noticed a dozen miles west of that city. A test atone well showed a temperature of -nearly 100 degrees. No difference ya noted in wells in the, immediate vicinity of Phoenix. The line of subterranean heat wave follows the general direction of the Si erra Kstrella mountains, a volcanir chain lyinp- immediately south of the (ilariver. Thence il appears to continue on in the direction of the Elarqua Half mountains, near which are a number of large and modern volcanic cones and hills of drifted volcanic ash. Further to the easl the lava flows are so geolog ically modern as to have overwhelmed in a number of places the cliff dwellings of the ancients. DISCOVERED BY A WOMAN. Acwther gxe'a;ti discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady in this Miintrv. "Disease fastened its clutches w v y - upon her and for seven yearns she with stood its severest tests, but her vital or gaas were undermiried and death eeerried Imminenit. For three months she cough ed imoessiantly, and could not sleep. She fLnlally discovered a way to recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, andwas so much, relieved on taking first dasethat she slept all night; and with two toottles has be-en absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz.' Thus writes W. C. Hamnick & Co.. of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles free at T. C. Smith's and W. C Oarmichiaiel's drug stores, and at Pel ham's PrJarrnlacy. Regular size 50c and $1.00. Every bat tie guaranteed . MUST FEED STATESMEN WELL. Cooks of Washington Hold the Fate of a Presidential Administra tion In nieir Hnnds. "My supreme social effort has been accomplished, and I am nothing but a wrungout raa left to tell the tale,' writes "A Cabinet Member's Wife" in the Ladies' Home Journal in her seriir. of letters giving- her experiences in Washington. "I'm tired enough to go to bed by the time breakfast is over. Do ycu suppose I am catching laziness? It's in the air. By the supreme euort t mer.n c:y cabinet dinner, the last one of this praicn, anl the firs! stair alfair to fo"ow Lent and Easter. There is no set time nor rule, governing ihese din ners. This year the cabin:- larliisgot together L.r.t decided to divide the hone cqu-ilj aincng them, Laif of'our number entertaining each year, conse quently I will only give two cabinet dinners during the administration. Everything went off smoothly owing tO'Lem and a good caterer. The truth is, Lj'de, the servants make or mar an administration. Tariff and currency are of importance, but good domestic service is a necessity. If 1 were lobby ing for a bill I wculd first fevd well th- fei nAou e dip S5SJ PromoteB a luxuriant trrowth. lyi I r ver PailB to Kestore Gray ixa.iv to its Youtliful -Color. Cures scalp diseases & hair falling. ffJC,CDQ ji.wa jjruggi.-;s ELECTRO SILICON Shines Silverware surprisingly Without scratching. Sample sent if you say so. It's unlike all others. Box, postpaid,, 15 cte., in stamps. It's sold everywhere. ' The .Ele'rjo Sillicoh Company, 40 Cliff Street, New York. S3 Cut tbia &d silt mrtA un i n rim n1 ff vn live East of tbe Rocky- Mountains we wUl send this HICH-CRADE TOP BUCCY to rwtt oo.uu ,r0TiIr senTitH 5XT BUILT IN OUR OWN FACTORY IN CHICAGO, on honor from the best material money can buy. WS)le ir our Free Baggy Catalogue we show. Top Buggies made by other makers at $21.50, $28.75 and $34.75 the exact same buggy that are eold by machinery , dealers, at C45.00 tc (75.00 and are being widely advertised by roarry-s.tlS9.00 to $00.00: OUR ACME QUEEN AT S55.00- tne most wonderful value ever offered, TUK LOWEST I'BICE JTE. QVOIE'J OS THE BEST BtUGX THAT CAV BB BtlLT. Yfe mainUir oar own five story buggy factory tor the sole v. 1 'ri :. V -pwrpose of building and selling a BETTER BCGtiT i .-JBA.1 WI tAS HUX ELStlJHKHK and U AVX VCB Every Buggy W Make Is C8Tartteetf Five Years ana They will out wear.Five Ordinary Factory Rigs. Z ? THE MATERIAL AHD LABOR IH CUB ACMt -CUEEH cost Msrc- than doable that in the ordinary factory buggy. W use a $2.60 cubhiou eloth, some nee 90 cent; wo use a41 .oO bead lining, some use 1 0 cent , we uaeS eeat leather, some use 0 cent: we nee CS .60 colors and Tarnishes, some use 76cent gsdtf .00 .TO JrAIAiMoai XOUJBLE the price most maker wneeis. vaiM 17.," ,; In back. iUier ener4 Bw. axi XaU, Rubber Stop., TeJ,et trpet. ed fa 10 coals, body black, gear dark green with UCCY-MONEY CAN BUILD, direct Iron OBDKH io-dat. aoiri DEllAT. v . uTnu e V raai Dllll n itlMKt trrm IWalrA it UJ COLUMN MISCKULAWJKOU?. Wanted To purchase second bknd dress salt case. Adores X. T, Gazette. VISITORS to the city In search of board ing house accommodations utll find the advertsementts under these heads to the Gazette 4 valuable asaslstaace. MISS NORA WARE Pianist aad teacher In stringed Instruments, U Vance street. KOJBBitT bhOTJh city surveyor and engineer, office raily Gaiotte; resi dence, 65 Victoria avenue. HKI.I' W ANIKD WANTED Rehab lo saitsmao: ito se I our complete Ene of paincs, varnishes, etc. Good! position and libe.al terms for right man. Address "W. W. Stod dard & Co.," Cleveland, C&Jo. 30 6 1 WANTED. Position of nurse by youns wnite girl, age 1. Addrees M. C, Ga zette office. tf rou RENT. FOR RENT Roorrus in Hetdry b.vck. opiojne couiH: r.oue. Apply ,o S. Main s'.ireet, C. S. Ccopcr. 1 m FOR RENT Nltecly furnittoe-l TO.m, mew houise, all miodern co.ivc nitnc, only $6 per month to Tight party. 167 Patton avemue. 29 4t FOR RENT Th:e liarg? co ntctin rooms, partly furnisaeAl, 6u:x-t)l5 for light housiekeeping. Five minutes wialk from square. Apply at 14 Pa-'tcn avenue or 18 St'a-nis avenue. 27 6t STOREHOUSS FOR RENT. Four rooms on second lloor, 276 North Main. Teims leisonab e. lw. FOR RENT At uhe low rate of $12 per month; residence, on Blanton street; 8 rooms; large lot E. Coffin, comer Haywood and West College streets. Wl-tf. ROOMfi and noAitr. BOARDING Rock Ledge; fine moua taia scenery. Modern house with all conveniences. Ore block from P. 0. Good elevation. Mrs. Lucetra V. Cole,. 62 Haywood street.. FOR RENT A four room coictatge in Woiolsey. One-half mile from city lira iits. Also vacuin't Toto for sale. Apply to C. S. Cooper, 39 South Main afreet. 29 26t FOR SALE Dairy lunch room, 38 Pt ton avenue, also furniture, bed room eet, carpet, stove, etc. Inquire am 38 Paitton avenue. 29 St TYPEWRITER FOR SALE Second hand Caiigraph for ten dollars. Er quire at Gazette office. FOR SALE Quaker Bath Cabinet for' Turkish and Russian baths, to be .tak en in your room. Price $5. The lat est and best. A boon to mankind, for full pajptiiculare and examination of cabinet, address Miss Smtron, 243 Hav wood street. 232-3m V O KY TO LO X. TO LOAN On Improved city property $500 to $800. Address with description of property box 200 poetomce. "A THRILLING NIGHT'S RIDE" is the tide of a very interesting illu strut ed fcory, which wiil be mailed upon receipt of 2 cents postage by A. F. Cleveland, 49 North Pry or street, At lanta, Ga. LADIES OF FINE TASTE of Handsome, Exclusive and Economic Outfitting from the great stores of Phil aidelphia, can have, v.ithout cost, a per sonal agent of large experience and ex qu'eiite taiste to susrrr-'st an'd purchase goods for them.-c '-.a or family. Ac counts opened. 1. d Ji e:s, stating needs, MRS. MOORE & WATERS, P. O. Fox 2132. Philadelphia, Pa. THE ACME WARMING VESSEL. The most effective and durable article in use, for the relief of Pleurisy, Con geation Colks and Neuralgia, awa an Ideal foot warmer. It is oval in shape, weighs 10 ounces amd holds 1 "3-4 pints of water. It is recommended by phyisfici'ans and all who have used it. Three styles, Plain shed Copper, Transparent finish, $L!75. Charcoal Plate Copper bottom, $1.25. Charcoal Plaite Frog Green finish, 75c. Sent on receipt of price. Correspond ence solicited. J. S. Little, Sole agemt. Office No. 36 Palmeto Building. No-To-liac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco babit cure, makes weaS iren strong, blood pure. 50c. $1. All druggist For sale by The Carolina Pharmacy College street and Court Square. A FLOATING CITY. The White Star Liner Oceanic will ac commodate 410 first class, 300 second clksa euid 1,000 third class -passengers, beside a. crew of 390 men. The bunkers hlave a capacity of 3,700 tons, or sufficient for a cruise around .the world without once repealing. "is to see to Jt that her ' children begin early in life to shampoo their heads regularly once a week. In each in stance, after the hair is thoroughly dry. some mild, health -giving tonic should be applied to the scalp to aid nature to creating tne Dest possi Die growtn of uniformly colored, lustrous, healthy hair. the meet Important restore in tne mate-up of beautiful women and handsome men. For more than fifteen years, the , 7 Sutherland Sisters' has stood at the apex of all shampoo wasnes, -while the " Haib Geqwer " has been eaaal-r ijr successful In vIts efiorte to' return- the injured scaip ana almost uiexess uair their original heaJthfuhjess.- & . -s r ill ; ? .4 f i i i '- i : I u i ' 5 f A- I. I .