"... $ . , A:' 11 XT'- ' ' ., 5 -THE, ASHEVILLE GAZETTE: MARCH j6y 1899 jMy'BPW- " ' " A A1Z: I I La W n s ... . f Ac ftoesf equipped Hotel in the South, is situated at 0n t'ud southern slope of the Biue -'idge mountains, wtiere fogs are seldom seen, and, Without doutt the bett winter clin ate in western North Oarolini, 5 -For forther parficulars apply to " JOSEPH HELLEN & SONn ;Proprs. Oak Hall, Tryon, N. C. A Domain of Health and Grandeur The SKYUKA HOTEL j.g built on a creafc overlooking a vast area of the wild and wonderful seen ery of "The Land of the Sky." It ,iM sheltered oh the mirth from blizzards, and feopen to the balmy breezes end sunshine of the Southland. It's location Is . HIGHER THAN ASHEVTLLE, (3,200 feet elevation). MILDER THAN ASHEVILLE, GRANDER THAN ASHEVILLE, HEALTHIER THAN ASHEVILLE. It has -its own springe of absolutely pure water. It Ihas l :- perfecftly sanitary drainage system. It is thoroughly equipped witlh hot and cold waceT, toilet amcl bath rooms, steam heat, electric lights and call bells Long distance telephone and p astomce. Its guest chambers' axe con . for'table, airy iand afford, charm ing outlooks. The telegraph and 'railway station is Tryon, N. C, 40 mOes soutj of . Asheville. For infarmate and pamphlets address D. E. Steairns and Son, Skyuka, Polk Oeunty, North Carolina. fiOMJ OPEN TOSHE REMODELED Fable first-clas; hot ato ( old views Irum baicooies. Best location in city; street cars from depot to bote tnace; thrte bVeks from Court square, Up-to date r-rvice, free billiards, RATES MODERATE. SAMUEL, H REtzD, Prop , Asheville, N. C. HSST H E bToCKETO O H. BLOCK EE, Propi ietoT. ucma Fioru 15 oer week; $1.50 per day. j v - - p you want a summer nd winter horn e tn thp Land of the Sky? Cool in sum jnr and mounfeain-locked to the north with southern exposure for winter. Fine water, dry air, 2,800 to 8,000 elevation. Now in the time, while property is low, tbi it the place. Double daily train on through Southern Railway. Beauti ful ceBry and the finest high alfftude winter country in "the world, attracting tttention the wOTld over. nu LL. I L.L.IVI I i M qurBRR CONCERT Kenihvorth Park Villa On mils from the court bouse; three minuter walk from Biltmore car liner of the healthiest locations in A she TiBs. New house, with extensive grounds; open fires; svery home com fort. No advances xuDercuiosis p tfests taken. First class board for amy 56.00 na ft.M per week. Mrs. A. Z. Cooley. Hew England Home. Board S3.50 and $4.00 per week. 102 Fatten Avenue. OUR LEADER: 1000 LINEN NOTE HEADS for only $1.25. IMcADAM'S ror-R Cor. Court Square and Patton torink he Pure Health-Food Drink. A Healthful Sub- stitute for Tea or Goffee. FOR SALE BY A.Greer, H. C.Johsnon, p. G. Noland, J.G. Reeves and ah First-Class Grocers, . Iry it and you will drink no padlc For PUBLIC. AND REFURNISHED- baths; steam beat; splendid OLD FOBT 1ST. 0, Marion, N. C Ji X)., Proprietors. THE GROVE HOUSE. MRS. KOPPELBERGER, tl Grove street, Asheville, N. C. - Houm nicely papered and furnished throughout. Halls weU heated Batfcs. hot and cold water; Modern vesvtences. Near street ear line. PRIVATE BOARD. House in suburbs In large shady rrove. -rood table with abundance of freeh- milk, butter, egs., etc Mil from court house on electric car line f elphone 29S. Rates low. Information it sirs. J. M. Ray's, on Lookout Mou "at line or at RayV bookstore. Select Private Board. By Mrs. W. O. Hudson, 48 Sprue street. Asheville, N. C. Repainted and remodeled. Large, pleasant rooms. Graites or stoves every room. Tn the center of the city. PRINTING HOUSE, Avenue. &TVP STAIRS. ' other. din Water Cure. AstieviUe. N. C, LateisttjermMetnoa. No Medicine: : . No Operations! Ma8sab-a7 Bath's.' Diet.wecdish. - Hove- O ' :. '' mentsetc All diseases treated. H'eadi : Physictaa: j C . Siahulze, M. D.. of -, LeiTMa : University, ,Assisftanfi Physician: , , Minna. Kuepper, tfrtrar erly. assie'tant physic icliani of Jkl.--- Boehm Sanitarium Friedrlch' rndfL Germany. - formerly - proprietor of Dueeseldorf f r . omtno Instituttei. r rwrfr unflWexenices address Misa Lina Kuepper. -r n "V -. ra AJS&t ARKANSAS AHD ; offer to all claases - of ; thrifty persons unequaL ; ed' inducements to lo ; cate within their borders To the Farmer , is offered good land at low prices, ! and on easy terms; srood markets for u w t jvioviojituu iiwYer-iaiiing crops. To the Laborer: a country where work is easy to get - and where good wages are paid . To the Merchant: ' good openings, where honesteglti mate business can be carried en with profit. To the Manufacturer: an unlimited suddIv of rawmateHals. and good shipping facilities to all the large markets . Libera 1 inducements are onerea Dy tiie citizens ot the -various localities. The Cotton Belt passes directly through the best portions of these States, and is the best route for the intending g settler, astis the only line running comfort- "j able chair cars and g5 Pullman sleeoers 5 t.hroncli from MemnWa. tn Art an an a "5 , ana Texas witnout cnanpe. 11 you are i thinking of moving, write for free ! copies of our handsomely illustrated I pamphlets "Texas," "Homes in the ! Southwest," "Truth about Arkansas," Glimpses of Southeast Missouri, Ar kansas and Northwest Louisiana." and I "Lands for Sale Along the Cotton Belt." They will help you to find a good locanon. a? . g H. H. SUTTOI, E. W. UBEAU1E, e TraT. Fui'r Agent. Gen'l Paw. mad Tkt. Agt CHATTA5006A, TENS. , ST. LOUIS, HO, The Direct Lhe From Cincinnati via DAYTON, WW. TO TOLEDO, DETROIT, Michigan and Canada Points 5 trains every weekday. 3 trains -on Sunday. Pullman and Wagner Sleepers on night trains. Vesti buled Parlor cars on day trains. CINCINNATI OHIO CHICACO 4 trains every weekday. 3 trains on Sunday. Vestibuled trains, Pullman Standard and Compart ment Sleeping Cars, Parlor Cars, and Cafe Dining Cars. Cincinnati to Indianapolis 6 trains every weekday. 4 trains on Sunday. FAST DAILY SERVICE TO KANSAS CITY and the WESTil Dailv "Pullman and Wagner Sleepers. "rlor.Cars on day trains. J. G. MASON, Gen'l Southern Agent. J. S. LEAHY, Trav. Pass. Agent, Knoxville, Tennessee. D. G. EDWARDS. Pass. Trafllc Mgr. Finest Passenger Service itst rJC IE S "No trouble to answer questions. Direct line to TEXAS, MEXICO ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA. Write for hew book on Texasf free. L. S. THORNE. V. P. and Gen'l Mgr. E. T. TURNER, Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Agent Dallas, Texas. ST. LOUIS AND BEYOND VIA SOUTHERN HY. CHATTA NOOGA "AND NASHVILLE ILLINOIS CENTRAL R.R. Jmly onecliang'e of cars. - Leave Ashe vlle after dinner and take supper In St. Louis tha next day. Inquire of P. R Darby, iCity Pass. & Ticket Agent, or J. H. WoooVStation Ticket? Agent, Ashe ville, Njgl, - - Don't let- unecruplessplll venders, or manufacturers fool youaB there lsmot a pill made that can be relied upon. Send $1.00 and Lwijl send postpaid, - one, box of Dr- Sampson's, female regulator ev ery bou guaranteed or money refunded . Address Mrs.vSampson, 268, Andirews St, Rochester.N. Y. , . r ' To' Cu6 Constipation Forever TakeCascarets Candy Cathartic. 10o or 25c. If C. CC. fall to cure, drnrpists refund money. 1 For saTe by The 'Carolina 'Pharmacy College- street and.Court Square. -, Attention Ladies ,PT MILLER ESCAPED . M . . " FROM THE COUNTY JAIL Lt. HerseU Down Trfm the- Third Story Window Caught and is 1 now in a Cell. ' i'!,p,t" Miller "ihe iiesrresa who steals cflctfhihifi' bv rw. , i to Bell, almoat mrw,0ava n,ann the coun'ty Jail, where ha is con fined awaiting trial in the criminal count on Monday. Sba was mot kerit in a cell but was allowed ithe -liberty of the hall Tino tr u-vk i . J W1 me third story of the jail in i company with nesro woman serving a six moniths' sentence. Mon day mornimg the children of Jailor Lee saw Pet runnSng through the jail yard and gave the alarm. She was pursued and -caught in a room in the long ram Wing building known as "Church Row" on Eiagle street, where she had. hidden under a bed. Pet h!d either jumped from Ithe third story -window of the jail to the soft grouod below, a long and dangerous faW, or had Itet herself down by means of clothing made inito a rope. She is now in a ctHl ait the jail and -will stay there till she is tried alt the April iterm of court. JBILES MAY r.HALLFHOE. ChicaEo, March 15. A Washington special to the Retord sla.ys: It predicted bv officers around the M3T 'rartmj.-t that if the beef board makes a report unfavorable to him, Gen. Miles wia challenge the impao'bi'aility of Ool. Davis, the judge advocate, and at D?mpt to shov per's'irial enmi'ty1 on hfe pant, lie arsfrts that Col. Davis was the tau-or o. a letter sent to congTess by Col. umont. reeomrr.endrag th'at 'the bill to make Gen. Miles a lieutenant general b Dostponed. It is true Col. Davi.3 was military re:re:urv tn Poi T.mnn'f whn th-i ?t:?r w?s secretary of war, afid was hi 3 chief and most influential adviser. Col. Travis wi-ote a large number of the re'pcr'ts 2nd r.'nourr.eats which bear 'the s-Tgratvre cf Col. lamcant, In'cludtsg the promoting Miles; but that action was 'taken by crder of the presided 'aftr con sulfation with the cabinet, amd was Dasea upon. Mr. Cleveland's persrnal ex perietnee with Gen. Miles in l.ionnection with the surrender of Gercnim'O and the Chicagjo sitrikes. Mr). lOleve'laai'd ihas al wiayei charl-ed that Gaa. Mllest wlas guil ty of gross disobedience of ctfdenia in 'the first iins'mce and it-hat he tindeavoxed to shirk reisponsibillty; in 'the second. J. Sbeer, Sfdalia, Mb., conductor on electric street car line, writes that his lit tle daughter was very low with croup, and hr life saved after all physicians had bad failed, omly by using One Minute C "eh Cure. Paragon Pharmacy. A FLOATING CITY. The White Star Uner Oceanic will ac commodate 410 first class, 300 second elkss and 1,000 third class passengers, beside a crew of 390 mem. The bunkers have a capacity of 3,700 tons, or sufficient for a cruise around .the world Without once recoaling. At'arta a A New Orleans S orr Line. Atlanta & West Point Railroad Company The WstcrTRw'y of Ala. THE SHORT LINE BETWEEN ATLANTA AND NEW ORL ANS, Operate magnificent ves'tLbuledl trains between Atllanta and Montgomery, Mo bile and New Orleans, at -which! lat Iter point close and direct iomnctions are made for All Texas, Mexico And "Cali fornia Pciots, In Addition to this Excel' ent Through Train and Car Servise These irailroadisi offer rmost favorable ac commodaticms and inducements to their patrorjis and resiMents along Uheir line. Any one con'tiempla'tiiig a change of home daint find no location more alt tractive mior more condu'cive to prce perity thtin is to be found on the line of these roaids. "THB HEART OF TH2 EOCTH " A beautiful illustrated book giving de tailed iniformaton as to the industries 3 .it i:. fi ninoa nan, iLLLU. aiUttUUVlIB illlIIg UlCac ""'''I be had upon application to the under signed, who 'will take pleasure in giv ing all desired' lim!!ormat!i)on . B. FWTLT, Jr., Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent. Atlanta, Ga. R. E. LUTZ, Traffic Mgr. Montgomery, Ala. GEORGE C SMITH, Pres. and Gen:. Manager, Atlanta, Ga. EHMJS OSSE DOLLAR Cut this ad. out and send to us with si. w, and wo -will HKWiaPUOVED ACHK QCEKN PAKLOIi OKGAN.by freight toei.mU.UoB. You call examine it at your nwrwtlM If you And it exactly aa represented, equal to orjranj that .retail at $ 75. 00 1. S100.CO, the greatest value you ever b aw andfar be tter toan . a .rfiJ v... -!. . ,M miniT. na Sae freisnt agent our ipMiml 90 dsysoffer priee, 31. 75, less the 81, or 830. " ,re,nlca- t3I.T5 IS OUR SPECIAL 90 DAYSjBjgj, .agjg II -L riuO U T C UOWA U T If.lin f A. Vi w I ' . ed by others. Such an offer was never maue neioro. . . . . . i dnmhift an3 iweiettod THt AGMc QUEEN uhfiwn. vhicn la enoraTB.1 direct from a puuw6'f"' some Idea of it3 beautiful eppoannce. MadO JTrom oo Quarter Sawed Oak, antique finish, $ffi&$S$Z Prioeipal, Unldana, Helodia, Celeste, Cremona, B8P'' Treble Coupler, Diapaion Forto, Frtaeipal Forte, and Yoi na; 2 OsUt Coupler, I Tone Swell, 1 Grand Orgaa 8.weJ Orehestral Toned Resonator? Pipe Quality Beeds, 1 Se " i-E. SeotKe!odia Ueeda, 1-Bet ot SI Charmingly U1?1 ffZl Seeds, 1 Set of 84 Kichfieliow Sooota Diapason Keeda, 1 Bel o 24 FleaalBg SoftHelodlonsPrlaalpal Seeds. TUC APUC flliCCU action consist of the celebrated I tit RbmL UUCtlN Hewel Heeds, which are only psod in the highest grade instruments, also fitted with Docatocpieraana vnHiauna, also Deal uoiroieii, io.u.oi etc., oeuows or the best rubber ciotn, 3-piy De"7 "rf? and Qnest leather in valves. THE ACME OUEENis .Inled with a 10x14 beveled plate French mirror, nicxel plated pedal frames and every modern improvement. it J13ISU VBEK a handsome organ 6tool and the best organ instruction book published. sih An Mvrenne VC A EC with ytUAta a&a,g. i Bg-aaaw every iesseQneao Orgaawe issue a written binding zo year g cuarantee.bT the terms andconditions of whichiranygi part gives out we repair it free of charge Try U one otuuawgwmmuna your rauiic j j , 1 . perfectly BatisCed. SOOoftbeae rgana wUl be sold a1 !I.K. OrfupitaiM. Diia't AtT. " I HilR RFIIARII ITY IS FSTHBLISHED it yv have not dealt with uflaefc your neighbor about ua, write i,a ntihiishsT. nt thic ruuvn- m UAiMmolitan National Bank, National Bank of the Republic, or Bank of Commerce, Chicago; or German Exchange Bank, New York, OT any railroad or express company in Chicago. We bare a capital of Ter S4&0,OOe.OO, -occupy entire one of the larg t imttnH Kiwir. n i!kL..m aim! Anuilov over SOOpeoole In oar own traildinc. . WksklI. ORUiKit at r m ap; PIAS08, 125.00 aad vpr also everything in musical instrument at lowest wholesale prices. Write tor free special orgiun, piano and musiccJ !-"trument catalogue. Address, . SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO (Inc.). Fulton, Depiaine and Way roan SU CHICAGO. ILL. rre responsfble for dry, scrawny and .variable colored hair. Many people have a goodly supply of hair, and it would be beautiful were it not thai dandruff had destroyed its life and made it lustreless. Everyone's head should be shampooed once a week with some non-injurious and health-giving wash. S EzjSuthcNand Sisters'! Scalp Cleaner does not rot and bleach the hair, like ? soda, ammonia, eta Aid the scalp S cleaner with the "Haie Gbowsb." They contain nothing but what is good for the hair and scalp. m.n ST DBTTfJGTHTfL 9. GOLF TOURNAMENT. Ladies Handicap Contest will Com mence this Morning. The ladies' handicap tournament for the Norton cup will commence this morning at 10:30. The greens have dried sufficiently, afnd the program pub lished in Sunday's Gazette will be fol lowed. ... There will also be a gentilemam's handicap, singles commencing Tuesday, March 28. The prize will be a hand some cup presented by Dr. Charles Van Bergen, The entries for ithis tourna ment close March 25. The handicap committee desire to call attemiticin to the following request: "Members wisihing to play in the handi cap tiournaimenta will please hand to the 'handicap committee three scores, with dates, amd attested by some 'Other member of the dlub. Those wrho do not comply with this request will have to play from the scratch. (Signed) Chairman handicap committee." MADISON COUHTY RAID. Deputy Marshall Chambers, and Depu ty Coliecthr T. C. ZcCoy and R. F. Fox retUTEiedi yesterday from a raiding trip to Madisiom county. Alt the he'ad of Spring creek near the Tenmesi&ee irne, distillery was located, but itis owners had been tipped. When the revenue men arrived at the shack still was missing. It was diarovored in a nearby house under 'the bed. Nearly 600 gallons' of beer Were found and destroyed. Three blocV ders wanted by the rev enue depalrtm.t were captured in this section. DISCOVERED BY A WOMAN. Anwtber re'xti discovery has been made, and tt'-'t too, by a lady in this country. "Disease fastened its clutches upon 'her and for seven years she with stood its severest tests, but iher vital or gaos were undermined and deatb seemed imminent. For three moniths she cough ed iinotsslantly, and could not sleep. She finally discovered a way to recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, andwas so much relieved on taking first dosethat she elept all night; and with two bottles has been absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz.' Thus writes W. C. Hair nick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial botita-'-! fre 'U T. C. Smith's and W. C. Oarniiclaaiers drug stores, and at Pel ham's Phlarrmacy. Regular size 50c and $1.00. Every bot tie guaranteed . Ladies desiring a contented and happy old age should use Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Jkblets, commencing at 40 years old -and continue during "change of life." GRAND OPERA HOUSE THURSDAY, MARCH 16- Bartley Campbell s Beauti ful play, "The White Stave" j Vgiy Scencrv. i J Unique Electrical Effects. The Terrific rain Storm on the Misa issippi river. Explosion of the "Belle Creole." Plantation darkeys. Old Southern Melod'ies. "Raga are royal raiment when worn for Virtue's Sake." Regular prices of admission. Seats now m sale at Hienttsh & Reagan's. wsud you this fiPfjggSii&lga tl-., ,,,7JM topot and WSUk .... , . m m rr-Tll :" i' 5:1 -g"a p:'frli;: B.lilr CM.l: I V i : i n PEOPLE'S MISCELLANEOUS. Wanted To purchase second hand dress Btift case. Address X. Y. Gazette. VISITORS to the city in search of board ingf house accommodations will find tb adviertsements under these heads In the Gazeitte a valuable aea&stance. MISS NORA WARE Pianist and" teacher In stringed instruments, 1 Vance street. KO-BEKl UKOTJI ciiy surveyor and! engineer, office Daily Gazette; resi dence, 55 Victoria avenue. WANTED Reliable salsmaja to . &e.r our complete lime of pairita, varnishes, etc. Groodi position and libeial terms for right man. Address "W. W. Stod dard & Co.," ClvtLind, OMb. SO 6t SITUATIONS WAiiTt Is. WANTED .Position of nurse by young whiu girl, age 17. Addrees M. C, Ga zette office. xf POM KfcK i FOR PJBNT Mrs. Band's rr,denr-P No. 7, Flint street, corner of Hiawc.ee. Apply to S8 Hayvoo-d tlnet. FOR IJSNT Nicely f -raiishe J surnv rocrr.3, suitable i.r light hu.e keeping '139 Bailey atteet. FOR RENT Rooms in Hendry block, opt'Oiite cou:!t house. Apjly ,o 3d S. Main s'jroet, C. S. Cctoper. 1 m FOR RENT NleJy funnisttieJ rocm, ire-vy hou.se, all mcdern, co:iVvaience6, only $6 per ntonrh to Tight party. 167 Patton avemue. 23 4t FOR RENT Th ej larg? cormctlng rooms, partly furnished, euitalhla. for lifeht houseke'tping. Five mijute-s wiaik fnom square. Apply at 14 Patten avenue or 18 Staines avenue. 27 6t STOREHOUSE FOR RENT. Four rooms on .second floor, 276 North Main. Terms reasonable. lw. FOR RENT At the low rate of $12 per month; residence, on Blanton street; 8 rooms; large lot E. Coffin, corner Haywood and West College street. 281-tf. ROOM AST) B(UP,P, BOARDING. Rock Ledge; fine moun tain scenery. Modem house with all conveniences. One block from P. 0, Good elevation. Mrs. Luoetfa V. Cole,. 62 Haywood ertreet. FOK 8AI.B. FOR RENT A four vdym cottage in Woolsey. One-half mile from city lim 'its. Also vacant ltats for sale. Apply to C. S. Cooper, 39 South Main stareet. 29 26t TYPEWRITER FOR SALE Second hand Caligraph for ten dollars. En quire at Gazette office. FOR SALE Quaker Bath Cabmet for Turkish and Russian baths, to he 'tak en in your room Price $5. The lat est and best. A boon to mankind, for full particulars and examination of cabinet, address Miss Sutton, 243 Hay wood street. 282-3m WONKY TO LODN. MONEY TO LOAN Long or short time or to buy claims cm Yes'tDm Carolina biaink. J. B. BosiMc Co., 23 PaMon av enue, Asheville, N. C. TO LOAN On improved city property $500 to $800. Address with description of property box 200 poetofflce. "A THRILLING NIGHT'S RIDE" is the title ot a very interesting illustriat ed story, -which win be mailed upon receipt of 2 cents postage by A. F. Cleveland, 49 North Pryor street, At lanta, Ga. LADIES OF Fine TASTE 35: Of Handsome, Exclusive and Economic Outfitting from the great stores of Phil atdelphia, can have, without cost, a per eonal agent of large experience and ex quisite taste to 6Ugget aad purchase goods for themselves or family. Ac counts opened. Address, stating needs, MRS. MOORE &. WATERS. P. O. Box 2132. Philadelphia, Pa. THE ACME WARMING VESSEL. ux7xi The most effective and Uurab'e ar.'U-ie in use, for the reief of Pleurisy, Congestion Cclic amd Neuralgia and an ideal foot warmer. It is oval in shape, weigh3 10 ounces amd holds 1 3-4 pimts of wa ter. it is recommended by physicians (and all who have used It. Three styles, Plain shed Copper, Transparent finish, $1.75. Charcoal Plate Copper bottom, $1.25. Charcoal Plaite Frog Green finish, 75c. Sent on receipt of price. Correspond enoe solicited. J. S. Little, Sole agenft. Office No. 36 Palmeto Building. To restore the clear skin, .the bright eye, the alert fealt and sound health, use Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine. No-To-IJac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak iren strong, blood ture- 60c. fl. All druggists For eale by The Carolina Pharmacy College street and Court Square. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a can 3i date for chief of police, subjeo to the noml nation of the democratic convention. F. M. JORDAN Ba" th 9 yea m ,H31 lieacty Is Blood Deep. dean blood means a dean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im- Eurities from the body. Bjin to-day to anish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c For sale by The Carolina Pharmacy College street and Court Square. . COLUMN Or ' c ft Vr " t IS if J vv v r r 1 ,1 ' .r-- ir

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