X V fcH fx SH KV I LUE GAZETTE; MARCH ,-1899 5 tr " f ' . WE DON'T KNOVl V i -X'U X'--i- '-.-X--'.V'--X--'" - :;'.-'. '":Xf4',5X, -;r fi '-ft.-X'V -tX" - ' XXtii?,X I ; s! z-z-: .-- 7i-r----.t . X?S3?XAvX :?XKS :X -r,.f.. - .. r, ,r-r- -. Jar- i - - - Wax .Collector Chambers' office was T busy, yesterday with delinquent tax gay era who were redeeming: seize a property . ,Ttit ArlimAnU rtfl the " Sixth Im " mumes w axy were mustered out. Wednea 'day passed through the city- yesterday " -The Superior court jwas engaged' yes iierday In the - hearing' ox motions. 4 jno irtat;ers of - importance came veiure iae oour;. , 'Parker Johnscm, colored, cMarged with .steading arevenue stamps frflm Rut eag PaV-in. aaJ - w esu's omee.. was heror, Justice Eitokely- yesterday morning. :.fcle waved examination and wUs i-held. for - -court. " - -X ' - The White Slave ai the Grand last night was well patronized and every one, -seeded pleased with the pfayi The pai'U were well taken, ana cne scenic were harciy. applauded r- The AtVJaitdc Transport Line steamer ";-Ma3itou. which, arrived yestercray irom -.-London,- brought thirty eight Ihdgh class V pigs for George W. viatmierDiUTS estate -at Hlrancre, JN. J. iney are. m f Reuben Gentry. New York Tribune. ? Rogers' Book Store Was just published X anil. placed on sale a new and beautiful iof AjBheville knd Bilt ' mq-e. The pidtures are photographs on heavy and fine paper and the book tthrougLi'oub is a pleasing work Of xt and a valuable souvenir of this city. -ThV 'mayor receiveid a communication vesteri-av from John L. Cobb, V Nixon end Jrfen C. Tiptoni, a committee . select ed by toe citizens of, Linoolnton, N. C. The prstial e':ated that the body of Lieut, William E, Shipp would arrive at that pi-ace tat 11 o'C'ock this morning land tlhat te fi'nrx,l wouid bs held' at "3 o'clock "In the 'i-i' e . . It iavLLed all citizena of AsheviMle to attend. . "Bony" Jchn.scGi is uoder arrest in Sailrsbury. He is wanted ra this city and will pnobBlbly be brought ihere within th rext tfe,w days. The tenth of last February, .it' is alleged 'that Johnston b-oke into ts hcfvee of J. H. Howell In "Victcirfarand stole $700 Worth" of old coin's, and t silver ware. He was arrested in Sollisbury, while ttirying to dispose of some of . the :olen F'-",opeir'ty- The French Br3ad Press has fitted up a room in connection with its office, in which may be fourd a forge number of effective and i-nrttructiv specimen of prtx! ingj t'nm ihe be?t offl.e . n the country, a 11 m.a?niy fn3.m foreign 'countries. Ve rciom vill also be sup plied viV-" a'l te leading tajlvertising, .printir'", '"v ''w ?'r-i s:astionery t ae j-T fl1-. rre e v ir b? conven ' ieriit dezlt -T-.-h h-r f-cP i-ies at the dJsposnl c" i f-r'.-;-' -.-ii others inter esfced In nrlniirsr. TLs e.'ully printed-in vitationis lcvo fcccrj tens to Duemess firms in the city. ' AT KENILWORTH INN. -At Kenilworth Inn there was a -gather s ,'Bng'of .tire MtMl guests lasst night to par tieipate in, another of those brilliant so cial events given by Mr. Kittrtdge. Progressive uiahre was the feature lof" the' evenling. The fisrst prizes were won by Miss NewboM and Mr. Wiltberger. Among those presenit were Mia. -DowseV Mts. Wiltberger, Mts. Pbelps, ; Miss . NewboldV Miss Kelly, Mrs. Ray, MiSa Argersingier, Mrs. Studebaker, Mrs. Hoagla'ad, Mirs. Bass, Mrs. Sou! J, Miss IlincMy, Miss Scull, MisiB Stewart, Miss Fish, Mrs. Judson, Mrs Earle, Mr; AI lerton, Mr. Argersinger, Mr. Cohen, Mr, Hickly, Mr. Dowes, Mr. Gaino, Mr. Tnisda'e, Mr. WU b.ir.Ter. Col. Oaklev - - vr ' . l-.... VVi eiher the people come Lre first for stationery alwvs or whether they loot everywhere etee and Vind op here befre finding what they want " True it is that everyone who looks sat6nr stationery bus -because our stockif;the mrst com plete and the prices lor qiaiity, we know can't be matched See our ttockof'.Hamfl before, bpuytng perhapa we' can save yen i money Smoked Xx; Country: Hams and Bacor . - Pure - ; T CountryxLafd; at ;th same price you .pay, for; other ry r A 20 South Main St. rtUyI a DOOK OlOre, New Phdne Nq 1 8 arid 254 stuff. Reliable 20 Church Signs of Spring are. i evidiance everywhere- now, and a redaer crimson comes upon the - robin s area m a dovar like, whiteness comes upon,he shirt "f rent f,"tlie..young mas wnose ,Ataney augauy- turns to thougnts of love," If he is wise enough to bring his launorr work, te the AsheviHe Steam Jjaundany We .wilUutialccadr aaid: finish oa, your linen' that" could-never " be acqulr ea at any, other laundry rIn ithe state. Asheville Steam Laundry Phone 95. -43 WEST COtiTGE 8T JAS. P. 8AWTR, President. cured is tne be st. h - ; -"-7 - "v;.v, . 'r1 x -vw 1 X v iur iruui tue vu-HiieHT part, upto a c trpiete iiicjcany urw'ry Dried Beef : ' y; u be in wat . f, you can rome near. finding; it here. We Chipped, or by the piece, any a 6 Di8iributiDg "Depot for Morgan & VVright Tires. way you want it, and good; n, , J x 6 , 40 ISew Bicycle s A. D. COOPER. " 32 South Main. ' " 1 I- t-.' ' ' ' -t ' in-stock. an we can maka: Immediate delivery, iice irom pU to 975, 1 JEdS, Come in and see them any how ' Asheyille Cycle Co., Eugene C Sawyer, Myr . Pbeae 228 IST& 20 Chnirch St Strictly fresh eggs from private poul try yards at la slight advance over mar ket price. " . NEXT THE MARKET. $2.50 ONE WEEK ONLY 1 7 iv pairs Sb )es, $350, $4.00 and $5,00 quality ior $2.50 ia pir, till March 4th . Rubbeis, " ' Arctics, Mackintoshes, . Rub br Goats at Uberal discounts, ' " f Carl Siiultz, Dyer, Chemical Ce ner and . . tut rier. 55 South Main St I dye aad clean todies' and gentlemen's cthes; also fine fur rugs and carpets, Moe curtains, etc. I alter .and repair also all kinds of gar ments and fur. All work guaranteed. Special attention paid to out of town ordesrs, and exuress paid ome way. In city ell goods will be called for or deliv ered free of charge. X Garl Scliultz 55 8; Main St Phono 2Gtt M-. Hi WriD'ar. h, M:-. Driggs, Mr." Ray, Mr. HIGHPST IN SEVEN YEARS. The Swanmanca and Frencih Brolid rliv ers (are higher than they have been for seven years. The bottom l&nd3 along the banks of both rivers are covered with water ifcr several hundred feet on elach side. The .cottage on the banks of the Freeh BToad nelar the passenger sti tion are in several feet of water, and the occupants have been comnell?d To move o.ut temporarily. It is not thought Store. mai 'any or tne cottages will be carried away . The trains on the Southern, lame b?ing delayed by washouts atfd landslides. No trains were nm to Murphy yesterday, and ..a trestle is reported t be out near Bryson City. This morning all trains are running about on schedule time, 'and the rive? has risen about as high as it will . with the prompt and efficient work of the firemen, and feels tlhat it Is owing to tiheir skillful work thaJt the house was urn injured (and her own loss So sm'all. Bnasa feet centter tables at Mm Lu A. Johnson's for $2.00. Call and see them. 27 North Maim street. Complete stock of heavy -wedeht Shoes Pot men and women, aJt Bkuntons Shos FIRE ON W0ODF.N STREET. ; ..... ,At 9:40 last evening a fire alarm -was sent in from Fire Alarm Station 246. . The fire was at 100 Woodfin' street-' in .the: iiesidenoe or Mrs. Oliver Cromwell. The fire apparatus 'airrived in time to pre . Tent ..toy darn'age to the house, and prob ably . $100 -would cover the loss to car pets, -furnituTe, rugs, etc. The fire was caueed by the flame de cemding to the oil in a Tamp and ithe " JP tailing 'to the floor. Mts. Ctromwell 5ad been in 'the rom a few minutes' be re, but- had just ftepped into the eit ting room acrass Ithe hall, aind no one , v 1 UJm wn'en tne oil eauflht fire. 'Mrs. Cromwell noticed a peculiar odor of burning oil, and immediately went into the (drawing room, and, beheld the lamp blazing to the ceiling. ' The bilaair oil was dioppimg to the floor, and she i-eL to sm,or,lie'T' the flatrses with' rugs, f inding she was unable, ty extinguish them she hvwied oxJi to mil- the' serVaint -h dicip, ana; wlhenr she! returned:,, -ithe which -as mailed to the Wall. One of the Oic-mveil and "rie:s9fviarlli3r. did ail they wuia oo put out the fire. - - Vvn ii tt- nie trmtijav xived the covering of '. the diva waa torn off and ta f-tirvn-lr hcoTvd! to gelt at! the , -flames; -The "fiire wtes put out by the chemical extiiniguishers and 'the 'only 'kvv3 v.-S!son matting, ruigs, divan- and cur.Hicns H.U b?l nging tv Mr. Cromwell .-.j Mrs. Cromwe":! i3 very well - pleased The following deeds have been filed: W. H . Westail and wife, to Joseph' C. Bradford,. property west side Central av enue, $1,000. . J. M. Wes-tall,' trustee, to W. H. We-stalU" property west side Central av enue, $600. v - . ... . BbNAFIDE CLOSING GUT SALE. Our great closing out sale Is cwurlng its end. Thirongs of shrewd -buyn aviail themselves if the great opportuni ty of buying first class goods at a mere song. ... .. ' . . . Ajxyxme interested in the vpurchacse of first class clothing or grents furnish lag should carefully Inspect' piywtaiiow and examine my goodi. I am going to Porto Rico and all my sttock must 1m closed out at 25 per cejtft. below cost, I W. Gliaser, 34 South Main street. THE SIMPLEX INHALER A simpler.uaeful and cheap lamp for the trealtment f of asthma,; hay fever, weak lugs, crour and for sltsam tog the fat, rt can be used as a deodorizer and a cur sery - lamp. Circulars . on applloattiton. Prtce delivere, $1.25- J. S.-Lfbtle, No. J - Palmettd'-Biilding. .. 18 Patton Anenne Opp. Hotel IMefcy. riLASt!l rJ WE I 1 Every inch bne "pushes off" 4 A Tempting Ltnten el Is a iniice baked shiad or bass. When fresh from ithe sea they make 'a toothsome and appetizing mkxrstal. We have every thing in oysters, frsh and salt water fish, in large var'ety, and we receive them freeh everyday. Um."C. ATtclNTIftE Fish aud Oysters. S all G, Ceitjai Vtrket. Phone 23. . Free Delivery. Biltee Patent 14. st Bilf more . sk -Biftmore '" ": ". CollinsVfhqleflirat FfoirM sk S .65 2. 5. .75 "We preflsr the lrea4 made from your whole wheat flour to any that we have ever, had upon bur stable and we have never used any but this, beat brands of flour. ' N - THOS. LAWRENCE. Pres. of Normal & Collegiate last. For Sale by all Dealers: J. E. BANKIN, Ctsnief. Superior Labilities ior Doing a Oneroi i' Banking Business. 1 CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOB RT! IBfflCTl T LIVERV. FEED AND SALE STABLES UP-TO-DATE LIVERY, Polo Ponies Victorias, Surreys, T. Carts, English Tandem carU RUBBER TIRE BUG equipped SADDLE HORSES in the city. Lessons given ia Riding, also jumping. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay, R i F. A. MEARS, PROP. BeIOJrSaunaa a Hotel. 85 South Main St. New and Old Phones 278, Lilf. M ail Sal lies. beyond the normal distance of 12 inches after eya imiuire begins at 38, means an inch of danger. 99 persons out of a hundred may do M: With safety, you may be r- the omleitha. oamft. The man . hav ing the best eyes when olid age comes Will be tihe one thaJt heeds . their FIRST call for HELP. I filASS S L McKEE. HFLP bcient!tic Upticiam z EYE x, 45 Patton Ave. f I REST Blair's Furniture Store f VI -New - House, with ' all 'Modern Convchiences. Gdof41ocaiion Nicely F levated. l?i ne ?u ft t a h'Sce n c y fjlfsrlucetfaV. Cbl V I: . W D 'or Ladles and Gents. Outing Shirts for Men, ' Keckweair for .MEN and WOMEN, BUNLAP and:other makes in HATS. Xate&t Styles in straw-hats. Cor; Ladies. Sweaters, ;and Everytbing Golf Goods, aire ready: for "your inspect) on. j See our Show Windows,, theft fxamine our IGoodsS Tin AsbiTille r - Pressing-. C!nb . Why do you pay large 'prices for coaming and preBsingjreur clothes-when ttus Asheville Pressing' Club will do it all for the small sum of $1.00 a. .month and as often as yott like. We guarantee all out work to be first class in every way and if it is -nepartog .'or .;aiberatloxiS' ou'ifleed'to give us a trial las we are pre paiied to -do any and all kinds on short notice. . ; :. . We make a- specialty of cleaning and preL-e:mg ladles' Italliar made dresses. , We send fbr and deliver all clothing wlhen Lyou jxeed work In our line call up 389 JENKINS, MITCHELL', J00NE & BOGART, J , - X x Managers. Booms 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Gazette Bid's:. - - Phone 389. No-TorlSae for Fifty Cents.. . - - Guaranteed tobacco.haIt curei makes weak men strong blood pure. 60c, (&1..A11 Urugists. FVxr sale; by The "Carolina Pharmacy Oollege street' and Court Square, v F nil lire oi First Class Livery. Rubber Timd Uuv tries Prompt attention paid to all order w. Open day and night. Riding L sons given C. C. MILLARD, PROP. Phone 180. 27 Haywood St. 11. Patton Ave. x Both ;Phc?ts. --X "V ? ' 1 Golf Clubs To close out what clubs I have on. hand. They Must 60 ; Wood Drivers and Braeseys, at $1.10. Iroa Clubs at il.Oa I tave on hand 125 R. G, I. Co., clnba; 50 Sp4liD, 50 Wright & D tson's. .. . fe . tod wilL never efc such another opportunity hiry tfie goodb. . Come before they are picked over. They are all Ji w oodsf ' BLOMB ERG'S, J - ,-, lAMiti ia Goit Goods in the City Established 1887. ; ; 17 Patton Avenue. W0OCXXOO00OO0 1GA EL SrDELO...". Pdmeras", .5. ceQtseach, LaWaitidaai X r ; . ..--". . "u """ rerrmitos,-... . iso., rt" Kal PeMley, 10 osnti' Boilqnets, Jr ?-16,., 7X 6 ?ytb9ff t Factory Prltes. Off THE PEDESTAL 'OF;POPULAK . , approval; XXX X :--snou' wiU 'find the JELLICO piwJ xirfth every pne to, Asheville, that has tested, its Mgh grade quaJSty aad. economy in' use. RJch and. POCW Will find that Ithe v srAt tta 4 uw. uaeu, as glVtB OUt" mOTS ' Deex, leaves wss clinkers and 'gives out warmth knd biffghftoeas," Instsad of etog rSaar i Tour etov t-- 1 fi-i i I 1 0 X " ' x ir nt 3m ; -w- t v. v J - -IV 1 7 - j - t ;