-MARCH 'ifi8 F0UGHTO'WlHf;S0ULS; readier' Won TJiree Tr&e- city naiiKET, ..... s M Hnnn c f, jir.-.r w. t v . V : .:-;.: fia artran. ar ClJTtaaltT Imnortaflca l Thar duty, is Jto sift and train'tb poisonoa and wuti mutter from thblood, &4 if they f&Q to do this, the trouble shows In the nerrotm system, and oven in ' the bcsin. Yonr life lJ at staka when there are pains In the small of your back when yon are compelled to get p at night to urinatewhen the p'asslnof water aoses acaldlng pain when tlsere is a sediment. in .the urine in the vessel or -s- when ft appears white or milky ; When so afflicted, yon can -conquer the .trouble . with Dr. David Kennedy a Favorite Remedy, tha greatest medicine that -aiTiHiation has 'ever vknowa for curing Kidney, ' XIadder, Blood and ulvft Diseases. t-. z - James Lettico of Canajoharie, . v& wonderful cure: Some years age with pains in my back .:. nd sides ; that , litn (fearful. 1 1 could not con, 'trol r tay , kidneys, and ' what cmo from me was r filled with mucus and blood. , An Alby : doctor was to perform an" operation upon ana, and said my home doctor could take care of me after. I aaw an advertisement of Jr. David Kennedy' a Favorite Memedy, which, seemed to fitimy case, so I decided to try that before I ubnrltted to the operation. " I began its nse When I had .taken about k twbottles the flow from the bladder grew cleaner, and the pain stopped, and in evahortime I was saved from the surgeon's knife, and am now welt" " Favorite Remedy alM ccores Eczema, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia nd Constipation- For Female Trouble it is unequaled. It is sold for ftx.oo a doeuo ax. au arug siCTea Scrapie 3oEiie fpcc T a free sample bottle will be sent, prepaid, to those who send their full postof&ce address to the Da. David Kinnzdy Corporation, Rohdout, N. Y. It is necessary to say that you saw the advertisement in this paper ii you wish to take advantage f this genuine and liberal offer. Send today. ' Trade supplied by ' TATE SPRINGS, TENN., , Nov. 10, 1898. Business Manager Gazette, Dear Sir : We desireto renew our contract with you on the half page advertisemeot of Tate Epsom Spring Water As a result of our first month's advertising in the Ga sette we increased our business in Ashevlle 400 PER CENT, We also hada considerable gain in sales in other towns of West rn North Carolina as a diract result of this advertising. ' Very Truly Yours, t ' ' H, A. LATHAM, i ! Condensed Our iLLusTRAtCD Pamphiet entitled MBABlESSH0Uid 8ejn Every Household Sent on application ONE 'trial BOTTLE THIS OFFER ALMOST SURPASSES BELIEF. An Extfpal Tonic Applied to the Beautifies it THE DISCOVERY & A WOMAN WAS THE INVENTOR,' Sipusands have tried from time Imme- . , Jnorial to discoyersome efficacious remedy fdrwrinklea and other imperfections of . ' -.: . - "tne complexion, but - none had . yet sue? y-$r ' ; eeded nntii the Missea Bell, the now fam- - r J.ouar Complexion Specialists,' of . 78 -B?fth BS k -r Avenue, New York lity, offered the pnb- . a : an; mtax . wouaenui Axtmpiexion xomc. ct4 ; r jThe reason so many feiled to make this . discovery before is plain, because they have : jnot louowedy the right pnnciple. JBalma, Creams. Lotions etc.. never h&va a tanfo ' effect upon the akin, hence the failures; 4 The Misses Bell's Complexion Tonic has a most exhilarating effect upon the cuticle, 'Absorbing and carrying off all impurities Which the blood by its natural action 1s .constantly forcing to the surface of the mk3i 9Xia to the skin what a vitalizing ionic is to "the blood'and nerves, a kind of new, life that immediately exhilarates and strengthens wherever applied. Jts tonic .-effect Is felt , almost immediately, and it speedflr banishes forever from the skin, freckles "pimples, blackheads, moth patches, wrinkles;; Hver spots, rouehness oiliness, eruptions, and discoloxa&ons of Any kind. , ; s In order that all; may; be benefited by AJbeir Great Discovery, the Misses Bell will, during the present month, dve to all call- THE MSSES BELL, - ;Tne.M tssea Be41' compJexloa. tonic, complexion' soap 4epf!o are f or Ae ln'tbia;aity'.W.'C'wwfchsi.t tn ths htn bodv than inn VUTi I W-V I I XII I In order that sufferers may be convinced of the curative virtues of Favorite Remedy, Dr. T. C Smith. Milk, h r W1 LA as by Magic. era at their parlor oni trial bottle of tbs& Complexion Tonic absolutely free; and in order that those who cannot call or who liye away 4pm NewTork may be bene fited; they will send one bottle to any ad dres J, all charges prepaid, on the receipt oi 25 cents (stamps or silver) to cover cost o packing and delitering,' The price p this wonderful tohic?is $1jW per bottle, and ?' this liberai offer should be embraced bv &11 their new book, Secrets of Beaaty." j Tins valuable work is free to all dirinp x. - iuo wuujl ireai3 exnaUSuVeiyK tnt f importance of a good complexioni tells v how a. woman may acquire, beaity jarid'J 13 AGE kti:toediapto the lalW1 the hair ; how to havo lnxmiant trowtfi harmless methods of making the iudr pre serve its natural beanty and oolor, even to advanced age. TJUso instructiona howxto banish snperfittous hair from 1 the face, neck and arms without injury to the akin. This book will be mailed to any address on request. (v --o,- -r FREE Trial Bottles xst Wonderful Com plexion Tonic free at parlors, or 25 cents (cost of packing and mailing J to those ata distance. r i " . , A , ice cordially solicited.- Ad dress - - . ' J? - - w fuu. av... W v c, I , skin' . v- food and fihts to Save Cowboy. X-- - OHS FIGHT LASTED SEVEH" EOTIHLa At CencIn.Jon of tic Cotet" ;Ech Covrbor Joined tlrt Battei-e4 Ean Cellat's FloeU BUurd , Hitting the Rale Ro Paniahment Wa Too Se Te For Ibe Clersryman. In the interests of Christianity and to raise money for his missionary work the Bev. ? Cyrus Escomb. a traveling evangelist of the Dnnkard faith.receiit- ly participated . in three pnzeusura at Bellefourche. & D,. of two, four ana seven rounds respectively. In each he was1 victorious, and with every victory he saved, or thinks he saved, a sotil. The Rev. Escomb has been holding revivals at the various cattle camps in this section for nearly a year. . Abont the middle of January he came to Belle fourche.": The citizens received him kind ly, but the cow punchers from the neigh boring ranges, concerning whose spirit ual .welfare he was especially solicitons, were not interested in religion. His opportunity came in an nnx pectedway. Chuck Perkins, foreinaiw u the "Star V" ranch, had been fcic.rui by. a vicious broncho and-wns indnliiw in considerable profanity. The Bev Es comb "pverheard and rebuked --lijm. Chuck jinstahtly became abusive. The minister nervous and irritable from bia long, up hill struggle with thi cattle men, threaterted him with a whipping- "Lick me, " said Chuck impressively. 'an I'U jine yer church I' Big Mike Crane, another of the "Star V" s&ns. and Charles Ranson. a local tough and bully, heard the cofaversation and 44 wanted in"in the game on the same terms. It was Crane who suggest ed a cash donation of $25 in aid of the clergyman's work of evangelization for each fight he won. It was probably the clerical cut of the pastor's garments rather than anything in his appearance that made the men so confident, for when 4hey came to strip they could not help noticing that he was decidedly in the heavyweight class and picked their ' best fighter to meet him first. Crane was their selec tion. . The fight was fought in a corral outside of town, where there was no danger of interruption. A big crowd gathered to watch the result iQt much skill, was displayed, but what the contestants, lacked in science they made up in strength, courage and determination. To every one's astonish ment the-fCev. Escomb forced the fight ing from the start. Crane held his own during the first and second rounds, but came up groggy in the third and was knocked out in the fourth. Banson made a better showing. He < & Sbeppar4f 6 Pstton Are. Anyone wishing to put steam heat id their building could not d better than use . H 11 x isburg Boiler. Bu you must have experience! work men to do the work, and we are confi dent that we can please you. Ball & Shepherd. PHONE 88 . Piso's Cure for Consumption is a priceless medicine for Coughs. I have within the past few weeks dis covered another point in its favor, and that is : it is a SURE CURE for LA GRIPPE, if taken when the first symptoms are noticed. W. A. Hillerman, No. 43 Bushnell Building, Springfield, O., Jan. 11, 1899. : nsOompaay, Wanen, Pa. Yl - m & T H"1 "y" bukoick sewing mauiiine J, H"l" ww h roantl pcrfcetly SaUraeMryT exactly jMrtrehtasM our Special Offer Price SIS. BO' DAT ' - " tfc. MONTHS I KIAL in jour own borne, wo will returaVoar i6-W wy lay Ou ar not 8tl8fi." W. HBBr.t ke. Br4e f Bewfar SachiMa at S8a.B18AO mm i nn .nri int. aJl nt which arsfnllr described tn D t.fh.iu aekiM Cat. bat SIS. 50 U,l 7-CDRAWEB BXTRDICK is tbe neatest vsJua j T bmn. ... THE 6URDICK modem ctoproeiBBi.. made, with the defects of nose; kadebr lae MsaWia SSfSiKSTSSSf1 draT'r POM, restsona esssers, bajl -r Ewi oDirtn Iron aianu. umw utrare nlsra arm bead made, positire roar-motion feed, eelf thtwadfae rlbrit log huttks, automatic bobbiJJVnabte beartoJ. ZZZ. f i JiSeI?S?r!i,n2,rd loow wheel. mdJartaWe riSI.'atU,crrie-. Ptent needle bar, auaebawat. is Taniake4 mad in -r ,tnn BcoktellsjnethoyanycmecanTOamrdoeither, plain or an t kind of fancy -wort: A BO-TEAJt ffO-ABANTKB is lent wUh ieTTT IT COSTS YOU NOTHING VShJ sr t mliliL lttnii.a.ni.7 mn.ia - Fpa FREE iUIAUu. r gFABS. Tells ths story. When yourihci1 uihes, and you ft I Mlioua. cons: - '- atcJ,jand cut ot,.rnne,' wiJlifyocr 1 bonuuc sour &aa co fiipetitc, just i uuy package ox 4 ; - k - . ";.- - i - .. . - And take a dcce ficom-i to 4 ; piijl. Vou will be sumrlsed at how easirv they wiU do their work, cure your i headache and biliousness, rouse the. i liver and make yod feel happy again. lasted seven rounds and mauled his an tagonist severely. - The latter von more by sheer endurance and indifference to punishment than by . superior skilL Banson entered the ring at the begin ning cf the seventh round badly blown and much annoyed by the now of blood frpm a cut over the eye. The Rev., Escomb saw his advantage and. avail ing himself of his superior weight and reach, rushed his -nian:srapidly about the ring, beat down his guards by pure force of muscle and finally landed a blow on his Jaw under which he went down and was unable to regain his feet. Perkins confessed himself beaten be fore he began 'fighting and devoted most of his time to dodging the rever end geatleman's sledge hammer fists. The latter was considerably battered, but Perkins, who bad at first considered himself sure of victory, completely lost his nerve when he saw Crane and Ban son faU and would jas he afterward admitted, have kept out of the ring al together had he been , able to do so creditably. He went out after two easy rounds. The Bev. Escomb held his men strict- j .to their agreement, and all promptly paid their money and professed Chris tianity. Perkins and Crane took their defeat in excellent part, and the minis ter expresses all confidence in their conversion, despite the unusual manner in which it was effected. Ranson is sullen and dissatisfied. He claims the clergyman fouled him, and it is doubt f ul if he will make a valuable or lasting addition to the evangelist's flocE The latter is an old Vermonter, passed his boyhood on a farm, spent several years in the Wisconsin lumber camps and bore the reputation in his youth of being an almost" invincible rough and tumble fighter.. He is now about 45 years old and weighed in at, the ring side at 197 pounds. Cranels 32 years old and tips the 'beam at 219. RansoD weighed 153 and Perkins 180. Special New York World. A Modern Photo graph Gallery. Many people desire eatmfaotoxy photo graphs of, themselves and" the tr familie amd would; liaye tbem itakeo oftene(r If tffey dfd not Aread the taking1. Here it ie pleasant all the way through, a skillful opera tor taia well equiped studio, Iwt every thing ready, gets y6uf picture al most befiore you are aware of it. H does it quickly and Dleasaatls' knowia exactly what to do and does i; without any wearieome fussdress. We oeidom nave to give reeittings, although we dot tt willimgly, when acc essary Most of our customers like the first. proofs we ehow them, in fact, thj rarely Do otherwdse, and: as a rule all re mitting are at our request We realize that the better picture we make thf more business we will get, and are there fore very parti cuiar to nave them srood If a picture doesnt suit, we make an other. No argueing, no trying to get you to take it. We won't do poor work at any price. We have only one grade of pictures and that the best that we can make, and the difference in price are regulated by size and style of mount. Every part of the work is well done from beginning to finish. We take the same pains and use the same kind oi material iff developing and finishing work, for amatuer photographers. Fret instruction in picture making with ko daks. Kodak loaaed free Of charge. Ray's Studio. l' riTi Best OootEbSynm.1 Tastes Good, use m i L tuna I old py Proggiaa. dnSlVni eat f ah( tier, ainflm.' bearing presser v .. v , . uu.u. i7js. .- ROEBUCKCO CHICAGO. ILLs' S3 ftaStSia Si Oo s' Latest Market: Prices J to Consumers. : MKA.TS. Natrvs Beef,; flrrt cut rib.15. -, Steak. sWofa, i I Steak lAdcrloln, 18. v Round, 10 to 12 12. ,rBeef, Western, rib roast, 18 to 20. Beef .Western, sirloin, 18 to 20.- Tenderloin, 20. v. -' Sweetbreads, 25c pair. Lamb whole, 12 12. Leir of lamb, 15. , Lamb chops, 15. . Veal whole, 8. : VS veal, 12 12. -ryeal chop, li 1 2. Wiener sausage, 10. All pork sausage, 12 1 2. ,'. Mixed saueagv, 10. J BoQogTiA sausage,' 10. Hamburg ateak, 10. " Pork loins, 12-1 2.. Pork Items, 10. Pork steak, 12 12. t Chops, 12 1 2. FISH. Skad, roes, 50 end 75 each. Shad, bucks, 30 and 50 each. Black bass, 12c. Channel bass, 8 and 10a.' Sun perch, 12 1 2. iSpefckJed trout, 10 amd 12 1 2. Fifcee, 10 and 12 1 2c. Breem, 12 1 2c. Cat fish, 8 and 10c. Red snapper, 12 1 2c. Sheep head, 8 and 10c. Porgies, 8 and 10c. Fresh herring, 10c. Mullets, 8 and 10c. Buntle fish, 12 1 2 to 30c Jmnch. OYSTERS. J Extra selecft, 50. . I Sedect 40. Standard, 30. DAIRY PRODUCTS. Butter (country) 20 to 25c. Eggs (market quiet) 12 1 2c retlall. VEGETABLES. " Oibbage, 5c one pound. Onions, 5 to 7 12b quart. Carrots, 5c quart. tParsolps, 5c quart. Beets, 10c buncb. Parsley 5c burnch. Lettuce, 5c bunch. Celery, 5 to 20c bunch (owimg to size). Rhubarb, 15c bunch. Irish, potatoes, 20 to 2&c ueck. Sweet potatoes, 20 to 25c peck Turnips, 20c peck. Camli . flour, 15 to 40c. Apple, 40 to 65 peck. "Give me a liver regulator and I can regulate the world," said a genlua. The druggist handed him a bo title of DeWitt's Little Early risers, the ifeunous little pills, Paragon; Pramacy. !r.lavid Kennedy l!ayrlte Mcmcdv CURES Al-L KIDNEY, STOMACH Z LIVER TROUBLES, Fqt JnHend?rsin CoUdly, H. C. A good farm of 125 acres, la the yallev of French Broad river, one mile fron: depot, 22 miles from Asheville. on main road leading trom Asheville to Brevard, very convenient to nostoffice and churches; the , Methodlet Episcopal church one half miler Presbyterian church one quarter mile, Methodie; Episcopal, south, two and one quarter miles and the Baptist two miles away. About. 5Q acres aire cleared, 25 acres oi which is creek bottom, very fine meadow land, balance finely timbered. One half dozen, or more excellent, told, mountain springs, freestone water: alao a beauti ful clear creek flows through the farm. A comfortable dwelling house, with two rooms; barn and store house, a' gWKi eounftry stand. A fineyoung orchard oi about one hundred bearing apple trees. The (emtire tract is well adapted to pro duce, gra, clover, rye, oats; corn, cab bage, potatoes and other root crops in ibundance. There is inclosed in this tract cae of the finest building sites in western North Carolina, for a summer resort. It is beautifully located for a. ho f tel; this eite is situated on high ground, overlooking the French Broad valley,' and commainding a lovely view of Pis gah, Craggy and the Vanderbilt moun tains, and is very accessible, only about one half mile from railroad. There is Also neajr this beautiful site a very fine, bold spring of freestone water. This magnificent site ie covered with a fine grove of native forest, This site aon? -3 tvortn mar than wdum u wnoie larm. Anyone desiring a home lmiast most beautiful natural surround ing, ana n a climate noted tor its m perior healthfulness, especially for those suojeai. to tnroat or lung difficulties, wil find this location hard to be pMnl TWs farm would be very chean at. $10 per acre, but present owner is going west in me spnng, therefore, he puts the farm on tne market, for cash, at 5 per acre, AlSO WOUld add thAt'rhA n-ivhiaWl ale'n ts worth the money that owner asks for tne farm. This farm can be bought at the above low price, if taken in the next sixty days. I would further add that the nttie is perfectly good, and that the prop erry is now assessed at $825. Now is your time to rush for a good home at less than naif its wortla. For further oartic ulars, in regard to the above property, v-tm utu or wnie co Ifl-e eaitxn of the Ga ztte. Owner lives on the farm nd will tab pleasure showing the land. The twen ty five acres of creek bottom is Hewi am the balance as a whole lies well. Thna wishing to see the farm should buy tick sx i or aparnxzer, xm. c, on the H. and B rauroao. owner of farm meets Hut trai at this station very day to get his maU One Minute' Cough Cure, cnreA That is wht it was -made for. News and Opinions - v of ;r " ; National; Importance AT.035TB1 CONTAINS BOTH. Daily, bv mail, - - ;-$6 a year Daily & Sunday, by mail 8 a year THE SUNDAY SUN is tke greatest Sunday Newspa- - per in the world. Price 6c. a copy. ? By mail $2 a year. Address THE SUKTSTew Tork, ' BHMSIAN With the. following Symptoms. Enlargement of the soft bonea of thA nose, thickening and ulceration of the lininsr - membrane: . with itn : discharge of nnhealthy mucus and pus ; ureavu uunKut nawaing, expectorat ing, nosebleediDg-,: headaches, parti loss of hearing, noises in the head deafness and impaired vision; CAUSED BY Poisoned Condition 61 tbe Blood fOUKED BY ' (B.B.B.) THE GREAT BLOOD REMEDY. Qarrh Is due to an impure conditioa of the blood and Is one at the Inoumer- -eus offsprings of blood poison. It may have come from a long way back In tba family history, but the general opinioa among medical men, , is that) catarrh is the offshoot of poisoned blood, pro ducing had breath and the above named symptom. The fact is admitted bv. ail that It is only curable by conatitutionaJ treatment. Bottaalc Blood Balm (B. B. B.) bas scored some brnllant victories in the cure of tma lo&tneome malady, aril why? Because B. B. B when tak en as directed mixes with the peiaons in the blood which produe catarrh, so as to cause the poison to be expelled from the Mood through the sweat glands and excretory organs. R. R. Saulter, Ath ens, Ga., wote us not Ion ago that he was suiised to observe how agree able his breath had become since using omy xnree Doxcies oc B B. B. He was also able to hear better. Mrs. Lulu Banks, of Alabama, wrote us that a friend of here since using six bottles of B. B. B.- that the mucus discharges which she had through the mouth and nose had stopped 'and that Bhe was abls to breathe freely and talk without of fending any. one with her bad breath. A remarkable case ie that of Mrs. Eliza beth Knott, of Atlanta, which we print in full. Discharge Copious and Offensive Entirely Cured by B B B "For flour years I have been afflicted with a very troublesome nasal catarrh. So terrible has its nature been that when I blew my nose smail pieces oi bone would frequently come oiU of rr.y mouth and nose. The iisck:v?? -i copious, and at times very offensive. My blood became so impure that my general heai'tlh was greatly impa're- with poor appetite, and bad dizedtf Numerous medicines were used wi.nout relief, un'tll I began the use of Botanic Blood Balm B. B. B. end th Lu -tlee acted almost like magic, sine ' r use, over a year -" 3l has . net a symptom -. oiuiraea ana i reel mi every way quite restored in health I am an old citizen off Atlanta, and refer to almost any one living on Butler street." MRS. ELIZABETH KNOTT. Atlanta, Ga. The Deaf Hear.3 That sounds miraculous, and yet one" may become temporarily deaf on ac count of catarrhal blood poisoning settling- in the ear and then find quick: relief by using B. B. B., Botanic Blood Balm John W. Weeks, Decatur, Ga., writes: "Six- months ago I had a pain in my ear, and in a few days it discharged matter. Them I grew deaf and could not hear alt. all. I began the use of Bot&cia Blood Balm B. B. B. and the running of my ear soon ceased, and I now hear while my health is much improved, and I feel full of gTatltude to , God and toa proprietors of so good a remedy.' As a blood purifier B. B. B. Botanic Blott Balm ha T-9 Uil. 9?e b-?tue of It contains more curative' Virtues tharx a gallon of the many so cal'el bloJd purifiers. Buy the original and re ti the safe side. Beware of substitute and lnsi3t on having the o!d reliable B. B. B. Then you are sure of a cure. Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B. ) is a scientific vegetable compound used by Dr Gililam la his private practice for blood diseases, such aa old 6ores, scrof ula, boils, blood poison, oatarrh, etr It cured so many people that it was put on the market and As for sale by all druggists at $1 periarge bottle. It ha always enjoyed a large sale because i. Cures! Cures! Cures! even after everything else had been trjed In vaiii. Book of cures sent free of charge. Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. NOTICE OF SAL. By viaitue of the power contained in a certain mortgage executed by J. B. CJain to the Battery Park'Bank to secure tihe payment of certafa notes described in said mortgage, which said morttsraBe is recorded1 im book 41. pacre 66 of the re cord of mortgages in the register's office of BumJombe county, and in book 12, page 48 of records of mortgages in the register's office of Henderson county ,ref eren.ee to whifch is hereby made, default naving been made m the payment of said notes. The Battery Park Bank will sell on Saturday, April 8th. 1899. in front of the court House door in Ashe ville, N. C, by public auction for cash, the following described property, to-wit: All tne property, personal, real and mixed, which the elaid J. B. Cain pur chased from A. Rankin, receiver of the Buncombe Brick an I Tile Com l any on one 2nd day of May, 1895, by deed regis tered in the office of the register of deeds of Buncombe councyv North Carolina in book 93, at page t sei. of da'id re cords and described as follows: All ma chanery', tools, -utensils, fixtures and equipments appertaining' to or used in connection with the operation of the plant formerly betaaieinsr to Tlui "Bun combe Brfck and Tile Company in the manufacture of brick, together with the lease or term for yeans oi the land on which the said -plant is situated, at Fletcher's, N. C, to the county of Hen derson, said State of North Carolina, said property being: more particularly de scribed in said deed, and consisting of brick kilnfe, barrows, one forge, one an vil, one vice, a number of oars, one wind ingr drum, engine and "boilers one brick macihineron brick mill, oil tank, rails, shovels, picks, one bth tub grindstone. one large dryer, one hand repress, one prow, a. lot of office furniture ana nx rures, a quantity or DricK, lnciuaong- ana intending' to convey all personal proper ty of whatever kind and nature connect ed with the said plant. This March & 1899. The Battery jfaric Bank v-r ; . . -" - -'J. P. SAWYER, ( - President. r Tbt Kind Ysfl Kan Alwajs BaqgU Botanic Blood Balm Bean tba ; Jf v t -.5 5 i ... 3 1 -a it 'Zr - J-