niI2 ASIII2VILL12 GAZL1TH, LIARCII 23, 1C99 Itioa ITay 2, under the supplemental election. ; law! f or cities and towDS." A i ; committee .haa - bea "appoln,ted to aslc 10hd eecriaffTjaf war x muster out the ? FlTstt regtmerit " tit - Raleigh. It la ax- 1 ' -' - ranged to -4 vote June ' 12, In ' Raleigh township, for ; $50,000 Hor school purposes landJta &he city at -Raledgtir . $100,000 lfor street lmp'rovemnita , 1 ' .. i.W.'- . ' -t .V.- - -Vi 'V-o-- i .V v.-! --------- ' : " - - ' ---- - ..MWWgpwwwwwlil .lUflg. mmmmmmmm ij igfai - " - -- 1 .-3 it Ill ' II 'in 11,1 tj I i s i II i4 - r- - I I - M . J u y II fill U.',J-. ' t I I ' i i i is. '. i . ... ... . v"A,-TrTr?--; f . . U 11.11 I f-w I Mil.', . 11 111 & li IV .III, . .11 19 IL audi US EPattosa Ave, TTlhie MSimg otf ILdDW Frkc 9 ' We will inaugurate SPECIAL EASTER SALE, commencing Monday, March 20, and continue for three days. Now is the time for your Easter DressGoocts., We will place on sale a limited quantity of very remarkable special values. We publish the list below, not as a compen dium, but merely to give you a taste of the veritable feast spread before yon for choice. In Colored Dress Goods. Homespan aad Cheviot wrth 85c, $1.00 - and $1.25, your choice, during Krt this Easter Sale, v tDUJXC Whipcords, Coverts, b 3autif al stufif in the wanted widths and shadings, worth $1.00' and $1.25, our Easter Sale price, ' CC Henaiettas, fine assortment of coloring, worth 40 and 50c, our Easter Sale price, Black t)ress Goods. In Crepons, the latest designs, worth 'from $1.00 to $4 00, are marked way down for this Special Easter Sale. Our Serges and Henriettas are the finest in Asheville and at prices that will astonish you. Imported Silk Grenadines, -worth $1.50 to $2.00, ourEas- S)Qc - ter Sale price, See our Granite weaves, splendid blacks mn all tiie latest designs they are beauties. . . 2,500- yards of Calico, dur- ing this Sale, at feC Sea Island Percales, 36 inches wide, sold everywhere at 12Jc our Sale 3 price, only Shoe Dept. I Secured a large lot oMthe finest $5, $Q and $7; Men's Shoes, in Black and Tan, . our Sale price,, We have just received the largest assort ment of shoes in this city Shoes for Everybody, Shoes to fit your feet and prices to fit your pockets. Clothing, Clothing. Novelties in Clothing for Easter, arriv ing daily, in Clays, Thibets, Tweeds, Serges Plaids, etc. We will not offer ihese goods ator below cost, but will save you from 15 to 25 per cent on every suit. We ha fe just received, for Easter, tbe handsomest lino of Shirts aud Neckwear, ia the City. -J - . . - It wMI toe woirilk ycDiiir wlale tt nan pect 8)niiir MaDnmnaKOtBii SitocM f 0tlhi iimg lbefire UDMiPcMasSiras: else wHnene. nn ILJLO 3m f . ore The Carolina uTachti ;dub wfll lake the Inttdiativ this-year In prepstring for hthe ueualgay jpTiromer jsieason, says tfte Wilmington Messenger aijlVrightsvlU'a. The " ciut " this seasoa .. contemplates making " quite numberr ,-of tmpro ve- inanJts aft the dub buaiding lter-the com- ' fort and pHeasurw of irt members. - Thft social' feature -will be up , !tk -Sits usual high standard. The confederate veteaiamB of North Carolina are getting ready to move on OiLarlcstooi.w'here the great reunion of the United Conefederate veterans will take pdace April 10; 11, 12 and 13. Colon el W. J. Woodward, of Wilmington, chief quajtermaster of the North Car olina division),. Uis.V.'C, has been send ing out circulars to veiterans through out the ietaJte, The Revolution mill, for ,the manufac ture of cotton flannel, 'writes a Greens boro correspoiLdent, to the Manufactur- ' . . . ..... - ens' Record, will erect 125 houses to starto with to be followed by others. This operation will employ 800 people. The Proximity cotton mills will erect another mill instead!: of enlarging, as previously stated, which will require a total of 900 employes. Their' plane are situated om a beau'tiful' 1,900 acreage, with ample wtater and railroad facili ties half a mile from the city.., Thene is a deadllock ioi the printing of the laws enacted by the last general r assembly, says the News and Observer, as Edwards & Broughtom will not(pro- oeed with the work to any extent until the suit brought against (tihem and the joint printing commitee4 la '"" decided in the courts. Some of the more import ant bills, however, are being published In pamphletform for dfistribution.- The tosanSty laws, the revenue act and. the machinery act will be in the hands of the various county aulthoritles in week's time. For several years some of the mills of this section have been shipping good" to China, and the trade wibCh this coun try has been steadily increasing. A shipment vof more than ordinary inter est, however, was made last week by the Henrietta mills It consisted of 250 bales of manufactured goods to Aden Arabia.- The shipment was billed at the mills through to that port.: The goods were hipped' in two through, freight cars to' New York and there transferred to a vessel for transportation to Aden, the ancient fortified - port on, the other side of the globe. Chartbe. Observer. 4.' and has been made under his per- ' -r--"i uowriio one to ueceive yon m xms. . All Counterfeits Imitations and Substltates are but Ex periments that ; trifle "wlth and- endangrertfthe health of Infants ? and; ChUdreii-hqpierience ' agrainst Xbrperiment. What ia CASTCRlA Castoria is a substitate Ifor Castor Oil, Paregoric Drops andSoothinfr Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nchp other Narcotic substance. Its age is its gnarantee. It destroys Worms aud allays Feverislmess. It cures Diairhoea and Wind j Colic. It relieves Teething1 Troubles, cures Constipation and Flalency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomacl:and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. ' The Children's ' Panacea The Mother's Friend. C EN U I N E j CAST0R S A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of X ' TB6 IMIoii Hate Mways BougM In Use For Over 30 Years. THE OIMfkUH OOMMNY, TT MUKMT STMItT, NCW OM OITT. : , 1 J gV SOUTHERN RAILWAY. jW In Effect Dec. 5 1898. Numbers. Number. Numbers. Number. ' : VlkXL tS ' .P Baatern Time, 1111 II . i. i 4 :20pm 12:05am Lv. 5' New York - Ar.: 12:43pm 6:35am 6:55pm 3:50am Lv. 'Philadelphia Ar. 10:15ain 2:56anv 9:20pm 6:22am Lv. KBaatimore ,Ar. 8:00am 11:25pm - -- 10:43pm 11:15am Lv. Washington Ar. 6:42am 9:35pm 6:10iam 6:07pm Lv. DanvUle . Ar. 11:25pm 1:30pm 12:10am 1,2:01pm Lv. Richmond Ar. 6:40am 6:25pm 9:35pm 9:10am Lv. - Norfolk,?-; At. 7:50am 5:55pa 5 3:10am 2:50pm Lv. Selma. Ar. 2:40am 12:35pm 4:05am 3:50pm Lv. Raleigbf-'Ar. 1:40am 1135am " 7:05am 6:35pm 4 Lv. Greenstoof Lv. 10:43pm 8:50am Millard Moore, th? convict who Was sen to the petentiary for life for kill ing a guard at the railroad camp near here last fall, invented a . combination t-.4&ia double hoe and rake while .in jail. here. These he gave to his attorney, Mr. "W. B. Snow, to have them patented it he cared to do so, News and Observer. Peach and plum trees aro im full bloom in the eastern pant of the state. It is stated that many of the trees that were thought .to have been killed by g the cold weather are all right, and that there will be plenty f fruit this year. :6ra t:Kpm t55am 8:I0pm i-85arjo :07pm 'K?n :25pm ;i:t?rm lP'l4pm I:15pm U:0Jam IJSpxn U :10am !:Kpm U:Uta $:Wp t:Stu i:Kpm 1:00am 7:40pm 4:25am a:Hpm 7:40am 7:10pm 7:ltpm i.Cmrntvml Tim.) Y.r. Salifbury Ar. T.v. StatesviU . Ar. I.t. Newton Ar. Ly. Hickory Ar. Lv. Marion Ar. Lv Biltmor Ar. Ar. Asheville Lv. iLv. Asheville Ar Hot Springs Ar. , Lv. , Morristown Ar. Aj. KnoxviU Lv. Ax. plttanooir Lv Ar . "MempW L.v. 6:35pm 5:44pm 5:03pm 4:45pm ' 3:28pm 1:30pm 1:20pm 1:10pm 11:40am :50am g:2am 9:30am 8:43am 8:09am 7:52am 6:45am 5:21am 5:15 am 4:00am 3:t0iTTj l:Ha 4:t6am tOtPw t:lfasn !:lpm At, Watfhviil Lv. W:lpm t:ln 7: Warn T:itpas Leufsvill L- 7:4i? 7:&Rm TtfSam 7:Spm Ar. CteJtt Xt. :&vm :ta id avkiiii); ns:jPAvarorM iotis. " A. AND S. BRANCH. 4 No. 14. No- II KJ (Central Time.) N. It. No I N. ?- Ar. 6:00pm 1:40pm . ' ; 1 in i !! mh i i n fin i mmm ii 1 fl u if j ' ' " 1 - ""' " 1 I. .-II. L--I.ll. M. - - I I ,. . CAROLINA NEWS Interesting Items from Va rious Partsjof ,theState. ation coinnussion bill allowing railroad and steamboat companies to issue free passes to confederate veterans to attend There is an interesiting wrangle over tie Scotland. x JecK postmasearsnip.; First, Collin Anthony was" appointed 222E3gg35 j tind his appointment was recalled, and Tarn Shields was appointed. Since Major Spier Whitaker spent several ' days on a vist there last week there Is a general rumor that he may be rtJh4 postmaster for that pdace.: " It seems tihat Tom Shelds' appoanltmient oy cne president has. never been confirmed by j ! the senate, and his commission is now j to be recalled and Major Whitaker ap- Twinted in his stead. There Is dtlll an- .... l:tJam :l3axa tl:20am l:t2a 2:40pm 1:15pm S:2pm iidOpm l:lipm 9:35pm Lt. AfcvlU (Eastern Tim.) Lt. ' BUtmors Ar. 6:52pm 2:30pm Lv. Hendersomvill Ar. 6:03pm l:4Bpm Xvi Tryw Ar. StOOpm U:$p Lv. Bpart&xlrar0 At. I:llpm ll:flro Ar. Columbia Lv. 11:30am 8:30am Ax. Cfcxr teste Lv. 7:tfraKk S$3$ia l:tfJB- A. BaruaEk Lr. If :24am U:Matt t:lSftaa tOUm l:MaaB :Kpm l:ltam 7:40am 8:10pm T: oommissJoners at Edenton to discuss the advisability : of the removal of the fish hatchery; The Juniper water at 'the veterans reunions' and other meetings, present location4 of the- hatchery in lures the fisto. and it !s Dronosed to nut A big deal (has been made at Oxf o the hatchery on the dhtr slde.of Boston, syndicate by the owners Albemarte sounds one of the branches ot the .Blue ,.WJng copper minee. Some Chowan river. specimens impure copper, the finest I r v , , grade of ore, have been discovered in The Webster Weekly tfavs tha.t a ool- Uthr surmdea that perhapa the major Glimpses Of Life and Proares in tho these mines. 1 ' - ored woman who was eiectet! fem h will be given Bernards Place as ms- : I Jki. . . attorney. Some think that perhaps S:00am 4:00pm Land Of the Sky. -Vigorous measuxiea betog adopted Ukd atsii lnt, mnifh kft . the authWes atWashingtcA wrs nt Srf-fcSS iaiWKjicy MOuntJforhe. uppression of !fmritlff jwUt. nieased wMt Bernard' failure to ma l:4&aa v iiOOpm i smallpox. Comnulsorv vatfinflttiifn Tvn.i I . . . . . ," .,, . v '. ... I L .nHmiw lh "Wil-minfetoni over : the Tlotw.n-, j I . ' v T " 5 I ioriner tracer na: empioyea jjanvnie I P1 , , 0le4uatherea fortheGazette and ordered soma weeks ro by the toroL- h- .ntf p B,rtv Licn tiTOlj', Selections from juatest North www casesjh&ve been iso- eTn'BJailrWay,companyior damages. displaced by Whitaker. , iaiea ana premises quarantined. at. JacksonTila Lv. I:9pm l:tpm at. Auaista Ir. I:t9vm :9Xt AT. Atlaatsj Lt. 7:Dua ll'.Ups at. KfwOrlsaw Lv. 7:41pm ff:Uxa Lt. I:etpza MURPHY BRANCH. No. 17 No. 17 (Central Time.) No. 68 No. 18 ItsSBMi Daily except ; Suodaysi Ir. IT. At. Ajr. at. . 4t6lpm l:Mpxi WaynMTiU' at. l:Wpm U:43bt Balsaaa At. ll:2dpm ll:X0am rrrao dtji Lt.. t:S9aa; liUaa cISMXjfikT ' Lv. 6r00 a. in. I Daily exceqt Sundays. r . Carolina Newspapers. :. Wilmlington's city eieotfon takes place ' coaay. v - Warrenton-s court opened Monday with Judge Hoke preeiding. The' Est of, magistrates for rtfie n. -;a ties were .enit rmt Kir v t . I county, whio will be AO suue yesterday. . . ta .l.h. 'nA T AATT '-rne.we lor wansxons proposea norse " TC" M nim Th The executive committee of the North I show this' f alii ls ubot two miles north--1 ?Jlt te'xVt TirftVi- Carolina Bar- association is .... called to I I ? -Rftriv rfisers. the ,-,-iHainKus little meetln ale)gh-:Aprii 25. 'Th.object acrea A' oomrriittee has been appoint- hriUs.-Faragon, Pramaey. p. of the, meeting is (to select-, the ;ame, ri f iirlntloM h I tt., i5mt Wtins. bums. Indolent sores a miW. i.. .i. ,11 1.1 F aa. - r kin disease. ana.rl5e"y Mn. Ahma . . ... .,. . . 'vw-hPiles, IeWfftts. Wltclx Hazel j 4 IJOOK try , to Imitate and 4-1. -t Ii in i nit Hi-f 1 TThrt rr1n of . the orffanlia.n eouriterni ;ruiriiu-r...r - ReT. Whet'V. etfham. '.f . Surry b . t . TwSK mnfty, who will -be AO-years old on hslature. nrovides for, 3f necessarv ye.-TsW Tbrmxar. s . . ,-.o.J;iU, i brigadea of tw regiments ,-each. There ir a aulck'' remedy and one that-is A new cotton mill of large proportions lng ,tM3 umTnr " Eitlh Asheville or nt. of which w41l be collected at once. Jfd'a first d best. 5J to be built at New London. , Morehead wrW be sleeted.- . " V. 'T Cs: - - f' yst popli ' - THWH'MSfi. -- . " '-MrtMHi, , " ftrwnterftt it... . It's the ;'?s-rvBfunBwlck ttountv Rtiry i menceimpmft of Trtnitv acadiemy..BJt -pilot I r:: - 5i-i:v,.- . . . One Minute Con eh Cure. It is ex -.session at Sisuftimorif t , - vmt.hin i Mi aita mf 'Ms lOflth an- I - - .. -. - '"ItseUent ;flw?s?.? . - "I UUCI--...'VV. !W - -w.i. ii. -i n vmrn w . . -- . i iavuvMMiA' rU IITlTAOim TSH ... IViliMh.-.. a " porc, . Juigef w.- S. I on-cn.. .x Carolina volunteers are mM r-arM "tii-PartPhar. mversary-;;Rv.;lr..Bay, of. Charlotte, oH.wmost iikelv maW-. Mt:fc&&l?t: Will rtolfi'rtw ifhA tRjdfilVSB. - - I .Auditor Ayer has eemv. mit rJ,. U --"T.. .v . ;v - organize, v.- '0B.. BJoblnson presidinff ' k 1 .Anfl tor Avw "ho- . I - - .V . - wisauutwi.1 tr'( V x ; ; Warrants to those:old soldiers whoeW I - GoioneT Julian1 S.'Carf fiejf Bbrham, : ,Ld ot eadimen f iiSl:IIt?55S?K out nerroui aunreM. expel ... ' granted a yearns .back" rehjdn v ;kw .v A 1 who rpjntlv' Hold "nis .Interesi'in the I S : ( - v " ' . . . . j ' ' 1 ..-- . - ... . . . . "E 1 . vmm waSl TI1U SlbTX south ifor . half a mttlllion dollars Jto t the I , a " the season- of the yew when I, nerre . .. - ..- . . ;i- UilB. .1 IH inVVBf.f m-fita ifiniAr TPC1.H1 111114. V-UL VBUIU. I VI.. VlQi mi '...-. ' torv i6f iNorth Camliinnr, -. nri .v-v I . , . . ' .:. . n. 1 . .niMffh J!i notnang - - t i ' i ( . w p i iifcwA 'iiin n, i rrw w a rJt tr . vvi in i :ii l i AiA.-. mtmm 1 - - - - w - x- w izi in i 111 Am. rivLi jr'Tr, Te.r;:7T-'". nftrt . juTTosevoT-3usrae goM v:! be Has beenjenga.omeW''lH -1 j&oioOO 'to $700,000. will ba rjublishled ltrobablVfrM -0-01- I , ' - --a- w - - - - " - : . - . T . VIM lyTlniiiffa rVuiP-H rrtin. ru.i , am f.VM .rrrn: .t" tne one te l n Pea 11 I 1 em PL 1 i I X !. . f 111 T- "a will box, boxe c8efl cured. Bay -'fO-BAO from nim fimc-eiBt. who tmikIi rrT. Take it with .patiently, peretOTeniiy.'usip - . (SLEEPING CAR BERVICSL) Trains 87 and 41, between New York, Washlnigton, Asheville, Hot Springs,C hattanooga' and Neshviile. i Trains 9 and lLand 10 and 12, between Jajcksoarill e, -Savannah, Columbia, Asheville, Hot i .Traine 15 said 16; carry Pullman sleepers between-; Salisbury, Asheville, Hot . . Sprhxgs,' Nashlille ..' " Togeit2iieT ; w and east, ail rail through Washington, the publica special attesodon is Ied to our rail nid tmter (route Itte the nortb and east--Southern railway- and the Chesapeak line. Thhi schedule allows a day's stop over at Norfolk, Va afftxrding an oppor tunity to visit Point ComIort"int. Monroe), Virginia, .. Virgania Bescn, New port News, etc Baggage called for axtid checked from notels and residences "by theiAshevOle Transfer Oompq office wdith city ticket office, 60 Patton wr enue, Aeheville, JNVC. ' ' ' . rv FRANK S. GANNON, - ,,ni Viae V- &l3reni:Mgr:, ' . - Washington, D. C J. M.-QTJLP, r? : Traffic Manager, 1 ; r-Waahlngtion, D. C. H. HARDWICK, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, ;Cta.' W. Hi. TAYLOR,', . ' t . A G- A- LouttsTille, Ky.W, A. TURK. , - - , .i t Gen. Passenger Agent, . 1 . - - ' v U." A BENSCOTES. - . . . , F. R. DARBY, - - - . .. " CityPass. and T Agent. 1 - - - rT7;vAhevllle.,N1.C.'M', G. P A,-:Ctmnooga, Tens. DR.DAVI& s. t.1, uapaliy curat 3, 1 8lerUnx ReawMlCo., CUmp, BwrtrwOf hflw Ktiar&nteed to cn re, er e refund money. For 'sale :sby The "Carolina Pbamacy I fallible rmay vCoqr eji : "!lri rvviiA 'tHw trvwir ftmiflanaHfe mi.iiitetiiiwirpoti!1 ?lST-i4iimf"olDiwitt,8Con cholera ciire.J Thelvdnera.liver and Blood Hre one aire cure fbr VE PAY $200 Cash for a1 single stamp ESb cut t We pay g5 tofiM0w for many postagestampsHsed between 1847 and 187a Iioofc np Tour old letters and those , of your neighbors ; yoa may . finS stAirm. wnrth tarauandS of dollars. Send to-4ar " FREE innRtratfid listiL. 6T15BARD 8TAKP CO., St. ImK So.