"""" 1 "r in hi T-r "fmii . - - - - . -, - 111 - - m n , , . . . 1 . - . J - 1 J The tlaest equipped HoM la the South. " Is-situated nt j" - . I J fi?A'?Sr, "lis , . , g., .SCpCu, A - 3 . "i - ? On tL'e Bouthern'Blope of the Blxiidmoxiimoerp. foss are eidonseei,; andwi& For further particulars apply to V ' JOSEPHiHELLEN & SON'W ; Lit; t . , . Proprs. 04k Hall, Tryon; N. C. 1 f X l -. - A U ": ' - L ' CP tp a A Domain of Health and Grandeur The SKYUKA HOTEL is tuitt on m cretX overlooking a vast an of the wild and -wtojiderful eceaery?of "Tha Laud of the Sky." It is taa Bttiuaune 01 uui wutau' li s locauoa v .; i HIGHER THAN1, ASHBVILLJB,! (8,200 teet elevaitloo.). , r" - MIIiDER THAN ASHEVTTJ.K. A GRANDER VTHAN ASKB5VIIiL.B, f V m.. e W HEAITHIBR THAN ASHEVILJiB. It hat ita own springs ibf abeolutely pure water. It lh!as perfectly sanitar j drainage system. It ii, thoroughly equipped with hot ama cold watef toilet aoa bathf;ttm,8.tieaitt heat, eleotrte lights anid call bell Jjoog distance telephone and poetofflce. Ito guest chamber sure - Jortable, airy and afEord charm ing outlooka. ' The telegiaph and railway station Is Tryon, N C., 40 miles souta of Asheville. For informatloitt- and; i pamphlets addreas D. SteaflTia and Sofli , Skytijoai Polk Coiinty, ?jDaDwliDWDooBw1PtPDWp11D; warn ' liuii' Aslieyille, T; C, , LAS ESS GERAAN mESrtOD. No Medicine! No Operations; Massage, Baths, Diet, SweedisE ' liovements, etc. All diseases treated, ' . Head Physician rO Schulze, M. H., of Leipslc UndversltT.form erly of Duesseldorf Orthopadia IiQatitute. Assistant Phyaictan: Mtam& Kuepper, formerly assistant jptoysioiaia ctf M. Iioehin. Sanitariap Freidrtcnrod, Germany. " LAiJ For prices and references addreaa Miss lAna. Kuepper.. . a ASKEyil-LE, N. C. A FtneFamiiy m House, Centrally Located, with all Modern CoaVeniences , Large HallaiCo Bun Barlors,NEreripg ; It and ? Cleanly, ExcellentTable.. OrchestraJMusic Everyjevening. JSpecial Weekly-Rates to Oil Car Line from Depot, -For SU AN N ANO A HOTEL CO. GKUBER CONCERT Kenilworth Park Villa Dm mile from the ooert bouse; three fj&nstar walk from BUtmore car line; mam oZ the Wealthiest locations In Ashe f3ai -r Kw house, ' with extensiTe ersulids; open fires; every home com 4octi No advanced tuWculoais pa Hmmir lxen. Vtst r class board for only l.M and Cltt per week. Mrs. A. Z. Cooley. Nef England Home. 102 Patton Ayenue. Private French BOARDING HOUSE, With Reasonable Rates. iMme. XieGoff, 4? South Main St. OUR LEADER: 1000 LINEN PTE Mm for only: $15. MnADAM'fl -cutatk RLNTINGOUS Cor. Court SqttaKMd Patton-'AVinae.CVSfAtkS: ' mmmummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm t i f ' Drink 4 GEUEMMA The Purefleaith-iFood, Drink; jA HbalthM;Sb; stitute for Tea or .Coffee. FOR SALE BV " ; and&U Fiiet-Class Urocers. lry iv&najuuwiu drink no i . ' - in- 11 bi m L"Miiuiiiin mi 1 w 1 1 Sri 1 11 11 11 tj 11 II imr".ii m .-, - 11 North CSaroltna. MnrMMo : ; 1B rrench Broad Ave, n n 4 (H HOTEL. r Families, Full Particulars Address ' CO., Proprietors. THE GROVE HOUSE, MRS. KOPPELBERGER, tl Grove street, Asheville, N. C. House nicely papered and furnished throughout. Halls well heated. Baths, hoi and cold water. Mod t&nYiances. Near street car Has. PRiyATB BOARD. House in suburbs In large shaly frove, food table with abundance of fresh milk, butter, eggs., etc USIs 2rom court hdusd on, electrlb car flm4 feldphone 295. Rates low. Informatioa at Mrs. J. M. Ray's, on Lookout Mou la ear 9? t Ray's bookstore At Tryon North,Carolina. Sunny rooms and excellent table. Keninjo(rthy Cottage" i oa Melrose av huie. Rsutes six to eight doHara per week. Address MISS MARY A. GRAY.; - . Happy la the man or woman who can eat a meal without suffering afterward. Iifjyou canmot do it, take KjodoirDyspeD- e&k cure. It digests what you; eat, and cures all forms of dyspepsia and iDdlges tlon. Paragon Pharmacy C. : i Ll w V ozner. - - . , - ilia A tfrvtH For Week Commenc ner- Marcli 27-th. err ire ffi1 f We werrf'very' fornate In our all the new noveiltdes' for WAIST effects, Silks asviowae 50 cents Corded eff eda' -at $5cehia.r "Very NEW SILKS" $10 and $200 .cated an 3 when closed out, Will duplicated. " TAFFETAS Black and Colored TAFFETAS from 50 cents up. A very fiiue Black Silk TAFF ETA at $150, for Walsits, warranted not " too break. ' '. Fine lime all colors LIBERTY SATIN and SATIN DUCHESS; White and Black 'CORDED SILKS. All Colors CHINA and JAP SILKS. SKIRT PATIERNS "Only a few Skirt Patterns left in handsome BLACK CREPONS. j. New designs and very stylish. Black and Colors in all Wool POPLINS, all -h-- new shades, 82 cits. . Some-hing extra npr are those Jarg-e PLAID CLOTHS FOR CIR CULAR SKIRTS. $1.39 to $L98 per yard, 56 inches wide. CREAW WHITE WOOb GOODS In HENRIETTAS, CASHME RE, ALBATROS, SERGES, BED FORD CORDS, BRILLIANTINES and CLOTH. Our specialty is BLACK GOODS in every kiww w?aye, Some excep tional good Ithlngs. . . . . ( WASH FABRICS WASH FABRICS is one of ou readers. GINGHAMS in ail the pret ' ! ty, new corded efftecits. ., r j . Apron Ginghams at 5 cemtt. 1 Dreea . ( Ginghame 10c.l2c, i5c, 20c, 25c. and SILK GINGHAMS 29 cents. v Piques in White, Black and Colors, also figured Piques from 10c! to. 50c., . a 'yard. ; x. : : , ' Colored and Figured DIMITIES from 10c, to 25c ' PERCALES from 6c, to 12Hc a yard. " MADRAS- m 10c; 12c, to 25o. Something particularly pretty for a cool Shirt Waist 4s the flew CRE PON in fancy Colored Stripes at 18c. . y DJgh't DRESS CALICOS 4c . ' V WHITE GOODS In WHITE GOODS we have alrparUcularly- good stock. Was fort una-te in securing several cases INDIA LINENS before the advance, ,5c, 6 14c; 8 13c, 10S to 30c DIMITIES from 10c. to 30c. i THE CATHOLIC BAZAR' Contributions Pouring in Bishop Haid and Visiting Cler&ry Will Attend. The work of preparing for the bazar of the St. LawxeoSce's Oajtholo church is being pushed leniergetloally. Mer Chiamta and private citizens, Irtrespecrtiive of sect, are respoMdiiig willitagly to the eques'ts for contrthutioDe. ., , The bazar wall be a big) affair and will bring vfedtors from many points in the state. Bishop Haid and a number of vfeitiing clergy will be to attendance.: A meetmg of the bazar organization is called far 'this afternoon talt 4 o'clock in the dub room of the church. v The ilsit of contributaona received up to "date; as appended: Mr Boyce, $5; Mrs. Fitzpatrick at Batltiery Park, $5; Judge ShufortJ, cash; Mr. Lucus, cash; Mr. G. A., Mears, $10; Mr. J. W. Schantle, cash; Falk's Music House, cash; H. Labantbe, cake amd ice cream; Mr." HalMburtoii, two tur keys; Grant's pharmacy, euiwiries; CarmicMers,, perfumery; W. F. Sni der, gslofcefnies; J. N. Morgan, doratlve thermomeiter; Miss)' PehMmonf, goif slicks; Mr. Friank O'Donmell, $10 and cigars; , J.. G. Reeves, cakes; Asheville Prtoitirjig . Oompamy, prtoittojg; r , C.' F . Riay,' large: photograi)ha tf river views; Ashevaile China Company, table ware; Mrs.. iChtas. M. Plaltt of the Manor, one thiam; -Boui Marcbe,v . very! liibemi dona Lttotfi jxf .iiancy: pticlesi- wSfcraaCeyi Bros . , one gallon; pekiea nldi Tour boxtea cocoa ; ffcbe Carolina pharmacy, oollognie; H. C. Johnson, craabenriies; T. C.& Smith, cash; Mrs. L. A,, jbhnfeon,-. picture; Miss Obte; pictures ;iW.JA Blair, hand someiVdiessting. btalfe?2 Zimmerman 3k Whitehead, iroastAHill & Co., ".turkeys; McFee, turkey; Mrr Marlow, tatt War niaig's,- roast; Mclntyre, fish dealer, oys ters; Willis, fish dealer, oysters; Mon day, fruiit; RanoMl, celery J. B.Wal lace, celery; Jirrt Jacksoai icelery Atebe vdlle Fish Company, oysters; Owienby, celery; Miss Amberye, cash; Mr. Siiat er, cafehMr.jMuirpheycajh $2; Mr. Freintaii, cash; Mr. " Tapfee, cash;. Mr. Woodbury, cash, H. Redwood & Co., $2; visitor, $2.50; J.. Cailaham, $5; J E.rBahklf : $5; Mr Hugh i OWwnJl. faxwn Kenucky, . $5; Mrs., Lusk, ciabh Mrs. Mason, CasOi;. five and tea cent sitore, goods; Ashevlllei Icq and! Coal company, ice; Mr. rT- H. Law, hand some doll; Miss Labarbe, acll suit asqi anddies; ..Mrs . . Bifbr!dL -doll sunt; Miss Biggtar soif&r pillow oover; Mrs ' Lea Mitchefll, stylish neckwear; Oestricher & Co.; hiandsome umtorellla; Mr " A . M. Field, hiandsome . ncamlcure set? -Whit lock . Clothing House, gen'tlemani's ' hat; J. ' D. Blaritoh, lady's 5 umbrella; "v Alex auUer, the Jewieler, -ctedaic j vasei ; . C. A. Raysor oibe- ,dozen' carmphoTline; Blomberg,'.-' golo?- . hteadied' oane't Men's ; Outfiititer, . 1 smoldaigi jacket Mr.', , Spangenberg : .- 'daintyy ' ' dancing slippiars; ; McPhensoa & : Cliark, ; cook stove; Mrr ' J. " Loughram, , , edgaxs; H. . Taylor - RogerB; . pidturje; .. Carolina Ooal Co., one. tlon of coaft;: Citdzens Coal Co., onie ftcmi "of coal Mr. Ramsay, dray age; Mrs. Keith," handsome U- S. flag; Mr. Rudolf Ruthledge, dash; C. J. Har ris of Harris Olay ; Worksv ; Ddaisboro, N. C, $5; Aston, Rawls & Co., $5; Heetbn, cakes and -toys; 'Vienna; Bakery, r bread and cakes;: Mr, "Frank ; Ixvughran,;: ics 3 - w ma mm mm m u mm mm m. w w m. u ma . . w a - - - selection of SILKS and we will show PATTERNS," all ' the new corded Some very pretty ones 'ait 75 caots. Uarge display at n15 and $1.25? Finer yer yard. These goods cannot be dupli have ro more, as they are not to be ' ..it .. cneam; Mr. Greer, alflthe coffee used, wtth sugar and1 cream for same; Keel ing Co., fruit; McCommell Bros., fruit; A, D. Oooier. stuffed mama- Than hold's candy kiftchen, oandy, pop corrir uaais, ecc . ; weoomtsn & Reagan, candies amid cologne;' Summer, Deal & Co., fan and handsome Khbie cover; J. M. Alexander, feather duster; Mr. Brock, one dozen photographs; H. A. Lindsay,' flaincy articles; Riackertl store, notions; Imperial Millinery, stylish sailor hat; Ashevflle Hardware Co., kniife and scissors; Baltimore Clothing goods $2.50; W. B. Williamson, rocker; S. D. Pel ham, sundries; H. S. Courtney, bath robe; the John Murphy Publishing Co., of Balitimore, Md., handEomel prayer book; R,4. m. Powers, N. Y,, picture of Pop Leo XIII ankil other pictures; M1S3 McNorman, one doll; Millerl & Miller, "Busy' Bee," Baltimore, one half dozen beef tongues; Mr. BainboiMse picture; Mr. Cosby, the jewler, two ele gmt viases, blue enamel and gilt; A. P. DaBairbe, ice cream. In addition to the above there have been libenai contributions of substan tiial eatables and! the delicacies of the season. THE MUSTERINC-OUT. The gentlemen composing the Ral eigh Aldermanic committee, who were appoinited for tha purpose of ecuring, if possiblie, the muster out of the First North Crolina'regimient in Raleigh, used their best efforts to have the regi ment breught to the city, but a leltter to Mr. If. W. Miller, from Mr. Jas. E. Boyd, assistant attorney general, fully explains fithe situation. Colonel Boyd says that according to the attorney general, would be exceedingly danger ous to "rtaig soldiers directly from the climate "of Havanaj, when their systems are relaxed by climatic conditions there, and carry them as far north as Raleigh and put them in camp. He says ithe surgeons in the army are unanimous in the opinion that such sudden .changes, cause the tropical fev ers to develop rapidly and thus endan ger the lives, and health of the men. "Aside from this, the adjutant general Sayi," there is at question of mileage which would affect each soldier as much as $20 or $25 which is a matlter of importtance c? ithem." He promises however, says Ootonel'Boyd, to take 4he matter up again, and intimated to me that If the men of Who regiment, the pri vate soldiers iof this regiment, were will ing to, take the chances and subject themselves ibo the pecuniary ftoss Inci dent to cconing Wo Raleigh, .the depart ment .would be' very "much disposed to let -the muster out take pHaceaftRaJ TW m mnomoA. rtwTt WHIT heftlTt tTOO Mes you. Most likely you suffer, from to digestion. KbdriL nvwnepsta Cure U goats wnat you eat. It will cure r arj form TvTeoafii. Psxasoo PhwrnlacT. , , Saratoga-chips.. The gobd; kJnd, -Just ORGANDIES ' ; White and Black Organdies. Single and double widths in all grades. PERSIAN and INDIAN MULLS, NAINSOOKS and ENGLISH LONG CLOTHS. Those white EMBROIDERED ROBES Skirts already made ar4 very handsome, for $7 to $12.50. Ready made APRONS from 10c to 75c. MUSLIIS UlSEERWEAR Another good supply of LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. CORSET COVERS from 10 cents. DRAWERS from 25 cenits. " GOWNS from 49 cents. SKIRTS from 49 cents. CHILDREN'S WHITE COTTON DRAWERS from 10 cents INFANTS' LONG and SHORT DRESSES and SLIPS from 35c KNIT UNmJERWEAR Ladies Summer Kndt Underw ear. , , . High Neck and Long Sleeves. 25c. ' O Pantts, kruee ilengiths, 25 cents. ; Fine quallities nd UNION SUITS. CHILDREN'S ' SUMMER, UN DERWEAR, :' . -c'- HOSIERY vf ONYX and GORDON DYES, 3 pairs open 4ork LISLE THREAD,, HOSE, for $1, worth 50c the pair. Fine LACE- WORK HOSE 69 0. and $1, and the heefc 25c HOSE r sold in America..- . , . ,fcisss& PETTiCOATS, UNDERSKIRT Some very preitity hew garments, matterlal like ink, with ruffles at half the price of silk in all the prettjty new Colorings. A good stock of nice quality SHD3T; WAISTS. LADDjiS'. SAJLORS at half' the milllner'a prices. Good stock Chfldren's Sailors., f GLOVES We are agent for? CENTEMERI FAMOUS FINE KID GLOVES. A new supply In Blacks, Whites, Colore. Good Guaranteed Gloves ii for $1 and $1.25. A large supply, of NECK FIXINGS and Collars. We ar headquarters for NOTIONS, SMALL WARES,' LININGS, LACES, ' CORSETS, TRIMMINGS jnd the best lot of RIBBONS we ever kept. ' ' Everybody, RESIDENT and VISITOR is cordially invited to visit our establishment during (the week. We have pared no pains rto get together am lexceptdonaMy good s tock. PEOPLE'S COLUMN. BHSCKULA3fEOU8 . LOST Blajok card case1 with silver mounted covers containing small amount of money and visiting cards. Sutable reward for return of same to office, of Battery Park Hotel Mrs. S. F. Camp. 4t TRAVELING Salesman wanted for fall trade to sell our special makes of dry goods, direct to retailers, on commas sion. Box 560, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED Those suffering from f e male irregularities write. Sure thing. Confidential. Scientific success. Post office box 111. Asheville, N. C. lw EXCHANGE A , ladies' or gentleman's 1899 bicycle fori a good second hand .typewriter. Call at Gazette. MISS NORA WARE Pianist and teacher in stringed instruments, IS Vance street. HOBBKl JBKOTjr Cuy surveyor and , engineer, office Dally Gazette; resi dence, 55 Victoria avenue. FOB BENT, FOR RENT A six room house with - all modern improvements, and partly, furnished. Five minutes walk from street car. Address "W." Gazette. FOR RENT April 1st, aJ pleasant flat four rooms and bath. Modern lm provememts. Call and see it. E. G. i Ketchum, 90, Cuberland ae venue. 38 et FOR RANT - sx room house oaly Ahree minutes walK rrom etreet car, with all modern Improvements en tiarelly furnished, except aoe; bed room House and furniture uew . Will ' rent reasonable and owsssrs,' gentleman and wife will board with tenant. Address H. Gazette. .;" " , ". , FOR RENT A four mrs&qtfJage in - Woblsey. One" half mile fhogtxlty 11m Its. On Lookout Mountain street rail way-i Also' vacant ; lots fbr sale? 'Apply 1 to C- S. Cooper, 39 South Matilstreet. FOR RENT Rooms toHendiyy block, f opposite courft house. Apply to 39 . S . W HIT din t r- Q - fan-no. t -m FOR RENT Three large , etonnecting w rooms, partly. fuTnisheu, sutfialbie f for ugnv . nouseii.e&paug. . j? ive uuaiunca fc.wlalk from square. Apply at 14 Patton avenue or 18 Starnes avenue 27 t FOR RENT At Vh- Sow rate of $12 per S month: residenceon Blawton, street: $ roome; large tot; B. Coffin; corner Haywood and rWeet College . streets. ROOMS AWI BOAED. BOARDING Newi cottage," newly! fur j ntshed, northing xiooking. Five min utes walk frojnf - Bquars. Apply at r BOARDING. Rock Tedge; fine moun tain scenery. Modern house with all conveniences. One block from P. . O. Good elevation. Mrs. Lucetta V. Cole, 62 Haywood street. FURNISHED rooms with board, also table board at reasonable rates. Near postofnee and cor line. 15 Hiawassee stjneet. 42 t - NICE ROOMS for rent, furnished or ub furnished, with or without board; on car line; two blocks from Court Square. Apply at 37 S. Maim street, lor address Postoffice Box 279. FOB SALB. FOR SALE Single Comb Brown Legbn hen eggs. Apply to Mrs. J. A. Drum mond, Grace,-, N. C. tf i ill mmt imw r FOR SALE Quaker Bath Cabinet, for Turkish and Russian baths, to be tak en in your room. Price $5. The lat est and best. A boon to mankind, for full particulars and examination of caibinet, address Miss Sutton, 243 Hay wood street. 282-3m MONET TO LOAN. TO LOAN On improved city property $500 to $800. Address with description of property box 200 postoffice. Attention, Ladies ! Don't let ' unserupiess, pflj venders, or manufacturers fool you, as there 4a not a pill made that can.be relied upon. Send $1.00 and I will send postpaid, one box of Dr- Sampson's, female regulator ev ery box guaranteed or money refunded. Address Mrs. Sampson, 268, Andrews Str. Rocaester, N. Y. LADIES OF FINE TASTE 555SSr of Handsome, Exclusive and Economio Outfitting from the great stores of. Phil cidelphla, can have, without cost, a per eonai agent of large experience tvoA ex quisite taste to suggest and purchase goods for themselves or family. Ac counts opened. Atiidress, stating needs. MRS. MOORE Sc. WATERS, P. O. Box 2132. Philadelphia, Pa. notice. . v, In the United Stotes District Court, Western "Ddlstflctof 'North Carolina. In Re. E. B. Tucker, bankrupt, ' v In Bankruptcy. To the creditors, of E. B. Tucker by whom a petition for . adjudication: of bankruptcy was filed on the 2 V day ot Marcllr-A' D., 1899. , .'f You are -hereby notified Ithat-JC. B. Tucker has been adjudged a bankrupt on his ow petition, that the payment of any money or etc. to him ordeBvery xA any property for Ms use" or the. trans fer of any property Jy him Is forbidden by law. '' 1 : ; That a meeting of ithe aredttors of said bankrupt to prove ; theiai claims and choose me or more trustees of hfs es tate win be held" at a court oH . bank ruptcy t6 be hblden at theL federal building in Asheville on the fourth day of April, Ai Df, 1899, at 3 p.m. . , This March 22, 1899. ' e o :-f H. ' S . 'ANDERSON, , t i,' 'I' -,Beftow for Baokrupiticjv;. n i 4; V I V : J - k i -