4 fAe finest equipped Hotel In the Sqatb. fr$tiedL - 9 -FTTTk sots. r, f- VSr W '-: vi4 - J V It On tlxe southern, slope of the. Blue Bidge moiatoinsTifere fogs are secfoiitasej best sinter climate iix western North Carolina,4 ' . For further partica;fapply to v & ? : V & 3 JOSEPH HEIXEN & SON.; " " - , r 7 nrroprs. uaiiuall, Tryon; m C i A ;,n,TT t r : r i t 1 i i. no a a" n" a X Domain of Heaithand Crandeur, . . T1" 3$KUKA VHQTEL is built n r,creV overlooking a vast JeJ of the wild and wonderful acenery pt "The Land" goi tihe Sky .'It U snetiersa ra zuxu xronv Duzzara, ana la open to the balmy breeze and! sunshine -of, the Southland. If location 3 , HIGHER THAN ASHEVILLE, (8,200 feet elevation). f - MTT,T)ER THAN ASHITVTLLE, w GRANDER THAN ASHUVILXaB, ... HEALTHIER THAN ASHEVILIiB. It ha-i it owii prinsw of abaoluteiy pure water. It bbs a . pertecftly sanitary dra3nage system. It i thoroughly equipped Vfith. hot amd cold water, tollet,sJathvtpQtmni heat, eleotrtc light anti call bell Long- distance telephone an1! pcwtaflace. It guest chamber aire con fortable, airy and afford harm ng oiitlooka. The telegraph and railwayvtetioirtis Tryonr N. C, 40 male aouti of AaherlllevFce infarmatlottir and pamphlet addre D. B. Steam and Som Skyuiak Polk Gaunty. North. Carolina. .,.-.w.-c vji?&.: B7TT7T a o Jaj3j3j3j3j3ja a a B a d an .a.u n a a a Q - Sf. Asheville, N, C; LA5ES5 GERHYAN ESrtOD, No Aledicmel No Operations; Massage, Baths, Diet, Sweedish. Movements, etc. All diseases treated. : -Head Physician: G Schulze, M. D., of Jjelpslc Uraverslty form erly of Buesseldorf Orthopadto Inati'tute. 3 Assistant Physician: Minna Kuepper, formerly assistant physician otf M. Boehm Sonitariap e Teidricroa; uermany. For prices and references aadresa mm jl vi .j-ri av w-v a r4 V' MFine Faniily and SWAWWA Centrally located, with all Modern Conyenierices , Large Halls, Cosy Sun Parlors,' Everything Neat aui Cleanly Excellent Tahle. Orchestra Music EveryjEvening. S"Special Weekly Rates'to Families, On Car Line fiom Deoot, Eor Full Particulars Address SWANNANOA KOTEL CO. HOTEL FLEMING HiUBER CONCERT Kenilworth Park ViUa On mil from tha- court bcmse; three; ainut' walk from "Biltmor car 11b; eui of the Wealthiest location in 4h irlH. Kw house, with exteniTe grounds; open fires; -every Home earn Cert. No advanced tuberculoai P tlaaV laen. Firt class board Uis only $5.0t aal ttM per week. Mrs. A. Z. Cooley. New England Home. 102 Patton Avenue. . Private French BOARDING HOUSE, With Reasonable Rates. Mine. LeGoff, 421 South Main St. Mcadam's Cor. Court Square and Patton Drink OUR LEADER; 1000 LINENN0TE HEADS for only $1.25. The Pure Haith-Food D Ta IHealthf ul Sub : V. .stitute for tea r !Cof f ee. , H:4 ':y': , FOR SAIM BY i r 6 AiGreeri H. C Jotisnoh, D.G.Noiand, J. G. Reeves 'and ah :ttst-(tessVrocers. Iryjt and you will ; : 1: . 1- -. ia a a B o 167 Freacli Broad Ave, MissUina Kuepper. w d a a a a o c a d a HNH KOA HOTEL Commercial House, Marion; N. G CO., Proprietors. THE GROVE HOUSE, MRS. KOPPELBERGER, House nicely papered and furnished throughout. Sails weu neaxeo. Bats, hot and cold water. Modem variance. Near street car Una. PRIVATE BOARD. fXnaam in n4tnrfaa In . larae tlhMAj frova. irood table with abundance of ftwah tnlllc. DUtxer. ccna. exc ; - aw rom court house on electric car Una. niar4tn os. Ra.te low. InformatiOB t Mrs. J. M. Bay's, on Lookout Mou- taia ear line or at Kays oooJorcora, At Tryon NorthlCarolina Suany rooms and excellent table. trnoiHthv Cottasre on Melrose ave nue. Riaes six to eight dollars per week. Address MISS MART A. GRAY. Happy is the mn or woman who can ealt a meal without suffering afterward. If you cannot do It, take Kodol Dyspep sia; cure. It digests what you eat, and cure all form ox dyspepsia ana lnaiges tton. Paragon Pharmacy. Printing house. Avenue. fPTVP STAIRS. rui v v QUllimtjllUlilm L I 111. We were very fortunate in our selection of giLKS ml we will show all the nwnoveMe for WAIST PATTERNS, all the : new corded effects; 02k 'low as 50 cents. Some very pretty one at T5 canrts. Corded effects at 95 cents. Very large display at $1.15 and $1.25; Finer NEW SILKS $1.50 arad $200 yer yard. Thsse good cannot be dupli cated ani whien closed out, will have ro more, aa they are not to be duplicated. ' y " ' -. ,- . s TAFFETAS JBaacik and Colored TAFFETAS from 50 cents up. A very fine Black Silk TAFFETA at $150, for WaMs, warranted not to break. Fine nine all colors LIBERTY SATIN and SATIN DUCHESS, White and Blaqk CORDED SILKS. All Colors CHINA and JAP SILKS. SKIRT PATTERNS Oaly a few Skirt Patterns left in handsome BLACK CREPONS. New designs and very fltylish. Black and Colors in all WooLPOPLlNS, all -Ik new shades, 82y2 ots. Some-ldug extra aerw are those llarg-e PLAID CLOTHS FOR CIR CULAR SKIRTS. $L 39 to $L98 per yard, 56 inches wide. CREAM WHITE WOOL GOODS In HENRIETTAS, CASHMERE, ALBATROS, SERGES, BED FORD CORDS, BRILLIANTIN ES and CLOTH. , Our specialty is -BLACK GOODS in every known weave. Some exoep tional good tQilngs. WASH FABRICS WASH FABRICS is one of our leaders. GINGHAMS in all the pret ty new corded effects. Apron Gingham at 5 cent. Dress Ginghams 10c, 12c, 15c, 20c, 25c. and SILK GINGHAMS 29 cents. , Piques to White, Black and to 50c, a yard. Color-ed and Figured DIMITIES from 10c, to 25c. PERCALES from- 6&C, to 12c a yard. MADRAS aifi 10c, 12c, to Something particularly pretty PON in fancy Colored Stripes at Light DRESS CALICOS 4c WHITE GOODS In WHITE GOODS we have uj.t xix u! Dcvicu cases j 5c.,'- 6 14c; 8 13c, 10c to 30c. ' . DIMITIES from 10c. to 30c. WEAVERVILLE NEWS WeaverviHe, March 27. After several days of bright, spring like weajther last night brought another heavy rain fail one of the hardest in mon'tihs. The roads were beginning -to be passable, but now wagon' travel is again stopped. No teams at all have passed through the village today en route for Asheville. Travel on horseback is difficult, in ve hides ttmpossible. The editorial in ithe Gazette of the 15th on the justice of completing first the Burnsville road, has met With universal endorsement hereabouits, and Ithe mud bound citi zens of this quarter of the county are grateful for the bold and earnest words of ithe editor. Thiis wofully neglected part of the counlty is being awakened aa never before on itMs subject. The citi zens of the three townships north of Af heville and east of French Broad have paid railroad .taxes and paid their share in road improvements in cither sections of the county un'til it is thought the time has come when it is proper to do something permanent for ithe Burns ville road to the counity line. Two miles of macadam doesnU help the Big Ivy planter very much in getting to the city. Fifteen miles would help. He asks the question, "What is the good to me of 10,000 visitors to Asheville, driving, over; beautiful boulevards, If I can't get to 'em with my pork and turnips?" The good 'general makes ar rangements for getting (his supplies first and then brings his men. - The peach crop Is not a failure. Some of the fruit growers near here report that the peaches were not all killed by the low temperature. Thee rop will be a flight one, but one that Is likely itb pay handsomely for whatever yield there may be. ; The Juvenile 'Missionary society, nn der the direction of Miss Grace Van diver rendered a most agreeable pro gram of songs, recitations, etc., to a large and highly Interested audience yesterday afternoon at the church. , VANCEVILLE ITEMS Vanceville, March 28. The infant of James Tenland and ' grandchild of Lee Penland, Esq.,.-died- near here at its father's (home on Saturday. The. child was not known to be 111, but. began cry ing and ; continued toc cry " for V; several hours unceasingly un'til from sheer ex haustfon it ceased to ... . breathe.1 The burial occurred . near here today. A letter has lately been received here from Sam Hemphill, ' who went from here to Calif ornla some years ago, and it tells rich' findings ;of gold In . Sickl US oun(tlhi MaSrar StireM Colors, also figured Piques from 10c, 25c. ?t for a cool Shirt Waist ds the new C& 18 c t a particularly good stock! Was fort' iiia ljiisjiiiNS 'Derore the advance, : ' '.: ' : i '' gon county. One pan lately yielded $41.50 in dust and small nuggets, and this lis not an uncommon occurrence, the writer says. ALEXANDER. Alexander, March 28. The record breaking high waters recently in the French Broad have done considerable d.image along the valley hereabouts. Fences, lumber, etc., have been washed away and the roads impaired in some localities. General R. B. Vance conltinues to im prove and is growing steadily better. Yesterday his condition was better than it has been in several weeks. Among other visitors yesterday, Rev. R. M. Taylor, of Weaverville, called to see the general. Something new has happened in the revenue service two Illicit distilleries have recently been raided 'in this coun ty in which somebody was ait work whom the officers succeeding in arrest ing. On Friday last two boys, Tol and Abe Wh'itmire, from Flat Creek, were brought to Brevard by deputy marsh als and landed in jaiil where they re mained, until Monday. They were caught in a moonshine whiskey factory, but another party and probably the most guilty one took leg bail and es caped. On Wednesday of this week Sherman, Searcy and a colored boy were found In a still house in the Cher ry field section at work, and were cap tured and brought before Commission er NeMl, and gave bond. It is a new experiencef for revenue officers to catch anybody.. . The guilty ones generally get word in time to van&sh, so that a few gallons of beer and a still to hack is all that"rewards the raiders. Sylvan Valley ;News The party of New England editors have1 been telegraphed to indefinitely postpone their visit to Durham. This step was. taken by the Business Men's assocWtion for the reason that several of our factories had refused to permit them to be shown through and fit was thought, best to request them not to come, as they could not inspect the man ufscturn Industries that have made the town" famous the world over. We Doat get searwa when your heart 4xou bies you. Most likely yen suffer from ja digestion, Kodol Dyspepsia Cuf w gests what you- eat It will cure every form ot Dyspepsia. Paragon Pharmacy. M.T1I irilTIII - S.WM. rn.mm.-m, yj . -. . ii AWD. LI V Ell TROUBLES ORGANDIES WMte and Black Organdies. Single and doubUe widths in all grades. PERSIAN and INDIAN MULLS, NAINSOOKS and ENGLISH LONG CLOTHS. Those white EMBROIDERED ROBES Skirts already made ar very handsome, for $7 to $12.50. ... Ready made APRONS from 10c. to 75c. MUSLIN UNEER WE A R Another good supply, of LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. CORSET COVERS from 3-0 csnta DRAWERS from 25 cents. GOWNS from 49 cents. - . SKIRTS from 49 cents, CHILDREN'S WHITE COTTON DRAW?3118 fiym 19 cents. INFANTS LONG and SHORT DRESSES and LIFS Sc UNIT UNsJER WE A R Ladies Summer Knit Underwear. High Neck and Long Sleeves. 25c Faults, knee ilengftihs, 25 cents. Fine quaMies and UNION SUITS. CHILDREN'S SUMMER UN DERWEAR. HOSIERY ONYX- and GORDON DYES, 3 pairs open work LISLE THREAD HOSE; for $1, worth 50c. the pair. Fine LACE WORK HOSE 69 c. and $1, and the best 25c HOSE Sold in America. PETTICOATS, UNDERSKIRTS Some very pretty new garments, material like silk, with ruffles, at half the price of silk to all th e pretty new Coloriaigs. A good stock of nice quality SHIRT WAISTS. LADIES' SAILORS at half the milliner's price. Good stock Chdxdren'fl Sailors. CjLQVES S? -OWle are agent for CENTEMERI A 4 . 'A new supply in Blacks, Whites, frr $1 "and $1.25. ::'! I A? laree sudoIv of NECK FIXINGS and Collars. Xrh' headquarters for NOTIONS, SMALL WARES, LININGS, CES, CORSETS, TRIMMINGS V ever kept. t;Yci j uuuj , iviiiyAJii x auu. vxoxxvx xo tjujnaictiay lu.viA.tftl L(J visit our establisbmeat during ithe week. We have spared no pains ito get together an exceptdonally good s understand that the cotton mills were the first -to refuse permission, and it wHl also be remembered that it was the cotton factory element tthat defeat ed the bill 'to have the limits of the town enlarged. The owners of these mills .have the right to refuse any per son admission to their plants, 'but it was treating the Business Men's association as well as the editors with scant cour itesy, to say the least. Durham Herald. PEOPLE' MJ8CEL.LANEOU8 . TRAVELING ealesmiafn wanted for fall trade to sell our special makes of dry goods, direct Aa retailers, on commas sioa. Box 560, Philadelphia, Pa. EXCHANGE A laxiites' or gentleman's 1899 bicycle for a good second! hand typewriter. Call at Gazette. MISS NORA WARE Pianist and teacher In stringed Instruments, 12 Vance street. HOBEKT BKOTJ? Crcy surveyor-and engineer, office Dally Gazette; resi dence, 55 Victoria avenue. FOB BENT. FOR RENT A' six room house with all modern improvements, and partly furnished. Five minutes walk from treet car. Address "W." Gazette. FOR RENT April 1st, af pleasant flat four rooms and bath.,. Modern im pirovements. Call and see it. E. G. Ketchum, 90, Cuberland aevenue. 38 et FOR RfiNT - sx room house oaly three minutes walk from street car, WftU all modern improvements, en tirely furnished, except one bed room House and furniture new. WAU rent irpavttmsLhie And owmieTB. eentleman and wife will board -with tenant. Address f H. Gazette. FOR RENT A four room cottage in Woolsey. One half mile from city Urn it. .On Lookout Mountain street rail way'; Also vacant lots for sale. Apply to C,4 S. Cooper, 39 South Mam street. FOR RENT Rooms In Hendry . block, ; opposite court house. Apply to 39 . S. Main street,' C. S. Cooper. .1 m : FOU RENT At She low rate of $12 per w month; residence, on Blanton street; , 8 cooms; large lot B. Coffin, corner : Haywood and West College street, f Wl-tf. : . . ' LOST A- laidy's belt satchel, going - from WMtFoek's ? -residence to the i snuare bv Paitton avenue. Reward.' ff vv: returned, tw .wmuocK-fi! SOTS su COLUMN FAMOUS FINE KID GLOVES. Colors, Good Guaranteed Gloves and the best lot Of RIBBONS we took. BOOMS AND BOARD. BOARDING New cottage, newly fur nished, northing cooking. Five min utes walk from square. Apply at Gazette office, tf. BOARDING. Rook Ledge; fin moun tain scenery. Modem house with all conveniences. One brock from P. O. Good elevation. Mrs. Lucetta V. Cole, 62 Haywood street. FURNISHED rooms with board, also table totaird at reasonable rates. Near postoffice and car lffine. 15 Hiawassee street. ' 42 6t NICE ROOMS for rent, furnished or un furnished, with or without board; on car line, two blocks from Court Square. Apply at 37 S. Maim street, or address Postoffice Box 279. FOB SAT. 15. FOR SALE A poney and double seated wagon and hiarness. Poney gentle and a good driver. Call at Blomberg's cd gar store, lw FOR SALE Single Comb Brown1 Legon hen eggs. Apply to Mrs. J. A. Drum mend, Grace, N. C. tf FOR SALE Quaker Bath Cabinet, for Turkish and Russian baths, to ba tak en in your room. Price $5. The lat est and best. A boon to mankind, for full partiioulam and examination of cabinet, address Miss Sutton, 243 Hay wood street. 282-3m MONET TO LOAN. TO LOAN On improved city property $500 to $800. Address with description of property box 200 postoffice. Attention. Ladies ! Don't let utnscruplesB, pfll venders, or manufacturers fool you, a there 4s not a pill made that can be relied upon. Send $1.00 and I will send postpaid, one box of Dir. Sampson', female regulator ev ery box guaranteed or money refunded. Adidrese Mrs. Sampson, 268, Andrews St, Rochester, N. f. LADIES OF FIHETASTE 'SSSJST of Handsome, Exclusive and Economic Outfitting from the great stores of Phil adelphia, can have, without cost, a per onal agent of large experience and ex quisiite taste to suggest, add purchase good fox themselves on family. Ac counita opened. Address, stating needs, MRS. MOORE & WATERS, P. O. Bkx 2132. Phuadelphia, Pa. ENGLISH SPONGE CAKES Fresh every morningr at the Womajn' ExCbJaaige, Court r Square. Price each. Call tor No. 231. 2w 20e CURES ALL' KIDNEY, STOMACH. Z 'AND LIVER ; TROUCbUt DeWitt's Witch Hakel Salve Cores Piles, Scalds, tera. ' 1 -.1 v. '"1 (5 i 4 4 ,? -hi V 1 : f - 4 j i - : is- 3 a J t - 1 t drink noother, I ,::".U--;"''-' '4

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