THE ASHEVILliE; yAZET3ffi MAtCH' 89$ SHT 4 " St I : " t - 4 Tate EpsomWateEODRES. 1 jfet A ai-fr, irfP" ' : - , Y r . , - ; : f THE AbIiViius;UAiTIS:'; MARCH IS99 - ' s : ; , ,; ife . - Mi .'-1 .. : M 4 'K ft"'H M JU A: 'T v S ' , f 4L(D roage Aimiminifiil awmaiintfipo: ;.JlDk(p:ll: mi ILIp9IDIU(D TTesltfinmomSals. VOICES FROM NORTHS CAROLINA. J. S. C&rr, Durham, N. C. (.president of Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Com pany): I am satisfied that Tate , Spring Wa ter la one of the finest mineral water to this country for dyspepsia, disor dered stomach, impaired digestion. te." Judge Henry R. Bryan, Newberne, N. C.s '"It "does me more good than any wa ter I have ever used." Mrs. M. A. Jackson, wife of General Stonewall Jackson, Charlotte, N. C.: "I can truly testify as to the em- "y of your remarkable water." GOV. BOB TAYLOR TALKS, R. L. Taylor, governor of Tennessee, Nashville: . . "I regard Tate Spring as the best cm the continent." ONLY RELIEF FOR THE ARKAN SAS DOCTOR. Q. M. D. Cantrell, M. D., Little Rock, Ark. "I 'have great faith in Tate Spring water. It was tne amy agnx j. i&at gave me relief of chronic Uria." ma- Water for ale Sun ABievIDfie Iby ITQae JaragBij IIeBestthi THleagaim, (D A. Hdaysawrj IPellliiaBim9 IPflaarnimaey, TBne (DaroMima Fflnarimiiacy W. (D (DaFinmSctoaeDj EDr. IT (D0 SbmMQh, SaimattdMraiiflm IPManmnacyj anndl IPai MEcfloBfyre. At IHeimaflerowiilIle hj W0 JB3. JJmiste. At IIBirevairsS lby IE. Oaytawm. SUPERIOR COURT. The Case of McCarty va. Fire Insur ance Companies. The supefrior -court is emgaged in the fciM of a civil action m mhicb C. C. McCar'ty, tof this ciicy is p'lajntiff, and two fire insurance companies are dafemd ants. The aatilion is brought by the piaUriftff, McCarthy, to recover fire in surance tio the amounlt of $3,000 on the tob'acda ifla'dtory and warehouse am Val ley street in this city, whicb 'wias de tjroyed by fire in 1894. The defenxSant comipaooiies resist ptayment on the grounds that the buildings dstroyed iJaid been vacant longer than ten days without the knowledge of the defend an!c3. The plaintifE admits the vacancy of the buildkiigs amd set up a w'aiver tof forfeiture on the partfVof the defend Bmt companies. Judge H. B. Carter, to whom the oae was referred, decided thaJt the pliantiff was entitled to Recover. The oase is being heard upon the report of JuVlgie Clalrlcer and) the exceptions filed thereto. Merrtimon and Merrimon anid Alf. S. Barnard! appear1 for the plaintiff and Sondley & Oobb for the de fendant companies . No jury was em panneled as nothing butn questlilotns of law for the court tot decide were in volved. Judge Starbuck will probably rue nis judgment today. DR. HALE'S LECTURE At Miss Grano's Tonight Upon "The Fallacy of Pasteur Treatment1 A TVTrt n ) -r-, . . -"- vjauu on jjTeauoa 5road av tanuie -cms evening at 8:30 Wolock, Dr. Aiiranua. mane or FMlfaidelphia. will I Bpeak on "The Fallacy 'of the Pasteur I Theory." The public is cordially in' viteu acijana. jnio aamilssicm' will be I cniamgea. n-iiroi a viva Luuiig- more tnan any 1 vumr on wnicn tne public need enlightl enirain, it as ons tne subjedtJ of hydTO phlobia. Only a sh.ort timfe since quite a furor Vas excited in Asheville by the ' auaiiw ixiau a inaxi aog Had bitton tea jjeraoms. u-nougn 'the uniftaTteiling hero ism of ouri police, the dog, after a Ksomibat was ssiaugnxered . iaie-a lecture -roi,n irdAan Ko fears of those who 'shrink from dogs as , they would flrionV mattile sntakes. As the ;? vu!iiu uitoo uu our streets tare very , "nuinanous it is well thJa'c we ebouM un nerscana tnenr cnaracters. SPREADS LIKB WILDFIRE. Xou; can't keep a500d thins? flown- JSews or,f0 travels Casft. When .thtaesl are "tna naar' .mnnr twnnma wia, selling. . . - " -w u2 KTJKr "J rtSS? .T?1" : wrixes: "Kieicmc Bitters are tne best selling oaroiers :,xi narveever. niaMiea, in my 20 years experience.'' You ' know t why ? jdost diseases, begin in disorders of the astomachfc aiver, , (bowels, ' blood, and nerves. Electric Batters tones up the : acomacn, regulates liver, . kidneys and cowejs, purines tne bltood,' strengthens .the nerves, whence cures multitudes of maladies. It builds up. the ontlire sys tem. Puts new life and vigor amto any .weak, sickly, runri3iow!n man ortwomaii. OSly 50 cents,. Sold by T, C. Smith, W. C. Carmidhael and Pelham's pharmacy. CuraatqeA; . j M - -. ' i-s funning tr- i f" s iflliC'li SIREN CAVE I a 1 g Sprin DR. MAYO MONDAY NIGHT. Dr. A. D. Mayo delivered! an address at the Asheville College on "How dios Universal Education) ipay?" Monday nightt he proved very oaaciudiiveiy tnax universal educaiuan dioesi pay, teacn ing the griekt body of Aroericlan people the great American, art or mving. to gether in 'order, juatace and peace, The audience, though small, thoroughly appreciated the address. Dr. Lawriemcie of the Wormian ama uoi legiialte insitiitU'te, saiid after the 'address, that it was the finest lecture on the una he had ever 'heard. Prof Jones, Prof. Morton, of the tcbl lege, were emphatic fin ithear praise, as wias also Prof. Venable, coumty super intendeat of schobfls. J. Sneer, Sedalia, Mo., conductor on electric street car line, writes that his lit tle daughter was very low with croup, and hr life saved after all physicians had had failed, only by using One Minute efh Cure. Paragon Pharmacy. GLORIOUS NEWS. Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, f Washita, I. T. He writes: "Four bottles of Electric Bitters ha cured Mrs. Brew er of scrofu,Ba, which had! caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out 001 her head and face. and the best doctors could give no help; but her cure is complete and her Health is excellent." This shows that thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters la the best blood purifier known. It's the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rneum, ulcere, boils and runntng sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels. expels poisons, neips idigettion, Ibuld's up vue surengen. uniy ou cents, sola by T U. Smith,' W. C. Carmichael and Pel nam, druggists. Guarantsed. ne Minute Cough Cure, ciares HOUSEWIVES ORDERING THEIR DINNER. meats fmm rt,. .... - I n - . 7 - I wui Xa.lLLU. (IT TW11 Tlr U.H.-J. W the JudsndereTT they cut, trimmed and sent hm " , ' tahlfl in, Mt rr, ,J iW tL f i?. . maite Out prices are- kkoj - ur servicesi prompt and Zimmennann & VUtehni City Market Phone 4. Agents for Swift & Co.7s Western . ' 1 v Dressed Meats. - NEAR TATE. OLD nfal To'Onrinnr Tnnn HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a botle or common glass with yeur water and let it etand twenty-four hours: a sediment or settling indicates an unhealthy condition of tne kidneys; itf it tarns your risen it u evdeoce of kidney trouble; too free desire to pass tt or pain in the back la also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are eut of order. WHAT TO Da There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dv. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy, fuilnlls every wSsh in curing rheuma tism, pain in the back, kidney, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding water in passing it, or baa effects following use of liquor. wine or beer, and overcomes that un pleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. At druggists fifty cents or one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail, iff you send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., BicDghampton, N. T. When writing be sure and mention that you read this generous offer in the Asheville Dally uazetta. For Frost bites, burns, indolent sores eczema, skin disease, and especially Piles, DeWStt" Wltcn Hazel Salvs stands first aal best. Look out for dia- hlomest peopl who try to Imitate and counterflt it. It's their. endorsemeDt of a gbbd artixsJe. Worthless goods are not imitated. Get De Witt's Witch Hazel JSalve. Paragoav Pharmaoy. TT GREENSBORO, N.C. For the treatment of THE LIQUOR, OPIUM, MORPHINE and other Drug Addictions The Tobbacco Habit. Nerve Exhaustion YANKEE J ! bicycles O BICYCLES strictly l First Class WlthNickel- plated Lamp and Bell. - Second-hand Wheels, all makes, 83.CO up. onippea v. u. Us on approval. Write for catalogue and full particulars. YANKEE CYCLE CO. SI South Ninth 6U Philadelnbia. Pa. I 'PARKER'S' rft HAIR BALSAM . jSJ Cleiasef .and' beantifiea the bait. ( i tsiirff Promotet lnxuriant growth. ' JHf-m Fails to Restore Gray Hair tGhlta Tontlifal Color. wMf?x Cure acalp diseases tt hir iallinst fY3 Wc,andfl.00at Druggif ... - ; SHAKE INTO TOUR. SHOES - Allen's Foot Ease, a powder fori the iCeet. , It cures painful, swollen, smart 4ngnervoua'feet, lainid .Insaamttly takes sting out of ooxmB and bonatoins -It's the greatest comfort duscovery - of . the age JunemsiJioic mase miaKea ngmc . on - new shoes feel ealsyv It is a ceirtain cure for sweating, . caJloixs amd hot, tired, aching ieet. 'xry it today &oki oy ail aruggftsts and (shoe e!ttoireis.H By mall, for 25c Un stamps. ;TWaA package FREE. Adldiiess Aiaen SrOlmsftetd, JJei Hoy, N. HOTEL. FRONT HOTEL VERANDA. eon D NOTICE OF SALH. By vintue of the power contained in a certain mortgage executed by J. B. C5ain to the Battery Park Bank to secure uho payment of certain notes described n .said mortgage, which said mortgage is recorded in book 41, page bb or tne re cord of mortgages in the register's office of BunrcopVbe county, and in book 12, page 48 oif records of mortgages in the register's office of Henderson counity.ref erence to wiiifch is hereby made, default having been made in the payment of said notes. Tne .Battery JfarK tismK wni sell on Salturday, April 8th, 1899, in front of the court ouse door in Ashe ville, N. C, by public auction for cash, the following described property, to-wit: All (the property, personal, real., and mixed, which ithe said J. B. Cain pur chased from A. Rankin, receiver of the Buncombe Brick an 3 Tile Come-any on the 2nd day of May, 1895, by deed regis tered in the office of the register of deeds of Buncombe oouncy, North Carolina in book 93, at page 353.. et seq. of deed re cords and described as follows: All ma chinery, tools, utensils, fixtures . and equipments appertaining to or used in commection with the operation of the plant formerly belonging .to 'The Bun combe Brfbk and Tile Company In .the maunfajoture of Hjrick, together with the lease or term for years of the land ou which the said plant Is situated, at Fletcher's, N. C, in1 the county of Hen derson, said State or North Carolina, said property being more particularly de scribed in said deed, and consisting ol brick kiloos, barrows,,, one forge, one an vll, one vice, a number of cars, one wind ing drum, engime and boilers one brack machine, one brick mill, oil tanks, rails, shovels, picks, one bath tub grindstone, one large dryer, one hand repress, one plow, a lot of office furniture and fix tures, a quantity of brick, includding and intending to convey all personal! proper ty otf whatever kind and nature connect ed with the said plant. This March 3, 1899, The Battery Park Bank. . ' J. P. SAWYER, President. Miss Settie M. Russell, Roseville, N. C., writes: Many years I have Buffered from dyspepsia and indigestion . Tried many remedies, including Zeilin's regu lator, without relief . Ten years ago- I began using Dr. M. A: Simmons Xiiver Medicine, which gave such prompt and permanent relief, I cheerfully recom mend it. , If you have a cough, (throat irritation, weak lungs, pain in the chest, difficult Ixreathing, iroup or hoarseness, let us sug get One Minute' Cough Cure. Always reliable and safe v Paragon Pharmacy. THE ACME WARMING VESSEL. nxTxi r The -most efrectlve incb and durab'a .africle in use, for the relief ' of Pleurisy. Congestion Colic and Neuralgia and an ideal foot warmer. It ia oval in shape, weighs 10. ounces .and holds 1 3-4 piin.t3 of . wa ter. It lsjrecommeinded by physicians (and a,H who have used tt. Three styles, Plain shed Copper, Transparent Uniish, .$1.75. Charcoal - Plate Copper , bottom, $1.25. Charcoal Plaite 'Frog Green' finish, 75c. Sent on receipt oft ptrice. Correspond enoe soiDeaiea. : - -j. s. Little, .Sole agenlt. Office' No; 20 N, Court Square. ; ' j c - v , T. ' ' - lit . - For a quick remedy and " one "that Is perf ect3y saf e for children, let us recom mend one Minute Cough Cure. It Is ex cellent Jr croup, noarsemeas, tackling in the throat and coughs. Paragon Phar. am nig. 1 lEcnnesil; It "your dlealeFs 1f SIbipipefli:jFi3?esIIii :tIIhiireB Obbicpb Capacity 500. Open AH the Year. Thos. Tomlinson, POLITICAL NOTICES. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for reelection (to the office of supertobend ent of the waiter department, subject to the action of the demiotaratic convemitioD . My record! as superintendent for tube past i year is open to investigation and should have weight wifth flair minded1 citizens who desire a clean, energetic adminis tratiton of the city's water department 35. D. M'COLLUM. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of police jusltice of the city of Asheville, subject ito the demo ratio nominating convention. MAX F. VANGILDER. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby aranounce myself a candidate for city treasurer, subject to the action of the democratic nominating conven tion. F. N. WADDELL. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby amnounos myself a candid'aite for chief of police, subjeo1- to the noml na'tion of the democratic convention. F. M. JORDAN. : . ANNOUNCEMENT, ... I hereby, announce myself a candidate for the position of chief of police of the city of Asheville, subject tohe Demo cr&tic nominating convention Nicholas A. Collins. announcement; I hereby ajmnounoe myself a 1 candldatis for iciity treasurer, subject lo the aJotion 01 the democratic party. JAS. R. DuBOSCB. ANNOUNCEMENT. I will be & candidate for the office Of water works soiperiinbenidernit eubjeot to the action or the democratic party. JAS. W. SPEARS. Beauty lis Blood. Deep. fHoaTi Mnnfl mparts n" rlnan alrin'' 'Vrt beautv without itr.CaroiTt.S- DanHvCatlinr. tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im- yuiiucB liuiii uie uoay. xiegin lo-aay. to oamsn punpies, pons, blotches, blackheads, and that simclv hilion.q r-nm nloYii-in Kir Vi-n rr Cascarets, beauty for ten cents, f All drug- uu9, ba.cisia;i,ion puaranteea, luc, aoc, SUc. For sale by The Carolina Pharmacy uouege street amd: court Square. sen!) us nNF nnn ar?? mmw tow psaern wgn-gna. KKSKKTOIB COAL ASD WOOD COOK 8T0TS, by freight C.OJ, subject to examination. your , freight depot and if found perfect ly satisfactory aad the rremlest Stove BAB. . 6AI5 yott ever eaw or hfiard of , pay tha. AGENT oar SPEGIAIi PRICK. $13.00 less the COO WHITE FOB1 OUR BIO FREE.' STOVE CATALOGUE. sent with ot- dcr nr 111 9.0ft and freight charges rdn large deep, genuine Stamlisli poreeUln lined reservoir, hand. we furnish FREE an extra wood prate, makint? it a per fect wood burner. I8SUK A BINDING QCAfiASTKK with euwoiiwo u.o delivery xo yonr rail road station. Your local dealer would chares too 825.00 tor nch a etoTp, the freight ia only boat ti.OOfor SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO.(lk)CKlCAWLL II I . ACME BIRD. 7" aa p"u -X k v Analysis made by T. S. AntegelL M tS'FP(ssSr 01 chemtola7. to National lMedica4 coJttege, and chemist to Um 1 twi- States departmenit of agrlcultu. Sulphuric AcW 13U7 Titme .....i 81.1S Magnesia " Inoo Peroxide Magnesia Peroxide (traces) Potash ana Soda CMor Me SUlca, Soluble ' Phosphoric Acid Carboraic Acid j" Nitric Acid 'm 'M ToW Sulphate otf Lime 160. Sulphate of Magnesia 33.91 Sulphate of Soda 8.58 Sulphate of Portassa 1.54 Chlorfde of Sodium 40.27 ChJBorlde of Iron 2.99 Chloride of Manganese .g Iodlkie of SodJum (traces) Phosphiajte of Lime 14,4 Carbonate of Lime .... JL5I SIMraa 1.71 Nitric Acid 272J1 Proprietor. THE DIXIE Restaurant and C onftct ry 36 South Main St Oysters on the Bah Shell Oysteis and Game a specialty. Lunch Counter for Short orders. We will serve you anvthmx from a sandwich to a hotel max, TRY US. Private:Dining Rot-ms Tun pixie Dr. Geo. H. Lambert, VETERINARY STjRmmw (Graduate of McGiU; University.v Office Willow st. Phone 18 Residence 1 AO Chestnut sr pmto. I ww a UWUW" 1 824. Cattle tested for tuberculosis 5.00 a neaa. rterds at special prices. A. PETR1E. Fashionable Tailor, Before vou invest vour money on a spring suit this season jlook around nrst and see where vou can tret the best -goods, ther best trim- miuga and the best work manship, and then buy your suit. I would ask the Ladies before buy- Ing their spring suit to do the - same thing. 5 Patton Ave. Over Redwood's Store. Not alw&ys the Cheapest But always the Best THE FRENCH BROAD PRESS, 32 Patton Avenue. Has the newest anid handsomest faces of type, the best presses, the finest station ery sitock and the most skillful amid xt flstlo pctniters in Ahevfille. . Our facilites have been dcnihled the last sirJty days Orders are now n fornerw machin ery, and additional foniv tof type. W turn ' out "wartc. 'as prtomised and when promised. Our motto to Print in gthat Attracts If you need our service, call a us or 'phone. ; Estimate cheerfully made on any xlasa xtf work : THE : FRENCH BROAD PRESS. V:- - '-'- f'r'yX I. BEAU. Bgr :; ; r PHONE 395; Independent.