4 r - i :.. . 4.1. A. if t-t- 4 IHE ASHEVILLE GAETJ i ll RCH;3o,ri899f - .! i 3 -4 -"3i.t - t' vana or another load .of troops.. About tb fee weeks will be required for the mi:ster out cf the command. - ' r . .T. .... , ' : .. -,1 .. i . f ..;. V V.; i". " - .". .. . ' . : - . .. V ' .." . : - ... . : t ; - .-' I .'.:......'., r v. ; . - - v - - . ' - - . , -f . ' -, j- , ' , - - , , 1 - A S5' 'A 11 I! 13 1899 Spring Goods 1899 The purpose of this advertisement is to advise you where theleading novelties in Dress Goods, Notions Silks and White Goods, can be found, and the Sfbe5MlIs we are offering are the best of the kind in every way, the result of careful selection. The variety offered is adapted to all classes, the rich as well as the poor. We cannot pretend, in this limited space, to enumerate the great assortment of goods shown, and the specials we are offering in our two Mammoth Stores,, and will simply say that thty consist of new goods and a better line than ever shown before. ?3 &i For the next 10 days A lot of fiue Engl is ii -suiting, worth $1 00 -tnd $1 25 For this sale - - A lot of fiae Brillia'itine, in ail shade?, worth $1.00 and $1.23 For thia sale Another lot worth 65c and 75c For this' sale 7 8c $5Dc White Goods An immense line of Dimities, Welts, Piques, Iadia Linn,etc, at prices to defy competition. Call for our 12c Sea Island Per cale we are offering tor this sale 11 other Dress Good in proportion. Skirts Lot No 1 6 doz Skirts worth $2 50 For this sale r Lot No, 2 8 doz Skirts worth $3.50 For this sale Lot No, 3 18 doz Skirts worth from $3.75 to $5.00 For this sale Calicoes Ginghams $1.48 198 2-98 Just received for the Paster Holidays, a fine line of Ladies' Kid Gloves in Tan, Black and White. Special Easter Prices Our $1.25 Gloves, Special Our $1.50 Gloves' Special THE BIG BALTIMORE, 1 and IS IPattora Ave, 225 CAROLINA NEWS Interesting Items from Va rious Parts of the State. . the establishment were 'lost in Ithe fire. On tie 1st Kf May Lexington Is ito vte on bonds, $10,000, for street im prcvements, for electric Odgrht, for a graded school and for a dispensary. The last legislature grave ithe county a township taxation ys(tem of pubHc read improvemenit. Most of the town ehipa will endeavor to build better road. Miss Susie Overman, who stays at Mr, Will Kirk's was standing near the cook above when lightning run down Notes Gathered for the Gazette and 'the chimney and the pipe, bursting the stove, and then struck her on the left Glimpses of Life and Progress in the Land of the Sky. Selections from jLetest North Carolina Newspapers. Mr. Daniel J. Kiley, president of the Boston common council, is spending a few weeks in Ashevllle for his .health. He is having trouble with' his dungs. News and Observer. " .Mr.-W. O. Roberts and wife, of Asheville have located In Sylva for a "few weeks. Mr. Roberts is a'Ane-'pho , tographer, and . we bespeak tor him-the - paJtronage of the people. Sylva Advo feat.' " - The Silver Hill Gold mine, 'ten miles ;from Lexingtbonv . is now being develop 4ed by the owners an English company. TY; je ore will be sent to Germany fori - smelting. j:The ore of. ttJhe Sflver Hill ' mine' Is of 1 a very - good Quality. ' It I -turn out 180 jU $90, per Hon. "ilA destructive fire ; at .Wades'boro oc curred v Sunday, in which the . buggy and wagon manufacturing establish; meat of Mr'. i. L. Saylor were de Btroyed and three or: four large 'frame i buildings were v destroyed. " All ithe fur! niture,' stock,- tools and implements' of limb, just alxve the ankle. Miss Susie's shoe was torn off and one toe was cult, but she was not seriously shunt. She was knocked about ten feet.-SaMsbury Sun. A 'telegram received here yesterday afternoon states .that the Wilkes coun ty bond case will be heard before Judge Purnell, of tfche federal couirt, at Greens i.1xro nex week. A lawver Wh 1 i . . .. , ... : .vpear m ne case .thinks it highly provable that an appeal will toe taken irom.juage. Kurraell'a decision to the clrcuicourt of appeals and .then to the lrBimamjMt If your liver is out of order, causing Biliousness, Sick Headache, Heart burn, or. Constipation, take a dose of PnUffs On retiring,- and tomorrow your, di- jgestive organs will be regulated and A regular tornado and hail storm spent is fury, on the' southern .bound aries of H,hi county last night about 12 o'clock. - The v wind unroofed several residences, bleWc. down several tenant houses and filled ihundreds of splendid tcck Jlogs . , ReliaWe informattton -from, that section reports that haiT was drifted this morning to the depth of two feet in places, and that 'this . was ithe most severe storm, that hs visited this county ; . for many years. -Wadesboro Correspondence , ChairLotite piserver. Monday morning during the heavy rain storm which passed over Salisbury iightning struck the mill of the Salis bury Hosiery company. The lightning struck Just under the roof on the lower side, near the front, and before the fire had gained any headway the employes about 85 persons, mostly ladies, 'had left the building. , The house was a wooden structure with two stories and a garret. The fire first raged in the garret under the tin roof and was hard to get at by the men employes, who used the mill hose and city water. The second story and contents were consum ed The loss was "fully covered by in surance. The greatest loss is to the employes who lose their places. The 'board of officers, composed of General "Royster, Colonel Loge Harris and Major H. F. Brown met in Ral eigh yesterday to consider the matter of quartermaster's returns to .the Unit ed States, and as to what stores are pn.perly borne on 'the rturns and as t& what should be accounted for as used or in the hands of troops. Requisitions' lor new supplies are to be made in April or May on the quota due July 1, so as to rush supplies to the troops Tents for encampments will be secur ed also from the government. The rail roads were asked to give special rates to the encampments. Cities and towns will also be invited to compete for lo cation of camjfe. PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. will be yours. HOOD'S PILLS are eoia,by all medicine dealers. 25 cts. United States supreme court. The superior court is in session at Durham this week and several cases of importance will come up. The case of Cox and Christian vs. the Durham Wa ter company is being heard. In this case the plaintiffs' ask for something ov er $6,000 damagesybecause the water company used so much, of Eno' river water as to damage their milling inter est on the stream lower down. Colonel Thad Jones, United States army, is at Asheville on a two months' sick leave. Colonel JonesC lit. will be remembered was stationed here sever al years ago, and has many friends in the' city. He was then Captain Jones but he was promoted for gallantry dur Ing the Spanish war and was put dn com mand of the ..Tenth immunes (a colored regiment), which was recently muster ed outNews and Observer. The republican executive committee of Winston met in . that city yesterday and adopted -a resolution insisting that Solicitor Mott, Clerk of the Superior Count "Wilson and the republican board of . education contest" the constitu'tional tty of the acts. ,of the democratic- legis lature , abridging anejr rights In power The committee also commends the ac ticn' of the repuoncan" county county commissioners Cor resigning. The rst North - Carolina regiment has arrived from Cuba, and 1 establish ed Jn camp. The regiment ' was disin fecUd at quarantine,, below , the - city, an d was ' brought up the' river in 'barges' itf low - of tugs The .'troopa carneln three detachmento; . a battalion iaiachL They were unloaded from the Ward lin er Vigilancia thai brought them from Cuba; end the . vessel put off for ; Ha "I can trace my descent back a long ways," said Slipy, as he rolled down the mountain. Yale Eeoord. Walter "Did you give anything to the fresh-air mission ?" William "Yes, I sent them a draft." Cornell Widow. "My wife," said Tangle, "is a mind reader." "Pity my lot," said Tangle; "my wife is a mind speaker." Tit Bits. A Marriage Settlement. Tom "Did your father-in-law settle anything on you at your marriage?" Benedict (de jectedly) "Yes; himself and his whole family!" Puck. The Important Thing. "Do you think it makes much difference which pjanet a person is born under?" "Not a bi, so long as he keeps on the earth." Brooklyn Life. Different. "Those folks next dtoor must have bought that house." "What makes you think so?" "I heard her scolding the maid for driving a picture nail in the plaster." Detroit Free Press. An Expert's Opinion. Burgin "I see the scientists claim that strawber ries are 01 per cent, water." llalston - The scientists are away eft". Straw berries are 01 per cent, box bottom," Chicago News. " "Very well," he sobbed, in a hollow voice. I shall pas ijd-my checks! She laughed a wild, eerie laugh; for there was a dark side to all this. "Get hem rvrfified!" she urged, for she de ft to nlace no obstacle in the wav of his design. Detroit Journal. Unfulfilled Expectations. "That man Titherson's a regular torpedo boat." "How dfcTyou make that out?" ."Ever since he was a "boy at school people have been predicting great things for him, but he's never done anything worth mentioning yet." Cleveland Leader. MILLIONS GIVEN AWAL. It is ceraJnlv atetifylng to the public to know of one concern In the Hand who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The proprietor! of Dr. King's New Discovery for consump tion, coughs end colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine, and have the satisfac tion of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless oases. Asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness end tail diseases of the .throat, . chest and lungs are surety cured by it. Cell on T. C. Smitn, w. ij. Carmichael and Pelh&m, dmiggtats, end get a trial bottle free. Regular size 5U c. and $1. Every, bottle" guaranteed, or price refunded. "G4ve me a liver regulator and; I can regulate the world," said a genius. The druggist handed him a ix title of DeWitta Little Early risers, the fflaanoua ; little pills. Paragon Pramacy. , ' I have been nslnar CASCAKETS and mm nil id mid effective laxative tbey are simply won derfaL Mr daughter and 1 ere bothered with siclt stomach and our breath was very bad. After taking a few doses of C as carets we Lave improved I WII,HKIM1NA HAGXU j 1137 Kittenhouse St.. Cinclunatt Ohio. .CANDY; CATHARTIC. NSS". TRAOE MARK WIOWTSIttgV KIHWWHMWHHIIHHIHnnniHHIHWIHHlHHWIIMWIIIIMMiiSil liiiiilliliilill)HIIIHilliiiiiiillnmiHiitnlili'li)IHMt:t)mil!!1l!l!!ljH!T J&Tcgc!aWereparafioiiforAs simiiatli HicToodandliegula Ung ihELStomadis andBavsws cf .. Eromotesl5ifioChBerM-tiessandBest-ContflinsiiEite OpniatMorpldae wzlfiis&aL Not Narc otic MxJennm ftirmSecd - Clariwd Saagr Aocrfect Remedy forConsUoa- tion Sour Storoach,DiairrtDea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverisrt oes5 and Loss of Sueee Simile Signaturg of NEWTOBK. A For Infants and Children. iie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of EXACT COPV CT WHAEFCa. w (v JcV In For Over Thirty Years THI eCMTAUN MRMIR) MKW TOMB SrVT. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. In Effect IJec. 5 1898. Numbers. 1711 Number. 15 Eastern Time. Numbers. lf&3S Number. If 4:30pm 6:55pm 9:20pm 10:43pm 6:10iam 12:05am 3:50am 6:22am Lv. New York At. Lv. Philadelphia Ar. Lv. Baltimore Ar. 12:43pm 6:35 am 10:15am 2:56am 8:00am 11:25pm 11:15am 6:07pm Lv. Washington Ar. 6:42am 9:35pm Lv. Danville Ar. 11:25pm 1:30pm 12:10am 12:01pm 9:35pm 3:10am 4:05am 7:05am 9:10am 2:50pm 3:'50pm 6:35pm Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Richmond Ar. 6:40am 6:25pm Norfolk Ar. Selma Ar. Raleigh Ar. Greensboro Lv. 7:50am 5:55pm 2:40am 12:35pm 1:40am 1135am 10:43pm 8:50am (CratrsJ Time.) t:Sfam i9-S5azn lS:12Dm t'.SSpm l:SBpm C:CSpm 7:40pm U:Mpm 7:10pnn 7: Worn 8:X0pm 9:07pm i:2Spm lPI4pm IJ'Ottro 12: Ida m l7:lSam t:0dam 4: Item 7:40am 7:10pm Lt. y Salisbury Ar. 6:35pm 9:30am Lv. SU-terville Ar. 5:44pm 8:43am Lt. Newton Ar. 5:03pm 8:09am Lv. Hickory Ar. 4:45pm 7:52am Lv. Marlon Ar. 3:2Spmi 6:45am Lv Biltmore Ar. 1:30pm 5:21am Ar, Asheville Lv. 1:20pm 5:15am Lt. Aheville Ar 1:30pm ; Lv, Hot Springs Ar. ll:403jn 4:0Oam Lv. MorristowB , Ar. :50am S:S0am A. Knoxvlllis Lv. 8:2lam l:15m Ar. Cnttnoo Lv 4:80am 19:0pn Ar Memphie Lv. :15ki l:4tam t:pai a?. Nfifevill Lv. l:ltpm fe.lam T:ltam T-.Stpsa at. Lulvill Lv. 7:45p 7:4i&ai r:tm 7:ttp Ar. Clnelamtl Lv. t:pi 8:taa A. AND S. BRANCH. No. 14. No.. W K8 (Central Time.) He. 18. Ne. I Ne. L 1:19am l:ttpi Lv. A3tvHl Ar. 6:00pm 1:40pm (SMtcrn Tims.) l:ltftn t:lSpm Lr. Biltmor - Ar. 6:52pm 2:39pm 1:17am t:2tpm Lv. Hendereomvllle Ar. 6:03pm l:4Bpm H:20tm K:0pia Lv. Tryta Ar. 5:00pm ll:42pot V.ttam l:Upm Lv. Spartamkura Ar. 1:11pm 11:25am 2:40pm 9i?5pm Ar. Columbia Lv. 11:30am 8:80am t4m tHAaa Aa Charteatca Lv. 7:8aia irtgya (Cntral Tlm.) l:Scv l:taxi A. CaTammaH Lv. H:Maai U:Ma l:llaai t:lBaja at. JaclatnvlQa Lv. i:tpa i:Hpm l:ttam Ar. Anxugta hy, l:tpa :Xym a:ISp i:ltaai At. Atlaata Lv. 7:Waaa U:Wpm 7:40am 8:10pm Ar Kw Orlaaa Lv. 7:4Spn I: dam f:4aa . Ski. . Ueal Lv.. I:f9pa MURPHY BRANCH. Koi "17 No. 17 Central Time.) No. 68 No. 18 2:00am 4:00pm Lr. L0:29m (05pm Ly. U:20am 6:50pm "Lt. 1:45am 1 :00pm , Ar. l:4SpM Ar. Daily except Sundays. Askarllla Wayntarilla Ar. 4:ttpsa l:Nmi Ar. 1:50pm Li:42asi At. ll:20nm I1rtfltt.ni Uryaom City Lv. f:tfaja f VSask Daily exceqt Sundays. (SLEEPiNQ CAR SERVICE.) Traina 87 and 11, and 12 and 38 icairy llmaa aleepera betwe New York. .Washington, Asnevllle, Hot Springa.Chiattanocrga aaid Nashville. Tmlns and lLand 10 and 12, between Jacksonville, Savannah, Columbia, Asheville, Hot Springs, KnoxvUle anld Omtdoiiimti. Train 15 and 16 carry Pullman elee pens between Salisbury, AaheviUe, Hot Springs, Nashville, Chatanooga and Mempbia. f Together with ; our excellent equipment and schedules to the north and east, ail rail through ,; Washington, the public's special attejntion Is called to our raB and vcater route ito the north and eas Southern railway and the Chesapeak : line. Thia schedule allows a day's atop over at Norfolk, Va affording an oppor tunity to visit Old Podnt OomlfortFprt Monroe),- Virginia, Virg5niia.. Beach, New port News, etc Baggage called lor and checked from hotels and residences ,by the Ashevllle Transfer Company, office with city ticket offiee, 60 Pat ton av enue, Asheville, N. C i - FRANK S. GANNON, t Vke & Gen- Mgri, : 5 ;r ' Washington, D. C. J. M. GULP.s , Vllf Taffi Manager, s . . ,,f Waahingttm, D. C, S. H. HARDtWJCK, A. G. P. A., Atlanta Ga. W.H.TAYLOR, A. G. P. A., Louisville, KyJ W. A. TURK, JhJS Agent, V - ; Washington, D. C. C. A. BENSCOTER, : , : F 1ig?t Z' " " '-" A. G. P. A., Chattanooga, Tefm. CityPasa. and T. Agent ; - Ashevills, N C r Pleasant, Palatable.:- Potent. Taste Good. Do Gotxi, Navei Sicken Weaken.-or Gripe. 10c. 26e-y)c.. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... gtwltr Kmj Cmmpumj, Cktew, SotrU tim Jwrk. SU fftTflRi Sold and frnaranKHI by all drug liUBIUsUAW Risteto GVJS Tobacco HabitT. 5 For sale by ' The Carolina - Pharmacy CcUsja street and Court Square. VEPAYC200 cask for a lnsrlo stamp like cut! We pay fc5 to glOO eaefc for manypostage stamps used between 1847 and la Look HP TOUr Old letter tm1 thnaa nelfibor8 ; you may 5?d stamps worth thousands TrfS- to-day lor DR.DAVID tfQINEDVcTlDflj Sv-s The one sure cure for J

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