nm ASHEVILLE GAZKPfiy k MARCHo, 1899 . -. , Oil N Y ' . " ' , .:, : : the sign bp tjkd book. - " - ' r1! ' EASTER - " !.-r " ' lvtLlk- ) .Iff "f ri . -"J r - ' 7 4 1 i. -..it. - I I J.. - I ' . - r ; : I '!. ..(- -Jf btwd tof mlainagersi of the Wo , moan's juacchange meets to tihe excnange this mormling' at 11 o'clock. .. I ': ' -. .. . Mrs. Aiwiie L, Scotit 'quJaHiified ta ad mftniataiatior of Uhe esCaitg of the late Georgre F.Sdtftft yserday. ' iSheriflf Led leaves today fom ' GbMs dojto .havLas: 'in' chiarere J anal Mil If?, a orazy neretea. She will be pJlaced In ybig Jate laaylum. Trtie Ccinltest csuiiit of Wirson' "vs. Jor -8&n, to "diatennine the Tigrhit tb the IfiiUe f clerk at tlhe icrimitalaa jciourb -will come up in the superior court tbodlaar.' The dondiaaion' of OMa McClatcht ey, the idemen-ted g'irl fcomi Souitb Biltr mrp 4s Imdrlovimir. Sh ilst stiill in the ' . .... J it ji. . . The greens on the golf links were too wet to play on yesterdlay,' so t!he qutalifi oitiion game postponed frtoiri! last Tuesday will be pl&yed toliayl alt 2 Wctock. Thfg afteirinlxn :at 4 p. m. the nuomithly meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held dn Gospel Chapel, 20 Vance etreelt. Im pontawt business .requests that all mem Ibers should be present . n t i imm t i Piiiffham Geoan club have U IvimK'ioiH aubthr otf ulhelr en It wall De &ivu uui me it as 'J. lira "feued -ifnvitait1 .v.Ia, To -n rHPS bSISt Fark hotel next Monday termed to ter 'diao'ce, RALSTON'S HEALTH FLOUR GLUTEN ENTIRE WHEAT MAKES BRAIN BREAD i-8 'Sacks, 12 lb , 50 Cents. N A. D. COOPER. 32 South Main. Sunday, April Second, 0if)(a3trd?ia londW.ou.l' BSSortmeat of fiaeter-Cainas ahd Nbredtfes ana the rriOfit comple,te anxj itJhat we have the; aargiest liice 4Jd( make selections from, and prices aire rffchlt, heuuce the quan tiie& we are selling. Ltodfe- them over before buying:. - . . - '.-...' . - . " , . . Rogers Book Store, 0 BiltmoTS Patent 1-4 sK '62 . 4Xj S?S $K$X-$Xg-$ 4 oocf thing Caplt. Rankins, one of the maiiiagers of the fore1' it depafltmentt on tlhe Vander bilt estate killed a duck Tuesday in the lagoon, thht mctaisnred four feet ama four Inches from 'tip to tllp. Mfl-n-Hrins are rurmiinte off schedule agia'm. The 10 o'iclock m:omingi mall from 'the cast yesterday d'id not arrtve until the afiternciotn. Tlhe eventog mail was delayed bver tWb hours. The hainidsiotme rid'Lng habiit on exhibi tion at the Wlotmani's Exchang-e is1 of fered 3it a very reasonable price. . Any good tailor can make necessary altera tions with Tittle 'tnouble, as both cut and (doth are of the best. A large qu&nlti'ty of household goods belongtog tid A. M. JohDeon! were seized vel-iteird'3v by the sheriff. They were at the Idepo't wa'iting to be shipped to Prbvideoce, R. I. Mtb. Dans' had the godis attached tb satislfy a deftat. Thp ".TiinFir- ian case1 of the Western' narnlnina Batik vs. Westall, Btotftc and! irtthPTR will Tmbiablv be heard before i t,,o-, q,,-vi rMr fnflav. This a an ac ! ttoi to enjoin the defendant from' dis BEST NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES. poking of tentaiin property in tnis cicy. An infidrmal wh'isit party Vaa given lalst nfi'gtlt tat the home of Mr. anld Mrs. H. Taylor1 Rogers, complimentary to Mrs. Rogers' sister, Miss Gavanson. The !fdllowinig were the guests: Dt. and Mrs. C. P. Ambler, Mr. Dave Gudger, MIfs ones, MiS3 Eavenscm, Dr. A4 W. Calloway. Mr. R. S. Howland has purchased' of -Mr. Geo. W. Pack a! plot of ground containing ten acres on the side of Sun eet 'Mourt'ta!:m, a short distance beyond Albemarle Park. The title deeds wnicn were yesterday deposited for record re rite a cionptiderlitionl paffd of $5,250 ! Mr. Rowland, is said to be ctantemplatnp: the early erection of a handsome and corrod'ious dwelling on his purchase, which is one of the finest sites to be found to the suburbs. The sale was made through Mr. Walter B. Gwyn. A t(3tad'bme Mexican onyx sbd'a foun taim hus beeai InSttalLed im C. A. Ray Boar's pharmacy on Pakton! avenue. It is one of the latest make, known' as Tuffs ptateiD. The Syrup cans are cun tadmgly concealed! behind book like sheila Jot onyxi ipresenting !a pretty effect. It wliTl be ornamented with brass hand and -foot rail'iaigB over! the fountain is a huge miror, reflectStng a nickled iudan descent rhandel'ier. Mr. Fred- Parker will preside over the new fountain, with his well known expertiiiess. ITS ALL rtf . fc 1-2 sL sfc il COPVRirl 1.3 k $igns of Spring " "uv,v ,,UWM floor H SK POPPYCOCK t To think that anyone Cannot - It's only a question of a few houra at motet, with the assistance off a competent fimetructorj If you really -want a wheel, and have been deterred by the thouight thait you would have difficulty im learning;, disabuse your mind of the Idea at once. Try a lesson in our RIDING SCHOOL, and be convinced Fifty cents an hour, and all you pay us . v ' for tafitructions, remitted if you purchase a Wheel from our com plete stock. are id evidence everywhere now, and "a redder crimson come, upon the robin's breaert," and a dove like, whiteness comes upon the shirt fronit of the young man whose "fancy sHightly tunw to thoughts of love." if he i wiM his laundry work ta tlhm Arioit eu.. ' . ... a' Latmdiry. We wilt ntTow e BVtir upon ble and on your linen k tftat couM never be acqulr "" 'r amy but the tx-rt ft ed at anyothe launtBrrUn I uuiK . -We prefer tf bred" jnade- from wh ole wheat flow to any thwt yon 1 any othej launtJry in the state. AsheviHe Steam Laundry 1'hone 95. 43 Wi!8T COLBOB ST 1 01 ON BUCKWHEAT CAKES, IS OUR WE SELL IT AT A REASONABLE PRICE. Kroger s NEXT THE MARKET. BON MARCHE OPENING. The Store is Crowded During Their Grand Opening This Week. This week is a busy one at the Bon Marche, as this is tho week of their spring opening. Their large and excel lent stock has been the attraction for ar any all the week, and the interest will i Instruments. Hough & RoWits t , . u. , ..fJ. ,. give you a hearty welcome. 2t PROSPECTS EXCELLENT. The sale, of reserved! seats fort to might's concert still goes on alt a brisk rate, and it ts doubtful if there will be a dozen, seats left by noon' today. The comptamy wiBl arrive' here from the west at 2:30. Madame Scachi, maid and son. will go to the Battery Park Hotel, the balance; of Ithe company at the Berkeley. B:Hg busitoess seems the) order, land Manager Plummer may be obliged to put out the S. R. O. sign tonight. We have Bicycles at $25, $35, $40, $50 ,$65 and $75. Ashevillo Cycle Co., Eugene C. Sawyer. Pt op. Phone 228 18 & 20 Church St EASTEK SPECIALS For Men and Boys Suits, 2 50' to $25. Hats 50 aetata to $3.50 Neckwefclr? 05 cents to $2.50 4 Shilxtts 50 cents to $2. Gloves 25 cents tk $2. Suspenders 15 ceclts to $1.50. Hosiery 10 oeinlts ito $1.50. Pants $2 to $7.50. , -vf Shoes $3 to $5. New- arrivals to Underwear, Negligee Shirts, Straw Hats, Fancy Vesi3, Serge Oojats and Vests, e'tc, etc 25 per cent oft all Prince Al berts and Cutaway. Suits. 18 Patton Ayenue Opp. Hotel Berkeley. lIlllshsi$lsisii$iwiisisi$i THE KIMBALL HER CHOICE, Of the many good pianos offeredMme. SclalcM for heir use In America, she se Tec tied the Kimbail. Two magnificent Kilmbaails will be used by hen musttoal dl'reator here on Thursday night. And Scalchi is a good judge of pianos. Go to 11 Church street to see those popuHar will and include everything that sary in their line. is neces FOR SALE Garden! and! flower seeds! at 5 and 10 cenrts -per package and Easter dves. 12 Conors for 5 cenlts. T. J. Rev 10 say tney had a commete lihet e- an Nay-hiv Waim tirrf- s would describe their stock accurately But a few of their leading novelties are HOTIGE, s.'lks for waists, ready made petticoats, the new mercerized materials: elegaait Have you seen the reed parlor suits lins, wash fabrics, silkines, silk ging amd ee 'them, it costs nothing to look. gingnams. Is the baby heavy? Get a carriage Their ladies' and children's sailors 1 tfr It at Mrs. L. A. Johnlson's, 27 are very pretty, and'theftr neck. fixings are a specialty. The trimmings, braids and, flowers are all n-sw. They handle white, embroidered lawn dresses, which are very neat. '' " Their show windows are arranged' - very tastefully with-eome of their pret tJest, goods, and the entire store is a j pi easing eight . North Main street. They air cheap! 3t favorite Kemedy CURES AU." KIDNEY. STOMACH 'AND LIVER TROUBLES. Whose Head adhes? Yours? If so, what is A Whs cause. DoeJa a JSittle worry or J- over work bring that tight, sore, uneasy achlimg sensa'tion' sit the si base of the brain, just back of the ear, or Is lit over the eyes in i the farehead, fhiave you ever thought that It might, be due to your eyes? Could we oonvimce you, toy relieving it with glasses, x this is one of the ,'ETE" head f. aches that can be relieved with properly fitted gtasses. WHth the cause removed, ithe effeota disap pear. ' Examinations free, n Carl Shultz, Dyer, Chemical Cleaner and turner. 55 South Main St. I dye and clean ladies' 'and gentlemen's ctothes; also fine fur rugs and carpets, Ssce curtain, etc. I alter and repair also all kinds of gar ments and fur. All work guaranteed. Special attention paid to out of town ordesrs, and express paid one way. In cllty all goods wflll be called for or deliv ered free of ohwrge. Schults 55 8. Ilatn St. Phone 206. TH6. LAvn, 1&: Norma Collegiate ForJSaJe by all Dealb rs. J.E.RANKIK, Casaier. ,000 UVUTriTOTi umim I EE Carl 4 Tempting Lenten Meal is a mice baked shad or bass. When fresh from the sea they make a toothsome and appetizing morsal. We have every thing to. dysters, fresh and salt water fish to large variety, and we receive them fresh every day. Um. C, McINTIRE Fish aud Oysters. Stall G, Central Market. Phone 23. Free Delivery. P. vSAWYBR, President. nB&ferfy Parte CapitaJ. Stocte - - - zuperinr f acilities lor Domg x BsneraJ Banking Business. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXKS FOR iOSHT! T LIVERY. FEED AND SALE PaVa v i iTrt1 rKY, rolo iWs, Victonas, Surreys, T. . larte, JLnfflwh Tandem carts dprpd nrmo a ?wiEl the b?8t RK? SADDLE HOUSES in ' . m m - m m mi aau wm a -bw m v a h mm ..r guaranteed or no pay, " -.A. MJSARS, PROP. uW.DwaDaoe(;now. 85 South IVlainlSt New and Old Phones 278. A Change in Business. Owing to the increase in my business, I had to secure more help; I now hv two experienced men in charge of my Cigar and Tobacco Department, and will see that every one of my customers will be waited- on r,rmnlv, i have fa charge . " . . . i. . W The Sporting Goods Department, and hope to be able to attend' to the trade more than heretofore. Mv new line of sporting goods 5s earning in, wll be ready for imspexaton by next week LEADING. CIGAR STORE, L. BLOABERG, Proprietor, Established 1887. 17 Patton Avenue. iFree Reading Room in Rear of Store. New 'Phone 456. S. L. McKEE, I Scientific Optician,, 45 Patton Ave. i Blair's Furniture -Store. 111I111S1N11II$1S11S1 TlM kiMWt Pressing Club. Why do you pay large prices for .tauimrfmp' anA tureKslinifir your clothes when (his Ashevllle Pressing Club will do it all for the small sum of $1.00 a month and as often as you like, w e guarazw: all our work to be first class in every way and If it is reparing ,or alterations you need to give us a trial as we are pre named to do any and all kinds on short notice. . . . . . We make a specialty or c learning aou nroTxr laiiW iffl.itar made dresses. We send for and deliver all clothing wthen you need work in our line cai up , o ' BOONE & B0GART, Managers. Booms 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Gazette Bid'?. i Phone 38. TAKE ONLY the best when you i need a medicine . Hood's Sarsapa- Tilla i8 ,the best blood purifier, nerve i And stomach tonic Get HOOD'S. r - "' " i n uni. To Care Cotutlpatton Forever. . . , Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic lOo or 25b. If C O. Q. fail to curev drun? tets refund money.? -For .sale by vThe1 Carolina Pharmacx . College sbreet and Court Square. - - ' ' 1 1 V, 1 n nu Can Secure Satifactorv 1 w : 7 -.r.-,, : ... .... I . A Warm, Sunshiny Easter is Predicted. ARE YOU PREPARE FOR IT? The weather bureau predjts nice weatlher. for Easter'. Havel you ;(alreadyl gotten your NEW SUIT, a new Jailor, m WiaNa NECKTIE. I niot;au'.dVtter,comeitothe 6 ;Vll,fiuad s .,LApiES:,.rJUNLAP; and cheapen ' grad' HaUT NECKWEAR- "..S'a SPECIALTY - I No-To-Bc for Fifty Cents. fiuaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood' pure. 60c, 81. Ail aruggisis. Ftar sale by The uaroiama jrnaxnwij flbttege ata-eet and Court Squsre. ON THD pESDBSTAIi OF POPUXiAJl yu -will find the JlJLItCO' coel witti every one in Ashevllle that has. tested its high- gjrBfle quajat wuuomy m use. Tuft a.nA noon will find that they eet the worth, of their money In every scuttle. f rkmii thaitis used, as tt-gtves.' out; mora Heat, , leaves cWnkers and gives oat wsrmtn tend bflfghtoess, . intal of dog- CALL FOB- Augusta IBpewing Co1s THE FAVORITE BEER OF ASHEVILLE. Orders wfll be filled for Bottle Beer if left at or phoned to HaJyburton&Oo,, Frank O'DonneJJ, C. B Mclntyre, Pat. Carr, : y 8waunanoa Hotel Co., and Pat. Mclntvre, Asrt. Augusta Brewine Co :A"FAWA CIGARS. Primeras, .5 cents each,, IiaTSastidad, Conchas, 10e, for 25 cents. Magnificos,3 Puntanoa ,Finas, 10 cents.- Perfectos, Regalia Del Key, 10 cents. ; Bouquets f ." ,5 cents each. 15c., 8 for $1.00. 15c.f 7 15c., 7 ' By the Bo at Factory Prices. THE FINEST LINE OF SMOKERS' ARTICLES. tfiag tip your nove or ranae. 4. X(::eoart IGACIOL '; k L f . .'