if .r 5 -. f CtHEASHEVILLGAZETTE. i APRIL? S j ',v . i . t a. - V f Ac finest equipped mtil In ' i ;6nlte southern elope of the;Bkle;Hidginouritains,V nrrc , flrp cnMim rppi. f T, mnterjclmi ate m westera Wort q Carolina, . iy; For.TTurther particulars apply( to : ; v ! JOSEPH HELtEH & SONM : ife- Proprs. Oak HaU, Tryon, NrC. A Domain of Health and . rm cirYiiir& iinTFL i ' v of the wild and rtmderful wito Iaul at -fy-".i ' - ' shelter on the irirth JromJTJIzzaTda7inr ! open to toe balmy brezea - aadBunshiae of the SouithuwwL ixm location T ' HIGHER THAN ASHBVILLB, (3,200 feet elevation.). - 'MTT'DER THAN'ASHEVILIiB, . - ' - Viv GRANDER THAN ASHBVIL.LE, - HEALTHIER THAN ASHE VLUJEL It ha.i It own smrihas of , " - A'?8 jjcmg distance, telephone and posbofflce. Its gxiest chambers are ctor vi-tahiA nHtrfixHl afford clLann Ine outlooks. . C Tho toloewiTvh' and TAlwT ofAshevllleFor lnformatllMii and Sonv Skyukttk Polk County. n n n nm n n n n a a nTcTn Talta d rcrcra"n Ashe viiie, N, C, 167 French Broad Ave, L AG ESS GE R (A A N m E5 HOD; No Medicine! No Operations; Massage, Baths, Diet, Sweedish Movements, etc. All diseases treated.;; ,- Head Physician: O Sctiulze, M. D., of L.eiplc Undvecstty, form erly of Duesseldorf Orthopadla Instl'ttttfi., M Assistant Physician: Minna Kuepp', -t-' ly assistant phyaicaaai of M. Boelhm Sanitarian FreMricut Vi-rmany. For orices and references address mis us-uepper. SWMWAp HOTEL. ASHEVILLE. N. C.' A Fine Family and Commercial House, Centrally Located, Tvith all Hall?, Cosy Sun Parlors, 7 - Excellent Table. Orchestra Music Every EveningT f JCS'Special. Weekly Rates to families, I On Car Line fiom Depot, ForFull Particulars Address HOTEL FLEMING GKUBER CONCERT CO., Proprietors. Kenilworth Park Villa " Dm mile from the court bouse; three mjtntr walk from Biltmom car line; aa of the healthleet locations in Ashe- V. aa. New hous, with extensive ' Smu&da; open fires; every home com jCect. No advanced tuberculoeis pa- y r" irst claeo board for only li.M d.t9 per wek. MrsC A. Z. Cooley. , FOR RENT llew llngland HoM 102 Patton Avenue. Private French -JBOARDlhG HOUSE "With Reasonable Rates. 4 Mnie. LeGoff, w: 42t South Mala St. f ATTD T 1? K TWT) Cor. Court Square and Pattdn Avenue EOUP STAIRS. - mmu stituto;f or G'A , Greer fH. CJohsnon, D.G.Noland; Jm GrReeyes ' rz.d rli 7i:3t'GrQTOcawclTyrh and you will :"V;r a ;pi n : the South Is situated at arid, .without doutt " tae fcDest Crandeur, Khliit rm . credt overlooklne a vast are abaolutely pure water. It anas a pertedtiy 7, - r, io, nnlrl M. Htton, JtTeaurer, station la TrVOO. N. C, 40 miles BOUli and pamphlets address D. B North Carolina. - Steairna a a H a a ojaa on a d etd a a n a n n.a 3 a n n Modern Conveniences, Large Jfi7ery thing IS eat aai Cleanly, SWANNANOA HOTELr CO. Marion, N. C 4H H T US itir 1 o tX I ryOn nOrinfiarOIin' Sunny rooms and ezicellent tabls. "Kenmorithy Cottage" on Melrose av nue. Rates eix to eight dollars per week. Addres MISS MARY A. GRAY. THE GROVE HOUSE, MRS. KOPPELBERGER, . tl Grove street, Asheviiie, N. C. ' Hons nicely papered and fumlshi throughout. Halls well heated. Baths, hot and cold water. Modern osvisnce. Near street ear tin. PRrVATH BOARD. Hoeum in mibarb in large, shaiy rrovo, ood table with abundance of Creak milk, butter, egg eta MUe from court house oa electrlo c&r line. ralaphone 291. Rate low. f InformatlOB at Mrtv J. M. Ray's, on Lookout Mosa- rtsla ear line or at Raye bookstore. Happy is the man or woman wbo - can eat a meal wSthtout sufCerlag. mf terward. sfa cure. It digests what you eat, and cure all forme of dyspepsia and Indiges- tilon. Partegon Pharmacy., v. l ? 5 4 7 Tea or. Coffee i-'-.v'- r- 5 GITY STATEMEllT. : city of Ashevlfe,' irr3V;- Maircli 1st CASH, RECEIPTS , March let '-. Cash on Waod, 'including. sink - cSiSkiei a? timp- U.- tug timd. - . - WW V14 beiLT. c, undncisk . 7,451 41 Cash coUedted'by'E. D. McCcfl-7 ium,: wktr depaatmeat, " 345 09 Cash, collected! by J ,A Ijrr!ly, C P.;-fines, ' ' 212 28 Cash tsollecteiby W. H; Bard, eanitairy d'epiaitm.eii't, 144 75 38 77 OaSBi poai&etied $y B P. Rives, scales, Clash colleteted- by M. W. Riob-c ertsisa, clerk: fecreet deplafftment, 46 50 Total - 39,887 82 cash disbursed; March rd - -: " . 2 . ' PoM, J. M;- Heafran, z Itreastirer, pay ' roll, etreet depairtaaieat, 68 56 PaM, J. M. He'Stbn, treasurer. I .IW .pay i inoJil, wateur department. 27 03 pay roll, samitary depaaitfnent, 82 90 Paid, J. G- Reeves,' "Wood, sani- oairy Oepaftrnierjit, ?a; -v 50 Paid, H. C. JohnsbtaV Co., un- idne fire' deparjtmenfe . 50 00 19 58 4 76 4 00 Paid, W.vj F. SmldtBr, sundrif3, fire- depatitmemtt, - :. . "--t- PaM, B. J. Spivey, meals to PLtisoners, pioliloe , depsairltimeiiit, Plaid, J. A. Lyetrly, C. P., wood : itio samiitairy deparitment, g , ; Paid, R. E. Clevengter, eam-! ster, fire deopiaa4mat, . 10 00 1 Pialid, J. G. Ducktt, teamstr, fire dep(aTtmen!t, ." --Z rZ'. '- U0J0Q 1 25 90 1 25 3 50 26 45 27 60 28 61 . 68 63 Paid, M. "Wl. PbOTioiir; 't type- twT,itlllIl'g ainfd aamps, k PgM, Cowan & Stradley," eun- drLes, fl P'aid, P. B. Ua&le aundiraes, . fasai, Asneviaie ice ancu tjoai Co., coal, sanaflary epartr ; menit, Paid, I. X. L. gTocery, sua- : dries, samlit&jry diepatrtmenit, Paid, J. M. Iorick, fpeii'ffht and dmaytage, water (deptaintmeait, Paid March lath J. M. Hefcoa, iterasurer, pay roll, street deparltm'eiiit, - J. M. Hestoo, treasurer, pay troll, wtaiteir depar.tmtfnt. J. M., Heaton, treasurer, pay Toll, siainS tary depamtmenit, J. A. Lyerly, C. P., guardl3, rianSbairy depjiaErtmieritt, 40 00 7 59 R. M. Ram&ey, mamaiger, aun- idrdes, B. J. Spdvey, meals o .prison- "bts, police department, 4 06 23 96 The De"a!ne Steam Pump, Co., toterest oa, accouot, waiter - department, Tbe Sunlight Gil and Gasio- line Co., 611, fire depiaiPtmeoit, I 30 . i 10 00 10 00 8 60 10 00 100 00 1 95 - 25 7 20 69 63 3 60 29 1 23 05 74 58 II 00 R. E. Clevenger, teamsJt'er fire Vlepairtmenlt, J. G, Ducketit, teamstetr' fire1 detriment, E. D. McfCollum, sumdrreB, waJtier deplamtmenit, B. M. Lee,- aervftce oi'ty e gjoeer, street department, D. M. Luther, 4 mOmJth'd sal ary, city attorney, J. H. Law, sumldrtee, J. M. Lorlck, eurJdni'ee, J. W. Rlckman 40 bushes liTnie, sanlittlaEry departrruenlt, Ashe'ille Stree Railway Co., eleobrdc Hg-hlts, etc., " -Lee 'Barle,- rebate on tax, paid by -eanor. Paid March 17 J. M. Hstoini, treasurer,, pay roll, street depfaorrtiment, J. M. Heston, treasurer, pay roll, waiter department, J. M. Hedtton, treasureT, pay I roil, sanixary oepmmei Cyrua Thiamrson, tePified cop- Hes of ch'arber aaid-eiecftion jaw, R. B. CLeventger, Itjeamster, fire departmenit, J. G. Du'ckeW, teameter, fire department, J. M. Lorick, 1 load saw-dust fine idepartimenit, DslvIs & Allison, sundries, "sani- ttary departmieot, Dr. E. B. Glenn, profess?OHial eirvice, po5i'oe department, W. C. Sbmdley, oil, fire depart- meniU, Mrs. W. 1?. Cala-way, Dbnatibni, B. J. Splvey, meals -to prison ers, pdliice department. J. A. Lyerly, C. P., carriage hire, police departnvmt, J. M. HestJort, tressurar, on ac- - coxinlt schtotol fund, Paid March 24 J. M. Heston'.N treasurer, pay . ro31 street . dfeparttmentt, J. M. Heston, treasurer, pay . Toll, water department, 10 00 10.00 1 50 5 48 . 7 00 2 10 : 2 50 3 36 1 ce 2,000 00 . 89 43 28 7 54 4 I J- M .Heston, treasurer, pay J. Q. Ducket, teamster, fire department, r R. B. Cleveo'ger, tetameiter, ' fire depaiitmeiDlt, Asheviiie Electric " Co., omi ac- .10 00 10 00 500 00 2 00 1,000 00 77 88 I. counlt etreefti aiiighfing", James Miller, ston useo: by paid btnl taate, . R. i M. - -Ramsey, - managier, freight, arayageeitic., " Tl. J. RTviwv, majla to trialon- ers, police department, 8 05 W. E. Calawav. DonTaltonL- - 2 50 TTr-rt M'r & mh. " 2 - mteterSw iwaiten derfelrtmlni. ' 16 90 Micaauai Trust.? & DeTJOsJtrCxr.-. tofteresr,'. ' t--. - 2,700 001 Pfaid.: March 31st. 7- ., . Meroantile Trust & Deposit Co., - totereat on. aiote, - 150 00 B. D. MViOollum, salary, su perlntemdeirJt waiter: , works, .- . March, . .z - , 60 00 W, Jl. - Bagweaj, Balary,, engin eer wiatter wbrks. Jlawsh. - . 66 66 TG W.-SeJfteer,: ealiaryr tassdatiarrt ' eBteSaeer wfettelr works," March bo w IT R... TinftkhaWL 'jaalarv line- I mam. wa)Ler works. March. . 40 00 rCJ: M.: Anah-ewBL7 aalaii-yr,-i filter- . mani, water works, "M arch, v- 40 0Q X- T.'Bostic, salary,' street) 6U-- . r tierinMenittMancn, . 50 00 "W" . H . , B& rd, - &liaxy , eairittiary - eupjerirJtefn'dent, March, , 60 B,FS;' Rives, -eaJory maxkett ,f - SupOTntenderitr'.Marcn t- 60 rt-. . T.. niilstr.haird. fialaarV. ian- " itarv nlumber. , March. " '- - - 75 00 iTOwwtnir IWaJrirh." ' ' - 40 00 MiirMt " , "45 00 - MfaitotanL ;MbftvL ' 1 - " - 25 00 . Iriclan.. March; "r; -""5 V.- '" 25 00 ! .. I .... (Continued on 'Sixfth Pag.) -1 Ko-To-Bm f or Fifty Centsi r- i - Guaranteed tobacco haMt cure, makes weak jnen strong-, blood pure.i- 50c. i. Andrucsrlsta . FW sale by The Carolina Phsarmacy OoHlege street and Court Square. ' - WDr. David rhnedytJ Cunz3 Ar. r:ir :-". Lrr ""t Alt UBFA L G S fill THiTINiM-J?. her t - - w . wis. , f m - IPk -t " - ance is needed.- She does not ask for MlATI RP K APPEM Ilin r helP v11 ifc 18 impossible to get along without IIM IUnt 10 ArrCMUIlU;?it. Boils and pimples are an indication that Cfln -Jr Z ' the-8y8tem is accumulating impurities which HIn Hrl P must be gotten rid of ; they are an urgent appeal for assistance 1 Vii IILLI i a warning that can not safely.be ignored. . : ; s. to neglect to puruy.the blood - at this i tune means more, than the annoyance of painful boils and : unsightly pimples. If these impurities are allowed -tori rremain, the system succumbs td'any ordinary illness, and is - ' uwuw w wxtnstanaitne --many ailments which-are so i prevalent during spring and summer. I ' : .Mrs. Lt. Gentae 2004 Second Avenue Seattle, Wash , says : "I was amicted for a longjme with pimples, which i Yffe very annoying, as Ahey disfisrred my f ace fearfully. After using many other remedies in vain.-S. STS. promptly and thorouehlv cleansed mv blood, and now I raioirw in j a good complexion, which I never had Japt. w. n. uuniap, oi trie A. u-. s. R. WR., Chattanooga. Tenn., writes : " Several boils and carbuncles' broke out upon me, catming . great pain and annoyance. My bleod seemed to be in f a riotous condition,1 any; good. Six bottles of S. S. S. cured me completely ana my Diooa nas. ' ' is the best blood ana is trie only one that is absolutely free from potash and-mercury.. It promptly purifies the blood and thoroughly cleanses the. system, builds up inegenerai neaitn ana strength, it cures scrofula, .Eczema, vancer, Kheuma- tism. Tetter. Boils, Sores, etc., by going direct to the cause of the trouble and forcing out all impure blood. ; -;; " "' - ' " Books free to any address by. the Swift'Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. 1 IT! sone "qnfi TPiAi si.1 iililii BOTTLE JJL J THIS OFFER ALMOST External Toiici Beautifies it An THE discovery; A WOMAN WAS-THE INVENTOR J C:- Thousands have tried from time Irnme inorial to discover some efficacious remedy fo wrinkles and other imperfections of the complexion, but none had yet suc ceeded until the Misses Bell, the now fam ous Complexion Specialists, of . 78 Fifth Avenue, New York ty, offered the pub lic their wonderful Complexion Toaie. The reason sq many failed to make this. flCo very Ibef ore is plain, because they have not followed the right principle. Balms, Creams, lotions, etc., never have atonic effect upon the sMn, hence the failures. The Misses Bell's Complexion Tonic has a most exhilarating effect upon the cuticle, absorbing and carrying off all impurities which the blood by its natural action is constantly forcing to the surface of the skiw t i3to the skin what a vitalizing tonic is to the bloodand nerves, a kind of new life that imnri lately exhilarates and strengthens wherever applied. Its tonic -effect is . felt almosjimmediately, and it . speedily baubhea forever, from the skin, - frpcklesT pimples, ... blackheads, molh j Pitches, wrinkle- liver 6pots, roughness, ' oiliiHMs, eruptions, and discolors 'ons of any kind. - ' i In order that all may be benefited by t, V jr n reat Discovery, the Misses Bell will, riug the present month, erive to all. call. THE MISSES BHU, 78 Fifth Aye., New York fW 1Uef VMim' BeSl's complexion tonSa; 'epffto rjto,aie.!n thto city iry I1A1R GROlVcR should be used by every woman, man and child de siring a rich, soft, lustrous appearance of the hate -16 furnishes just the .right stimulation to tne nan bulbs and encourages the natural flow of hair moist tire. It prevents dandruff and premature gray hairs. It is the most refreshing, cooling and invigorating dressing that caa be ob-, tained. - ""l"- If your dealer cannbtsnp- nlv you, write to us ana we wOl see to it that you are supplied.. v.; Seven Sutherland Sisters . 13 Desbrosses Street. Kew" Tork City.-- t rw wvmmhii nhmn voMf heart tTOO bles"you. . Most likely you suffer f ceata- wnat vou eat. It will cure rery form of Jiepsia.--Paragon Pharmacy. No-To-Bae t or "FIXty "CentsT .f " l Guaranteed tobacliablt cure;makeseak en strong:, blood pure 60c, il. AH orogr-s - For sale by The Carolina Tharmacy College street and Court Square.' jj. ? New Spring Sh-oes for 'Men. "Women f .ft iCMlrh-p" TtJ-'L D: Blantcn Co's. 1.' r.. m - ....... " " fa " glSlOfS f own way of .givina: notice that assist-" before, n and nothing I took -seemed to do oeen penecciy , pure ever- smce BiUrOR. THE BLOOD remedy, because it is purely vegetable SURPASSES BELIEF. the as iv Maine. Skin ers at their parlors one trial bottle of thaiz Complexion Tonic absolutely free; and in order that those who cannot call or who live away from New York may be bene fited .they will send one bottle t shy ad dres it all charges prepaid, on the receipt oi 25 cents (stamps or silver) to cover cost of packing and delivering. The price of thid wonderful tonic is $1.00 per bottle, and V this Hberai offer should be embraced by all. The Misses Bell- have just published their new book, .Secrets of Beauty." J This valuable wort is free to all desiring ; it. Tne book treats exhaustiveij5 if the importance of a good complexion. tells how a woman may acquire beauty and keep it. Special chapters ov the care oi , vlieliair ; how to have luxu iant growth ; harml ess methods of making the hair pre serve its natural beauty and color, e.n to ad vanced age. Aiso instructioro how to- f banish superfluous hair orff "the face, "- necfe and arms without injury to the skin. This book will be mailed to any address on request.'- ' ' " ' " .:. FREE Trial BottlesTot Wonderrai Com ; plexion Tonic, free at parlors, or 25 cents , f (cost of packing; and inaiKn? V to those at t distance. ' ; .. , . a-. Correspondence cordially solicited. Ad dress -eonlexiottSjWBSw skSa fo8 6 Ffttton At8. ia'-rtttsinr to oat steam heat l their building could not d better than HfeisfeurgiBoileri But you must hav'experieced work men to do' th work, and we axe confl- dent that we. an please you . , . . B au oxiep nera. PHONED 88 i andT7Iii8lcey.Eatit3 tn-ar- O'ce, 1-1 ITcrti Trjcr A l i ME niHH .via sr- I' 1 'v 2- . j j w cured at tome -wi M ontTvain Book of p i j IIJ-'IJV ; . . J ticulars sent Ffj ? PEOPLE'S-,. SH8CJEIXAKOU8 WANTED An experienced dry good axjw. Auareaa ."jLry Goods," Ga zette, and state experience ted where employed before. - 2St MISS NORA. WATrTT pi.nM -- vaChe 8trtned instruments, 11 ' teat Vance street. BHOTjU-cny surveyor and cusuiwr, orace iaiiy Gazette; resi dence, 55 Victoria avenue. SITCATIOMTR WtliTvn StOUNG MAN of liberal eldudartaoai de- orea a poefiitlon. caerlcal on literairy lafltora . preferred. Nominal salary." Besi references. Address Z. Y. Z. . Gazette. "l - FOK RENT. FOR RENT Furnisttied rcoma wttith board. Table board'' at reasonable fftalbea. Tive. manured tfirom square. 15 HJlawfciseee streeit. -" , r 6t FOR RENT Dwelling number 24 Pemlamid street, containing nine rooms, newly papered ami Inl good repair. Has Stable or premises. A stable with room for adx honsea, also for rent. Ap ply o Mrs. C. B. Alvey, College and Vunce streets. 5226 FOR RENT A very dsliriablle 12 room house, 10 room house in the country, near dar line; 6 room cottiage, 4 room flait, 17 room! house, furnished, 8 rooms, furnished, lOt rooms, fumashed; all -deisa!rable. 2 places in oouoatry. H. C. Hunt, t 50 12t : . 2 FOR RENTr-Nicely furnished! rooms for 'Mghf (housekeeping. Call at 139 BaJiley street. FOR RENT -The furtnSshed cotrtage with modenni improvearuents, No. 12. ' Sorfth French Bnbiad avenue. Apply. on; premises from 4,-, to 6, or, at. 24 South MMn Street. 47 tf FOR RENT Rooms in Hendry . block. opposite court house. Apply to 39 S. Main street, C. S. Cooper. 1 m FOR RENT At ihe low rate of $12 pee month; residence, on Bmniton street; 8 rooms; large tot E. Coffin, corner Haywood and West College streets. 291-tf. BOOMS AND BOA EI. BOARD By Mrs. W. O. Hudson, 48 Spruce street. First-class room and Ibo&Td iat $5.00 to! $10.00 per week. Can accommodate a few. table board rg at $3.00 per week. 41 12t BOARDING. Rock Ledger fine moun tain scenery. Modern house with all conveniences. One block from P. O. Good elevation. Mrs. Lucetta "V. Cole,. 62 Haywood eJtree. NICE ROOMS for. rent, furnished or ua furnished, with or without board; on car line, two blocks from Court Square.- Apply at 37 S. Main street, or address PoStofflce Box 279 PRIVATE BOARD $5 to $7 a week. o Excellent table, near Lookout car line large grove, abundance of fresh milk, eggs, etc. Telephone No. 295. For further information apply to Mrs. Jas. M. Ray. Ramoth, or at Ray' book store 8 Court Square. FOK 8AI.E. FOR gALEM-Slngle Comb Brown Legon ben eggs. Apply to Mrs. J. A. Drum mond, Grace, N. C. tf FOR SALE Quaker Bath Cabinet, "ifo Turkish and Russian baths, to be tak-' en in your room. Price $5. The lat est and best A boon to mankind, for full particulars and . examination of. caibinet,- address Miss Smtton, 243 Hay wood street. , 282-3m MONEY TO LOAN. TO LOAN On improved city property $500 to $800. Address with description of property box 200 poetofflce. . Ab the season bf the year when" pneu monia,, la grippe, sore throat, coughs, colds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung Jbw bles are to be guarded against, nothing ria ajbe substitute," .fwill answer the purpose,' or is "Just as good" as One Minute Cough Curs. That Is the one tn. fallible remedy tor all lung, throat or, bronchial troubles. Insist vigorously up- on having it If "something else" is offer ed youPare(gon Pharmacy. ' t. Sheer. Setfalia. Mb., conductor on electric street car Hue, writes that his ltt-'tl:'-dau!bW-'wai'''Tiery' low with croup and hr life saved after mil phytdctains had had tolled.- x-nly by uslnar-Cme Mtamte C"-3o.Cura Paragon Pfcaracy. . . TIti T5ivi-rf VCsnncfvtx il lor ALL KIDNEY. STOMACH AMP UVIK -IKUUSbWi'. Developing and Finishing for Amateurs.;, . 1 -.v, ' .' a i oteveloDttn! next, morhtng af-; iter It is left 'With us.- For slight , ; extra charge can" develop and -;'.. v j deliver .films at; plates, in an -hour or so. C""'. '.'V" - All amaiteur wbrk ready , for J deUvery next dayafter order is . lert. Finished In few IhoUra ' for " -, slight extra -charge. - We develop all films' separate-. , Jy cutting mem-'beltore develop- "ment, thusp saving ' lots of ptc- ; f v J tures.- - . . i- -xv . ; "We usepermanentpapers-rx- ' t . v r . clufively aind know exactly what ' to use;tCg.be : . "JZ tjuyj-seu ox rail camena cuuu ICodaks, .and sell' -all .supplies ; , jneeded by- an-ateur. on vprctem'-' . "tonal. Xtoaa Kodakii free 'wheTe,.'. , - ''".-we -dSrdevelopiirig.andfirilslnir 5 ;J . --v ' - Free tostructlon In picture mak- x,-' - . -. 7 Ttodd's lExposure Tables?5a ; . fear you exactly how lonto.ex- ., rV'-poseJmmaJdng' picture. ( JL'.'S , V-";iPteft; Steps In riio" -srraphy la . i'w Worth, aollars lO- you but ccrrls f . RW'sf supply house; r-" 1 ..'..'' - 4. -

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