- - r n r THE ASHIIJLE GAZETTE PRIL ur 1899 - J- J - - 1 V ASHEVILLE, N. C - - Every morning Except Mondays r : f -:.THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE PUB C; LISHING COMPANY. ti ABEBa B. NORTON, President. 1 For Grippe AND ,- Bad Colds We Guarantee a Sure Cure. -3F Your Money Returned it you are not Satisfied. - l$l$lsl$!$ : PBLHAM'S, : 24 Pattoa Avenue THE SUNDAY GAZETTE- Next Sunday's Gazette will consist of TWELVE PAGES, and will be very fully illustrated. It will be a news paper second to none that will enter the city, or any town within its field of circulation in this state, on the day of its publcation. In thus presenting a thoroughly up-to-date Sunday paper to its readers the Gazette is meeting a public demand. For the accommoda tion of its advertising patrons the Ga- , , V. zette as an. eight -page paper on Sun- days, long ag5 ceased to meet Tequire- ments ' Its advertising columns have been' greatly overcrowded, tout in spite of this fact its sales have gone on increasing, and the question of I issuing a larger and better iday pa- to its publishers, but is one of neces- Bliy. I With this new progressive step the Gazette will simultaneously inaugurate another that is of equal importance to I the business imflnna-piYiPn'f' nf tVa nancr I , -v- u. I Beerinninfr with nerf SnrrinVc. fcallfi the Gazette the paper will be sen t I omy subscribers who have paid for it. In this respect there will be no dis- crimination as to whether the subscrib er is rich or poor, a prominent cjtizen 1 or otherwise. The suhsrHnHnn counts of our fflce on Saturday, April i 15, -will be the sole basis fc the deliv-i ery of the Oazette on Sunday, "ApriM6; end the nila rr n j i . -VJ. uavftuceu yaymetiv will I .i;r : 7n : ue emorced thereafter No peraoittTvrho j has not paid in advance for; it&e paper i will receive it. The mibiishers nf thi :,-s .. 2 , Gazette are thoroughly oonvinced that yn(iK ims jngrnt course that it will lose nothing in its fubscripon busl- ness that is" of value to its advertising ."""" vvitn Tiie great "increase in - the value of the paper to "it readers by its tamiOTed Sunday 'edition .the clr - 4: : t IF YOU WILL USE ..J- -0t the pape,r be ?rr fEose 4RP YOU ' , BANKRUPTinfealA; institution undermined by ex travagance in eating, by disre garding the laws of nature, cr physical capital alitgone, if so, NEViBRISPAIRy Tutt's Liver Pills will cure you. For sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, malaria, torpid liver, constipation, biliousness and all kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills an absolute cure. and under the invariable rule of ad vance payments for subscriptions-this increase will be among the clas3 that will and cam pay for what they buy the only class with whom it pays to do business. - For ithe present tte subscription price of the Daily Ga.jette will remain as follows: $4.00 a year; $2.00 for six months; $1.00 for twelve weeks; 40" cents a month. The wholesale price of the Sunday edition will be advanced one-half cent per eery. , The race question wems to be abou-t as troublesome in illlnois as it is any where. The public u-aits with interest the outcome of the miners' fight there -and of the ttrial of the Lake Ci'ty lynch ers in South Carolina. Both are "stud ies in black and white" wHh very deep shadows. THESTORK AS A DEALER IN BULLIONS New York World. The stork, the bird that pays his vis- -4 it when orange olossoms have faded and xthe echoes of gay marriage bells are no "more, the bird that comes to turn a well regulated household topsy-turvy, will shortly visit the George Van derbUts. 7 r And thereon hangt - tale. Another story of a will. In which Master Stork plays no small part. When the late Wii'jfam H. Vanderbilt left this world he directed that in the event of his eon, c Gorge, failing to leave a 'wife and issue the property be queathed to Ofge-rbould pass to Cor- elius, hfs grandson Whether or not the stork, in- his sconces Himself in the surrogarte's or fice and pores over the last wills and testaments of dead millionaires is not artntt Uv fctunwri : hnt it is a matter of record and comment that his visits seem to evince a decided disposition to Play- practical jokes Lady Beresford recently made a me teoric visit to -.his country and all on T 1 Tro.Ui1 niMCA.. v. leaves ltaiy ana J'aris Denina ana an on account of the stork. The' young. Cove elius Vanderbitts, to whom all oromise" of wealth have had charmSf albandon them-and all on ac count of the stork When the stork visits the happy home ReWCWber the NBttie! Grand Opera House I mm m ' - M Mk inursaay, April m, C0SGR0VJE GRANT'S OJUI I IvUlCUld i t .. , . " In their Operatio Farce Comedy,. THENEWr in its v)th year and. more Dazzung thari eYer; I At'&f&frGttSt ICOttiedlanSf Singers, - Dancers. 1 ; First Act in i Newx York. .nnHrtn 1 ' Third Act in Pri, .". I Begolax Vrices pi-.4dmigMon, Have just heen received, and re gW ang last. , Bee the pretty , v , . - JUNDER SKIRTS . 'the ;x Mercerized goods, that lookTto SilkyTyet will Wash-and outweaV'the ; New . goods constantly, receivedi DAZZM&R cf the George Vanderbilts he makes it yanclerbilts'he makes" it' neir, si : f sesoais - honiewardtr;pi happier byaaf -wn?a ne pa.Ha on.nis nomeward trip the windows of. th young' cWeiius VanderbUts he - hrly wniatles THE HAMMONDS AT BILTMORE The bridal jcouple; Mr, amtt Mrs. John H. Hammtond," are enjoying their noneymoos 'ait BSltmbre. They arrivd laat Friday ; In pecjal clar ftom New Mrs.. Hamonoris a nHoce ofl Gebrge Vhmdierbflt. She" is ttfil'and SbrikSnEa'? Ihacldsome bruniette,: possesaiing the Vfen- desrfMlt 2Batrini.'i: -..manner and . lack of cdierntaMoni. ; The bridal xoupie nave t)aken ut it.hir reeidentee ixi Ravtt ; CMff . TJfcey haute fchaTmed with 'bhe beatftdos of the land of the sKy mn , wajr-proDaDiy remlaiin at Brtmtipe umitiil Jthe xetmrin: of Mr. amid Mra Georgo W. Vaaderbilt. which, la -expociteid; sometime 'thSa momiVh. BANKRUPTCY NOTICE. In ire D'etrJct Court of th U-cfiited T.aes for the Western Dtetrtet of Nonih Carolina. Tn the master of E. B. Tucker, Bankrupt, In fiankruDtfccv. AA Ashevllle, N. - C, -to the Counlty of Bun com we, in sana u.ncx. This is to g&ve notice that by am to dnture bearing date the! -;4tlh day of Aril, A. D., 1899, E. B. Tucker, of the city of AshevUleN. C, has con veyed end assigned. bM his eattite ana ef fect's, whatsoever to John H. Lamtge, as truatee, upon) trust for tine benefit ot all ithte crediitors of siaid E. B. Tucker laind thut sfaBd conveyeBtee was duly execulbed acctordlnsg to the pirovtekma of the act! of congress, en tabled "An Act ito Estab lish a Unttform System of Bankruptcy , throughout the limited StateB'approved July lat 1898. Dtaited at AsWeville, N. C, this i 5th day of Apnil, A. D., 1899. " J. H. LANGB, , Trustee. Pure -FINE FOR BATING, AND BOIL ED DOWN WITH WATER ADDED, IT MAKES FINEST KIND OF MAPLE SYRUP. RING NO. 183 NEW PHONE ONLY. Heston's, Heston's Vermont Maple Sugar 3"MEE1C ME AT Din 11 0 o u a ' ' " - : S r ' J ' j Jiavfe receiveda fresh stnek of hliird s & - . St 'tZZ CZi2: .Hiul'' A-' v"f""" 1 Of 'T i- " s- Crane s Tine otati in t rvv.H hbre are fione bet- lKVP Q.om . tery.and china suitdble arid gifts- It is well known that I Have -the newest 3B AEMOBIH! Phone. 366. (Late of San Antonio, Ter,) 18 S Main St W. B. 1? Furniture, 16 PATTON AVFNUE. Stylish Shoes At close, "dry goods" profits a good lime for ladies,' misses, cMldrecu, men and boys. ij These are the output of maker of reputation who know how to fit and who who keep abreant of the times in the matter of shapes. H. rj o (5 5 KET -ML AT 0 WE NEVER CLOSE! BEGINNING TONIGHT, WE WILL BE OPEN THE PflRflGOH" n Oppoaito Postofficc, Open Day d d ri.r rtMC mVc , K for wedding presents ONE LITTLE CHINAMAN PLAYING IN A TREE, THE LIMB DID BREAK: OH! WHERE WAS HE? ; JUST WHERE YOU WANT HIM, SO ARE OUR; . ".; PRICES ON CHINA AND JAPAN MATTINGS JUST WHERE YOU WANT THEM. OUR STOCK IS LARGE" AND WELL SELECTED. Williamson $L Co. Carpets&c. NEW PHONE 113. REDWOODS CO., THE PARAtiON'mfitHm a TOIL PMM D RWOHT ... ., Phone 26&, and Night; n o a n o Better Pyre- Maple Syrup Plain and Self- - .- . . Raising Buckwheat I am offering at a reduced price to close out. - 45 S. Main St. Phone 1125. You must Stop and conaider these two things: one is a good Watch, the other a Ring. We carry an extra large line of both, and lake pleasure i& showing them to everyone B. H. COSBY. Thf) Reliable Jeweler, 37 Patton Avehuk Paul's RESTAURANT and LUNCH COUNTER, 5 and 7 E. Court Square First Class in every respect: 21 Meals for $3.50. GIVE US A TRIAL. C G. PAUL, Prop, Open until 3 o'clock a. m. New 'Phone 239. 3 "i o :d 1 A The Kind You Have Alwas a - Q ; j- - . r n Jenkins P & n n a "a i nP a ON 1 IS S. Main Street