it it THE . ASHEVILLE GAZETTE APRIL 12, 1899 "THE SIGN OF THE BOOK.' Hi, 0 -4 it " v-the'sign-ofthebook.'' - - ' '; "r 7--V -1 - IT BOOK CASE 5 '.'-?.'i."it. IMPOBTANT HOTICE. All j persons are 'hereby Ttiiotificd ihat the Gazette company -will, not be re- ' sponsible : for debts contracted by any ' one " In" fls - employ. . Ifo credit should ' be gtvefcLany one on account of thejtfa- ' jsette company without a written orCer - - signed by . the president of , the . com- pany .or the, business manager.'-, -- - JAMES E. NORTON, Presiding : v". w.' T. herritage, BWMgr.- . -"-The board of health wieets tonight. . " ' -The case -of Wilson vs. i3 ordaar will be argued In the supreme court at Rai--.eIgh,next Friday.. v, - J W'V'- ' v ", " - "" " The bbaird of ftflrectfoirs of the Good Jiiaada sussaciiabJon meett at ttoe Berkeley , thfia laf oaraoon alt 5 oVflock.- - x' V 7 The- directors of the board of trade metlc this "afi tecmoon at 4 o'clock. Every " - - "tdireotcm lis urged to be ptfeseat. " The-'JoirJh dommiliatee of the new A. , i.1 I. arid: the Blue -Ridge Rifles will . -meet to the aa-mcry tonight at 8 o'clock. - Johta Greenlee tamd Charlie Street ' -. ' were uurreeted by Deputy Sheriff We&v-A'-"' yeaJeirday, for ifalling to pay bills of v-' CCGoS. " The city oonVictfii axe working oa ,C5olke street, leading to Beaumont. f i". The dtireeic will be improved as-tfftx as ; S vt Eieaumton't drive. M. N. Hamirick. formerly of Ham Ktek Bnoe., the Charloitoe 9treet grocery men, tteavea today tor Reoeville, N C, io open u general meirchamidise store. - Supertntendeiat Bostlc aaM o the Ga sxJte thiat th& weaUheri yeaiercLay had V tikuue more wtcrk itOxe etreeitS than s bias beeij done in any way for ihe'r im provement In. the past six months. i ' .TThe BlueRttdge RdfkB held ithieir ua fv ual olrilll las mighlt. Th btoyd were ;i brought on the square and were) put Jarouglhi a Song practice) in maMchdng, teibtrajoting ia number of speotaittors, by " 7 theda manoeuvre. Wi.a just t.hie tame complattHy, no cLfcU'p tu'llai.ll'd sitiicks put-In the place of g'Jjd. people,, butt identksalBly the same '"-v cast the Dazzler amid - KJoegrove & iG.LiJJ's comeddans will be fieen alt the : ;.' . Grand west Thumsdlay. TEtkere will be ta meettof? of thte United . ; ' . OonfedecVite Veterans. Zeb. Vance ; ; camp at the city fclall !tha evening to .- -'. Jselect- represerj'Jatiivea to ithe Oharflieston J . . . .Jteundicni. Gen . James M. Ray requests a '"-"v .. ;,'-full filJtEnklajice at -tomiifzhlfa mtietenier. ';4S"?r,;. FVwtihe bal moudtre o be sriven Hit" the :. , j. sjjaiuucu jr -iron a. iitci iuuuhtuw uikiii iwv ljhundred tickets had bettrj sold last -mffight ; "rjTbe diaaicling commienues ait 9 o'olock. uapt. james a. uwyn, or mnignam, v-ond Alf. S. Barnard will lead the ger- ;?-Cierk Erwln's office in the coumly '::':;azxrt. hou ds undergoing thorough rea- ' ovaoiion. TSiteire will be mamy alterations .: f" "made, Sncluding a anew board floor. It " '-. , . is said-thait ths ireaovatikwi fin -the cl,arkBJ - . tofficea is actuated by a desire !t ; risi 4he place of radtcal germs. " :'.-.' -rMTS. C. C. ; Lincoln, mcithef of Ool. . . ..T.- A, Ldncofln of th Swanmanoa, who i7 ' '-dlied Joaii Sunday mtannlng' wb buried : , v'-3 eterday ait RAversjd cemef.ery. The .'funienal-.was attended by guests of th 1 house and, a number of Iriendtf ' flrom , Newport, Tenn." Msrs. Lincoln was 75 wryew-ld., ''" 1 ' - The. chafrmen of the cVmmi't!ieesr on fiEUidce, afecora-tftons, program laind balll, " " -' laforjiodmited by ithe A. L. II airi Blu Ridgta Rifles, will meet at.-iflne T. M. C. A. itihls afteranoon att 4 tfctock. A com- jnfiittee from 'the GlSzems dommiiOtee will .... ... -talso mieet with them, arud a Twosrrtaim for - ;x y uic ireeepuKHi, en unie oia .v-vi I. will :vbe made. ' Before" Justice Stokely yestertfav ; . ; amuel Coaeman, a resident ofi Red ;',"::i--.lE5gyp. laM lhe complaint aigaiaist T:H"-.ClMBfles and Sue 'Clemjmxne, his nettgh--:-y(;:.: bors.He' tiadd thatl they "cussed" so ; ;lnuchl aa o v become nuisaiDWes. The : ; A.",:- " piemmwnH' couple disproved) tJhe' oom . . . U .. "n'siiB. and Coleman was id'iled with 2:JJtto..t3ifts i: ;-l-.Jli;!il4:Iilf!l The annual trfleiramiaie'e tof t.h Darfa LTelTKle.: Kniebtw ln,f h "MVsiHr kv, ssjj bf Ccaumtoia, S. C, Will take piace to . ' ; june. ume palgrims will dome to Ashe- -. v ville and. will make .the Battery Park - .bbtel-'xthfifiir heaidiquarters. A banquet :waiIJbe included In the festivities. II 5'luatrtous.; potenitBjte "3 . T., Barred is; in -; the, cJtty making arranngfemeiDts. , . MiDISMGED MEMBERS' - PART IN THE PROGRAM. ' ::flr; The cyscbirged membeirs of mmrM.nv ;j;"r:.F, ot the First regiment - melt in th .-'armic.ry last ndglhit msi larranieedf their' ';iL.;PjanB,for,meetoig' the' icompany -when j ; It Jeexpecteai thaiH aWooit ithdrty dis- -- .caargea members Of company F. will- ' te.Siera to wteJdoime the cbmpany aod -1 ;n'gujP1!e decided . thiit. ftf at 4a Sfgreeable " :" : f, I? "wan march tk the depot ; ; th head, of the line of march, and :- .!vomme bkek wdll f all to directly behind . ;.:- ,',, cordrany F. . - 'Taxey-aaso.deidieiai - Shartl tbev wmi i ;. v--; wear -their full .uniforms, both xm ' th oaancn to welcome the .company and at ; the receptibn. - : i H I E R V ES must be fed on pure, rich j ; 'r i WCDfc lieif V e ionic. blood it makes the nerves ST R O N C Periodical Ticket Notice! : Please add the follower" r.a,m - - SSM ' tKe 11811 of firms receiving "periodical It. ' Meats" : aiidiGame, n.. -1 ,-,- ... aMtrKMf . ALL. FRESH Bent's Water and Watex TMnsv Pret zels, Banqueit, Gnalham and Oramtgo Wa fers, Zwedback, 5 O'colck and As3oatsicll Teas, Butter Thins, Gra&tose BdscuJta una Flakes, Shredded. Baacuat Fruit Crackers PMot and Mushroomi Cmck ePs ' - . - Uijci A; COOPER. 32 Sbuth Main. for 1 lb. glass jars of nn at NfeXT THB 1UBEB FOR RENT, Residence, Storeroom, fit fin Sinn CI 1th t?nnm i i iv V v m x v mmm ONE 8-ROOM RESIDENCE with ail necessary outhouses, corner Merrimon . avenue and Orange dtreet. ONE STORE ROOM AND BASE MENT No. 28 South Main street, known, as "Palais Royal." CLUB ROOMS AND OFFICES In "Johmsiton" TralMang, - S. W. corner public square and Main street, LODGE ROOMS AND OFFICES in Paragon building, corner. Patton av enue and Haywood streets, opposite postioffice. Rutledget Patterson Webb B Co. 5 and 6 Johnston Building. ' v OR THOMAS D. JOHNSTON. It recta with- Toifwhether yon eoirtinue tb deaira for tnh.iw- out nervous distress. ipelUco-4 nukicea yoa- strong in neaiia, nerrs and pocket' BOOK. - For sale by The Carolina, Pharmacy College street "and Court Square., Have you. seen the reed parlor-suits at- Mrs. rJ. A.v . Johnsota'a? They are what you need for the summer. Call and see themit txtB Jtothlng-to look. jk 4 A Word . : van tsfan vTi:' . n M .V . " . WUU II f wui touch for no. TaJc t it.k tf?f-i t vJra "Til. patientlT. Dersiatentlv n It V MrVrT.,l tU8nallT cures; 3 boxes, 2.6, About blowing, : Wheal you starft,'oui 'fto look for a kcei' SPRINGT or . SUM MER SUIT, - we Invite' look through our ctock, corn ; pare QUALITTr? PRICES and ASSORTMENT w4th others we are confident t!hat your;verdidr will favo us. We 5 -. yK more clothing v rx'-": -l03lises comMned iiiE the city; Take- pleasure in. shnwtag you 'rithuihi"; -jir-' 3 ' " r r . WI:- 'r .4tnrit:sri Avis.ri:v 'Phenyl 1;5; Tca Ays. There are few, things one valuba 'more hdghly than choice books.- They are the Ifrlends one Instinctively- turnavlto for comfort wh'en : pretended frieaidsi have proven fchat 4hey were at best only -shams. See that, your real Meads are' well treated put them in a case. Wefve a ltee of the Wernlck i: Elastic , - Book Cosies and would be pleased toshave you look at them,- : . . nvy V fr uWh BicycJe will run to . easily anidl free from Tfrictlon, If well idared for.jat the emd of -the year as when Itiakein frotn. the cyclery, brtgM, eirfck and span. Fine bearings thait'e the secret. s Oome in lamd let us ahbw you by takdng the wheel apart. You .don'lt have to buy, just oomT In, and see ttihe "Eaigle." , - Euaene C. Sawyer. Prop. POeat 228 18 20 Church St VERY BUSY THESE DAYS Selling Clothing. BvliiJently there ls"ia "Strang demand for the sort we carry. Boys' Suits $2.50 Uo $7,00. Youths' Suits $4.00 to $16.60. Mens' Suits $7.50 to $25.00. Suits to o de $12 00 to $40 00 ,We give with every Boy's Base Ball, Bat, Cap amd Belt Charge. Suat a free of 18 Patton AYenae Opp. Hotel Berielfty. Paper Shell Oranges onas, D. Monday's, STALLS 10 & 12 CENTRAI. MARKET. Air kinds of fresh vegetables and fruits. Flushed ' cheeks, , throbblngr temples, nausea, lassitude, lost appetftey . sallow complexlottii, pimples, blottJhes, are .warn lhea. Take Dr. M. A. Simmons L.iver Medicine. . Is t baby heavy? Get a carriage for it at Mrs. L.- A.. Johnteoh's, 2? North' Main street. They are cheap! St De Witt's Colic a. Cholera Cure. Quickly cares Dysentery nd Olarrhna. ; Bear the KinsrYoB Haw Always BoqgM' , 3C 3)C V - .4 . .;r can for - 'MENaTid BpTS rth'aa: anytwo 5 svvv'Phcgi - O IUI ty, ) New Phone No 254- mi Qltmbifig vle rare of the crucial tesits of) a j good ' bicycle. The ease , of eff out with) -' which -.the gradie'as actooniDlishjed mositt effedt "ually tells the story of mriit or de merit. Any bicycle will run weir when new, but tine "EAGLE39 Gyl Go., Carl Bliultz Dyer, Chemical Clctncr and - Futrler. 55 South Alain St. I dye and clean ladles' and gentlemen' otothea; also-fine fur rugs and carpets. Race curtains, etc. - ' I alter aind repatr also aU IcLnds of gar ments and fur. All work guaranteed. ppeciai SJUentlon paid to out of town ordesrs, and express oald one way. In ctty H goods will be caUed tor or detiv ered free of charge. 65 8. llain St Phone 206. WW A YOUNG WIFE IS LED ASTRAY often by being persuaded to choose foods the are not high gride, because he lacks experience. Those who are not expert judges of veal, beef or Iamb should always go to a reliable market. We kesp nothing but the prim eSt and beat. Zimmermann & Whitehead, City Market Phone 4. Agents for Swift & Co.'s Western Dressed Meats. The AsbCYille Pressing Club. . Why do you pay .' large prices for cleantog and pressing your clothes when the AshevHle Pressing dub will do It all for the small ram of $1.00 a mooCh and as. outen as you like. We guarantee all our work to be first class In every way .and if It .la nepariag or ' alterations you need to give us a trial as we are pre I parca to ao any ana ail Kinas on short notice. . . -. - : .- - ; We make a specialty of cleaihlhg and pressing ladies' Itallor made dresses. ,W send flor and deliver all clothing'' when you need work an our line oallr up , 389 BOONE & BOGART, Managers. Booms 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Gazette Bid?. Phone 389. Dr. Edwin Fischer 5o Patton Ave., - - Asheville ON-THB PJEDESTAIi "OF;; POPTJIiAIl , APPROVAI:, ; . ryou will find the JBIXICO coal wia erery one in AShevllle that has tested Its nflga. grae 'qujaiaty mtt economyjn me, ruica bjmjl pjtrai .win imu vua AJiey gex wtoir :of jtbdrnioney..iij erery scutCe of cfcal. that-is. useclso It .sires bo Carl ehultz wWlfK It' , , , COW Signs of fspring v.. are to evidence everywhere now,' and Ma redder crimson comes upon the robin's Dreasv&nd a do ve like whiteness comes whose "fancy slightly turns VSughS f f'l", Is wise enough to brinff hla laundry work to th AshevlUe rito JaWt wmaSS: on " your linen JTuit Mitu h .....i. ed at jLv.thT.w- Xt.J -.C-TT --r "r? v I piinrini Phone 95,. 43 WEST COLLEGE ST. JiS. P. SAWtriBR, rresident Stocks: - Superior l&cUitim Banking Business, CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED , SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOB REM? cSIDk!KERY PolQ Ponies' Victoria Surrey, T. Carts, ngl1Ph Tandem carts. RUBBER Tlbr ,?tZL '9 ues equippea SADDLE HORSES ia 3aSglVen m RidinSalSo jumping. iStisfaction guaranteed or no pay, F. A. MEARS, PROP. Belo, Swaunaaoa Hotel. 85 South Alain St New and Old Phones 278. FOR SUlfflER SPORT, Out or Indoors Exercise. Base Ball, Croquet, Gymnasium Goods. Golf, Chest Machines, WhlUey's Exercise, Indian Clubs, Boxing- Gloves, Air Rifles, Leggings, Pistol Cases, In fatt anytiiino; and everything The Leader in Established 1887. Aw, t B 4 SEE THE FAVORITE BEER OF ASHEVILLE. Orders will be filled for Bottle Beer if left at or phpnis'd to . Baiyburton & Co., PranXO'Donnell, C. B. Mclntyre, Pat. Carr, ; . 3wannanoa Hotel Co., and , - Pat, Mbintvre, Aet. Augusta Brevvine Co, n n n '- Xast Year there were manufactured and sold WaOO'O ' :CEESeBTS. ,We eell the. Crescent's Stand n.rd i-a j ?O0. CJome and see 1 hem Df-v-lar wheeL , n i RENTING AND , REPAIRING. a 00 n on GO TO Tfl Es JUadles- and HAT3TRimiED FREE OFZCffAHGm . Biltmore Patent M.sLr $ .85 UO 2.60 5.00 J : . iColliniioieiieat Si .75 a from youc whole wheat flour to an-that we bav a - W out table and we haTe aavp ucri ,n, V . . . "uv " of - 1 -flow; THOS. IaA WRENCH. Pres. of Normal A Colleclate Iiurt. For Sale by all Dealers. J. B. BANKIK, CashUs ,COO; tor Doing a.Osnerai LIVERY. FEED AND SALE STABLES Dumb Belle, Roller Skates, Striking Bags, Flobert Rifles, 22, Gun Cases, ; Cartridge Belts. Pishine Tackle. in the way of Sporting Goods Above Line. 17 Da-h-am a rwimg Co's n n n n n n n , n r at tria PTiainioQa at Tl a Cresent is a ver v nhnn - k H, U DUNHAM. PhoUe 382. . .. 11 CHURCH ST. Flour 1-4 Outfitter bevleaTes::.3;'iciijKers and cirss oci . c:i:i 'iV cityahket. jfe : -5i J SIHl"?- . - - ;V-v r"(r" fii VV Ari-r Wrin 't'" r-