.- . i . ' ':':!--' - 41'- "'. . - -:".:-,:, , - ' -ft . .. -t J ; . 1 i1- M .... - - II - . -j - ii z ij- l i i i x rii ii ii ,ii ii- ri v - - rk i . m i . i i i i - . i f.i f t i i titv viK -s - vv i i i i i y . .. . -i .v . . . if . ? - . , 4 ' h l '"it-".- vi fx V - t 17 -r' w 7 . W yip IJL ' I i r 1 - Hi I rt 1 H - fJii II OESTREICHER &.C0., R K P a 1 1 n n r o n i ! p LeadTng Dry Goods 4 3 and MUlinery. J' ;. When con!tiempla!ting engiaegoai in Ithe mlllinear business we were ' f fully (awtate tha ; itarucceed w f i must cictt Kraly-excell'tajsltyle !amd s VsttrnmUHr- -'hiilL mnirft' imdenisell eaitab : :'L -SUshed oompdation. Publto . topin iom Was conobed.d that we have vHf eatabfehiki these fac'ts. - We liav on hand a !few , . " Choice Paris r PATTERN HATS which,' h&vlmr served their pur UpoBe, will be eold vaoilff' itDxis- week Regardless OF VALUE. m H .Full'litae of w'alklng' hiatfl tod eOsuiaWs juislt refceived. f m We wttlahow flhis wek same. j updated bargairiB in Madras, Balt J; late, Ginghiaroa tod Piques. - &C0. 51 Patton Ave. - Peeled Mushrooms in their 'own juice. pound cans, $1.00. Equal to Mush J.!...-. .. vti - V OESTREICHER w T: rooms fresh from the I -urn - v . ) :ach can, V II F ' -V- - - - " - - 5 ;j. A.GREEK, r wholesale and retail fancy grocer, 53 Patton Arenue- 7 jA - - -- --- :"- ;.. ' ---.- i f House Cleaning, iiv- " Jut received cur Spring: order "S - X r of flnely ground .r- .fv v 'i1 r- - - - -- -j-. INSECT POWDER also- 1 BARREL MOTH. BALLS ' i and &lrcsizes of , , r - FEATHER DUSTERS 7$; from 25 cts.' to $1.50, v - ? 4 r Now' to-the - time ito1 use these f articles. - , . J - - '.f 1 iiEiniTsii mmih o - 5 r-V ''rX--" It : Church St and Patton Ave., vr phone 132 en in a fiurry fofVPrugs. iJEilnillllEd - xLIco Jo Terror G reated by: tfie Horrible Lynching at Ntwnan. Mutilated -Body : of Strick land Found Hanging to a Treer - Armed Crowd of Whites Pursuing Two Other Negroes. Savagery of- the Mob That Burned JEose to Death on Sunday - Atkin son's Futile Appeal. Palmetto, Ga., April 24.-rThe burn ing at the Stake of Sam Hose yesterday and the hanging of the negro preach er, Strickland, this morning for the Cranston murder, has frightened the negroes in this section, and for miles around whole families are moving: away. It is reported that a- large crowd of armed men ia in pursuit of two negroes, presumably Implicated in a conf easioc said to (have been made by Stric'-vland. but no more lynchings have yet oc curred. - THE KILLING OF STRICKLAND ) Palmetto, Qa., April 24.-rThe body of Elijah Strickland, the negro preach eerrwho was accused by Sam" Hoae, the -negro burned to death near New ?an,,jresterday, f paying him (HoaeX $12 to murder Farmer Cranford was discovered" this morning In the woodal hanging o the limb of a tree and hor ribly "mutilated. His ears and fingers were cut off and on his body was pin ned a placard bearing these words: "We must protect our southern wo men." Strickland was captured by a mob of people three miles out f town last night. He was brought to Palmetto and at midndght 'was placed on titial for his life by a court composed of those who. had arrested him. Speeches for and against his character -were made. The - trtial took place in an open square in the center - of "the town. Strtcklamd, the accused, was sixty years of age. There was no judge or jury, the people 'acting in those capac ities. Many witnesses were on the stand. One, a negro, who lived on Strickland's place, testified to the good character of the minister, but several neighbors gave anything but favora ble reports. A great many speeches were made. At 1 o'clock no decision had been arrived at, but dt was decided ' to ad journ the "court" to the woods, 1-mlle out of town. The' sober element made an effort to save the negro's neck, as there was no evidence against him be sides the statement made 'by the negro Hose. The statement made by Hose was not believed. Stkckland denied alj knowledge of complicity, in the crhrie. The scene An the woods where "the trial" ( was going en was a weird one. ' The crowd, 'however, was divided regarding the guilt or Innocence of tbxl negro, and after speeehmaking wihichj was. continued nntil dayMght dt was de cided to take the", preacher to jail at Fairburn. jThis was the last time the negro wasseen alive, . , --A cuple of farmers coming; into town this worning, discovered the. Doay. ' ;THE BURNING OF HOSE. . Newnan, Ga., April 23.i la the pres ence of nearly two thousand people who t. r seiitf TalofryeJlsr of defiance jand. ' shouts T t - -v-- - ' ' - ; of iosr. Siaim .Hosa.'a meanot.' iwha -com- minted tewo of "the basest ucts known; to cnlnue T.was ; burned tk- th.e Btakei' public road oner temki one-hlaJT -mile from here, 'this afternootai TBefloHa the! !torcb,- Mpiinlain Park Hotel and Balh , Thirty Ave' xniW westttf . ASeviil oii the Southn Raiiwav- ' ' A, modern raaott in . every particular.' - - '; x,-f '.- wa implied bio tbe pytre 4he nego - was deprived of . hi vara, fingers t and cither portions. iof ; hia 'ataSaitomy; Tliel jDBffrt piad pitifully fodr jbda life while the -ma (tUBitinn waagodng ion -but Stood the tor oe&t ox lire' with, surprising fortstuae Before ..A3ve':tmd7;.'wu---)GKxI7',1lt was ctrt tia pieoea, the bbo3' were crushed into small bits aft ' evetn! thd tree) upon whicfe the wretteh m'efc his - if abe, wets tana up and dajaposed xk a aosivenins. Th negro's - Ikiajifc. was vxtb 'trin eevenal pieces :as twa also- h!s Hyeari 1 Those un able ta bbtain thetee ghastly relics di rect, . paSdf, thr ., more ' IWrtuntepcesesa ors: exrtitavagawt sums: fonthem.- Small pioes of. 4ne. wenW fort -1twjenitT-fiv cent and . a bit of tbe: . Mvef i crisply cboked foi tJea oenrtas. Ab. soon as the ae gm Was Ben. ita be Geiad, there was a tnwmendou idtruglgle amJong1 the eowd which; had wfltwessekj hi Itragac -erifl, . to secure the stouvenir.3. A Tush waa niade for the sflok aaidajtsd: .ttuose nelaiiMaie body were foroed- ag'adnelt tt Jand; hal to fight for theftr freedmTT "Kaiives! mre membSuced' One oT-the meat whk llDCed the can of kerosene (tl the isOgro's -mead - is' aia tb be a rnlitive iof the commonwealth! of Pennisyivamiia. His taame - la knlown to thoeie who were wth him, bult they re fuse 'to divulge it. The mob - tfas com- poaea of the citizene of Newnan, GrinlQl PalmelLto land- oth-er Httle towns tfl. 'thB oounttry around about Newwan iaffrfS' tt" all the flarmeirs who had received wwrd that the burning wlas tnf take place. ITion. W. Y. A'tktnlson, former ' gov ernor of Gjekargaai, mt theihob" a he wa re'tuminig from church amid appealed -to them 'Do let -the law (take fts course. In addressing the mob he used theste words "Skme ioif ybtu are ' known ,-t'ot "he aiad when: this affair is finally 'saCtled in. the ooutnts, you. mlay depend-upon it that I will testify -against you." "A membter of! the mcib wise seen ifco 'Wstyr -c--revolver and level it) at Governtoir" AJtlcms, but bis arm was ;elzki and the pistol taken from him. The mob wsls frantic at de lays emki would hiear ito TSothing " but burning at the stake. Hose Ooulfeseed - to killtnis Cranford but denied that he had outraged , Mrs. Qrlanford. Before being put tod dearth the negno stalted-"thia.t he had bes paid $12 byi -Lige'"- gitricklaSnid, to negro preacher, at Palmetlto, Ito kill Cranford. Tonight ta miob iof crtttizeWs la scouring the country (for StrtckJand, who hias left hte home, atod will lynch Mm If eaughi. Slam Hoee killed .AlHred Crawford, a whllte fiarmer near PaJmetlfcoi, wnd1 out Ttaged ixia wife, ten "days ago. Since that time business to ithat partof .the state has been su&pended, the) entire popu lation turmitnig out in' am effort! $d cap ture Hose. He successfully eluded pur suit until ddisdovered wear Macon. Qoveombr CantHer has been tasked to send troops here to preserve -order for a day or two, as Iti is feared .the Megroes may wreak vemigeataiee, many threiait to thlait effect having been mkde. CAtlFORBIA SEIIATORSHIP. Belief That David 21. Bums Will Be Appointed San FrancSsco, April 24. There seems to be no doubt that Governor Gage, following the example ef the governor of Pennsylvania has appointed Daniel M. Bums United States senator. It is understood, however, that Gage won't sign the commission-unless Quay is seated, - TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH druggists refund itfce money if.it falls to cure, 25 cent. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. FOR SALE. A judgement against Mies Maud Wells and Robert L. Neilson. for the sum of $19.25. Apply to D. A. Laahly, AshevaUi N. C. "A " THRILLING NIGHTS RIDE" Is the title of a very Interestingf illus trated toiry wMch will be mailed tree upon reoedpt ol 2 cents postage, by W. B. KiiasliArai!, G. P. A T. A. - - John's Asbestos LdquM Paints are the best paints tor structural purposes ever produced. Stee aoflSor cards a Grant's Pharmacy. Half Is biefJter thiami.TSkxnle. No. glass la beJtter ihan tlbe wremg lone. Come buy! aoane of our eye knwwlediei ' (anld (aeev as the yeara tOII by if 'It dnlt a good invest mtem't. You can buy glfcseea-over a- case or, off some teouaiter for much less than yiooi will piayus; Ton rm-gBt toad etools ftar iithja::y;-pe,,fr.."iush-rooms. They loJokalike.EktrmCsjnd you'll knoW'ithe differeoce. This TneLhod is too often.rfolio.wed) ita v buying- spec tacles . -We 'jearn, the Sxad - effects, of the wrong ones by dearrJTbbughleii ex? perience. . - - - F3camtnatior' Free.- Tn Glas Helps, lEye'Restw S cicntif fc "Opticti n 45Patfcn Ave BIair,s Firriture Sio j - GLASS i irft II iin w II r y I -in ii ii ii ii -win nr. hi nr .it-zmyi mjiiuj It! l w r -t 5T0 fiiili v: Revenue s Ex- t tensively Gopn feerfeited. Arrest of -aOTiicr Pnittdi States District At torney., It Is Said That Oiher Arrests of PromineDt Hen Will Soon Follow. : Immense Amount o; Bo&ma Stami I and Silver Certificatesin Circnlatioli. Philadelphia, April 24. Agents of the secret service are gradually gathering threads of evidence of a gigantic scheme to defraud the government by the manufacture of spurious revenue stamps and bogus s&lver Qertiflcates. Tday Ellery P. Ingham, former Unit ed States district attorney and a well known lawyer and politician, was ar rested m a charge,- of conspiracy to bribe Secret Service' Agent McManus with his law partner and former -as sistant, Newitt. He. will- be arraigned f ora hearing Thursday. Ingham, was released, on $10,000 baiL Other imoprtant arrests are to lie made but the officiaare keeping their intentions secret. It is said iixaV-.-A" prominent New York broker, president of fa bank -here, and a- well known eitd- zeftSt Baltimore a tdb4sarjsied on the charge of placing spurious "notes. Meanwhile the cigars: fromthe. Xian caster factory are bedng sedaed all ov er the country. Reports show an im mense amount of bogus stamps in cir culation. . DEPUTY COLLECTOR ARRESTED Lancaster,, Pa., April 24. Chief Wil kie, "of the secret service, this after noon arrested Samuel B. Downey, the trusted revenue collector of this distrlc-Mi the" charge of having re ceived on April 17 a bribe of $500 from W. M. Jacobs, chief of the counterfeit ing gang under arrest here and-Philadelphia. The bribe was alleged to be given for the purpose of notifying the gang of any danger threatening them from detectives. Donwey's receipts . for $950 were found among Jacobs' papers and Wdl kie says that Dowaey was" to receive $6,000 in $500 anstalmehts. Before leav-r ing for prison Downey practically con fessed his guilt. He is very prominent and has been seven years in the reven ue service. Chief Wilkie said that no more arrests would be made. We have a car load of stoves coming iau May Jst.- We want to sell what we have before then. Tu know you al "ways get a "bargain- here when we are making room for new goods. 27 North Main sfereej,v Mrs. L. A. Johnson. Special salQ of $7 50, $10.00 and $12 50 Serges, CheTiots, Tweed and Csssimere Suits for Men, this week. Men'J Outfitter. 11 Barton Ave. BRITTLE S i Fresh, Nice arid Delicious I 9 - Stamp PEANUT THE WELCOME Tfl;THE-fl::L.i: Soldiers cBpjsrWcreJoy fully Greeted by a Host'of : . . ;- Friends. J y The First Nrth- Carolina '-regiment, which was on Saturday released from service at Savannah, executed "an efT fective sortie ' Sunday mornmg and "stole a; march" on Asheville. There had !been conflicting announcements With reference to the tame the return ing boys-in-blue" wouldreach the city the' presumption ,was generaj that they would not dp so. before 9 o'clock. The special train arrived, however, half an hour before that time. But this change aid -not take every one by surprise, owing " partly tor; the telegram from Captafin Wagner ln. 'Sun dav's Garttte; while the program, hich had-; been refully arranged went awry. -thttre were several hun dred people at the station oswelcome'1 the military company thit is that por tion of it that did not get left at Co lumbl'a: It is perhaps a singular -fact, but there were comparatively few la dies in the welcoming crowd, a fact which would seem to refute the gen erally accepted theory that the --sterner sex is prone to .prolong his nap on Sunday morning - As the train slowed -up there was a general closing in of the waitrnig crowd and the handshaking bean oi a grand scale. Each one of the boya was somebody's eon and not a few tears of Joy were shed. Captain Patton, ap parently fin the pink of physical condi tion, and. trying to smile . In all direc tions at" once, was quUckly spied, and everybody wanted to be the first to shake his hand.. But Captain Patton did not get all the attention.;": As the meet generally esteemed member ot the eOmpahy ,he .waa compelled -to" divide toonors wth its tewliest-"Trump." Trump ia'a creditable representative of the canine family,' and also th-representative in the capacity of mas cot, of Company F. Trump, wearing an ultra-official looking - discharge on Ms back bore Mmself with all possi ble dignity and did not appear in the least confused by the - admiring glances directed, at him. Will-Shipe had him in chargec - - ' - . In the meantime the new A. L, I., the Blue Ridge Rifles, the fire depart-ment-tnd a i large number of people were up town waiting, for .the proper ttme to arrive to go to the station to meet rthe returning" soldiers. Some time elapsed before the arrival of those who were to officially receive the com pany and during tffis wait the return ed men were drawn up in Mne in front of the Glen Rock hotel where the talk ing and handshaking was continued The men remaned in this position un-. tir the soldiers had -arrived from the armory with another .cheer, of welcome Consipcuousl'y near the front of the receiving party and-jnounted on a aon kev wasr a4' boy who was to aH appear ances closely ' identified to rural 4ife. Appearances suggested; at -the same (Continued on JFifth Page.) i . : ii:v t Pi. ra ..(..e-..i m - AHHOUIICEMEHT. We beg- to Inform our customers and the publitr'that Sn addftBom to our ntis tfc MePcMaait fTafkiringj Department ,whre the greatest care and study are exercised Bo insure , a perfect flt-at.Kh.e-lowest possible prices . We haYe just opened a first-class: -Gents' Fumdshlng Department wheref you. will flnd; .first class goods and the latest styles. Tout patronage kdidly solicited. - H?6ELMAN, ProjM-iefor. J, C. WILBAR, Manager. Paragon Building, Haywood .street, cor ner College street. . . -. , ' -- - - New Phone 345. jTWe have a "complete llnejof Trunks, yattfleey"; Grips, Telescopes, , that wedefy competition in prices. ' If you are Jout 7-7 ITIie Boston S hoe: tore VzZil Roller Tray Big Dollar Dinner Be Given to Bryan in To Be the Most ULique Af. fai Ever held in This "Country, Will Take Place at Fountain Ferry Upon tli& Banks of the River. Under Auspicei of the Ohio League of Bimetallic Clubs There WiU - ... -v Be no Drinking Louisville, Ky-jt, April 24. Bryan IS to be given arotLer dollar dinner Avbich is to be tha moat uniiquo . afCair ever held 4n this country. The banquet will take place at Fountain Ferry, upon the banks, of the Ohio river, under the auspices of the Ohio Valley League of Bimetallic clubs. The convention will be held May 31, June 1 and 2, and on one of these ev enings the banquet will occur. It will be held in the open air -and there will be no drinking. AMERICAN TROOPS lit EXCELLENT CONDITION Ho Yellowy JPeTer or Small Box in the Army and Typhoid and Itfalaria Decreasing'. Havana, April 24. Hep' .'is at head quarters concerning the health of the American troops show the men tb-be in excellent condition. Then? is no yellow fever or smallpox in tin army and typhoid and malarial fever are do creasing. General Lee is making a tour of inspection-in Pinar del Rio, which is now under his control. THE LAKE CITY LYNCHING TRIAL New York, April 24. Former Attor ney General Barber, of South-Carolina, who is associated with fhe prosecution in the Lake, City lynching trial at Charleston,' has returned to his home here and expressed himself as satisfied with even a disagreement iof the Jury, sinc it instanced the progress of an enlightened sentiment in the state. Barber rVows frankly , his belief . in : lynch -taw- for crimes- against women, but 'declares his opposition to It under other .circumstances. . He i opposed to the appointment of-negroesto post offices in the south, -but is opposed al so to mob law, arson and murder. Barber said the' enlightened people of the state upheld- the new' stringent laws against lynching; but the entire community was slow to adopt the same view. ; "n; Our Soldier Boys will find the largest newest and nobbiest line of Clothing Furnishings and Hats Liberal dis cbant to each, at The Hen's Outfitter, II Patton Ave w . 200 Pairs Worth 90c :': at : : ; - 60cts PER PAIR .-; We hare jnsti clbsed out a -large manufacturer !-s tock of ttray heavy TSterHng Bil ver Link Ooff iuttpns which wo are offering iori 60 cents per paitas long as they last. Thig clas of ibutton Me have . alwaja Bold-heretofore for 90jents and $1.00 , p r. pair. .?,-.."-.v-- .1 f f. "Leading Jeweler, -1 Chnrch :street ftnd; Patton Avenua field 'if.. '( -A i: h' -r .-?-iC-' - t' seat oiae CoLa Golf courss fcJ th buth. parUcultaa,- address Kext door lD Tom lUdg Nattonal Bank s-T Git Ed? AOrrtlla, North Carolina.' 4:

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