J. - - -St , r s" " . k'- . a:. y THE ASHEVILLE GAZEirls ;mAy ig'tl. 5 "fi , UUfi J ; CLASSICS LOST to ua - ' H ; . av n3-v r - ' vy)fr wit lyivyiiiM ilev&tion 3.300 feet Pure". Air! Southe-rn orws. U'' L . - ; : , rooartiea' -m the outhera slope of the -BluerRidg and oo sXpPHIRB LAKfi FAIRFIELD ASH '.mUeg -the ing-th only. LOcct in th4 moifflltafavoltJi'4bu ' f-- 1," ---- '-:..., ";.; Sapphire Iim flbfetog- locate 1 near the ceiitro of itha of the Toxaway Company whJclh. contalna 26,0(K). ateres "wjth 75 Inmt etreama iwhach .aire patroled and-protected thus insuring to gueate im- exoelled oppoxtuniaca, uaidr a me VeetrioUioBus that any s?ell., regulated preeerve Bhould have sejcuirlng finat ,ln the state. CLIMATE ill th could be deBined. Boasig, fishing, rMlng and driving, Just :What you j aeea lot orjjm.su jtua. -xTaan leaves Anevuiie s:ud p. m., arriving Brevard 640 p. m. Brevard to Sapphire by carriage over a good mountian road t ' , " ' ' FVxr mtea end information addr ess, . 4 1 I. , ' CELEBRATED IMUtQESTIOar: uncbeded crvep thrpugh $ie body, up- setMng'tBeiiT- CLASSICS LOST TO US. Not pne Work of Mnander or Varro. ' enaim to.Ue Present Day. J What with barbarism; religious 4ntoler daces and indiffesenoelittle corild hare re- fr rt JririnAVSf AT r" """ uwraiura Ol 'jrreeco trouble everjtr ifblelealth, Of bappho we possess only an ode or . . - imv wu quoted fragmenta JBeo' works ceatury, by and djepesiarr- yby Vdoing so, preventsy con tt'iiation. bil ousness ana all lirer and kidney troubies. It makes "and keeps people fn atAmrii V,,VT 4uota rragmenta . tt-r s Stomal h Were burned in the elaventb Addison EE).: . WlESW5i - SAPPHIEE, JfcJ" O. v A Domaip of Health and Crandeur, The SKYUKA HOTEL is buiW on a ere PveriooktaJT a v1 of the wild and wonderful seen eav of "The Laxui ol Sky. it u sheltered on the nlrth from buzzards, smd to open to the baliny breezes and eunshine of the Southland. If allocation Us , HIGHER THAN ASHBVIL.LB, (S,200 feet elevation). MILDER THAN ASHEVILLB, . ' GRANDER THAN ASHSVlLtiB, HEALTHIER THAN ASHEVItHB Ii hA its OW springs of absolutely pure water. Itl to a Pt sanitaryldrainage system. It is thoroughly equipped -with hot and cold waS toilet bath cooms.steam heat, eleotrio lights and oalb5 Long distance telephone and postofflce. Its guest chambers axe xrr fortable, airy and affoTd charming outlooka. A-Hiin. -cv. 4nfrtTTYvtiic and oamohlots addreas D. E). Stearnsiat our house our UX. Aollv V v w-- " and Soa, Skyuk. Polk County, North Oaroilna. . C 3 d oP J3 a a Pb QOISIS HPsIjHl WATEK " Asheville, Nt C, 167 French Broad Ave LA5ES5 GERMAN mEBHOD, No Medicine! No OUerations; Massage, Baths, Diet, Sweedish Movements, etc All diseases treated. Head Physician: O Schulze, M. D., of Leiptic University, form sxly of Dnesseldorf Orthopadlio Institute. Assistant Physician: Minima Kuepper, formerly assistant pnysacaan of M Boehm : Sonitarian Freldrtchroi. Germaaiy. For" prices and references address Miss Ltoa Kuepper; , BOTES FROM CRABTREE. Cranree, N, C. April 28. Spring has com-". --the grass is green, wheat, where there js any, is rooking"1 ' up, but the timber, looks dead. Farmers are pre:taing themselves. I have not seen any f.oi n-planf5ng going on, but I hear that some of the neighbors are putting ceed in 'the ground. . " most, iarmors complain that the ground is breaking up cloddy, and that it pulls teams heavier than usual to 'turn land. Tne roads are 'wretched. It is next to impossible, to go anywhere with wa gon 01 -slmggy so many holes in. the road. You set; we naVe no road law now, in Haywood. We have a road bosk it nd .some hands but they- have not bi n outside of Waynesville town ship, and it is predicted that , they wil not 3ot-. ' -But roads or -no roads we are happy- son has got home from -..'uba,. Yes, he is free, free as Captain Hannah or Colonel Armfield. I was thinking of liberty, of the Cu bans, of th Filipinos seeing the statements of the Filipinos burning ev ery tiling rather than let it fall into m ine nano.6 01 me unuea cates troops i. and I hought that every Filipino kill ed by our troops was a blot on liberty, and a murder directly chargeable to the American nation, and" particularly to tho president and his advisers. M. A. K. aysihy way of consolation, that thv uucu w.nn sucn Dewiiaenngtenaer- nAftancI Varv-i-i i- i ill j " . i v luiguu uare wen uan- gjous to give them a reading." yj. auo comedies of Greek domestic life, tbe4 Work Qf Menandfir n . wrfl-r wHrtm Held was neveT occupied by anybody else huu wuutse purity of stvle Plntacrh de clares to have been surpassed by Homer aioue, not even What raav be called a fragment remains. Stray lines are quoted here and there. Twentv-fonr Of th nlnara are known to have existed until the seven teenth century, when they were erased from their rolls .to make snace for the jsorks of an ecclesiastical writer. Ul the 26 dramas of the .great Greek tragedians, Eschvlus. Sonhocles -and Eu ripides, only 32 are possessed, by the world coaay. . . The brilliant .Livy, to whom Macaulay, among moderns, is often likenedj wrote 140 volumes or rolls of his "Annals" of Home. Of these onlv 55 remain to us. OX the 30 historical volumes of Tactitus we have four. ' . . ' - , Of. Pliny the Elder, the sole1 great nat uralist of the Roman race, but one work has escaped destruction. -Yarro; a Latin biographer placed " by common consent beside the otherwise m comparable Plutarch, is totally lost to-us. Of Caesar's orations, foxv'which his con temporary fame, was as great as for his 'generalsliip or statesmanship, not one has been preserved. Deniorest's Magazine 4 IIU) I U-UhA Promptly Reaches the Seat of alt Btooff Diseases and an HOTE FLEMING Marion, n. GKUBER CONCERT CO., Proprietors. Kenilworth Park ViHa One mile from the 'Oourt houss; three minuftes' wlalk from BUltmore car line; one of the healthiest locations in Ashe ville. New house, with extensive grounds; open fires; every home com fort. No advanced tuberculosis pa tienita taken. First-clasa board for only $5.00 and $6.00 per week. Mrs. A. Z. Cooley. THE GROVE HOUSE, MRS. KOPPELBBRGER, U Grove street, Asheville, N. C. House nicely papered and! furnished throughout. Balls well heated 3aths, hot and cold water. Modera conven iences). Near street oar lin. PRIVATE BOARD. House in suburbs in large shady grove, good table with abundance of fresh milk, butter, eggs, etc. Mite from court house on electric car line. Tele phone 295. Raities low. Information at Mrs. J. M. Ray's, on Lookout Moun tain car line or at Ray's book store. BOARDING. The Tuxedo 76-78 Haywood street Strictly first-class. New modern house near podtofflce and business seation. $5 and $6 per week. Good) able board reasonable. AtTryon North Carolina Sunny "room and exjcellent table, "fcenoortfcy Cottage" on Melrose avis nua Rartes six to eight dollars per week. Address MISS MART A. GRAY. ADIRONDACK COTTAGE. Well located, furnMied, about 3 acres of Hand. (FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN or will EXCHANGE f or property fin AshevtUa Enquire alt business office of the Gazette. STRAWBERRIES .A-T Chas U. Monday's, STALLS 10 & 12 CENTRAL MARKET. All kinds of fresh vegetables and fruits. Dr. Geo. H. Lambertf VETERINARY SURGEON. (Graduate of McGili; University.v Office Willow st. phone 18 Residence 140 Chestnut st. Phone 824. Cattle tested for tuberculosis 5.00 a head. Herds at' special prices. HEWS FROM ACTON.. Ac.cn, N. C, May 1 Seldom has our neighborhood witnessed a more impres sive funeral service than that of last evening over the remains of Mr. John Smith who died at his home on the morning of April 29.. The funeral cer emonies were conducted by his paicor, Rev. Mr. Malone, assisted by R ;- Mr. Brown, chaplain of the Balm Grave I. O. O P., xf which lodgo Mr Smith was a much esteemed member, and tl.e respeoc and honor shown him by t!".at grand order plainly bespoke the high esteem in which he was held bv his fellow workers. The remains were conveyed, to ithe Acton M. E. church and interred at 6 o'clock by the members of the lodge. The pallbearers were Mr. Mark Ownbey, Mr. John Wea'rh, Mr. James Reynolds, Mr Dick Penland. Mr. John Leadford, Mr. and iJaurice Shook. Mr. Smith, while onlv 2?. years of age, was an earnest worker in the Acton M. E. church, and no matter how heavy the burden was always ready to bear it. for the Mas ter's cause. A noble son, an earnest Christian and a light to our community is lo3t to U6 forever in this world, but we hone inthe "Leautiful beyond, where parting is no more we win be reunited with the loved hosts Qf regenerate jsouls who have gone on before. The Decorative Possibilities In Vines Vlhs indocil "may cover a multitude of sms foundations, bare walls, unsightly board fences, often covered with signs and unpainted sheds; vines may' -serve as screens and give privacy to the yarcl ; vines may give a shady nook in the little corner that has so often worired us to cafe f or? but, above all, vines may make our houses homes indeed, adding grace and beauty to even the stateliest mansion. .There is such an endless variety of vines and ' most of them are so easily cultivated that they ap peal to the veriest novice or the busiest housewife. In planting you may have all of one kind or choose many varieties. For quick effects over balcony, fence or screen the morning glory, moon flower," nasturtium, Cobae scandens and cypress vine give most pleasing effects. For slow er and more permanent results are the ivies, woodbines, honeysuckles and their kind. E. L. Shuey in Woman's Home Companion. 1 i No-To-Bae for Fifty Cent. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure. naasss weak men strong, blood pure. 50c, $1. .11 druggists. Fbr sale by The CaroWna. Pharmacy College street and Court Square. WHEN SETTING OUT PLANTS. '. An important point in setting out rdants is to firm ithe soil well about the piant after setting it in the ground, liis, can. best be done with the feet, tarn ring the soil gently immediately about the base and against the stalk of the plant. This serves to keep the plant In position, so that it will not be whipped about .by the wind, and pre vent the air from getting at the roots. As thu plants are knocked eut of the pots dip the ball of soil surrounding the roots in waiter, and pour a little into the hole into whieh the plant is to be set. Fill the soil in about the plant, and compress it as suggested above, and if no water is applied for a week the plaint will not suffer. By the form er method only the surface of the soil !s wet. and the roots of the plant re main dry. Robert McGregor in the May Woman's Home Companion. In eyery test made S. S. S. easily demonstrates its superiority over other, blood remedies. It matters not how ob stinate the case, nor what other treat ment or remedies have failed. 8. S. R. 4 always promptly reaches and curesanr P. II rOC tho WnfCf ItaCQC diseasewherethebloodisinany way involved. UUIGO 1119 IfUIOI uaOCOi - Everyone who has had experience with ' blood diseases knows that -there are no aiK ments or troubles so obstinate and difficult to cure. Very fev? remedies claim to cure such real, deep-seated blood diseases as S. &. Se cures," and none can offer, snoh incontrovertible evidence of merit. 8. 8. 8. i&jiot merely a tonio it is a cure ! It goes down to the very seal of all blood SlgSasesi and gets at the . foundation of the veryorst cases, and routs the poison from the system. Itdoea not, like other remedies, dry up the poison and hide it from view temporarily, only to break forth againmore violently than ever r & & S. forced out every trace of taint, and rids the'system of it forever. V . Mrs. 1. w. Lee, Montgomery r4Ja., writes: "Some years ago I Was inoculated with poison by a nurse1 who infected my babe with bloocV taint. I was covered with sores and ulcers from head to foot, and in my great extremity I prayed to die,' Several prominent physicians treated me, but all to no purpose. The mercury 'and potash which they aye me seemed to add fuel to the awful flame which was evouringme, I was advised by friends who had seen wonderful cures made by it, to try Swift's Specific. I im proved from the Start, as the medicine seemed to go direct to the cause of the trouble and forc,e the poison out. Twenty bottles cured me completely.' awiit s Bpecinc 5. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD is the only remedy that is guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no mercury, potash, arsenic, or any omer mineraior cnemicai. xi neveiyaiis 10 cure Uancer, Jficzema, scrofula, iineumatism, contagious nooa roison, Tetter, Boils Csjrbuncles, Sores, etc. YaluaDieTMKKS mauea iree oy owiiiapeciuc vompany, Atmuiu, vj. -A 2 GO TO THE imperial Millinery and Ladles Outfitter . . For' bargains in the latest styles in Millinery, Walking Hats, Flowers, Rib boms, Laces and Veiling. HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE. A complete line of Skirts. Waists, Corsets. Gloves, Hosiery and Ladies4 Fancy Goods.. .1 C h SUARTZBERG. 22 S. Main Street Pneumonia, "la grippe, coughs, colds, croup, amd whooping-cough readily yield to One Minute Cough Cure. Use tMs remedy in ttime and saye a doctor' Mil or the undertakera. - v Swedish Massage: Lfor nervous diseases, rheumiatlsmt and other diseaseu. Home or ofSoe treat ment! by Professor: Edwin Gruner graduate of Chemnitz College; Ger many, formerly with Oakland Heights Sanatorium. 55 Soulth Malm streeit. Phone 206 ?.A TjIj FOE' ''--.-BHERp THE "FAVORITE - BEER OF ASHEVILLE Orden? will filled for Bottle Beer V ,if left at "or phone to 1 : ' --'C Swannanoa Hotel GoV and ;1 j , ; ' j f: ' r Pot. Mrlntvm. Asrtl Aueusta Brev !o. J HENDERSONVILLE ITEMS. HendersonviWe, May 1. G. F. StTaid ley .left for Greenville, S. C, Friday, being ciaJled there on account of the se rious illnees of toils brother. Mr. C. H. Smith, mother and sis'ter. who havie beeoi spending the wimiter here left laslt ThUTiildlay for thietir homie'ia In diana. The new hotel is going up rapidlv, "amid will probably be' oipeined by July lSth ' " Mr. W. M. TJuornpteani of CSharleston, S. C, .sperat a few days with f riends in Hendeasonvillle Hast week. "Uncle" Solomon Jomies, a well known citllzeai 6f Henkllersiod bounty, died re oenitly alt his home on M3t. Hebron. Mr. Jones was probably ithe oldest m'an in the county, being nearly 98 - years of age. . Itont think you can cure that slight albtack of Dyspepsia by dieting, or that 3)tJ will cure Uttself. KodOl Dyspepsia Cure will cur St; at "digests what you eat" and restores the digestive organs to heaitn. For sale by Paragon Pharmacy. No-Tu-Jbac for mtty Cents. .Guaranteed tobacco habit -cure, makes weak seen strong, blood pure. 50c. SI. All druggists For sale by The Carolina Pharmacy College street and Court Square. Drp i'y Ma.fchal Anderson, of Knox viileand eleven deputies are in jail at Murphy, N. C, on the charge of crim inal .'rspass Anderson went to the mountain section a few days ago to serve a writ ,of possession on parties occupying the tract of land, the owner ship of whictt was settled, by Unite4 States Judge -Clarke's decision, a few daytf 1 go, determining the location of the .Tctnessee and North Carolina state line. The occupants t refused ,ite yield end after be.'ng ejected from the prem fces, soured North Caralina-warrants for the' posse for criminal.- trespass. "The ""matter ' has Jbeen reported to the department at Washington. M'GLURE'S FOR Asheville Telephone Co. (INDEPENDENT). Endorsed by Asheville Board of Trades Rates for Business Phones B Rates for Residence Phones $24 Per Year. P $16 Per Yean OVER 400 PHONES UNDER CONTRACT. Temporary Office, Barnard Building. W. Si PROCTOR, Supt The May McClure's. is especially nat able for its articles of sbAf-p present interest. J. L. Steffens supplies a val liable, and ofron dramatic." chapter in iecent politics in the story (never be fore told) of TheodoreRoosevelt'e ex periences with the warring political reformers and party politicians during his recent canvass for the governorship of New York and jsince. A new and fuller view of "Admiral Dewey and his way of dealing with affairs in the rhilippines Is given in Oscar King Davir- "Storic-a of Admiral Dewey." Mr." v Davis, writing from his own per sonal knowledge, acquired as the Ma nila correspondent of the New York Sun. lay Stannard Baker gives popular exposition of Dr. T: J. J. See'a important new itheory, that as a gas eous body shrinks its temperature in creases, and that, contrary to the com mon opinion, the sun is at present not qrowhig coldei but rapidly hotter. iO$BUDS Budding wo manhood! What glorious possibil ities ! What half hidden dangers ! What a time for tender sympathy! At puberty nature generally makes' some attempt to establish physical regularities, bnt when nature fails to assert itself, develop- ments result which injure the health andj juijMu uie consuiuuou 01 m iuiiu. The timely use of Bradfield's Female Regulator, the standard remedy -for all weakneraes and irregularities peculiar to wome wliat . retarded nature needs in all such cases. . Sold by druggists for x. Books for women free. ? r "f'.i- V : DISCOVERED JBY A WOMAN. Aniather great discovery has been madte, and thait too by a lady in this country. "Disease fastened its dutchss upon her and for seven years she with stood its severest tests, but Iher vital or gains were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she cough ed inoessantay, and could: not sleep. She flmally discovered a way to recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. . King's New Discovery fbr consumption, andwas so mudh relieved on taking first dose that she slept all might; and with two bottles has been absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Luitz.' Thus writes W. C. Hamnick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial botitflee free at T. C. Smith's and W. C. Oarmichajel's drug stores, amd at Pel ham's Phlarmacy. Reguflar siz 50c and J1.00. Every, bot tie gusranrteed . NOTICE. By vfirtue of a deeid of ttrus't execulted to me an the 20t!h day of October, 1896, by Joseph M. Pinmer, conveying, to me the real estate hereinafter described,' for tihe purpose of securing ithe payment of certain nodes therein tleecribed which said deed, of ftrut was regttatereki in the ofHoe of the register of deeds of Bun combe couMy, N. C, Sin! book 41, at page 375 Of the recordia of mortgages and deeds of (trust, aflud by reason, of tfhe failure of the salid Plnnar itw pay or cause to be paid the principal and In terest of the said notes amd (to carry out the provisions of slaM deed of trust according .to its terms I will sell at public auction at ithe court house door in Aslhevifle, to 'the highest bidder for cash, ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1899, the real estate aforesaid, situate in the city ofl Asheville, Buncombe county, Nortlh Carolina, being ldt No. 3T in block No. 1 of a map or plait -of lands regtor tiered 11a -the office of the regis'ber of deeds of said; ooumlty, la book 89, at pages 60 amd 61, anki bounded and more particularly described as follows: Begiranfing ait a Eftake la the north margin of West Chesteut street, the souiChwest corner of lot No. 2 bf said block, and running ithemcei wfith said north margin south fifty-five degrees, thirty-one minutes west 77.68 feet to the -souftheastt- eomer. of lot No. 4; (thence w5th east line Of No. 4, north 34 degrees and 29 minutes wesft 150 feet to the northeias corner of same in the south Hn of lot No. 17; thence wfth said tine north 55 degrees and 31 minultea east 69.55 feett Do dts souKlheasIf corner; theafce with west lines of lots Nob. 1 amtt 2, south 37 degrees and 32 minuttes east, 150.21 feet o the beginning, reference being hereby expressly miade to tthe re iatratlon of said deed of trust as afore said for a more perfect aescrlptidn of said lot bf kamd and for alt necessary purposes. This 21st day of April, 188 J. . ..: . . W. B. .GWTN, Trustee. , SEND US'ONE DOLLAR AX?r.ZZ nw 1899 pattern hl?h-giade UK8EBT1K COAL AND WOOD Gi)K 8TOVK, by freight C.O.D., subject to examination. f.Tamine it at your freight depot and If ly saiisiacGory ud the grcaieat Store BAB. GA1II you ever saw i or heard of, pay the sgr- semmi acme FS1CK, $13.00 mm acme WITE FOR OUR BIO FREE STOVE CATALOGUE. less the 11.00 sent with' or der or M2.00 and freight charges. This stove la size No. 8, oven Is 16x18x11, top is 42x23; mode from bot pig iron, extra large flues, heavy covers, heavy linings and grates, large oven shelf, heavy tin-li:ied oven door, handsome nickel-plated ornamentations and trimmings, extra large deep, genuine SUndlsh porcelain lined reservoir, hand some large ornamented base. Hrst eoal burner made, and we furnish FRKK an extra oi grate, making it a per fect wood burner. WB ISSUE A I11ND1NG 6UAKASTBK with every stove and guarantee safe delivery to your rail road station. Your local dealer would charge you 126.00 'for such a stove, the freight is only about (1.00 for each 500 miles, to we tare you at least $10.00. Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK &. CO .(INC.) CHICAGO, ILL Beana, JUeboek Co. are UioronsbJy reliable. Bditor.) r cures, aix Kidney. Stomach S. AN D LIVER TROUBLES. De Witt's Little Early Risers, Tbe fsmsas IliUs pills. - FOR ALL IVCr.lEfJ JmE-TENTHS Of all the pain and sicknessfrom which women suffer is caused by weakness or derangement in the organs of menstruation. Nearly always when a woman Is -not well these organs are affected. But when they are strong and healthy a woman Is very seldom sick. Is nature's provisidn for the regu lation of the menstrual function. It cures all " female troubles It is equally effective for the girl in her. teens, the young wife with do mestic and maternal cares, and the woman approaching the period known as the " Change of Life." They all need it. They are all benefitted by it. Fbr adriee fa cases rerjirfrinff special -directions, address, tiring symptoms, tbe "Ladies' Advisory Department,' The Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Cbattft- noocSy isno. TKO. CCCPE3L Topcls, KI.,tr ' 'BTystsWMiflelrSsivenlninsr ' ani oslnfot Msnstraation and soctors 1 cooiOTWtTeief her. Wins f Cariol I entlretvcsreiier and Uo helped sj i I tsstatf Ciroui tSt Cstos of Uftv" nor 4 - - T - - -. . - .-' -'Ir i