(1? VrTfTT. :rt A7 i Hi: " Vol 4; No. 73. 18HEVILLE, N, CL. "WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 3, 1899 Price 5 Cents. i-tr : ry, f - 4 I 9 '-H k.' - . . . A ' .4 OESTREICHER & CO., 5t Patton Avenue. Dry GoQds.and ' . - ... The dtuirdy lndl3penible Btreragths j?f out offerings -never laxearhere tu will alwteys find the- Urgiest jLortmajt, with abriottutely tihe very lowest prices, ijl.lgyou wanit to buy Tjglft, if you . 'Want o be treated right, make J ur place yur shopping head- M. "I - t rnaraoniow we will place on eaJe 1,800 yard X French Organdies ft. - ' a at real value 25 cents, our price for 12U2C this sale m - - - 1200 yards French Zephyr Ging ham, real value, 15 cents our price for .this arte, ysaawfr- Wc Our Millinery Department offeni you the choice of any brim med pattern hat, at Just one-balf of former prices. ; OESTREICHER 51 Patton Ave. Fresh Peeled Mushrooms in their Jown juice. 1 pound cans, $i.oo. JEqual" to Mush rooms fresh from the cellar. Directions on each can, G. A. GREER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FANCY GROCER, 53 Patton Arenue- FOR DISEASES 4 Of the KHnevs.Blad- J V . ... der and Nerves drink Duwoen 4 Water y Anilysls by Pr f. Doremus g Millinery v-.Si.-ot t3iievue: iVieaicai uoiiege, 21 . "l New York, flbows-that it .i cDntainsldouble the qum'i ?r?? $:"titv of rLithia found in any' - i ST-ViT.hr n Atiaral water; t $ordescriptive tiircnlars j x & apply at the)ancyV : ; 8 1 :i :cRAiirs; pharmacy, : HOUSE IE Iff Southern Cross Gen. V" . - - . Wade Hampt )it' s Home, Burned. The General's Narrow Es cape From the Blazing Building. Nothing of Value Faved Ex cept Swords of the Hamptons The House Undoubtedly Set on Fire by a Discharged Woman Servant. Columbia, S. C, May 2. "Southern Cross," the home of General Wade Hamptorvwas burned this morning, the general escaping with a loss of part of his moustache, eyebrows and hair. The house w'as built of brick taken, from the ruins of the Hampton man sion burned when the union .army passed through. It was erected by the general's slaves, and had been the home of himself and daughter since the war. Nothing of valuewas saved except the swords of three ."generations of Hamptons. These the old warrior rescued himself. During the height of the fire the general heard .the cries of a pet collie and he made an attempt to rescue it. hut was driyen back by the fire and badly burned about the face. He lost a valuable library and many Interest ing curios. .. , " ? There is no doubt that the "house was set on fire by a discharged woman ser vant. A BLOW TO TRUSTS. Decision That may Drive Them Out of Missouri. St. Louis, May 2. The trusts re ceived a knockout blow in the court of appeals today, which is likely to drive them out of business in the state. The judges unanimously decided that trusts cannot collect for goods sold within the borders of the state. The Missouri anti-trust law was sustained, and it Is further decreed that all pools to fix a limit to the prices of any com modity is illegal. The decision today was particularly against the Nation Lead trust, which, had sold goods to a St. Louis firm and was endeavoring to collect therefor. MAKE WAY FOR GOMEZ. Havana, May 2, The Junta of u ban geneHals met today, Gomez presid ing, and adopted resolutions removing from active service several generals and others antagonistic, to Gomes The deposed officers are highTy indignant They assert that the junta does not possess the right to remove them. The junta also decided to organise a Cuban national guard of 12,000 men, despite General Brooke's statement to Gomez that such a force was unneces sary and the country was unable to bear the expense. ANNOUNCEMENT. s We beg; to Inform our customers and the public that , to. additaoia-to our artis tic Merchant . TMloring? Department wbejne-ithe greatest . care and study are exercised too insure a perfect flit at the lowiesit possible prices. We have just opened a first-class Gents Furnishing Department whwtre you will find first -class goods and the latest styles. Your patronage klntfly Bollcltfefl. v , H. GELMAN, Proprietor. J. C. WILBAR, Manager. Paragon Building, Haywood street, cor ner College street. New Phoo S4S. Mountain Park -H OTBPRlN G SrN.Cj.: TMrty five miles et irf AevIIle on the Sout&ere Rain A modara reuit la-evry -particalar. . Bet am jtelej .XSolf' ccAinee - SVr.: further v piartlnxte THE WARRING IDAHO Gen. Merriam Arr.ves at Boise City- Regulars in Danger. Boise City, " Idaho, May 2. General Merriam arrived today en route to Coeur d'Alene. He left tonight for the scene of troubleC It is reported that miners axe en route from Conyon Creek to-Wardner with the avowed intention of exterminatinsr the com pany of regulars encamped there. The first detachment of regulars (colored) arrived at Wardner from Spokane tK day. They were heartily cheered anflf cordially greeted by the citizens- I? MERRIAM TELEGRAPHS THE IMPERILLED TROOPS Boise City, Idaho, May 2f Genenft Merriam," commanding troops conce- 4 advised to had begun t rating at "Wardner, was night that union strikers to march on Wardner to annihilate 1 the colored troops that reached there today. Merriam wired orders for the company to hold out at all hazards, as reinforcements would be on hand to- morrow. BASEBALL GAMES YESTERDAY. At New York- R. H. B. New York 4 10 1 Phila Jlphl i . . 3 10 S Batttries: Coakley end Grady; Fra- zer aJd Douglass. , - At Washington R. H. .. 0 4 4 .. 7 r o McGutrej R. H E. ... 2 7 5 ... JM 1 Robinson; f Washing on .... Brooklyn .Ueriesi .sjgftker b&d and FarrelL VAt. Baltimore Baltimore Bofitrn .. . Batteries: Miller Ni 'hols and Clarke. and At Pittsburg Pittsburg ... .. . B H. E. 4 13 Q St. Louis 3 9 1 Batteries: Gardner and Bowerman; Jones and Ciiger. ' At Cleveland R. H, E. Cleveland 2 6 3 Louisville 3 9 1 B.V.tries: Carsey and Zimmer; PhilliT and Kittridge. Seccnd game R.H. E. Cleve'and 9 11 1 Louisville .5 10 I Batteries: Sudhoff and 'Zimmer; Magte and Foweiwr FOR SAO). A Judgement against Mies Maud Wells and Robert L. Neilson, for the sum at $19.25. Apply to D. A. LAshly, Ashevfflle, N. C Misses ana -children's Oxfortfs at cost G. A. Mears shoe tore. EYE EXAMINATIONS. ThlB ia one of our methods for ecTei&ifldaJly testing the eye3 for defective viatton. Eye defects thlait werei once tt2ttmght to be in curable, can now toe entirely re lieved by wearing properly fitted glasses.) Examination free. S. L. McKEE, Soientilo Optician, 1 45 Patton Ave. We are here to tay. Try us. Blalr'a Ftumlturei Sor. Hotel an4 Bath ln tl SontA. C ' .- aLadxeas ' MINERS AH K SOBS- sif Mails Closed Against His Peace Society C irculars. Should Be Sati fied They Are Not Arrested for : Treason. So Says Postmaster General Tn Discussing the Case. Attorney General Declare Conviction Could Be Obtained on a Charge of Conspiracy. Washington, May 2. Postmaster Genoral Smith announced today that the Manila mails had beta closed to all circulars emanating from Edward At kinson's "peace" society. The cabinet discussed the question at length and decided not to close the mails within the United Staiee to Atkinson, though even tiiat was given serious consider ation. The attorney general reported that Atkinson and his associates could cer tainly be convicted on a charge of con spiring against the government The administration, however,' was not iri Jclined to attach too much dignity" to the affair ar present but in case of a further outbreak the government won't Jbesltaie to propecute. - The postmorter general severely jar Tjigrned -AtkiiMn and hla associates thinking they should be well satisfied at noc already having been arrested on a charge of treason. 'No worse case of sedition," he said, "occurred during the civil war." N notice Las been sent Atkinson of the loppage of his mail and none probably will fce. FITZSIMfilONS-JEFFRIES FIGHT. Cannot Occur at the Coney Island Athletic Club. New York, May 2. The board of police commissioners today refused to grant a -license to the Coney Island Athletic club, where Fitzaimmons and Jeffries were scheduled to fight This necessitates a pulling off of the fight at some other club. Although refusing a license to -the Coney Island club, the board granted a license to eeveral oth er prominent New York- clubs. A TWENTY ROUND DRAW. New York, May 2. Giis Ruhlin and Peter Maher fought a twenty-round draw at the Lenox 'Athletic club to night It was one" of the fiercest fights ever seen, y The result was a big surprise as Maher was a hot favorite. Ruhlin displayed great gameness and science. He closed both Mailer's eyes. Although : the recipient of many hard knocks, -r Maher (showed wonderful pluck. ' Babies' shoes, 25 and at G. A. Mean. 35 cents, 1 o 5 Purina Health Flour ; Glutan, Entire Wheat Makes ' Brain Bread .Fresh AT AT bd(ei's,h yOn: the SquareB? BALTIMORE DEMOCRATIC Hayes Majority 8,000 or More Negro Question Did It. Baltimore, May 2. The latest re turns ahow Hayes, democratic candi date or mayor, elected by a majority of 8,000 to 10,000 over Malster. repub lican and present mayor. The town is wild over the result. The fight va3 bit ter from start to finish. The demo crate stood for good government and captured most of the reform and inde pendent vote. The negro question was largely responsible fpr the republican defeat, the democrats insisting1 this waa o -ro.h i t e man's N The democrats swept the entire city electing 18 out of 24 members of the first branch of the city council and the entire seeond branch. The putting on the ticket for the council of Hiram Wattie, a notorious, negro, also cost the. republicans a number of votes. THE DEAD FROM THE MAINE. Bodies of the Victims Likely to Re main at Hayana. New lork May 2, A despatch to the World Tom Washington says that the bodies of the victims of the Maine may rest peimanently at Havana and Key West, 'vhere they were first buried, al though it was contemplated by con gress and th authorities at Washing Ion that they should be brought to Washington for final burial in Arling ton cemetery. This ie soy seated by the fact that the graves o. the Maine's dead at Havana ha v. been recently placed in rerfect order and elaborate plans have been rpade for beautifying and mark ing the spot. JL wali of masonry, with anchors and ieces of .cannon, is to inclose: the -rot;. aid -already tropical tOaftt hnva j ion nlATti-CMl ithAiit - tleta jfrave. 'origreeef j propria ted $10,000 to de fray i he ex r.er!ses -of bringing the bod ies to WashingYon butas yet no moye has boc-n n.ade to disinter them, and it does not appar that aiiy move will be made at an ecrly date. It if understood that it. Is due to the mutilated co dition of the bodies that the naval authorities are averse to cxposirg t.'ipm to view, as would be $he case if l ey were removed.. Friends and relatives would be spat ed ftirther pain by permitting the dead heroes to lie where they now rest. Naval officers have labored to mark the graves am1 to identify each body so titat in rase they should be removed there would be no mistake. RALEIGH SAILS SOUTHWARDS Phila'delphia, May 2. The Ralergh sailed today for Wilmington, N. C, where she will remain several days. She will next go to Charleston to take part in the celebration by the Confed erate naval veterans on May 20. She will then" go to Portsmouth, N. H., where she goes out of commission. REJECTED BY THE SOUTHERN. Louisville, May 2. The Southern railway has rejected the option given by holders, of the mortgage bonds of the Air Line because the price is high er than the Southern feels justified In paying. The effect of the rejection seems to be that the deal for the Air Line is'off for the present. WETS WIN AT HOT SPRINGS. Special to the Gazette. Hot Springs, N. C, May 2. The wet ticket carried the election here today by a large majority. Thomas Ebbs was elected mayor, Isham JSorenfio, Dr. Crim and Arthur Shaw aldermen. 8 THE BEST Emits Candles Cigars And Stationery- . - - Can be found at KEEPING'S .Opposite Postoffice. 1-- FIGil Lawton's Column Captures MoreFil- ipino Villages. Scattered Sixteen Hundred Insurgents and Pursued Them. Oar Only Casualties in the Day's Fighting, 1 wo Woqnded, A Me sae From Qilmore Lit of the Prisoners in His Hand Writing. Washington, May 2. The following was received from Otis tonight, dated Manila today: "Lawton's column, passing westward from Norzagaray, captured Balina? and villages in the vicinity yesterday, scattering and pursuing 1,600 insur gents. His only casualties were two wounded. The insurgents lost several killed and a large number woundeJ and captured, the numbers not stated. I have opened up communication with Lawton via . Malolos, by means of Hale's troops and detachments from this city." WORD FROM CILMORE. ' ManJlar' May ft. The. firBit authol.ic infarmtk.reg,ang"Lieutenlant-J. C. Gilmore and, party of 14 ma fnom t!he TJnUted Stkltcs gunbda Yctrki'jown, who were dapitured by tlhe F511pinlc April 12.. ws re)iyd6d'ay JElie hate of MaJ Arguelesea "'M the staftf of Geth Luna, St is in 'the forjm dt a lfcfiL of the msi;ing men aiod signed by Lieut Gilmore. The II eunanit" report that nrknd pahty had been brought Tacrossi ttfhe moum'tair from Baler, where they were captured. This iinfcirm4i)J'oin was brougiht tn re- -sponse to a? xte which Gen. MacArthur sent Gen. Luhia by Major Slalel ancT Lieut. Hayne and wbtcft three offlcters beaHiDg flfeg, of (tnrde c&nrted across Lunaa lines yeyi:erday, tihe no', afbef asking informaltdoia reg'axdinig Americian prisoners in Gen. Luna'e hands, con cQuded with the -miesage Itaialt hte (Gein. Mac Arthur) would be pleseed ito meet Gen. Luna. Major Shieldta and Lieut. Hiayne found a sp3in of aiailway brMfe a mfile away from St Thomas brokten. LIKE THE FREDA WARDE CASE is A Woman Kills Her Friend and Her self to Prevent Separation. Stockton, CaL. May 2. A tragedy which recalls the Freda -Ward case in Tennessee occurred here thisvmornlng, when Mrs. Virginia Hassel, wife of a weU-to-do Englishman, killed her friend, Mrs. William Heckman, and then shot herself dead. The most I plausible theory is that she did the deed for fear of being separated from her friend. Mrs. Hassel was separated from her husband and Mrs. Heckman also had domestic trouble. HENRY B. HYDE DEAD. New York, May 2. Henry B. Hyde, president of the Equitable Life In surance association, died here today of heart disease. Ladtes' storm rubbers, 35 cents, at A. Mear. 200 Pairs Worth 90c AT 60cts PER PAIR We h&ve jast closed out a large manuacte8. stojk of ertra heavy terlingftil ver Link Cuff Buttons which we are offering for 60 cents per. pair. a8 long as they Jast. This class of button we have always sold heretofore for )0 cents ancT $1.00 p r pair. VArthur-: MJField Leading Jt weltr, Cnurch Street ancg Patton Avenua -1 . I a if. r- y. " - Ashevilla, N. CL T D. 3REEK Ifaaaer. if - - v . . .. - .. " ----- . " - - s - , - . .. r ' '

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