Wm I da not believe thers is a case of dyspep .sis, indigestion 'or Any stomach trouble that cannot, be re lieved at once and Eermanently ' cured y my DYSPEPSIA CURE. MUNYON. At all - df aggftts, 25c. a-TiaL Guido to Health, and medi cal -advice free., 1505- XArch street, Phila. l : Howard A. Have Wrlgtit C. Stout MEMBERS OF THE New Ttork Stock Exchange, NewSTork Cotton 'Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade. . HAVEN & STOUT w . sj a u Mai ae wa a a w 1 Nassau St. cor. Wall, New York I. Deposit accounts nee el veld, subject to bheck on demand. Inltterest credited monthly on dally balances. I Aocounlts of banks, raxrpoTiaticms, firms &nd individuals received on, favorable Coupons, Interest, dividends, nolties -collected for our correspondents. Orders executed for the purchase or la on ctomox-Jslioai, ofl bonds, stocks, Brain or prorvisiona, eltlheri for I Clients may - Sbelegraph, ordetrs amid In Mructlona atmm expense. Copies of '4. i a i 1 X Inf ormaitHotnf --sregardiinig quotations, nations " ana -etourlties, . eheerr uuy umished. . v , . cation icorpo if I LOCAL JOPTION the markets: esterday's Quotations in Stocks, Wheat and Cotton. Highest, lowest atnd cloning New York stock exchange quotations for adtave sUock by special despatch from Haven & Stout, No. 1 Nassau sforeet. New Tork. memhers of tfoei NewT Tork I Stock Exchange. I New Tork, May 2. The markets were strong today on good buying. STOCKS. m. Tobacco wan A vmuvviV s fTKa rl " 7 X " in. Sugar rooklyn B. T- . B& Q. llinois Central .'AN. - it. Paul thern "pf a enn. Coal & Iron orthern Pac. pfd tarip ciJestern WHEAT; High Low r.lose ay 7iK nH illy 73 72i 72 COTTON. High Low Close 588 681 687 587 685 586 High Low Close 218 ,215 218 b7H 63 58 88 87 88 164 159 165 132K 125 132 148 141 141 116 116 116 67 66 -67K 127 125 127 54 52 52 63K- 6 b 63 79- , 78 79- 26: 25 26 kugust Sctober f BATTLE WITH BLOCKADERS. ievenneMen Have a Narrow Escape in Macon County. Deputy Collector J. B. Bnsley return- fed yesterday from a raiding trip in aeon county. With Deputy Collecitor T. B. Shope, eputy Ensley made an' extended raid nd succeeded in seizing three stills t week. About twenty gallons, of w wines and 700 gallons of beer were estroyed Two stills were cut up. The blockaders organized-, posse of "flnejnen and waylaid the revenue en on Skener creek. They were arm- only with revolvers and to this the cers reel tney owe meir uvea, iur e blockaders fired volley after volley pr thpm us -thev retreated to Frank l, seven miles distant. rhe officers kept up a running fire Jh their pursuers, but could not tell lether they had inflicted any dam- e. No arrests were made. loO pafnt ladfies ton OxSfortta all rityleai toes, at 98 cents, G. A. Mears. LAID TO REST . . i - : t After Some Honrs of -Strug ; gle Before the C ounty - Board-No Election. - Local ootlon matters principally en gaged the attention of the - board of couji; commissioners yesterday, and the varl-sfded question was brought up in a phhse calculated ito drive ithe board -to drink despite all: preconceiv ed disinclinations - tcf . drowning its troubles in the bowl. I . Judge Jame H. Merrimon set the oal1. in motion early in the'afternoon by presenting, a, petition asking the. board to grant a local option . election to be held in June. Judgef Merrimon was there in the capacity of attorney for those interested in the cause of pro hibition. Lawrence P. McLoudl and Duff Merrick represented thesaJoon interr-sts. Both sideswere out in, con siderable force and the pros and cons and wets and drys jostled one another for points of vantage from which to talk. Rev. J. R. Moose, Rev. H. L. Atkins and J. W. Albright frequently totok pant in the discussion. The point was raised that the recent city regis tration conld not be used as, a basis for the petitions which had been pre sented. The law, it was contended, provitled 'hat those eligible ito have a voice in the local option matter, must be qualified to vote for members of the general araembly. The opinion of the county aiforiiey, Mr. J. D. Murphy, was asked for. Mr. Murphy decided that the last general registration must be accepted a3 the criterion and that the spring registratfon could not be considered in that connection. This decision wac? a death knell to the "drys," but they declined to listen to the full tones cf the knell. Then some feelirg was manifested. Mr. Moose showed an inclination to address some remarks to Mr. Merrick. That gentle man 'turned fcway with the exrtremely plain statement, "I don't care to dis cuss the matter with you." Mr. Mc Loud jocularly told a friend that He was "forninst ' the position taken by the prohibitionists, and Mr. Atkins in terpolated to the effect that Mr. Mc Loud was generally opposed to such moved. At all events-the remark was so understood by Mr. McLoud, who, drawing himself Aip an inch or two," and with righteous indignation glanc ing froft his eyes at, the rate o peven sparks a second, retorted that the as sertion was "certainly a sweeping one.' Once Mr. Moose asked Mr. Mur phy for an honest" answer ito a cer tain question. It was the county at torney's time to feel injured and he did so. Mr. Murphy replied that he would m?ke an effort to give an hon est answer and a killing pause punc tuated the word "honest." Mr. Moose apologized end Mr. Murphy -soon with drew with the' observation that he re gretted having been brought into the iaater. The dispute was finally compromised by Chairman Gaston, who said ithat both the old and the new "registration books could bo examined. There "was some opposition to this plan, but the chairnan ald he had rather prolong the session until midnight than to maki a mistake. John M. Campbell was chosen to represent those who op posed the election in (the matter of ex amining the books. J. W. Albright was telected to do the counting for the op posing side. The committee was to perform its labors in a room in the-le gal building and its deliberations were to be watched by Mr. McLoud and Mr. Moose. After about, an iiour of close application to duty, during which time four names were found to be properly recorded, the futility of the whole thing began to dawn upon the commit tee, and there was a pause in the labor. Mr. Moose again went 'before he com missioners and urged them to saywhich registration wuld be accepted. Chair- jnaa-Gaston:tlien stated "that Ihe board jyonld "abide by-thef- decision J of the Cpjinty attorney.TThoae who wanted the election then. threw up the sponge, an. there : was an insufficient'number of petitioners on -the basis of the old reg- telration. The petition did not record the requisi te one-thlrd'of thefegal rot eis. hi . j T "i, ' . - ' There was talk of taking Jegal teps to compel the board Or grant the' right to' no!dta? election, but t is not believ ed anything . will be done. "arr. Albright admitted that Chairman Gaston pursued the, proper course and '-na ny others take the same '. view. The point' was also advaafcedT thctt there v-as nut sufficient time to Itsally arrange for an election to be held in June.. V -r;- . ' YESTERDAY'S GOLF JAMES. Biking Powder Lrarn pure Hade cream of tartar. Safuards the food against Alam baking fmu uJL. xocfiaccrji i of the Scores of the Eight Ladled Contesting for die ChampionsMD: . The. first eighteen-holes" ofthe match for tlie championshlp'4-of the Swan nanoa Country club were" played yes terday. " " ' ' . y . The best eiore yesterday ; was made by Mrs. Warden- or the first round ner scored was 55 on the second 61, making her total 116. MtssReita Rees core was 61 and 63, making her total 124. Miss Ites' score was 69 and 71, total 140. Mfsa ivDoyle's score was 72 and (if., total 140. Miss ; Campbell's score was 71. and 72, total 143. Miss Baker's score, was. 73 and 71, total 144. Miss Howiand's score was 89 and 86, total 175. Mrs. Force's 6Core was 94 and 91, total 185. The remainjug eighteen holes will be played this afiernoon. n n n lill D rn rn UJa v - - mention 500 ftPure Air, Southern pure, . being: lociadv on the Bouthera' slope o the Blue Ridge and on SAPPHIRE LAKE. FAIRFIELD LAKE) (8 'miles ttkrt&ibt) these bedngtte only Ukw In the mounftatag of the aouth. ' ' ; Sapphire Imi behig locate 1 near the centre of the estate n of ihs Toiaway Company whlA . conUhis 2S.000 acres with 75 mile of trout stream which ar patroled and protected, thus insuring to gueste oa excelled opportunities, under same reetriottooa (bat any wen related preserve should have, securing finest in the state. CLIMATE all that could be dealred. Boatlog, fiahlag, riding and driving, Just what you seed Dor HIIALTH or PLEASURE. Train leaves Ashevfflle S:05 p. m., arriving Brevard 5:40 p m. Brevard to Sapphire by carriage over a" good mountiaa road, . , "" : . For rates and afornmtlon address. RECRUITING OFFICE. Far All Branches of Uncle Sam's Service Opens Tcday. C&pl. John A. Perry, Thirteenth in fantry, will open a recruiting office for' the regular aimy today in rooms 26 and of the Maxwelton building. Sergeant F. N. Wake, of the Fourth artillery, will be his chief assistant. The recruiting wiH befor all branches of the service. The recruits will be sent to Governor's Island for assign ment. All recruits may ..have their choice of regiments and service In Cu ba or Porto Pico. AT LOOKOUT PARK Street The Ashevflle paiy wtll tonight inaugurate Railway comr a series of high class performances engaged to asp ear flookotit ;park during the sumfrur; The Cyrene Vaudeville com pany, a standard attracition, has been engaged . to open the season-and will present- long and varied program of refined specialties. The leading feat ure will be Cyrene, a widely-famed vaudeville and" circus performer. She will present a repertoire, of character and acrobatic dances, including the fire and serpentine dances with elaborate electrical effects and will also present a daiing act on a swinging wire.. The smart set everywhere has made vau deville ithe sccial fad. The street rail way company is giving the perform ance entirely free to those who will ride out to the park on the cars. MASS MEETING ON MAY 27TH Of Citizens of Ashevifle nnd County to Prqmote Good Roads-. Prof. Holmes to Speak. At the meeting of the good roads' di rectors yesterday afternoon; 'the road committee reported that about' two miles of Sunset drive had been com pleted; and put In first class condition. The work on this drive wfll probahly be finished this week. ' - Prof. Holmes has indicated that he can behere on May 27. The directors have decided to hold their mass meet ing on 4hat date at the court house. Prof; Holmes will be the , principal speaker. General Roy Stone will also be asked to attend and address the meeting. Several prominent local speakers win be in attendance. The people of the entire county are invit ed to attend. . President Loughran, John A. Nichols, J. A. Roebling and J. R. DuBose were appointed as a committee on arrangements. . George W. Pack asked the Good Roads association to Improve a drive beginning at Mr. Collins' res1d-:nce on Sunset drive and leading to the top of Sunset-TOOunitain. He will pay aU ex penses incurred by this work. The as sociation . accepted this offer with their thanks to Mr. Pack; and will be- gui ii as auuu CL3 ctuiisei, IB UU1SUCU, f The board adopted red and Mack as their colors and instructed the badge committee to order one hundred but tons in red and black. THE POWER PLANT ON IVY. 9 2sT SKIRTS MADE TO ORDER. We are frequently asked If we make skirts Dor individuals. We do not know how the impression came .about thatt we andy made them through the dry goods tores, but we win say that while we do make for the stores we prefer to do business direct with our patrons. We Shave a competent dress maker and our seamstresses' are as good as any im" the city. We guarantee a fit where we "take your measure ourselves, and if a g&rmint is ut samtac Jtdry, through fault of our3. we s!mply take it off our hvila aJd mak; no ruts about fit We have a reputation f,r making fine jklrta and propose to fceer it. We have added The making of sh.rt waists o our ousiness acd have compe tamt hands do rnak' them. The longest time we take 10 make a skirt is thiee daysman! f necwry, can deliver in one day. Give us a call and we are positive you wIH come again. Asheville Skirt Manufacturing Co. Fitting Room on Second Floor. Patton Avenue and Court Square Pffi n WATER MAIN BURSTS. Ladies' Strap Slippers. i 4 (fp - 0 Q M. r I I I We have a fairly good assort ment, of Ladies' Strap Slippers in patent leather and kid, made by reliable manufacturers, at pnees. . " i ilvgH::xeasoriai . ! m&i Xiortn uarouna m v . Asheville, -0 -----C 2 to 4 G:"Ar:MeaW shoe store 0STE0PAJHIST IN TOWN. Dr. C. M. Oaee, a eelebrialtexl osteop taftMst, is to, the city wilttti the 1nlteailtikn of esttaibllsJiilng ia pratdUce. He ha op ened offioea at 18 Church street. Ostebpaitlhy is iar companalJively mew science Ithlat has galnietii fame 4n Htoe west tand -soutbfwesL It is a sysem of mjamlp ulajtions founded on a thoimugh knowl edge of amaAomy, plhysaoloery. and. the kindred scftetoldes. lit is 'sdrnjily a. read justment of enfeebled parks of ttihe hu muta iniachinism. NeUdrfly every physri cdaaii inf Ihexsbiithwesft nds adorfted the new scdemce. Tm Case is a graduate oif . tlhe' Sjt. Louis Medical iddblege, 'htas servki as as sistant" physiclam In Ithe Sa Louis- cdty aind f emalle 1hosp4)fiari3,' was at one time chief resident phvsicianl of . St Louis poor house, served a year las aidytog aa army, pehlt one year Sn posit- graduate work in New Tork - city.i aaad - jeveral ycJars tn iprivalte prafcltfice. He is t grad ulalte of the Amerlcant chxto alt Kirks ville, Midsouri, Ithe foutotain Jhead of osteoplaitfliy. v REVENUE COLLECTIONS. The revenue colledtiaiBs In. the Fifth distoriclt -for tihe montth of April were as follows : Tobacco ........... w ...... $171,524.12 Spirits - 62,417.42 Cigars am dgaretites . . . . . . 1,498,32 Snuff .... - " 96.00 Special itax 1 350.94 Uldt coMeotlons ...... N 1,178.96 Documentary .... ...... ..... 3,180.83 Proprietlary ........ ...... .. 238.54 Tdtlall.... 240,539.43 MrsT Geo. L. Hackney retxirned yes terday from a visilt to Brevard. Robert Lee left for Moscow, Lfiaho, yedJerday, to make hi'3 home there. jvir. ana mre, 1a j. iwowm oi wiaier- bury, Conn., are vHsMng here. N. LT Shaw, of ittoe Bibffii'cal Recorder, of Raleigh, was in the cfity yes'terd'ay. . Mrs. Eugene A.-Putnam and Miss Elizabeth P. Pultaiam of Lynm, Mia3., are vislitiing here. L, W. Clfark was tin from. Greensboro yes ber day. Oiarles Seymour or Knoxville was here yesterdlay. M. Wv Bfe11 is in from! Murphy, at tending cou'xi:. Ortootn. Wdatfeldlt) Price otf Flemcher is 4a the city.', '" Permiision Granted to Place Poles on Country Eoads- The board of county commissioners V03terday granted to the Electric" Pow er company the privilege of erecting poles from Asheville to Big Ivy by way of Jupiter. "W. TL Ellis and Lieutenant Governor Reynolds, -who are interested in the Ivy electric power project, were in the city yesterday, they having just re turned from a trip to the Ivy section There is now very little to hamper these gentlemen in the prosecution of their plans. Only one or two of the land owners of the section referred to are yet standing in the way, and there is good reason to believe that these men will soon give way for a reason able consideration. An AsheviHe.'gen tleman who is interested in the t Work of the capitalists told a Gazette report er that he regretted very much that Mr. Ellis and his friends had coun tered any difficulty, however 33glit, in their efforts tb make thflr-plan suc cessful. These-men were accustomed to receiving the very greatest degree of encouragement eliewhere, he said, and It would not do for this section to prove an exception. Coaiectiotna alt the various offices: Winston ............ $167,930.95 Steteevllle 47,827.87 AatiAvnie. ' 14.849.67 Mt. Airy ...T , 9,930.91 Bucnrxiirrs ARNICA BAzma The bearisatve In the world for outsJ Druues, sores, tocers, &is nneuna, rarer sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblajas, corns, and all skin "erunOons. mmd pea ftlvely cures piles, -or no 33y reaulred. It Is guaranteed to give perfect saJtbfc faotfon or mooeT refunded. Price 25 cests per box. Iw sale by T.tC Bmlth. W. C OarmlchSTea nd Pefflam's pharr Ladies' pointed toe Oxfords; 98 cents to $1.48, sold ait $1.50 ana. $250. G. A. A PICKPOCKET Secured About $150 at the Southern Bepot Yeiterday. A pickpocket yesterday afternoon ss cured about $150 from W. C. Gal braith. Gait.raith and family haye been living at Bryson City and start ed for the northern part of Washington yesterday. .His tickets were in anoth er pec ket and were left- untouched. The money stolen was In a purse in his trousers pocket,. and as he was getting on the train here several crowded arouund ard jostledhim, and Just as t'e jam was hardest some one reached Into his pocket and grabbed the money to quickly? that Galbraith couldn't tell who it was. The only thing he could ;tell of the thlei was that he had an overcoat on his y : arm. r"' Policeman Chappell and Sheriff Lee ;were present but w re unable to find anyone an swering the meager description. 500 pairs of SajtSes : Oxford ties (off toes 10 jer.oeKit less. than costti G. A. Meara. - , s , . - - -tt -e - . r " 'I. Ii.i i i " i ii i t.-.-T 1 All -fedlesi small Blze'ehoes toft ccst, Some the reauJtir of neglected yspep tks conditions of -the stomach are can cer, consumption, - heart r: idSsease, and epilepsy, ;Kodol Dyspepste Cure pre-1 vents' all this- by. effecting atuck. cure In all casea of dyspepsia.-' ' . FoTale by .Paragon: Pharmacy. ' :DhVitt9s sWitch Hazel, Salvo Cares Piles. Scalds. Bonis. ' - R LjLatherwood of Bryssoia CIcy is here on -court buediaeiss. J E. J. Eaaithfhoff of Black Mountain is here. . ' James H. SmJth, Mis Bertha -H. SmiJtihs nH! Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Wiatoer manu, of Provlidenice, R. I., ar'e here or a shtorlt whdle. C. 'D. Oolbtom of Cleveland Is fn the cfcty. Ben Posey here fitom Murphy at tend! ntg court Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Seefley of Detroit are (here. . (ity Likely to Be Short of Water This Morning as a Result. Water will be scarce in the city un til about noon today. The big 16-inch supply main at the waterworks burst at 11 o'clock yesterday morning and it was found necessary to cut off the en tire jeupply to the city. The break in the pipe was located at a point where the. main enters the river, inside the yard: at the pump station. A flaw in the pipe is supposed to have occasioned the break. . A force of men under Plumbing In spector Guischard has" been hard at work repairing the damage but will not finish before noon today at the ear liest. Meanwhile the city has been using water from the ' standplpe and reser voir on Beaumont. This supply, ia In adequate to mettt the demands and it is possible that the cky will be with out water for a few hours this morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. iE. Hlariris of Greens boro are viSl'ting friends here. " ' Mr. and Mrs. William T. Home ar rived1 yesterday from Chicago. 7 . Seriaitor Jeter'C. Pritchard came in frbm Marshall yesterday morn tag Ito alt tend court. OapStiaSa Wltaiam Marfciini, clerk otf the Foray! h county court, was fin the city from. Winston yesterday. Bea Cliff left for S'avarunlaai yedterday 83 J. P. McInturfC arrived id the city from BumsvSlle yesiterlJay on. business' $$ Col. J. G. Maritifcn W. A. Baeb and wijfe, of New Tork, anki Miss McLoud, of Asfhevdlle, went to Sapplhir'e' yesterday.- Col. Willifsunison wait Ko Sapphire yes terday. The late Berkeley ainrivals Include W. N. Roumdy, Knoxvtlle Journal; H. W, BMnenaan and P. R. Owens, jr., Balti more; J. B. Freema.ui, Henderson ville; Isaac T. Avery) and L. T. Pearson, MorganMonr L. B. Wine ton, New Tcrk; S. M. MoEwem, Jefferwoo;; A. E. Hatt-a, WlnfcWxm; Paul Terrell, New York; Theodore F. iShuttz; Salisbury; E Cjltoe and W. J. Stourbrti, Hfco.T: J. A. Framks. Almond; W. A. Lemley, Fa lem; W. B. EUis, Winston, W. H. Cox, Richmond; C. W. Bennett, St. Tmi; J. C. Prcixard,. Marshall; P. R. Rhodes, New Tork; A. A. Fain, Mur phy, W. A." Neumtth, Atlanta; W. S. Pearson tend J. L. "Ano5erlson, Morgn ton; EL Dexlter, New Tork; C. A. ReyttoKis, Winston. SPREADS TP"l "WILDFIRE. Ton cant keen a ood Chtosj flows News of at travels Cast. When things mrm -th iMHt tiber become 2ia best ssflintfc." Abraham Bare, m lending arugggst, of BefievtlEIe; writes: "ModCrto Bftters are he best selling Jbfiters I hv ever haadlea to jny zu yearn xperSeoce." xou Know, wnyi STiamachv rirwr. boweSs, Mood and n-ves. Etsotrto BSCters tones up the sttimartn, reguSateS liver, kidneys ana btnrels, pannes me DJaoa. wtrangxnen the nerves, hence cares multitudes of It bunds up tave enore sys- PREPARIN& FOR THE LIBRARY. The interior of the Palmetto build ing is undergoing the necessary alter ations to turnt into a library. When completed the first floor now occupied by the bank will have a new floor of pine, coated with shellac. The book cases will be ranged along the walls and a rack wilt pronai!y i e placed in the centre of the room. The room now occupied by W. B. GvyrT will be opened into the main room and will be used as a store room. Toilet rooms will also be built. The disinfectant closet to be used for returned books as mentioned exclusive ly in the Gazette, will be built in a corner of the main room. NORTH CAROLINA GOLD, D. D. Sutfcle yesterday showed the GUzdate a number of specimens' of rich old ore and) expressed lUhe-optod'on itihat there would soon be a revival! of imlter est ib miniiiiig in some pares ell Ithe abate. Where very Uttle s being doOe Just at presenlt Mr.SuCJe says tthat during the past winter H. J. Pullen Of Den ver, Colo., spenlt some time prospecting ia Buncombe and In other counties tn toe e!uaite, and Ithiattl Mr. Pullen express ed m dtetiermiinialtiiion- to operate some of the mines which came unlder his obser valtlon. Mr. Pullen is mow in tlhe west, but hi expected tb rdturnt almost any day. Mr. Pulleai has 'mihuLng Interests near Pike's peak and is a palactteal ml ing esvgineer. . Good assortment of ladies' strlap slip pers aod Oxford ties at J. D. Blamlton & TJa's shoe at'ore. tem. -Puts new bus ana Yiejor dbo any sicauy, nnHtkywii man or woman. OMty 60 ceaxts Sou by T. C smxuw w. C. CkzTniobael and Pe2hms pharmacy. 200 pairs ladies', common sense Shoes, 2 to 5, 10 per oent- 'aese-Jthan. cost, $1.25 Co $2.00,- G. A . Mears sbJoe ssore. 'TjT'dV BrTiise, edSCbr and" proptftgLor d the DemdicrBx; Laiuatter,.N. H., says I would not br , .wSthou : One , Mlnut- Cough .Cure' for. my; bpy. when troubled with a cougn or com. id : is me lxneuyrfbr croup I evet vme& -:r, ForrsaJe by Paragon Plsarmtacy. Our Specialty ia ' High Class Work. Our Customers, High Class Peopls Printing, I thai Attracts. THE FREIIGH BROAD PRESS 84 Sktton Ayenue. - it Our Workmea " Most ClKpabJc, "' Our 'Material to the Best. -V if