t: r 4; THE ASHEVELLE; GAZETTE V MAV;3; i&99 'Vf ------ - - - . . -. ,'J - - v v ..,.,T--r ia . ., r . 5 i i : ... St , - f u - "pr.r..j" v ' it ' i ' 'l.-.r, ' - ;-5 -i--'-'.j'Vyi..-1;v . Oil KEwil wdll move 47 PaitJton meel tonight. The boara or n"w -Alf . S. Barnard beeix apped a ndtary public. , o n,, solid yeaterfiay 5umS, of miS a work ou the TrtJbar B3 VidS has begun, undar consrud-or F. BaiaJWftdg bcbk wear ah, Main. Elireert 'ta re me this rr. , on Bculf-ey obrec to Mr. J- H- q; The sale was madeby H. F. The Schubccl: Glee Club, ""der the 'crtoitt Lyceum buia.u, will aPP- Bi'och, 50 oects. were made of bLh c&mtpaBles of BOnf dlay, by C. F. Ray. Th- AheviHe emJ Bbagteam b'alseball rJn wi'Il Play tomcrrow aSfimoon on SjfrivJh gt5iS at 3.30. N-o .admftion ree wlM bfe-chbreed. v Capt Clark wtesrepca ed as improv imff rapidly yeerday. Hia d utiles at Slfrlrsht Oepct are beTn discharged by James H. LlptoiQ. The 8mm of ConfederaWa Veterar will; meeiya'f 8.30 ins the cdty hall, to hold election of officers SeveHil new name wliH be presented far membership. Ttoiej ' dembcrtitic iralificaiou' meefting whiwh was to hiave beam heW to -the court house last ni!hlt. was adjourned untMl tKe regular meelting tof tthe cluD Moibdlay. nlight Oompamiy G wall (hold theUr regular bvnsrrea3 toee)tln!g in the armory o naghit Instead of Thursday nigWt, a& an nounced. The change in dae was oc casfiooed iby fhe lamtniversiary bail of the pirsi: regiment. -The masKynia have lelaised the upper new oir !t(h Jcforistoin' building on Court squaire, and will occupy it) las their todge ircom in the f vKtuanej The floor will be divtfdied infao a mlaitoi haUl. reception Toym, and one tor two laa'tte-fbomB. TIbe Black MKuirtal'n 'hctlel, the faimov 'N'crith iCbtrWIiDa resort CM hhe Souithern Railway, nekr Aehevitle, knbwn In every outberin: statte fori its' beauttifuJ eltua tJani, henl!ithful eiima.te aMd pure waiter, hns-been ipucGfeased by IVIr. rE. H. Mead tows i:zd Dr. F. W. Hugh-eo of this ciity. New Benn Journial. Supifrticp Courit Clerk1 Enrw-fftt ycriter &W admitted I'ta iprobate Ithe 'Wmi of Mm' Esither A. Hayimord, dft iidlng n eae of $2,000 ami m her clhiTdren, MiB3 May M. Bind Firsraik U. Fayniontl arA Mif Etffli'li M. Townsemd. MVs Haymond was arptatoted exectutotj - One Car . No. i tIMLOTHt A. HAY, $ 18.00 Ton. " D. COOPER. 32 South Main mm SIGN-OP JTHE JBOOKT. Hammock Time lUstime- to begin .thinling of Hammocks. We have the mostcomplete line we have-evi r carried, a greater assorU meat of colors and styles. The: quality- is 4he best and , prices are the lowest. 'Tis a pleasure ot now tnem Rogers' Book Store,) 20 South Main St Phone No 54. i 100 PRESENTS In Bicycle Sundries GIVEN AWAY Oil Thnrsdajj- May i8ib In thr following manner We f take 100 envelopes and insert j - ...Jin irli inri on -ihft r.ard vmvu UTS A FRESH SUPPLY AT 3KB Next the Market. - The Aeftievilte Cyclic comipany w'll giivf iiiway cfcte hundrfii pnetsenlts of b-i-.Q "cycle KunidTie's May 18. Eaidh pureb'ceri 2f tea cett'te won'h of roods wr mere, re- Q ceives aiv. eovelopeconitai'rilng "ite name idf fiome article, from 11 par to handle baTrato gth'lte whtob to pnven, vne purchaser with the!x complSmtenlts.. ncTcnDnTUVu UOILUI HI III TROLLEY PARTY. The esfaecmi for ItrbBJey pailtBae opened auepacDously UasiT roigrht amid auguiB well j for the summer. About fiflty of AahevMe's gay young ) people were crowded into a large apen J a o n a In stubbotn diseases of " long standing especially ia D ras s that medfeineajoavp q n failed to reach, tryi "Oute- q Opathy. ; ; ! " p C At CAlSE D o . 18 Church Street ie nTYift V.f snniA ot-firlft. sucti as lamps, bells, handle ba s, cvclcmet rs, oils, graphites, etc Each purchaser of 10 cents or over will draw one of the enveolpes out ot the lot and 'he article that has its name wmien on xue enclosed card is given with our complunents Asheville Cycle EUGENE C. SAWYER, Prop. Gompifiy Phone 228 18 and 20 Church Street A S3 Shoe For Men . . . The best shoe you ever bought, or can buy for $3. M ade of all leat here, in all styles, on lasts" which have hitherto been used lor lh3 best custom work. They fit well, wear well and look well upon the foot. x clock. First, rah run ou't I to tthe KJaa- dike wbe miatde, Siuzn a sail ouit bo the Uookout line, and Souitftn Main, wind fiiilg up wiUh the ChaaCioJce ireet amd the Mknor, where the handsome parfors aad (the spileridfid1 dining room were throwo open to itlhe meirymakrs. wailiaims' or dtio.ttira Ifuirnisihed exoellenlt dance muefc. Mrs. Thoritte favored Ithe palrlty wiiith seveTiall beauliiful seleotionB duidang Ithe taitermtiissliljn. The IthoughJiiful hesecs provided well far iher viiit)oira ia Ithe way Of refreahmentes. AmWng the pwrtty we're Mir. land Mrs. A Wired S. Bairnard, Mrs. J. E. Rum bougih.Mx'.s. J. J. Brawmi, Mr3. Fraaik CJhatpm'ah, Mr. and Mirs. Chas. Bonid, Mtb. Thwme, land guedi alt the Manor: Mlssca PaifAcrt, I'ngeri'o'l, Branch, Saw yer, Smiil h, Birown, Jeaini BrOwm, Tjiink era' Gudger, Jones, Day, Chnfsl y, Sta bler, Wffliikns, McKitalaey, Reynblkfe, Field, Tipp'-e, Higbee, St CHalrr; Messns. Acee, Kinkiri, Stuwyeri, YaWes, Wiaiddell, Btobe.lts, Ray, Smiiith, Beajrdemi, A115con, Trumbell, Oocke, Sandcirs, Deal, Mer rick, Millard, Blackburn, Ncrris, Riatoul, WMlfiame, Davidson. ROAD SUPERVISORS. The couinitv coimmtssioners ytditerday lappdllrJbed Pi'nk Monrii road -supervisior (for Avery & cneek liowEBihip; W. C. Slu- der If or the west 'side! of the French Buload; El lid Hamcon for Leicester . itowrxCuip No. 2, and J. C. BiTd for Up per Hominy townshiip. Q D a d D O Um .-Dr. David Kennedy CURES ALL ' KIDNEY. STOMACH' f 'AND UVJEK TRUUBWIii " ENGLISH SPONGE CAKES : Fresh ovexy morning At the Woman's ExKhamge, Court Square. Pric 20c each. Call tar No. 231. 18 Patton Avenue. O THE O Great Southern Gate STRICTLY FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT. Quick Lunch Counter. Fine Confectioni. Ice Cream Parlor. Private Parlors for Ladies. Bail J Sbepfa 6 P&ttss Me. is AB.j&ne w lihlng lo pat. team bet L their building could not d better thajs 1 CTqeiip ETarkei Signs; of Spring " 1-2 ft Biltrnbre PatentH-4 st Biltmore Biltmore Biltmore. " libl Gollids' Unole 7beat Flonr 1-4 sk are in erusepce everyirhre now, and redder crlmaoa come upon thm robin's breert," and a dov like whiteneat oomea upon he shirt front of the youfig man "W pretei the bread made firom whose i'fancy slightly turns to thoughts t , 1 of love. tf he ia wlae enoush to brinK whole wheat flour to any that w .IUT, Ashe ville Steam ever had upon our table and we w ; i i Mumnrj. wv WW pill K X3OB0T man Timnaq i , on your linen that could never ho aoauir never used amy but tho heat brand. A ' Phone 95 " wwufiwie int 43 WJJ8T COLLEGE ST. For ste by all Dealers J AS. P. SAWTXB, Presidena. Xk. RAJTsTIH. Casii,, DBatfteiry Park IBaialk, waupita,! Stoclr - - . - 3100,0 do Superioi AcUitiee lot Doing & General Banking Business CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOE RN1 I 'OiiDnflflCn Ntnrcomro it uUiuiiuiK-ii riic.ii I e-A. If I ?! Nothing will add more to jour comfort and sxmtet you In mlaanUin '"5 sucwwjb a sposiraoa zona SLKBEN WINDOWS DOORS. WE HAVE A FRESH STOCK. AND 2 Brown, Northup & Co. it 33 PATTON AVENUE. l4IISII$lSl!Sl$l8IIWll$fel f, WE GUARANTEE 10 PLEASE. C00K.& GALBREATH 43 PATTON AVENUE. it f orJhat .Jibed Feelihc " there Is notMng thiat wiWl equal a glas3 of OVDF''NoniLrfr Cin(clnnai eacoarto ber. I wfilPftorie the eysterrn land recupnrxte "TJ,V'T.,'..'.-i-; .... you'r woTia twit tetoergies better tihaai any drag wi ttffibe maxkielL It is puie, whole- - . BXwn, of exaulslte flavor, and a "bra- - T. - oerM (that will' 'BjJ5neaig'thein; you when you feeft weak or Jaded; $1.00 per dozen, de- ; llvwdr anywhere in 'the city. DYSPEPSIA is the cause of un- taf 4-11 T. . xi TT J1- Sarsaparilla the digestive organs are Telephone 72. wueu ?.na ayspepsia 9 CURED. THE "BONANZA" UIUE AUD LIQUOR CO. 43 South Main Street; Harrisburg Boiler But you must have experteaced work men to do the work, and we axe confl deut thiat we can please you. Ball & 'Shepherd. PrtONt 8& FOR REDIT, Residence, Storeroom, Office and Club Room. ONE 8-ROOM RESIDENCE-rWith all necessary outhouses, corauer Merrimoo avenue and Orange sftreet . ONE STORE ROOM AND BASE MENT No. 28 South Main afreet, known as "Palate Royal." CLUB ROOMS AND OFFICES In 4 "Jolmsiton" building, S. W. corner public square and Main, street. LODGE ROOMS AND OFFICES In Paragon building, corner Patton av enue and Haywood streets, opposite postofficer Rut led ge Patterson Webb & Co. 5 and 6 Johnston Bulldinc OR THOMAS D. JOHNSTON. Stradley Bros., The Leading Grocers of Asheville. 16 N. Court Sauare Carl Slraltz, Dyer, Chemical Cleaner and Furrier. .55 South Main St. I dye aond Gleam latflea' and geatlemen'a olsfhes; also fin fiw rues amd carpets, Baoe curtalna, etc I alter and repair also aJB ktads of gar- meatsi and for. AH work giaarantaed. Special aftteodon YeJd to out of town- erdears, and expresa paid one way. In cfity aU good wfflL be called ficw or deMv ered free of ehavrge. Cail Sclmltz 50 8. Ilain St. Phone SOB. It makes nk difference how bad th wound if you use D WSltf a Wttc Hazel Salve; it will quickly heal an leave no scar. For sale by Paragon Pharmacy. 1fl ivP -Hhua 'ImfodSit' c4t"wloi mon's ntaOdlt I leafther shoies, sold alt $4.00. We offer at 2.98. G. A. Mears' shoe store. Ladiest' Itaxb Qxfordis worth $2.50, we offer to elcee aft, $1.50, for .this week, G. .A. Meare shoe store. m. u "THE OUTFITTER mm iwm Private Board By Day t or Week. 88 BULLETIN OTj.tIrLgv32ai3rts We hkve line largest rarie'ty of ouftftng shirts 4Soc rnenr and boys thlis season, that we've ever had. In, Mafitcae, Cheviots, silk and Mult Puff posdmte.Linens, e'tc. wth cuffs ftitaribed, amd wSthout. Prtees from 60 oaata to $3.00 ehclu.:. Men's- and Boys Straw. Haitfcj-aliao , Ladies', more styles than we can nuenftllon. Prices from 25 cents ttt $5.00-aten. .ft t i. Nearest to Postoffice. Highest Elevation. s cr5 i:3 ' : : - Fine "Mountain Scenery. t&-ARSi LUCETTA V.;COLE Tnaf Xvo.Uno n XTnV.'K-tf T.lna rf Vlctta- JOT LADIES Amid fiTTNTT-a V - - eflso BOYS. Prices from 72 5 centos to $1-50 each. . . ; 11: PaTlon Ave. New 'Phon. . . -. ON THE PEDESTAL OF POPULAR x approval: you will find the JELLICO coal with every one ia Asheville. thai has tested Its high grade quality and economy in use. RJch and poor will find that they get me worth of their money in every scuttle of doai thalt is used, as it gives out more heat, leaves . less crtakers and gives out warmth and brightness. Instead of clof gsag up your stove or ranee, . GAOQLMA GOAL CO. Mean's pointed itoe shoes -25 oer cAnt: Hess thani cost, black and tan, one fcun- area araa nay peire, u. Ai -Meson. . - - , "Laddesreamplo Oadfkxrtls. at; wholesale praces, v. a. Mears" ehloe eftore. We Have Just Received l he moat Complete Lin of Crackers ever carried ia Ashevirp, aud we would Jike very mueh to have von call and see our display. VE HAVE BOTH AMERICAN AND IMPORTED CRACKERS "TO To Smokers: If you'll smoke the following brands of; Cigars it will convince you that they are "1 hard to beat " 4 5 CENT BRANDS Celebrated Kiss of the Wave. Gtrhrfd Duchess. Cuban Twist. Blomberg's Seiaotk. Blomberg's Bana'teUas. Salmon P. Chase. Havana Midget. Cleo Vtotbr. 25 leading brands 10 cent cigars. 25 Leading . Brands 15 cents CBgarw. Royal Blue. MexScana. Mezfcaio. Girl from Parts. Principe Alphouso. M. aud C SpectiaL Blue Label. 25 Leading Brands Imported and Ke5 west CSgfcra, from 15 tx 50 cents. Agent for Mclnturff ft Cobb dgars. BLOMBERG Wholesale and Retail Established 1887. 17 Patton Avenne. i. II DD "NATIONAL," "MONARCH," "CRAWFORD,19 Are the three lines we are handling this season and we guarantee wach to erive Q vnn nfirffifit, satisfaction auk an old rider what he thinks O of them and he will tell you all are reliable. Cone and examine them and take your cnoice u J. M. HEARN & CO. 64 Patton Avenue. Opposite Postoffice. Headquarter for. Bepairing. nD Q O a D B . D B 0 a a D a a f THE FAVORITE BEEH pF; ASHEVILLE.! C ' !,tf (ri 4hfMWI to 7 f '-'f"' , if. L x.- - .. Halrb;xr SrSiBay wood St: W : AVit ' -iisdW, heavy shoW at cost. 9s cent. -1 Hand ,: Brewine Co.

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