THR ASHEVliXE GAZETTE MAY 4, 1899 A -EfilHIATIOHS FRflfJ -OLD BALD A DQ'malr of Heahhandfraindeur, A THIN DISGUISE. - . Th SKYUXA HOTEL is built on a ere overlooking a wlu - JheltlrSn the nflrth from blizzard., and U ttpen to the bslmy breeses and eninahlne of . the Soutniana ii wuuu w - J- . - e ? TTTrtxiwo TTT A "NT ASRXVTtAM, : V . ' uttt Titt.P TTT AN ASM12 V 11jLJ3. s (3.200 feet elevUon)C EVILU3. j , ; GRANDER THAN ASHSVUXflT The" cuttle fish Has a tricky vbabit of Coveringhis traxksbyexndmg; inky, fluid which discolors the water and k'eeps-', him otit of ;view. Theresa xjd deal of Ithe cuttle fish" "about aomefadvertise1- ments, notably those purporting to offer ttV t fhtttwd rro a v a qttwott .T.TR. 4 medical advice by a woman to women fffiv'TOMSL ViM&lfc vjee -ally made, clamor SaSrdlSSoe telejbbn anfc poatofflc. It gruert chamber an eon . about "writing to a woman is merely ftrrtable. 4ryaiidaftocliiuTnlngouttooka. - raised to divert attention' from the fact The telegraph and railway itation Is Tryon, N. -TJ., 40 miles sotsU that a doctor's advice is not really offered of Aatoeville. For infOTjmtaoio and parhphigta adores jj. m. weanst and cannot be given. Thereal "question avod Sony Skyukkv FipUc Couty. North, Caxolttla. s ' - . j is not of. writing to a woman or a m Qutpt writing to a dodor ; - For f the advice of an unqualified woman Is just as dangerous as the advice of an unqualified man. Every day adds to the number of wom en who take advantage of Dr. Pierce's genuine, offer of a consultation by letter free of cost. As chief consulting physi 3 n n c n rv r in no One u Asheville, RE- N, C, era 167 French Broad Ave GERMAN IYE5HOD, No Medicine! No Operations; Massage, Baths, -Diet, Swcedish Movements, etc. AU diseases treated. v . Head Physician: O Schulze, M. D;, of Leiplc Uiiiivwalty. form rly of tmesseldorf Orthopadio Inatltute.- - Assistant Physician: Mtama Kuepper, formerly, assistant pnysiojaai of M. KoeUm Sanitarian FreidwciroJ . Germaay. For prices and references addrea Mlsa Ldna Kuepper. DLf cian of the Invalids' "Hotel and Surgical a. Instituted Buffalo, N." Y.i Dr. R. V. no nrt Pierce hasTtn- a practice of over thirty : 1 i -i ir -1 1 -i .years, ixeateu more man jQaii-a-mtii" women for female troubles with the re markable record of ninety - eight per cent, of 'cures. Sick, woman areinvited tr cnti CllJt TV T?vrvi K-rr lilfOf DtntVlrtUt u fear and without' fee. Every letter is held as strictlv orivate and sacredly con- 3 . i : i j n . ,1'bA nuenuai, aiu ui- answers a.ic uAaiitix i. 1 t t 'a-i j seaiea in piain envelopes wimoui pnuL- mg of any kind upon them. WJWDDDDDWbDu0acbtaIntiWn HO'TE FLEMING Marion, N. G HUB 'CONCERT CO., Prqprietors. Kenil worth Park Vilfa On mil from tike court hou; three mlnuites' wlalk from BdlUnor car line; one of the healthiest locations in Ashe ville. New house, - Trttb. extensive grounds; opea fire; evry home . com Xort. No advanced ituberculosls pa tients taken. Ftostt-class. boaird for only $5.00 and $6.00 per wek. Mrs, A. Z. Cooley. THE GROVE HOUSE MRS. KOPPEL.BERGER. 11 Grove atreet, AeheVille, N. C. House nicedy papaned ankS furnished throughout. Halls well heated. Baths, hot and cold water. Modera conveniences- Near street cxr lin. ADIRONDACK COTTAGE. Well locaited, fuiraisfo.ed, about 3 acres of land. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN or will EXCHANGE tor property dm Asheville. Elnquire aJt bvLSiness office of the Ga zette . Dr. Pierce's Favor ite ' Prescription makes Weak Women Strong and Sick Women Well. PEANUT TRUST. PRIVATE BOARD. , House in suburbs in large shady grove, good liable with abundance of freeh milk, buttetf, egg, etc. Mile from court house on electric car line. Tels- wna, 9r T?nitiM low. Inf oirmaition at Mrs. J.-M. Ray's, on Lookout Moun tain car line or at Ray's 'book store. STRAWBERRIES JT Olias J. Monday's, STALLS 10 & 12 CENTRAL MARKET. All kirds of fresh vegetables and fruits. ' BOARDING. The Tuxedo 76-78 Haywood street Strictiy fLrst-claes. New modern house aefcc posftoffice and business seotlon. $5 and $6 per week. Good table board rea-onahl. AtTryon North Carolina Sunny ' rooms and excellent table. "Komnoirtljy Cottage" on Melrose av Bue. Rartes six to eight dollara per week. JLddress MISS MARY A. GRAT. Dr. Geo. H. Lamtiertt VETEE1NAKY STJEGE0N. (Graduate of McGill University. v Office Willow st. Phone lb Residence 140 Chestnut st. Phone 8?4- Cattle tested for tuberculosis 5.00 a head, rierds at special prices. Headquarters to Be at Norfolk Crop Value Estimated 6 to 9 Millions. New Yoirk,- May 2. A ctemaoiidiaiaan of the pela;n,ut industry of tihe oountry undi&r tihie conitiTol of a single company is about ito be effedbed'. The promoters of me coiusolMaition sievenall mon!ths ago secured optJcns fram mlainy of Itihe pea nut growers . Some Of the) liaaig'er ones declined to give optlions, but is is said now since itbe plan of the consolidation is kriowmi, micjslt .of t!hem are willing to sell ani& tako s:tdek in th company. The opltiionls expire on Mky 15 next, ajid tlhe promloters express confidenice that the new company, which is 'to be called the Am-pmirami Pieanut oomtAanv. will be in- ooxporaJLed befiore 'then. Th .main offides amid -wlare'ousete Of the company are to be in Norlfctlk, Va aawdi shirmenlts will be made from that point to the large effciee of the country, nisltead of being dlatTibuiL'ed from New York, as Has beetal the custom; Of the pest v The value of the peanut crop of 'the United Staltes anmiuaily ds estimaited at between $6,000,000 land $9,000,000. One Of Itihe plane Of I the eohisollidiaiti'oin !is o Jmicfreaise the product and export part of it. The peanut nop of the United Staitles 1s Raised almost etotiirely m vUr gSnila, Norfth "damolina, and Temcesioe Swedish Massage. far nervous diseases, rheumatism and other diseases . Home or office treat ment by Professor Edwin Gruner graduate of Chemnitz College, Ger many, formerly with Oakland Height Sanatorium. 55 South Main street. Phone 206 .Eat;Cavef N. CMay 3. I eend you aispecimen of somethingr'vthe like of which no one in our 6ectkn has seen' before. It verily seem to be some thing new under the sun. (The" "spec imen' enclosed appears &t first sight like a handful! of cobwebs,, but oh closer inspection looks more like press-- ed cotton or paper material.) - . As all know in 1874 the Bald mountain did shake and tremble and uttered thun dering noises like that of a volcano for many weeks, at which time the nim- - large crack or rent for-many hundred feet In length and depth was made in the solid granite mountain at Chimney Rock. n 1 .... isince mat time the mountain ha been very quiet until very recently I have discovered near the mouth of the ,11 nrf hHn . - ""'"""s a-ve m two .places, where a very peculiar and strange substance has burst from the mountain and rui. it seems, in liquid form, to the valley beneath in abundance. It looks some what like sulphu- with copper stain while wet, but when dry Ifr forme it self into a substance like the specimen I send you. it so resembles cotton or cotton padding that I tried to burn some of it but I find it will not burn any more than wool or leather. This is wonder land. Nature has touched this section with many re markable things and ways, such as theV Bottomless poois, Chimney rock dome, Appian way, Bat cave, Cave of the winds, Rumbling cave, etc. I am to be at mv home at Fruitland for a few days but hope to be there next week and would gladly join any one in further investigation at that time. At any rate I willkeep the public posted if it proves to be of sufficient interest. J. B. FREEMAN. lilliil:pilis ., ; liiftfiriii: All UIIFAILIIIG SIGH THAT ilATUBE IS APPEALING When Nature is overtaxed, she hai her own way of giving notice that assist ance is needed. She -does not ask tor help untitit is impossible to get along- without it. Boils and pimples' are an indication, that -the STstem is accumulatinc imnurities .which rllK Hr I r ust 06 gotten na or ; tnej are an urgent appeal lor aansxance wit Hiatal a warning uiat ctm uut saiexy oe ignoreu. . To nejdect to.purify 4he blood at this time means more' than the annoyance of painful boils and unsightly pimples. If these impurities are allowed to remain, the system succumbs to any ordinary illness, and is unable to withstand the many ailments which are so nrevalent durintr BDrine and summer. v Mrs.. L. Gentiles.20O4 Second Avenue, Seattle, Wash , iys : I was affliqted foi m m 1 1 savs : 1 was amictea ior a lone ume wun pimpies: wmcn were very annoying, as they disfigured my face fearfully. After using many other remedies in vain. S S. S. promptly and thoroughly cleansed my blood, and now I rejoice in a good complexion, which I never had before." uapt. w. ttuuniap, 01 tne a. u. s. K. K., Chattanooga, lenn., writes: " Several boils and carbuncles broke out upon me, causing great pain ana annoyance. My blood seemed to be in ' a riotous condition, and nothing. I took seemed to do any good. Six bottles of S. S. S. cured me completely , and my blood has been perfectly pure ever since." S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD X is the best blood remedy, because it is purely vegetable and is the only one that is absolutely free from potash and mercury. It promptly .purifies the blood and thoroughly cleanses the system, builds up the general health and strength. -It cures Scrofula,? Eczema, Cancer, Rheuma tism, Tetter. Eoils, Sores, etc., by going direct to the cause of the trouble and forcing out alL impure blood- . - . Books free to any address by the Swift Specifio Co. , Atlanta, Ga. No-To-Bae for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, mafees weak 1n& strong, bLootTpure. 50c. 1. All drusreists. For sale by The Casteltoa Pharmacy College street and Court SqUsire. Babies Thrive on It STATE TELEPHONE LINES. Raleliglh, N. C, May 3. The Inter SliiaiSe Telephone company has bought but 'the Elmirtai Telephone com painy, whidh 'irune frOmt hwre to Princeton and Clayton, and yesterda.y Goldebciro. vlila Sielma, Smithfield, Duorn, hSnd CliaVton land yesterday that ina whs cut in co) :'he fntetr ideate swi'tchboard. Herettofoaie 'the1 Jdre lhas been ooe Hated in canoeciion v:ith the Belli company's sytem. In eddlliioin. to th'6 'he Inter-suue is building eu l'ine from GoMsbono )tio Wil- miingonj, an.d sooni ith people Of Raleiigh caln be hallowimg ito tlhedir Ifriends iini the city by thie Cape Fear. 1 Thlls line is'eil- nelady 'aboult half completed. To tlhe northward improvements are ail&o eroiher on. A line is im process . of cKDiristrudtlilolnl from here to Durham. From Durham it will be extended, to Greensboro, wfhiere it willl comnec't With the Winston ilne, thelace to DanvU'e. WEAVERVILLE ITEMS. "Weaverville, May 3. In the -election for the town-council the following gen tlemen received a majority of the vote- cast: For mayor, Oscar Austin; al dermen, J. J. Reagan, Z. V. Robinson, Job Barnard, D. H. Reagan and D. C. Roberts. Mrs. J. H. McDowell and Miss Grace Vandiver have returned from the Ep- worth league conference at - Greens boro. Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Weaver, of Ashe- yille, spent Sunday in the - village, where they have mapy relatives and friends. y 1 ' Eaglelirand Condensed Milk. 1 Little Book INFANT S HEALTH" Sent FREIJ. Should be in Every House, Jt,Y.C0NDENSCDMIUtXOT NEW. YORK.' V Ya Bgisiafm-igminn MONTHLY SUFFERING. fjiousands of , women are troubled at monthly inter vals with pains in -thefcead, back, breasts,-, shoulders .sides hips and limbs. But they need not suffer. These pains are symptoms of dangerous derangements that can be corrected. The men strual function should operate linlessly. mm The Woollen mills are being improv ed, a new dam constmcted and other changes going forward. -The. products of The establishment are beginning to be prized by the people at their true worth. Goods equal to some of the best Imported fabrics are being turned out, and the best informed citizens are largely patronizing the home industry, and at the same time saving money by buying the best goods that can be made. Bsan the Siirnatnre of O 1 0 3ElI-flL. The Kind You Have Always Bought A CLEVEB TPtlCK. It oeataSnly looks -like it. but there ta really no trick about i. Anybody cai try It who has lame back and weak kid neys, malaria or nervous troubles. - We mean he can cure himself right & way by talcing Electric Bitters. This medicin tones up the whole system, acts as a stimuJaot to liver and kidneys, is a blpot purifier and nerve toittc rt suTes coastl- paUon, headache, fainting' shells, sleep leesnees and jnelancnj&iy. is puw vogetable, a mild laxative,, and restore the system to Its natural vigor. Tr Electric Betters and be convinced tha they are a miracle worker. Every bot tie guaranteed. Only 50c a bottle at T C. Smith's, W. C. Carmdchael'8, and Peiham's drug store. ALTO csktl HTT A- I am a farmer located near Stony Brook, one of the most malarious districts in this State, and wasbothefed wkh malaria for years, at times so I could not work, and was always very constipated' as well. For years 1 had malaria so bad in the spring, when engaged in plowing, that I could da nothkig but shaken I must have taken abouta barrel of auinine pills besides dozens of other remedies, but never obtained any permanent benefit Last fall, in peach time, I had a most serious 1 aiiaCK Ol CIllUS ailu LIICH tUUUircilCCU iu laivc kius iauuico, upuu d frieqd's advice, and the first box made me all right and I have never been without them since. ( I take one TabuJe each morning and night and sometimes when I feel more than usually exhausted 1 take three in a rf av. Thev have keot mv stomach sweet, mv bowels regular and I have not had the least touch of malaria nof splitting headache since I commenced using them. 1 know also that ! sleep better and wake up more refreshed than formerly. I don't know how many complaints Ripans Tabules will help, but 1 do know they will cure any one in the condition I was -and I would not be withdut them at any price. I honestly consider them the cheapest-priced medicine, in the world, as theyiare also the mpst vbeneficial and the mbst convenient to take. I am twentv-seven vears of atre and have worked hard alfmy life, the r , sarrie as i most fefmers, Dotn eany ana late ana in an Kinas w weaincr, and I have never enjoyed such good health as I have since last fall; in I fact mv neighbors nave all remarked my improved condition and have -1 Mid " Sav. John, what are. vou doing to look sq healthy ? i ; s a HTtn i v yA tiMitK tltAt R-rPA-M wtu sol beatat. Tney Maun a tnr k AABtA or twerr Meceis xor o naL mi um - -r - wui t mana U say mohh cor whi w aal1 I 1 1 1 1 1 Hill ill M Sprnoo au Tork- n and prolong life, tltnte. R IP-AN-S. aiADla and one tnoo- UMBJpani ubemleai CoVo DeWiWs Colic L Cholera,Care. Oe Witt! Little Early Risers, Ufares Dysentery snd Olsrrhra. Tie famous Iti tie jjills. Developi and Finishing for Amateurs. - NOTES FROM ALTO. Alto, N. C, May S. Airs. Thomas Franklyn, who has .been vury sick, im slowly recovering.- The Sunday school under. the guid ance of John Garmon. Esq., is Going some splendid work. Mrs. Minerva RobinsonhAS been visiting at the home of her daughter , Mrs. J. G. Garmon. ' Mr. T. B. West, who hai? been store- keeping and guaglng. jn'orth Iredell, is expected home todays? Calvin Hill, of Sandy Mush., paesedj through this week with a lot of .young cattle. He says there is more cleat money to be made off of young cattle than anything you can handle on the farm. " : S. G All developttlfg mext morning af ter it is left with us. For slight extra chatig can develop and deliver films or plates la an hour or so. . All arnaiteur work ready for dellivery next day -after order is left. Finished in few hours for slight extra charge. ' . We develop all films separate ly, cutting them before develop ment, thus saying , lots oi Pic tures. ' " We use permanent papers ex clusively and know exactly what t oo use to g-et best! possible re suits. - Buy, sell or rent Cameras and Kodaks, and sell all supplies needed by, amateur or profess ional. JJoan Kodaks free where we do developimgr and findshin!;. Free Instruction, in picture mak . tag. , -V-" -- - -' Tbdd's Exposure Tables, 25c teiryouexaotiy how Jang' to ex - pose to making picture, - First Steps in Phofcography Is - , worth dollars1 to you, butt costs ' - only: 25c. - -j RAY'S- PHOTO SUPPLY HOUSE NORTH COURT SQUARE TiEW'PHONE 76 '5 lofhir's Friend is a liniment for expectant mothers to use extemallv. It softens the muscles. and causes them to expand without dis- 3 fbmfpjt.: If used during most 01 me penoa of pregnancy there will be no morning sickness, no rising breasts, no headache. ! When baby is born there will be little-; pain, no danger; and labor will be short 1 9 Kttlo at drui?21StS. : Send for Frei : copy ef our illustrated book about Mother's rREHD. The Bradfleid Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. NOTICE. By virtue Of a powder of s'ale tcfomitiained ia ia 1deed of Itirudt beaming date tho 14th day of December. A. D., 1897, executed by'5.-'ll. Whfite, iand reoorded do' the of fice tof the Toefistier of-deeds of Buncombe toumity, to book No. 46 oil mbrtgages at pages 52 dt seq; uetamn nayin.g oeeu imade to the payment or 'the- maeaaeia- ness inltended to" siecUred by saud "dieed in Itrust by which tine power to soil bedame openudve, the jmderBlgned trus tfcee named in eald deed of itirust at the request of Ithe cfeatui que- trust will, on Monid'ay, 'the fifth day of Jume, A. D., 1899, offer for sale by public auction for rtash. to the 'hitefhlest bikldr, alt itihe court house door In the city olf Ashleville, N-r C, the foil 6 wiling- dteeortbed properlty in order to satisfy the provtisi'oins contadint edT in said deeld of trust!, tbwlt: One Lot xw paroel Of land si'cujate, lying and be ling in ithe counltyt of ' Buncombe and eflalte of Ncni:h Oairdlimli, om the easterly siide of Mcirrimloini avenue, iini tlhe city of .Asheville. anki boundeid anld more par- xicuianiy aessFiueu as luimwo, wn.. Beginmimig at la s'dake in Ithe east mair eri,n nf Minrimoin avenue at the north west earner of act No. 20 off a plat mad for J. B. Jusilice of the Woodfim proj erlty, and duly Tecordeldl in the iregistter Of deieds omqe, iof Bunicombe xounlty, N. C, raind ru'BTlrn'g with the caislt margta of Merrimon avenue south. 30 degrees 'and 4 minuted - weat .75 feet, to a stak? Ithenoa no.ltih' 82 " degree's .and 15 miimiuitesi eat dole hundred an)d forty ohe and five-tenths feet Ito a stake, it!hience auodth. 7-deigrees and 30 minu!Ues east Elxty-lane feet laird) em ttaches to a a&ike, carrier, of am alltey. Ithmce wiith tbe souitJh miairgin of said alley notf-h 76 de grees auid tfcyr'ty mtoutes wtcsa lone hun dred and forltyi-twio fedi to the beginPing. Also on lot of Jand om tihe west sftfe of Market ataeelt, in salid efflty df Asheville, N. .C, adijcwnilnlg- t&ie lanld3 of Thbs. D. Johmslton, and dtbeirs, and belglnning at astake lockited in the west.e-Bi miargiTi of saiftj Market stneeJb, the sbuthejst corner oftihle k6id"noV owned by saM Thcs. D. ' Johnston, and tlhe northeast corner oi wfclait As -kmtenwn. as tlhe Mcl6ud rr-p-' erty "on the west side cf iid streelt. ana truiiWtog,wi.Ch the wfJ3 harglm of Mar kelt elbreet south 14 degrees and 33 min utes! east, twenty lfeet to. a sUjke, Hhemcj south 76 degirees west, eighty-one aind himdtrelJiihe feettl to a tiK.onv nimrt-Vi 12 dieerees ana od-i uaiv uuiiiv - - . mainultea, trwietilty feet to a taKe sn line of Ithe safd! Thos. D. Johnelton, .themice with his line nomtih ,76 degrees etaEtti eighty-one anxJ fifteen; ODe-tnuin- dnekl'ths feet to tlhe plaice or tme pegm- I. ta m I U.H- yjn MA Ming, both descrapaons oeing iuii 5 fejni nrpmisM as sdt forlth aind de- arv-sKT im, Ptaiid deed of trust a apove referred to, amd to wfcfflch land tlherec offldB tilheireof sfexenic Us hereby made as a part of Itftris descrlptiwrw Dated May l, lsw. , SAMUEL, H. RBED, Trustee. makes menstruation painless, and regular. It puts the deli cate menstrual organs in condi tion to do their work properly. And that stops all this pain. Why will any -woman suffer month after month when Wine ofCarduiwill relieve her? It costs $1.00 at the drug store. Why- don't you get a bottle ' to-day? x For advice, in cases requiring w special directionsr address, giv . ing symptoms, '"The Ladies. Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. CC Mrs. R0ZENA LEWIS, of Oenavllle. Texas, Myti " I was troubled at monthly Intervals with trribl& oalna In mv head and back. but have bean entirely relieved by Wins ot carom. mis fn? fcTTmn , . . ; TJsed during Expectancy, "StmnWs Squaw Vina Jvlne or Tablets- dneer and Stosnem -Mother, Shorten Labof Mk3ieiB iwiisMng sto'ute heaWhy p vhranlfl' o-ttm (ham. RlmTTlOlia SUUttW Vine .Wima or TaMieta bb tttiey lapproaclr nubertv. mi DISCOVERED BT A WOMAN. Ami, rrtt tfteoovery has been MIllULUl - . . . . m..".. hm Voo. trr a lady in una counpV. "Disease fastened Its flutohes, iiw amA fM- seven veaiTS she wltn stood. its severest tests, but her vttal or n nmUMrmiirmA and death seemed ed lmccwrih-ntiryj BTid couM not sleep. Shs flmiaiiv A4nnmndaw&y to recovery, by nnrPiiMinr of m a bottle. of 'Dr King's New Discovery for ooasymptiSTi, andwas so muoh relieved on tafcmg first dosethat iia 1ptv1 ll nfleht: and with two bottles has been, absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Iiuther-X,uaLr Thus "imtes W. C. Hamnlck. & Co., of Shelby, -N. C. Trial hnrtitflp ffre si T.- C. SnricnTrana w ; j Owchael; d5rxiK sltores.- aasd Pel Regular siz 60c and $1.00. Every1 bot .tie gxiairaritiaed. . . ' NOTICE. By vfirtue of a deeki of itrust executed to me oni the 20t!h day of October, 1896, by Joseph M. Pimner, conveying to me ? a. J the real estate hereinafter aescriDeu, for the puipose of securing the payment mf npoHfialm noftes therein described which said deed of trust was registered in the office of the register of deeds of Bun combe county, N. C, Ito book 41. an page 375 or tne recortua i iiiui nguo and deeds Of trust, amd by reason, of tlhe failure of the safid Pinner to pay or cause to be paid the principal ana m- tPniMsit f the said notes ana tto carry out the proylisions of eaMi deed of trust according o its terms I will sen ai pubMc auctiomi at the court mouse a our in Asheville, to the highest bidder for cash, ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1899, the real estate aforesaid, situate in the city oJ Asheville, Buncombe country Nortih Carolina, being lot No. 3, in block No. 1, of a map or plat of lamas regis tered in the office of the register ox deeds of said county, In book 89, at Daises 60 tand'61, anld bounded and more particularly described as follows: Begimnang at a scaKe m xne narrn margin of West Chetout street, the southwest comer of lot No. 2 or saaa block, and running thence with said north margin south nrty-nve aegreea, thirty -ome minutes West, 77.58 leet to the southeast corner of lot jno. t tthemce wtth east lme of No. 4, north 34 degrees and 29 minutes west 15Q feet to the northeast corner of same in the south &ne Of lot No. 17; thence wfth Ja line north 55 degrees ana 31 minunea east 69.55 feelt to its eoultJheaet corner -thaace with west limes of lots Nos. 1 bind 2, south 37 degrees and 3Z mmuices eaai, 1K0.21. feet to the beginning, reference being hereby expressly made to the reg istration of said deed or trust as aiore said for a mare- perfect description of said lot of kmd and for all necessary purposes. This 21st day or Apanu, is. W. B. GWYN, Trustee. 4-22 d salt 5t , f --DnDayid Kennedys IravoFit e Remedy CURES Alt KIDNEY. STOMACH AND LIVER TROUBLES- All carried over shoes at marked down prices -at J. D. Blanton and Cora shoe store. . " ' ' i Gooa , assortmentt. of ladies' stnap slip pers and Oxford -ties at J. D. Blanton & 'C&'B 'shwe afore. ' " When you ask lor Dr. M. - A, Sim mans liver, Medicine, sesTtl-at you get If and not gome wamhteBflrnltatfon. - V J . i, - j. ; V