JJ"- . .... 5: J, . ... 1 rrr y?r ;THE ASHEyill-E. GAZETTE ;-L-xf'.- r V 5. V 4 U r- - V 1 " v "-t- 4r TV 14 IT' 5. !V(c;x. 5v i i . T - , r i 4 ' 'V, r i - b'1 - ASBXyiLIiB.' K. C liilPiiSWrjinorDioEiWaj IJTHB ASHEVILLE , GAZETTE PUB- WISHING COMPANT. "NORTH STAR" A complete line of RefW)gea-ators aad Ice Boxes Wt low prioa. W. i4. BLAIR, Phone 75i 45 Patton Ave One of tbe marveU profyiise-J. for the coming Paris exposition is the' most powerful telescope -hat MiAi yet leen made. Its lens is to Uo four i'ef.t in diameter and it will be 100 heavy lo mount. but must bs upon the ground and receive the image of the s?ky from a huge mirror. It' is expected to "bring the moon within forty miles of us." This will be a giat fo.it, but ih? fiig'htseers will never be ea tilled vi-fla-out a promenade in the street of Cairo of the moon and a ride m ih.j gondolas afloat in the canals of Mars.- TJiese will probably be the attractions offer ed next time Chicago has a world's fair. The Columbia Sta:., ivi'evruvg to th? burning of General Wade Hampton's home, says: "The destruction of Tins cottage is of itself , a severe blow to the general, who is a poor maa. but bis greatest loss can never be replaced a splendid library of 6,000 volume. many of them rare and costly, the '"col- I lection beine narticttlarlv rich in fine l Jlt. , , . , 1 tuitions ul uic tid.oan.a, '- ifingiisn. in nis retiremenx i?nrai Hampton has lived with his books, ,nd thousands of old friendships are broken by this blow." , . - ,. iaay Kanaoipn tjnurcrau is puousn- ing a high-toned hiagaiine in Iondon contributeol to by royalty and sold for five dollars a codv. Ii. is not so'rnuch a I fad with her, it is said, as a desire to reform t!he uneultureti weatlhy class, her idea beine that the noor have-innumerable cheap publications that are educating thcim, but that these are too cheap and. "common" to reach the wealthy, fashionable and frivo "loua class. Summer came with a rush when win- ter finally gave wa3r. Heat prostra tions are reported from large cities with two fatal cases in New York, as unusual for this season of the year as were the cold and storms of mid April. The. only exception to the pre vailing warmth of May is in Colorado. where it has been snowing for several days and some railroads are blockaded- It would be interpstlrur lo-knnw if ru Bident Hyde, 01 the Equitable Life ...-nsurance company, had. his life In sured. FIRE UNDER A CITY, Fighting Flames in I bandoned Mines Pittsburg, Pa., May 3. Tbe . old abandoned coal mines Under vWvlie avenue. 4n th0 aa4. u district of Pittsburg, began to burn re-J cently and the restdents 'are alarmed, j.nere are old men whtf .wet e b&ra 6n the hill and who did not knW that ' few feet below their .Jceilarssoine inllea J of subterranean 0 corridors; exfet andii? " a. kntow-tha tnat the ground on hlcb their Btana is supporteo only Py a few" pll lars of "V.4WU,;, .i'; " Ti,a u. was taken from the mines seventy-five years ago! The -existence of the fire was learned only a few days ago. Tbe city authorities are at loss, for "Ways and means to combat the nre. The territoryis thickly settled and the ; old entries- extend several -miles un-.-; dergrdund. . The location of the pit :' mouths has been lost owing to the lack -"P6?1???! ?n Sheap - :' Tetai1 20 and 25 cents. ON ;M0INbA V V." v.r Lt XT Edging, and mJMS'SSS - - ( ' ' o Ait usual or regular r' I prices, thev vonM in r. ra . l pay youjtobuy early, they Lf v"-' New WashhFabiic to be seen. - -Tf ,1 -rVV -rC - f r- To those-livin l in malanalCUStnClS I uu, :- tOie bricfegffbom Was :fnc-. .uiaat sura, -r-r - - "xa UarVrth ' t Is tbe bride w"cte fcde pfeufebits who ire lndisoensible, they Keep tnet" KWWJ(, to tUrriiisfa l ooiiy $5,000 b system in perfect order ana . j. . fbr Sick headache, indlgeSUOni: . ' .j r rof ;rta malaria, torpid llVer, COIlbupjtt- ' V 11 lM:,,i;cpacp! tionand all DlllOUS aiSeabC. - T iU I Elllci - It tltt :S-YCI ' -jj. - J - " -: " - - " f.aflrin. '- rPfords. which wCTe:nr-l-i:eM "cM Empe.xW carelessly kep in the early days of oca? c - - ; mining m the neignboiood. The en- V BUCKLEN'S ; ARNICA SALVE trances to the mines re all built -over cut, with hnnva'AQ that It is now lmpossf- -bruisea, aprea. ulcere nSt rtieum, fver with houses so tnai u , wfli,tr, re, tetter jjbAPpetf bJMKte. chllbMna, &le to find a place where nre-flgirtonii. tod sWnrnptta,. and p. can start -systematically at work.' v fttvely cuiwpHesonoriay required. can v . , - o.fcVV'M'1 1? guaranteed Q give perfect satl It has been decided that, as the otT lactlon oivoiier vrefundeeL Prtoe entrances could1 not be found, a new, cepts per box. Iar sale by-T. C. Smitb. TtTa ha,e to be 6g,M n 4 Pa". pha? a new mine was being opened. One shaft was started in a back yard ot house on Wyhe avenue andv anobhei was begun the -next day in the strei was oe&un tuc. 1: - - in front of the nouse. a may reiiuirs ; f ! ; a week or two to extinguish the fire Malaria caainatj find a loagment In the v , tvQtha ..r- systni while the tdver Is in perfect or the danger always exists that . the -:op- j. M.A.; simmoiw Liver Medi- "ening of the shafts may allow .air to t5inie ts the beet ftegulattor. get in and spread the flamea. UNVtlLtU 1 i.hwu?. r For aale by the Cinolin pharmacy Chattanooga, May 3. The granite College gta-eet and Court jqoare. monument erected by the state of "for SALJB. Om-e surry, tone set of dou Kemucky at Chickamauga Park was ; ble harness, .aaiki' ai ftwo-wheel ;art; dedicated this afternoon with imposing t ceremonies. Major ThOmas ways, or Kentucky, formally tendered the mon- ument to Christine Governor Bradley. miss Bradley, the governor's daughter, unveiled . the shaft The monument was accepted for the gov ernment by General H. V. Boynton, president of the ClHckamauga National Military Park commission. - CU3A BANDIT EXFCUTEO. Siaauakgo de Cuba, Mlay 3. Juan Caha- (IBeor, 'the chief of thie-.banditb wthtoiyre iteinrotriiztog ne Holguin distrtdt, wlae e eKjuted yeslt'erday lat Mayairi. , An at tempt waa mate $o rebcuel fthe con- vlotied mln by hli3 friottdia, buithe ru ral guards prevented it and shot twr of tih would-be rescueirs.- Two ocfcwrs were airtrested. OabaUsTkya mroi aife graiuially raJlizing uhat'uin'der ithe, nw arder of tfcirigs hece tho Americana Will severely pumUsh brigasnaiage, ana tnat v.-j 4 AUtn, i ruw .utui, ud iuww iyt'v" msi peacefua pursufits WILL DREYFUS BE RELEASED? - THnflmn Wiaiv1 S. Thi Biirrnirie'Wa saya It lieSajme tthat thja- Freancfli govern- TaeDil iQteads Ito knticJpatte revtelloa of Droyf us cwHfc-maoitaail by setting adm tart. Jlberty In adrvafloe of 'the terml nation of judfclM precteedimgs. Acord mg t ;tnis ptan, tune rose says, on June li the prisonier will be. iteteased, but In oT.der tbalb ttihe army shaJranotu .be die-. I turbid compensation wliM be awarded jxx jjreyxus 'so nnat ne, . ana nia ranuiy. may (live ou)bsldje of FVamoe. INTO DARKEST AFRICA. London," May 3. Ai dispatch from Mombasa,-under today Y dlalte, siys that hie Uganda railway- ihfis realdhed the I 300-haiIe; posit of tbe t:idal disiance to Lake "VUctorfia Nyanza. , POSTSCRIPTS. A map 137 feet Mgh. ann3t225 feet tobg, showing tbe rail wiay sysiiem of t!he UndtJed Stbliies, will (Jtoorim ia. .TenjHjrkiaibie feature at the Pialrid 1900 exposUon. lEada lane will be martoed ouit.lby elec- '4m(in rrf-Mr -Purum ifritmu ry t m rkXT will shiow the uostJion I of lexpress trains. , I TJbe etty of Lyons bias beefis expert- I nIV Rtie id la RetubM- quo hasbeeia piavedl . wJm, - devitrtfied glaEU. This newf product ? 1s ,obtullDieid finrkm Vnnmlrn, b-iu- ViPtaffcftA .,ib' a: tesiiBDeira- iUuie bifl50- degrees,- atoia! comptpessed In malttlriciela by bydaiauaic . force. Tme glass mvemadt as la,id in t!he ftcirmi of biliocks, eight iaibhes square, eacfli blobk cioinJtJain- inar sllxitjeen oiairits tn ftihie form ot check- I ems- lTh)ese: biiacks air so cHoeeiy- med - - 1 togetnep tinatwaiaer can cam, - pass ' ie Beneath Pittsbnrg. . I (twiden. them, land itttud whole plavemienl I Aa a mvemefctt Sit Is said to Wave greafter I Ktaisltfiimoe Jtihlaii. stoiae. it lis: a poop' ekm- I duotar 'o'66lldr'i46s''vl-x Itarmi'ion hi raaiaiiy, "cuiiiJt araes noi jaocumuiaite upujjt ft as elasiily as - upcan Octane, aiid llt will Wo ae flJiu juau b cii?ay. 1 -t Maraufise de Fonteaov eavs dn 1 1 rae ! WjajMlnigtm-Ptoelt: I will toltielrfet allow aby otHoer Ito marry wdithbuit - I Jwier tmmeeir or. n Dottoje Tpossessiinig a 4 k?ertjaiD : amotmiti of T private fortune. 1 over itlo ttlbJQ military auithloiriatae Tto -be remined u'nitll tbe " husbanid! ,' ; leaves Ithe ssrvtlce. wbJfle "tlhiis money fs . dn (the pwetaesstron :, of rahe tgovetramieni- Hiho lalt ber . allows ; )tns husbiaaakl wttensA tela the 1 xalte of 3 pjarodnltofctthie capital. - The sum irteiquired to ctourtsia -coBSiidieirably larger wneto a lieutetalanit mjairries Uihain wWen. a. majotrf ;,toul IteuJte'niainit dolaniel leads & laidly ito: tihe fa)tiejr..;towli!nig?:t!othe fact ttihiait 'tihe pay oi-omoersi olf hligh m'nk lis . mioira adequiBta it'o , supportt ra . majrrled Colored Organdies ihatriurollT ' Soecial at 12 hniv? WW m ,be duplicated mi fteawaV C: , -v , ,--V-" . 'i oouplw i suitabCb "yle thb(t of 'a mere eubaltern. h -' jg UEfc. thcmugniy t uood UihlJ: if these' fuaHicial oondi ionis ane ro: givi&Tih'eir- sajicfloix Kb- (the union, and parmfiasren $3 obSaaned the ub- r, tavtatid the eycBof Oetmfan Hi-max be TOnaembened Cbzit 'the fetwlaf, flU, -.thb Hate.' Glaa4 ;duke of iFeSBe to the ndJore Mma Kii'jomlne VfaaimnjiiiledbYl ihe -couis -on the gzuxidAlhat he -grtnd:.vdlufee, being a .fihal'ilTa tfh Gerrrax'alnny. had fiiil- rd -fim obria'jQ ftFe. fierrrfileibia-cf -t ihe com - B&bdes' shtoes, 25 end 35-oenfts, 1 to 5 wholesale .vprSces, G. A. Maa'hloe 6ore. Educate You Bowels With Cascareta. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever 1o:S5c. irGGC. fair, drugjrii-.ts refund money! 74-3 IF YOU WOULD BE HAPPY Be -earefal what yon' eat. There's a the orj afloat that low. grade food makes a low grade man. It may not be true Still 'tis always best to be on the. safe side and buy Steam - Bread. -. - U: Heston a "A ft n . - rv ' . - -- ' SS. -i ' rTi , . . -- x a r -. -j.ri.-;. . , v t .., . . jr...--.. -. :-. j-"-. . -j... ........ .-.. j.--- "i-4- ' BAINBRIDGE I REMOVAL Owing to want of room in my move my stock pf Books, Stationery and Fancypoods to TPaiton Avenue. r: ' " Facing Cliurch 8t F, r. Late pXan Bed Room Suits The line of suits we now have on our floors is the most attractive arid best we have shown for many a day. Golden oaks, birch, mahogany and bird's eye maple are the wood, v Now is the time to buy. for all manufacturers have advanced their pnees 10 to 20 W. B. William Furniture, 16 PATTON AVENUE. Fine Assortments Of Wool Dress Oottte, Piques, Orbehes, Ducks, Poraales, Dresa Glnghlama, Cheviote, White Goods. Of Straw Haits of all kinds, Ribbons, FiowfeTB, Shoes, Hoe, Undierwear, Embroideries and Laxses. Of dothlng' aand Men's Furnishing Goodji, etc. MEET ME AT I "MEET ME AT . .- . 4 - --.' - Egg ISectar. Red Currant Frappe. Opposite PrlYati PJione 260 Pubfic Phone 471 BOOK -STORE ;.lonf ofjogtor NOTICE present store I am going to Antonicr, Texas. per cent. to son uo, Carpets, &c. NEW PHONE 113 !lI$ISr$If$I$ISl Denims, Lawns, Organdies and s H.REDWO0t& CO., 4 THE PABAG0N"&&&6K THE PARAGON J I Our Soda Wafer Will Help. m n. Pdstof lice. OPEN DAY c:c ANU NIGHT parago ..'PRESTON'S PATIENTS Returns to His Home in the : . North a Cure d Man. WRITES HOW HE IS STILL GAIN ING FLESH AND STRENGTH . DAILY. ' ' D ANBURY, CONN., Thursday, April 27, 1899. Da. PrestosK . Dear FWecId: I now itkfce pleaeture to writing' to you fto 8et you know how I lafliomg since leaving- Aehevalle. I started ifmm AsheYj'll on the morning of ithe lTtli and reached Wasttiingitiani &ft 9.05 p m. We stopped liere for a rest as I was feeling- timed. After aigrht-saelng ithere we reached' Brooklyn Tuesday niigM amfi arrived at RrMgieport FirM'ay morn ing, and Tuesday evemling came to Dian- Dury. It was a pretltiy hard trip, bult I fitood it all right. The Saturday before I left Asheville I weighed 137 1-2 pounds, anld1 yesterday I welgtlned 142. Whait do you think of tihat? I am eaitSng ltikai an AishevWlo mule, and everything ftkstea gxxxVand I am gaining in etrenglth every day. Well, Doctor, I beKeve I toave written all I obsx think ox Remember us to all iiTwiuAring frienda. With kindeslt regards, your" Hrue friend, GEO. T. PHALON. 12 Locust Avenue. Mr. Phlalon is one of Dr. Prefabcwi'a pa- tiienlte who is cured of cfcmsumptfroai, uid has reltumned home. He became ac quainted with a number of pebple in tfhls city while (here. Dont think you earn cure that sllgrht aftitack of Dyspepsia by dieting, or that J will cure itself. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will cure ft; It "digests what you eat" and restores the digestive ot era -to health. For sale by Paragon Pharmacy. Ladles' cibze faiatey coloied, Oxfywds. sold Tor $2.50, tb clcse, at $1.25, G. A, Means. Pneumomiia, la grippe, coughs, colds, croup, eund whooping-cough readily yield to One Minute Cough Cure. Us this remedy in time and save a doctor' bill or the undertaker's. Babiies' 40 cent moccasins at 20 oenlts. assorted colors, at G. A. Mears shoe stone. THE, HAPPY MAN would lhave erry one happy, and in tryalng tb mfake theanj so he fin da much of Ibis pleasure. Thiis has ocflten been demonstlra'teid by those buyifng kheir first Dove Brian d Hamu They feialat one 'time amxi then bring or sand 'their friends to get qoe- The tmiOh is, Ithe Dbve Is head and shoulidiers above every other ham, and we lare not tihe! only oraies that keep them. Re&pectfullly, H. G. JOHNSON, 36 and 38 N. Main. Asheville, IS. C J - -,