,v. . - ' ' a V. i THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE MAY 4, 1899 , J - ' .- .,'." ,.aA 1 r r J I J I A.i " A v .-Miss OjiaMllich.ell died las': Veiungj about kaar. pUat nlaeto'clock at Ihiome ill LUJA7 V J-U . Tbe lecture a)t Uttie AeWeiviHe ktetege io rligtJt ptrljmJseS to be- very imttxiresiing. It 4s hoped lilt wiiai be largely alil.endea; me proceeds go -t -thel -fce kindetrgrair tene. ' regimen-ilal -bUlI to & 'given in the Swan (.coa'W.n djh!5 wl'l utiidioutlted ly be AveLl afttended. .Titeketmuyt be secui eJ duiidng the day r ajs-'ntj !cke.;s Will ba scufl dt Hj aoar. TCie Aslhevtl'-fle alnid Birigham bk'i riine Will pla.y, -t tlia inlMe.' girjiunds -this (alf tarrocr. ul ' 3.30. Na .dmictaa wiia bs chljurge'ii Cars wfill ran from the square every 20 minutes aflter 2 o'clock. There will be a d! ciba givrot '.'ra tn! of Uhe ret .ttra!i A L. I. by 'the M'si-J s Ooffi-n at I I'oia C. L. U. -h'all tomci.i.w ffii-.toL Mi:.:, Ttorrias W. Prlfiton an Mate. Eten Coffja w4U be 'the. chaper Thie V'j:' !xni3 going li,vtn8 Oha:e '.t?a reurlJ w, vI;d. expert f ea' :r,e tktnrfoemt, ai.ie U.dv'ed to 'like wiai hem lunch foT thine : ria & ire .'.hs com.m.i aii en'.er-j ISilinmcci; aiiveiitise ;ri-"ir firfi mea'l fa."1 10 c 'c'Lbk WefmiesdUy, the 10th. The commercemeiE1. exiei cineal fef- J (he SyJva to' 0 lin? (s:ho-. wdM be. held May 11 find 12. Dr.Charies W. Braid of ithis Utt wrill r?io.l ii la?- fh cx o nnnla 1 icfrTrrtVvn o f UlCJ" V V 111 Ulll 1 A 'iiuw u" w-vu Auu UL 11 b'cOock, Mlxy 11. .Hem'. Locke Cralig will die'aviet- ia R1 erary 'aaar&--at ii o -ck2k May 12. Miss Jessie Plainrla is itihe onQy gnaiduialte. Thijse 'wCuo leave As'heviiKe nerlti Tucs d'ay wo stipend ith Oanlfede'rta'e Veteirtima reuniioini at Charieslloni slxouldl fimi the jiourney & p"ie i? i:lt lomte. A srpecfixl fcnaiii will be run frbm Krtoxvllle -cr Chatta nooga i"or The occasion, and four special cl m wli'l be a'taiehed for tfte Asheville pair!;y. The ctairs will b? in charge of C. A. Ber-ec '.'sr. a regular -passenger agenit. - A lrge riaH:y of students and sver'sj rriemt'ef.'s cL .'!h? faiu'lty of ithe Asheville" collei ie for Young Women were guerts cf Mr. C. A. Ra.ys3tr ili?tet evening tat (his pharmacy icn! Pattoml . avenue. The inlany produdtis of Mr. Ralysor's sod"i Wei"-e- jurr'aiBi 'arid' a !Irlolley, car ride wtere 'the t:h(Ls provided for 'th .guerita. Mr. love end Mr. Pairkr h!ad supcirvis ion of the lafftafir. The pairty wis in a gala day ftnaare of mirid) tr.d tlbe young lmdie3 'freou'-utrv live pvidenoe nf th9 Jact by glvling itheir college "yell." "Some tcomplafnt hai teai made with refe-ri nee bo Lhe chajutcibsr of th'8 &irv 3ce i-IJJt ie bfi'iag di:dved fram the s Xe3 on the yx-'3i3 of trrist Southern itailWav CMTip'any. A busirt33 m?ni ci the. city "wrii t'efore ithe (bJird of coun't3?i ctom JCim:iorirs yestie'rday wf.h th fincdtloa of bringimer the n- I d?r to the attention .1ect Trev'JLei ( hi3 g Ittiing a( fcirtnal:D of tttue board a irSquesi.-'. will peobabay be citfe whdar idPutir t will be to mlafce reg- Q ular 'tea's of ithe iScsdea, Ja to teave irv6 rJviiVi oti vjlrfc iaW flnnmAnnr Tlhtt Knur!- AJI TVfi-!4 trim rpfriTP'd "Ci- Raid tbalt h '.ha f J ill Z J t W sU'iteuned om losses, a result of om , kii, -itlimd -rlfvmtfv Jrwifrt -a n. nMiIt nf wttne," ?!Si!2S,te scl,es "1 Snac'cuTiacies aa weig? the Soutlbera Hail way. IRON MINE TO BE WORKED. Operations to Be Resumed in the Old Br. I. A. Harris was in the city re ziAnflv frnm Vila Vi rm o in .Tiirisr a rH Vt.V.J 4 A Vu4 AUW VMt V. AAA AV M A A f MIAtA gave a reporter of the Grazette the in formation that the old Heck iron mine iuv.aicu in ins sctliuu, will tfUVu uei ri, was an unusually rich one, the work of taking out the ore having boep suspended because of the financial, panic several years ago. , ; ( It Is understood that W. B. Kills, the prime mover in the Ivy power scheme, will be directly interested in operaticg the. mine and that the Ivy power will 1 be utilized in the work. ' H Mr. Ellis, it is said, was associated "with Colonel Heck at the time the mine was first operated. Those who have been 'waitfaig for fhe odoTlss refrigena'tore, can get .them, now at Mrs: L. A. JoniiSoiis' 27 North Main .Btreett. , 65.3t K-xrs..t-, tii!3' 7,500,000 arile fc es ta bealrLnfg, 4,000,000 pe'ach (trees, 1 200 000 ch,e.i.fy .iracs, .and 630.000 plum ' Knees. Kaoisaa has flffceur fruit trees for eah of its imhabltanltO. IOOK OUT for the first signs of nnpui'e blood Hood s SavsapariUa is your safeguard. It will purify; c,ch and vitolize your -BLOOD. It makes no difference how bad th wound if you use D Wtfa WiS Hazel Salve; Jt will quickiy heal leiave no scar. n For sale by Paragon Pharmacy. 10 of tfbe 'Latitat! ritvu . vrr.:ilBe. a,c for ibis-week. G LfEKSEv- Private RoardBy: IXay or Week. - NearestsioPostofiice :ff Highest : Elevation ; j v. ine'MduntainSceneryr I : excellent a abje,-- One Can No. i TIMOTHY HAY,: ' 1 . - .... " $ 18.00 Ton. A D: COOPER. 32 South Majn. v A A FRESH SUPPLY r AT Next the: Market. n n O n a; a ftTrhnrnTihr o "IJ I JT UTH II I -Ci D in stubborn Iffiseas lot t3 iCitiCT htHnninn. eftriPTin.il V 1 it D s that mldidnes fiaye n fai4 o. reacb,vtrx;" v0ste- n party. ?i ii mrcaSySt? ' " rj !cn o a o o-o o n-a a n tiMS I - ' - . .. , VVHH Mh - Ulnt M aiypmii BNQLilSH SPONGE CAKES . " Fresh every -mtonxtag, t th'e Woman Exichaxnge, Oourt- Square. Prlc , "20c efceh. Oall tor. No. 281 - - f Telephone 72. ,r: 3 -t. .... VTHrtMEU'as - OO M01IC : ' ills BULLETIN !- . .We h!ave he fargest "variefty of --r.v 5 inns- Beasoai truax-twee ey-er. .naa.yxa,..4stuaAiw7iwy. own. mia " T-, - MullA.puft'"BoaonAfs,Unen etc., -WiJth. cuffs v&taxSbar-amii without. 1 .-Pris from. 50 cents to $3.00 eadh. - . ' , 1 h Men's and" Boys' Stravt ' HaltH; also IlaesTin rnore styles than vS " - we Jan" menftflon. prices jPnom 25 xsentstw $5.00 eiaSch. . ' ' S." - - JustTtwedvWa Tobbf Line- .-A also. BOYS." Prices from 25 HatntnopkMme -It is time to " begin think ing PBarnmocks.i ltfeeJlie , V most complete' line we bave ever carried, a greater aasort- :-r .meat of colors, and styles. The" quality is tHeb&t.and prices are the lowest. - Tfs a pleasure' o ho w them. " . Rogers . Book.. " tri ' il' " sg& 1 Is tJie nanie ,of , some article, such as lamps, bellsrhandle ba- scyclometers, oils, graphites etc; Each purchaser of ro cents or oye will draw one of the . envelopes but of the lot and"i be article that has its name written on the enclosed card is givc n with our compliments. Asheville - r EU(KNB C. SAWYER, Prop. Phone 228 18 and 20 Cbunli Street A Shoe For Men . . The best " shco you ever bought, or can buy for $3. : Made ot all leathers, in all . stylep, on lasts which have hitherto been used for ih best custom work. They fit well, wear well , and look well upon the foot- . ; i8cPatton AvejJme I Great Southern Cafe l STfiicTJLY FIRST CLASS , RESTAURANT. Quick L , njch Counter. . - Fine Coufectioni. ' Ice Cream- Parlor. '; Private Parlors for Ladies. WE GUARANTEE TO PLEASE. COOK & GALBREA7H S - 4S PATTON AVENUE. it flketre J'iiotMng thiat wHS equal a glatf3 of ouri Nouiiareii' Clactntnati axpouflj be&r. - -1 wttll;tnjie .'tflie eysfbem hud recuponte etoergies fetter tlhaa any dtug ottk th nsarkelL It is "pure, whole -. r . .' . , - - Bomev ibt; e-isifc& pavor. smd a "brs- cerV th)a!t;will toeiastliea you-whn you feed weak or Jaded; $1.-00 per "keb, de lliyierd anywhere J iixe J!ty. , . ; 43 soutn Maij3treet; ''i:-,- tv. ouWiir' shirts Sot nUn and boys T r, or Beltaor LADIES 'dr GENTsV; cen to Slea-v- -r - ; 33 OUTFITTER Store, tSa 254 100 PRESENTS In Bicycle Sdries OaiKflay,: May 18ih t h& f olio win manner W mm AWAY ( lake ioo envelopes and insert Cycle Company, Ball & Sheppar n 6 Pattotf At. ABfTone wtahloflr to nut iiMm hMt (. their buUdinff could not d better tkan fiarrisburg Boiler. Butt you muet have experlemoed work men to do the work, and we are cenfl deot tbat we can please you. Ball k Shepherd. PHONE 86 Our Specialty la High date Wrk Our !udtmera High Clam People Printing that Attracts. THE FRENCH BROAD PRESS S4 Pattern Avenne. Our "Workmen Most Capable, Our Material Is the Be. Dyer, Chemical Cleaner antl .55 :s cieth; clso fine fuT rug and carpets, Baoe curtaina etUv x : I elter iaad repair alee alt Jdnds of eer melvta and?fur.- Att' work, suaraateed. Special wttesalon paid to eat; of town endesrs, and .express paid ne way. In cty.a41 siootte wffll be called tSor or deJlv red fir of oharse. - " - 60 S.IIain St. Pliona 806. Til ON THEPiDESTAL OF IPUIJaJPI - , . a--. APPROVAL. " wrtt find theJELiLiTCO cml high, gtrvtie : quaUty amct economy in' use.! Irtsaa KAM. vw w.Ai.Amu.usu uieygBt IM wtorth of their momev In nrp r.TrtAA V.thait is used, as It giveet tmt rnxxre neox, leayea km ciiiucerB and slvts out Carl Shultz Glail clinlts a w aM a Signs of Sorina are ia evldetace everywhere now. and "a roadear crfnijcxii comes upon the robin's upon the shirt' front of h yountr maiii wheae "fancy sBgbUr tiSuS of tove." if fce js wiae enough to bring lauirywprk to t!he Asheville Steun uatiry. We wl iut a color wxd lnttaS on your Hnax that xould never be acq-utr ed at any other laundry in tbe stiiS AshevUls Steam Laundry1 I UUQ8 43 WS!ST nn r.T.iailis am . mUMUM ux JA8. P Sawvto n Jaa. rm jll Capital stocks: - xnwrior -J aeiHtiea tor Doing a Genera) Booting Business. , CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HAFJC DEPOSIT - '''''iIlrllllll i mm NECESSITIES Nothing will acMl raore to your comfort and aatrf-t you in mWntain nF.rnN dtlon tta SCREEN WWSS) WE HAVE A FRESH STOCK. BrowD, Northup & Co. 33 PATTON VKe Have Just Received rl he most Complete Line of Crackers ever carried in Ashevil'.e and we would like very maeh to have you call and see our display. WE HAVE BOTH AMERICAII A1ID IMPORTED CRACKERS Stradlev Bros . The Leading Grocers of Asheville. 16 N. Court Square To Smokers: If you'll smoke the following brands of Cigars it will convince you that they are hard to beat. 5 CENT BRANDS Celebrated Kiss of the Wave. Gdand Duchess. Cuban TWiiaL BlombenTg'i Seiecitbs. Blomberg'o PaniateBlas. Salmon P. Chase. HaVana Mldgetta Cleo Vtotior. 25 leading braaKla 10 eenltA ciclam. 25 Leading Brands 15 cents Ogata Agent for McUvturff BLOMBERG Wholesale and Retail. Established 1887. no una a you perfect Fatisfaction ask t ..I. -a a n i-l I.a nv.ll 4- .11 av ui tjjcixi auu no win v ii juu mi mo icuuio , xvu au examine them and take your choice - y ot rai.on Ave(.ue. tl Headqaarten o ri t-X -, -. ;. - vts.-' - THEaFAVORITE BEEH-OF. asheville.; ;"-"' 'ftvvi!' Vill J0?I tar Market. Wm Pali 1-4 sL $ ,R5 piUmpre : " VI ) j Biltaiofe " sk ' 2.6O Biltmore " $ Collins' Wholi fSigt Flour 1-4 ,75 WfleP tbe bread W whoIe heat flour to my . ever .,r UBOn our ble we w ver ueed ny but the beet: k- tf LAWRENCE. "neglate Int Far Ur -n r- I, cm ieaiers HA-KKIK, Cashier. - - . sion BOXES FOB RUN TJ ?3 I AVENUE. I- Royal Blua n MexHcaoa, ; - , . Mexican. ( Girl from Parte. Principe Alphouso. M. and C Special. Blue Label. 25 Leading Brtamda Imported and Key west uagwre, rrom la Do 50 oenta. & Cobb CtgarsL 17 Pat ton Avenue, i "NATIONAL," D "MONARCH," "CRAWFORD," Are the three lines we are o 0 'I haudliDer this season and w crnnrflntAAMiph to o-ivp H ?S an old rider whatlie thinkH - ; nil n ma i - V f atvaA n rn 1 0 D I B . uppusue rosioince. for Bepairing. n vru a u A- TOR- .. Co's A" A v l A " V ' for Bottle IBeer H T H I .4 : m m -m m -m m m in ID roi ce! 6 WHO m r 1 f ( i f : 4