w V 5 ? - - I Y' WAX Vol 4; No. 78. A.8HEVH1LE N. C.. TDB8DAI 1I0BNINS, MAY 9, 1899 Price 5 Cents. 9 o I' . :3k OESTREIGHER m m m a. &C0., 51 Patton Avenue. : Dry Goods and Millinery SPECIAL CLEARING SALE ' -- - - OF WOMENS' SUITS. A choice lot of Womens Tailor made suits, fly front and light fitting effects made of choicest materials end latest shades. All our $14 00, $15.00, $15.50 and $18.00 suits special closing pri e. - $10. 48 M - - All $10.00, $11.50 and $12 00 suits, closing price 14Z 48 I OESTREIGHER &C0. - 51 Patlon Ave. 4k Fresh Peeled Mushrooms in their own juice. ,4 g)f I pound cans, lf i .oo. - rooms fresh from the cellar. Directions on vieach can, G.A.GREER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FANCY GROCER, 53 Patton Arenue- I When You See A particularly fine garden, ask whose seeds " were planted. I Woods! As a rale. J You c in get nothing just as good as Columbian Insectlne 4 for Toachcs; Columbian & I.imiid fnr hfr hntrn . aud fieas; Mnddus J g for ants. . " The manufacturers of John's Asbestos Paints Spare' neiiher paif b nor J money to make them what they are generally acknowl g edged to be, 'the best paints" for Structural pur- ; poses ever, produced. - Jt .;:Anrs:PHABrMY: -jU. S. Main St6et,:,: : C ' AiheWle - JTorth Car blina" State Libr&rt'. mmuM One Prominent Ne gro Proposed Solution. Thinks the Negroes Should Take the Lead in Reform. Deplores the Incendiary Utterances of Some of His People. Says the Negro Must Emancipate Himself Politically From the Party That I reed Him , Philadelphia, Alay 8. H. C. C. Ast wcod, superintendent of missions of the African Methodist church for Cu ba, who, for ecveial years, was Unit ed States consul at San Domingo, speaking of the recenti burning and hanging of Sam Hose and the subse quent lynching of Lige Strickland, said he opposed lynching but he was more opposed to the outraging of wo men, which he considered the greatest cr?me man could commit. He de plored the incendiary utterances being made by the people of his race at mass meetings being held all over the country, and said there was only one way -to bring the people of the white and black races of the south together .and that was to remove the cause of dissension. "If ten thousand of these tiihiiman brutes," he said, "should be found and one general lynching'would put. a stop to the dual crime, I would say. do it. - ... i . ... j I am honest In the belief that the outraging of women, whether whfte or black, is worse than lynching In any form, and a race that condones It la doomed to utter destruction. The white man is bearing his burden no bly; he is not trying to shirk it or dodge the question. "As long as we put "ourselves in the seeming position of condoning these hellish crimes, the feud will go on the breach will be widened between the races; hatred and envy will increase within the breast of each; outraging and lynching will multiply by the bru tal element of both, races; women will ha terrified and a race war and exter mination will result. I .say, to cure the evil, strike at the cause; let the colored man or negro be as brave as the white man in the denunciation of crimes alleged against us; let us call a convention of responsible colored men to meet in some southern city and meet the conservative white men and find the way out of this terrible con flict. If we make this move I am cer tain the white1 men of the south will meet, us more than half way; It we do thi the lynching problem will be solved. "There is another problem; the ne ro must bury his political differences with the men of the south and make friends with the people that once en slaved him, and with whom he must dwell. He must emancipate himself politically, become a common citizen, instead of the pc'itical chattel of a particular party who freed him. Let the negro do trns and the days of his troubles will soon be over." ANNOUNCEMENT. "We beg to tnJtarm our. customers and the public that Hn addition to our aintia- ttc MetfcbJa&t TaSoTing1 Department when the greatest care and study are exercised Ito insure a perfect flit at tha lowest possible prlcea. We have Just opened a first-class) Grants' Fumisning Department where you wflttl find first class goods and the latest styles. Tour paftronagw Mnidly solicited. - H. GELMAN, Proprietor. J. C WILBAR, Manager. Paragon BuUdlng, Haywood, street, cor ner College street. New Phons $45. Mountain Park HOT SPRINGS, N. O. ; vTh&tr five 'n the Soutkern Railway. AS modir ' Weorf in" every1' particular. - . Best-olna hota Golf course In tl South. - iw further pfarttculfcm. i addrs BRIDGE COLLAPSES WITH HEAVY FREIGHT TRAIII. And Drops 100 Feet into the EiTer Engineer Killed and Fireman Fatally Injured. West Superior, Wis., Ilay freight train of forty cars plunged tbrt-ugh a brtljre over the Noinija rtver near Saunders, on the Great Northern railway this afternoon. The bridge collapsed and with the train fell 100 feet The engineer was killed and the fireman was" fatally injured- RAILWAY TRAIN FALLS 200 FEET FROM TRESTLE A Thrilling Accident at Lookout Mountain No One Killed. Chattanooga, Tenn.,-May 8. One. of the most thrilling accidents that has ever taken place at Lookout Mountain occurred this afternoon when a Tall way train dropped off the high trestle to the ravine 200 feet below. Two men went over with the engine and rolled down the valley 600 feet. Both were badly hurt. BASEBALL GAMES YESTERDAY. At New York R. H. E. New Tork 6 10 11 Washington ..... .... 2 9 -8 Batteries; Do her y and Grady; Mc Farland and McGuiie. At Boston E, H. E. Boston 5 7 1 Brooklyn 0 4 2 Batteries: Willis and Bergen; Hughes and Parrel. At Pittsburg R.H. E. Pittsburg 8 15 2 Louisville 5 8 1 Batteries: SpaTks and Bowerman; Magee and Kittridge. At Chicago R. ff. E. CMcag6 8 10 6 Cleveland 7 13 Batteries: Griffith and Donohue; Sudboff and Zimmer. Philadelphia-Baltimore game post poned on account o wet grounds. STANDING OF THE CDUBS. dubs. Wtaa. Lost. Perot St. Looms 11 5 PMladfelphiaj 13 6 Brooklyn .13 8 Cimteintnati 9 6 ChScagto 13 6 Boston 11 9 Bal timore 9 10 New Tork 8 11 Louisville 8 9 Ptttsbumg 7 10 Washington 4 14 Cleveland 3 14 .688 .684 .619 .600 .684 .550 .474 .423 .421 .412 .222 .176 IIECRO SHOT FOR ATTEMPTED ASSAULT. Cumberland, Md., May 8. This city Is In a wild' state of excitement tonight over the killing of a negro who had at tempted to assault two aged white Women. John Myers, white, saw the attempted crime and shot the negro dead. Myers thim sat down near the v'etim and waited for the sheriff to whom he surrendered. The whites aay the shooting was justifiable. MADE TO ORDER GLASSES That's the kind! you gtlt here. No two persons meecl the -same lenses or the eatrua iframea. Come to us and we'll fit your pajHticuaianl case. . Protect your; eyes) frbra the bright sun lighJB by wear a pair? of our smoked gTas&ea EXAMINATION PRBE. GSassiea RJght. S. L. McKEE, Scientific Optician, 45 Patton Ave. Eye RigM. Price Righit Blair's Furniture Stior. Hotel and Bath CUBAN CITIES IMPROVED Satisfactory Report On a Tour of Inspection of Eastern Cuba. Havana. Ma v nantain TH.Vn aa.wiw. j 9 i - " m xirfV of General Brooke's staff, has returned , lantic squadron. It was decided that from a tour of inspection of Puerto (the shiPs would siart from Tompkins-P--incipe and Santiago; and saye that ville on the 28th of the present month allof the cities have been put in a good for Newport to be present there dur sanitary condition and that the people ( the inauguration of the governor are going to work and seemed appreci- j of Rhode Island. The squadron will ntive of the effort3 of the Americans to Pend the month ol June working out in prove their condition. Owing to the ' Poetically some of the problems to flocking of the political agitators to he laid down by the navy war college, Havana much greater confidence is k the scene of which will be entirely felt in the country districts in the hon- ,' within the waters of the North Jersey esty of the American intentions. The ' coast. The details of this project will presence of bandits is scarcely' noticed. The health of the troops everywhere is excellent CRUISER RALEIGH GOES TO CHARLESTON To Participate in the Con federate Veterans' Reunion. Wilmington, N. C, May 8. The cruiser Raleigh this afternoon sailed for Charleeton to -carticiDate in the United Confederate veterans reunion this week. Captain Coghlan said that nowhere on the ArtinnMp mset Vn Via aYiimrai h's Visit more thoroughly than here. AGUINALDO YIELDING. Washington, M'ay 8. A special to the Chicago News says: A member of be made public. Of course I d not de the cabinet is authority for the asser- j ftire to take any action that willjin tTbn that AguimOdohas submitted and 'justly hamper the admiiHstration, for sought a fair field for a7 surrendferr-j t;m aq,. American, but I do not pro- JtiiS , agents maue me prwyosiiwn r . ii - J ' to President Schurman, Of the American Philippine . peace commission. The in the Philippines In defense of the thsI commission has a wide range in ad- ? jcy which is actuating those in charge justing affairs with-the rebels, and has 0f our armies abroad, been instructed to go ahead. j in the first place the volunteer A tri-department government w?il troops are being detained illegally and be established, with a governor gener- m defiance of the constitution. They al at the head, with a legislature and ! enlisted for the Spanish war. That war judiciary. These offices will be filled by Americans and natives, the execu tive to be chosen by the president of the United Statss. The governor general will have full power on all legislative acts. The rebel army ie in sore straits and here it ia believed that the Filipinos are on the verge of an outburst in their own ranks such as will disrupt the in surgent organization unless pease be soon reached. FROM OTIS, Washington, May 8. The war de partment has received -the following: "Manila, May 8. Adjutant General, Washington: The situation is as fol lows: Lawton is at Maasin and Bali nag, and scouting parties to the north and east; Mac Arthur is at San Fer nando. The population of the country between Manila and northern points heJd by troops are returning home. They appear cheerful andv : contented. Army gunboats are operating in the r ers. Have cleared the country west of MacAnthur of insurgents. Signs of insurgents' weakness are more appar ent daily. (Signed) Otis." MieMtruaitJkra made Regular and Painless, ana Pains in Sides, Hips and Limbs cured by Stimmona Vine Wins & Purina Health Flour Glutan, Entire Wheat Makes Brain Bread Fresh AT Snide? s, On the Square fif i : SAMPSON CONFERS WJTH SECRETARY LONC. Regarding- the Future Movemen's of The North Atlantic Squadron. "Washington, May 8. A conference -ras held today between Rear Admiral Sampson and Secretary Long and As sistant Secretary Alien regarding the 'future movpmonts xrv. a be arranged teiween Sampson and Captain Stockton tomorrow at Tomp kmsville. COLORADO'S GOVERNOR IS VERY WRATHY. Says -.Colorado's Voluntesrs are De tained in Philippines Illegally. Denver, Colo., May 8. Governor Thomas declares his intention of tak in steps to secure the immediate recall of the state troops from the Philippines , if President McKinley I of War A1er continue and Secretary to ignore his communications on the subject of the j Colorado regiment being ordered home. ',C cannot say ss yet just what : course I shall follow, he said, but I will exhaust evory resource at my command 'to bring those boye home. I have tried peaceable means and have failed. Now, I will be obliged to resort to something more forcible, and it will pose to sit' idly by and see the volun-. ."teers jfromrColorado fighting and dying i - j, over ana still Ahey are detained In. those far-off isl ar.de. "Under the constitution the Colorado volunteers will be perfectly Justified in laying down their arms where they are and in returning the United States If they should do' anything like that, probably they could be court martialed and punished under the strict letter cf military rule, but In that event this ame military rul would be placec'. above the constitution of our republic. "It is regarded as possible lhat in the even of the failure of any owWfc attempt which might be made to br!ng about the return of the troop? the governor will Tesort to legal proceed ings. If such proves to be the case the supreme count of the United States may be called upon to decide a test case regarding the powers of the pres ident and that provision of the consti- tion relating to the purpose for whKh vnirm-tppr snldi?i-s mav be called into service." Tkn. Mm Rod -Riis-s "Rite You? One bot H -Mlr. Torrldl 'R'llTmli'ttllTe1 POllSih Will ii it - f w Hues if properly ap iDlied: "wifi make old furniture look like new. 'Far siale by Mrs. X.. A. jonneon 27 North Main street lit makes no difference how bail th wwiind if vou use1 Def Wtftt'S Wltc Hazel Salve; It will quickly heal leave no scar. For sale by Paragon Pharmacy. an FOR SALE, A judgement against! Miss Maud Wells and Robert I. Neilaom. for ths sum off $19.25. Apply to D. A. L&ahly, AshevfUe, N. a THE BEST Fruits Candles Cigars And Stationery Can ba found at HEELING'S Opposite Postoffice. JS M mm Admiral Watson Or dered to the Phil ippines. A Move That Indicates Dew ey'a Relief From Command . May be Summoned to Wash ington as an Ad visor. The Appointment of Watson Follow ed a Suggestion to That Effect From President Shnrman. Washington, May 8. Orders were is sued by the navy deDartmpnf ?Q preparatory to the assignment of Rear Admiral Watson to succeed Dewey in eorrmand of the Asiatic station. The orders direct Watson o proceed to Manila by the steamer leaving San I'rancisco May 16 and report to Dew as second in command. An order wae also issued assigning Rear Ad miral Kempf to Mare Island yard to euceeed Watson. , i It is said officially that no direct re quest had come for the relief of Dew ey. Dewey sent word some time ago that, he did not want to come home while matters hi the Philippines were cTiJfcal. The-prospect peace caused the president and Secretary Long to gie this consideration to the ques tion, giving Dewey less arduous duties at home, buit the matter was not seri ously considered until a few days ago. Friday a message was received from President Schurman , expressing the hope that if. Dewey Wre recalled he' m'ght be retained as a member of the commission in an advisory capacity to the government at Washington. This s taken to be an indirect expression of Dewey's desires, o today's orders as signing Watson were issued that he might relieve Dewey when the latter wa ready to return. It is expected that he will not ask for a detachment until July first at the earliest. FOOD SUPPLIES IN THE TROPICS. Special Inquiry to be Made 'as a Ee snlt of the Beef Decision. Washington, May 8. One beneficial result of the beef inquiry is the deci sion of the president to institute a special inquiry 'nto the food supplies of troops in the tropics, and the proba bility is that some change will be made i;i the ration. While it Is not believed tbe food is responsible for sickness among the troops, it is thought better rations could be secured by lessening the meat supply and increasing cer eals and fruits. M'KINLEY LEAVES WASHINGTON. Washington, May 8. McKinley and party left for a vacation trip to the W'fginia Hot Springs at 9:45 tonight. The president will remain away about ten days. 200 Pairs Worth 90c : : at : : 60cts PER PAIR, We haye just closed out a large manufacturers' stock of extra heavy Sterling Bil ker Link Cufi Buttons which W8 are offering: for 60 cents per pair as long as they last. This class of button we have always sold heretofore for 90 cents and $1.00 per pair. Arthur M. . Field TV itedlng Jeweler, Church Street and Patton Avenut v V i ' ' - Z'v. - "u . - ; Afiherille, N. a t 4 4 U fit '