4 v i THE ASHEVILLE GA?ETTET;MAY id jSqc) I Domain '6t Health an&Ctanttiun -The SKYUKA'ltOTEL is built on crett overlooking a vatat weir' f ih -wUd and -wonderful eej.ery tf Th Land ttf ths Sky." 11 U scattered on the ctxlb from bllxxards, and to epeu to ths balmy breexes hiqher:than tjismxTrtii . . - MIIJDER THAN-ASHEVILU2, - - i k GRANDER THAN ASHCVILLB, , r; ,- . . r HEALTHIER THAN ASHETTILIIl, K bin its W springs of "abs lately pure water. It bas a- perfectly mUAtur drainage system. It to thoroughly equipped w4b not and cold water, ttlet awl :bathi roorm, steam heat, electric lights and call belli jjcmg dttaunos telephone and p ostofflce. Ite guest ehambsrs - are - em r portable, atoy and afford charm Ing-ouitlookii. The telegraph and railway ststion to Tryon, N. C, 40 mBes souU : of AafawvUle; For iniformatloft and pamphlets address D. Stearns and Sot Skyulda, FeCk Coxinty. North Carolina. 4 ns nnnnnnn r n 4 .v rs:rit - . i - --"v-v r it ir li ii i fiii 11 ill i nit ir --t ii h mi u ii ,i Ui I J MUM 1" : II I! II -liffll ABLE DyonDQcPcPCPCPtftfcPnacPd3aacPd3Dat,naDnDD n ii5 a0 . Asbeville, n SM1M M GERAVAN mEGMOD, No Medicine! No Operations; Massage, Baths, Diet, SweedhK Movements, cti All diseases treated. Head Pliyelclan: O Schulze, M. D., of Leipric tJiiiverttty, form rly of Dueaseldorf OrthopadLo Institute. Assistant physician: Minna Kuepper, f ormferly assistant physiojam of M lioeihm , Sonitariap Freidrcuo. GrmBny. For prices and reference addreaa Miss Ulna Kuepper. 1 Or, n n n n n on inm D a a ... . ' - ' After Six Years of Intense rtZ!. Suffering, Promptly Cured it:ltll Dy entire culation i&. in a depraved condition. They OJ Ot Ot are a severe drain upon the system, and are con stantly sapping away the vitality. In every case the poison must be eliminated from the blood, and nolamount of external treatment can -have an v effect- There is no uncertainty about the merits of SL SS.': every chum maae ior it is oacKea up strongly uy wuvincmg testimony , of those who have been cured by it and know of its virtues by experience. JSIr. L. J. Clark, of Orange Courthouse, Va., writes: "Por six yars t had anwobstmite r running ulcer on my ankle, which at times caused me intense suffering. I was viiA In LATEST; DREYFUS STORY. 3. a. Told by a woman Ahont letters Prom the Kaiser to Dreyfus. ndDDnQQnaIi0DtbhttDDnoDD UHTFi Fl PMINQ h Marion, N. C UKUBEB CONCERT CO., Proprietors. without the least benefit.' S. S. S.'was so highly recom TtTAnded that I concluded to trv it. and the effect was wonderful. It seemed to getright at the seat of the fe. A disease and force the poison out, and I was soon com- pletely cured. Swift s Specihc S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD drives out every trace of impurity in the blood, and in this way cures permanently the most obstinate, aeep-seated sore or ulcer, n is the only blood remedy guaranteed purely vegetable, ana con tains not a particle of potash, mercury, or other mineral. S. S. S. cures Contagious l5lood roison, ocroiuia, uancer, Uatarrn, eczema, Rheumatism, SoresrU leers, rioiis, or any otner blood trouDie. msisi upon S. S. S. ; nothing can take its place. Valuable books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Q-a. Kenilworth Park House A deiig'Wtiful summer home, away frtm ithe noise and fluslb of the city, One mile ftVm the court house, on the BiKmore oar line. New house, with ex tensive grounds; every comfort pro vided. Firs cLas board from $6 per week andl up. Addrasa, . MRS. A Z. BARON p. O. Box 368. Bllmore, N. C. AtTryon North Carolina Sunny rooms and excellent labia. "K0noorthy Cottage" on Melrose av nua. Baea six to elghtdollHTa per wieek. Addreea MISS MART A. GRAY. THE GROVE HOUSE, MRS. KOPPEX.BERGER. 11 Grove atreeft, Aeheville, N. C. Houae nicely papered and! fumishad throusbout. Halls well heated. Baths, hot and cold water. Modern conven tences. Near streiet oar lln. - . COTTACE. IN' THE ADIRONDACKS, Essex Cbunty, New York. Well located. furniWhed, about 3 acres: of land. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN or will (EXCHANGE lor property to A he Villa. Eaquire ait business office of the Ga zette. BOARDING. The Tuxedo 76-78 Haywood street Strictly first-class. New modern house near poetoffice and business sectttaa. $5 and S6 per week. Good) table board rea sonable. PRIVATE BOARD. Housa In suburbs in large shady grove, good table with abundance of fresh milk, butter, egga, etc. Mile from court house on electric car line. Tela- Dhone 295. RaJtes low. Informajtlon at Mrs. J. M. Ray's, on Lookout Moun tain car line or at Ray's book store. SPECIAL RAILROAD RATES. Special round trip rates offered by the Southern Railway as follows: Annual reunion Coaf exieralte Veter ans, Charleston, a. C. Ticketts on eale May &th 10th inclusive, final limiit May 21st. Rate of one cent per mile traveled. Rate from Asbeville $5.85. Meeting Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F.- of N. C, Raleigh, N. C. Tickets on sale May 8th 10th- incluaSve, final limiit May 15th. Rate from Asbeville $11. Southern Baptist and Auxiliary Con vention, Louisvtflle, Ky. Tickets on sale May, 8th 12th inclusive, final limUt) 15 days from dafte of sale. An extension of final limit may be obtained, tto leave Louiavillle not 1 alter ithan June 10th, pro vided tickets are deposited wiitih the joint agent at Louisville pnHor to May 18th, and on payment of a fee of . 6 cents. Rate from Ashevilie $12. For rates and full to formation, call on itjfckett agenits, or address, F. R. Iarby, C. P. & T. A., Asbeville, N. C. R. L. Vernon, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. MRS. WHITNEY'S FUNERAL. New York, May 9. Funeral g&rvUcee over he remains Of Mrs. William Whitney, -who died onl Saturday at Wheaibley Hills, L. I., were held to the GeithedTO.1 of the Incarnation in Garden City tolis morning". Bishop Poltter offi- elated. Dr. Geo. H. Lambert, VETEEINARY STJEGEOH. (Graduate of McGilU University .v Office "Willow st. Phone i6 Residence 140 Chestnut st. Phone 824. Cattle tested fc r tuberculosis 5.00 a prices. head. Herds at special DISCOVERED. BY A WOMAN. Another gre'at discovery has been mad'e, and that too, by a lady In this country. "Disease fastened its dutches upon her and for seven- years aba with stood, its severest tests, but (her vital or earns were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three rrucrnitns sne cougn ed imoeeaantay, and could not sleep. Sha flnally discovered a way to recovery, by us a bottle of ur. iung s Swedish Masaaff e . SSSJS?5 v. O I mw ntviwrv for rirmaumotien. andwas other diseases. Home or office treat meat by Professor 4 Edwin Gruner graduate of Chemnitz College, Ger many, formerly with Oakland Heights Sanatorium. 55 South Main street. Phone 206 SEND ONE DOLLAR COT THIS AD OCT u4 send to u, and If ,ou ll wIUIm 7 OO mile, of Chicago, wUl ead jam tail TOP BC06Y BT rRKlOUT C.O. D. SlTSJBCT TO BXASIHaTlOS, too eaa examlae It at yw tmighi ept naracTXY siTisncTORT. 4xicti.t as bkprkskrtsd, bqcai. to iroeeiBS THAT BKTAIL AT $60.00 to S7A.O0 aad THE QMNDEST IAR8AIN VOU EVER SAW, ..... ... . mm mm r. m A nm mt? A mx umj lo ireigni ageat JUtC Of CblMfa rBIWB JO.Vf nd freight charges, less tbetl.00 Bent with order. aaaaaaa-i IC IWAIVC IHia IUfBUhUTffnm better material than jnoat makers pat la S4x6i from the IhilM V A U I High Grade Screwed Rim Barren's Patent.- Top, 84 ounce, Daily Kubber Heavily Lined, full side and back curtains. Piloting, Guaran teed equal to any (150.00 buggy work, Body black. Gear dark green rRMl. IlnhAl k.. vmmmm ttrmmrr hrfv tllath P ElU'l IiUlW. S38.00 IS HUD 5tFP.IAL PSICf forsov borer eaapleto, wide or a arrow track, foil learth aMe aad back mrtalas, aiem , carpet, wreaeh, aaU-raUlaiaaaa ibafta, SARAH I ItUl WO 1EAKS wiu xasi a meume. rornaggw at YOU CAN MAK cS&UU.UU Tbis Year Belling OUB B38.9Q IT . has been absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus) writes VV . C. Hamnick & Co.. of Shelby, N. C. Trial hatMes free at T. C. Smith's and W. C Oaj-michael's dirusr srtores. and at Pel ham's Pharmacy. ReguQlar size 50c and $1.00. Every not tie guaranteed. SPECIAL. NOTICE. J. S. Miosse-ller, the leaiding gun and locksmith and eneHal repairer, has moved from 19 South Main street to No I East Court square, second door from city hall. Panti'es wishing lawn mowers sharpened or repaired will do well to call. All kinds of general repairing or light machinery- Sata&facition strlcuy guiaran'teed. J. S. MOSSlL.l-.JCrt, 77-6 No. 3 Elast Court Square Some ithe resu litis of negldcteid dyspep tic conditions of the Stomach tare can cer, consumption, heart dfiaaaae, and epilepsy. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure pre vents all this by effecting a quick curt In all cases of dyspepsia. For aale by Paragon Pharmacy. Mntkrati. Rare old Captain John Smith "fn his naint "History of New England and the Summer Isles," published in London in 1624, gives probably the first written ao count of the ifiuskrat. He says that "the mussascuB is a beast of the form and na ture of our (English) water rat;" and he adds, "some of them smell exceedingly strong of musk." These animals may be taught in almost any sort of a trap baited with sweet apples or parsnips. Muskrats have very strong teeth and can use them on wood effectively, so it is wise to protect all corners and cracks in your wooden traps with pieces of tin or sheet iron. They have good noses, and can smell ae apple a long distance off. Place your traps In the shallow water .at the edge of the mill pond or scream inhabited bythese rats Paris, MayT. But 'for the proved ac curacy of the siortes of staff officers masquerading- as veiled ladles, using Mage beards, etc., ftneJ following story might be rooacu8ed, dud nouafeg eeems to be too remarkable to cover the MddeQ truths jit the Dreyfus afEaSr. According tto a batementd irr the Aurore, which has received confirmation, from'the Temps, a womaia named Elodie vvamier, wno ia -serving a term .of imprisonment at Amienu for embezzlement, -wrote r cently to M. Maaeau,' president f the Court" Of Cassation, expressing a wish to make a deposftkm relative tto ithe Drey fus case. A commissary W police and lam exam infog magistrate were sent to receive her statemfenit, whereupon the womtah de clared thait she was acquainted' with the kite Col. Henry, who had employed (her to copy several documents. Tbesei she accurately specified, and added tba ahe had had relations with Adjutant Tjoriller, who committe suicide on AP1"11 9 lat. One day Lteriller bmughit her a saddle, in which several important doc uments were concealed. These were ie- movied .nd xflaeed In ai dasket, wtoiich Uoriller and she buried betneaifch a tree in the forest at) Marly-le-Roi. The rraa grits tnarte smiled.1 aad declared that he did not beMeve a word she said whereupon the woman replied thay thouign JOi. .Henry was oeaa, jucri'iier whb was residing art? Oatelet, would eon firm ihiftr saitemeat about the burial of t!he papers. She further' s'atd that nminme- thft-documents were letters to Dreyfue wri'titen by Emperor William. Tlhia maeistirajte t3 ponded thiait unior tnmmtPlv TjnmMer had killed himself snmA da.vs before. "Then," replied the woman, "that was because of a tetter I wrote wiam.lng.mm' that I would 'tell everytMog to the Court of Caissur-fanV' Mme. Waittier relferred tflie magistrate ito a receipt given (by a. Paris jobmiaster whiich she hiatd in her posse'seion when she was arrested. This .confirmed her story of the hiring of la carriage, "'onr ac count of Col. H.," for an expedMon to Marly-le-Rol. The receipt is now in itihe nnwstpspiiifyn f the court of Cassation. Mmfl Watihiwr lateks to be taken to M'arly- i.T? iriirtiir-nlfp: (the. nlace where the document were buriea. There are tunes whena horse knows more than a- man; when instinct is superior to reason.;; The ' horse fights against being ' forced, over the brink of a precipice which ne can see in the dark but which is veiled from the man's eyes. It is often the same' with a man's body; it fights against carry ing the man ever the brink of the preci pice, disease. When the heart beats irreg ularly j whew there are pains in tire head, ringing .in the ears, A loss of appetite and lack of energy some or all of these symp tomsthe body is on the brink of danger and is crying "halt I" No man need be carried over the fatal .' brink of disease if he will heed Natuie'tf w amine and accent her help. ' This help in its most concen trated and perfect form is contained m Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.- This great alterative extract completely modifies every abnormal condition of the disordered digestive dr alimentary functions. It makes the stomach strong, the blood rich ana healthy, builds up the nerve centers and so regulates the functions of all the vital or gans, that they co-operate perfectly for the health 6f the entire, system. "Golden Medical Discovery "' contains no alcohol, whisky or other Intoxicant. Mr. Geo. Minter, of 2237 Thompson Street. Philaaelohia. Pa., writes: "Some tune ago 1 was terribly run down. Numerous ailments had been coming upon the one by one. I de cided to try ' Golden Medical Discoyery ' and the 'Pleasant Pellets.' ine Deneni amvcu w w yond my fondest hopes; I took five bottles of the 'Discovery' and used the 'Pellets' when neces sary. During tne time 01 waning mc uvc wura as directed, 1 gainea vn weignt. 24 pnuu, weir ing more than ever in my life; bringing me health and strength, and remoiig these ailments, tit; Palpitation of the heart, sleepless nights, press-, ing and splitting pains in the head, ringing in the ears, with partial deafness and throbbing, a. nagging cough, ndigestion, depression of spirits, loss of energy, constipation, a tired feeling upon rising and through the day, appetite poor, sight defective, very nervous, etc. Those golden oot ties of your ' Discovery ' and the ' Pellets ' re moved all those troubles, and more, and made; me as well at fifty as I have ever have been in my hie, ' Bears the Signature ''of The Kind You Haw Wways Bough? AGAINST REPUDIATION. difficulty, Young muskrats are very gentle and playful, and may be handled without fear. They do not grow fierce with age if reared she slept all might; and with two bottles n captivity and accustomed to gentl Editor of the Gazette: I have read with care T. W. Patton's (article fcgiatost lbe rupudiation of the bonds of BuncOmlb county, and heavily endorse iL If there is anything "that sincerely hate, it is for a man, county oitv or state or national government to promise l:o -So a ithing g&t compensa llion to goods,, money, or produce, 'and then seek son e flaw that was overlook ed when the trade was made, and then eay, "TOu can't mlake me pay tt." Now, in the eyes of (honest mien, how could a man or county sink 'lower or look mean er? If I have any politic it as anever ,co and they will doubtless find it without mtie for a drunkard or dnoneac man, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE I'he Morganton chamber of com- nu-ice has been revived, with I. I. Dav- l resident; W. A. Leslie, vice presi dent, and B. S. Gardier, Jr., secreiary. The membership numbers about fifty of Morganton's leading business and professional mn. The first buslnews transacted by the organization was the appointment of a committee to invest tigate the project cl getting a connec tion with the Seaboard Air Line at Shelby os l.iucolnton. . Morganton: tov.nship's subsciipnon of $20,000, vot ed ii: 1897, ic ava'iable for this pun-oao,. and the town cf Morganton, : ia thought, would supplement this with a aood subscription besides what private subscriptions could be obtained. Mur gr.pton Corresp'Tdence Charlotte Ob-i n er. treatment. Harpsr's Bound ThW am, WRITS FOR FRKK BI GOT CATaliOSOK. BTJOOIE8. ORDER ONE TO-DAY, TOT7 CAN SSLX, FOR S6O.OO. DON'T DELAY. Address, SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.). CHICAGO. ILL. Dr. David Kennedys GavoFlte Remedy cures all Kidney stomach 'AND LIVFR TROUdLmi I am a farmer located near Stony Brook, one of the most malarious districts in this State, and was bothered with malaria for years, at times so I could not work, and was always very constipated as well. For years I had malaria so bad in the spring, when, engaged in plowing, that I could do nothirrgbut shake. I must have taken about a barrel of quinine pills besides dozens of other remedies, but never obtained any permanent benefit. Last fall, in peach time, I had a most serious attack of chills and then commenced to take Ripans Tabules, upon a friend's advice, and the first box made me-all right and I have never been without them since. I take one Tabule each morning and night and sometimes when I feel more than usually exhausted 1 take three Jn a day. They have kept my stomach sweet, my bowels regular and I have not had the least touch of malaria nor spfitflng headache since I commenced using them. I lenow also that I sleep better and wake up more refreshed than formerly. I don't-know how" many complaints Ripans Tabules will help, but I do know they will cure any one m the condition I was and I would not be without them at any price. I 1 honestly consider them thje cheapest-priced medicine in the world, as 1 they are also the most beriefioaf and the most convenient to take, i I am twenty-seven years of age and have worked hard all myii&vthe 1 same as most formers both early and late and in all kinds of weather, 1 and I have never enjoyed such good health as I hve smce last faU; in fact mv neighbors have auxemarKea my improvcu uhhuuwi iiu said Sayr John; what are ypn doing to look so healthy ? OnMresreU. JtoU tb TtrJ?JZ S kin atan7dru itonTTen Mmslcs and one tto: RctJM gt New York. V v, ;,'.. - y:' :yy 52? ALL WWBl JVJrNE-TENTHS 01 all the pain andsicknessfrom which women suffer is caused by weakness or derangement in the organs of menstruation. Nearly always when a woman is not well these organs are affected. But when they are strong and healthy a woman is very seldom sick. 'in rm. Ml Is nature's provision for the regu lation of the menstrual function; It cures all "female troubles." It Is equally effective for the girl in her teens, the young wife with do-, mestio and maternal cares, and the woman approaching the period known as the " Change of Life." They all need ifc They are all benefitted by it. For advice in cases requiring: special directions, address, . giving, symptoms, the " Ladies' Advisory Department.' The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chatta noopuTcan. " i-,-, - TH0S. I. C00PEHr Tupelo, His., ytt 1 My sister suffered from very Irregular and polnful menstruatloA and doctor could not relieve her. Wlno of CerduJ entirely cured her and also helped jn 1 01 UIQ. . As-?' aother through the Change ECZEMA CURED BY B. B. B. SAM PLE BOTTLE FREE. Bay! yott iltiching. burntnig, scaly, crusted or pimply akin, blister contain ing pu or watery fluid, skin red, ana an itching heat, wkh or Tvithout floreo, on legs, arms, (hands, nck or fiaoe? Then itake B. B. B. which wsai cure, leaving ithe flesh free from blemlshios, sores, eczema or itching1 of any ktod. Any form of eczema Is duo o dUf ased blood. Get the diseased blood out with B. B. B., ankl you are cureu, a. B. B. 3s perfectly eafe to itaKo Dy oua or young1, and actta aa a fln tonic, and cures when eialves, washes and dther remedies fail. Children! are very fre quently afflicted with eczema. Sore discharge and a yellow crust forms upon Che skin. Give the child maia aos uj. B, B. B., and the sores will soon heal. B. B. B. for sale by druggosita at per Jarge bottle, Inclose two stamps. aiddress Blood Balm Co., Aoanna, vxa.. and sample hotitle of B. B. B. will he sent Dy return man. n. a. x. j- in Aehevllle by Pelham's ir'narmacy. SWORD FOR FUNST0N. Topeka, Kane., May 9. Kansas will present to Gen. Fu-nsftoni on his return home a sword in recognition of his va lorous deeds dn the FhnSpplnies, buo- scriptroma are asked from ithe people of every community 5n the gtate. ndcaMst cam not bte lanythlng buit dishon est, in my opinion. A man or set of men who Is elected by honest votters and eamctions a dishonorable act merely on & technicality makes himsellf and those w!ho put him ithere parti( ceps criminis to the act. It was necessary, perhap-8, just after 'the war to have ia Jargie hotme stead to nrotedtl ithe good people unitil they could) be able to pay thetir honest debts, but unfortunately whalt wias nec essary for the giood became a hiding place for disMonesit men, hence ito secure a debt! the mortlgagie system -was intro- duceexl, which has caused many a m'atn tto lose Wis home. Let us, las a county, be honest, pay our debts, and maintain' our honor land our credit. If those bonds an repud'i'ted lit will be hard tto get oth ers cashed. The Psalmist, descrilb-lng an honest man1 says he is one 'lilhast swear eth to his own1 hurt and chaogeitfa not." J. A. KiEAGAJN . "By allowing th- aecumulattona Id the bowels to remain, the entire oys- tem Is poisoned. De Wlltlt'a LWttle Early Risers regulate the Doweie. iry mem and you will alwaya use them. For sale by Paragon Pharmacy. HOW IS THIS ? We offer one hundred dollars reward for anv dan-Sa of catarrh that can nsat be eured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., ToIedo.O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. C'henev for the Hast fifteen years, ana rwn-fAflv hifHTit arable In all busimess trlansaotions land financially able ttlo carry out any obligations m'ade ty rtiheir firm. WEST & TKUAA, Wholesale drugglHits, Toledo O, WALDING, KINNAN, & -MARVIN, Wholesale druggists, 'loieuo vj ."Hinavj rnrfn-rr-H Hum rtsi taken inter - tiitI -mnrvrkiia nTfnifp mf tne syiem Tr-irxa tk ofr Kttif Sold Dy an drugtgists. TestamkHiials 'ifree. Hall's family pills are the best. AFE URE PEEDY dllEsfLE BLUR'S FAMOUS FREIICH REMEDY Never Failc. ' 'ENDORSED BY THOUSANDS Of ladfcs as a periodical tegnlator without as equal uccesslul when Cotton Root. PeoayroyaL Ergot, eUU havenroven worthleaa: S3 two-ceat stamps brings tnai package, and convinces the jnost skeptical of their won derful properties. Send 4 cents in stamp tor pamp" ermtainratfulnaM information for ladies. Adore tin in th. . r- irs imnt. Boston. Masa N.BAU correspondence confioential and retomw with trial package. - ' For Sale by C. A. RAYSOR. No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men stronsr, blood pure. 50c, tl. All druggists. For sale by The Caroltoa Poarnmcy OoHSege street and Court Square. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ' The foUowto'g deeds have been filed in itne Keg'iOTer or "ieeas omce: W. Tt. WhiUson to IE. Clayton Jarrettt' and wife, property north side HaywiOotai street $1700 Rbbt. U. Garxeitt and wife ito A. J. Gilliam, property in Viioterla . . . Calvin Hurd and wife to Julia E. McKay, 1-8 Simtenest in property iin 'tlhio cfity Pierce B. Brown and wife Iro J. M. Stoner, property on road !from Ashevilie td Peaxston'e bridge T.. W. Patton 'alnd wife ito 'inos. a wwi im iwlte lot mielar oia -Catholic church 80 500 50 1000 Bears the Signature cf Jhe Kind You Have Always Bought VMM ANTI-AMERICAN CUBANS. Havtoa, Mayi 9. I1nety-two Cuban officers, including Gens. Mayda Rodri guez, Ueyte Vidal, Hernandez and CJameio, met aJtJ Marinao tbday. Gen. Rodriguez presided). The speeches were Tt was resolved to CUI X KUiiiUa aTUla-w av. organize an assoiia.tian of Cuban- vet erans, 'and ito lonm a ponoicai yu oppose anmexationu The veterans assoeMfiom will meet at Cenxx SPREADS IiTJTJB WILDFIRE. Tou can't beep a oo thing down News of It travels fadt. When things mte "the best" tfhey beoome tno best weWbg." Abraham Bare, leading ttruggite, of BeUevlHe. O.. writes: -Eladbrto Betters ere una heart sealing bfitten I hiav evier hasndled in my 20 ream xperSeoce." Tou know vrhyT Ifioet 1Mioa egln In dSflortBeri of cm aAwrMiv ttvetn. cowesa. niooa wrreM. Eltsotrlo BSfttera sAotnacSi regulatai uver, NOTICE. By virtue of a power of sate contain ed in a deed olf truat, bearing daiae lh first dlay of November, A. D... 1894, ex ecuted by Hlarfriet N. Atkinson Of the city of AsheVille, N. C, to the unider- s'igniddl Jn fee simple as trustee for the purposes as herein mentioned, which deed of trust is recorded in Itlhe jofflce of the (register OB deeds for Buncombe county, N. C, in book No. 38 of mort gagees, alt (page 181 ; (default having teen maJde Inl ithie payment of the indebted ness Inttenided -to be secured by the same, by whtich the power to sell has. become operative, the undersigned at. the request of itlhe cestui que 'bru-stt, wlH,. on Monday, tlbe fifth, day of June, A. D 1899, offer for sale hy public auction far aash to the 'highest bidder, at the court house door in the city of Ashevilie, N. C, 'the followtmg descrtbeidi property, in order to sbltiiefy the provision's con'tatoed in add torust deekl, fowit: One let of l'irJ itualte, lying and being in the city Of Ashevilie, counlty of Bumicombe amd StJarte of Ncdtlh darodina, at the south west linitersecltion of Haywood and Ann streets to said cftty, ira the western por tion thefriaof, beginning at a s'bake in the soultbern miargin of Hayw'ood . sltreet. at the corner of the fence dividing the loft Ihereiin conveyed from Ithe dot owned by Canter and Rawls, amd runs thence" south 18 degrees anki 4 minutes east wilth satid fence amd Itihe line of said lot Of Carter and FJawls, one hunidred and thinty-five laind one-tenlth fee't to a sltake. thence north fifty-five degrees and 41 niilnutes eadt onle hundred! and twelve and seven-teniths feet to a sltlake in the west margin of Ammi streefc, this line ipassiing one foot back of the servants' house on a line parelllel to .the same, thieflDce wth saifd miatrtgi'n with eiiid street norttih 13 degretes and forty-five minutes west one hundred) and fourteen and six tenths feeJt to a sttake, thenoe north 17 degrees auid fifty -seven! minutes west, fifty and two-ttiemths (feet to) a stake In the south marg'i'n of Haywood street. thence wftih that street south 41 degrees and 40 minutes west, fonty-one and eight-tenltlhis feet to a atake, thence south fbrlty-flve degrees and 42 minutes west, nttnety tamd two-tenth's feet to (the place of the! beginning, conlbaflining sHxfteen thousand, seven hundred anid eeveniteen square fee't, be the same more1 or less, and particularly described in said deed of trust, to which and the records there of reference is hereby rnlade as part of the (desoriptifon hereof. Dated this tlhe first day of May, A. D- 1899' H. B. CARTER. Tniflte. and tones up the kidneys and tftxwas, purifies Hie Mood, atTBngthena the nerves, hence cures multitudes rf niiiQ. It builds np Che eotflre ys- teznw Pats new Ufa and vigor Into any weak, efckly, - irsa-wwii man or woman. Cwiv 50 centa SoM by T,: C. Smith, W DeWitt'd- Little Early Risers, . , The famous llttl pills. SFND US ONE DOLLAR A'fa'SAtZt ww 189S patten high-grade RKSKBTOiB COAL ABD WOOD COOK 8TOTK, by freigbt C.O.D., subject to vzamlnation. Examine it at . U 111 UClU, enot and It found perfect, ly satisfactory aaa the greatest Store BAJU (1AIH yon ever saw or beard of , pay the AfiBHT SPECIAL PBICK, 513.00 less the tl-00 sent with or der or S12.00 and freight charges XjvX T& """" mm. M WKITE FOR OUR BIG FREE STOVE CATALOGUE. This store is size No. S, oren la 16x18x11, top Is 42x23; made from best pig iron, extra neavy covers, neavr iuudzi miu largo deePrgemilneStaadfea pereetela m reaernar. nana- large fines, heavy covers, heavy linings targe oven sneii, neavy no-uim vvu. nickel-pla.ted ornamentations and gtmrninga, extra some large ornamented base- Beet cmI hararr mm, na we fionlsh fB an extra wo4 grate, mang it a pr fectwwaharaer. WB 1SSCB A BiXdlKd ACAKASTKB with erery store ana guarantee saie ami very roadstatioa. Yor local dealer would ebarge 7: tor such store, the trelght , la onlr about VMM each 600 mile, a we gar jtm at iP.'nftrkmti I 8 EARS, ROEBUCK & CO.IKC.)CHICAG0,ttL Sfim, lUm to,w tciUy rUss.-HTr) 1 r i - 1,,

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