J1 M 11 n THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE 2VTA 27, 1899 I! THE LIST Of IIUESTKjHS ed at the Meet- f the Stat Medical Bo M "Yesterday. The first examination by the etate oaTd of mediCia Examiners wae held esterday mWfitg. The su'bjecit -vra 3urgery," aud Dr. D. T. Tayloe was fie examirfer,. The questions which Were subirilttd are given below: X Wh?,ut are the symptoms and ItreatmeD.t 6f a fracture of the neck of he femur within the capsule? "2. - What is the treatment of each of the varieties of dtslooationof hip Joint? 3. Describe, in a general way. the! principal methods of amputation. , 4. . (Jive the causes and treatment bf acute "intestinal obstruction. 1. t51vue the differential diagnosis be- ween scirrnus ana non-ma:ignant breast tumors. iR. Describe herniotomy. 7. What is the difference between raunratic inflammatory fever, septi caemia and pyaemia? '8. What is shock, its course and reament? 9. In what regions must abcess be bpened before fluctuation is detected? 10 What is the differential diagnosis between concussion and compreesion tjf he brain? And what are the indica ions for trephining? The second examination was held in he afternoon on "Anatomy," Dr. J. Howell Way being the examiner. Sev eral physicians who took the examina ion pronounced it unusually hard. The uestions are given: 1. Describe the superior extremity of e ulna. 2. Describe the knee joint. 3. Name the muscles which pass rom the scapula to tne upper umD nd describe the deltoid. 4t Describe the coeliac axis and jts branches. 6. Describe the cephalic vein. 6. Describe the fourth ventricle of fhe brain. 7. Give the course and distribution f the posterior cord of the brachial lexus. 8. Locate the heart and describe its Lrterial ventricle. 9. Describe the popliteal space, aming structures contained therein nd their relations. f 1( jits 10. Locate the rigTit "kidney and give relations. WANTED ATONY. A young man with an extraordinary incuriosity called at tne Gazette office flast night. He was under the im pression that the Gazette printed the lists of questions to be asked in the ex amination before' the -state medical ward, and wished to see the questions o be asked to the candidates today, le "had a friend" wlio is undergoing he ordeal and Tie was very anxioue to ow just what perplexities wouia trike his friend on the morrow. His terest in hi "friend" and his curios- y was so great that het was. willing to AA - 1 J. 3 ' I:?' ,y $zo iot a prinieu siip uuma.uiii6 e questions, xne uazetxe was unaoie Jo accommodate him. DEMOCRATIC CLUB. Till Probably Discontinue Regular Weekly Meetings There Is a general belief that the ebulon Vance democratic club will ot hold any regular meetings for erase me after next Monday night, as tJJU-e ill be no campaign work for several onths. Many of the members feel ere is little reason for holding weekly Meetings and therefore a proposition o discontinue the meetings will be lade ait the regular meeting next Mon ay night. President D. M. Luther ?ld the Gazette yesterday that he fa ored the move to discontinue the neetinEB. I It has been suggested that the club ooms should be kept open as a read- wig room aim tiuti inccuuga ui a. ouvii ature should be held, but it Is not like- that this will be done. HOW IS THIS ? We offer one hundred dollars reward ..... i v r e.ny daee of catarrn tnait jcau tmou ue tred by Hall's Catarrh Cure. J. Cheney & Co., Prop., To'.edoO. We, the uniHlerslgrned, have, kniown F. Cheney for the Qast fifteen yiears,and lieve him perfectly hocaloirable In All Is tne ss trlamsaotiionfi and flnancially le o carry out any bligu'tions m"ade Hhir firm. WtEJST & TRTJAX, Wnoleale druggii'fts, Toledo, O. ELDING, KINNAN, & MARVIN, I - Wholesale drug-gidts, Toledo, O, Haai's Catarrh Cure da taken inter lly, acting- dtiirecitly upon the blood d mucous surfaces of the system, ice, 75 cenits per bottle. Sold by all ugigiste. Testimonials tre. 3aM'a family pills are the best. Sum mmmmmmiimimi! Cash Sales This is the kind of sales we are wanting to make and we have marked our goods accordingly. All. of our $3.50 and Blaek Leather Shoes now lor iUiiiiiiijitiiiiiHiiiiiliiiiiiiira!iHiiiiuiiiiuuiiuuiu SKYLAHD 1KSTITUTE. Ctating Exercises lAStEyening m Y. It C A Hall. '' The closing exercises of the Skylahd institute weye heH last evening In the lecture room of the Y. M. C. A. A large audience attended and unre. eervedly gave evidence of its approval of the-program. The exercises proper began with prayer offered by Dr. Charles W. Byrd. Essays were read by Miss Mary I. Ward, "Out of Darkness Into Light;" by Mi?s Bessie Lee, "All the World 1 a Stage," and by Miss Minnie L. West- all, "Nineteenth Century Ieonoolasm." The papers were certainly the product of careful and able attention, and were much epjoyed by the- audience..- - Following the reading of the essays an address was delivered by Rev. Mc Neely DuBose. The speaker discussed the subject, "Sincerity," the talk being replete with advice and instruction for the young. Xn the primary grades medals were given for attendance, spelling and pen manship. The first-named medal was won by Louie Everhart. The presenta tion was made by Dr. Byrd. Eula Wright was the successful contestant for the medal in speMng, and it yas presented by Rev. W. M. Vines. Nel lie Woody and J Myrtle Westall had made a record that compared favora bly with that of the fortunate contest ant, and the contest was therefore de cided, by lot. The prize in penmanship was won by Miss "Mary Westall. The medal was presented by J. D. Murphy. In the higher grades medals were awarded for compostion and general scholarship. Both were won by Miss Mary Ward. The first was presented by Julius C. Martin and the second by Charles A. Webb. There was music during the even'ng by the Asheville orchestra. THAT BULL CALF PLATFORM. Judge Green Brings it Down to Date Some Reminiscenses. Judg-e J. M. Green wa yesterday sur rounded by a pairty of congenial spirits at the government building, and was in a taflkaftiv mood. "There His just one thine-erlkln" Judce Green insisted, "If the corugresstonlal electfomi was o'as at itWiis tdme Cbngiressmiain Pearson would be a sure "wSnmer on the bull calf pLatfiorm. I can well (remember the time when tome conild go oult In lOrese mountains amd buy calves for from 75 cents to $1.50 a head. A calf bought at this price would be tunmed lrtta the mountains, and M sold for beef wheo thtre 3eatrs old would brtnig abourt. $10. Now a calf fhree weeks old will almost bffimg thrait aanoumlt." Here the judge's mind took a more general turn ata,d he continues. "If people would practice the econom5s af the good old days of a quarter of a century or more agtt, and wouJd stent the- spinning wheels tb Tunning, aod quilt so many store mad luxuries they would soon roll in a wea'Trth brought by good prices. "r Tbfm threw. Depulty Colleietoi Grant into a ireminisicent mtaod. and with a ISttle show of tn-ide, which seemed too indl aalte a commiiseratfion for the people of these davs of n-ressSng clulbs and esad poroel-alin-lfased Ibaith tubs, he giave Uhe tofiermatlon that he had gome to fliis wed ding in a good old Home made suit thati (had been made down on the farm, and thalt he had woami his first "store-made clothes a few yeans ago w!hen he went down to the legfolaltune. "I know a well- to-do family in my countty, Henderson, Mr. Grantb said, "who are yet m)aldri sill 'thein clothes at home." Amd theni everybody sie-hed (fkr the "tor dead days beyond recall." BIOS TO LEAVE FOR SPAIN. Madrid, May 26. A despatch from General Rios, Spanish commander in the Philippines, recording the surrend er of Zamboanga by the Spanish, noti fies the government' that he will sail for Spain June 3. He adds that the Americans will not occupy the island of Mindanao at present. Its occupancy would entail enormous sacrifices on them as the natives are entirely hostile BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE The best salve In the world for cut. bruises, sorea, udcers. naltt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chappeQ hands. . chilblains. corns, and all skin eruptions, and p- ftilvely cure piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or mooev refunded. ' Price 2( cents per box. For sale by T. J. Bmltn, W. C. Oarmichaea and Pelham phar- m&cy. DeWitt's Colic 6. Cholera Cure KIDNEY TROUBLE Is a deceptive dis ease thousands have It and don't know it K you wtaint quick resul'ts you cam make, mo m'iajeitske by using Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, - (the grealt kidney remedy. At druggists in fifty cents and dollar sizes Sample bottle by mlalil free, also pam phlet 'telling you (how to find out if you have kidney trouble. Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing- hampltoa, N. T. mmmmmmmmmmmmai mm 1 $4.00 grades of Ladies' 3 with melted soles, going 3 -THE MARKETS. Yesterday's Quotations 10 Stoats, Wheat and - Cotton. (Highest, lowest and closing "New York stock xchaoge, quotations for aatlve stock by special dispatch from Haven & Stout, No. 1. Nassau street, New York Stock Exchange- New York, May 2 Stocks opened firm, but declined later. The reported serious illness or John Moore had a bad effect on tobacco securities, with re membering the effect ex -Governor Flower's death had on his stocks. The amended franchise tax bill has become a law and Consolidated Gas reduced its dividend to one and a half per cent. The big interest attempted a bull movement but failed. Speculators are still hopeful that the professional ele ment is bearish. STOCKS. Higb Low OJose Am. Tobacco 10i 07 97 Ceo. Tobacco 51)$ 48 48 Con. Tobacco, pfd. 83) 82 83 Am. Sugar " 159 152 154 Brooklyn R. T. 110$ 112)$ i.l8i$ 0. B. & Q. 130 123 130)6 Illinois Central 113 113 118 & N. 6fi - 65 66 St. Paul 124 123$ T2S Southern pf 51) 505$ 51 Federal Steel 68 68 58 Ontario Western 25 24 25 Northern Pac. 56 56; 56 Am. Sttel&Wire 61 59$ 60 WHEAT High Low niose May 75 74 74 J-y 76 75 75 COTTON. High Low Olos Augiwt 598 690 59 October 594 520 591 BOARD OF ALDERMEN. Cleared TJp Many Old Bills at Last Eveniaer'g Session. At the. meeting of the aldermen last night Tieorge Collins asked to borrow the city's steam drill without the hose or bits for thirty days. The request was granted. J. B. Bostic wanted the services of the street superintendent and force, with tools, ' to work out French Broad avenue ana two streets parallel dur lng the month of June, Mr. Bostic to pay the bands. No action was taken. Mr. Bostic also made the offer, as announced exclusively in the Gazette, for the city park. The offer was refer red to the flnahce committee. Nearly aM the board were favorable and ex pressed a willingness to Investigate the feasibility of the plan, and Mr. Bostic to submit his offer in writing to the board. C. K Waddell asked to have the board give permission rto leave the po!e at the end of the Ashevilla and Bilt- more railway on Haywood street and Government street. The street com mittee was instructed to look into the matter, to see whether the pole should be removed or left. C. TJ. Monday appeared before the board and made a proposition to accept $35 in full for indemnity for his horse which was killed on Central avenue yesterday. The proposition was ac cepted, to pay Mr. Monday $35. George W. Pack presented a proposi tion to have the city put in curbstone from Salisbury, on Chestnut street, and pay all the bills. The city treasurer asked for a desk for his books and papers, and 'the board authorized him to buy a suitable desk. ' The following-licenses 'to sell liquor were granted: i?rank UUonneii1, re tail, 13 North Main street; J. M. Lange, retail, at the Glen Rock hotel building; Patrick' Carr, retail, Boston saloon on South Main street; Pa'trick Mclntyre, retail and wholesale, at 53 South Main street; Swannanoa Hotel company, retail, in the Swannanoa hotel build ing; J. H. Houghran, retail and wholesale, at 55 and 58 South Main street; Bonanza Wme and Liquor oomDanv. retail and wholesale, at 43 South Main street; Prank Loughran, retail, in Hotel Berkeley building; George A. Sorrells, retail, at 5 College Street; Hampton & Featherston, retail, at 29 North Main street; J. H. Lange, retail, at northwest corner of West Col lege street; A. G. Halyburton & Co., at 16 West CoWege street; E. P. Mc Kissick, retail, in Battery Park hotel biulding; A. T. Cooper & Co., retail, at 50 South Main street. The following tax exemptions were allowed:' Mitchell Boyce, 3,60, physl cal disability; John Neighbors, $3.60, physical disability; Iock Oates, $3J0, physical disability; Amos Patterson, $3.60, physical disability; John Pruitt, $3.60, mental disability; July Pinklns, $3.60. left the state; Robert Russell, $3.60, left the state; Sid Towers, $3.60, left the state; John Hermrickhouse, $4.50, left the state; J. E. Edwards, $3.60, left the state; ' W. J. Moore, $4.14, left the state; C. W. Bennett, $3.60, left the state; J. D. Redmond-, $2.58, property listed twice; James Hayden, $3J0?,dead; A. J. Rhinehart, $$4.92, left the state; H. V, B. Moore, $3, listed twice;" C. D. De&ver, $3.60, left -3Uhe county; S. Reynolds, $3.60, phyis ZZZ cal disabilfty; J. C. Harris, $3.96, dead; Sam Burgin, $3.60, on chain gang; Frank Holman, $3.60, left the state ; Fred Coleman, $3.60, went, to ;war, will not return; H. JDuijilap$3.60,;;; left 'the county;. jmmre irvin, ?3,t6, ieit tne state; H. Eller3r3.60; left'the stater J..B. Ensley, : $2.60 left the .county; Monroe, wHarrisi $3.6(ft?Tdeaai;Fjrafciar SJarnes$3.60r left-the etatef "D. Scruggs; $3, aeft the state",; ; J.' W.' Strasf ord,: ee, 4ef t the: state; :'J6e Spears, f3.60 left 'he - state y Gv' Jlw Rockhold, $3.6iief t i the state Jim Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safjuards the food against alum Alum baking powders are the greatest ers to health of the present day. meiiacers the partially destroyed building on Montford avenue, - M. H. Kelley was granted a building permit for a two-room and one three room frame building in East Ashevil'ler J. R. DuBose was given permission to build a ten-room frame building on Cumberland avenue. Tne chairman of the "fire committee reported -that one of the fire horses wa afflicted with some trouble which will necessitate an operation. He was giv en permission to have the operation perrormed at once and hire a substi- lulc uura? unui tne amictea horse is well. The committee was also given permission to replace defective tugs on the hook and truck harness. The board ordered the holes in the cement sidewalks Allied up The following bills were allowed: Street department pay roll, $32.75; san itary department pay roll, $78.10; wa ter department pay roll, $32.16; B. J. Spivey, $15.89; police department pay roll, $5.35: May city pay roll, $911.62; Duckett and Clevenger, 20; Asheville Street Railway company, $65.48; W. A Boyce, $1; H. Taylor Rogers, 65 cents; W. C. Stradley, $2.70; Asheville Cotton mills, $3.50; Dr. T. C. Smith, $125.68; B. Burnett, $1435; George Starnes, $1.50; B. N. Lee, $5.50; J. H. Law, 50 cents; J. N Morgan, 5 cents; GeorgeT. Scott & Co., $16.74; F. F. Bain bridge, $1.50; F. M. Lindsey, $23.2Qj Sunlight Oil and Gasoline company, $1.30; H. C. Johnson, $29.18; Penniman Brothers & Kelly, $94.30; Harris Oil company; $23.87; J. H. Woody, $52.72; Eugene B. Glenn $3.50; Market Street Woodworking company, $3.50; W. C, Robinson & Son, 13.13; Gazette Pub lishing company, $51.56; - Citizen com pany, $56.55; B. H. Cosby, $50; Ashe ville Electric company, $500; Asheville Ice and Coal company, $100; Carolina Coal company, $50. MEAT DEALERS. 4 - ' ' To Even up Matters With Those Who Do Not Pay Bills. The meet dealers of the central mar ket are of the opinion that in union there is strength when it comes to col lecting bills. The dealers have drawn up and signed an official looking doc ument which declares: "On and after this date, May 26, 1899, we, the undersigned meat dealers, do hereby agree and solemnly bind our selves to the following contract: If any one. of the signers of this agree ment notifies another signer that one of his customers has failed to pay his or her bill such person notified must not sell to that person on credit, under penalty of $25. If all signers of this contract, except the accused", decide that any signer has violated the condi tions of this agreement, he shall for feit $25, the money to be divided equal ly among the signers. "No one is permitted to sign this contract unless he is ameat dealer doing business in the market house at Asheville, N. C" The agreement is signed by Zimmer man & Whitehead, Wm. Hill & Co., A. W. McFee, W em wag & Marlow, H. P. Pearson. A CONFESSION. Says She Can Now Talk Wiih a Clear Conscienca. "While attending the state convention bf l.lhe W. C. T. U. tat Manville, Wyo I was entertained by Mrs Nina Hig by. I am a temperance lecturer, and , at breakfiast Mr3. Higby (handled me a lovely cup of coffee with the remark. "did you ever realize that it is not at laill consistemiti for temrjertaotoe people to "continually advise others to avoid pols oinous stimulants, and yet day by day drink such articles themselves. This i particularly true -of coffee, which is one of ithe most powerful narcotics in exist enice, although its effecits are not shown as adtively as whiskey." I wa.3 rather s.unried at her remark hni lafbsr thinkiriisr it ifvp a momenlt, I realized that lit was apropos. I had no tioed; mamy a-case of mervous prositration thalt Tras directly traceable ito conee, for. the individuails "ait once began to im prove whera they, lefit toff coffee, 'amd l ihad found it so in my own experience. I hiaid made several attempts to break away from the r habit and had failed, much to my disgust, and, oftentimes, when addressimg an audience on the evils of liquor drinking, I -had in my own heart tfelt that I was very much like an old toper, the oanly difference be ing that I wanltied coffee and (he wanted liquor. Mrs. Higby went on to say "we have abindoned' coffee emi.iirely, and' art. vising the Postum Cereal Fo&d. Coffee rriide down at Battle Creek, Mich., amd I think whesii you drliak this -cup, you will agree with me that it is in roamy re3pdots a more' delicious beverage ;haa cffdmary coffee, for it has a emco'lher, mere Jasclnating ttsie, much lake the very highest gradet of mild Java" - . I drank the cup sTo-wly "and1 realized that iher.irrriQrks er'; I want to say to you, ShafTI - gained no mors valutable knowtedge at- ihat' cohvemttSon 'Wyoniimig: than,; tliaitw?hdti 1 learoed at ; theiSnwatofiast- table wher I had my flrslt cup of Postum, I have sine used Sit regularly' "very ' greatly tto my phy sical aaidi -mentaJ: advantaee" and, have found nb dafUculty whaJtever ' to ' doing away, wlth.-coffee. - No jMie caw: tell hw glad I am to be free : from tta baneful effecta. I aa now mate' a t-emperance address ; wftli' - a : " clear ctonacleaice. - an d. perharsI mlgM add alearer oomplex- .11 u Lam u ov yssr 1UIH IMadr A' . Dr.and Mrs. S. H. von Ruck arrived in Asheville yesterday from St. Louis. Dr. C. P. Ambler haa returned from Ssappaure, where he went on a fishing" uup With Judge Day. Judge Day is ex pected to return this afternoon. C. J. Harris, is here for a few days from Dfillsboro. Dr. Fi-iher will remiain north during a pant of the summer to attend some of tte deaatafl conventions. Mrs. Bullock and MUss Bullock, who have spem sevenal weeks at Mrs. Pine's. Chestnut street, leave today tor their home in Chicago. Le Lampton returned yesterday from a. visit to Sapphire. R. J. Harris, who was corpor'.vl in companyL, third cavalry, went -to At lanta yesterday. Mtes Belle E-wing returned t her home ta Deoaiiur. 111., yesterday after a short visit at Oakland Heights. J. W. CurrSer went to Knoxville yes terday and will retiirn today. Rev. Dr. C. M. Bodin returned to Newark, N. J., yesterday, having betn at the Oaks several month. Miss Evelyn Coleman of Weaverville is visltlrng friends here. Samuel E. Maymard, a netted fox hunt er, amd Wesley A. Sellick, who have been ac he Oaks, returned to the r homes m New York yesterday. Miss Gillet, who has been ait Oakland Heights the last six moniths, returned to her home In Chicago yeterday. 85 Miss R. M. Logam and Mi S3 Margaret A. Logan of Vickeburer. Mia3.. are vis- itflng here. Beirkeey arrivals are: Uai S. Geer, Cincinnaitd; J. fB. Reilly, Grand Rapids; J. W. Stir, Knoxville; J." F. Payne, TmdianapoMs ; V. C. Stiarnfo, Cincinmatfi; H. C. Peata'coslfi, Cincinnati; John B. Stockton, Lynchburg; L. J. Mayill, K'riSfxvlille; W. S. Deahiazo, Gharlobte; Fred L. Jacobs, Philadelphia. Miss Maggie Tounig and Miss Lucy Jobri's'ton return'fed yesterday from Sa lem College at Winston. Misses Kafherlue and Lucille Camp bell have returned from an expended vtts it to Spantanburg atod Laurens, S. C, Miss Mdfller, of Nashville, Tenn., wdio aocompfinied them home, left yesterday for Nashville. Maj. R. G. A. Love, Capt. R. L. Hyatt, and Caplb. Curtis Logan, who were aide-de-camts on Gea. Harley's staff during, the peace jubilee at Wash ington, returned yesterday. Assistant PoHtnmster Jame3 L. Wag nier has returned from a visit to friemds in Ohi. 4 D. M.Luther, esq., has returned after a several days absence from the cltv. MJss Chrisfty. who has been visiting her cousma, tre Misses Brown, Mas ie turned to her home in Came?ie, Pa. STORT OF A SLAVE. To be bound foamd and foot for years by lUhe chains of disease (is the worst form of slavery. George D. Williams, of Man chester, Mich., tells how such a slay was made free. He says: "My wife has been so helpless for five years that she could not-turn over In bed alone. -After USLmg tWO bottlles Of "Eleotirio. -RIMpr she is wonderfully lmiroved a.ni- H'a to do her own work."Thiis supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, melan choly, fceaxla'che. backache, ftdnti dizzy spells. This miracle workine medicine is a god-send to weak, sdokw rundown people Ivery bottle guaran teed. Only 50 cula. Sold hv T r Smith, W. C. Carmichael, aind Pelham's Pharmacy. Those contemplating- a trin tin ith an nual meeting of the National Education al assooilaLlioin, to be held at Los An.geie3 Cal., July 11 ito 14, 1899, or others whb de sire to take advantkige of the low rate, snouid mot rail Jto procure a copy of ttihi3 mtereatiing oooklet, issued by 'the Chica go and North-Western railway, gi.ing full information as to routes, time of trains, rUtes and oither valuable and nec essary irilformiafcion. Sent free upon re ceipt of 2 cents postaige. A. F. Cleve land, 49 North Prybr street, Atlanta, Ga. Home Life of Women. Several letters from -women whose catarrhal troubles Pe-ru-na has cured. I MM IS - - V -M1 f 111 vummauwuU IkilVnulK that it can be cured, would be very unwise not to lake Dr. Uartman's advice. Follow directions; Pe-ru-na does the rest-Miss I Wiggins Berlia Heights, '.O. Pe-ru-na is a scientific remedy for all phases ot catarrh, lit is particularly efficient for women's troubles, because it acts through the nerves, v Sarah Gallitz, . of Luton, la., writes:' - . : " f " ' - ' . -'.i.r "I was suffering with the Change of tife; I had spelU of 'flowiik every two or three weeks which would' leavA ttia narlTrrlM t tiaA n'i;, being curea when J. heard of Dr. Hartxnan's remedies and hegan to nse thenuc; r s t I am entirely cured and give all the credit to Pe-rn-na andMan-a-lin,? CsZy The catarrhal nature of female troubles is Jievotid Question, xcatf thaeriirW VJ' of Peru-na action has. been demonstrated in thousands of cas-"Pe-rn-na. :J drives out catarrh everywhere; Mrs. ibline I)aftEvansport, OM.writesVt'Iss' ' 5 .x canxesuty to the merits of Pe-ru-na. wiie vuMiB oi m&n-a-un, ana xneyDotn u uuu utciu ijr os j, crcr was m my me, medicines,! o -' j ' - The Pe-ru-na Medicine Company; Columbus, O. , will mail Dri Harlan's books fez w vaiwiu uw.,- .uiuu vwB, wr ffgmen. vAu oruggists seu Jre-ru-na MEETING TODAY- Eloquent Sp aker and a Good Cause Ensnre a Big Mestiujf. The Good Reads mass metCing wtll k held today in "the count house, begin ning at 1.30 p. m. Jude Merllmonv W. W. Rollims and Praf. Hiolrrcs will' de liver speeches, and saras define . "ac tion for organizing the Gcod Roads as sociation over the entire county will b takejo. Protf. Rearms will illustrate his lecture wiLh e'tereopticia 5euv3. Hhe prcspects 'lor -a large crowd are good. The new buttons' of the association have arrived, and many are alreidy seen on the streets. They are neat in black and red, "with "Asheville emd Buncombe County Good Roads Associatacm" on them. MUCH REGRETTED DEATH- Mrs. George Westfeldt Died Sudden ly Thursday Night Many Asheville people will regret to know that Mrs. George Westfeldt died Thursday night at her home in Fletch er's, N. C, after a short and sudden illness. Mrs. Westfeldt has frequently visit ed in Asheville and has for some time made Fletcher's her home. She was a close friend of Mr. George W. Vander bilt and his family. ; What Is Kodol Dyspepsia Cure? It !sv tlhe newly discovered remedy, the must", effective preparation ever devised for aiiding -the digestion and assimilaiitctn of food and restor'ing the deraimgei diges-. tive organs to a matural c&ndultton. It is j a discovery surpassing anything yet . knowrn to 'the 'medical profession. Par agon Pharmacy. Beauty Is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a-clean skin. No ' beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction eruarantepH. 10c. 55o. 5v. For sale by The Carolina Pharmacy College street amd Court Square. Thomas Overby, Creek, N. C, writes: I have used Dr. M. A. Simmocs Liver Medicine 12 years for Torpid Liver. lit always relieves me when others have failed. It is much stronger and acts more promptly than Black Draught -amd Zeilim's I used. For sale by T. C Smith. , Yon Will Never, Never Break or Ruin A hymr, school, or other book to raave it l?e open flat on music rack, d-sk or table after bu.ifior the BARTLEY OPEN BOOK HOLDER Illustrate below. Its distinguishing features are: 1st Holds all books wide, open. 2nd. Marks four places at once. 3rd. Cuts uncut leaves of books and magazines. 4ith. Opens letters. RETAIL PRICES: Nickeled, plain 25 White menial, Rococo 50 Silver plated, Rtococo 75 Gold plated, Rococo 1.C0 Sterling silver, plaJia 1.50 Sterling kilver, Rococo .... 1.50 Sterling silver, Dragon . . . . 2.50 14 K. gold, Engraved,... .. 25.00 EFFICIENT AGENTS WANTED. GEO. L. HACKNEY, CT 1 A r . t . t , duio jigem ior Asneiue ana Vicinity . 4 North Court Squsre. is not laziness: it is a symptom. Something is wrong with the nerves. A cold in the head when the nerves are not nonnaljgoon develops into enrome catarrh. Miss Linnie Wig-gins, Berlin Heights. O., tells her ex 51 perience with catarrh in the following letter: Pe-ru-na Medicine Co. Deab Sibs: I send my photo graph and testimonial. I suffered with catarrh of the head, nose and throat for three years. 'I could cret no relief until 1 betran taking Pe-ru-na - I took three bottles; it has done wonders. In dependent of curing my catarrh it has ereatlv 1 1 Jl WT " . i neaxui. x cannot aesenbe the change. mm . I have taken considerable f it and -?4:i- ; are. most exceUent remedies.&u amas ana give tne creait en urcly, to your 5 .s : . i -v .l-C,-v-., . ' 1 J. M 1 rL - - J Nina D. Pettigrew, -Spearfish, . S. DI