0 It 0 It THE ASHHVILXi: GAZETTE JUNE 4, 1899 , ZZLZTH 1 I bear3-- MrW. JF- Alexander, of v I iu.iaade ouna. . was nere-yeeterdav and e aid fee -thougrht some would be ship ped the "first of iext "week. . About .the 7i game -tlfne; shipments, of Irish - potatoes will- begins-to - beJ t made. : .-Neither of . these --vegetables Is extensively r erdwn"arpund7iJmington;,ttutlf prices are good . the returns will - make up for the -j unsatisfactory results of , strawbeK IT V ry .growing-- this - season. "Wllmlnglah , I " "' " "' """" ""wtwmnnm 0 I' ' .1 1 1 r J. A I J iff , .. 1 r ' : i l 1 fi: - . n 1 V 1 -'1 llllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIII he 7 0 and r12 ' Paitoii Avenue telephone-message fromrBeidsvllle eayalthaCa1 severe cyclone passed that city late yesterday afternoon and .bad ly- damaged vsoine . property near there. The?Reidsville concert vband iwas prac ticing; in the pavilion at the "race track when the; violent 'Windvrcame upvThe pavilion- was unroofed,' thej: top falling through anoT slightly injuring some of the members' of the -band Mr. Fletch er -Joriesojoie, of ; the band Joys, was right r badly ' hurt; Greensboro - Tele 1 FOR ONE Greatest Slaughter of Prices v EvefpKnown 200 pa ir-, LaiieH' i-Jippers worth 75c to $100, at Another Jot, worth from $1.25 to $1.75. at 300 p ;rj meii'a shoes i a black and ta , a good $1.50 shoe for All other shoes will be sold in proportion. A ch tnce of a l.fo time to buy shoVs almost at your own figures. , Fru t of the 1 ora bl achir.g .yar l wiiic 10 yards to a customer ' 5l-2 Calicoesnot remuants from 33 up. Apron Ginghams"' , - j.-' ' -.v . .. v;- ... ... fi -. . .-,T. r ;f;-:: --' -, , , - . ; . - . -1. r - .1 . . I , " . i - f - . i. Ladies' Gauze 7ests La d ies Sil k vWaists, worth $2.50, at , : : ' . Ladies Silk WaistB, worth $4.00 at 12.35 Ladiea' Pcrcae Waists 800 Cadjett' Skirts, worti flcb, at tG Boys' Suits, Men -sSf uf r'Und !thou8r ands of other articles are included in this sale. ODOD gram. t "Friday evening Jaei he jirowd' was f turning: f rqm'the ? baseball 1 garnet Tim Ijeinster .and Tom Mfllerr.two - youths decided, .to have' bicycle race. -The5? were.coming; down .Brqad street at a good pace, - when,"! near. Walton's store, Tim; whojwas in 'front,-fell, breaking his collar'bone " und .receiving- severe bruisesi" - Lreixuster,' while .' not so badly injureoV" suffered a' "green stick frao- turej vofhr right leg-Just above' the ankle. 'A.' 'green ! sticky fracture" oc curs where v the txjne of a young- per son bends raither-than breaks. States ville Xandmark. ,,A bolt o lightning played a curious prank, during ;,the'- thunder storm- in this city; last Sunday" evening. Stand ing about "thirty yards from the resi dence occupied by P. A, 'Gennett Is a pine tre, to which is. attached one end of a clothes line, . The wire runs from this, 'tree to another, thence to the side b the house, where' it is fastened to ithe window casing with al large spike. Af tr striking the tree and splitting and ripping " the , bark up considerably, the bolt followed ; the wire - the 3J tire dis tance and at the end where attached to the house; it tore .the window casing loose and . otherwise damaged the weather . boarding. Mr. Gennett: had been sitting, "by the window reading, and had only a- few moments befdre the flash came left, thus narrowly es caping at least a severe shock, if not a fatal accident. Murphy Republican. Ko-To-Bae for Fifty Cnta. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes ireak men strong, blood pure. 0c, tl- AU druggists- M 0 10 md fe pfattiifvenvie : - ESMERALDA INN. Esroeraldia, Juiiewl. HI rkbry.Nut Gap Is now aa 'beautiful s tuature can make It. "The large rtjwdiodendpcai la buddiag. and will be ouitl in all their glory 4n a week nam now. The mspberries are r.ow ripe asxd pleasant for . breakfast, . arid have Tsad green peas and cew . potatoes out of the'-gaiTdan. for -some tlime. ? There has beea good fishing tin Bmad i4verfor, a month pas'tjand the nsblte freely -.- nowv -' Amyahcog more de'. ightb'ul than a 'plunge Amito the, swlmmicg pool. ;Wttth its sandy beach,, is hard ito reaJize. ?. - ev. KOBETt wiute, . aavarana'n; jmjs. Graaut Piltch, Milwaukee; i Miss -P. E. Patton. Terra' HauiUff; Mbss A.. C. Rlch- ardsoo, Braill, Imd..; E. Vaughan, Aslie- viKe; Butler -JustliCe, r RutherfordiJon.i I. H. Wilsoia, .Lintoolntooi Mr, amd Mrs. Chas. Diawson. Baltlmor. SignatiDe ; The Kind Yoa Haw Atvrajs Boogbt -v. GAR0L1M NEWS As is welhknown by the people herer a few. years, ago 7 an . (old gentleman fiy the name of - Christenburry committed suicide by - drowning. !No w "comes the word thatvhis daughter. Miss Ville ' who , had - gotten- i ato some financial ' transaction. trouble .... r atent Medicine. Almanacs. - There aro a half :dozen patent medicine -firing in.6(.'Louisi:;cn'of which sendi out 2,000, 000 almanacs each year. At least 20,000,000 alHianacs, nmdo in St. Ixuis, are- spread - broadcast over the country! eaeir year. -itw ainranacs tor a certain Tear;are shipped out in the fall of the.pre Tious year. Tho average cost for making and delivering "theui Js from $5 to $6 and $10'per thousand.-' t As, every large patent medicine establishment now has its own r printing department, thai cos$ ot making almanacs is reduced to a minimum. : ; The astronomical, portions of the al manac, including theweather predictions, signs of the zodiac, changes of the moon, and so on, are prepared by some astron omer. A -certain astronomer in Massa chusetts has "made a specialty of doing this work for patent medicine firms for years. He charges f 30 fnr preparing the Te Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been we-jw years, has home the signature of . . ana nas Deen made under his per- ylic sonal supervision since its Infancy. JU1 Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex i periments that trifle with and endanger the health of i 1 fants and CbJldren Experience against Experiment. eglto ! is CASTORIA " Castoria is a substitute for Castor OU, Paregoric, Drops and. Soothing Syrups. Jit is Harmless and Pleasant. It : contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age: Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Biarrhosa and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency., It assimilates the Food, regulates the . Stomacll and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's lPanacea--The Mother's Friend. CENUirJE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind you. Have Always Bought In; Use For Over 30 Years. ' " " -r.- TMC OtNTMM OOMMMV, TT MtlRMAT TNKCT. NEW VONK CITV. miOTT'a PENMVROYA L PILLS They overcome Weak ness, irregularity and omissions, increase vip- , - or ana Danish "pains of menstruation." . They are "L.IFE SAVERS" to girls at womanhood, aiding1 development of organs and - body. No known remedv for women ftrmals fhm fnnnf vOI.m nt ssw - becomes a1 nleasure. Sit .(fl PTT!T?. ROT Ttv tvt att. ci. c bv dniercists. DR. Motto r.TTT?.TtrT a t. rr ri 1. al- FOR SALiD BY T. C. SMITH. n Effect Dec 5 1898. Numberi. Number. Numbers. Number. 1711 U P EKm Tlm. UJbU I? 4:30pm" 12 :05am Lv. : New Tork Ar. 12:43pm 6:35am f ' 6:55pm 3:50am Lv, Philadelphia Ar. 10:15am 2:56am '5:20pm 6;22sun - Lv. Baltimore Ar. 8:00am 11:25pm 10:43pm 11:15am Lv." ..WasMngton Ar. teG&ot 9:S5pm 8:10am , 6:07pm Ly. Damville Ar. ll:25pm 1:80pm 12:10am 12:01pm Lv Bichmioad Ar. 6:40am 6:25pm 9:35pm 9?lhm Lv. Norfolk Ar. 7:50am 5:55pm 3:10am 2:50pm Lv. - Selma Ar. 2:40am 12:35pm 4:05am .3:50pm . Lv. Balelgb - Ar. Ii40am . 1135tua 7:05am 6:35pm Lv Oreeogborw Lv. 16:43pm S:66ra Lart Wednesday a week agor In Old 'astronomical letterpress for ono year's al killed herself ; last r- Tuesday, nigrht ; by, Lizzie.-i Interesting Items frOmJVa- takings laudanumMurphy' Republf- rious Parts of the State. can. t- The. strawberry aeason" is abyOUt sever and. everybody "Is longlngf foxr th& fes tive blackberry ttiis the' most jr-tclMc GIimp338 cf Life and Progress in the Una, universal 'trm tt jtbefcouatryv-arid Land of the Sky. never f alia The- cherry v"..crop - whlch eome times. tins, up the, gap, between I strawberries - and blackberries, Of a7! pretty completej failure.; thla yean Uotea Gathered for the Gazette and t x"-?'" . ; - '"-"'- . . " - - - " - " The windsaie' blowing pleasantly; at . Seiectiona from juateet North - MoreheaJr thi- jsummer the: -teacK- i . Carolina Kewspapers. ' -era -and ;theisi. friends - June. ' 14;tbe xuere is iaiK.oi tne establishment of ; , , T. I' Z a broom factory In Statesville. - 011 July and the mr Dys on -nly j.4 x.Q zi,- xo say noining oi Jtne xnous- ano-whoTare golngas individuat jium I merj BoJournersNe wand Observer " -k , - - :The.tate guard encampmenU'will be . - -rT IAca.Telegraph- and'.Tele. at Morehead on July 14, remaining W " L1lrS?to?any domeaacated'.itself. til .th 20th.- -TheThird 'regiment" win " "" -'BftC'r:'rC V4"''-; encamp "on the : ,20th, "'remaining untn y - Kecently some .vandal ..went into 4 th '.'TT;ni.Mn1v,,i, , l--"c iae-uewiwa was reauueu !- VVtta of .careful', deliberation by Iii hand;;anij Morehead because and attrac- - 7;:-statevil)e has .decided to- take' step Mi -iY 4iHKi-ooiong?XQ;: securing Rev.rE.-Glllesme r ,1 - ' . - . ' - s - t ' ;:a8 COPastOr Wltri Dr TVW? - t - " juwcuu u.-umwn y. The Osdipee cotton mills at Eton col lege is , putting in 150 new looms, .toid-TAii TrtniA - - Itnose having the matter " 'tif&'ZX - . '':-.Vrv I they have-selected! " '?-?eV.rhvKHan: t oJ -the vmany conveniences VIPS:.;- A. Roblnn, euitor-tf;the Dur- r.-:i-??';i'H:The!lanamark saysthat Hev, 0 H; "",m- oun juagment-- was t given, the '::":ChurchVhas resigned, the pastorate of lalntlf . This was'. the , libel" suit ; het Baptist church :at ' gtatesville, .his r0'uh by. Mr. ', BrUtonc agalnst-Mr ; A resignation, to .take eff ec't the .last Sun- Robinson far. publishing an article con ' ' v? " day, inugu&t; and.'his resignation has fofundl?S the identity x of,: the- plaintiff beenjaccepted. Sr,,;;. , ;v ""uwmoi some man in Henderson SW A M P-:j-ttPt!reominendeafoor Field's township-, the little" child of Mr, W. P. Bullock was at pUv in. the yard "with an elder child who had been left in charge of, the ltttle'on ?: The latter, lrirsome way; went out of - reach of the guardian,- and fell lnto a- pot of boiling water and was; to vbadly scalded that ItX-BOOiidfedVQTOittle;: one was only a :aittlevmore .than -a , year., old. Wilson Times. " "T ' " '- J i Since Thursday,.mornig .Cap!tain W. B." Keridrick has- been . confined to his rbom,l suffering,; ' at 'J Umes, severely from the'-effects of , s& gunshot wound received 7 In.: the confederate service thirty-six" years "ago. ' At' the time ,of receiving-1 theshot, 1 seven - pieces (of lead were taken . f rom Jiii - head. v There I' remain lead in his headV now?1, which now and. then .givea. ;hlmnrouble. He islmprovinganci .wiMpeLOn auty again in a few 'days. Times-Visitor. ' -AvoThtp' i -damasre .suit' wiit tho" WW W1W p; . r.-"- .--.?-,.;-. Kw broughC before: the'SeptembeT, term of Davidson .Superior cpupt : Our readers are familiar -with-the .circumstances: of the accident which befell 'Mr. eh Ken nedy,, an .employe In Grimes BrosT roll er mills last ,year. , While attempting to put a belt on a pulleys-a stick which he" was lising for "the'purpose caught In' the" wheel .and rebounded "with terrific force, Striking .mm -mme aodomen: and causing injuries irom -wnich It was at ilret- thought - impossible for "him to recover. He now brings -'uH-aeainst Messrs. Grimes. : Biros-v proprietors. Truckers !Uv the vicinity of Wilming- manac. Chautauquau. - trt with yon whether 70a eonttnn the 3erTO-lClUlB9 IODW3CO DtDUtflVlVtUl V removes tae aesire lor wMwcor oat nerToas diatreas. eipel oleo- 4iQ, poriaee mo uicwg, i tores lost mnnooa ra.KcS you (troDsr ' 1 In health, .Berre SN -r rftyitvil A from I v.. i - uv.xu -V ' i.,T:. wh-. lvi' mays jmvB: a. Bamnia Iwtn. vi. w 1.1 Touch for u8.TLke it with j wtoodetful new discovery hy --maJl " fr 11. MtlentlT. persistently. Oi I BlaftriiamTvrLl-ih 1TT i U. "ff4.. lr bor si. , :.nJIcurce S boxes. H.t I T . . KJT r2""e a.uoux ,it.i w - - - . - n rm nn isw . v t- ft a r . . tmamnteed to cire, or wo reruna mwneT. ra iMSMdy C, wmii KeiHreel, Jtew Ict Address, Dr, KXImer & Co.; mnghzmion. ' If you ufTt from tenaemeae ori-tull mesa. . cK-naach; azt feel dull heavy and sleepy your f-13 vk . t i. and congests, r: DeWtllf; -rr w "wny, pieasaQtly and permaoenily . by removinu Z, gestloat jmd cauB fch- J50? open and flow nastfraHy; t thitt- at Df -Ri DeWitt'a Little Early Rlsers act as a l- faultless pill should -oleansllng and reviv ing (the system tmsbead of weakening it. Tlhey are:niild and sure smlairand.pleas ant ito take and -entirely free from ob" Jectionable drugs They : lafisist rather than comoel. -Paragon Pharmacy. - ' 1 He Conldnt'SeeJTt. 7 t':, J Speakinc . of money - reminds - me of - & storv I read the other day. An. American 4 in London,-talking, of an unfortunate per son who had Just diedr quoted Artemua Wardssayina', 'It would have been money in his pocket if he'd never been born.' The Americans present - laughed heart ily, but the Englishmen sat sober as owls, and after a moment or two of silence one of them broke,out with: . - "But, I say,' if he had never been born he wouldn't have had -any pockets; don't you know? New Orleans - Times-Demo crat. Vv''-v"i! r t hare eone 14 a time wltkoni m, .augment of the lwel, not being ftblelto more tbem except by using hot water injections. Chronic constipation for seven years' placed tne in tnia terrible condition; during that time I did ev-, erytbing I neard of bntaerer f oand any relief; each was my case nmu 1 began using wAouAtvcixOk -1 now bare from one to three passages a day, and if I was rich. I would give $100.00 for each movement it Such a reUef. ' atuibb.1 Hunt,- -' " h-: ':-1689Eussen8UIetroltfig CANOV'v CATHARTIC: .TRADE MARK ROISTRCO i- Pleasant, Palatable; : Potent, Taste Good, Bo owuianecsiueu, anen, or uripe, IUC, JoC, tjC, . CURE CQilSTIPATIOtt ... MtiMX MMty cssqMt UMafC HssOfvaVIsv 1st. T -:Tlrtfa-i-':l CStttrl,TlHi) :fStm - fiCfpn Lr. Salisbury Ar. 6:35pm 9:S0am l:Kam l:Npm IiT. Btateavllle Ar 5:44pm 8:4&am lt:tlam t:07pm IjT. Newton Ar. 6:03pm 8:09am li:SSam t'.tivm Lv. -Hickory Ar. 4:46pm 7:52am tt:12pm lt;S4pm ' Lv. Marlon; Ar. I:28prm 6:45am I:llpm lt:Uaai Lv Biltmore Ar. 1:30pm 5:21am 1:25pm 12:ltam vAr. Ashevllle Lv. 1:20pm 5:15am l:Mpm ll:15a : Lv. AahevUle Ar- 1:10pm 6U0am t:SS9M t:CSai Lv. Hot 8prlnB Ar. 11:40am 4:00am f:f5pm l:0Oam Lv. Morriatown Ar. t :50am 1:11am 7:4pm 4:a Ar. Knoxvlll Lv. 8:25am 1:15am U:l5pm 7:4am Ar, Chattanooga Lv 4:ltam H:0pa 7:ltpm :;7:lfpn Ar. Mimiftji Iff. I;lfaaa 6:4taisi 6:Upn Ar. Nashville Lv. lt:ltpm i:lani T:i4an MitOpm Ar. Ltrulsvillfl Lt. f:ini HiHm f :tHm T:tsy h Ar. Ct1mjta &t. I:tf l:Majs A. AND S. BRANCH; No. 14. No 1 (Central Timie.) Wa. lt. 1T. Ha. I. l:llaa l;17am It.tOam 1:I35S 2:40pm : t:16pat t:2tpm i-.tftpSa - 1:15pm 9:5pm Lv. AJutevilla ' Ar. 6:00pm l:40pai (Eastern Tisae.) Lt, - : Biltxtsm - Ar. 6:52pm 1:10pm . LvHantferswmvlllsi Ar. 6:01pm l:45psi 11. vftltti:-. Ar. ..$:00pm ll:4apss . Lv. ipartamsntra i..Xk:"-- 1:19pm U:im AJt'-CWiimblsi.- Lv U:S0am 'J 8: Warn Htm; VLitHm Ar CiarlMctea Lv. J.tiem l:KSpn I:&9d3 1:2321 Ar. Cavamxai - Lr. U:t4ja - U:Man t:lSan l:llui Ar, Jaekesnavllla Lv. I:tra f:ftj l:m Wr. . - l:Cpri i:t55Bt C:55n I:16jsi: -.;Aiisatsl' Lr- 7:ldsaB ll:5ss ?:40am 8:10pin Ar. XTsnxOrleams Iff. T:ilpct r:Uas f: MURPHY BRANCH; No. 67 N. 1T (Central Time.) 1' No,- Na U S:00am ; 4:00pm - U:2dam ' 6 i 25pm U:2daint S :60pm UiSaaat l:e0pm ; ; paUy; exoept Sundays. Iff. ' XT. . Iff. Ar. WayaesTllls Ar. s:tpss Ar. l:5paa lAr.- Xl:tr2a U:t?am , llnrpky . Lv, ' 6:00 a. m. , . - . Iaily excegt Sundays. "- - "ifi 1 1 11 1 ii 11 1 -- - ' - .. ... .V -lthuw ,iw jll, saua xs ana sa csrry . jtnuuruMi aieepers Mcweea pmip : "WasMnctoo, AtbevUle, : Hat Bpiriags.C hattanooga and NtabvllJe. Trslsji t sai lXand :iO jad U, beCwcsxi Jsjcksosrille, SavssnnsiC Columbia, . AahevCls, Hot f8prsogiiaoKvx a3 ccxsasyj Vrfv w ; i.z ; v : Trains li tad 11 carry . Pnliraaa stobcrii betweei Callsbury. - AchevUls, Hot ' Springs, NastfxvS2X Ctsriakcai axtd XXeznpbSs. -. 'j v"4" ': - .l- - Tpgeft2ser, with utor sxoeasst eqinipmanl and sxAedules to the motXhmoA eausV all rail thnmrh "Wathlt: public's special attenSJon is called to tsn rail - fj34 JTlalter root Co the notnthl axJ e9outlirm railway and th vMna.1 This s&Leduls 21mra a Cay's stop over at Ncrfoli, Y aXSanSmsp ca t a tuctty to vltit Oil BcSssX CterTsrs (Port HConroe),; : Virgtaiai. LVlrtf22 : BeacX - New port Newm; efto. Bagrsara called for amdhecked from hotels aod rslaHBt oy. ine Aanevia ixtzzzza Ucarpaay.fflca wltl cttv ticket offlca. ca Pteitea av ' - - FRANK S. GANNON. - , o. n. iiaiidwicXm V .11. :- TAXliUIt.- enue, A&hevU: IT. C , ;Thll Vjwe pras.& Gi llgr:--- , A. O. X. A.. ai- ' :, ;a. a: P. A. LoTrrlHy. ; 17. JL. TUIUI. - - JP. It. DAIIBT, - - - t : . v.; . ;AirTir it a 7ssftSngt3taOC. A. O. P. ALt Cttxssos, Texsk ...V c': 4,

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