f II 0 M M V k- v -O-ual 1 T --i 91 1 . . Iw-M t, , NU 55 ni - Mil .. -Si! ; 1!.!!. .li'! I. 1-f i ii .1 i -" I. 1 4 'llil l ll " 11 i ijiTrctt .pill, einuu fciuT tnru 11-10 f v ft. i1 xl 1 c Fj ri Tw lift ufe 5& :ih. 'ill ' m 4 WT ,T3.flrf VT1H'aW fVf, M. I ,i JTowelsjlA i $ Jill rvr CI' . : ...... r if; -JU a Mr I n c . ...uka, .- f v 1 'pnrces - 5r?PattomAve .til -Hhilftdelnhia -tJreani Pine 'atei&t;r- sKisnt- iCnfT 'E3iniA.: - - - - i'atton -Avenue - ,4S,? - .f:P &3 -arr . I . . . iw kirn r - theriervousone't'Trice aalitxrftxiisKAtair pt-a J?f ffr fhA RWsf <3Ml Tia fplIylU1 'V1"' I 'TV ' V .im,:r ... -;- v . . Just nRiinivni - 77 i-- -'- - : '4 'aTSjc-iT PI "T'O-M, " i h. 1 tribezaledXatfe Amouni or mia- -"C4 O.Hala Btreet.-V -4 ,i - v JiivJJ.iA i.jj.a .off- 01 If tii Hi5" 53;.'H"'t ;iX ZtyfMnlKl-'b'- Transferred. jHis Belief. Xat the; iriction Oyer iistrMfe EloneyWiil Grid- (tjeJ?'o'5 l-ij:rtfs s4ir'' - : ' I yt a. J J . a. ari t A I tg'oitnofberiaf lfeads- that th' f ricitoa over" the distribi4tin, llwtdiiaflly rdie away apd says sihjC Statea only j four casesMf yellow fevw en. nave pct;uitcu. fie m? trepjM hfeSltf uteeondition" of ;tliisland''ts jdjftf mmm SIS to the Americans, aridedrstrust yLqa!.! tof American oc, rMlThere"' is yery ameRg-tbft-ttfoops jaxtft. prepara.xo hawheei? made tqaiittajflieekiht, dtthl troops durttge rainy iriobj " " .The board of ItSif irtsm'ottJi, V" . h.ve 'reauealed ecrrTfig' to Umm the:. rafesJ j Relnar Mercedes to the ueen fit SOTiri aa anvldence of afidtrff OlU.wSsPar ATtrenTntteditateBoend-the-toititeE fiL-o. la nnf t!hj -glifthiteatrosifect of the.&quest being j.. uu i ii r,, Society F;iwS. Sntiko de CubaeJiine Rarriarsi to the" Itiaji-makias hje?4afig iLtivc. jciihansarlth the :.assaInon bf Americans-wno btsiibiv 4to Hr.Hi(vt. Tit fa believed-mat some-decent fhystertQmStaisasmnfcfefe ofTCrlcaTftrre vduejtis-wganifcli- Vicbjr ' j w - - . fit ASK PROTEGTIQH. i&$kT&.lJune? ftar cpmjteei or mQfXnrra frTTir'SaimntK)nde- las WrsT called bn BinW Kskin for profectiiogeuhnf lhelf fears arialng ironv-me xyuuMm Yesterday of 1 Jose L.lebregate,.wna a w?Ttiisii lieutenamrwi -guer ing he war. Geneowaff eenromifed themrprpteetion.- m'Waiington; J nnSmxKTfL t-h W--Arcxs..f.ey,esl6 ,6f hohor nit dinner. tonight given by-Sejcretfry iertoJhtoents arranged ror tne uew Spanish minister and his wlf ev.- Amirik E01TBR OF CHURCH'PAEER 1 CMAttCBDF YITH LIBEL ffedar orfhex'aa"Baptr3t-'ttan( ithd eirtaty-lof'ttiel'stateBT)USt 4 last , weekgi ven, auverdict in tne wana ....... .-. -mt-. - ' :A A - !.Ii-t'iv Mr C?ranfell)ahan4lilrtySi-Athri9Prmlr- aaantI3altltSf--f?ne?ot 4h3KTcharg of I criminal llbel . .tha4IICrrKftf elE brings L ' I'liaVden -1s publishing- tta&jt he Ten percemt. discAUHt! .for ciislllofl-al SfolllARDS and Kussian &mDaww. "T y rgueftmasteranaranm riiviLMITEiip?; "li v GUllFtD tBATEtEIIGAMPI.i EUT Daughters of Confedemcyi ?1 t Washington., June . . 6. The TJhited DataienB;6f -the Qpnt eOracjr Jtr- he mealfpna exercises, io- mernorv nopa .tnejprlnpal jeature of toe exesg '-voted H'rtnfef.it lpayea 1 Ethf KGOtlKTYWRllBSlOl Committee Will- Employ? Cotmtet: to inad direoting: that r a comnutleejioMn toarimSse&Oiera. wKK give intrwdtioal to . ' . haver.tfte cmrosfcv-connued; fain; severar weka 0D,the Butrrisvllle.r'oa.dv? by : the coufltyjcotntvi?t 'Xorce.;-, The.-'Oirk wll .in- j T&ertJWa; diipboAtthVpiartM he: f bctarii tot tsppdin s a cotamrttee'.-tto1 vatf.- Aad: a TrtJGtse, maiatesr off, empiyang,i uaai- aIcou9isei-toJoppo3 ; , the ub.Jn&Uttrtfid ,. ,,106 USUHil U.. M5 -uwp, WFJf J" S3-. 1' IT i ftef- (The.gwd. ,rpad? GoitninJfctee-,aPP tort',i3r)ear,beforer thaeounty comrnts- tftgethera yesterday s,.-,piornujff at,;iitne 'ptel-Berkleyo cHShttite;4 Tjrtihra...-hoii(ia, Wadleyr .Raoui sa35d phtioTi-waT'adopted, -A.'tnP" A-i-iv --1-t "Besoived, That the Gooada k)iation 4f Ashevillteu Ttionbttloiierft 'tOii; oninuet itheima-t PiTA.i'imlillB 6? iodi miada'dajnra-. the comralf&qitt&Ke tf 8 K 1 j mously-. ele?ted -atn Jjphwrary , member, Mtd&rAMi ftt Weaker -wid jJudgej H. 3atrteKifgreie:lficdjadtiver.mem The mextiiSieetinKtwinj be held at ttSe BerkelcMeif ; 'Tue&fdaternooiU af ASHEV1LUE yi;iL 51itrrf JTi' ''"'lllif i'tiffrf Will; KobablyETrii' iXsmriira .ia aifo-evo 'sfUp .Sf.'.uru) Tt4 j Hwte3&&& Kavet proven fekffiu" ver- Meal acK:atQnryisfgaqf,;ne ages bf this- pla6e toriili be.trpngly ad- I'tfated. f i -idr-0i-.-j. aM irlll the excursion imrrof Wme thelnatteTl wflJ'Sfe. brought: up by Jty"bf Asheville will be In the ccjnir missionere'-room-oftiie court nouse etfcHT "day frbnr 10 ttt. -ttf 4 p. jJji lirgecL tocai araseaTiyMa. aay. as hws P . m. wlll?be deyoted to ..examination nd valuation df prdpeHyt' and during and 9 -i- . t:m o t m tl -iort,and presarviatim;tf ; ?ir ejye vrfhii I t'eiirtietf' nearer -beifng- th tia- vtural.jeycaiaeafasii, aoyihtog?; else in hai v ftf-Etossetlf ou..can rsee "-ye examina.tionx-free J J v CcXuiri'in:i)rsfner8t Genecal.Corbin. ,Eanh .dav--"th'ferewM ;ped, pf QoihmteipJrA ' lcKoy. aaiscl -B. J. rietc iiiviestiigate ith.e' miatter .bulii!fe"1aJ1rldi'bver' feae apiy naye,.? ouuns,.W" uMiW,."; rrTivmpntj4!iiav7eiheen fnade. i" Se bf mPTTmPTji rf ht niimnanv are of these'-hifuts1 thefflWl&Wlpsed.. jI T trt tfrtt.--Vet-2 t t, it1Wtr "1 .'lt1B-A tTtfteW . SPBTfiClES SLUGGERS fiN'T SLUG IMS'.- - -v fries' Camp. iJJr. today in the shnra f foiice Captain- Devery, wherein he believe, hy pub- Hoaion la.w allowlnsr IsDarrlne'' co tests, intend to indulg-e in a prize fightV says tie will be present and-see the such contests obeyed. He declares he will allow,rib, ilugins r,Ha.vyiltr ting-nDthiflg fbut cl$ijtu lawfja Bparring- for -points. The' letter 'closes1 it will be well for the public t6 un- SFTTI FRIFHT 'OF SflMOAM TANGLE -li A . : - - WBtM-aSU i e oop Natxye Factions Give IT: tlxCCommission. via Auckland.' June 6. s- oaid t transport Badger and visn$ff!tem "this day. VNeith em was recognized as V king. Ol&taafa expressed a wilUngnessto abidely'th commrssioners' decision Police Bnmh TWATtm t- v A u n u linn Ialietoa and T$massese have visaed the trfmbrsjo'feihe "Samfkif c6tf?mi ad Jalajrte ;.the" Europeans.-for thejjPye, cp the ojitskirtsof New Britain, trUple W:ri5The commfssWerj? ln - f ormeif fefisnthey hadr'- power to'estab- Jish a. government with or without a' iKi . .v i tj -.i-vll-. Kjng, . s ivmtaaiaxnougni 'ikv samoans 3 Vi ittaye asking but expressed & temmgrmed to disarm his follows s andH :leavWheriniat3te,r:;in the hands of the pyoiifmlKslufl."1 " ' ' The Germans acted -for the first time Thevaval aurthoTitles and hiissJon 4gii tpir "ihfeMMmlsferond the lAfe:b ti.matton has flxad May 27 as- the, date foT.ihxi.nniMvri- tr. fiarroudar.their armsv 3Hataaf a, however, asked for an, exten ion of time until todaywfoen he eur-l-endeirea t.800 guns on board the Badg- te. Thejkfalietoans are now disarmed. ' Ther-cruiser Philadelphia, flying the flag bt "Admiral .Katrtz, sailed May 21 andthe British and German consuls, ftiaxse and Rose, will proceed to Eu? 3 . 1 iFree-fbt-AU Baee Won by Walter 13 a Galvesiton. Juoe 6. The omcoao. rsiuims t lyesberday's municipal eleotion were 6e4ved.a;tithe dity ball today. The to 73. Jonw piurauxy pver ny, : trro-"i'" o-iv-.f v JAPAN'S DEFICIT vf oTcrt'fiftl'expefflfeeai'1 C0fflfceiflpte.ed thfeimpirei MsaMdtoye .Biegteied a Ijseace stpemjj ntXi anfiUi TVr,r: t-r-yrni u srT DSJCII - fjj ! 5 li'r3 .vr'M' T I' f -''irf -r-l,rl .iJ.T I , 2 vbirape j uice, -r : j 5 GIaret;Sh'rab; USD If- rreachinakea? dsucions BARROWS WILL BE X 1 TOtfllEPVERDDAY Kidnapperi ;tp Be Delivered to Hew - "York Officials' Havemtraw, : N. T June 6. County iff tomorrow," and that' he thinks he can safely say' the result1 will be that t!he Barrow, the kidnappers of Baby fHarke, TfffTbel txifh&gr the&ew ikaterizedjjlfk if? New YorR cny omcuus or havlttg, Nyack-offlciala committed for contempt, as nonsense.-" sel 'and Dis&riot Attornev Wvr ft wq agreed surrender the Narrows (alias Marion Clarke. .The details are to be rmianai,, TT . ifr. - i?V4fl-) selMw,helMMld?rfdMel-1 aoia the prisoner, although legsilv he had alight to hold them.. t, '. ' , Trenton, N ., the governoi; tijday received! a refus&oi from New! jy9kiforj Bella- AndeTsori the allegtxl kidnapper. The' governor said tonight that the requisition would lindoubiedlv be granted in a djC'rtwo. In thtlfl ntme he fwoias Ttohnsdl will be wed to see thMfiaerT 'allow HALF STARVED CHILD 1 r' - i.h FOUND IJp)ERBra Had Not BeenJ Kidnapped But Had w4dereAKa;o:;( d h HaStford. Cbnn.. June ,. r, Anrri 'ord, Cpnn., June - G. Annie Escholz, .the fie-year-old daughter of Herman, Eschilz.J H-vUhkjfi AyWirlo4j$'J! disapepared from Doery Mountain 6unday,uahd it was thought had "been Kidnapped, was found near a grove this afternoon.'. She was lying- face Iddlvnsfaitin someunferbrjish lh$-Wj&s half starved: She p.& lpsl heri wftjj. With' 'eWef ulv treaimehi shll wfele as well as ever m ;a f eQays . QEWEY LEAVES, H0N.G K04G infttg nara Btzmsmn ox e-Norfolk; Va., June 6. Ed ward Gould, 'iHs-T J '"ill. . lis m r Klhiey, SprSaBrlgerand" the Sec- retorv O'rthe? fnteridis and -the chieta of oiAnTOndan NPTfelk ob-1 scene pamphlets',; was tried here today and convicted. 'He was ' sentenced to e a. v in jafl., VISITOR? ON SflNISH USER r?4 rfoWpVa; Ju 6. Xisitojs wef eralldited "onlJdforihe0 fofhrerT' Spanish cruiser Reina Mercedes. Many visited her. -:. . . tJOSt'omr, june jrreanc u.- rnace, aged 84, a well known banker and for mer itnayor of.. BostJonV - died today' of MS iEBAlCTSArilESBYESTERDAYf Batteries: Dtoheny and Grady; Ctr $ieJX -ji..0'.a.i ai!J 3-loifa ,C0tSbtOair -:UU ,')J5.3 viJM?! E. 2 5axerie: . iviiien 'ajiu iarji,j.iii- nlngham and Kittridge. . rnftjifoM .ofW"'! .mJ. k ,rAtrWajhIncn-, r , t. fBalterier.,??ineeri ana, mcvuire, Griffith and . Cihance. , ,, . . , , ; - r.hJe. At Baltimore K.niii. MtiB'. . :'.T.P . . I .'.s r 6 H sas 'iWtewirg ' f...... ' 3' 9 0 s- aesV"Nop's5anaVil riehWahd gchriyer. " " rfi i 1M t'i-,',-fi. n .j tit--, At BrKldyn ' 5UiX- 'R.-.H, Rrnnlflvn'.. i.-.;.. ... ...... ... w ' A'iladphlat- -R--H. EX t WtaBhlngtn, fnir feTANXJlNGl OFj THE jGL'rJBS.,.-:'''j Chic!agOr-w ...- .v--.-. -. , 26 18 ,S9n Phllad? Baltimore Cinctaiiail f.. nw vrk r:; ? .t Mia 1 24 .4S3 PJttebur& .Vrt6 l,.4f U.it- apyjimeu a cvnierenee wita uie sner-l PlpiiMAatniij tey 'leftlhfere. et 4 jthis afteraiioon. i Tiers win Hi. V9 if i 4 - f tHncmnari;.r.!:7?.XV??.V: . .fif ' 2 w Bat4rTef mJameV, Kennedy afia FtrrBli -fttnftprnd Pelt..TjoM - . a - , . . . . fiCrrn-nfl a.t tenets. ,. iunwuup v , Ibuures all hadac&es, jEJaldwLn' iFirmiHiiB - ROBB Lll Union Pacific- )yna-. pmttersf Surrouriped ' a -Posse'j .H SBeiifi felled in Secotdat- : tie With ttjelj ,.;; Bandits. V- . auuoersimven FromTlieir stronghold ' and , uut9 oecureaif Reinforcements Sent for Bnt jaielBaii- fUtsEgcape Some Xal1of Us K.Z fow. I I" - Cheyenne, Wyo., June 6.- second hattle fvith the dynamiters of ilMWllnion igp express .tfaln wa fcmghkT-iii the riuuntains near. 'Camper1 by ashejiff's pose which has: been 'in pursuit Mince Sunday. The first battle wasmtiTea pot oreek, th second battle wa f wight today ten miles further on. Thegfob brsjb$ing closely pressed .miajfe ft de-" (termined etand behind some rtfc'kalin a ravine. When tt'he poese appegjfej the rbh?rsj fii&a a't close irange. j$ KerifC Hazen, of Douglas, fell, shot Jjlhpugh the Btomach.p and' died shortly ittr. Aftei 'Haaed3 as":rem6ved eight was renewed, .the robbers driven f from their stronghold and itheir ho1?seJ se edi.,: hbiadltreitfed -tjjj 4at" urjl' fort, twov mUej a.way, whpehey are now nir&iriaed by 'the poie.Re inforceroentsi'aie 'Dee sent te osse .Aixdtha rtart u r4." At Jtfa ibbersj lscer- tain. There is some talk, of iymg. dit's. curier che4Caspertiton3ght ,"tl .frcHpnl the sceni; ttie pffct atJdlaya , tT or the posse In the darkness. ? neiays -- the second fight took -' place fMoiiday, - - Z-J- s 5 THE NEW MORRISTOVII Hakei Direct Connecti ;ni WitHTiini at Each Terminus. ; The Siew ichedule Jf the malnMine of thefsrSod&er! was "feificiajiy Han- he- sfttwn. making direot connections m-H 1 "all trains at-each terminus, and teHoijjing lMy of. ttniie for connections a I all iniermediafe oints. No 33 iirilves from Spartanburg alt 8:45 a.; M. jp-nd takes, breakfast here, leaving own No.v 14, for Spartanburgr leaves Ashe TtHia a -7iiisxuAjai-ti3A4i fif BiltmOre at 11 1 nouncejlEyeslerd. M U ti' -The nevf ' tramS,"' 33 5ai tween Spartanburg and Morn 0 JL.-IP- mis tram lays over;, nere - ; -, 7-1 a n. hjine'e of. fifteen minutes ear- ' ' Qng-SOMv:ill0 it tH&&tfeins on the same time. . the same. CAUTION": nAgiW'Cicikl'at2ra4 tPattoniSnue raHU icdvo vaii (mntnifiv. . Phfnt 4(1. ASOTvTO JfBJ& COAL CO. ; ;ri If. your pTescTiptioas are puitl -up at.:;V Pelham's pharmacy, 34 PattonJavenue, . v jfeiDam s pnarmacy, a rawnmn ywjnwi, .wtoat e your j PTcr cls tf or, amd at cut rate prtcee. CV. n rM r - ;P??cripuoTv 200 " 60cts PER of extra heayy Bterl Ku r'T Iink Cull" Buttons wUch Lire jEtre fTettifsf for 5 CO ents PaiWortfcaOc r Scents and $1.00 per pair. - -xJciwt .jfT JIyjv JilV ; -- r: -."' t SI" 7- - 'V .'.'S. --. V -:'r 4 . 1 - ft" 1 Vrt, - - JVC .--"lav . ',.-. - . 7, tlHair'a qfnitarefiiioretr tt igtrr-pjULrmMey.