THE JOLLY BEST MAN. HE TELLS WHAT HEAPS OF FUN HE HAS HAD AT WEDDINGS. Mia KTnprlfnpp.. He Relate Them, Also Explain Why He R uiaini, as He Say He Always WU1 Remain, a Free and Eaiiy Bachelor. "This," said the bachelor, "has been mv busv week. I'm it for two weddings, and I've beelf attending to my duties as best man. The weddings aren t due ror several days, but the arduous duties of my role began teti days ago. I'll never get married. N, sirree! If there wasn't any other reason, why, I'd ney el have the cruelty to ask a friend of mine to go through the troubles of a best man. I've been through them too often myself. In the first place, they" "Who?" "Oh, the individuals commonly refer red to as 'the happy man.' Happy! You never saw such a good imitation of blue funk as a bridegroom to be can give during His last week of bachelorhood. His mental and moral teeth are all of a chatter, and he clinss to his best man like a prisoner to his last hope. I've jollied a dozen of them through that in teresting period, and I've seen good, .sensible, hard headed fellows go clean daft before they got through. "I'll never forget one chap. The wed ding was to be at 12 o'clock, and of course we were out in the vestry a quar ter of an hour ahead of time, so as to be sure to be ready. That is one ad vantage the man has. He can drive there with a leisurely margin to spare, but the bride has to time her trip so as to get to the front door as nearly as pos sible on the stroke of the hom Of course she doesn't want to wait around the vestibule, so she is generally at least a few minutes late, r, "Hut, 1.1 Css you, the bridegroom nevei' thinks of that. He just walks holes in the vestry carpet, eats the ends off his glove fingers and bullyrags the longsuffer ing best man. This particular chap began to fume about five minutes before 12 o'clock. At three" minutes to 12 he was white with terror. When his watch show ed the very hour, he began saying things. " 'She ain't coming!' he snapped out. 'I won't wait. 'Go 'way with'you!' I said. 'Did you think she was so anxious to have you that she'd come down here at daybreak to be sure to be on time?' " 'But it's past the time now,' he pro tested, showing me his watch, which indi cated 30 seconds after 12. I learned later to get hold of the. happy man's watch be- foie we went to the church and turn it back from 5 to 20 minutes, according to his condition. This time, unhappily, I hadn't done so, and the poor fellow sim ply got more frightened with every tick of his watch. At two minutes after 12 be made a dive for the door. " 'I won't wait,' he said when I caught him by the arm. 'J tell you I won't wait to be made a laughing stock of. Those people .in there,' jerking his thumb to ward the church, 'are talking about it now. I can hear them. They know she won't come. I tell you I won't s'ay.' " 'But I tell you she'll be here in a few minutes,' I protested. 'She's only a little late.' " 'Well, then, if she's late she isn't worth waiting for anyway. I she' "He was just a blethering idiot by that time, you know, and simply restrained him by force for a few minutes until we were notified that the young lady had ar rived. Then I wiped the cold perspira tion from his forehead and from mine, addressed him in a few bracing phrases which shriveled the paper on the vestry walls, took him by his arm limp it wqs as a rag and steered him into the church. "Why, you've no idea of the number of nn?s a Drosnective bridegroom runs against the week before he is married. I'll never foiget the first time one of them came to me to. be rescued from the hat problem. He had that look of utter despair I've so often seen on their faces, poor things! He looked as if he was say-' ing: " 'I've put up with everything, and I've been as meek as a Christian martyr, but the worm has turned.' "What he did say was, 'How do I get my hat?' " 'Hat?' I said. " 'That's what I said,' he declared. 'How do I get my hat? Tell me that, will you ?' " 'Beg or borrow it, my dear fellow,' I said, recovering myself and trying to be facetious. 'That is the favorite method of obtaining it. I don't advise you to steal one unless you want to do a comia opera act and pass your wedding eve in the county jail.' " 'Don't get gay, he said briefly, 'but tell me how I am to get my hat after the ceremony is over. I've had a sleepless night over that thing. I go into the church by the back door, don't I? And I go out by the front door. Now, how do I get my hat when I go out?' he persisted, his voice getting higher. 'I can't take it to the altar with me, and I can't ask to be excused after the ceremony so that I can run back to the vestry and get it. What am I going to do, I want to know T "Well now, you know, most people don't think of those little things until they run right up against them, but I tell you when a bridegroom to be meets a problem, even if it's one that wouldn't feaze an infant, he just topples back on to his best man and howls for help. I've got two of them on my hands now, and the two of them together won't be as happy as I shall be when their carriage doors have both banged .shut and they are off on their honeymoons. I don't know what excuse other people have for that tired feeling, but the best man at a "u,us uccua uy uuier excuse. Seattle Post-Intelligencer. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children, The Kind3 You Haw Always Btraght Bears' the. " ':i " Signature of CyffS The Ruff. The lifetime of a rug depends not a li. e nrxn wither it is hSg over ale and beaten to remove the dust or laid on : . flat surface and beaten and swept The ;;J 't' .v'v u niuuimg.u buxcuuuu more shipping lit the dust than it is by a " ' " v Bdneaie Tour- Bowsls TTith. Casearets. - 'Candy Cathartic, care constipation forever. - tdc,o. If C. C O. fail, druggists refund money. ,Tb er i nothing which drains energy, ambition .and e n d o r a nee like Malarial Fever and Ague. H o stetter?s Stomach Bit ters will send them away, and keep them away. It has never failed to cure the worst Sitter cases, l ma is a fact not an experiment. Try it. A Public Church. Probably the only public church In th world is at Cynthiana, in Posey county, Ind. It does not belong to any certain denomination, but is, open to all creeds who desire to hold Services there. The church was built by the Wilkinson fam ily, one of the pioneer families of that county. The church stands about a mile soutn of Cvnthiana. It is a neat little building and will accommodate about 1,000 peo ple. The church is looked after by a board of trustees. iNear the cnurcn is a cemetery, where all the Wilkinsons are buried in a row. The burial ground is nublic. and the farmers living in the neighborhood see to it that the place is not neglected. Every spring the farmers lay aside their work for a day and put the old burial ground in good shape. Pittsburg Dispatch. Mother and Babe i pains, anguish and dread that a woman enduresjbefore and during . : : childbirth. And still nearly all this suf fering is unnecessary The faithful use of J MOTHER'S FRIEND 1 will in great measure overcome every : ; distressing symptom, and labor itself will not be a very serious ordeal. Remember ; that MOTHER'S FRIEND is an ex- : ; ternal liniment that softens and relaxes l the muscles, and is not a dangerous compound of opiates to swallow. Ask I I your druggist for it or send price ($1) to 1 j THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga, j 2 oenn lor our iree uiusiiuicu f book, "Before Baby is Born." 444 444 Heart Failure. Hyson How did the Blank murder case come out? Foochow Oh, the woman was cleared of the charge! Hyson But how could that be? She shot the man deliberately, and he died instantly, as at least half a dozen per sons testified. Foochow I know, but the defense had a medical expert. He made a post mor tem examination of the man whom the woman shot, and he declared that it was a case of heart failufe. Boston Tran script.. GLORIOUS NEWS. Cornea from Dr. L. B. Carglle, of Washita, I. T. He writes: ,rFVur bottles of Electric Bitters ha cured Mrs. Brew er of scrofula, which hall caused her srreait suffering for years. Terrible sore would, break out on, her head and face, and the beat doctors could give no help: but her cure is complete and her health Ls excellent." This shows that thousands have proved, that Electric Bibbers i the best blood purifier known. It's th supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, Bait rheum, ulcers, bolLi and running sores It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digetion, fbulds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by T. C. Smith. W. C. t3axmichael and Pel nam, drug-grist. Guaranteed . NOTICE. By virtue of the power of sale contain ed in a certain, deed in trust made bv M. Li. Taylor to the undersigned trus flee, dated July 24, 1897, and registered In ithe office of the register of deeds for county, staite of North Carb lina, lim book 43 of mortgages and deads of trust, a;t page 261 et seq., to Which Tef erence is hereby made, and by reason. of default having been made in the pay ment of the Indebtedness secured bv said deed in trust, whereby the cower of sale therein contained has become op erative, I will on Tuesday, the 11th day of July, 1899, at the court house door in the city of AsheviiHe.N. C, between the hours of 12 m. and 1 p. m.f sell at public auction, to the highest bidder if or cash. the following described lots, lying and being in the city of AshevHe, county of Buncombe, and state of North Carolina, on both sides of Cumberland avenue and more particularly described a3 fol low: . V Lot No. 8 of block No. 8,, begtinmiing at a stake at the junction of the wes margin of Iola circle, with the east margin of Cumberland avenue, - and, runs thence witfh the east margin of Cumberland avenue, month 190 4-10 fee to a stake, the southwest corner of lot No. 9 of block No. 8. thence east 136 5-10 feet wHth ithe soubh line of lot No. 9 Co a stake to the west line of -loft No. 7 of block No. 8, thence south 52 7-10 feet with the west line of lot No. 7. ito stake In the west margin of Iola circle, thence souih with the west margin of xoia circle 180 feet to the beginning. Lot No. 22, block No. 9. bee-inn'lticr a t a stake in the west rruargan of Cumber- la Tl d flVAnna larrup on 1 -i V. .1 . lev from 2?,JZZIz l..L?1 land avT5a SS? tSenTS ! sara west margin of said Cumberland avenue, south 101 4-10 feet to a stake, the mortheiaat) corner of lot No. 9A h-lock; No 9, thence west .-with, the north uane or lot. JNo. 24, 294 30-100 feet to a stake, thence morth 92. feet .to a; stake in south margin of 'said alley, thewre enit with the south miargiin1 of aM ai'iv 251 7-10 feert. to the beginning. Lot No. 24, block No. 9. hAert nflJnir at f stake on the west margin of Cumber land avenue, tlhe southeast corner of lot JNo. ii, aaid trummSmB tlheiiifi ittr v, rwet margin of CumberlamrJ 73 15-100 feet to Its Junction with ithe wear mntixrtir,, r o . l" Vi b jr S3,uw BVtK, xneuce south wsth the west maretin ,, I t116 a sbake- northeast cot- n j - .. Buret 31 thence Zt H' -Ll?llock No 9 -STS, sSwTSwfST toSStS? north 92 feS J?e Sf2 e!l .ce corner of lot No. 22, thence eJa?wiSth; I V. V iwjvo. Z. 294 S-10 f-tA j further reference see Map "Sub- i uavisaon or poxprtvof drrti L.11 register c deefl n t3rir.r:" Minster Paiges 60 and 6L W ln 89 This the 7th day of June, 1899. J. E. DICKERSON, . " Trustee, r " k s iii ii iiiii ii The Wonderful- Doctor Sloeum System of Treatment is Demonstrating Every Day to the Entire Civil ized World; that Consumption is Curable. f miOUSANOS HAVE BEiM GUftlEI. By Special and Particular Arrangement, Four Free Prep arations, Embracing the Complete Slocum . System, May be Obtained by Every Reader of This Paper. $nNL fill llMnT?MmMiiwiiiMit HlffUll j 'M.M,, .. . in.. . fed tk? Slocum Svsrem , I 1 " Consumption is curable. The discovery has been made, perfected. triumphantly tested and given to the world by the eminent American medical expert specialist Dr. T. A. Slocum. The Slocum System is a thorough, com plete and comprehensive System of Treat- . A. T .? TH 1 ' 1 A T - in en I consisting oi rour aisunct prepara tions. Combined, they represent the actual annihilator of Consumption, coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, weakened and run-down systems, anemic conditions, laryn gitis, grippe and its serious after-effects. First The Slocum System kills and drives out of the human system every death-dealing germ, thereby rendering t susceptible to re sponsive treatment. cond Tt introduces a buildine-uo. fat tening, strength-restoring food. Which re stores the disease-wastes tissues and brings the throat andmngs into active, neaitby use M.n Austrian Dogterry. The Vienna men of lavr have recently distinguished themselves in a unique man ner. A Wachau peasant had been caught in the criminal act of throwing stones at rabbits. " He had not hit them, and the rabbits had decamped without so much as suspecting the attack, but the peasant was hauled before the high courts of jus tice. His defense was that the rabbits had been close to his garden and that he had only tried to frighten the greedy rodents off his cabbages. All the same, he was condemned to three days' imprisonment. The peasant appealed against the sentence, but in vain. If a rabbit had been kUled, said the authorities, the peasant would certainly have stolen it, and stealing a rab bit was an unlawful action. And thus the man from Wachau went to prison for three days, and the wise judges of Vienna have bounded into fame for their new method of applying the "if" and "and" theory. Westminster Gazette. BLOOD CURE SENT FREE. By adidreeslsng Blood Balm Co., At lanta, Ga.,' and send two stamp any of our readers may obtain a anpl6 bottle of their famous B. B. B. Bo tamdc Blood "Balm, the greatest, grand est, best and strongest Blood Remedy made. Cures when afll else falls, pim ples, ulgers, scrofula, eczema, boils, blood poison, eating sores, distressing skm eruptions, cancer, catarrh, rheu matism. Free medical advice included, when description of your trouble Is given. ThSm generous offer is worth while acceptdogr. Sample bottle went all charges prepaid. Large bottles, (con taining nearly' a quart of medicine) for sale by all druggists at $1 per bottle. B. B. B. lr away ahead of an other Blow Remeuje for curing Spring Blood Humors. Try B B. B. thi spring. B. B. B. for sale In Asheville by Pelham's Pharmacy. Comparative Snccw. "Yes," said the man who was showing, Lim around, "that's . Professor Allover, the eminent writer on scientific subjects. He is a perfect walking cyclopedia, and there's hardly a branch of knowledge h hasn't studied profoundly, but he has no head for business nffairs. In fact, he has to wiite for the scientihc publications in order to make a living." "What a failure he's made of life, hasn't he?" exclaimed Mr. Gaswell, lean ing comfortably back in the -carriage. Chicago Trihnne. SENDHJS ONE DOLLAR ."4 new IS9 pattnt hlgbfcrade RKSfHTOta COAlt.AKO WOOD COOK store, b trelKht C.O.DnuMecKto examination. ExaininiB it at jrour freight depot and If found perfect ly satisfactory ud tlie greatest lu HAK. ur yo n' ever saw or heard then KU. iiUT , ACF.XT our 3rtt'Ul PK14 K, SI3.00 less the'tl.M 3r v with or - STOV and freight chrges. ' This stows is slxe No. S, oven Iff IC ..xi8xii top i ix23; made Irom best pig iron, extr tides, neavy cpvers, heavy linings and grates, larxe oven shelt, heavy tin-lined oven door, hiuxtamw! asckal-plated ornamentations and trimmings mitrm. . - utcp, boiiuiuu iwra rawwr. hand itrna large ornamented base. Bert seal bonier mmi and we furnloh FRKX an extra woad grate, making It a'nork f'-ct weo banmr. WK I88LB A BlHDINfi 6C1B1SIU rtth iL-verv 8to and: guarantee sate delivery to your rail rotul r tatio u. Tour local dealer would charge you I2S.00 for such a stove, the freight la only about n 00 fn . rh 50tf miles, so we save yea at least SIO. Ott. Addrma " SEARS, ROEBUCK &CO.(IMG.)CHlCAQlilL Seso, Boebaek Ca are ttonaghly 'UMt. Mltsc.jC om. rt tv tu t uit. our ktii c d c c nrn uyyw Third Tt stops at once all catarrhal &ni mucous discharges and kills the cough. Fourth It provides a true tonic influence, which invigorates and stimulates, vitalize! all weak spots and brings the entire systen back to a healthy normal condition. Best of all, this glorious discovery is ycun for the asking. By a' special arrangement made with the Doctor, readers oi this papei may obtain the Four Preparations making uj the complete Slocum System, as illustrate above, by sending their complete names postoffice and express addresses to th Slocum Laboratories, 96 and 98 Pine Street New York, being sure to mention this paper Editorial Advice. Write to the Doctor to day, ask his advice, and he will give you thl benefit of his years of experience. Don't de lay, but aend your full name, postofBce an4 express address to Dr. T. A. Slocum, 98 Pirn Street, New York, N. Y., and be sure to saj that you read this generous offerin this paper Slse of CWjit Balls. Tho Marquis of Lorne told a good golf ing story at the dinner of the Wembley club. The queen, he said, once induced Count Schouvaloff, the Russian embassa dor, to try a game of golf at Balmoral. The Russian did try, but after innumer able misses he turned round to one of the bystanders and said: "Ach, monsieur, it would be a very nice game if the ball was ten times larger. Now let us go home. " But what he said in Russian to himself is not recorded. London Globe. The Genius and the Mole. The fact that you can make a mule work in harness constitutes one of the chief differences between a mule and a genius. Chicago Times-Herald. ECZEMA CURED BY B. B. B. SAM PLE BOTTLE FREE. Have you itching, bumisng, scaly, crusted or pimply skin, blaster contain ing pus or watery fluid, skin red, and an itching heat, with oi- without sores, on legs, arms, hands, neck or face? Then take B. B. B. which wffll cure, leaving the flesh free from blemishes, sores, eczema or itchmg of amy Kaoa. Any form of eczema is due to dis eased blood. Get the diseased blood out with B. B. B., and you are cured, B. B. B. is perfectly safe Do take by old or young, and acts as & ftne tonic, and cures when salves, washes and other remedies fail. Children are very fre quently afflicted with eczema. Sores discharge and a yellow crust forms upon the skim. Give the child mild doses of B. B. B., and the sores will soon heal. B. B. B. for sale by druggists at H per large bottle, inclose two stamps. alddiress Blood Balm Co., Atmanta, Ga., smd sample bottle of B. B. B. will be sent by return mall. B. B. B. for sale in Asheville by Pelham's Pharmacy. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of ithe power of sale con tained in a certain deed in trust execu ted to the undersigned trustee by J. W. XuykendialL dat4 ihe 28th dav of Miay, 1892, and recorded an the office ot the register of deeds for Buncombe county, North Carolina, in book of deeds in trust No. 30 at par 61, to se cure the Indebtedness therein describ ed, and having been requested by the le gal owner of the motes representing eaid Indebtedness to foreclose staid deed in trust, by reason of default in payment thereof, I will on Monday, the 19th day of June, 1899, at the court house .door in the city of Asheville, North Carolina, sem at public auction to the highest bid der for cash the property dJeoribed and conveyed in said deed in trut and boun ded as follows, towiit: "A certain tract of land lying and beimir in Buncombe county aforesaid and more particularly aeBoraoea am oennea a touo"wn: liegln ntog at the Jntersection of Silver and Blanton streets md runs south ward with the eastern margin of Blanton street 75 feet to a stake Iti Blanton ittreet. the northwest corner of Jot No. 25 on plat Known as sneiDy park; tarenoe rune-east wani wucn nrxn' line or sa;a lot or northeast line '60 feet to a stoke in said line; thence raotrtttiwaxd with line paral lei with eastern margiirr of Blanton street 75 feet to a stake in sou thern mar gin of Silver atreetr-thenrts MnutTiwuirri with southern margin of Silver streot 50 feet to the beginning; being the ldf this day. conveyed by J.-M. nrt ;wnre to j w . JiuykendMl. unas tne lTfih day of May, lg99." P. D..REVEIIi. V, a " Trustee. wiUJcJtJ, '.tt ys. When you go to Arkansas or Texas you can travel in comfort if 0trUTS?vTT sk the ticket aem for a ticket va the COTTON BfcLI KUU 1 b and you can ride in a reclining chair car, without extra cost, and thus avoid the discomforts you would encounter in an ordinary car. The chairs are arranged so you can have a comfort able seat during the day and a good place to sleep at night Each car is supplied with a ladies' dressing room and a gentlemen's, smoker. You will not have to bother about changing cars, for these cars run through from Memphis and Cairo to Texas without chance Direct connections are made at Cotton Belt junctions with trains for all parts of Texas, Indian Territory, Oklahoma and the far West. If you are thinking: of taking a trip, write and tell us where you are going and when you will leave, and we will tell you how much your ticket will cost, what train to take so as to make the best time and connections, and anything else we can that will help make 5r??V-? AaaCmf?,?tvble ,e- n interesting little booklet, "A TRIP TO TEXAS," will be mailed free to any address. H. H. SUTTON, Traveling Passenger Agent, Read House Bit., CHATTANOOGA, TENN. 6 trains every week-day 4 trains on Sunday to INDIANAPOLIS! Vestibuled trains, Standard and Compartment Sleeping Cars, Parlor Cars,-and Caf6 Dining Cars. "QUEEN OF SEA ROUTES' TO Providence Boston, AND New England Resorts ts Via the Mtrcliants' and Miners' Trans Co. StcamsMp Lines, FROM Norfolk, Va Steamers leave for Boston every Mon day, Wednesday and FVlday at 6 p. m. Leaves for Providence every) Tuesday Thursday and Saturday at 6 p. m. STEAMERS NEW, FAST AND EKB GANT. AccommodatSons and Cuisine TJnsur passed. Send for illustrated folder. R. H. WRIGHT, agt. Norfolk, Va. T. C. WHITNEY, Traffic Manager. W. P. TURNER, Gen. Pass. Agent. General Offices, Baltimore. Md. . . ..THE . . Most DeligMM Route T) NEW YORK NORTHERN and EASTERN SUMMER RESORTS IS VIA THE dDErffi) 1H)MI1OT(DN 1LIMIE 4.ND BAIL CONNECTIONS' ALWAYS COOL Oil THE OCEAII Fine ocean eteamshaps leave Norfolk. Viirg-irwa, daily except Sunday and Friday at 6.30 p. m., for New York di rect, affording opportunity for through passengers for the South. Southwest. and West to visit Richmond, Old Point Comfort, and Virginia Beach en route.' For tickets and general information apply to railroad, ticket "agents, or to M. B. CROWELL, agent. Norfolk. Va: J. F. MAYER, agent, 1212 Main etreet, Richmond, Va. W. L. GUILLAUDEtJ, Vice-Pres. and . ATaf. Mr .New York, N. Y. iqi ; vweftAMofia istfla IHwMd Brui. cwUYnOYAL PILLS Orifl aal ul 0ly Oonatne. -safe, always reliable, ladics & OragcUt tot OUehtMttr t EnalUX Dia mond Brand la lied and Cold metalUa' IboxM, leaiad wtth bin ribbon. . Take tion and imitation. Atlm.vila . .j,"PfJ'r Parttoulart,, tcatinoatal aa Boll oy aU Local Draggla. : ' . PKlLAllZ. P3. 5- rjf E. W. LaBEAUME, Gen'l Pass'r and Tkt. Agent, (43) ST. I.OUIS, MO, Four Fast Trains TO ... Toledo, Detroit AND MICHIGAN AND CANADA POINTS I 4 trains every week-day, 3 trains on Sunday. Pullman and Wagner Sleepers on night tiains. Vestibuled Parlor Cars on day trains. 4 trains every week-day 3 trains on Sunday to GHICA60 Atlanta aid New Orleans Snort Line. Atlanta & West Point Railroad Company AND The Wcstera Rw'y oi Ala. THE SHORT LINE BET WEEK ATLANTA AND NEW ORLEANS, Operate magnificent vestibuled trains between Atlanta and Montgomery, Mo bile and New Orleans, at which la tter point close and direct connections are made for A'lTens, Mexico Ani Cali fornia Poits, In Addition to this Excel1 ent Through Train and C&r Servise These railroads offer most favorable ac commodationa and inducements to their patrons and residents along their ' line. Any one contemplating a change of home can find no location more wt: tractive nor more con duel re to pros' perlty than is to be found on the lin. of .these roads. "THE HEART OF THB SOUTH."' A beautiful illustrated book giving de tailed intformaton as to the industries and attractions along these lines, ca be had upon application to the under signed, who will take pleasure In giv ing all desired Information. B. F. WYLY, Jr., Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent- Atlanta, Ga. R. B. LUTZ, r Traffic Mgr. Montgomery, Ala. GEORGE C. SMITH. Pres. and Genu Manager, Atlanta, Ga. Finest Passenger Service TEXAS "No trouble to answer Question,""" uirect lias t TEXAS, MEXICO. ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA. Write for new book on Texas; free. b Sr JSSE V p- Genl Mer. HVT. TURNER, Genl Pass, aad Tldtefr Agent. Dallas, Texas. WEPAYG2C0 easa for a tingle sua Vkm cot! We pay is to$xomA for manypomafire itonmawd between lM7 ik1 ism JLoek np yonr old lettera-aad ot your Belgacom; fina Btaai worth pi dollars. 8endt4n TKEE illnatrAtw1 JfoiJr S C I NCI N NAT I S STANDARD BTAMP CO gfc 1 1 air 1. " i, z. - 1- TT

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