THE, ASHEVILLE GAZETTE JU1NE 16. 1899. I. i -4T Complexion and Hair Specialists. The brilliant complexions of women in h York society are not explained by the theory that associates beauty and idle, mess. In fact, many leaders of the world o fashion are hard workers: Yet ftey,Sre Sif o'cUS!?? r8 eTen when they are old- How do they manage HtV THE MISSES BELL, of 78 Fifth Avenue, New York, themselves con nected with some of the most noted and honored families in the metropolis, have answered the question. They hav prepared for the use of women in .general, five preparations for improving the complexion and taofaair. - s presence : detected The Misses BELL'S wnnMrr9 rvn vfasm ' la an external application, the of which on the face cannot be It is perfectly harmless even to the most delicate skin. It is a sure and quick cure fou all roughness and eruptions. It acts-cki the skin as a tonic, producing anatttfrJUly pure complexion, (.'osmetics merely hide blemishes. The Touicgett; rid of them. It removes pimples, freckles, black heads, moth patches, liver fpois, co.cina, redness, oiliness and !.!! discolorations and i mperfections of the Bkin. Price, a bottle. CITY MARKET. Latest ,$1 The Misses BELL'S GOMPIEXIGN SOAP is made from the pure oil of lambs' wool. 1 1 is healiag and gratifying to the skin, keeping it at all times in a cleam and healthy state. This 8oat is daintilv scented, and is a most welcome aid to the toilet of fastidious women. Theut most care is taken in selecting materials and scrupulous cleanliness in the labor atory insures the purity of the product. Price, 23 cents per cake," large four-ounce size. The Misses BELL'S HAIR TONiG cures dandruff and prevents any return or it; stops mat mauaenmg ite itching of the scalp and makes the hair strong, soft and lustrous. It is especially help ful to persons vhose hair is thin, dry and liable to fall out. The tonic cleanses the skin about the roots of the hair ; will soon cover bald spots with a handsome growth. Price, 91 a bottle. The Misses BELL'S GAPiLLA-RENO VA (for restoring prematurely gray locks to i their original color. It is not a dve nor a stain. It Is a color less liquid that is applied to the roots of line nair ana leaves no teuiaie signs on ithe scalp or fcrehead. Neither does it change the color of the (hair all at once. Only dyes do that, j and they wash off. But' Capilla-Renova i will not wash off. Price, 81.50 per bottle The Misses BELL'S SftiM FOOD la a soft, CTeamy, exquisitely perfumed ointment, which helps the action of the Tonic; j and, in mild cases of roughness, redness, pimples', etc., is a cure in itself It clears the pores of the skin of all impurities and feeds it by building up the texture and making the flesh beneath it solid and firm. Price, 75 cents per jar. A trial size Bate pie of any one of above preparations at our narlors in New York City; or by mail to any acidressin plain wrapper upon re ceipt of 25 cents in stamps or silver to cover actual cost of postage and packing. Trial size samples can be Fccured from our New York office only. Our agents will cot supply them. Correspondence cordially solicited. Address f bnnij-ir our nmo ttoon; brcrrt or Hi-jniUj . ' ee Co tiny address. The Misses Bell's Complexion Tonic, Complexion Soap, Skin Foii, and depilo are for sale In this city by W. C. Carmichael. Augusta Srewittg Go's Ai. r"$ r ra !K, 4 THE FAVORITE BEER OF ASHEViLE Ordern wUl be (Hi n fr'-v Rut tie Prr if Ht at or phoae-i to Haly barton & Co,, Frank O'Donaell, C. B. Mrlntyr1, Pa wmnnnoa Hotel Co., and Pat. Mclntvre Aet. Augusta Brevins: Co, I am a farmer located near Stony Brook, one of the most malarious districts in this State, and was bothered with malaria for years, at times so I could not work, and was always very constipated as well. For years I had malaria so bad in the spring, when engaged in plowing, that I could do nothing but shake. I must have taken about a barrel of quinine pills besides dozens of other remedies, but never obtained ny permanent benefit Last fall, in peach time, I had a most serious j attack of chills and then commenced to take Ripans Tabules, upon a menu s au vice, aim mc msi uua maue me an ngni ana i nave never been without them since. I take one Tabule each moaning and night and sometimes when I feel more than usually exhausted 1 take three in a day. They have kept my stomach sweet, my bowels regular and 1 have not had the least touch of malaria nor splitting headache since I commenced using them, i know alscrthat I sleep better and wake up more refreshed than formerly. I don't 'know how many complaints Ripans Tabules will help, but I do know they will cure any one in the condition I was and I would not be without them at any price. 1 honestly consider them the cheapest-priced medicine in the world, as they are also the most beneficial and the most convenient to take. I am twenty-seven years of age and have worked hard all my life, the same as most farmers, both early and late and in all kinds of weather, and I have never enjoyed such good health as I have since last fall; in fact my neighbors have all remarked my improved condition and have said, " Say, John, what are you doing to look so healthy ? " WANTED. A case of bad health that RTPAN-8 will not benefit. They banish pain and prolong life. One gives relief. Note the word RTPANS on the package and accept no subetltnte. RTP-A-lfflb 10 for 8 ceQts or twelve packets for 48 cents, may be had at any drag store. Ten samples and one tboo- teramoniais wui oe maiiea to any aaaress ior o cents, lerwaraea to no tuptuu unomicsi Go., & 19 Sprue St.. New York. SEND ONE DOLLAR CUT THIS AD W OCT and send to as, and If too lire within 700 nilea of Chicago, we will send yon this TOP BUGGY BT rBSieUT C O. D. SUBJECT TO KXAMIHaTION, yon can examine it at your freight depot and if foand PERFECTLY SATISFACTORY, EXACTLY AS REPRESENTED, EQUAL TO BUA6IE8 THAT BITAILAT$60.00to (76.00 and THE GRANDEST BAROAIN YOU EVER SAW, pay the freight agent OUR SPECIAL. PRICE S3o.9Q, and freight charges, less theW.Q0 sent with order. IVP MAKE THIS TtlP RilftftY tN OCR OWH FACTORY TS CHICAGO, WE MARC I m I Ur DUUU 1, wetter material than most makers put In 75.00 buggies. Latest Style For 1899. Body, seasonea w ooa. wear, cess xuat money jan as illustrated, or Brewster Side Bar. Wheels, 4x64 from the Best Seasoned Wood. Build. End MnrlnM. High Orado Screwed Rim Sarven's Patent. Top, 24 ounce, Daily " Kubber Heavily lined, full side and back curtains. Painting, Guaran teed eqnal to any (150.00 buggy work, Body DiacK. uear ttarJc green or Kea. UpholeterIn. heavy green Freneh DOdr eiotn or Nan's S38.0O IS OUR SPECIAL PRICE for top buggy complete. apron, carpet, w reach, aau-ratuer ana an art, y p, WBITB FOB FKEK BUGGY CATALOGUB. i - . I1-AV1I L?liB ! PMt length and back enrtaiaa. atorni YOU CAN MAKE CB00 00 Thla T b.iii.. atth m-a re m nYT Address, SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), CHICAGO ILL. Market Prices Consumers. MEATS. Natives Beef, first cut, rib, 15 to 18. Steak, sirloin, 15 to 18. Steak tenderloin, IS to 18 Round, 10 to 12 1 2. Beet, Western, rib roast, TT5 to Beef Western, sirloin, IS to 20. Tenderloin, 20. Sweetbreads, 25c pair. Lamb whole', 12 1 2. Leg of amb, 15t Lajnb chops. 20. Veal whole, 8. Legr. veal, 12 1-2 to 15. Veal chops, 12 1-2 to 15. Wiener sausage, 10. All pork aua&ge, 12 1 2. Mixed sausage, 10. Bologna sausage, 10. Hamburg steak, 10 to 12 1-2. Pork loins, 12 1 2. Pork nams, 10. Pork steak, 12 1 2. Chops, 12 1 2. Chickens, 12 1-2 to 15c pound. Turkeys, 15 to 18c pound. Geese, 15c pound. Schuabs, 45c pound. Ducks, 30 to 40c each. FISH. Shad, roes, 50 and 75 each. Shad, bucks, SO and 50 each. Black bass, 15c. Channel bass, 8 and 10c. Sun perch, 12 1 2. Spelckled trout, 10 and 12 1 1 Pikes, 10 and 12 1 2c i Halibut, 25. Breem, 12 1 2c. Cat fish, 8 and 10c. Red sinlapper, 12 1 2c. Sheep head, 8 and 10c. Porgies, 8 and lfte. Fresh herring, 10c. Mullets, 8 and 10c. Buncle fish, 12 1 2 to 30c bunch. OYSTERS. Extra select, 50. Select, 40. DAIRY PRODUCT!. 4 ; Butter (orearn'ry5, 25. Butter (country), 121-2 to 20. Eggs (market quiet) 12 1 2c retail. . VEGETABLES. Cabbage, 5c. one pound. Onion's, 10c. quart. Carrots, 10c bunch. Beets, 10c bunch. Parsley 5c bumch. Lettuce, 5c bunch. Celery, 5c. stalk. Rhubarb, 5c. bunch. Irish potatoes, 35c. peck. New potatoes, 65c. peck. Sweet potatoes, 25c peck. Turnips, 35c. peck. Cauli flower, 15 to 40c. Apples, 60 to 75c peck. Beans. 7 l-2c quant. Hulled corn, 5c quart. Squash, 7 l-2c. pound. Spinach, 25c. peck. Turnip greetne, 20c. peck. Mustard greens, 20c. peck. Peas, 7 l-2c quart. Asparagus, 15 to 25c. bunch. Green pepper, 30c. dozen. Cucumebrs, 60c. dozen. to Q 3 a. Baldness & r - . m (zured 1 . just so long as. there is a particle w o vitality left m the hair roots. O The fact that the head is smooth S$J and shining is no positive proof jav that the roots bsneath are dead. Deep down beneath the skin," hair roots may yet exist, filled with & latent vitality, and all that is re- yj quired to develop them into a f!h beautiful head of hair is the Caith- A ful application of the proper agents. SjJ Seven Sutherland Sisters' S preparations furnish the easiest, O surest and quickest way to aacer- jj tain if thers is or is not latent life a beneath a head bare of hair. Why sE not try them? SOLD BV DRUGGISTS. " ji II f5 SPRUCE GUM HUNTING. WEAVER VI LLE AROUSED. (Continued", from Fifth Page.) NOTTCB, North Carolina, Madiwon Counity, Im the Superiior Court, Before febe Clerk. J. B. Hensley, as admtnidtra-' tor off T. J. Rollime, deceas-1 ed, and J. B. Hensley, In dividually, VS. Eliza Hensley, W. W. Rol lins, G. W. Ballard, -SFlizabeth. Ballard. R. M. Deaver, Sallie Deaver.l NOTICE Heslter Rollins, S. B. D. Rollirs, Deaver Rollins, W. S. Rollins, Hattte RolHins, Ver&on Rollins, Mamie Rol limB, W. W. Rollins, and Pinkmey Rollins, heirs at law of Plnkney Rollins, decease!. Hester Rollins, S. B. D. Rollino, Deaver Rollins, W. S. Rollins, Hat tie Rollins, Vernon Rollins, Mamie Rollins, W. W. Rollins, and Plnk ney Rollins, defendants above nam ed, will take notiice that an action en titled as above has been commenced in the superior court of Madison county, to 6ell the lands belonging to the estate of T. J. RoLMtns deceased, for the pur pose otf raisling assets to pay debts of the said intestate; and the said defendants will further take coMcte that that they are required to appear at the office of clerk of the superior court for the county of Madison, at the court house in Marshall, N. C, on the 29th day of June, 1899, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said compMnlt. This the 6th day of May, 1899. J. H. WHITE, Clerk of the Superior Court of Madieon County. 6w The A d v o n turons Maine "Woodsmen Wlio Carry It On. Although chewing gum of various kinds pepsin and special digestion aids can be procured at every city corner from the; penny slot machines, nothing has ever taken the place of the genuine spruce, and it still sells at a high price. It cannot be imitated, nor is there any counterfeit which is anything like it Some of the druggists in eastern Mai no have contracts for spruce gum aggregating thousands ot dollars. Some of them have "staked" gum hunters and sent them into the woods. Most of tho Maine gum finds its way to the city markets that demand for con sumption the round, red lumps that gleam with inner fires like the bloodstone. Ihis choice gum is readily sold by the Maine wholesalers at $1.50 a pound. Gum hunting has many elements liko rubber cutting in the tropics, tho men burying themselves in the wilds for months. The expenses of the hunter are almost nothing, and the receipts from his quest are likely to be in the nature of a small Klondike find. Some tobacco, a few bushels of beans, somo coffee, flour and fat meat, with tho game he kills, furnish him bodily fuel for the season, while he will frequently in a single day secure gum that will net him $10-in the market. He Is independent, too, with his canoe, his 6nowshoes and his gun. His canoe will be laid up during the winter, but when the rivers open he will bring down his win -ter's finds. He is not likely, however, to work any too industriously in gum hunt ing, but rather to make short days and fish and hunt the balauce of the time. A few days' hard work will furnish him a cozy shack in the deep forest near the bank of a stream, and with wood unlimit ed and a sharp ax he is not likely to suf fer, and when a storm is on he does not leave his comfortable camp. The solitude of the thing would drive many men mad, but the northern woods man is different from most men. He car ries a pack with him at all times, even when hunting, so that should he run across an old gum scar he can take ad- rantage of it without making another trip. When spring opens, he returns to civilization, tough, rugged and hard as seasoned oak; and he may have a pack of gum to the value of several hundred dol lars; but long, long before the next seasonl the money is all gone, and probably some one will have to "grub stake" him if he is to go for gum again. New York Tribune. it believed that they can be su ?cess fully controverted) then the obvious duty of the county commissioners as faithful and impartial servants of the people, who, reposing, trust and con- ndencein their integrity and ?uxdg ment, electecfthem to direct and man age county affairs, would be to makej all their acts conform to the rule of the greatest good to the greatest number. One reason assigned for the necess ty of Temoval of this road force is that the county is to be charged an exhorbi tant price for any additional stone tak en from the Woodfin lands. That is believed to be a reason without any foTce in it, and would appear to be more of an excuse than an argument. There are three ways in which this al leged difficulty may be met: First, that part of the rod from the branch to the top of the Burnsville hill may be furnished withWne from the Ram sey quarry on the north side of the hill; or second, as that stretch is all down grade toward Asheville it may be left as it is: or third, the citizens along this highway, k is thought, will pur chase the necessary stone for that sec tion if the board should desire them to do so. But the fairness of this last proposition is not obvious. Another phase ctf this Burnsville road matter, which should have attemti' in, ';a tine fact that expert road' huilders and those who have studied the roadl prob lem and examined this work, say that the manner of eons'ructlon is so tar from the correct method, fixed after numer ous iamd eositly experiments, as that at the end of a twelve month the roadl will be a pitiable picture of macadamizing, and ithe result will be that the money so far expended an amply sufficient e im o have built a permanent ana perreoi: highway will have been paid tor tne no mif n tmnnn'nqfv road for one year. Prof. Holmes, the .state geologist andi a close student of the road problem, showed in his Mlus'tr3ited' lecture deliver ed recently at the court house why rhi.s was a defective nd exceedingly bad road, and also explained the modern and most approved method of macadamiz ing 'that give? sat'sfiactoiry results ana presents a road 'that is permanently good. pnoper drainage, suLUbl? grading, jthe road bed jusit .so many inenes tow uus . iu width) higher im ihe middle than at tne margins, the earth to be properly pack ed, by ponderous rollers, thus fixing a soMd, firm, foundation! for four inches of coamely crushed stone, this then sub jected to (the same rolling process until the irregularly haped stones shall have been forced tofto the proper adjustment, next ifoll'owed by four inches of the more finely crushed fione, amd this in turn to be rolled till. therTq.uisite firmness shall have "been attained, and then the road in iGTone. These are features" as given in the lecture of the well known state official. Not one of these requirements, it is be lieved, i3 to be found illustrated in the three miles of macadam laid co, this road. Now, If the county commission ers have not had the. opportunity of look ing toto the question of practical mod ern road building, or do not put In charge of the work some expert who knows how to build such roads, is it not somebody's business to bring this question to the earnest considerat on of of tie county board? Is the work to go on in this slack-twistedi way and no one utter a protest ab6ut the folly of it? Might not the Good Roads association gently and poMtely suggest to the com missioners that it hey either do no't know what they are doing or do not care? And in either event, there should be a reme dy for waste of public funds. These are not agreeable things to write, and ft mav be they would be bet ter off unsaid. But they have occurrel bo my mind as very obvious reflections amd have beon, dicusseJ wTl;h a number of ileaddng citizens hereabouts who en dorse them, and requested that they be contributed to the Gazette. I do not know anything about road building ex cept what experts .and practical riJ builders say. If they tell the truth the people's money is being w;;sted ex pended un folly and ignorance. If that is so, is there not some way ro rerny the mat er? Has Buncombe county, es teemed one of 'the meet progressive anl enlightened in the state, not trot sense enough to have a. macadam ixid built so that it would not be Tldiculed by any mam who ever saw a modern highway? If these ideas are wrong and In bad taste that is the writer's misfortune, if they are correct and the things written of should be remedied, then to allow the matter to go on unnoticed s a disgrace to the county and a short lived monu ment to backwoods ignorance. Walt. Wighitmau Vandiver. OASTORIA. fi a The Kind You Have Always Bought A CLEVER TRICK. It certainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about It. Anyrxxiy can fcrv it who has lame back and weak kid- " . , i i -vrr "vj - mean he can. cure humeeir rignt awnay oy taking Electric Bi'titers. This medicine tones up the whole system, acts as a ntimulaTiir. to liver and kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures const! nation, headache, fainiting spells, sleep lessness and melancholy. It Is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restores the system to its natural vigor. Try Electric NB1 tens and be convmeea mat they are a miracle worker. Every bot tle guaranteed. Only 50 cents a battle at T. C. Smith's, W. C. Carmichael' s and Pelham's pharmacy. There is a time- for all things. The time to take De Witt's Little Early Ris ers lis when you are suffering from con stipation, biliousness, sick headache, in digestion, or other stomach or liver trou bles. Paragon Pharmacy. LITERATURE OF CHILDHOOD. O V4- & 2 O 3n 2! jflL tm The Kind You Haw Always Baugft Signature of What a Memory! One rainy day in spring an old York shire fisherman returned to his native vil lage after an absence of 15 years and fear fully sought the house which sheltered his deserted wife. Entering without knocking, he seated himself near the open door, took a long and vigorous pull at his dirty clay pipe and nodded jerkily tc "t'owd woman." "Mornin, Maria," he said, with affected unconcern. She looked up from the potatoes she was peeling and tried to utter the scathing tirade she had daily rehearsed since his departure, but it would not come. "Ben," she gald instead, once more re suming her work, "bringthesen o'erto t' fire an Ah'll darn that hole i' thy jersey. Ah meant doin t' day tha went away, but summat put me off!" Stray Stories. A Mother' Patience. "Mrs. Hilltops rarely permits her cares to wring from her any outward evidence of disturbance," said .Mr Dilltops, "but sho docs occasionally, and I'm glad of it. I'd bate to l.a vc !,or t.bitc'iutely perfect, for then hc would seem too far removed from me. But now and then she shows that she is bat human after all. As, for exam ple, this morning when, after listening to a million requests from tho children and doing 14,000 things for them, the whole situation complicated with some request from ma that might better have been put off till another time, she exclaims : " 'This family will drive me to distrac tion yet. ' "It is too bad that 6he should be so bothered, but it is a sort of relief to me to hear ner say that. It is a time honored phrase, and to hear her speak it proves that she is not above the need of our Sym pathy and thoughtful care, and she shall have them both. "Oh, but they are a bothersome lot those children!" New York Sun. A Mother's Notebook Can Ee Made a True Romance of Human Nature. Florence Hull Wintcrburn. writ ing of, keeping "A Mother's Notebook" in The Woman's Home Companion, claims this in favor of such a record: "It is chiefiy lor her own instruction and guidance that a mother needs to keep 6ome kind of nursery notebook. For tho refreshment of her memory when yralienco is likely to fail ar.d for the reawakening of dulled sympathy with cjiildirh moods as well as for tho enlightenment of others to whom she may choose to impart her ex periences the results of her labor will more than repay her for the trouble taKen. "She need follow no rules, nor even at tempt to make regular entries, unless she has inclination for the task. Facts bear ing upon physical variations are extreme ly valuable, and it is wise to note the weight and growth of a child at regular intervals to ascertain whether ho is devel oping normally. Even more important are observations upon his general health, temperament, disposition and the use he makes of his faculties. "Although the mother herself may not be aware of the standard he should attain, her statement of facts may give the clew to a physician when puzzling symptoms show themselves. Often deafness and de fects of vision might bo prevented if the early signs of their coming on had been heeded. A single incident in a person's life may give tho keynote of his character. " No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 50c, $1, All druggists. PARKER'S -HAIR BALSAM Cl ".inset and beautifiei the hsr. Pi motet a luxuriant growth, ratver Fail" to Bestore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Cures icalp disease! ft hair filling. gOc, and $1.00 at Pruggirti Wilt's Sitiie Early Risers, antitaanannon 4 BICYCLE COUPON IB 1 E 0 to In to g & s g P ti f i f! to hi M f3 . o S ffc in ' in Coupon mast have no marks upon it when q returned. u aB Thomas Thurman, deputy heriff of Troy, Mo., says if every one in 'the Unit ed States should discover the ithe virtue of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve foi piles, rectal troubles and skin diseasies, the demand could not be supplied. Par agon Pharmacy. SPECIAL RAILROAD RATES. Special excursion rates offered by the Southern railway for the following oc casions: Meeting Grand Lodge Benevolent Protective order Elks, St. Louis, Mo., June 20-22, 1899. Account of the above named meeting the Nashville, Chattanooga. & St. Louis railroad will sell tickets to St. Louis and return June 18. 19 and 20, with final limit June 26 for one fare Cor the round trip. For this occasion you will use Iron clad signature form of tllcket. Meeting Grand Lodge Knights of Py ,thias, Fayettevile. N. C; tickets on sale June 18-20 Incfusiye, final limit June 26; rate from Asheville $12.40. Annual session ,- Biblical Assembly, Charlotte, N. C; tickets on sale June 18-21 inclusive, final Hpiiit July 1; also on sale June 26 and 27, final limit July 3; one fare for the round trip; Hate from Asheville $5.20 via Salisbury, $4.70 via. Statesville or Spartanlburg. University of North Carolina Sum mer school for teachers, lhapel Hill, N. C; tickets on sale June 17 to July 10 inclusive, final limit July 20; one fare for the round trip; rate from Asheville $8.05. Annual reunion Grand Lodge Benevo lent Protective Order of Elks, St. Louis, Mo. ; tickets on sale June 18-20 inclusive, final limit June 26; rate from Asheville, $20. MJeettag Grand Commandery Knights Templar, Royal Arch Masons and the shrine, Aeheville, N. C; tickets on dale June 11-13 Inclusive, final lima June 20tft. For full iriformatioen, call on Itlcket agent or P. R. Darby, C. P. & T. A., Asheville, or R. L. Vernon, - T. P, A., Charlotte, N. C. DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salve " ' Cares Piles; Scslds. Bums. BLOOD POIBO CANCER CURED BY B. B. B. TRIAL SENT FREE. Deadly cancer of the face, neck, legs, lip, easting cancer or sores, cured by B. B. B. Botanic Blood Balm. B. B. B. cures by driving the deadly, virulent poison which causes cancer, out of the blood. This is the only curfe and B. B. B. is the only remedy that can do this. In the same way B. B. B. cures Blood Poison whether inherited! or acquired, producing ulcers, painful swellings, blotches, copper-colored spotsr, falling of the hair, sores in the throat or ton gue, scrofula. B. B. B. has made hun dreds of permanent cures, and is a thoroughly tested, powerful Blood Remedy. Cures where all else fails. Tested for 30 years. To prove its cura tive powers, we send a sample bottle free to any one who writes for it. Large bottles for sale by all druggists for $1, sample bottle send two stamps and address Blood Balm Co., AtlanitJa, Ga., B. B. B. for sale In Asheville bv Pelham's Pharmacy. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES. Alleaa's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. Lt cures painfcl, wolen, mTK ing, nervous feet, 'aid iQ&tan'- ,takea tne sting out of corns, and bunions. Its the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Base makes tight or new shoes feel easy. Try it today. Sold by all druggists, grocers, shoe stores and general storekeepers every where. By mail for 25 cents in stamps. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olfstead, Le Roy, N. Y. SENT FREE to housekeepers Lie big COMPANY'S Extract of Beef COOK BOOK- telling how to prepare many delicate and delicious dishes. Address, Liebig Co., P. O. Box 2718, .New York. WITH YCUH CBDER, cut this f.d. cut andscuU to as, and Tv-e-wlll send you CUR U:QU grade okup cabinet buroick sewing tudzmi t"-lu- ??Je nation, i ou cau examine it at your nearest ireigct depot and if found Derfeetty tiretorT. exactly as represented. Ml to naehines others sell as high as S60.00, and THE GUKATEST BABOAIS- i'OC EVKR UKAKD OF, pay yocr freight agent Our Special Offer Price $15.50 120 pounds and the freight will average 75 cents for each tCC miles. CJVE IT THREE MONTHS' TRIAL in your owu home, una we will return your $15.60 any day you are not satisfied. Ws tell .3if ferent makes and grades of Sewing Machines at $8.60, CIO. 00, ill.OJ, 812. 00 and up, ail folly described In Our Free Sewing Saehine Catsloame, botsi5.50 for this PROP DESK CABINET BUHDICE. is tne greatest value ever offered by any house. BEWARE OF l8UTATiQftgS t"w0p?crceS- Tertisments, offering unknown machines under various names, with various inducements. Writ scmo friend In Chicago and learn who are KKLIAULK A11U WHU Attn Ruf. has every H03ERS MPEOTEaiBXT. EVERY GOOD POIST OF hTKRY HIGH 6F.4DK HACH'.SE KAt'K, WITH THE BURDICK DEFECTS OF SONK. THE MADE Bf THE BEST MAKER IN AMERICA, T. -f c :My. -SOLID QUARTER SAWED OAK gigs FIaSO POUSiltu, one illustration suows inaciiine closed, (headdropi ping from Eifrhtj to be used as a eenU-r table, stand or desk, the other open with full length table and bead ia place fcr sewing, 4 fancy drsirers, latest 1833 skeleton frame, carved, paneled, embossed and decorated cabinet finisn, finest nickel drawer pulls, rests on 4 cas ters, ball be&riner adius table treadle, genuine Rmvth Iron stand. Fines, large High' Arm head, positive four motion feed, self threading vibrat ing shuttle, automatic bobbin winder, adjustable bearings, patent tension liberator, Improved loose wheel, adjustable presser foot, improved shuttle carrier, patent needle bar, pat6nt dress guard, bead is hanosoinciy decorated and raameated and beuUfaUy NICKEL TRIMMED. GUARANTEED lightest running, most durable and nearest nols less mithlae made. Krsry known attaehment is famished and onr Free Instruction Boos: tells just how anyone can run it and do either plain or any kind of fancy work. A SCKYEAES' BINDING GTTAHANTEE is sent with every machine. IT mTQ YAH WOTHfrifi to see and examine this machine, compare it II iUai tU minimi vlth those your storekeeper sells at $io.OO tn 1in rtf and thpn ff nmrlnrnd son are savin ar SSS.OO ta 840.00. OST Tnr freight mumt the $15.50, Wl TO KKTL'KS YOCR $1S.S0 lr at any tiaa within three months yon ay jen are M satia4 0KDSB TO OAT. ORTP DILAT. (Sears, Roebuck & Co. are thoroughly reliable. Editor.) Address. SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago Ell. S tTS9 ' r X. V S 7 -J 7- : r - - 1 1 " V

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