, .' .,'..,.'..., v ; " -(" - 1 t - .I'..',---,'-..':"' - - -' ' - - - - -- ?- , ( THE-'ASHEVILLE GAZETT JIJNE 39;' 19 , fT . -.. .-' ; Ac-, . -v-.".;.- -.-'Vt TIIES MnRllEIS. yesterdays Quotations ?.in Stocks, Wheat and ; 1;7,cotton.tr:'-":.;-- - t -q. j ., - w (H)ghesSt, lowest , and"closrtnff ' NewTork stock exchange,- quotatioua : for-acrt4ve tock by special dispatdh trom Haven & Stoouft No. 1. Nassau street, New York 'Stack TctyflTigec - Xy-:"x . New ,Tork June 28.ilroad"' ad vanced today. ; other - stock following; Ttere wae some realizing:, rbutUhe close Was firm on standard atoQka."Thej,, ad vance la Hkely o continue inlpfospect of July interest flisburSe'mentft with Bome profits Tbe approaching holiday ja stone s support to cotton prjlces heat was firm but inaotlve.- - - aTOCKsv-iv; Higuriw:. close Am. Tobacco pfd Con. Tobacco Con. Tobacco, pfd. Brooklyn RJC-j-'T Illinois Oeutral , St. Paul r?-' Southern pfL - ' (Kxtra Dividend.) 13029130- Federal Ontario fc Westcra 3K 26K 26 3K Northern Pac. pra, v?8 Am. Steel & Wire 64 WH3SAT July yeptember , - High Low : ; C6se August gptcrnber JR. e. Mi -EXGHRSIOHi jfcasarit Day's Outing Enjoyed Jy Ti 3. O. TJ, A.' MaBXCurslon to FXat Bock d :Edrowle wraav. The' atarit rom ' Asheville - wa made on time and euflter th-rxiyal a Flat Rock the day, iwa pleaaamtly CTerit in boating aiad vaifiw Itonns tarous-: merit. A.t 2.30 v 1 dxcuxionlara returnedl ko - Hendersoovllie : where lance was given. Th .Firsts regiment band furnished, music dudnff the day cuad gave . a oomcert in the opera -house At Hentereonv4lte. i ADOut" two hundred aad fifty persons enjoyed the outing. Henderaonvmeiv Jeljgepre Just Jeft the opera house and the band 5a discourBing sweet music nd dancing -was in fuli BWing. The , picnic . party from your ? city have certainly, had an enjoyable day they eay so .vThey .pass ed our town "for Flatty :Rockal6utIjp a. to. and ihatl just time to ; get their seats on the train Wnent. : there wai - a considerable etorm, : through whicb which they came to ' Hendereohvillte. They were delayed awhile, aft the": depot Taut our mule motor cars andthe hacks were equal to the occasion -."and ; they were soon enjoying, themselves" in "tripping the ligtfit fantastic ttoe". to the strains of aeIifirhtful music . that "the First regiment band. certainly know how to malce. They patoduced the best music that "has ever been heard in our town, ie the verdict of all. " Our danc ing ladies and gentlemen ; did not par ticipate owing , to the J f ac$ thai they were under the Impression '. that . our hall would not be targe enough to ac romm'odate so large" a. party. r - Our big day is July ' Fourth. Our gates will be thrown wide open. Ash Yille and the rest of mankind are cor dially invited, and we -guaranteo them a great, big, old tlmel ; Come over. - " JOE ROSY A special and Interesting program will be rendered at Iookout park tMs even ing1 by the First regiment: band,, which will also furnish music fctr tdfamctog.v .. The WomatnTs DEJhcchingwr' North Court Square, will soon be teady fto " furnish lunch. They wouHl be.gkwf fo;b&ve their friends and patTQCS call. GLORIOUS NEW&t-';:';). Comes from Dr. li. B. CsTgnei, : of Waahtta, I. T. He wittes:;rFour Watle of Electric Bitten ha cured Mrs. Brew r of tcrofuA, wMch h caused! her great suffering foryeiari. Terrible sores would break Out on her head tad face, and the beat doctors could give no help; hut her cure is complete and her health U excellent." TbSm show Ithat thomwnds have proved,-nthat E3eotrloBltsr v Js the bent blood purifier known. It's the uprame remedy f&r eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, bolls "rad rurotog ware. It atimulaJtes liver, kidneys void bowels, expeia podsoms, helps fliigetiony uHds up the strength. Only 60 centa.: Sold by?T C. Smith. W. C. Oarmlchiael - sd ..Pel ", drugglsta. GtuuMrtsjsdycS4. rnmmmntmmmmtnntmntnimrnnitntnntfntntnm I .JEPEiiiIfii&ifel Onr Ten Per Cent Disconiitr;sale will only U -. " -3 last a few days1 longer spcome at. once r ' 3 arid BecureiWhatyoujjeed in shoes, trnnks,rV-'g5 traveling bags and umbrellas.-; Vfe haye a -1 lewyery fine Boiler Tray vTrunks left tfot-C 3 anyone wilfdor well-to get at' Ten'per (nt v v '3 less 1 than thpy , are- marked - to I sell for. I J , 3 B ;; 39 PATTQH AiYE. Asheville,:"' ;T - f. - - - "; JfiuuuuiiuoiiuiUuiHir 1 M tiaas irom pure :cream:of.iarar - f s tfe& food againsf alunu a - it rvium. Baking powders arc 'the neatest joenacers to heahh' of the present day. LARGE REUNION OF SETTLERS Be Held in Aslie. r-Will Advocate Lc- c"Adyteges7 v ,ans aire rapidly nearing completien iot aig jreunion olrthe tiers of Western ' N'orth ' northern set? Carolina (the meeting : to W Iheia ;iirr Ahevtlle within tne;xt-TCfew';eeiDTheT aheetinff: is being arranged bj-.the northern settlers bf' Asheville. anQ it la hnmV 1tT Vila -tra rperesentativetfT in the southiiJI'hef e isfrai . elnh vnf th iooerriie1eTs-Tryni membewT representing-, practically all the tnonthern states, and a" large numr Der. pz xne club are expected -to attend One of the principal objects of the re union wM be. tta' dscxiss ways arid meana?6f3tdveTtiing the - attractions iUKlt advantages. t nenthern people in makingthetf home irt this section of the.itatte. , A similar meeting was held about" three ; years ago in Southern PmesTMajor Hi-C. Hunt and C. T. G. Deake being the Asheville delegates. northern- setUere are jreQuested to -leavetheir names with either Mr. Deake at Heinlteh & Reagan's, or Ma jor fiiint, so they may, be kept posted regarding the progress of the ; associa tion.. ":v - "- - ' A T.10T10U TO IKGREASE The Bond of Cnarles A. WcbbJWiUie "Through hte attorneys, Colonel . V. S lAisk'and, Frank Carter, R. S. .McCall (has; Served notice (that a motion wil be made before Judge Fred Moore, to increase the "bond: Of " Solicitor Charles A. 'Webb, which has "; been made to cover the fees of the office, which is in disrmtei 4 tt Tias not been determined dennitety as to the time When the mo tion, wm.be argued, but it will be done wltthin the next few days. Thf ivrttfoinal ouestion involved will be as tte whether Judge Moore has jur isdiction In making the' increase. S0METH1II0 HEW. ThbusaTnds" are making fortunes in the mafll oTderTuslness. Why rioft you? Our book tells you all about It. How to get iHTMftrntfAfl cataloerue contattHtn: vowr mune and addrese as -dlealer In novelties etc., wt from $2.00 to $4.00 per 1,000; how to get large advert'sing. eyulara . with wiir fiame and address TflTTrbm 25 to 70 cents ner 1.000: where to get the goods at hnA-thlrd retail orice. How and) where to advertise cheaply. All about "how to buy and sell readily at an immense rrof tit all kinds of mall merchandise. rMany oleBir $100 oer month. Be your own Ooss Gelt cask mall : ordiers in every mail, that onm. The book ts new : , just issued eoesi like hot cakes!. Sent postpaid on-re rv!wt of orice: 25 cents. Address. M. A. WhKtemore, "BaTnardsviUe, N. C. :.. w.- - ' ;-'Vweewly, , ::$ioo REWARD $100 , ' ; . -LThe readera of this paper will be pleas ed to learn that there is t least one AnPMiliMl daaease (that tfcSence i has been able to cure Jitail Its stages, and t!hajt it CMarrli;' Haffl's catarrh cure is the onl j poolttive cure known:, to the jnedloal (fra ternity. : . Catarrh being j comttltuMomai disease,- requires t wnsutfcmal toeat nuenft. Hall's cattarrht "eura t taken in ternally; actang-dJreK lipbn. the blood and mucuous eerfaices of the Tsystem, thereby: desaroyang the fou the disease, and giving the patiettt stremgth by buildfang up the conetUitutlon and as siatltog mature 1m doing lU work.. -The proprietiore -have so much t faith to Its curative powers tha their offer one hun dred dbHars for any? case ttlhat it talis to mm. - Send for. llsit or estsxaoniaie. - - I Address, F. J. -CHEET A CO., Tol edo, Ohio. T Sold by. druggists, .75. , cents; HUlVJta&ai7zPntere:;.1)est;:IM - - J- - ilpRTHERTl - i;:.orthXarbIina.v',2 " ' ROLlfitmC AtiD 5 it HEROIC LIFE STOffif Of : D.' Upshaw: 1 'Ernest WiUieV tficiectiirer ; .aiid Author. Heroism always commands the admir ation' as , weir as the attention of t!he thoughtful an appreciative amone mankind, and the presence in our-city of a. young mJb whose eventful .life has had ; about it - much of "the "3ie roic, -makes it seem opportune to ntroduce . him and his splndlid life work, a liittle more particularly to the readers -of the Gazette, especiaCly since he; is to address tonight-- ait ' the Fjrst Baptist' church, what promises) to be a very large audience of Asheville' s best people. "He isMr, William D. XJp shaw. of Mercer" University, Macon. Ga., to, whom ' frequent allusion haa been made in these columns since he came to this city to attend the T. M. A. conference some:days: ago. ? v ? IA casual ? glance, through his -book, earnest Willie or; Echoes from a Re- duser written or": dictated .during the seven years .when the iron hand of af fliction kept him ; a. prisoner on bed!, reveals the fact that the young" man. while Jtaying no claims to scholarship. is undeniably a child of .. genius and whatis-better has manifested a qua'J- ty of .i. manhood and determination wnicn should "be a wholesome life les son to every bov and vnii n er man In Asheville.: i " -'"" " Will D. Upshaw was a farmer boy in iNorin Georgia, and dreamed his dreams, his preface tells, - like count less, other youths had-done. Bht just when his' skies seemed fair est. ana tne opportunity to - etant for school and prepare for college, was shining apd;beforehmi less than one year, ahead, the roeseajte liue of his life: sky suddenly turned to darkness. He fell on a wagon, his spine was in jured, and, as he incidentally remarked in hlsT address last Sunday night, "his castles fell when he feM, and for years he lay amid the wreckage of his hope; and dreams." And here comes the lesson for "our young readers, and older ones as well: Did he let this trying ordeal sicken bis energies, weaken his purpose or crush5 his spirits? No. He applied himself to thought and plans. In his home community he thought to inspire -the country boys and girls around himto lift themselves- upwaroi, sociany ana AnMtfonallv. in a literary club that became famous, and finally caused the organization of many such societies' fnY that section. And now the Cobb Coun ty Literary conyentiori, - posslblyphe only organization of the kind in jthe south, is a practical monument to- the intelligent energy of this '. purposeftiL young man, -. .;. zm. In a fortunate hour this . stricken vniuth took ur the en. and soon the name r of , 'Earnest .Willie" name eiven him by a young 9ady because he was so much in- esjraest--became favorv ably known in thousands of American homes. His book was next, a natural product of his active mind and heart 'Llke'the Psalm or the wignxmgaae. Speaking of this book on its appear- ance, ljucian lj. xvoibui, young. literary editor of theAtanta Constitution,-said: ". "Considering the circumstances un der which it was written, it i -nnfler niably one-of the .most t remarkable abllcaUons of the. century. Tom.ie wilderness of . 'Earnest wmie fiiction his heart began to break- forth into song .like the psalm, of , the nightin gale.". ; ' " ,r - - ' Anri'the Southern Cultivator- striK- fne-iv. remarked thatr "The author is an invalid, but the book Js not" " : ' It is not strange that such a book or poems ; ana v nappy, - "u"u' with such an energetic 3tna-, maguey nersonality " behind it - should nno: ,a readyjBalec The first edltion.was soon exhausted and second, ettMrgea, ana handsomely illustrated," made - its , ap pearance wittfa. beautiful introduction hv Genrerla's rjopular ex-govefnbr' and able Christian statesman- William 3"6 Northen, . who recentlyjfpoite ajs- mma -a ;kmvaitf " in : Rmtftn n4he"JRace TVrtHTpm In theouftnfrandcrhosta In the -Souttr;'i anawno-.asa mlrer of thehero otrstory; this time, -through-the- appli- a plaster - of parish - jacket, ifd,a rolling . chair; Mr,iUp-.? arreae admirer of the 5 hero- ot-j&ttt story. About' this time, -through-tne- appli ance or crutches 1 I ' ehawwas enabled -to g- cit-;ini the big '. woria janq begin tp. .speak to young people, - whichi , he declares -In" his book? had been "the drea.ro. end inspiration of his Ilf eS. -Tsr--" i "Tor sevetaUyears. f Earnest -tWfiliel. has been- warmly, received - over the south and nnaUy;-something -ever, a year agoh.e entered. Mercer "university at Macon Ga., to take a special course in college,, where, the v Georgia papers tell, i his life has been an; inspiration to the students.1 The Dougla$sville.Ga.) New South recently "said, of him ----- v f Talent that has - energy, behind it cannot be kept in- the background. This has been forcibly i- demonstrated by' Mr. W. D. Upshaw a DouglassyfiTle boy. With the handr of offliction rest ing heavily upon him, he has, forthe past several years, been gradually makipg his way.np the ladder of fame, an"d today he has an enviable position that. reaches far -beyond "the bounds of his naitive state,- With;-voice and pen I this stricken but: praiseworthy cripple is making his way through college, in creasing the endowment fundi of Mer cer and giving aid. to ra; number of young men. Wherever- he - goes he gains recognitttmi and the ipeople are always ready to shower honors -upon hlm.' -; ?"1 - --isiK-:r ' Surely 'A t will be an inspiration; to the young men of Asheville andrall others to hear this hfroic'ty'ownlrGeQTan. to night, "v.'' - Potter M. Bjrown is visiting relatives in the city. "v ' CEJugene Carroll has returned from Rich mond, w here he has been attending the business college, and will spend Ithe sum mer In Asheville. . .. Miss Minnie Morttoni of fElyd county, Georgia, and Miss Mary- Dean Towers of Marietta, Ga., are visiting at Judge Shu ford'e, ,58 Orange street. : Dr. Thrash has returned) from New York where he has been doing special work in surgery and diseases of war .xvflirs. Hi - A. Arena .jcn't ytsieruay for Middleeboro, Ky., to spend a few Clays Khi frieads, ' .R. L. Cooper is here from Murphy. -fcMr. and Mrs. J. L. Flemming of weenville, N. C, are spending their ;ltfflneynKKjn at the Battery Park. .i&lrs. F. R; Darby will return today om a visit in Richmond. w . re. " agen t of city. Fagan, traveling passenger the Southern Pacific 4s -rn ithe Mrs . Alice Mitchell aodl daughter, -Miss Creelt Mitchell, and Mis3 Mary Thomp son, of Paris,' Tenh., are visiting Mrs. A. C. Ray, at her home, Ramoth. A. C. Durham will return to Atlanta Jtoday. t - J. A. ..Dodson, superintendent of tcacks, bridges anU buildings of 'the Southern, Ss in- the city. K and Mrs. Cyrus. Beede of Oska- Ia.,axe visiting here. 3 " VvV ?som of Henderson ville was in the: city yesterday. "Mr. end Mrs. Wiley Rush of Ashbors are visiting iia Asheville. . . Mrsr W. M. Gillespie arrived In the cfty yesterday from Limdlay, Pa., 5 to spend the summer. - . : .- Paul Bedillion! has returned to - his home in. Pittsburg after an expended stay Jin -Asheville. - - - 1 S Berkeley arrivals: A. H..Kahn, New York;' s; JM,. Smfith, Hot-Springs; Fred D. Bush; Atlanta; W. R. Fagan, Atlan tai Will W. Porter, Knoxville; . A.C,. Howard, DaWson, Oa.; A.-. R WUbar, Marshall; Af.'M: Rlsher, Pittsburg; J. S. Calvert, luchmondl; GL W. Painter Richmond j am-Mamey, r.', Somervllle Ky H. N Mills, Clyde; C. Wilson, Henderson vine; R G. t Wella, Bushnell; Dan S, HuliJ Winston. r'VS' I Mr. and 'ameflHotfrnsT-of New Orleifcisre iciithe tnity rthe jum .mer-t--jr ;r;i;-,4U HfrsAw'.Pjj' Clark :aad';'Mis 1 Wessle Clark "went-tf -Clyde yesterday to spend a-ehorit Vacatibnc -:i.J . MM '. .. j; H'--"AATiJ;' ''.Tc-1' vlue yeieruay uuHibi.' .ArtHVecvaut".' Aii';. r-r v- J Ray's in RHmottT aret4. ' J ZTt'"1 Bounds, Z WoTo-Bac f or ty Csats. 7- .Moss -Polnte, ' Miss-WUliain- - Warren; ""Cnaranteed-tobcpo habit cars; me . ca Hamptona,; Dr J. iBv Chamber.en strong. .blood purs... Wfcftdsu 1 . . ,--:,'?-!-i.-.ftV - -i'V what wc v uncF gn ciouiipg.- lor men, boys and chil dreh . We 1 want to dear them out and we; will astonish, you.with the low prices. a - See tiegreat reductions in Suits Made to Order, -V' ' - in the window at The Whiflocb Clothing House ; , .No. 41 Patton Avenue. Tie Sapphire Oountey Hotels and Lakes la truly the land of the sky and the most - . shone Address Cor Bookletss and rates: FAIRFIELD IHI1, ON- Fairfield Lake. Ir ff. Aiken, Mgr. wSfhJf,1incel1' boatlngr' hwe back iriding, and drivtog, just whaJt Social rates Jto families and large parties. 7 9 TZ. -"-viiie - m.; i.vt p. m. J. E. MONTAGUE. -' - WAYNESVILLE Viaynesvltle, N. C ; WayntsvMtr Altitude 2.860, Asheville, Altitude 2,250. Opened June 1st, 1899. Nel?F eW!y urbed' ft TVshmg-Tront, Bass, Etc. Special Bates to Families. 0 Baths on Every Floor. Hot and Cold Water. 6 Free Sample Booms. Mineral Waters. T Electric Bells Most Beautiful Scenes in Western North Carolina. MONTAGUE & WATKINS, Props. ESMERALDA I -Hickory Nut Gap. through Reedy Patch Gap. Trkin through Reedy Patch Gap, Trkin leaves THOMAS UNIVERSITY OF Widest demts, 495; patronage and fullest equip meat in its Mstory. Faculty, 3itu 3 academic courses: 3 electiv e course a nmf.noi 1 tT Medicine amid atories, etc. Pharmtey. New building Advanced! classes open to women. Tuition $60 a Year. Ample opportunity for self help. S cholarships and loans fiot the needy 4 Free tufition for teachers. Summer school fr AnKr 9a i-r,r . J' i dents. Total emroHment, 644. For catal President Alderman, Chapel Hill, N. C. The State College ers to young women thorough Horary, clasBical, scientific, and industrial educaMon and special 4edagogical training. Aanual expensee $90 to-$130i fornon residenrs of State, $150. Faculty of 30 f memhenfcp More than 400 studenits. Has matriculated about 100 stuients,.iepres eating every county in the sate "except oce.. Pructice and ObservaiSsn: school of about 250 pupils To secure board in dor mlitories, all free tuition applications shxruld be made before August 1 Correspondence Invfted from those" de siring competent trained teachers. For catalogue and other information, address, - PEES1DENT lain- and wife Moss Point, . Miss. ; Mrs , Frances Gaffe and onvPanewvffle, N. Y.r Mrsr M. M. Montgomery and daugh-fter.-Meridian, Miss.; W. H. ?Kauffman, Spartanburg P. P. Fasmis, Miama,,, rsV'Pc E. Gattis of -Raleigh Is vMt ingMr.'and! Mrs. George QLutnlejvon Blaatom street. . . tJt " T C-WaddeI, .Jr.,- made a trip le Hen- dersorivllle yesterday. ' T:M LBarker jr. went o Henderss-n- ville yesterday p bushiess. - 3 IV r(" on.: an ourv former beautiful munfLaiin scenery the sun ever on. Sapphire Inn 5 Cottages ON Sap, hire Lake, AND , ' The Lodge. Ed. C. Wllson,Mgr. On the summit otf Mount Toxaway, alti tude 5,000 feet. . you p. m.; arrive at Brevard 11.30 a. - m.; a B. WATKIN&. INN ' la the land of cascades and water falls. Bathing end fishing. Until. Hickory Nut . Gap road Is made pasaabtake oars to HendersonvtMe. From thereto Esmer alda Js a nlftasajnif. idHvo nir Vima' hAn.M Asheville 8.20 a. m. TURNER, Proprietor. NORTH CAROLINA. s. water wi UtalSoS Board $8 a Al nth ogue address, x . Normal and Industrial of North Carolina. 0 McIVEE, Greensboro, N. C. LITTLE BO-PEEP LOST HER SHEEP but no one need worry about mult ton this, time of the year, If they cant: get dainty and delicious spring lamb for an appetizing end .nourishing, summer meal. We have everything to choice -meate, end all the delicacies Of the sea son hi spring broilers, Iamb, veal, and fowl tthaJt will suit the most critical ep icure. . ,. nRUAll & WHITEHEAD Telephone 4. City Market. Agent for Swift & Cos 1 West era v, - - Dressed Meats. 'IJiIESCAlWEAR-S One size smaller ' after v tising- Allen's Foot-IJase, a powder to be; shaken' . Sato the shoes. ". It nakes tight or new' shoes feel easy; gives Instant relief to " corns and - bunlonOr It's the 'greaJtest comfort tttooovyTAllen's Foot-J5aae is a oer tahi cure" for togrowtag- nails, sweating- hot, achang feet. -Trial package. FREE, Sold by - druggists, grocers, . shoe stores and a general , . storekeepers " everywhere. Bymall.dtor 25 etsJ tot stamps." Address, "Alien S. Olmsted, Ds Royi" N. - uLa8saget.j curing Sha nets, and , Quqa The dbanna,' Massage. .EHeotrlc , Treatmenfts, Manl- curing,? caampooing viapor Bath Cabi nets," and Electric Goods, for Sale Miss Vina; ?phone ;i80j and f thT'-. " S ' , r ; phone-S2.-.'i;ayj;.5..- . I i .- - r: t A. t i ' yd"- - r 41 a 1 i; i 1 4,

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