" RECOVERED THE MQNEY. A' Squire Wlio Wls' Goreriatpd More by-Equity Than toy law. , "OldSquire'Rodgers as evfery person called hiuifwas one of those magistrates who set asidtf the law when it gotin the way of justice. The only" law . books he had about his offi-weje "Smull's Leg-' islative Handbook-' and the "Ilagerstbwn Almanac." Heonce broke all precedents by Collecting a debt from a dishonest man who put in a plea that the- claim , was barred by the .statute. of lfmitatiohs. The defendant awed $27 to a grocer, an easy going man who carried the debt on jhis books for several yearns without mak ing any effort to collect it. He died and lef tjiis ramily little but a lot of outlawed accounts. His widow turned the, books over to Squire Rodgefs, and he came across this $27 debt. He knew the man who owed it could pay it if he would. and he issued a summons for him. Know ing that the debt was outlawed, the fel low paid no attention to the, summons, and the squire sent- his constable after him, with orders to fetch him to the office J at allcosts. He was brought before the squire, and a hiring was opened. w "Did you. gettheseLgbqds?" the-squire asked him after proof of the debt had been taken. - ' , "Yes, sir, but" "Did you eat them?" "I suppose I did, but" ' ' " "That will do, sir," said the squire. "Judgment for the plaintiff for the full" amount of the claim, with -interest. -"I won't pay it," declared the fellow "But you ate, these goods, arid you've got to pay it," retorted the squire. "I'll take advantage of the statute of limitations," the defendant assorted. "The statute of limitations was never intended for 'sfcch contemptible scoun drels as yu?v 'sir,: thundered the squire, "and I won't, allow you to take ad vantage of itl" : - "Ynn Mii't ritivorit it." a.iiH thft rlp- fendant, who was showing signs of an ger - - v "See here," he continued as he pulled . out of- his pocket a roll of bills and way-' ed it over the squire's desk, "there's more than enough inlhere to pay the bill, but joairon t get a dollar of it. IH his excitement the -roll slipped from his fingers arid fell upon the desk. The squire grabbed it. He put it in his trousers pocket, ignoring the threats and, protests of the other man, and he calmly took a blank from a case back of him and; began to fill it but.. Then he gave it to his constable and ordered him to .serce it without delay. It was an attachment the squire had issued on h4mselfr gar nisheeing the money in his possession be longirigti the man who was roaring and tearing1 his hair in front ofhim. After the attachment yas rved heweht through theTorniality of paying the mon ey to the "court," which was himself, to Jbe held for final decree.' Then he pro ceeded to consider the matter of dis tributing the money in the hands of the court. The first claim he - passed upon was the widow's. He paid her in full and satisfied the judgment he had given a few minutes before. Then he assessed his own costs and the constable's, includ ing thevexpenses of. the attachment. Aft--er these items were paid he handed the balance tothe man who owned it. "I won't accept it!" he shouted. "This is downright robbery." "You are guilty of contempt erf court, sir." said the sauire. "and I fine you So, He stripped a bill off the diminished roil. V Then the enraged man lost entire control of himself and began to swear. The squire picked up a pen and kept tally until the outburst of profanity "ceased. V. "Nine profane oaths;" said the squire, counting the score, at b7 cents per oath, makes $6.08." He totfk two more bills off the roll and changed one of them. "I'll appeal to court," the'worsted man - said as he took 'the small amount of mon cy left in his roll and departed. Pitts UUig il t IT Da May. Steep Young - the real secret of yotitliftil featiires in women is regular menstruation. .11 tnere . is fan irregularity of any or ioq scanty too profuse or painful mi A - ' ? -: . X . mm- - The - eyes A will be encircled with Mack, the skin sallow: blotches and pimples will appear, and the sufferer,; although young in years, -failing remedy iSC: Oradfield's Fehale Hegulatcr It'cures atL.ill8 of the womalv or erans, Pallinsr of theWomb. Iucor rheea or Whites and Bearlngdowii Pains. Cures Backache; Headache and Nervousness all of which1 ar aue to weakness in the same organs." Large bottles are sold by Druggists for $ TH& BRADFIELD REGULATOR OOL Atlnnin. OnS , JnAginc of a Hori. There, are three "things tb4t make it Sometimes difficult to judge the true val ue of"a horse. '.y -x -.-: - J; The horse has more f aiiey points than any other "domestic animal." " There are" more peculiarities about a horse that affect value in one way or another than In any other farm animal. - .The hors is subject to more aihnents for the reason- .that he is j sub jectto more abuses than . deception, so "that a man -must have a thorough knowledge of.tSe horseand his . uses if be is able to judge intelligently - and accurately all of the points that add . to or detract from the real value pt o borse.St. LouisiRepublijSi -r ' For Infants and Children! J Th&jKind You Have Always Bdghf Bears) the" SWEDISH . MASSAGE AfiD PACKS.- For neTyttis, rheumatic aid. other fils- CASTOR THE .DOCTORS1 . FAYOfilTE. 27 Doctors- every wpere commend Hosttter'aK fetomach Jt5Jtter8.NashVnie 'Chaittanooga &St,'I.oukr Drujgi&te every wbere--seJl it. For railway will sell tickets to-Los Angelefc, balf a century i t has cured aUCallfornlaj return under following f troubled ? caust-d by weak or cbnditions - n ' r i -jjesrlected stomachs. , i ' -.1 i-'-V' '-'i'"'' - -tlpalioD apd imparfs aibealthy i tone to Ihe.wlSoie system. ' f r- Ls--t- v4 rf - - -'jf :v At invariably b.rfn5"haUh and strength -to tbe user. clter's Stomach Enters 74 THROW UP YOt)R HANDS 1 is Order" That, as a Rtile It Is Healthy to Obey. . " ; ; "Whea a desperado gets the drop on you, the only thing for a sensible man to do is to throw nnhis. hand3," said James Skaggs of Coffeyyille, Elan. "To throw up your hands is no reflection upon your braveryut in the wild west To attempt to draw joyoc weapon when a man has pulied down on you is te invite a verdiot of 'Ganie to his death for being a fool.' - " '' The most desperate man will tirow up his hands when he has th&jyorst- of the draw. - He argues that if he is being aT- restedne "will , always nave achance of es capTng. If hi assailant simply desires to humiliate and intimidate him, why, there is 'the broad future to get even in. I have known Wells-Fargo stageooach guards to throw up tEeir hands at the - first com mand and give up their arms. There is no use in sayingjbhat the robber will not shoot, .Too many dead men have told that be does. "I Jsaewa little Wells-Farga man who had a great reputation- for bravery.. Tb' coach was held up on the old Santa Fe, trails The guard was one of the first to' surrender. . The passengers vere disgusted as they stood inline and were robbed When the coach renewed its journey they were very harsh in the criticism of thei? guard. The coach rolled on for half a mile and turned bend behind some rocks. 'The guard then stopped the cdch and un strapped a Winchester from the side of the vehicle. . ' S "Then he started back on foot alone. Just as he expected, . be came -serosa the men en the .road dividing their booty. They did not perceive him until he got his Winchester at work and killed aU4tree in their tracks.' Then he stepped forward, secured all the booty and the weapons of the robbers and rejoined the coach about nightfall, the driver having moved slovly4 as he knew what tbe brave fellQW was,np ta' St. Louis Qlobe-Democrat. ' eWit)t'e Li.tle Early RiWs expel from the sysltem all poisonous accumu a- tions" regulate the stomach, bowe's, and liver, and purify the Wood. Tihey drive away diseasei idfissipte melancholy, a.d give health and vigor for the dally ro,u tine. Do not srice or sicken. Parascn Pharmacy. -' -i Motliers and Cnildren y Mothers often sny that children should have a "good time," as they, wjll soon" be unhappy enongb oyer the serious duties.o'f life. If a child is brought up m idleness and does nothing but have a "good time, work will eome mighty Kard The.dutjes of life will prove very disagreeable; and the grown child will be apt regaid the good times of youth as the natural sort -of thing and the stern duties of life as unnatural. Children should be happy, but parents should not carry the idea so War as to nun thir children and make loafers of them.-Atchison Globe. - -y - What you want" is mot temporary re Htef from piles, but a cure to stay cured. DeWittt's Wiitdh Hazl Salve cures piles, and they stay cured. Par agon Pharmacy. Salt snould bo taken Dy every body at meals, for a sufficient quantity does not exis in our food to ,. supply - the needs of the" body. Many people do not realize that salt is absolutely essential to health and van life. ' . - TO Cnre . Constipation Forever Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic 10c or 25c. If C. C. C. iail to cure. druRRists refund money Easy nongh. . - ,,C5rimll In - talkl-ntf with vnnr wife ttnd that she holds the same views on all Important subjects as you do.'.Howo you manage her? " : - .5 "Always argue on 'the other . side when rmtalking to her."-Detroit Free Press. ; ' STORY OF-A slave; To be bound hamd' and foot for years by tine chains of disease to the worst torm of slaivry.'' GeoTgeJD Williams, of Man- cheater. "Mich., tells bow, such a lave was tnade free.: He Says; "My wife has been eo . helpless for five years' that she eould not turn over In bed alone..- After using two bottlles f 31ecitric . Bitters, she is vvonderfullylmproved and. able to- do Iher , own ork'Tbiia supreme remedy for female ; dleases . quickly cures nervousness, Bleepleeeness, melan choly, beadache, backache, itainting amd dizzy , spells. This miracle working mediclm io a, god-ed xx weak, sickly, run doTvia peoptte ; 3very bottle guaran teed. Only 50 ceU. Sold by TV" C Smith, W. C. OaTmichael, amd.Pelham's Pharmacy. - v. . . - V ' - " .... U. . - : : 11 S" ; ; ' NOTICCE. By virtue of power off . sale vested In the undersigned vJxustee by 'a certain deed An trust executed "by M. B. Bail ey and wife: R. -E.'i Bailey,; bearing date thef 28th day of July, 1890. which deed In trust was duly, registered in the office of tle registief of deeds lof, Buincombe couja- ty NorthOaroliTua,:4n book Nov 22, page 315 et seo.d of the.recordia offdeeds-6f truet ana . mortgages of said county, -to ,oa Wednesday July 19,T 1899betwee4'the nours or 12 o clock m. and 1 p. m., ithe front of. the court house, -in, the rity " of Asrhevillet county. . of Bunicombe" ' -dri sta.te of Jctlr-Carolina, (sell'.forcash to tne Jtugnest bidder.at ubllo auction, that certain piece or-parcel o . Uarid situate,! ajiis wiuu -ceing m tne etat of North Carolina, -county ef Buncombe and city of Asheville,--be4ng lot TXo. 19 to Linicoln pajrkandi.bounded' as lollowsr V Beerlnnine" at. kf-Afei ntho OAnfh gim of Phifer streetNand 60 feet from 4ts -vMVU w.lu ine eastern mairgin or umuwu Bitreet Ojna runs, cnenr tv rTi-itna said Phifer BbSt SS w 60 feet to the northwest comer of lot :No, 18; thence with the western line of Bard lot No. 18, south 1 degree, 22 minutes v'r t 1Z0 feet to a rtake int northern educatidmai. convention V - diCaccourj, of the aboe occasion tie riP $2.00'for msmrsW AC" - -xuui itww! - oiu-i dren'r between, the egrea of -'five .mnd twelve at' bne-half the above rate, ,and should be marked, stamped br punched "Half 'and for such-half tickets mem- fberehip fee will-be $1.00. Above rates aily via' direct route going and re turning. ' r ;v 1 Daite of etxlej Juce 24th,to July Zth, 5n- clusive. 1899. Ultimate desiinarom of all tickets to be Uos Angeles, Olffornia LimTt Going, journey must commence on the1 date of sale as indicated y StamD of. selling agent, an tickets llmiired, within 'the terrHtory East of the Mk1s sipp'i and South of the Ohio and Poto mac risers', to striotly canitinuous pas sage in eaoh direction. , On going trip itrip"passenger must arrive in Los Ani- geks nevt later than . July- yth. Return ourney to commence on aaite or valida tion at destination, passenger to reach orig-inal sbaritirig vpodmt not later stlran September 5. 1899. Return portion of iticket, f rom .poimt of .exchange, must 'be yaliidiateci for return " at gateway poinits from w'Mch they read. " . - Stop-over - privileges Stop-oveirsP. dn either direction, witlhin the transit limi will be permftted west of and including El Paso Tex., Trinidad, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver, Colorado,, Chey enne, Wyoming, and other points of cor respondimg location on. trans-coBtinemtal lifnea.- Form of fickets Regular forms of round trip tickets, final umitil x Sept. 5, 1859, to be sold to New Orleans, Memr phis, St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, or ISt. Joseph in conneoth)n--with Exchange Order, form QR Sndofsement t'o be made on Exdhaange Order -'INCLUDING N..E. A. MEMBERSHIP. COUPON." See that your -supply of form QR is suific- 4ertt. . . .--LX Routes The -rate of one first , class fare for the round trip, plus J2.0Q, applies7 byj me same,, routes going ana re unmans. over which Tegular nine months Pacific Coast tourist's rates apply, or by sucb variable routes as are allowed under the regular nine'rhomth's tourist rate, witSb the v!foilowtog .xceptiions: For tickets readingone way,' via any nJiirect route. taking the short line one way, first class rate, and -returning via. Shiasta route .and Portland, add $12.50. ' For tickets read-. throuerh Banstow. El Paso, or Deming. anS returniffg viaShiasta route andPort- lana, atra $-U.ou, na xor iicisets reaauig via. the- Uolon Pacifie- or A T. &. S. F. Ry., one way vtfa Ogden andi tlhe other via Shasta, route and Portland, add $17.50. These additional amounts to be paid where order 9s exchanged. , , Side trips Western lines-have araniged for various sdde trips -for holders Of N. E. A. tickets, with but very title addi tional col -'Write for vlurther informa- tion on this subject; ; "Wlhat might have been" If that lit tle oougrh hadn't been neglected--da the sad reflection, of "thousanids:. ofsconaurnpfe laves.--- une juinu'ie uougn jure cure, Ann arVi lam. nftlriA TaVJ emir Tfc a nrt( DeWitt's Colic jCholerdXure. Oulckly cares Dysehiriv and Dlrrho- UNIVERSITY OF WidSst patronage and fullest equlp'menKin its MB'tory Facuficy, 38; s:tu dents, 495; 3 atsademic courses; 3 electiv e oourses; 3 professional schools, in La'w, Medicine aiwi Phmlaicy. New buildings, water works, splendid librar.es, labor atories, etc. r - Advanced! classed open to women. Tuition$60 a Year. "Ample opportunity for" self help. S cnWlarships. and loans ' for t the needy.. Free Jtuition for teachers. Summer aCh. ool- for teachets, 24 instructors, 147 tu dents. Toibal enrollment, 644. , For cataJ.bgtte aiddressy-. ' - " President Alderman, Chapel Mill. js C. The State Normal and Industrial I r - - - Col leg i of North Carolina Offers to youngomen thoroughllte rary, 'clasBicat, scieintifi, iand l-nduatrial educaftSon and special pedagogical tcalni ajg. AainUiaL expensea $90"1x $130rfor inan residemts of State,-$150. Faculty- of 30 membere. 'More than 400 s'tudealts. Dtf matricula'ted. about 1,700 studenits, repres eating every county in the sate except one. Practice and Qbserva&ow school of about 250 pupils-. To secure hoard in dor mitories; all free tuition applications sho uid be made before August 1 , . Conrespioindenoe .invitted from those "die siringcompettenit trainei teachers. . For catalogueand other informatiionj address, . " . ' PRESIDENT - . , V T7 - - PPWILI!AH5' by druistSjSent w xujui FOR SAIEl mm S En D OWE D OLli AR ; yitw 100 miier cuesf, w ui md yn tu top bcgst ' nwvr niMiiumua, jn uuditltu yenr rrtrit EStW" THAT RETAIL AT MO. OO ta It IK. OA aad Tut ROAwnrT a inn - , . . . ii..imn.ni BHauMMI 1UU 11 M WIII nd freight charges, less the IL00 seat with order. , aaaaaamaaaaiaaV - ' from better material than most i nt - Pu 43.t . M Ties. U.at3St Style For 1899. Body,- ' 1 t : 1 V i. rar,TJest That Money Can ' ts - . cpPrevjter fide Ear. - : J t c"- -I a; tfneese anT Prayrj r in many a family, paithnilarljr in:H en p" land, a sneeze- is eaerahyrfolloweii I;" Engl by-a heatty.-1?od bless nsT" tho.Uh little: thought- fclyver paid, to the meattinf the phra.se: or why it is used. -A. eurriits 5BXpl a n atfon - of the origin ' of t pi is. given by a writer in DonahoC JlIag:i zine. It seems that several centuries ago an epidemic like ourpresent; influenza became rife; all over: Europe the ;first symptom ofwhick was .violentneezing. The pope at that time prescribed pray ers "J against' the N epidemic - and - recom mended certain "short ejaculations to. be made whenv any oneysnbzed "in suchTa way as to show signe t)!' having contract ed the malady. '- - r . " . t ilence all over Europe we have these ejaculations, practically of .thej'sanie character: Italy, "Dio vi benedica!" in Germany. "Gott segne;dichl"; also MGe- sundheitr .Health) w in France, "Dieu r'vous benisse!" among the Spanish speak ing people of New Mexico, I'Jesus te fa 'voresca!" in Arizona, "Jesus to. oyuder' The English "God bless you !"; or- "God bless us!" corresponds to the Gaelic "Dia linn!" (God with ns). Sometimes the ie spon'se, "agus Muire" (and Mary),- is add ed, and in violent attacks, ."agus Eoin BaistV' Xand John Baptist) ' " m Doesn't- Approve "ot Her. "Does your wife know that pretty Mrs. Gazabbb?" v . V "I .jfhink it is merely a sniffing a JlUainta-nce." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Thorna Rhoadt, Centerfleia, O., -vrit "I suffered from piles eevcm or eigbf years. No remedy gave me relief until DeWitt's WSitcfh .Hazel Salve, less than a box of which permamently cured me." Beware of icounlterfeits.. Paragon. Phar macy; ' v TAKE THE G -TO--' Detroit, Mich. FOR THE. avoi ANTJAli CONVENTION JULY 3 TO 10i THREE SOUO THROUGH TRAINS v' ially.from ; '"' CJNGINNAn. Hate one first class limited fare for the rouncWtrin. 'Tickets good nng. July to 6, Inclusive, with return limit of July iStxu xUrther extension to i August 15 may secured : -by deposiUaig tickets with jofthit agenft at Detroit. . Insist cm having, your tickets read via this route. P. T. M. Cincinnati,, .Ohio ROLINA. Board $8 a N nth ) McIYER, .Greensboro, If. C. -but no? ome need : worry- about mutton ia time of .tne year, iL they can Ret ":4ainty and. delicious sprlag lamb for an appetizing: : and riouri3hiig - " summer meail. We have everything in choice : meats, and a31 the delicacies of the sea son m sprmg DroiieESviamb veal, and fowl that walleuit the most critical, ep icure. . --r.: . - ZIMMKRUMv.S WHITEHEAD Telephoned XitrMarKet. Agent for Swift & Co.'a Western Dressed Meats AW INDIAN FILS CIH IlITf: Is a SURE COREK fnr minil. RlMnd Christian El d NORTH U jug aua iicning rues, i it absorbs the tumors, allays tne itChine at once, trives instant rfillef - Ewto hn in -KrVIri by mail on receipt -of price, 50 cents and $1.00' ttfius sura, tJO.. frops., Cleveland, Uhlo. DRi T, j; SMITH. I7T THIS OUT sad by rasieuT c. o, d. deot sad lr fbaaa nu w .utatiw X l-CI WTO um Ik' mi IISII : , . : . edne w.nen vou go io Arkansas or iexas you can travel inibott a A 1 T you Miuw now. ask. iiie ucAei agenc ror a Ticuct vh thpfi Kuum ana you cannae in a reclining chair car ni V . .mm m m mm. O - I L cost, ana tnus avoia.tne discomforts you would encoir ordinary car- The chairs are arranged so vou can hup, I . m. J J J j , . "4cl .. auic cai uuiuig inc uay aim a gooa piace to sleep at nir ,n 13 oujjpiiv-u 'wuu a. muics uiC5jiillg room HPG a ;Of tfc smoker. You will not have to bother about changing cam01 cars. run through from Memphis and Cairo to Texas vitWfaftoi Direct connections are made at Cotton Belt junctions reliable all parts of Texas, Indian Territory, Oklahoma and the far016 sk Ji you are thinking of taking a trip esvrite and t el; us hgiowt are g-oing an4 -when you will leave, andtve will tell yu hPvrw your ticket will cost, what train to take so as to make the be-t-Jww o.ua v-uuuuuua, auu uijiuuig tioc wc JUQ mat Will tlpp your trip a comfortable one. An interesting little booklet ' TO TEXAS," will be mailed free to any address. H.-H. SIJTTON, U E. W. LaBEAUME Traveling: Passenger Aent, . Gen'l Pass'r andl ;Ead Hons Blk., CHATTANOOGA, TENN. (43) , ST 6 train every week-day 4 train on Sunday to IliDIAIiAPOLIS i "QUEENuF SEA ROUTES' TO Providence Boston, New England Resor s IS VIA THE Merchants' and Miners' Trans Co. "Steamship Lines, FROM Norfolk, Va Steamers leave for 'Boston every Mon day t' Wednesday and Friday at 6 p. m. Leatves for- Provldeiioe every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday at 9 p. m. STEAMEKS NEW; FASqPi AND ELB v GA1TT. Accommodatians and Cuisine TJnsur passed JJenid fpr illustrated folder. R. II. WRIGHT, agu. .Norfolk, Va. - T. C- WHITNEY. -Traffic Manager. -W. P;; TURNER, - v , Gen:-Pass. Agent. General Offices. Baltimore. Md. t. THE... ostDelifutlul Route s-. - 10. NEW YORK ...AND... NORTHERN and EASTERN SUiwiER RESdRTS IS VIA THE DDD ANDJElAli, CONNECTIONS AlAMltCOOLlOH the.ocean Frneooeari afceamshlntr leave Norfolk, "Virginia, daily exceptSunday and Friday at 6.30 d. m., for New York di rect, affording 'opportunity for through passengers i for the - South, Southwest, and West to. visit Richnaond, Old Point Comfort, Jand Virginia Beach en route. For. tickets and ? general inf ormJtion apply, to- railroad picket agents, or .to M, KijCROWELI egent, Norfolk, Va.; J F MATER, agemC 1212 ' Main 'etreet, Richmond,, Va.: "- W.' Ii.- GUILIiAUDEU, Vioe-Pres. - . Traf. Mgr.; New Tork, N. Y and 3. i I fmw-M mm . n a a T. m. & mm M. B BV m Ii liUUVnOYHKI'ILLa Ll ' Original od Oaly Tjrn-iist for C..icheter tnffiU i (..., j i .i .nil c;z metaiuo '.nis. si a':i-J villi 1.1h ribai' 4 inn it ; cures i tnuu i: ana. Four Fast . Trains l-i. m tadep&i ptlo a TO Toledo, bEK AND MICHIGAN AND uid CniKht IVE. IT Pullman ana '"Wtt will retn on night tuins.J" Parlor ears on 15. 50 4 Vim sreai 4 trams every wdw A 3 trains on SuBilenti tUUBU A t v M J pores mf T .fit: ..Vestibuled trains, Standard and Compartmtni Majn Sleeping Cars, Parlor Cars, and Caf6 Dining cV 1 ijtmctd or i " Atlanta and Shortl.T; AtlantaUi i Railroa: THE SH0B1 ATLANTA IS Operate map'fi between Atiaa- , bile and Ne-'( Iter point close t are made for A'l Texas, . lit V In Additio., Through l These railroad commode'W-' their p&J0,s line. Anyi-, of home c y tractive no' -;; perity thaiu -of these f "THB Bf A beautiful tailed inf and attra v Haly be had u signtd ing all B. F. -Gen rV AtW R Sr.. h GEOKGE Manas' "f SE ;3K Finest -tfartj A'- - ff tut fliiiiieruM """"""v.. a-