,.tttt7 AqHKVIIJJ2 GAZETTE JOLY 11, 1S99 , .a J TVl rS tHowtoa 'to jailawiaiting an investl? I Vat fon 3- v- - . 7 . Isaac -Brown; drowned -last. Monday i at -noon WHttinwiwmmniiffmmiiiiiiw"w"'iiiJini'w i wntlCbathiris' in poolt tbe oek - r- : r -r -Y . " - - fi . - ... 75 , , , - -".. . II lit-. - 1.1 - - f 2 ii ii . - Banff u u u iimm u m . - . u t; . . mmZ -1 1 - n Our Summer Clearing Sale This season promises to eclipse anything the kind we ever had. THE REASON WHY IS EJ ISILY EXPLAINED. Tftepub'ie learns more and more to appreciate TH E G EXIT IN E BAR KA1NS WE OFFER Every article is sold us advertised. We are determined ndir to carry over a dollar worth of summer 2:0 "is for next season. Our Clearing Sale last week closed out several 1 ts, but many other lots of summer goods are ytt to be sold. -. This week we offer sp5cial inducemants in the following articles -.. A lot of China Silks dn the leading h.ada, 32 inches wide, worifch 65c at 48 Cents! Another lt 36 inchswide, worth 85c to 90c. Our Clearing: Prite, 521-2 Cents t A lot of Challiee, as they last, worth 6c. Aa long WMte Lawn, 15c. Our price 3 Cents 40 inche3 wide, cheap at 10 Cents Black Saltin, 36 $1.50. Our price, inches wide, worth Wool and Silk Challies, sold where at 30 and 35c. Our prlce,- every- 98 Cens 19 Cents A lot of silk waist patterns. 50c on 'the dollar. 0 at about Swiss Muslin for Dresses, in beautiful patteriis, worth 15 'to 18c. Our price, Forty pieces of all Wool Drers Goods. at about 50 cents on the dollar. Three hundred pairs of Ladies' Oxford Ties, cheap at 75 cents. Our price, 10 Cents 50 Cents Fcrty. dozen Ladies' (handkerchiefs, cheap at 5c apiece. Our price, ALL OTHER SHOES WILL SOLD IN PROPORTION. BE 2 1-2 Cents Fine Organdies m beautiful WOTth 15 to 18c. Our price, Fine Taffeta Gloves, the 40c quality, at. design , 10 Cents. 23 Cents - Silk Ties, worth 20c. Our price 10 Cents nil 11 i j u i Ladies liiii p j rra r Clothing Department In this department we are determined to close out every summer suit to make roomf for our fall stock to arrive next month. A lot of ail wool men's suits, tT oVv worth $&.00 $10 00 and $12.00. Yoar choice at - - . . 400i 80 pairs men's fine troueers at nearly half what .you have to pay for them else where. J ust received, a line of Keystone 4 'Union Made" Overalls, and Graichen Gloves. . LOOK AT ODR STO.K AND PRU ES It will pay ycu. BIG BALTIMORE 10 and 12 Patton A venue 0' 1 The unf rtUTjate boy; with several com ! na&ons attenrfpted torwinv across the bat-' not being a gooor swininier xtxk. oild not keep afloat and finding that lie -wasinklnguHe calledi: for he3p. Wriston Sheppard, a boy aboulf lsaao's age? went to rescue bfnl'butwas sfelz ed by a.drxwnrng. boy jand had . a very naiTOw escape; , for -lie Was carriei un der tbe water for' some distance before, fee could loose the hold Isaac had upon hi& heck. Monw Rnqufreiv Fayetteville is said to be consider ably atfbove- tidewater, yet- this , is ,not literally true. . In one of our artes'a.u' wells, - that f Captain Ray, ; onGreen street, the tide ebbs ana flows re&uiur with .the ratate of the moon. At high tide the weil overflows, with a consier- aber stream; at low tide the stream is a mere dribble, though , it never does entirely cease its flow. - This, well is sometliing over 200 feet in- depth, which is lust about our elevation above the sea, so that the bottom of thafwell is O.DOUI Oil tu level wnu wic ouijl. kti. it ; sea. is tnere some .SUOierranean am- nection between the sea endthe body .of water which lies under Fayetteville at a depth of 200 feet? That is a ques tion for the scientists. Fayetteville Observer. Who said there wais no profit in sheep raising? in a note receivea. Monaay night,-'Rev. E. FY Jones writes us from Wautaug. 'county -as -fo.lows: "Mr. Philip Greer, near Zionville, N. C, had twenty-two fread of . sheep last fall. They were of good stock and he treated them well. From the twenty-two he sold $40 worth of wooK A few days ago ihe sold twenty-five head, for- which he received $107, and now has twenty of his best sheep left. One lamb weighing 134 pounds at five months old, he sold for five cents per pound, or $6.70. Good for a North Carolina lamb." Mr. Joaes writes these lambs go to rorthern cities. Gastonia Gazette. -H BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, Bait rheuni. "fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblaina, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures' piles, or Oo pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by T. C. Smith, W. C. Carmlchael. and Pelham's phar- i- . ' '" " ii . .umm mm i CAROLINA NEWS Interesting Items from Va rious Parts of the State. Glimpses of Life and Progress in the Land of the Sky. Notes Gathered for the Gazette and Selections from Latest North OaroUna Newspapers, A -monument to the confederate d-ad was- unveiled Tueday at High Point. , Captain F. C. Robbine, of Lexington, .and Colonel' J. S. Carr delivered ad dreves. , W.C. Bain, a contractor of this pla:o, . (has a big job, the building of a new ha r'tel etv Pimehuret to cost $100,000, work ' ii port , which commences soon. K. E. Bain has the contract for the lumber of wnicn 1,300,000 feet wHl be requlea,- ".'Greensbora Record. a. jj ree win baptist preacher was caught in Johnson county the other day Ty jevenue officers. He was - at his - v "blockade still, running it- at a lively gait. He ought to be given . long term. : 5 Such cases do not largue any thing against Christianity. They only - hbw'rthat- Judases still live. North ':' Carolina Baptist ' ' : : t .. Beauty. Is Blood Deep. Clean blood' means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your Diooa ana Keep it clean, by stirring up the-4azy liver and driving all im Duritiea. from ;tbe body, i Been to-dav to banish pimplesr boils, blotches, blackheads,' snd that sickly bilious complexion by taking ascarets, oeauty -ior ten cents. All drug .&t, satisfaction gua''anteed,-i,0c. 2Zcrv0v. A peet, known locally as the "army worm, has made its appearance in southern and eastern North - Carolina. A sixty acre field of almost full grown corn was destroyed near Rockingham within the short space of six days. The army worm" , is a. small, smooth-bod ed worm about three-fourths of an inch ito one Inch in length, and travels very fast. It seems to work very rap- dly. The Danville tobacco syndicate has ts agents in all the markets east of here trying to obtain options. An ob servant man, who has lately visited the eading markets, says that while the agents are boasting that they are rapid- y securing options on the warehouses and the business, the warehousemen are very positive in denial of these statements. The warehousemen - are greatly stirred up. It is said that this. Danville scheme to '.'corral" the tobac co trade will fall unless the American Tobacco company i backing It.-Ral- eigh Correspondence Charlotte Observer.- ' I v Mr. C. J. Brown, .president of; ihe Fayetteville! and Albemarle railroad, was in Sanford one day last week. He says six miles of . his road has already been cdmpleited from .Southern Pines, and there is no doubt that it will reach Fayetteville., Bonds will be. Issued to complete the road. " Mr. Brown has is sued, ia 'handsome booklet showing the advantages of the route of the 'Toad. Mr. John Blue, who owns the: railroad running from, Aberdeen, in this ..county. to "Raeford," Cumberland county ,is. ex tending his road from Raeford ;t6 form a junction with the Yadkin -branch of "WEN - 'Ami WOMEN ICIdiiey 'trouble preys up on.taie mind, discourages and lessen s : ambataom. Wauty, vigor , and chtear- , - rumess tfoon disaDpear out r oraer ori dfeetoed.-- Jor, pleasing results use Dr.'jaimeirsi( Swamp .Root, th great kildney remedy. - Alt druggists sample, boutie by mall free also' pam phletAddressuDr. Kilmer &c Co.,' Bing 1 'l. W t . - the Atlantic Coast Line at Hope Mills. The extension will pass through the upper portion of Robeson county and will be about fifteen miles long. San ford Express. When David Hunttey concluded to marry his wife he called his children to witness the nuptials. Out in the yard, fifty feet from the house, he had driven up a stake, and commanding each to I place their hands upon the stake, Uncle JoaK wilkle with his quaint marriage ceremony, united the old manto his bride-sthus making his children legiti mate "heirs to his estate, is the story told us, with names of witnesses to the marriage. "We .-are . also informed that twenty-three children was the crop he raised.-Rutherford Vindicator. . The state agricultural department's report for the month ending June 30th, based on the returns from over 1,000 correspondents, was summarized todaV. It says the acreage of cotton is 83 per cent., and condition 90; acreage of corn 101 1.2. condition . 98 : tobacco 105 1-2 condiftion 91. All these percentages are as' compared with last year. The condition of "other crops as compared with the average is given as follows l Irish potatoes 85, sweet pota toes 9, mead6ws 87, gardens 73. an- pTes 53, peaches 45 grapes 85. The yield, of wheat is 73 12 and bats 61 1-2 per cent, of average. " A'Morgantoh special to the Charlotte Observer says a. trange 'fatalityseems to attend the Houston family &6f i that place. Early in May three members' of the family died of smallpox, these be ing the 'only deaths, from,' the disease in Morganton. : Two other members of the family were recently discharged from the pesfc house cured. Saturday morn Ing one of : these,- a young: nran, Sandy Houston, . eho ' his !. sister-in-law, : the widow of a brother who hadvdied with smallpox; The womaii has since died Both parties; claim, that . the - shooting Lwasaccidenitjal but the - .neighbor? say that a violent quarrel was in progress whentthe .hooting ..occurred Toung THE SHOOTING AT MARSHALL. Special to the Gazette. Marshall. N. C, Juiy 10. An unfor tunate shooting took place in our town last Saturday night about twelve o'clock, in which Tom Biglow, colored, of Asheville, while resisting arrest from Policeman Barnes, was shot and almost instantly killed by Barnes. Big low had been disorderly and was placed under arrest, when, without warnmg.he threw the policeman down and jerked his billy away from him and threaten ed ito kill1 him, whereupon Barnes shot three shots at him, the third shot tak ing effect. The shooting was done on the depot platform, and Biglow, aftei being shot, ran to the end of the switch, about one hundred yards, and there fell pn his face and died instantly. Barnes Immediately gave himself up to the sheriff. An inquest was held over the remains of Biglow yesterday but no verdict was given. Barnes claims the killing was done fn self defence, which was the opinion of several. J. E. H. Wlff'-'liyffr i" VM1iil.;iiMiii:i.'iii.nimM.l.';'ii.i.ii1.ili!iiti.ii!!!!"'itl I. O TilIlI8 ouQ villlaTeTl cgclahleftalioiitbrAa siMatiiig uyocxtflndUguIa- mm 10tesTHotvCterfiLf Taas aftdBsLContafas ndfher ChminCMorphinfi nor "Mfogfot: NotNAhcotic. " WrmJcd- CLMdSafttm A nefect Rernfdv f orCDnsHfta- tion. Sour StomadbJi8rrlioea. Wonns,CorrvTustons,FcvCTish 0SS and LOSS OF SLEER -' BscSisjle Signatye of NWTOHIC exact copy or whapfeb. The Kind You Have Always Bought -Bears the - Signature of AW fT Use! For Over Thirty Years iNfiwmm uU M YB AND VITALITY ilnlLb U UU FIZiIiS The great remedy for nervous prostration and all diseases of the generative organs oi eiiner sex, suca as mervous iTostration, Jb'ainng- or xxst Manhood, Im potency, Nig-htly missions. Youthful Errors, Mental Worry, excessive use of Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Consumption and Insanity. With even ICTCD IICJUG $5 order we guarantee to cure or refund the money. Sold at $1.00 per box. Hr 1 CTi UdinOi 6 boxes for $5.00. DB. MTTS CUEMICIL CO., Cleveland, Ohio FOR 8AIM BY DR. T." C. SMITH. SOUTHERN EAIIiWAY. In Effect June 12, 1899. Nos. 11 & 11 pm am 4.25 12.10 6.55 .3.50 9.20 6.22 No.. 35 Eastern Time. Nos. Lv New York Ar Lv Phlladelphda Ar Lv Baltimore Ar 12 & 38 pm 1.05 10.15 8.00 No. am 6.35 2.56 11.25 36. pm 10.45 am 5.50 am 11.15 pm 6.02 Lv Washington Ar Lv Dan viile Ar. am 6-42 pm 11.51 pm 9.05 pm 1.30 Nos. 11 & 33. pm pm 11.00 12-01 Nos. Lv Richmond 1 Ar 12 & 34. am 6.00 O. Fb&ti the Signature i The Kind You Have Always Bough. NOT PRACTICING HIS OWN PREACHING. By Rev. N. Ken Smith, D. D. Recently we have had a series of meetings in our town, in a sister . de nomination. The preacher, from a Kentucky town, preached a magnifi cent sermon against Sabbath desecra tion aDd, among other things, con demned the open drug stores und res taurants; and yet this same brother, in his dosing fareweirfemarks on Sab bath evening, said "I will be speeding away home tonight while you are sleeping." He left at 10:30 p. m. He advertised the fact that he would vio late the Sabbath, and so what he con demned in other people. I think heJ.3o4im would better quit preaching against Sabbath desecration, or mend nis own way. Ellzabethtown ' (Ky.) Christian Observer. Nos. 37 & 11. pm am 8.35 9.00 1.15 2.50 2.09 3.50 5.15 6.35 Lv Lv Lv Ar Norfolk Selma Raleigh Greensboro Nos. Ar At Ar Ar 12 & 38 am 8.20 3.45 2.45 10.47 pm 6.25 pm 4.32 3.23 12.10 pm 9.05 9.55 10.3S 10.55 12.15 2.15 2.25 am 7.50 8.30 9.07 9.25 10.34 12.03 12.10 Central Time am pm Lv Salisbury Ar 6.35 9.30 Lv S'tfeltesville Ar 5.44 8.43 Lv Newton Ar 5.03 8.09 Lv Hickory Ar 4.45 7.52 Lv Marloa Ar 3.28 6.45 Lv Blltmore Ar 1.30 15.21 An . Ashevlllle Lv 1.20 5.15 No, 33. am 9.05 10.25 12.30 pm 2.35 3.57 5.55 7.40 11.35 7.10 am 12.15 1.29 3.05 4.25 8.00 7J0 Lv Asheville Ar Lv Hot Springs Ar Lv Morristowoi Ar Lv Knoxville Lv An Chattanooga " Lv Ar Memphis Lv pm 1.10 11.40 9.50 8.25 4.20. 9.15 am No. 34. am pm 5.10 4.00 2.30 1.20 Ar 5.30 10.00 Lv 4.M 9.15 Lv 2.14 am Ar NewOrieans 7.30pm LADIES CAN WEAR SHOES. One size smaller after using Allen's Foot-Ease, ia powder to be snaKen mio the shoes It makes tlgh or new shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to corns and .bunions. It's the grealtest comfort discovery. Allen's Foot-Ease is a cer tain cure for ingrowing' mails, sweating hot, achlimg feet. Trial .package FREE. Sold by druggists, grocers, shoe eoores and "general storekeepers everywhere. By mall tfor 25 cts. to stamps. Adiaress, Allen S. Olmstead, Le Roy, N. Y. You can't cure dyspepsia by dieting. Eat good, wholesome food, and plenty of It Kadbl Dyspepsia Cure digests food without aid ifrom the stomiaclh, and Is made to Cure. Paragon Pharmacy. rin "Both my wife andfaraelf bave been using CASCARETS and they fare the; best medicine we have ever had In the -house. Last week my wife was f rantlo with Beadache for two days, she tried some of yodr CASCARETS. and they relieved the pain in her bead almost Immediately. We bothTecommend Cascareta." - .. Chas. -Stbdb wo bp, Pittsburg Safe & Deposit Co. , Pittsburg, Pa. Pleasant. Palatable. Poteifc Taste Good. Do Qood, Meret Sicken. .VYeakeu. or Gtlpe. 10c. 2bcU)c. CURE CONSTIPATION. . rlii Ktmtj CMtpuj, Ck !(, UMtrtal, Iw Tarfc. SI7 A: AND S. BRANCH. No. 14. am 7.05 8.28 9.14 10.20 11.22 3.20 No pm 2.05 3.15 3.57 5.00 6.00 9.30 10. No. 34. pm 8.00 9.10 9.58 11.03 12.10 Eastern Time Lv Asbieville . -Lv Blltmore Lv Hendersonville Lv Tryotn Ar Spartanburg Ar Columbia. Ar Lv Lv Lv Lv Lv No.33. pm 8.45 9.35 8.50 7.48 6.50 am No. 9. pm 1.40 2.30 1.42 12.40 11.40 8.30 am No. 13. am 6.00 6.52 6.05 5.00 3.49 11.40 pm pm 8.17 pm 11.00 am Ar C&arlestoia Lv 5.30 7.00 5.00 -6.00 Central Time Ar SvaTmah Lv 12.09 9.15 9.15 Ar Jacksonville Lv 8.00 8.00 8.00 Ar Augusta Lv .30. 3.55 .5.10 5.10 Ar Atlanta. Lv 11.50 11.50 7.40 8.30 8.30 Ar New Orleans 'Lv 7.55 7.55 7.45 Ar Merpphis MURPHY BRANCH. No. 67 No. 19 No. 17 M. W. F. Ex. Sun. Daily. am 4.50 7.20 8.00 10.55 3.45 ' pm pm, 2.45 v 4.10 4.30 6.23 .30 am 9.15 10.38 10.58 12.40 pm Lv. . Asheville ' Ly Waynesvllle Lv Balaam --Lv Brygon. City Air Murphy No. 20. No. 18. Ex. Sun. Daily. . ' pm ' am Ar 12.05 Ar 7.15 Lv 10.38 Lv 5.53 Lv 10.10 Lv 5.30 Lv 80 Lv 3.50 Lv- 5.30 M IM- - am pm No. 68 pm 6.05 4.10 3.19 10.44 6.09 am , Trains- 7, 8, 85, 36, and 83. and 34 carry through Pullman sleeper between Asb vlUe, epartanburg, Atlanta, ami Macon. Trains 13 and 14 carry Pullman Parlor carjeftween AshevUlev Spartanburg Columbia and Charleston. rfrnn.Pf J . V'.:-," " m mm man ras on sss Ins and Itclilns PUes. it absorbs the tumors, allays g J by arnggis Sent by mail on receipt of price. 50 cents and f I 'i?!! Wn.T.T A TTS IIFQ. CO., Props., Cleveland, Ohi IT&AXJ3 BT Di T. SMITHY 1 ' 1- . f ' . v . " - v r . ' '.. -V . -.! x. 'V i - , . ; - "