THE ASHEVHiE GA2ETTE JULY'iS, ? '4 "The Summer Capital by th 8ea." (efioughput - v m i mil bhi i awii a I w si mtt sni hi mwi hmmbmbk- :. for 100U UBSSi -nt UalIllv4alUliy WliUa Ott&o for louiuu&s THE MOST DELIGHTFUL SEASIDE RESORT ON THE ATLANTIC COAST. -. - - l 5TS ' . . M. A. . m. 1 m . Jg A A A A. WRI5E FOR PAnPMLET. Barbee, Griffin & Cooke,- Managers. SWANNANOA-HOTEL, ASHEVILLE, N. C Stopping Place of Commercial and Tourist Travel Everything flrstclas; excellnit table, neat rooms,' sun parlors, large office and the finest ball room in. the State. Dancittg every oigh't. Music by Miss Florence gearing's New Orleans orchestra. Family suit the times. All modern improvement. Come for a day, a week;, a month, or longer, you 'will enjy ev ery day's s'tay. Take grew cars from the depolt direct to the door. Write for rates arwJ circular it " Col, F. A. Lincoln, Manager. 1 :' COLUMN MISCELLANEOUS. : 4c SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Destroyed; for ever by the-Electric Needle without pain orscaT.i Ladies -annoyed with super flubus hair, 'inoles, "etc., can be relieved Those imterested will receive a prompt reply by addressing The Electrolosia Go., Box 263, Asheville, N. C MISS NORA WARE-Piamlst and teach er, in stringed instrument. Corntr of Spruee and Woodftn streets. ' R. WATKINS, J. E. MONTAGUE WAYNESVILLE Waynesvllle, N. C. Waynesvllle, Altitude 2. 860, Asheville. Altitude 2,250, - Opened June 1st, 1899. Hew Rouse, hewly Furnished FishingTrout, Bass, Etc. Special Hates to Families. 9 Baths on Every Floor Hqt and Cold Water. 0 Free Sample Rooms. Mineral Waters. Electric Bella. Most Beautiful Scenes in Western North f arolina. MONTAGUE & WATKINS, Props. ESMERALDA I NN In the land of cascades and water falls. Bathing and fishing. Until Hickory Nu Gap "road Is, made passable take cars to Hlnknrv IXfitt ftRT HendersonviTle. From there to Esmer- niCtiOry lJUV Jap. alda la a pleasant strive of three hours tau-ough Reedy Patch Gap. Train laveAsheviTle 8.20 a. m. THOMAS TU RISER, Proprietor. Q uisisana Nature Cure Sanitarium Asheville, N. C, 17 French Broad Avenue. LATEST TGERMAiST METHOD No Medicine! No Operations! - . fF.nfAi iiv Mnssfls-p. Baths, Diet," Sweedish MovefDents. etc. All diseased treated. NO CONSUMPTIVES TAKEN, HOTEL FLEMING Maxi' c GK0BER CONCERT CO., Proprietors. Roy Cottage HOBaird Street Sunset ' Drive, Ashe ville, N. C. , t ' FINEST VIEW IN ASHEVILLE: "Will accommodate a limited inumber of Siesta. No children; no advanced con ?mptives taken. Terms, only 15.00 and ?5.00 per week. ? - -; Mra. M. M. Hazelrtgg. - The Tuxedo, 76 Haywood street, one hwk from the postofflce. Modem house, wW fnrlshed. Bath on . each floor. Reaaonable ttermfi, . , .-Ww' ' . . J. McGARRT. SITUATION WANTSO. n FIRST CLASS COOK-sFrom Jackson v . villa, ; Fla,, watOita a posiifaiomv either fco- ' ttel or boafidling "bouse. - Have first olasa ireccanmiendation.'; age, 25 years; colored Reply tx Geo. Crueer, 38 Davidso-n at :' r. 133-3 R-OIGESTI0N - J W makes Dure 4j1oo1. Streng then the stom-ach-with Hos-Bsetter'gfetoa-acbBitters. it will cure- vour Indigestion & Neryqusness See' tfiata : H. irir: -." Private Keve- STOWACHT jane Stain d covers neck of the bottle IP CELEBRATEI WANTED Situatkax as ttraveliag com paniom to lady going abroad, by aa, experienced Araveler, : speaking French and English and who la xuo Bufajedt to sea sickness . Best o reiereuces. Address . C. M., Gazett HELP WANTED. WANTED. Stenographer for desirable position, wlho will purchase Remington machine (cheap), perfect order. Type writer, Gazette. 128- ROOMS AND BOARD. NEW HOUSE Newly fuxnia'aed; would like people to occupy ithree pleasant rooms; plenddd table; adjoining -bath rooms; .gSteetric light; 5 minuttes' walk from SqmaTe; for rates, etc., see Mrs. W., 140 South Main street. " 116-6 PRIVATE BOARD. New houae, with all modem improvemets, on street, oar line. Five minuifes walk from square. Can accommodate four people only. Reasonable rates. Address, M, Ga zette. - 123-6 FLAT ROCK, N, C, Is a greatly appre ciated moutnitaia residence; high, dry, bracing. For board at a pleasant home, addreag, Mns. Bliack. eod-3 COTTAGE. Large, new, superl;r cot itage,. (furnished, for" rent for summer, Mrs. B:ack, Flat Rock. N. C. eod-3 PRIVATE BOARD. By Mrs. W. O. Hudson, 48 Spruce street, Asheville, N. C. Repainted and remodeled; electric lights; large pleasant rooms; !bot and cold water. In the center of the city. ' 108-lm FOR RENT. ijcjjt FOR RENT. One or two nicely furnish ed) rooms. 37 N. French Broad ave. 112-tf ROOMS FOR RENT Untfuroished or furnished; also unf"rrished or furnish ed for light houi '.c ng. Nice, larget newly paperedi, 'r low. 12 Centra! avenu. 127-6 fa Cut His Eyeteetli. Mr? Gotham Come back east to hve. eh? What was the matter with Dugout City? Returned Westerner Too noisy. Couldn't sleep. Mr. Gotham t himself) That town njUK be booming. .lvexurneu westerner I m not going bach there again. I'm going to sell out. Mr. Gotham (a mouth later) See here! That property you sold me in Dugout City isn't worth taxes. The town is dead and .grass growing in the streets. You said "you left because, it was so noisy there you couldn't sleep. Returned Westerner (innocently) Y-e-s. Can, any one sleep with 40,000,000 frogs singing under his window. New York Weekly. J " " ."What might have been" if that Mt tie cough hadn't been meglectefd 4s the saa reneotJiom of thousands of eonsump tivest. One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs and colds. Paragon Pharmacy. The Dangers of a Malarial Atmosphere m-aybe averted toy occasionally taking Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine. Heroea Should. Get Together. "Say, 1 Kot a great idee." "What is it?" "Make 'Jim' Jeffries a committy o' one to g uf on de pier an receive Uncle 'George Dewey." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Thomas Rhoads, Centerfield, O., writ : "I suffered from piles seven or eight years. No remedy gave me relief until De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, less than a box of which permanently - cured me. Beware of counterfeits. Paragon Phar macyf CITY STAT EWENTr k CASH RiECETVED. Lasn n hand Juoe 1 - J3.S18.93 ioijectea Dyj. a. Campbell, T. C, sundries . ' ' ' Collected by W. B. Rankin. water departrnttat Collected by J. A. Lyerly, C. P. nnes . Collected by W. H.irdV sani- ary department Collected by B. F. Rives, scales Collected by J. B- Erwio, scales Oolleoted by M. W. Robertson. clerk, sundries . x 19.00 v.ui;toiw dius payable Battery fanwM.. - . 10,000,00 wvciuiawn .account co m 6,992.46 965.23! 193.. 21 174.50 4.89 45.38 Total 21,802.67 Remove causes of Menstrual Suppres sionisW- Exaggerations and Irregulariiaies by taking Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Table. $ A Base Canard. The, Interviewer There is a report started, senator, that you are intending to retire from politicss Senator Makerox Young man, I am not the first man whose wealth has been overestimated. Indianapolis Journal. Massage, Electric Treatment, Mani curing, Shampooing, Vapor Bath Cabi nets, and Electric Goods for Sale. Miss Quiltoitt, The Villa, 'phone 180; and the Swaonasnoa, 'phone 32. Sour stomach is owe of the first symp toms of a coming Biliiousr attack. " Cure it .with, a few doses). of Dr. M. A. Sim mons. LJver Med'ictne, For Saleor ExcMnge 3Wo"lSUry brick business buildings In giving town in East Tenmessee.'"" Sul fur, freestone and chalybeate water, "est climate in the. world." Apply,. to H. F. GRMST. . 24 S. main St.-' SILVAN PARK; r tvner North main "street and" Starae3 ljju- Northern cooking; Near car KEillLVORTH PARK COTTAGE. tAm tlie-noisa and 'Idustl of thewy. One xnaie irom the court bouse, on the Biltmore car line. New house, with ex 'h,w .mvhtiHrv veryj iComxoTt; pro- imM. Mdiao 'hoard from $6 - per c MRS. A. L BAROII p;6Box 368.. BUtmore, N. C 1 - . PRIVATB .BOARD. House" lii ' uburba to jlax&f'd&T grove, good table , with Dunmv fresh rAllk, butter, em fJ S court house on :electric car - Jelfl TvlirtnA , Raffias IOW. iaroriww 1 Tirrs. X. M. Ray's, on tiookout a' Moun TkTCeiTr0 TT A VII) A TtTX , . 5 Starnes Ayenue. J Ula car Cae or at Ray too etore. - FOR RENT Roon for light "house kc Bailey street. cely furnished, Call at 139 126-26 FOR RENT. A furned flat of five rooms, also an unfurnished flat of six rooms. Hot and cold water, range and electric ligWs. O. D. Revel, 31 Temple Court. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. Choice' residence and bus iness labs. A. J. Lymam, Real Estate Broker, office Paragon Building. FOR SALE. Gentle riding and .driving horse, 6 years old; also good buggy, harness, siddle. bridle, and -robe. To be soldi cheap. E. B. Miller, The Pines Pearson's Drive. 131-3 J. H. Howard. Surveyor. Person Co., Rosevllle, N. C, writes: I have used Ttr- XT A Rlmmina T.lven TWprHrln.ft In my family many years. lite timely use-Lit prevents many dttseases. it aces an claimed for it. I prefer it to Black Draught aaid Zeilin's. Howard A. Haven Wright C. Stout MEMBERS -OF TUB New York StockExchange, New York Cotton Exchange, Chicago Board, of Trade. HAVEN & STOUT Bankers and Brokers. 1 Nassau St. cor. Wall, New Yc rk Deposit accounts received, eabjeot to rthck on demand. Iaterest credited mftvrvf iil v rm q1v ? baHanGea. I . ' . X . and? indrvlduaJa'trecelvedJ on favorablt rvkiinnoasl interea. dividends, notes rlirafttn unllontAll tVW OUT COTTeSTJOTlldeinrtJi ' Order executed .for the purchase of" able on comnidssion; . of bonds, stocks, nritftani. : erktn or Drovislons. eitaieif . for in vmnt or carried On marsrin. fnieirhi mair teleeraoh ordera :aio)d lii- mtlwns ait our 'expense. C5opiee of telegraphic code, may be had on appU Tnfrtrmfljttoni reEfardmsr auOtaltlons. twirporaitdoiiir and " securities, cheerfully furniahed. istN. c. mff MEJST Band an d Orchestra. Music furnished for all oc -casioDS, either military band , or. orchestra. Lessons given ion! all instruments For further particulars' address CHARLES COE, - . ;65 Spruce Street l No-To-Bae for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit eure, makes weah men strong, blood pure. &0c, tl. All druggists. lime , lreaAe, Upholsterer Are you in a hurry for this sofa, miss? She Oh, I would lifce it before 8 to nightDetroit Free Press. O. Bmrs tie Signature cf - STC i The Kind Yon Have Always Bough! GLORIOUS NEWS. Cornea from Dr. U. B.. Cargile, of Washita. I. T. He writes: "Flour bettElea of Electric Bitters ha cured Mrs. Brew er of scrofula, wMch had caused her great suffcing for years. Terrible sore would break out on her head and face, and the beat doctors could give no help: buifc her cure is complete and her health is excellent." This shows that thousands have nroved.--that Electric Bitters ta Khe best blood purifier known. It's the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum,' ulcers, bolls and running sores stimulates liver, kidneys, and bowela. expels poisons, helps jditgetion, ibulds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sola by T. C. Smith. W. C. Carmichael aad Pel ham, druggists. Guaranteed. To Care Constipation Forever Take Cuscarpts Candy Cathartic 10c or 25c If C C C. fail to cure, druggists refund money - Swedish Massage and packs. 1- r s " v - K 4 For nervous, rheumatic amd 'other' difl- . Special:1 Thure Brandt massage . xor female dHaeaee. ..- ' - ' ' V s - ; ' , JV' PROF. EDW. GRTJNER, ; Gradua'te'r of Chemnitz-, College," Ger - many; formerly- wKh the Oakland Heights 'Sanaltorium; ' . ; ' ' ' - ; 55 South Main street - Phone, 206 Home and Office Treatment. sJU .'A? u. -J i 111 l JINE-TENTHS of all the pain and sicknessf rom irhich women suffer Is caused by weakness or derangement in the prgansi of menstruation. Nearly always when a woman is riotLwelVthesc organs are affected, But when they are strong and. healthy a woman Is very seldom sick; LV tea Ms nature's provision f6rsthdtrego: lation of the menstrual function. J It cures all "female troubles It - Is equally, effective for the girt to 1 her teens, the young wife with do mestic and maternal cares, and : V4he woman approaching the period f y""known as the " C3iange of Life., A K They all need it. They are all benefitted by it. ; For advice in cases requiring' special - directions, address, giriner - symptoms, the "Ladies' Advisory Department, The Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chatta s uooga, Tenn. . ; 1 . .? . .. fc TH0S. J. COOPER, Tupelo, Kiss.; taysi 7-. i II, .Mm ftiiffaMrf (mm nam Ipvennla nl nsinfnl manstrnatiaii and doctors - could not relieve her Wine of Cardul'--entirely cured tier , and also helped m mother through the Change of U!e.", - CASH DISBURSED. T. M. DUefceifcf- trmhiiw roll street' denairUTmwri- T. M. DuelrHh roil sanitary ami water dept. T. M. Duckett, treasurer, pay roU aiiftary and waiter dept T. M. Duckett, treasurer, onac- WDLt,cbxn'1 fuad' school dent. Asfhevtllo Electric company on accowntf street lighting, street lighting dept. B. J. Bplvey, feeding prisoners, police department R. M. Ramsey, manager, freight and drayage, walfler de- partmeent R. E.' Clevienger, teamster, fire department J. G. Duckett, teamsier, fire de- partmecit: W. W. Wes1, jue of election, 1 day, mfltscerianeous dep Carolina, Pharmacy, prescrip j Mans, etc., police department H. C. Johns on.-& Co., sundilea fire departmentt J. H. Law, sundries, water de partment W. H. Westail, sundry bills J. R. Oates, livery hire, water dleipartment Market St. Wood Working Co., straight edge, water dept Asheville Supply acd Foundry Co., sumdrje3 J. M. Loriek, ome load saw dust fire tfiepajrtmemt The Olitizean Co., tax notices, misce'Ilaneous department Asheville street railway com. pany, electric Mghts, etc., AshvJ:lei. China Co. lamp shade and chimney, fire dept Peandmoni Bro. & Co., locks for balk boxes W. A. Blair, deek for tireaisurer, T. C. Hare; mgr., Hvery hire, mdsceraneous depS W. F. Snider, sundries (Apr. anxJMay) Carolina Cpal Co., bal. ac. coal city hall Asheville Ice & Coal Ca., oro ac count coal, water department Mercantile Trust and Depccit Co., commissions J. E. McKay, rebate, error in - ttax B. A. Morgan, rebate, error in tax Bills payable Mercantile Truet ana Deposit Cj. T. M. Ducket, treasurer, pay roll, street department T. M. Ducket', erasurer, pay roll water ar i sanitary depit T. M.. Duck t ;trea surer, inav ron saTurtary e'eptartmeniti WBort. ieb2tte. error ii-n Asfievdlel Printing Co., printl-g ama sumtdries ' B. J. Srolvev. feied'lnie rvrdsnnfM s police department M. W. Robertson. exDreS3. atAmps, and poeta'a Mrs. T. C. Collin, oaid for sewing, police department B. F. Rives, bal. salary" supt. markeL 2 days, mkt dept. O. R. Jarre;, bal. sal. buildiinjg inspector, 2 daye mis. dept T..E. Witeo, bal. al. police man. 3 days, police dent J. B. (Erwiai, 2 brls. for market, department R. M. Ramsey, mgT.. sa;nd and rock, street department Walter, Evans & Coggswell, 2 idbcktits, police departmemt Biltmore Esitiate, 2 carte and harness, etree departrrent Amentem Pipe & Foundry Co., sperfiail casting, waer dept Deane Steam Pump Co., inter est on account, .May Dr. Geo. H. Lambert, examin ing and sihioottLng horse Dr. T. C. Smith, bill of oil, waiter d epartment The Citizen Cq surdrjea Brown & Ncr hup, sundrieis McFhr;oT & Clark, suniiries, water derartment J. Jt. Oaltes, livery hire, water departmeit Asheville Supply . & Foundry Co., suraidr'esv san5tary dept. R. E. Clevenger, t'etamster, fire department J. G. NDuckefct, teameitieT, fira department J. A .Tennemt. repairs fo r - and partition, fire .dtepantmenit June 16th. T. M. Ducke'.t, treasurer, pay roll street Ueparitmemt T. M. Duclce'tt, treasurer, pay ro1!, water and sanitary dept T. M. Duckctt, treasureiy pay roll samfttary departmienit C. H. Bartletiti, eervice as spe cial police man. poe depar. Asihevi3l9 lEIeCtiric Co., on ac count street lighting Biltmore IFfetate, 1 street sprtok- 1, -lerr. sacitary deryartment M. A Kiiiian, work in. market Rv Mi Ramsey, mgr., freighit and drayag1, waiter dept J. M. Lorck, freight, and dray age, sanitary deparftmieinit B.J. SpWey, feeding prisoners, police department J. A. Lyerly, C: P., carriage, ihire, police department - Dr. D: E. Sevieri .professional 56.78 33. SO 79.10 809.73 500.00 26.32 7.03 10.00 10.00 1.50 30.98 1.30 2.80 2.50 .50 20.10 1.50 1.50 53. 7S 45 1.F0 16.00 2.00 19.87 79.40 290.60 48. 5Q 15.55 2.40 10,000.00 79.00 44.62 79.90 3.00 7.25 23.52 1.70 2.50 4.00 2.67 5.00 .15 2.00 15. V) 31.50 48.88 23.96 3.00 3.15 10.00 5.43 3.50 1.50 10.30 10.00 10.00 6.00 65.25 S2.52 73.33 1.00 500.00 - 30.00 60 v 7.26 1.55 14.00 2.50 Mother's advice is worth more thaif the advice of any other woman US the ;. daughter who is perplexed by the proiw lems ot phyiscai neaitn ana conuoxu There's no need therefore to " write to a ; woman?' who is a stranger. : . There may, however, be need for a physician's advice to supplement the ad vice of the mother. In such a case the offer of free consultation 1y letter, made by Dr. Pierce, opens the way to health,, and at the came time avoids the un pleasant questionings, the repulsive ex aminations and offensive local treatments which less experienced physicians often, insist on. . m . " Any sick or ailing woman is invited to write to Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, in the strict est privacy. Each letter is held as a sacred confidence and its answer Is sent in . a plain envelope, bearing no printing; upon it. . . Do not be misled by advertisements offering "medical advice," which I are published by those who not being phy sicians are not qualified to give such ad vice. Any physician or doctor who has a legal and professional rjght to the title, will publicly claim that title, f Those who offer "medical advice" and invite you to " write to a woman " do not claim, that the woman is a doctor. The " medi cal advice" of an unprofessional woman, is just as dangerous as the "medicaid advice " of an unprofessional man. In. more than thirty years Dr. Pierce and his ? staff of nearly a score of medical special- - ists, have successfully treated over half a million women. You can write without feai. as without fee to Dr. R. V. Pierce Buffalo, N. Y. services, police department The Gazette Publishing Co., publishing monthly statement Gleason & Bailey Mfg. Co., sua.- idries, fire department Asheville Cotton Mills, 50 pounds waste, water depart. Dr. Jame3 Sawyer, professional service, mdscel. dept Penolman & Kelly, T. C. pipe, sainitary department quaker City Rubber Co., sua- dries, waltier departmenit Ball & Shephard, sundrks McPhersomi & Clark, sunidries R. E. Clevenger, teamster, fire department J. G. Duckeit't, teamster, fire department C. H. Sorrells, 40 bushels lime sainitary department West Defecting Co., distafec- antis, sanitary departmentt June 23rd T. M. Duckett, treasurer, pay roll, street departmemt T. M. Duckett, treasurer, pay roll sanitary and water idept T. M. Dueketft. tneasu . department Coal CO., coal, enlfc CO., W. P. tment ' of wagon' yd I bbl Oil, roU sa-j AshevlU waltr: Western' wire, C. H. Mim 3 monlths A. W. Har ater depa 4 .-ent J. M. Alexatoafter, sundriea R-. E. Clevenger, teamster, fire dleplaintment J. G. Duckettit, teamster, fire deparitmeat Asheville! Free Kindergarten, donation, May Heln?tt;h & Reagan, essence pepperm?in!t, sainitary dept Carter & McseTey, sundry re pairs Banfiitary -derartrreit B. J. SpdVey, (feeding prisoners, police alefpartment Standard Oil Co., 1 bbl K. oil, waiter department J. R. Oaites & Co., livery Mr?,- water departmait J"M. Lortck & Co., 1 load saw dusft. fire department Dr. W. L. Hilliard. professiion- tal ervices, charity R. M. Ramsey, mgr., freight and drayage Battery Park bank, interest on Cheesborough nictte June 30th. Mercantre Trrsti & Deposit Co., cm accouml1: inter st J. A. Lyerly, C. P., police pay rcll, Junie Regular city piy ro'l. Jure R. E. Oleve-iger, Uamfter, fire depamtment J. G. Duckett, iteamster, fire departmfcit T. M. Ducked, Itl-easvrer, pay roll street deoarment T. M. Duckeitt. treasurer, pay roll" wafer and satti'tary dept T. M. Duckett, treasurer, pay roll sa-lta y deprtitmeni W. E. Rankin, postage stamps water department W. N. Hatch, repairing street sprinkler, sanitary department Asheville street railway com pany, electric lights .He. B.J. Spl-vey, meils to prisoners police department J. A. Lyerly, C. P., - carriage ' "hire, police deparltime!n.t J. W. Dillon, repa'irB .la market house Dr. E. B. G'ennt professional swodry persons T. M. Duckett, silary as troas- urer 1 1t3 months Asheville China Co.,. sundries The Gazette PubHsv4ng Co., ad ' vertising ordinances H. E Hall, P. O. box rent D6hEt be-a Foolr.; Take a good thing when you ' - '-J . can get ilt. Ex-Gov. Robert L. Taylor of Teamesse, says: "When a century later historians are mrftiTvtr iKhft Avp-n'ts of this (time for the epoch-making discoveries of science and clvUization, there will be few chapters rrwwA Imnontan . I think.than that de-' votedr t the. reformation 4m medicine, which wlll have come about through the nrcTtance and praactJlc -of . Drl 7; Stliri" sys,ten known! as' Osteopathy."; " S6. MiCASEr-M. K Osteopath, 18 Church SL- 2.00 5.80? 4425 3.50 6.00 2.5ft 34.72 5.60 3.20- 10.00 10.00 7.20 16.50 66.25 . 18.12 81.45 85.02 7.96 25.00 37. u 34.75 10.00 10.00 30.00 2.23 2.25 15.40 6. 9 1.50 1,50 1.50 1 2.13 38.50 6, 000. CO 500.75 954.34 10.00 1000 55 83 13.02 79. oa 6.15 20.03 . b8C3 13.44 2.50 30.00 ' 24.62 1.10 7. FC .50 Total 521,802.67 I, M. W, Robertson, city clerk, here by certify , that the foregoing U a cor reo staternenit as showm by he city books. ... . ....... . . Witoess my hand July 12, 189". M. W. ROBERTSON, OUy Clerht CASTOR ' For Infants and Children. The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought Bears the Bignature of Sick ieadiache, Wind In the S'tomach, Billiousness, Nausea, are quickly cured by a few" doses of Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine. T No-To-Bae for Fifty Cents. . Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes we&ft Ken strong, blood pure- 1 50c. ft. All druggists, - ' DeWitt's Witch Haze J Salve : - Cures Piles. Scalds- Uurns. . i: I i li ( ; s I : i; 11 p

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