- U .'...-tTI.--y'5. - v.. (.- - -rji- ; -- y " - " .MMMMgMMBBBBBpjjBMSjjjSslssSjSJSsaMSjMSsajs . r. . ,' 1.. f .. . -ISSm f 'THE GAZETTS. - ; ' ;" :. ASBSVOAJL N. C . " K ' -x-""-- - - 5 ,- - - : ?"--.-vae---- "V ----- , . - - t..-! f Poisbd Every moTning Except Mondajs inrm AHTTTVTLLB GAZETTE PUB- ' : 7 LISHINQ OOMPXNT. ..... - i MMfcrf K. NOBTON.Prtdnt TERMS OF SUBSCTlH?TION. IaUy Gazette, on& year noiiv fiArfttte. twelve weka 00 1 CO Daily- Gazette , one month ...... Sunday Gazette, one year.... Weekly Gazette, one year . . v. . . Weekly Gazette, six montns ..... GAZETTE TELEPHONES, business office, 202. two rings.. Editorial rooms', 202, three rtegp. 40 1 00 1 00 90 :::FOR::: SideBoards, Hat Racks, Wardrobes Chiffoniers, We are tie Leaders. W. A. BLAIR, Furnitore and Rtirigeiatois. Phine 75. 45 Ration Ave - POLITICAL. FREEDOM. Prejudice should iaY.e no place in politics. It is the right of every man to .think for himself, to utter his views and to east his vote as he thinks right. In exercising this privilege he is ac countable to no man. There are local no; nrl wp resrret to1 say this old North Stalte is ntot free from them, In which a man cannot exercise this right 'without arraigning prejudice against himself. He cannot utter his views on political) issue, if these views conflict with those of a jlass of citizens about kirn rxvr caefc hia ' vote contrary to theirs, without suffering ostracism . He is fortunate if his business is not ntajced. under a ban. To any man of a character that is not cowardly or ser vile life in such an atmosphere is far from agreea'ble. His only hope is in the Increase tf intelligfence in his com v munity,-1 before which this eras preju dice must disappear. The last political campaign, in this state j-eached the cli max. we believe, in the" triumph of prejudice, a fact many recognized only too -late. The spirit of the campaign -Tuled the legislature and it is tn the light of this legislature that the lm pulse that controlled the campaign stands revealed. The issue, of "white Bupremacy" was a fraud. It was the one above all others on which the most tactive prejudice in a portion of the date at least could be arraigned, with the power of well planned and concert ed action on the pant of adroit politi cians and a servile press. It was an is mie on which some plausible argu 'ments, appealing to all citizens hav ing the interest of the state at heart, could be urged,' and many voters of in dependent minds, gave it their support while deprecating the violent prejudice It excited. "They expected much of the legislature" they thus elected, but a more reckless body of men never met to draw taw for this state than the general assembly of 1899. It was nar- ptisan to the core. Its one aim sind , the only one in which it may be said to r have fulfilled the "pledges" of the rr campaign, was to legislate to make ... ' -twhJite supremacy" permanent. It J: was jnot,. . , however, the kind of 2,1 White sVpremacy for which the cam " " palgTiItmanagers fought, and not the ; " kind, for which the people voted, a J peaceful and just administration of the .V; 'laws' by inteilligent and honorable men In the Interest of the state. They pass v ; ed ian election law that "there shall be "l- tate board of elections composed of - live persons elected by the legislature : for a, term of two years; that there 7 shall be a county board of elections - insisting' of three person APPOINT ED BY; THE STATE BOARD for a term of 'two years." Thus the party in . power entreaohed itself to remain in power, 'z This was not the kind1 of . 'wliite supremacy" the ' people voted ' for when they elected the nominees of tne democratic, party to office last No- I .rember. In order to reduce the voting - Ptopulationi and render it more easily a , iooioi a political machine the legisla ture followed the example of a state in 'which! political freedom is dead and the -ringvrule Js supreme; and adopted the Xouteiana constitutional amendment iretrlctlng,rsuffrage, which a democrat 1e tribunal in- Louisiana had pro nounced - unconstitutional!!, risking the idisf ranohisement ".'of forty thousand wmte voters. - Jb'or the passage of thl ; J just to"receipt of a case of 60 dozen Caere must be a reason for it and the reason in this casejs (Hhat these Vests are . New- WMteipique;putTiesT, -. New. Ribbons. -New Laces.-: : ' : .- ... -Tii Newi Fanst rNew WhlteisShlrt 5 Waists".'':? rpL -The line price. -'- t of,ladie: sallora we are showlngifor 35 cents are exceptional f ottha : M AFin'f I E; T fBTSMFMelif Si DM Prevention r , g foett.thA cure;lTutts Liver ts-ii mi "1" ' ru, u Pills will not only cure.r but it taken - in time Will I prevent ' HoaiariiA ' Olwlv llCctUdW'llw Jvcrwfv-ia hilinuiness. malana dyspepsia, uinounebb, 111111 rnncf Tnatinn imimlirp toroid Constipation, jauiraice, lui piu atirl tfinrlrpfl disease's fT: w TI ITT' 1 lVer PILLS?. ABSOLUTELY CURE. dangerous and probably unpopular measure the partisan election law would seem able to provide the means. But the " prejudice and misunderstand ing that controlledih'Jt campaign .will not be the reigning influence in an other. People will form their own opin ions 'vt what is best for them and the state. No partisan v 'machinery can v errule the verdict of an aroused public sentiment. The issue jof the next cam- nt-n nttin ks wLHtlofll frAAoim and the discussion of the issue in ?aH i ts bear ings will be f ree and open, and no clars of men cando injury to any man be cause his views are his own. - If there is a better, 'more healthful and altogether agreeable summer cli mate than that of the Irnnd of the Sky man has not-discovered It. This July weather is not exceptional for Ashevilte at this time of the year;'but neverthe less it is ideal. The warmth of the day is tempered by a gentle breeze and the nights are divinely cool, perfect for restful sleep. The absence of inseets that aggravate end poison is a feature that makes life far pleasanter in Ashe vtlle than in the - Adirondacks, at the seashore or in the many other localities that lure the people from the cities and the heated lowlands' during the sum mer. The coolness of . evening "begins before the sun touches' the peaks of the western mountains and free or tne o'S- agreeableness of Insect life or any dampness in the air, the early hours of night are delightful on porches and lawns'. The Land of the Sky as a sum mer resort is without an equal and -this feature is permanent, as are its scenic beauties and all its health restoring characteristics. The future will op?n even more gloriously for this1 ; favored mountain region, as its blessings to hu manity are better knowm As , another evidence that it is -diffi cult to please everybody it is worthy of note that Rubsell Sage is generally gibed at for contributing- 1 (one dol lar) to a fund being raised by the citi zens of Durhamville, N. Y., for the im provement of the old cemetery at that place. Mr. Sage's father and mother are buried there. The reception that is accorded this first spark of generosHy from the aged financier, we fear, will confirm him in his belief that there isn't anything in the philanthropy of such men as hi friend Andrew Carne gie. Mr. . Sage's oontribution to the eemetery fund was probably more than one tenth Of all the money he pays an wually for the adornment of his person. ORGAN RECITAL AT ALL SOULS. Given by Mr. Dunkley Last Evening ' Greatly Appreciated- The organ recital by Mr. Ferdinand Dunkley at All Souls' church, Biltmore last evening was a musical treat which called out a large number of music lovers. The church was filled and chairs were placed in the aisles hefore the conclusion of the program, fortunately many came in late TTn I nri i missed a part, although two numbers of the program, the toccata arid, the duetto were repeated. The program was skilfully arranged to" give a pleasing variety, and the range of music select ed amply proved the power and ver satility of the organist. The simplicity and sweetness of Bach's Prelude and Fugue in E minor, was followed by the brilliant Toccata of Dubois, which gives the full orchestra effect to the organ, and calls for a tour de force in execu tion. The two selections from Wagner were rendered in a manner to satisfy the admirers of the modern school that accepts this composer as the greatest of masters. The Andante, by A. P. F, Boely, . was charming', and the march, "by Th. Salome, stirring and melodious. ifiacn number or the program was pleasing, effectively given and listened to with appreciation. The exquisite Jtheinberger Duetto which ' the or ganist rendered with delicacy and feel ing, and which brings but the singinsr tones of the instrument, was received with a murmur of admiration that in another place or., with a. less decorous audience would have swelled Into har ty applause. V , Both the arrangement and execution, of the program were artistic and show ed- Mr. Dunkley to be an organist of refined feeling and trained power with i capacity for pleasing more than onfe class of listeners. -' The - terformance was all too short for those who, arrived in season and the consideration, shown to late comers by- a repetition, of two selections was appreciated " by every body. 'The program was concluded at about twenty minutes past nine. CoavulsioDa. Cramps. Ohronlc Femal Dteeases and Hysterics are cured ,by use or tsxmmonff Bquaw - vine wane or Tab let. - - - - ladies' fin ibleached " THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTH; -30 ;J3."i"i8.: CROV0 -CAUSED - COrifilOTIOlI. 'L'- ':'r' Stag Trolley-Eid8rXMtE?eaiag ; . -l: - a.,-5 1 xie iroiiey elr ifd gtvn aaalCeYendn? iby fopLjeighty young men;Mia a howl- f iuer euocess. especially 4a a literal sense. 1 ?Ue! m4 ride lit ,two open kepji t together i wMch wore madi& ,brilltan!t. by tie liY. of Japalie3 tiniterns aridefeo tmc lights; The Furst " Tegimenfc" band : fuirncshed musiorwhoa it could be heard lbove the general confusion. .The youn 1 meia wee a.t-t.ed in) garbs that were woa derfUl aad vaified. All would have xak eafirat prizes at a '"tiara - timea party, and ciach was armed with some noise TJKSaojag implemeniu Soiree of the horra used Me-e fashioned afitear theionies use at the itume the walls W Jerieo were. snaiJLec-ed. Afber feeJiintgf- satuneto s&x, all tt-e. principal streets" had ;been made hideous, tltod crowd -went, to Lookout park a.nd enjoyed ai stag1 dance, cake : walk uaid. heavy ref reshmenlts, 'hi the Way 01 -enne,.Qs, sooa pop, peaaiuxs ana . lemonc-ue. The cake -walk was' a bi fiueces5?, and some of the boys should j : keep tkia atfility inmind iacase. of ne- ces'y? - - HomSi Tfej dancinig ended, wi h a waTtz Sweet Home," in which the I irembi.s of the bar d icli d as they pla - ea. rne riae buck to town was like unto the rest of the t'Hp, 1. e., each ope tried r.j drown hm neaghbor's noise. Ones of trie cutter's found a baby's ring in the he t o: ore of the meloca. This caused a l'ttle aax-iety on. the part of 'those who" saw it, but the cavingr of the toner mni soon triumphed over superstition. It Ts another story about how the ring1 hap- -,j.ne p-rrty aiscontiinued all noise wMle passi-n-g me Massion hospital. FOR A MEMQRIArroUHTAIH ' Funds to be Collected for the Walter S. Cushman Memorial. ' At a recent meeting of the board of managers of the Society for the Pre vention of Cruelty to Animals, it was resolved to prtsiscute vierorouslv the ; plan to raise sufficient money to erect a memorial to it former efficient bm. retary ajid treasurer, Walter Cushman. jThe memorial is to be in the form of a drinking' fountain for men and animals Uo be erected in some site Where it will best serve Its beneficient purpose. Forty dollars and twenty-five cents have been subscribed up to this time. It is desired that the amount collected be sufficiently large by the 20th of July that the fountain may be ordered the first anniversary day of the unfortu nate accident which deprived Asheville of one of its most worthy citizens and the S. P. C. A. of its' untiring friend and zealous advocate. Any contribu tions will be received at the office of the two daily papers and be turned over to the treasurer of the fund. EXAMINATION FOR TEACHFRS- To be Held This Week Street School. at Orange -me regular yearly examinations of the white teachers wfcfr are to. teach In JBunconrbe county during the coming ! year will be held at the city high school buHding on Orange street this week. The following is the order of the exam- inationsr - - - --.- - x nursaay, juiy 13, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. m. vo 6 p. m. ueoarapny. soeilinar an(T civil government. Erld.v. Julv 14. 9 aM m. to 1 p. m. -North Carolina . history and United States history.' 3 p, m. to 6 p. m. Physiology and hygiene and alcoholics. Saturday, July 15, 9 a. m. A A 1 . T7 1 a . .1 agrogy. 3 p. m. to 6 p. m. Written arithmetic. y Applicants win De marKed for pen manship, Englieh and spelling on all Papers turned in. "' Apptlcan should come supplied with SJegal cap paper, and writing materials. BID BEHFFtT BALL. To be Given at the Casino for the Pint Begiment Band- A ball wiiat be given, next Thursday evening at the Casino for the beniefit' of the First regimenit band. A number of the members of the band have failed to secure employment, and it as especially tor xne benenx of such members that the DBiii waii De given. Arrangements are being made to give thbse who attend Toyal good time, and as only a nominal sum will be charged for admSssioni. the affair will tdbubtless be well patronized. The band will play during the even-I fLz " THE GREAT .SUNDAY CLOSING QUALITY HESTON'S STEAM BREAD. :50 Indianapolis and Return .00 ' Tickets to- Indianapolis eood eroinsr via Cincinnati and the C. H."& Z.' railroad:. July 18 and 19,good returning untile Ati- guBto. Tickets osfi, eale '. at Indianolia to' Niagara Falls; NXV and return July i 24, Good fifiteeni days.: Low ratea ifrom Indlianapolls to. other; adjacent .podnta Jjor- circular Tor..otneiinikTOa'aan). sall on or address - J- '-- - - GEO: t. HACKNEY, . ' 4 iCourt ' Square, AshevCe, N. C. 37 " t-- ; JiaDiets,1 rasre, - . numerous Lo nientiuii, ut LB 47 patton: avenues (Late of San Antonio, Tfxas, Our sales have been so large and manufacturers have" been so rushed with orders that it has been C hard for ts to keep an assortment of the Eddy Ref ria erators " But now we have a good assortmat. Call early and make your purchase. Furniture, 16 PATTON AVENUE. PtnnMM MMM M mm' lm, U U U U U U U U U U U I Special Clearing Out Prices On sondrylhings in desirable Shirt Waists, - Skirts, Sailor Hats, WalkiDg Hafs, Organ dies, and Light Worsted Dress Goods and Boys' A to 16 Suits. ButttrUk Patttfns tot At gust by the time this goes to press. H. REDWOOD CO., 7 and 9 Patton Avenue. " Asheville, iY C. W!ltWtWfllW Ashevilie (independlft) Endorsed by Asheville Board of Trade. Rates for Business Phones" J Rates for Residence Phones $24 Per Year. OVER 400 PHONES Temporary Office, Barnard Building. - W. S, PROCTOR, Supt. nis mm mmm STRICTLY FIRST Quick Lunch Counter. Private Parlors for Ladies. Service so Prompt that you can take your JHlirnA tfl vnni TriPflla lUUK Ml jUUi UieaJ. 43 Patton Ave. The; State College OffenMx young women thorough literary, classical, soieatific. and industrial : education and special pedagogical trainl resiaenia oi staiie, iou. vacuity or 3 matriculated about 1,700 students repres one. jracuce ana Ubservatioia scuooi oi arjout z&o pupils. To secure board in dor mltoriea, all free tuition applications should be made before August 1. , Correspondence invited from those die For catalogue and other inf ormaCkm, PRESlDENTcIVEK, Greensboro, N. C. Bl SCHOOL n m. mmm. mmmm. mmmx t m mmm m. mmt k! m. mm. . . mm ' . mm. Duuuuiu itui wjr.--. axv uturuuuus. uiuu - GHA. dtuisui, fircbuueiies. oiuiv, yuyatvtu ctuiure auu penmansllip BPecIttltlCO. VOTT reasonable tenna" Scajolarshlps, prizes, and, medals. Gymnasium, Healthful vtvkuvvi epviut. -; vvuiivavwo ituu aouuuiuit iooo... jtror handsomelir ' Illustrate A -o- 1 v s r Th coffee; "that givesv universal 'eatis- faoticaii and lit coats' - .V " Only 20 Cents a Pound. ytOCHA-AND JAVA BLEND. I J) fliavie eome.'fatacy GfroxjericBrseU- tng below cost to make (rwmi jPar ather gw?dfit , j Men! tion lla advertisement iitf Insure bottom prices. '--. - "-" .I f?S. ?lV B. FOSTER. PouridatVast JL - ueiia, ana uuier iiuutuu 'and 18 S. Main St i A.heyille.) Carpets, &c. NEW PHONE 113. mmm mm - . ' j uuuuuu a D O O D 1 one Co. 1 $16 Per Year. UNDER CONTRACT. IK' (CAFE GLASS RESTAURANT. Fine Confections We Guarantee to Please H. R. COOK, Prop. and Chests Teleoh Normal and Industrial of North Carolina. "A ng. Annual expenses $90 to $130; for sioai- memDera.-More than 400 students. Hag eating every county in the sate except siring -competent trained' teachers. address, Orange Connty, near Xebane V , oxux uaroilna. r Established i7 93 J - " A .4 mm - - mBmW trmm fmAmt U'eiiomanaxionai. xaculty of seven ipec- "T"B;Jw-"r.' :xs..xi.t .inncapai,:.-4 - Bingham School, iMebana. N; C. PRESSIIIG! PRESSING! ',. PRESSIIIG! .Wbere do youhav your cleanlng-'and ; wuio . : t -u.j . ua you- . payi? one ill j i wnen you -can Join' the Asheville Pressing Club tat $1. a month and;'-have -your,, clothing - all cleaned and pressted, and-delivered to youChome , .epecial attention &nt miiv mnm.ZZ the trayelingpublic JZ- T w n15VTSU3 P-W in nee5 of work to New -Phone. 389-v ; , ugrsr, Rooms 1, 2, 3, Up Stairs. a&d . Gazette Building, Aftitic Portraits 3tnd 10.., - ;We"mafce good photographs that look like them. of , . Jfce do every part of the work .best possible maniner, the posirie good; the UghlUng Is artiktic, and thefi lahi and mount are all that f" - . w ..ujAi in type on .Rembrandt moum W;e make a specialty of Phatogranhj aMes- gm&mliy usccessful in !i . p .0i' '-nke them ia they had a good timie ouce in a x.-.-, 11 Our pricea iare right, and our , I Mke ousr work. Maybe it Vo:,, J Book Stora WORTH COURT SQUARE, new 'PHONE j- WE SELL PRATl'S POWDERS -FOB- Stock and Poultry Because they fetaii re-eiu ! L0t acq iained, please call at store and et Practical Hand Book. Andjoblio;e H. C. JOHNSON 36 and 38 Main. Asheville, N. cr South Carolina Wateimelons..,.., -AT CHARLES 0. MONDAY'S, Stalls 10 and 12 CENTRAL MARKET. 1 All kinds of Fresh Vegeta- bles and Fruits. Dr. 6teo. . Lambert, VETERnrAEY STJEGE0H. (Graduate of McOm XTnivcriityA Office Willow st. Phone 18 Residence 140 Chestnut st. Phone: S24. Cattlr tested for tuberculosis 5.0P a head. Herds at special prices. Bail & Sbeppard. 8 Patton Are. Awne wtthJint to put team heat u their bullclajr could not a hjtt Harrisburg Boiler. But yvu must have experienced work mn to do the work, and we are coafl dent that we can plMM you. Ball & Shepherd. PHONE 88 Carl Slmltz, Dyer, Chemical Cleaner and Furrier. 55 South Main St. I dye and clean ftufiPM anfi 0-Mn.ttmpn'a thea; also fine fur ruga and carpets. tm9 cuswuiu), exc - I alter and repair ateo all ktoda of gar nwnits and, fur. 'All work guarantied. Special attention paid to out of town ordear, and express paid one way. In City all gOOdS Will be CAlWI KVw mr Aefr- ered free of charge 05 8. Ilain St. Phons 206. IMTY college. ncoUege to jthe . South. Completed E1"1 to State, Board $6.50 W 410.00 per month. Loan scholarsiMps IaJTZtt7;' TO11 aen. Young -women aamltted to all classes. Send for cata loge o ?Bi3SlDENT;KILGO; Durham, N. CT. COLLEGE. ' Salem, Va. Working laboratory. Healthful location. i!tos--No Barroorms. Very Moderate expenses,::: Aid ; scholarships 1 tn eesslon bearina Seotenirtei' tath Hat- alogue with views free. SAddrees, . , ' . '-; JULIUS DDREHER, -.i-i... T t' "-,'.' ;., . : ; .i Presidenl. mas Ray's Carl ROANOKE

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