' - - " V KIDD1- See the great Jine of Shirts we are offering In. oiir wincoW for .vv ! y Ilia m m n n V7-V I 1 7 I I I 1 I I I I I :1 I n - I LS l i il l i XZ-J v':- U U U u D a d o n a n d ana ai a DDDDob do n nan a n n n a 1000 Tarda of Firm Embrderi'es, 4 and 5 yards to piee; w etxck. clean fresh goods, well worth 12, 18 afid 2Bc yard, ON SALE FRIDAY MORNING AT 5 cen ts a yiaxxJL ACT IX- 1500 to 2000, same, class goods, very, much wider md more valuable, choice patterns, worth 29, 33, and 40c. FRIDAY THEY GO;ON SALE AT 10 cents yards. act in. YOU HAVE HEARD OF RUG SALES? Listen to thk: " 30 x 60 inch Domestic Smyrna Rugs, heavy, .well made, new deaignes, worth $2.50 at exclusive rug stores. OUR EN TIRE LINE GOES ON SALE FRIDAY AT $1.29 CENTS EACH. SECOND LOT SAME STYLE Goods, 36 x 72 Inch, all New Goodls, worth $3.98, and cheap at tthalt. OUR ENTIRE Line Commencing FRIDAY MORNING $1?98 Each. r ART SQUARES 6 x 9 Ceet, DOU BLE FACED SMYRNA, usually sold at $10. Only a few of them on hand friday at $4.98 each. ACT IV. WE HAVE SURPRISED THE TOWN ON FANS Not half through yet. 500 Beautiful Jap Fams, that our mer chants retail at 38 cents. Our Entire Stock at 10 cents each. Lftght Shades, Black. Figured ones in fact. CHOICE GOODS. to suit any one. That $1 KID GLOVE, D. & Co. Sell one that beats all comers. Just try one pair. lCT V. LT WASH, and Sents -vard. OURS iES, ONLY 5 cent are Desirable be- GOODS. and have Reason ait 18 to 25 cents. rABLE' AT 10 cents WASH GOODS RETAIIi AT. 8 to ON SPECIAL TA3 YARD. . . WASH, GOODS cause ithey are NI been TetaalMg all ON SPECIAL TABU. CURTAINSWISS, Plenty of H the 36-inch,-15 6ents kind at 10 tlenta yard. : SILK WAISTS, that retail at $3.98. -dew goodd land 'nicely made. YOURS AT $1.487ACH. BIBATJTIRE SILKS by the Yard tha-tnave been retailing at $1.15 up to $1.257yard. SPECIAL AT 79 cents a 'neft firvafl. ithia.it are desirable on ac- count of size and quality 'at 79c, 89c. and $1.25.- . ( - act vi. " ; SHEETS, PILLOW CASES, TOWELS AND TABLE LINENS, DOMESTICS. Never had; such sales at this season be fore; the reason, PRICES that BEAT all competitors. ' SHEETS 81 and 90 inches, ,PepperIll Mills," ready made, 48 cents each Pillow cases, 36x45 inches, "Pepperill Mills," ready made, at 10 cents each. 72-inch very fine Table Linen, not mucXleft, the 90 cenits kind, 55 cents a, yard. " ' 66-iach very fine Table Linen, not much left, the 69 cents at 45 cents ya'rd. ' - 40 dozen- ALL LINEN TOWELS,, reg ular 12 cents kind. Will be CLOSED OUT AT 9 CENTS EACH. EngUsh Long Cloth,- 12 yard pieces, $1.15 bolt. " - - " Yard wide CambTtc, 7c yard. Yard Wide "Fruit of the Loom, "7c yd. Yard wide "Barker Mills," 7c yard. Yard wide "Good Bleach," , 20 yards, $1.00. - . - ACT VII. - SPRING AND SUMMER MILLIN ERY WILL SOON BE A THING OF THE PAST AT S., D..& CO.'S . Never such prices on seasonable goods. We staatted in to clean out our stocky and the place looks like a cyctone had, ; gotten tangled up with our stock and carried it away. ' ' ' " ' NO WONDER! - WHEN THE PRICES HAVE BEjBNAS JFOLLOWS: $3, $4, and $5 Hats: at $1.25 each. $1.75, $2.50 and $5' Walking Hats at $1 each. - ' Shapes from 75 cents to $2.50 each at 25 cents each. - ? Flowers tihat soldi 4rom 50 cenits AjO $1 at 25 oesats 1unch. ' Sailors 75c to $1, at 38 -cents eaeh. SailoffB, 50 to 65 cents each, 25 cents each. SOME CHOICE "GOODS LEFT. To get any of them you Must Buy at Once- AFTER THE ACTS. We are receiving New Goods DAILY. ' JUST IN. New Wash Goods, Laces, Pocket Books,' Side Combs, Back Cmbs, Belt Buckles, Beauty Pins, Choice Black Umbrellas and 'Parasols, Figured Draperies, "lOoverit Cloth," and many other lines. - OUR CUSTOMERS -how their, appre ciation (by our increased sales) of high . class merchandise at pricea that beat all competitors. . " Out New York Buyer getts us the goods, and we retail hem as they are bought, CHEAP. Better Ones Inside. the Whitlocli Clothing Houss No. 41 Patton Avenue. Tlie Sapphire Country Hotels and Lakes Is truly the land of the sky and the most beautiful mun lain scenery the sun ever aoone on. Address for Book lets and rates: FAIRFIELD INN, Fairfield Lake. . H. Aiken, Mgr. Sapphire Inn i Cottages f ON Sap hire Lake, AND The Lodge. Ed, C. mison,Wgr jOaa the summit of Mount Toxaway, alti tude 5,000 feet.. Fishing unexcelled, boating, horse back riding, and driving, just what you wajnt for health and pleasure. Special rates to families and large parties Trains leave Asheville 8.20 a. m.; 3.05 p. m. : arrive at Brevard 1130 a m 7.25 p. m. ' t " The Pinest Line of Frencli f : , Briar and Meerschaum Pipes South of New York at the Berkeley Cigar Stand O d o o on n a onnnn s D CO New York Office 636 Broadway. -:.-'- t -A 40-42 JPatton Avenue, Asheville. Ail at m if i This is the way we are selling our en tire Some have already waited too long to get what they wanted in low cut, light weight summer footwear, but in winter shoes we are well fixed in Men's, Women's, Misses' and Children's. . ; We have always, handled reliable shoes, so you run ho risk in anything you buy .from iis. . :S We have an extra good assortment of Nd; bbds charged or taken out on ap proval. Open evenings during oujr dissoiu' tion isale." . (Highest, lowest' and closmg New York stock- exchange, quotations" for acrtflve stock by special dispatch from Haven & Stout; No: X Nassau street, New York Stock Exchange. , New York, July 13. The market ad vanced tat first today and then sold off in the last hour, with the close firm at a little above the lowest. Railroads were strong on various. ' consolidation rumiors, but industrials were irregular. The apparent shortnessln the Rus sian crop helps prices in wheat. STOCK. High Am. Tobacco pfd 98 Con. Tobacco 40 Con. Tobaeco, pfd. 80 J loon element, not satisfied with having Al. I, I 1 . . . ..... nit? 'iegujra,iure ao meir Didding by placing a tax of $100 Upon legitimate prescription work. has. throueh' thi j grace of our city fathers, added $100, to say nothing of additional taxes on soda fountains, manufacture of ice cream, vending ice cream, lemonade stands and increased water rents, so that . -now when one has a hot box it is cheaper to cool off with beer, have resorted to this method of further pinching the druggists. The purpose was, .of course, to find out whether or not the druggists, were viotlating this law. surreptitiously. I am glad jto say that the druggists of this place axe law abiding and honorable. If this was not intended as a 'spotter' then our worthy friend, Mr. Chambers, should instruct his deputies with regard to the law I am satisfied that Mr. Chambers him self is not cognizant of these proceed ings and the methods will not meet with his approval' Am. Sugar Brooklyn R. T. O B. Illinois Central L.& N. St. Paul Southern pfd Federal Steel Ontario & Western 26 Northern Pac. pfd. 77 Am. Steel A Wire 159 116 137 116 72 132 52 61 Low 97 40 80 157 11R 186 116 71 131 52 59 " Close m 40 80 157 115 137 116 72 132 52 60 26 77 8 26 77 5665 WHEAT High Low Clree July 72 71 72 September 73 73 73 COTTON. High Low Aagast 654 551 September 564 560 Close 653. 663 TYLER ANNOUNCES HIMSELF. Richmond, July 12. Governor Tyler today issued an (address- announcing "his candidacy for the United States senate. i - J.'D.:BLm.0NS:C0., .. v. .. ... ... . - ' "' .... , " r. " , i- i- ' 7 --tSy-ii it - r ' o i IF3'- DRUGGISTS IIIDIGIIAIIT. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Met Yesterday to Plan for M'ntual Protection. A number of centlemen who are on- gaged in the real estate business held a meeting yesterday In the Hotel Berkeley. W. W. West presided and L. B. Alexander acted as secretary. The meeting was held with the object of securing protection for the regular authorized real estate dealers of the city. The fact has been brought to the attention, of the dealers that a number of men in the city are buying and sell- fing property and negotiating loans in violation of the revenue act and are not paying the taxes for the privilege. These men do not pose as regular agents, but, it is said, are -doing a large amount of business. A motion" was made by J. B. BoStic to the effect that all those who were present should re port the names of those known to be doing business in the manner complain ed,! so that the names could -be sub mitted to the proper authorities.' The motknjwas seconded by F. Stikeleath er, but; after some discussion, it was decided to postpone definite action to the next meeting. Those present decided that the pro ceedings of the meeting should not be given out for publiition. for the pres ent. Another meetineT wFl be held Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock -at the same place. . - At Treatment Eeceived by Deputy C TJnder Oollector Chambers. Recently a deputy tinder-County Tax Collector Chambers 'nmde. an effort to Mailpotr S100. air alleged special tax, fronr jt-number of the druggists, of vthe cHy. They were liable to no sucn tax, and this fact, together with the mari ner in-whichthe ; effort' was made, jeJatly:displeasea the ruggxsisv . erne rTitiman aid . he considered the de- portmenft of the deputy jailtogether -on- called , for. . -"line, couector'i - saaa druggist," Vcame Into my place bf -bus-inessi and said he wanted J100 for spe cial taxes wtyiout t. specif ylrijrt whiskey ori what the money, was to ne-coi'recrea for- . A covert threat was .made when the jcoriector said "a'6li(Atr:wold call r Another druggist sald rrThe ;a3e or whtekey. 'by' iegiaJmate prescription. -is as mUoh at prerogative and right f the druggist as the sale 'of : ; paragoric or quinine or, an- other medicine. The Kbuse Is an'other matter and' should be flp-"t -n-ith acccrdinT ty law. -The ea- BOARD OF HEALTH- Held Well Attended find Important IXeeting Last Evening. A full meeting of the board of health was neld- last evening. Comp-Iauit was made of the open drain which runs some distance to the rear of the E&lsi copal church- The drain crosses low jstreet and runs down towarfCthe creek from the livery stables. After some discussion Dr. Minor and- B. M. "were aooointed a minlf tee to in vestigate the -matter andeport at .a future meeting. - - pf-- . - It is believed that ; the;, committee will recommend the placing- In of a tile drain, send thalt the resider oi South Main- street, and an , others who own contigouus property . will be re quired by the fboard ,to niAke : tue con nections. .' " ."-; WHOLESOltB :F0OD. - " -nhik wl xnefft who invented Grape- public fancy. TWs novelty has:: haff a nr.,. wnnia iT nrtf. .t Emlna for Break- fas because they are- too often poorly prepared, but Grape-Nut3 "elng .. thcr- . rr MincwY lamA . i-pttirtv- toe ' the fable. appeals to the good Judgment am-I taste of all particular peopi. -Leii- grocers- s.ll Grape-Nuts. HICKORY HUT CAP ROAD. Big Gang of Entberford County Men. to Hake It Passable. Colonel ThftmAw Tumor rt T?Im v4. unuci cvitiib Inn, Hickory Nut Ram. x- f - V-1 i jr yesterday and gave the Gazette the in teresting miormatton that a gang of 160 men will begin work tnmirrnw (Friday) on the Hickorv Nut a v . , Www in Rutherford county. A portion of the Buncombe county gang now at the Mine Hole Ga.rv mr ---j -v" vuv vu Pairview. will do on the road below Falrview including it. m i i . - . . tne ruaa ap xne mountain to Sherrllrs and beyond to the Rutherford county line. Thils will again open the way through to the " beautiful couratv mirToundlnic Esmeralda and Chimney Rock. For some months this road from Falrview to Bat Cave has been almost impassa ble. The last legislature did away with the toll gate and did not make it a county road. Now, largely through Colonel Turner's efforts, people along the gap are going to taKe tne matter into tneir own 'hands and open the way throug'i this gap to Asheville. It is important to the farmers who live in the gap and be low to be able to get to Asheville fully as important as that the people of Asheville and its visitors should be able to visit the Esmeralda- country for in the matter of watermelons and potatoes alone AsheviMe is a very im portant market for them. The convicts have made the road as far as Falrview one of the finest in the County in fact no better dirt road ex ists anywhere.. It is" now a most charming carriage d ive, and the Im provement of the road in Rutherford county through the wild and pictur esque portion of the famous gap- will lure many travelers into the otropty of cascades, caves, spectacular mountains and roaring streams. VA1IT MUSICIANS TAXED. Board of Aldermen to Have Visitation Prom Colored Peonle. A large number of the colored people will' go-before the board of aldermen, tomorrow evening with the object, of Inducing the board to impose and have collected a special tax on the musicians Who are making their living by their prof essionv It is said that there are about twenty people In this class, and that while they list their taxes, gener ally speaking, they. never make a pay- men. The dissatisfaction is cause Dy the failure, of the colored musicians to pay the taxes," and the protest will be , aimed especially at them. xne dooi- klacks arewotdcedlaypay and the rauViciaii not be al- igwed tjWSSw5 a coiorea raw who wilae among those to go before the board - - -" Thnsw interested- will Jjold. meeting . this evening and seUct those.to-gb be fore the.board, " MOIITHLY HISSlOIIARYnEETlllp - Held Yesterday Jy Society of First Presbyterian Church. mw Tsii1fl.r.rmonfthlv meebbae: of. the. MHaaiwiaBTr MKetv of the. First ' Presby terian -church:? was efld .yesterday .aflter- ftotxk-r The worK wrtnan oun vown on-vM crA(Tel. the discussion ber tn nKtiflnM fftttfst reeafdiM! the ll- atans-ana-; Cmneso or ,. Ameyic. A i . Fitzpatrick" read a papei on- the Jjwk amooijthe first -aiamefl race, while1 Mrs.- Craig read a paper with reference to the,.: lsust earned, -r -T - -v The teeasurer of the society reported .-v that $41.44 had- been, received during the ;p past month, umd that there was now. In f . the- treasury- $62.43, vto be used! for ot---ei?i- missloni-wk)rk.fi..;.1'..?v;j:! X-.il.- . v -v -i ' '-'tr ! ' u - 'J I- i .1 4tJ tlf -'"J ii 1 J t i -1 -1 "I, 1 t f A-- I 1 " -v y-s rv TS W 4 - -

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