-r cpn. nns Contatexfon and The brilliant complexions of Women ixttbe mote exMusive circles StJL York society are not explained by the theory that associates beauty and idS ess. In fact, many leaders of thefworldof fashion are hard workeSS 7VK& MlSStfS they areold. -How do they managi it? THE MISSES BELL, of 78 Fifth Avenne,ew York, tfaemsefos' con nected with some of the most noted and'honored families' in the metropolis, have answered the question. They have prepared for the use of women ia. general, five preparations for Improving the complexion And Uwfa&ir. The Misses BELL'S COMPLEXION TONSO Is an external application, the presence of which on the face cannot be detected. It is perfectly harmless even to the most delicate skin. If is a sure -and quick cure for all roughness and eruptions. It acts on the skin as a tonicj producing a naturally pure complexion. Cosmetics merely hide blemishes. The Tonic gets rid ot tnem. It removes pimples, freckles, black heads, moth patches, liver spots, eczema, redness, oiliness and all discolors tions and i m perfections of the skin. Price, $1 a bottle. The Misses BELL'S HAIR TONSO cures dandruff and prevents any return of it ; stops that maddening itching of the scalp and makes'the nair strong, soft and lustrous. It is especially help ful to persons -whose hail is thin, dry and liable to fall out. The tonic cleanses the skin about the roots of the hair : will soon cover bald spots with a handsome growtn. trice, m a bottle. The Misses BELL'S is a soft, creamy, exquisitely perfumed ointment, which helps the action of the Tonic; and, in mild cases of roughness, redness, pimples, etc., is a cure in itself It clears the pores of the skin of all impurities and feeds it by building up the texture and makinar UU3 uceu ucucaui j.u buuu ami j-uiu. .race, 40 A trial size sample of in New York City; or lf ceipt of 25 cents in stamps or silver to cover actual cost of postage and packing. Trial size samples can be Becured from our New York office only. Our agents will not supply tuora. Correspondence cordially Hniiciteu. Address THE nELL TOIXKT Send for our neic book, The Mioses Bell's Complexion Tonic, Complexion Soap, deplio are for ale in this city by W. C. Carmichaei. SEf JD-f3 MONEY SIAOE DROP CABINET BURDICK SEWINB MACHINE j freight naueo. x oa can examine as at your . nearest freight ae Ioana perfectly satisfactory, exactly as representea, aSSATSST BABfiAIH TOO KVKK HEARD OF, pay wrV Aeutagmu Our Special Offer Price $15.50 Mia freight charges. The machine weighs y ww ' ISO pounds and the freight will average .75 cents for each mil ie bmumi einera sen as men as seu.uw. ana nuan vre will return your $15.50 any day you are not satisfied. We sell dif f treat saakee aad grades of Sewior Machines at SS.50, $10.00, $11.00, $U.Mu4 ap, all fully described ia Oar Free Sewing Haehiae Cstalogue, . SI5.50L.lbr.tMa J3HOP IjESK CABINET BURDICK .13 te greatest value ever offered by any touae. 3 H WARE OF irSTATIOSr,068 ei tisments, offering unknown machines under . various names, with -irvius inducements. Write sane friend la Cbieago and learn who are ,-. iUiBi.K AND WHO A BS NOT. "fOC E5I B ?3 1 f every B0DERN IHPEOTEffEXT. i lib DUflb?! Vfi SYEBT GOOD P015T OF ETKUY UIQH GRABK BACHIKK BADE, jV. 2CTS JI S0SE, MADE BY lilt. BEST MAKER IN FUOM THE BEST Tsor freight armit the vfX TO HaTURN TOUR aatsalUlsd. OBDKBTO OAf. DC an i v spas. vwi'T vuiii (scars, nocuwft at. ua uiuiiiucm; icuuus. Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago III. dost diut. I sears, KoeoucK at uo. are tnorougniy ranw.-aaHor.j 'hi I am a farmer located near Stony Brook, one of the most malarious districts in this Stater and was bothered with malaria for years, at times so I could not work, and was always' very constipated as well For years I had malaria so bad in the spring, when efigaged in plowing, that I could do nothing but, shake. I must have taken about abarrel of quinine pilte besides dozens of other, remedies, but never obtained I ny permanent benefit 1 Lastall, in peach time, 1 Jiadkmost serious attack of chills and then commenced to take Ripans Tabules, upon a friend's advice, and the first box ueen wiinout tnem Since. 1 iaKe one lauuic cacu muHimg auuuigiii and sometimes when I feel more than usually exhausted 1 take three in i day. They have kept my stomach sweet, , my bowels regular and I have not had the least touch Of malaria nor splitting headache since I. commenced using them. 1 know also that I steep better and wake, up more refreshed than formerly. ! don't I know hownany complaints Ripans Tabules will help,1 but I do know they will cure any onean the condition I was and I would not be -without - them at any price, f honestly consider them the cheapest-priced medicine in the World, as -i they are also the most beneficial and the most convenient; to take. ? am twenty-seven years ofage and have worked hard all my life, the ame as most farmers, both early and late, and in all lands of weather, nd I have never enjoyed such go6d health as I have smce last fall; in feet, my neighbors have all remarked my Improved condition and have ; jsaid, "Say, John, what are, you doing ta lck so healthy ? ? - ior5ceau or twelve pickets tor 48 oe&U. nuty iSBgtettimoniaU will benuJla4 to mtSiatm tat fiJUV- " ,;3 Ji 4- nlnillflrvn andWhlikeyEaMtt out pal fm I ticulars sent Atlanta, Ga. Uface, 104, North Pryor B?1 D3. af.l. WOOLLbi fSlFI: IIIp Sntstsf'?4 The Misses BELL'S COMPLEXION SOAP is made from the pure "oil of lamts' wool. It i3 healing and gratifying to the skin, keeping it at all times In a cleas and healthy state. This Sonn in rinintnv scented, and is a most welcome aid to the toilet of fastidious women. The ut most care is taken in selecting materials auu scrupulous cieannness m the labor atory insures the curitv of the nmrtiwi Price, 25 cents per cake, large four-ounce size. The Misses BELL'S GAPSLLA-RENC VA for -restoring prematurely erav locks to thefr original color. - It is not a dye nor a stain. It Is a color less liquid that is applied to the roots of nie lime auu leaves no teiuaie signs on the scalp or forehead. Neither does it change the color of the hair all at once. Only dyes do that, and they wash off But Capilla-Renova win not wasn ou. rnoe, ji.so per bottle SSfCN FOOD cents per jar. any one of above preparations at our parlors mail to unr addrwiR in nkm nmnnxr -innn nu CO., TH Fifth Avenne, Jfew York City. t'i ee to any addrctt, OTfflaiS C. o. it. sahjeet to exi. epot and if - 50C milSs. WITH TUB AMERICA. MATERIA!, I I A f 1 ATA I . 1 Skin Foof and " Hng 5 J7.v.vgg3 x monet SOLID QUARTER SAWED OAK ogjgESK riAKO POLISHKD. one illustration shows macnine closed, (head dro pi ping from sight) to be used as a center table, stand or desk, the other pea with full length table aad head in place for sewing, 4 fancy drawers, latest 1899 skeleton frame, carved, paneled, embossed and decorated cabinet finish, finest nickel drawer pulls, rests on 4 cas ters, ball bearlne adjustable treadle, crenuine Smyth Iron stand. Finest large High Arm head, positive four motion feed, self threading vibrat ing shuttle, automatic bobbin winder, adjustable bearings, patent tension liberator, improved loose wheel, adjustable presser foot, improved shuttle carrier, patent needle bar, patent dress guard, head is handsomely decorated and ornamented and beautifully NICKEL TRIMMED. C U A R A N TEED tn lightest running, most durable aad nearest noiseless machine made. Cnrr knows attachment is furnished and ear Free Instruction Book tells just how anyone can run it and doeither plain or any kind of fancy work. A 20-YEAjRS' BIND TNG GUARANTEE is sent with every machine. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING V to &6O.OO. and then if convinced yon are saving $25.00 to f 40.00, pay SIS. SO If at any time within three months yea say yea are made me all nght and I have never i k say rf tossy f gts, mmmi&AUi 5 1 1 WMimU 11 I -t aj!: aAkAi At Ifi 1iin& in. the SOUTH. f lij INTEEIESTBD, TIM II I fit ILL tUL CITY MARKET, ; 0 Latest Market Prices to Consumers, r 9 v.. MEATS. Native Beef, first curt, rib, 15 to 18. Steak, sirloin, 15 to 18. Steak tjenderloln, li to IS. Round, 10 to 12 1 2. . Beef, Western, rib roM n iosv Beef Western, sirloin, 18 to 20. Tjenderloln, 20. Sweetbread, 25c pair. Lamb whole, 12 1 2. Leg: of iamb, 15, Lunb cnops, 20. . Veal whole, 8. Legr. veal, 12 1-2 to 15. Veal shopft, 12-2 to 15. Wiener saieiafire, 10 . Alt pork ftausftge. 12 1 2. Mixed1 sattBaire, If). , Bologuajsiusage, 10. 1 " Hamburg- iteak, 10 to 12 1-2. Pork loins, 12 1 2. 14 : Porkltajxifl, 10. Pofk steak, 12 1 1 Chops, 12 1 2. . Chickens, 12 1-2 to 16e pound. Turkeys, 15 to 18c pound. Geese, 15c ituadi Squabs, 45c pounds Diicks. 30 to 40c each. - rf FISH. 1 : . Shad, roes, 50 and 75 each. Shad, bucks, 30 and 50 each Black baas, 15c. Channel basa, 8 and 10c. Sun perch, 12 1 2. Speckled trout, 10 and 12 1 1 Pikes, 10 and 12 1 2c. Halibut, 25. j Breem, 12 1 2c. . Cat fish, 8 and 10c. Red snapper, 12 1 2c. Sheep head, 8 and. 10c. Porgles, 8- and 10c. Fresh herring, 10c. Mullets, 8 and 10c. Buncle flshft 12 1 2 to 80c bunch. OYSTERS. Extra select, 50. ' Select, 40. DAIRY PRODUCT!. Butter (oreamery), 25. Butter (country), 121-2 to 20. Eggs (market quiet) 12 1 2c retail. VBGBTABLE8. Cabbage, 5c. one pound. Onions, 10c. quart. Carrots, 10c bunch. Beets, 10c bunch. Parsley 5c bunch . , Lettuce, 6c bunch. Celery, 5c. stalk. . Rhubarb, 5c. bunch. Irish potatoes, 35c peck. New potatoes, 65c. peck. Sweet potatoes, 25c peck. Turnips, 35c. peck. Cauli flower, 15 to 40c. Apples, 60 to 75c peck. Beans. 7 l-2c. quart. r Hulled corn, 6c quart. -Squash, 7 l-2c. pound. Spinach, 25c. peck. , Turnip greeaua; 20C.'peckv Mustard greens, 20c peck. Peas, 7 l-2c quart. s Asparagus, 15 to 25c. bunch. Green pepper, 30c. dozen. Cucumebrs, 60c. dozen. A diseased stomach surely Under mines health. Tt dulls the brain, kills energy, idestroys the nervous system, ana predisposes to insanity amd fatal dis eases. Air-dyspeptic troubles are quick ly cured, by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It has cureki thousands of cases and is cur ing them every day. Its ingredlet3 are such that ft cant help curing. Paragon Fnarmiacy. $100 REWARD $100 The readers of this paper will be pleas ed to learn that tihere ie en least one dreaded disease "that defience has been able to cure in all Its stages, and itihait ia Caitarrh. Hall's catarrh cure 80 the only po&iitiveciire kmown to ithe medical (fra ternity. Catarrh being a ccwistituftioinal disease, requires a cxmsttitutijomal treat ment. Hall's caitarrh! cure te taken in ternally, act'lmg- dlreotJly upon the blood find mucuous serfaces of the system, thereby destroying the fountain of the disease, and giving the paitlenfb Btfcreragth by building up the constatutlon and assisting- mature In doling ita work.. The proprietors have so much faith. 4q. ite curative powers that Itlhey offer orue hun dred dollars for any case thait dt fails to cure. Send for list of teatfimoniaJe. Address, P. J. CHENEY & CO., Tol edo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75 cents; Hall's Family Pills are the best FOR SALE. A good farm containing about 200 acres, Siltuate4 11 miles east of Brevard in Transylvania county, handy to good schools, churches, postoffiee, telephone, etc.; in a good neighborhood; a good five-room house, good barn, orchard, and about 35 acres of river bottom In culti vation. This place is specially adapted to stock raising and general farming, and must be sold in the next three months, as owner has moved west and needs money. This self-sustaining farm will be -sold for less than, half its act ual value. For full particulars citll at the Gazette office. in an p BICYCLE COUPON )0 rt- M rj" L 0 suites (d r 9 p CK CD Is.:. KT3 2 S 3 4 B (X a 0D X 0 , " si B D ' o 0 Coupon must have id " Uf marts apoa it wheit l - a j-i!s .tftrt'f ' - T ft ill o iu m CP- . 1 hi 2S. CD ... M its ie tired iast so lone as there is a particle raii . of vitality ett m tne nair roots. fand shining is no positive proof that the roots beneath are dead. Deep down beneath the skin, hair ; roots may . yet exist, filled with latent vitality, and all that is le ys quired to develop them into a - beautiful head of hair is the faith- tulapplunoftheproperagents. g Seven g Sutherland Sisters fci . preparations furnish the easiest, surest ana quickest way to ascer tain if there is or is not latent life beneath a head bare of hair. Why not try them? I SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. I Better Than Medicine. 'Aha!" shouted the patient triumph antly ag he rushed into the doctor s office. I've cured that insomnia now. I sleep like a top." . ; -flow's that?" "I leave that loud new golf suit of mine in another room when I go to bed." Kot Needed. Prospective Tenant of Flat Why, there isn't room to swing a cat in here! Janitor No, we permit no -cats in the building. Detroit Journal. : O & X O 3E& I j9l . Heaps tte y9 Kind You Have Always tfoagfr Signature of To arouse a Dormant Liver and secura permainignt regularity of the Bowels. v3 Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine. NOTICE. By virtue of the power' of sale tlained im a certain deed of -trust cuted to me by M. E. Carter and eon exe wife on January 27 tin 1893, registered on page 205 of book 32 in the office of the regis ter of deed's of Buncombe county, I will, on Monday, July 24, 1899, at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door in the city of Asheville, expose .to sale to the highest bidder for cash, tlhe lands memifSoned in the said deed of trust, the same being described as follows: One undivided half irate-rest ton and to that certjatn pdece of land lying andi being in the county of Buncombe and state of North Carolina, oni Sugar Fork and Little Left Hand Fork of Swannanoa river on the north east side of Brushy Mountain, beginning on a stake on the second high top of Brushy mountain the corner of the lands formerly kmown as the Bailey lamds and in the line of the Richard Fortune tract and runs north, crossing the Sugar Fork and Little Left Hand Fork to the top ef the Grape Thicket ridge, them west up said ridge to the top of the mountain that (divides the waters of the North Fork of Swannanoa river from those of Bee Tree; then a south course along the top of said mountain to a stlake In the Richard Fortune line, being at the junc tion of the Brushy mountain, with said mountain dividing said waters; then an east course with said Fortune's line, down said Brushy mountlai n down, the top to the beginning, containing four thousand acres, more or less. This June 23d, 1899. H. B. CARTER, Trustee. Devvstt's Little Early Risers, TU, -.-t(s llrt villc. NOTIGJB OF SAIiB. By virtue of a power of sale contained J, , 7 tJ in a deedi of trust, executed by J. A. Mc Guixtn and his wife, Arkansie McGurnn on the? 12th day of March, A. D.,-1892, to the undersigned as trustee, default having been made in -the payment of the indebtedness intended to be secured by the same, fcy which the power to sell be came operative, and at the request of ithe cestui que trust, the undersigned will of fer for sale, at the court hoiiso door in the city -of Asheville,. county "of Buncombe- and state of North Carolina, to the "highest bidder for cash, on Tuesday. August 8, 1899, the following, described lot or parcel of land, situate, lying and being fan. the county of Buncombe and state of North Carolina, in the town of South Biltmo re, on the eastern-side of ithe Buncombe turnpike road, and' being lot No. 1 of Block No. 6, of the lands of S. H. Reed, as per plat made by B. M. Lee, surveyor, andt known as Reed's ad dition to Riltmore. N. C. beeinnine at a stake in the eastern margin of saicfl road, in the south margin of Hill street of . said plat, at a point where Hill street intersects with said road, and thence running south twe-ity-flve degrees east fifty-nine and! sixty one hundredths feet to a stake; tthence north seventy-five degrees and fifty -eight minutes east one hundred and ninety feet to a stake in the western margin of Ridge Alley thence wilth the western margin of Ridge alley north twenty-two degrees and twenty four minutes west one hundred and twenty-three and three tenths feet to a stake in the south margin of said Hill street pthence with 4he south margin of Hill street north fifty-six degrees arid fifty-five mtnute3 west one hundred and .ninety-three and ndnety-six one fhun dredtlis feeiL to the. place of the begin ning; and -being the samejlot of landl'aa set forth and described in said deed of trust, which is recorded! in the offiW of the register of deeds for the county of Buncombe and state of North- Carolina, in Book No. 28 of the reeords of deeds of trusft, on. page 344, to which deed of trust hd the records thereof -reference ds ,herefby made as a part of this descrip tion. . -This July 3, 1899. . . Tj. P. McLOUD, v Trustee. GREENSBORO, PLC ; for the treatment of THE UgUQR, OPIUH, KSRPHIKE nd other Drug Addictions. The Tobbacco Hab'rt Kerve Exhaustion J .ssmst IT 1 1 il I I I II- l 11 I I I I I' I I -M.I-..- W .. - g lie Bought bog and the Next Night K Go In to -Trouble. i Mrs. Rounder had insisted that her hus S ; band should buy :a dog. I Rounder did not X like the idoa, having grave doubts of the advisability ot having -a savage brute around. But Mrs. Rounder said that she 5R would feel safer when Mr. Rounder was , x detained late down town on important j business if there was a good dog about. So Rounder yielded, and the dog was 9: bought. S ;- That night when Rounder, wjth uncer 0 tain steps, made his way home he was TwaTtTtte front d. Rounder, who had ho use for dogs, paus ed upon the first step, uncertain what to do. "Good" dog, nice doggy," he cooed per suasively in a thick voice. i'But the dog showed no signs of friend-. liness, and Rounder,.took a new tack. "It'sall ri or man. I'm yer "daddy. I'm the ol' man. Thatrs ri You know me. Come on inside an have a bone on me." Still the dog showed no sign that he recognized Rounder, who sat down on the first step and thought the situation over. Slowly it dawned through his befuddled brain that the last car had left for down town,-and it was a question of getting by the dog or camping out for -the rest of the night. "Bloomin outrage," he mumbled to him self. "My house, my dog. I'll kick the stuffin out of him if he doesn't acknowl edge the fac' pretty soon." Suddenly he was seized with a bright idea. He would find a policeman and get him to kill the brute. Rounder walked four times around the block before he was rewarded by finding an officer to pour out his tale of woe to. "Officer," he mumbled thickly, "awful savage dog" on my porch. Bigger'n a meetin house. Giin't go home. Bloomin outrage. Gtin to sue the city for $1,000, 000 damage.." When the officer finally grasped the situation, he took Rounder by the arm and led him home. Taking one look at the object that was keeping Rounder from the bosom of his family, the officer kicked it aside and told Rounder to go iu and keep quiet. . it was the ouorimiT chat some one had .vked up ahd neglected to replace. Do -zoit Free t'ress. A CLEVER TRICK. It certainly looks like it, but there is really no 'trick about It. Anybody can try it who has lame back and weak kid- nevis. ma.ia.lria or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure nimself right away by taking Electric Bitters. This medicine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant to liver and kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures consti pation, headache, fainitlng spells, sleep lessness and melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restores the system to its natural vigor. Try Electric Blters and be convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bot tle guaranteed. Only 50 cents a bottle at T. Cv Smith's, W. C. Carmichaei s and. Pelhiam's' pharmiacy. - Something Wrong With Jobnuv. On this particular evening his elder sis ter had told him to say to Mr. Hankinson that "she had a bad cold and was sorry she could not come down. ' On this occasion also he was in a bad humor. There was no candy. Wherefore when Mr. Hankinson said: "Where is your sister, Johnny?" Johnny replied: "She's up stairs sneezin "her blamed head off!" Chieago Tribune. STORY OF A SLAVE. To be bound hand and foot for years by 'the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. George D. Williams, of Man chester, Mich., tells how such a slave was made free. He says: "My wife has been so helpless for five years that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Electric Bitters, she is wonderfully Improved and able to do her own work'TMs supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, melan choly, headlache, backache, (fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle working medieitne is a god-send to weak, sickly, run down people Ivery bottle guaran teed. Only 50 cects. Sold" by T. C. Smith, W. C. Carmichaei, and Pelham's Pharmacy. De Witt's Little Early Risers expel t- u3 um u,- tions regulate the stomach, bowels, and liver, and purify the Iblood. They drive away disease, idlissipate melancholy, and give health and vigor for the daily rou tine. Do not gripe or sicken. Paragon Pharmacy. Not Up to SnnfT. "How foolish of you to tell thost young men that yoivknew how to swim!" said the girl in biue as they strolled along the beach. "Why?" asked the girl in white. "Why!" repeated the girl in blue scorn fully. "Well, it's evident you've never been to the seashore .before. You miss all the fun of having them try to teacl you." Chicago Post. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cltassea and beautifies tne nstz. Pi motes a luxuriant growth. Uiver Fail to Hestore Gray Hair to its YouthTul Color. Com scalp aiseaset cc nair iaumg. JOc,and1.00at Dniggirtaj VIRGINIA COLLEGE For YOUNG LADIES, Roanoke, Va. Opens September. 12, 1899. One of the Jeading schools for young ladies in the South. Magnificent buildings, all mod ern improvements. ampus ten cres. Grand mountain scenery in Valley of Virginia, famed for health. "European and American teachers. Full course. Superior advantages in art, and music Students from twenty-seven states. For catalogue address the president, Mattle P. Harris, Roanoke, Va. Write for the free booklet: Sferry Rhymer for Thirtttf Times." ttainnie THE CHARLES E. HIRES CO., Philadelphia, Pa. " .Maker 0 Hires Condensed Milk, j - 41 J ORCHARD AND GARDEN; Unfruitful "orchards, "as a rule, are s-v because the soil is deficient in plant food. ' In all transplanting it is essential that the soil comes in close contact with the- roots. ... - " " Fruit trees may be planted in the yard f for ornament and for fragrance as well ; as for, fruit. The best raspberries, plums and pears have been grown where poultry has been allowed to run. Trees must be fed just as any other " plant is fed. Many an orchard is simply starred to death. . , Cultivation in the orchard while the trees are growing tends to induce the -roots to grow deeper. " To cause a quick, strong growth" of roses and carnations use nitrate of soda solution in watewig. Thinning out V' the wormy and imper fect specimens of fruit should be done as soon as they can be distinguished. Set a piece of stiff cardboard or bend a piece of tin around cabbage and tomato plants as a protection against cut worms Exchange. - SPREADS LIKE WILD FIPB. You can't keep a good thing down. News of it travels fast. When things are "the best" they become "the best sedling." Abraham Hare, a leading; druggist of Belleville, Ohio, .writes: "Electric Bitters are the best selling bitters I have ever handled in my 20 years experience." Ycu know why? -Most diseases begin in disorders of the stomach, liver, , bowels, blood and nerves. Electric Bitters tones up the stomach, regulates liver, kidneys end bowel, purifies the blood, strengthens the nerves, hence cures multitudes oC maladies. -It buiMs 'up the entire sys tem. Puts new life and vigor into any weak, Sickly, run-down man or woman. Only 50 cents. Sold by T. C. Smith, W. C. Carmichaei, and Pelham's pharmacy, guaranteed. Ladies agonized by Female Disondlers should avoid unpleisaot examinations and ait once cure themselves with Sim mons Squaw Vine Wtoe or Tablets. SPECIAL RAILROAD RATES. The Southern railway will sell special round trip tickets for the following oc casions : To Denver, Colo , Colorado Springs, and Pueblo, Colo., from following points at rate of $57.70 for the round trip, tickets on sale July 4-10 inclusive, final limit October 31: Cha1 lotteavill. Lycuhburg, Danville, Va., Walnut 'Jove, Winsion Salem, Charlotte, Staicvevtlle, New toil Hickory, Gastooala, Marlon and Asbe Vile, N. C. National convention of the QEpwortl League, Indianapolis, Ind. Tickets on, sale July 18-19, final limit July 26. One' fare for the round trip. Rate from Ashe- ville, 15.50. An extension of final limit may be obtained to leave Indianapolis on or before August 20 by depositing ticket with -the joint agent, P. C. Donald. Spencer House, not later than July 24, and! on payment of fee of 50 cents. Annual convention of Thurman W. C. T. U., Henderson, N. C. Tickets on sala July 26-28 inclusive, final limit August 3. Rate from Asheville, $12.60. Annual meeting G. U. O. of O. F., Charlotte, N. C. Tickeits on sale July 9-11, inclusive, final limit July 17. Ra'.e from Asheville via, Salisbury, $7.80, via. States vil'.e, $6.85, and via. Spartanburg $6.50. North Carolina Bapt'st State Sunday School Chatauqua, Shelby, N. C. Tick ets on sale July 24-21 inclusive, final 1 limit August 1. Rate from Asheville, $4.10. International convention of the Bap tist Young People' Union of America, Richmond, "Va. Tickets on sale July 11 to 13, inclusive, final limit July 31, at one first class fare for .(the round trip. Rate from Asheville, 12.10. An exten sion of final limit may be obtained to leave Richmond not later than August 15, provided tickets are tfepcs'.ted with the Richmond Transfer company, 903 E. Main street, Richmond, Va., prior to July 28 and on payment of fee of 50 cents. 1 University of North Carolina Sum mer school for teachers, Chapel Hill, N. C; tickets on sale June 17 to July 10 inclusive, final limit July 20; one fare for the round trip; rate from Asheville $8.05. For full information call on ticket, agents or address, F. R. Darby, C. & T. A., Asheville, N. C, or R. Vernon, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. P. "La. NOTICE. By virtue of power of sale vested in the undersigned trustee by a certain tne i 1 deed in trust executed by M. B. Bail ey and wife R. E. Bailey, bearing date the 28th day of July, 1890. which deed in trust was duly registered in the office of the register of deeds of Buncombe coun ty, North Carolina, In book No. 22, page 315 et eeq., of the records of deeds of trust and mortgages of said county, to which reference is hereby mads, I will, on Wednesday July 19, 1899, between the hours of 12 o'clock m. and 1 p. m., at the front of the court house, in the dty of Asheville, county of Buncombe and state of North Carolina, sell for cash to the highest bidder at public auction that certain- piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the state of North Carolina, county of Buncombe and' city of Asheville, being lot No. 19 in Limoola park and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake In the south mar gin of Phifer street and 60 feet from its? Intersection with the eastern margin of Blanton street and runs thence with the said Phifer street south 85 degrees east 60 feet to the northwest corner of lot No. 18 ; thence with the western line of said lot No. 18, south 1 degree, 22 minutes west 150 feet to a stake in the northern line of lot No. 75; thence north 85 de grees West 60 feet to a stake io the south east corner of lot No. 20; v thence with the eastern line of said lot No. 20 north 1 degree, 22 minutes east 150 feet to the beginning. This June 19, 1899 , . J. E. DICKERSON, Trustee.. SEHO US ONE DOLLAR nw 1899 pattern high-grade KK8KUTOIR tAV JkXO WOOS COOK KTOVK, by freigat v.v.u., gnojetf to examination. tsxamiae is as your freight depot aad if found perfect ly satisfactory sad the greatest StOTe BAB. GAIX you ever saw or heard of,pay the FRKitiHT AGENT our SPECIAl. rsuK, $13.00 less the 81 '&nt with or der or 12.o0 "aod freight charges This store Is size No. 8, oven In MXxl&xll, top is 41x23; made from ixst pig iron, excr large fines, neary coyeru, heavy .linings and grate. Uirge oven shelf, heavy tin-lined oven door, handsom . nickel-plated ornamentations and trimmirss, extra ' large deep, genuine Starfish pererls!a lined reserwir. hm 1 eome large ornamented base. Best esal bnrmer ssde,-SJia . we famish FEKB an extra -woed grate, matinir it a per- feet wood baraer. WB IS8UR A BiSDWO LAKA9iTSK With every -stove and guarantee safe delivery to your rail-, roadstation. i Yoor local cleair would Vorge yuutZo.V for such a Stove, the freight is only about tl.00.foi ; each 00 miles,- we save yea at least $10. AO. Address. SEARS, ROEBUCK &C 0.(181) CHICAGO, ILL (jSwust KMkck U are ttecsvsl.lT rtUi)la,-JEdUec.i V , . 00 Vf WRTFE vcn orra rto free LJ -

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