.V.. v -r-r-v . 'J "H. - - -a r-"' .-v 3 " -A ! ! ' - s -a: 1 - r 1 if. !- - ' ( - 1 - - ..' - - .. nm uicie n"- SES DBD 10 and 12 Pation Avenue B B .ill as W PrediGteu The last' week of July turned out to be the busiest. iVfany summer articles have been closed out, but many more are on hand r nd must be closed out, as our fall stock has already commenced to arrive. i ooes We have received .several mew and beautiful design an Oepcus and other ibliack dress goods, which we are offering at very low figures. A handsome assortment or Plaid Dr;3 Goods, which will please the eye of ev ery lady. 500 ri:c:s of medium and dark shade i i F rials, Vie rret.lest slecion wie have ever shown. ONLY TWO MORE WEEKS OF OUR CLBARANCE SALE, and you can mot afford 'to miss the many BAR GAINS which Te will offer. 75 Pieces of fancy ALL. SILK RIB BONS, at one -half their value. Just Te:eived, 100 pieces of TAFFETA RIBBONS, in all shades and widths at REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. 100 dozen LADIES' HANDKER CHIEFS, cheap at 5c apiece. Our price 30c a dozen. 75 kJloaen. ladies' BLACK HOSE, the 15c quality, at 10c a pair. Another loifc of ladies MUSLIN UN DERWEAR, just received. 2500 yferds tf fine all wool SUITINGS. Covert Cloth, Serg3, etc., ait a saving of 40 percent. The remlaintog sitock of Dress Lawns, Organdies, and Gingh!ams at a saving of 40 percent. MEN'S UNDERWEAR. Just received, a full line of the cele b.ated SCRIVEN'S DRAWERS. For thi3 week we offer 46 dozeni men's Unidershi'r.s aod drawers, Ithe 75c quality, lait 37 l-2er MEN'S BLEACHED 'JEANS DRAW ERS, wor;h 40c, at 23c. n mayeJt. stBut there were more-acres J sown than : ever iDerore, auu piere W ere jnore ec 7!" . Newton Enterpfise. ' g : KfJ, ; "isf - " - - . " '. -4Sitrange t-say, a dinner i was given FTiday inhleh ?ur sets of twins took part. Ti svae dinner only for these per- rrcm ti . aijrner was given by Mrs. Lwillefori cm West Depot street - aiM those who took part were -we twu bc.b tmino tnt fr- anA Mrs. Gearee Ei. J1. L W llJ.k7 Vi . w- Fisher, George and Annie, and Ophelia and Jesse, the ItWalsons of Mm William Elliott, James ajidWillie,Jtogether with Hintton ana miss auisic vhi;j.wu. mo a'-nina tralttetrirer 'ft.Ti On P: Ol t Of the CLO a. uiv t, - ordinary manner. Concord Standard. Eow Are Tnr Kldaeyi i Dr. Hobbs' Sparagas Pills cure all Hdneyms. m pie free. Add. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or . F. M. Howell, who lives in the "state of Wilkes," about twk miles above El kin, was showing in, the Times office Tuesday a pig" which ie certainly a curi osity. The pig was born on Tuesday morning and lived a few hours'. It had two well developed heads, three' eyes (one on each side of-the heads and one in the centre, the one in the centre had a double nunil). two mouths, two noaes, four nostrils, ewo ears and four feet. It breathed 'through all of its nostrils, and hetonered to a family of ninepigs, all of which lived. A number of people saw the pig and will vouch for the truth or the above facts. Mr. Howell used to own a steer that gave milk, mention of which several veare ago in the Times caused dealers in snake tales, like Bob Deal, to become credulous. Elkin Times BIG E BALTIMORE 10 and 12 Patton A venue CAROLINA NEWS Interesting Items from Va rious Parts of the State. Glimpses of life and Progress in thel Land of the Sky. Notes Gathered for the Gazette anfl Selections from latest North Carolina Newspapers. Itte with pleasure that we note the fact that the ladies are going, to at tempt to erect a confederate monument here. Warrenton Record. -"Plans 'are in preparation for a recep tion, to Bishop Cheshire and his bride jdSbto Rev. Dr. Braitton and wife at 1 St. Mary's school in Raleigh. It will be quite an elaborate' affair. During the month of July 231 ba.w nf cotton have been received at Raleigh v A'l Dales the nrst week In the month, 123 Dalea the second week,- 40 bales last week and 26 bales ithe week Just closed. expenses of the penitentiary investigat- , ng commiciee, wnicn nas Deen in ses !fiion last week., The total mat 1169.70. This includes the Twr ritAm land -mileage of the committee, salary of ; ffeauryf IsBIoofl Deep Clean blood meansa clean skin. Ko beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean jour bipod, and -keep it clean, by stirring up the lafey liver and driving all im- unties fromvthe body. Begin to-day to aniflh pimples, boils, blotches blackheads, ' end that sickly bilious complexion by taking IJascarets, beauty tor ten cents, au arug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c The Mortroe Oil and Fertilizer pany will put in an UD-to-datP rnttnn ginning plant. Nothing in the way of conveniences and machinery for the rapid nanaimg of the cotton from the wagon to the ready-for-the-market bale will be left off. Monroe Enquirer. Dr. J. K. Stockard. of Ruriinptnn who was chief surge-on of the late Sec ond North Carblia regiment, has been appointed surgeon in the United Sttates army, with orders to irenrwr at Ran Francisco' for service In the Philippines. He will leave for his cost of dutv with in the next few days. We are pleased to note that active work will soon begin at LockvMl hv the purchasers of the splendid water power at that place. A party of engi neers is now hard at work there rvre- paring for the improvements that win soon be started. In a few days over a hundred laborers will be employed in en larging and repairing the dam across Deep river, and then work will begin on a large cotton mill. Pittsboro Rec ord. The Road nonerpsfl a npodnhnrn and the Horticultural Society meeting wn practically - run together. Meetings will be held In the hall of the Lindsay street graded schoorbuilding. This is one of, (the best halls in town A v 3 11 - A L wm seat j.,uuu people. The first meeting will be held at .2 o'clock today (Tuesday) and continue meeting at- 8 o'clock. 'At the evening meeting a lec- x ..in v. . f i . . mre win oe given on "good, roads" by Prof. J. A. Hal v WVUJ. UUM, V. etereoptlcon views. A lecture wl'l be given oy rroz. oanaerson or the united States department of agriculture. une areenville Reflector says that Greenville warehousemen aire disgusted with the proposed tobacco warehouse trust and -declined to extend the time of options as requested by Mr. Sid Woodard. Mr. Woodard spent two days in Kinston making efforts to secure an extension of options on some of the Kinston warehouses, but we under stand that the owners declined to grant any extension. We are glad to 'learn this and hope .we shall hear no more of the warehouse trust. Kinston Free Press; v t - BUCKLiEN'S 'ARNICA SALVE. The best salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all ekto eruptions, ana posi tively cures pMs, or no pay requfcred, It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. - Price 25 cents per box. For sale by T. C. Smith, W. C. Carmlchael. and Pelham's phar macy. f V 'W "WW W 'tsi is n 1 1 a The Kind Yon Ha-ve AlwaTS Boucrlit. and wMaTi Tio m us ior oYer dv jeara, ut pome tne Signature of ana nas Deen made under his per- jsonai supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to doraf - J UU All. tlUS, All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and ChildrenExperience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castorla is -a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It Is Harmless and Pleasant, it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of KOTES-FROM ALTO. Alto, N. C, Judy 31. The recentt. rain has grealtly augmenitEldi 'the crop pros pects in 'tikis part of the country. Robert Swulm, who hlas been on a vis it to Ibis uaKcle, A. F.Jswia'im, in Swain county, has retLurmed and ireports ever5r- thing in a flouirlsbJing condition in that county. Charles Mloore, lias been very busy thi's week, digging lo.r gioi!d anid copper cm 'the lanJd' of William Dover, and thas exhumed Ibeaut'iful epeoimeins of copper aind has 'two or three quills of free gold pan-mdij otft pf the duet. Saturdiay evecdng, whi le ou't hunting Jiarnes Holt and Andy Elege came upon 'the site of a il'aite "mocmshiine arramg memll" in Pig's Eye Cove. It ieams from whiaia they say -(Holt and Elege) taait the parties had moved 'their diliclit distillery to some more con.ve,niecit point. Holt and Elege commenced a search but were re warded with a lead of buckshot, and at on;e found 'the neighborhood too near resembling the H ispiancila - American ch)a!ra.eter, and so at once bea'd a hasty re'treat. D. P. 'Ford ankl Miss. Leoaia Clark were married Suriday mornin'g at the restdsnce of J. C. Morgan- on Newfound, after which 'tlhey repaired :to ithe home ctf the grcom on Sou:ih Turkey Creek, and were served wdth an excellent Idlinner. There was a splendid -gathering at 'the Chesltiauit grove literary socte'ty Saturday ndgiut, amid a well d'scussed questfon fol lowed. The peop'e (here are ibecomiiing more ic'terestetdi dn l'iterlary and exluca tional work. S. G. D. KIDNEY TROUBLE la a fiaeeritlveU dla ease- thousands have dt and doti't waavli -quick ' resuIU you oam make no mlaeteke by using Dr. Kilmer's Swamp v une great . Kidney, remedy. -At aruggisits la fifty cents and dollar . sizes. Sample" bottle by miall . free, also ' pam phlet Itelllng you bow to - find out if you navteliaarieylrouble. Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co., . BIng namptanyNT. ' ' "'"'r r ' - A very peculiar case of drowning is reported from Hadley township. One day last week the f amily of Jordan Em erson, colored, left home for a short while and left two children, one about two years old and the other ten months old, at home shut up in the house. When the family returned the young er child was deaddrowned in a itub of water which was in the house. We have learned that the coroner, Dr. A. I. H. Lutterloh, held an inquest over the body. The con-oner's jury decided that there had been foul play, but they could not locate the perpetrator of the crime.. The child left with (the baby was too small! to have done such a deed.. Who would be o heartless as to take the life of a nine-morithsi-rd jUelpless child? Pittsboro Citizen. Mr. George Toun't, ' of Claremont, while in Newton Monday gave us re ports on so-me very good wheat crops. His own crop yielded him 981 bushels. Mr. Noah Hewitt made 1,873 bushels; Mrs. A. MI Hewitt 1,476 bushels and Mr. Ed Little 456, bushels. These crops were all right in the same neighborhood, within a short distance of Claremont. Some people say there were more very poor erops in the county this year than for many yeatns, and, taking the county as a whole, there was not more than 60 per cent, of an average, yield. This ' Kodot Dyspepsia Cure cures .dyspepsia because Its' ingrejdtiesnlts are -such What it oanU help doing so. "nua public can re lv uTKtai ilti flis la miasfcer reinieidySor all dis- ordersarieSmg fi?om imperfect -digeston. James M.-Thomas, M.; D- to 'Amerl-i dafa Joumlal of Healfth, N.t.., Paragon jnarmacy. , -- ITEMS FROM ACTON. ACTON, N. C, July 31. The Rev. Mr. Malonee is conduc'tingr a series of re vival services at the MethoUlist church ai ithis place. Muoh interest is manifested and we hbpe great an'd1 lasting good may be done. The Vernon Hill Sunday school spent the day Saturday picnicking la't the Sul phur SpriUngs, much too (the enjoyment of 'the young people. Mir. Tom Hyatt, a welHto-tib farmer of Pigeon valley, with some members of his family, returned home today after a few Gays' stay with his mother a't this place. The party chaperoned by Mrs. Boyd thaifwenlt for a hunting 'and fisMng ex cursion up! Pigeon valley, returned Friday anid) reported u good- time, mot withstairidling 'the daily rains. Mrs. Getorgie Reaves went; t)o Clyde last week to viislit rella'tives. Mr. and. Mirsi. York oif Greensboro are vis'it'imig herf brdther, Mr. Ray, of this place. Thad Jones and Fulton Sttoimes are altrle to be up a Uttl once1 moft, after a long siege of tyfahoM' fever, thanks to the careful itreaJtment of Dr. Thrash, sr. St. . IiftDtaltang atlings, bdltes, scratches, woutajdfe land cuts soothed and healed by DeWbtt'sl Wiltdh' Hazel Salve a sure and safe applicationi for tortured flesh. Beware oif cbuntelrfeiiis. Paragoni Pharmacy. Cdacate Your Bowels TTith Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. '0c, I3c. . If C. C. C. tail, drnggir.ts refund money. qstipaiw ..... A : .:: : "I have gone 1 4 days at a time without s movement of. the bowels, not being able to move them except by, using hot water injections. Chronic constipation for seven years placed me In ibis terrible condition; during that time I did eT ery thing I heard of but never found any teller; such was my case until 1 began using CASCARETS. I now have from one to three passages a day, and if I was rich I would give $100.00 for each movement; it s such a relief.' A yijier L. Hrjux. 1639 ttusseil 8L, Detroit. silfiT y CANDY Pleasant, Palatable. PotentTaste Good, Do Good. Kever Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe, lOcVaOc, Ma ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... . MMayCB4uqr,CktltklrVnMtrM2, law Tart, M 0 a- ' 11 1 eared at -home -with out pain ; -Boot of tar- tinnlarfl unt no r m unnt AUanta. Ca. . Office 104 North Pryor St SI The M You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ' ,4- . - THC OKNTAON 66MMMV, TT MURRAY STItCCT. NtWTORK CTTV. IVIOTT'S TRY ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. A powder to be shaken into Itfce vshoes. At this season your feet feel swollen, nervous audi hot, and get tired easily, It you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools tlhe feet and makes walking easy. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain tod gives rest ! and comfort Try it itoday. Sold by all druggists, grocers, shoe store and! gen eral storekeepers everywhere. Price, 25 cents. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. T. PENNYRQY AL PILLS They overcome Weak- ness, irregularity and omissions, increase vie- or ana oanisn pains of menstruation They are "LIFE SAVERS" to girls at womanhood, aiding" development of organs and body. No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm life becomes a pleasure. $1.00 PER BOX BY MAIL. Sold by druggists. DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohia FOR SALE BY DR. T. C. SMITH. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. In Effect July 16, 1899. No. 17-11. No. 35. No. 3. Eastern Time. N03. 12-33. No. 36. No.34. 4.30pm 12.0Eiam Lv New York Ar. 12.43pm 6.35am 6.55pm 3.50am Lv Philadelphia Ar. 10.15am 2.56am 9.20pm 6.22am Lv Baltimore Ar. 8.00am 11.25pm 10.43pm 11.15am Lv Washington Ar. 6.42am 9.05pm 6.10am 6.07pm ' Lv Danville Ar. 11.25pm 1.30pm 1240am. 12.0:pm Lv Richmond Ar. 6.40am 6.25pm 8.35pm 9.10am Lv Norfolk Ar. 8.20am 5.55pm ' 1.10am 2.50pm Lv Selma Ar. 3.50am 12.35pm 2.0&am. 3.50pm Lv Raleigh Ar. 2.45am 11.35am 5.15am 6.35pm Ar Greensboro Lv. 11.45pm 8.50am Central Time 9.05am 7.50pm Lv Salisbury Ar. 6.35pm 9.30am 9.55am 8.30pm Lv Statesville Ar. 5.44pm 8.43am 10.35am 7.07pm Lv Newton Ar. 5.03pm 8.09am 10.52am 9.25pm Lv Hickory Ar. 4.45pm 7.52am 12.12pm 10.34pm Lv Marlon Ar. 3.28pm 6.45am 2.15pm 12.03am Lv Blltmore Ar. 1.30pm 5.21am 2.25pm 12.10-am Ar AaheviUe Lv. 1.20pm ,5.15am 2.35pm 12.15am 9.0ram Lv Asheville Ar. 1.10pm 5.10am 5.F)0pm 3.52pm 1.33am 10.25am Lv Hot Springe Ar. 11.40am 4.00am 4.25pm 2.55pm 3.00am 12.30pm Lv Morristown Ar. 9.50am 2.30am. 2.?0pm 7.40pm 4.25am 2.05pm Lv Knoxvtlle. Lv. 8.25am 1.15am 12.55pm 11.35pm 7.40am 6.10pm Ar Chattanooga Lv. 4.20am 10.00pm 9.40am 7.10pm 7.10pm 7.40aim Ax Memphi Lv. 9.15am 8.00pm 6.40am' 6.33pm Ar. Nashville Lv. 10pm' 9.10am 7.50am 7.50pm ' Ar. Louasville Lv. 7.45pm 7. 40am 7.30am 7.30pm Ar. Cincalnnaiti Lv. 3.00ph 3.20am ,8.25am Ar. New OrfbeaiiB Lv. 7.30pm A. AND S. BRANCH. No. 14. 7.05am 8.13am 9.08ami 10.18am 11.22jmi 3.20pm No. 10. No. 34. 2.05pm 8.pm Central Tame. Lv Asbeville An. Eastern Tim 3.15pm 9.10pm Lv BUtmara Ar. 3.29pm 9.58pm Lv HemdersonvjPle Ar. 5.pm 11.03pm Lv Tryott Ar. 6.15pm 12.10atm Ar Spartanburg Lv. 9.35pm Ar Columbia Lv. No. 19. No. 9. No. 33. 6.00pm 1.40pm 8.45am 6 . 52 pm 6.03pm 5.00pm 3.10pm 11.30am 2.30pm 1.45pm 12.42pm 11.25am 8.30am 9.35am 8.5flam 7.48am 6.50am 8.17pm 11.00am Ar CSharleatoia Lv. 7.00am 7.20pm Central Time 5.20am Ar Savannah Lv. 12.24am 9.15am Ar JackgonvUle Lv. . 3.00pm 8.00am Ar Augusta Lv. 9.00pm 9.30pm 9.55pm 5.10ara 5.10ttm Ar Alana Lv. 7.50am 11.50pm ll.f0pm 7.40ajn 8.10pm 8.10pm Ar New Orlean Lv. 7.45pm 7.55am 7.55em 7.40fa!m Ar Memphi Lv. 9.00pm 8.20am Ar. Macon Lv. 7.10pm ... ... MURPHY BRANCH. No, 17. No. 19. 9.15am 2.45pm 10.38am 4.10pm 10.58am 4.30pm 12.40pm 6 . 23pm 9.30pm Dattly except Sundays. Central Time. ' Nb. 18. No. 20. Lv Asheville Ar. 7.15 pm 12.05pm Lv Wayneeville Ar. 5.53pm 10.38am Lv Balaam Ar. 5.30pm' 10.10am LV Bryson City Lv 3.50pm 8.40am Ar Murphy Lv. 5.30am Da!ily except Sundays. YorK. 9 ard ' Hot At- TWa'ins 87 and 11, and 12 amd 38 carry Pullman sleepers between N'w "Wlajslhington. AsheviUe. Hot Saiimes. rhqittj.nrtna. n-nd NaWhviille. Tra ns 11, and 10 amdl 12, between JaeksomiVille, Savannah, Columbia, A?hevi11f Sprtogs, Kn'oxville, and Cincinnati. Traijnis 35 and 36 carry Pullman sQeeers beitween Salisbury, AsheviUe, Springe, Chattanooga, and MempMe. Tmim 33 and 34 carry Pullmao sleepers between Asheville, Spar:anburg, Hanta, lamd Monon. . Tnains 13 and) 14 damry Pullnnajn. pjaxfar aaors between Asheville, SpailJanD b Columbia and Charleston. caBt, 1 Together wlith our exteeHerut equipment ano scihedulcs ttk the rorth and all rail through Washington, fthe pubQic's special alttentflom is called :'to 'and water route-to the north and east Southenn railway and! the L Jpor ISftie. This sdaekiule allows a day's Stop-over ait Norfolk, Va., affording' an cht Jtunity to visifc Old Point Comfotrt. (Fort Monroe), Virginia, Virginia 1 Newportt, News, etc Baggage called for and checked from hotels and res' aV, by the AsfieviUe Trtmbfer company, office wffth city ticket office, 60 Pa,uun emie, Asheville, N. C.. '' - ' h-v&. FRANK S. GANNON, Third Vice President and General Manager, J hHD- D. C., J. M. CTJLP, Traffic Maaiager. WasMngtomi, D. C; S. H. 1 fouls' WICK, A G,P. Atlanta, GO.; .W. H. TAYLOR, A. G. P. A 'F r. iVille, Ky.i-C.'A: "BENSCOTER, A. "G.P. A., Chlatttanooga, Tenn-, r jRlC ' DARBY, aty Passenger and Ticket rAgenlt, Asheville, N. C; W- A. GeOterai Passenger Ageot, t "WaShtogton, D . C.

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