T THE ASHEVILLE; GAZETTEr-ACGCST, 1 J 899 f fed m - ---.-.WWMWJiJ,::;;. . TbebrUKantcompleonwo gai with some o the most nUd and honSi'tb? SSSKSS veaaswered the question. .They have prepared fortte n6fSiS oera). five preparations tor unprovine te mmni ft) 7. : The Missea BELL'S COMPLEXION TONiO 1b an external application, the presence of which on the face cannot be detected. It is perfectly harmless even to the most delicate skin. It is a sure and quick cure for all roughness and eruptions. It acts on the skin as a tonic, producing a naturally pure complexion. Cosmetics merely hide blemishes. The Tonic'gets rid of them. It removes pimples, freckles, black heads, moth patches, liver spots, eczema, redness, oiliness and all decolorations and imperfections of the skin. Price, $1 a bottle. Tie Misses BELL'S UAIR TONIO cures dandruff and prevents any return of it ; stops that maldening itching of the scalp and makes the hair strong. soft and lustrous. It Is especially help ful to persons whose hair Is thin, dry and liable to fall out. The tonic cleanses the skin about the roots of the hair : will soon cover fcald spots with a handsome growth, trice, m a bottle. The Missea BELL'S le a soft, creamy, exquisitely perfumed ointment, which helps the action of the Tonfct and, hi mild cases pf roughness, redness, pimples, etc., is a cure in Itself. It clears the pores of the skin of all impurities and feeds it b" building up the texture and makln A trial fiira RftrnWIa -- - ,..w v. 'in isew iork City; or by r.. m . "i'B ur oiiveriu cover actual cost ot postage and packing. Trial Bize eamplos can be necnred from our New York office on I v. Our Acnntn will nnt annnlv K .. ... r 1 i - . - - . iT " THE BELL TOILET ..j. , MCIU The Mines Bell's Complexion Tonic, 4epilo are for Htle In this city by W. C D17ILLIAH3' FOR SALE BY DR. I im a former located near Stony Broo&neof the most malarious districts in this State, and was bothered with malaria for years, at times. io I could not work, and was always ver constipated as wefl. For fears I had malaria so bad in the spring, when engaged in plowing, But I could do nothing but shake. I must iunre, taken about a barrel f quinine pills besides dozens of other remedies, but never obtained y permanent benefit Last fa&Yln peach time, I had a most serious ittack of chills and then commenced to take Rfoans Tabules, upon a friend's advice, and the first box made me all right and I have never been without them since. I take one Tabule each morning and night tnd sometimes when I fed more than usually exhausted 1 take three in J y They have kept my vtomach sweet, my bowels regular and I wve not had the least touch of malaria nor splitting headache since I commenced using them. I know also that ! steep better and wake up jwre refreshed than formerly. I dotft know how many complaints Kipans Tabules will help, but I do know they will cure any one in the condition I was and I would not be without them at any price. I tjonestly consider them the cheapest-priced medicine in the world, as Jney are also themost beneficial and the most convenient to take. am twenty-seven years of age and have worked hard all my life, the ame as most farmers, both early and late and intfl kinds of weather, jnd I have never enjoyed such good health as I have since last feH; in net my neighbors have all remarked my improved cbfictitioti and have tod " Say, John, what are you doing to took so beahhy ?? Z?lof twelre packets for oeaa.mr Mtea igNTMS ONE DOLLAR lKifiiipisftvi:utl and send to us with $1.00, and we will send u ',ua it exactly as rp.nrpRnntn annai trt nro-awiM that S 0' the greatestvalueyou ever Mwand far VMiaianj "J wucisttj) more noBeji yr iiciguu -ww 7'TOdiy.offcrprlee. t31.76, less the $1, or 830.5 ud fireigUelMrM. ai.in i ii iu nciniii nn nivp nninc ie9 ODe-b&lf 1-price Such an offer was never made before. JHE ACME OUFFN isoneof the mot darsble ud w, Uaitd 1ft- Btrumentsever made. From the Illustration Idw? s engraved direot from a photograph, yoa can f. 'ue Of its h..lll ti.. Cnlirf dadorr,rawed Oak, antique finish, handsomely decora Pounds. ." 7s"' iicnes long1, srj mcnes wiub um wmw tSmui L Kb0-", Ceiti, Ci-)BiiHim, Bsm Cpier, oiu v' sp'" rte. PrtiSrtpa! Forte, sad Tox Ubm rW?!.' 1 Ton 8we". Orgtn Swell. 4 Setr bus!',,! Ri'h Bellow Smooth DlajMMn Keeds, 1 Set ef of the celebrated Reed, which are only used r4CoBP'ert at-7i v aVDStrument3 aIs ted W "ow" of hl0J.HuJ,,,rs' aieo beB' Wo,B 'elts, with u am-. leathers! ndftn. ntee,brthSJltJ'!8ue. tten bindingr 25 year wont we r7 i i.. " waicniianys ., tKTawe win j " oionarra. Try ueacE S UABILITY IS ESTiBIISHFIlV. wfcV.nal BVni, J7iu wrmeiropouiannaraonai orez fhe PlorBank of Commerce, . ias n .r. n,c?o and employ orer 600people i Wal f?am14be7eled Plate French mlrror,filokel Sulon Wft5!gl' 8tol aild th b6Btor,ul vBftaH r. " mrtrmrm vm, piano . - uung in musical uscrnmeats at lowest nOtrti??2?i.1 "trnmen catalogue. Address,; y , PUno . PJ. ?so.eTerTtalng In musical lnntrnmenta at lowest wholesale prices. Write to Ire " t igttt .i.-.. lhe Missea BELL'S COMPLEXION SOJkO ia tnade' from ItWtmre oil of lam wool it la healing and gratifying to the skin, keeping it at all times in a clea 7 : J .v. .nu uuau u UBUIQIY i Lapuuiuua women xoeDV most care Is taken in selecting materials atory insures the purity of the product Frioe. 25 cents nprrAira l a t t-A - Size. ' t W6'ut'vuuce The Missea liFM I SS QAPSLLAmttFMn VJt for restoring prematurely gray locks to thpir priori nnl nnln. " v.ui. jtxyjM.. It is not a dye nor a stain. It Is a color less liquid that is applied to the roots of the hair and leaves no telltale signs on thft grain rT frmUnA Neither does it change the color of the hair all at once. Only dyes do that, and they wash oft. But CapIUa-Renova will not wash off. Price, $1.50 per bottle SKBN FOOD an. w . . j " "i oiwvo prepsraiions ai oar parlors mail to any addreasin plain wrapper apon t- - u'l'lJ,J vuoui. UUITDHUUQUQQUO COrOillT CO., 19 Fifth Avenue, w Tork City. -orcrmo !( J" i ce to any addreii. ... v OomplexJkmi Soap, Skin Foot, and CarmlchaeL INDIAN FILE OINTliraT IS a SURE CURB for Blind. Bleed- ins and Itching Piles. It absorbs the tumors, allays the Itching at once, gives Instant relief. Every box is warranted. Sold by druggists. Sent by mail on receipt of price, 50 cents and $1.00 per box. WILLIAMS MFG. CO., Props.. Cleveland, Ohio. T. C. SMITH. I joutote retail at betterthan the uw charg- lorm - C Chleagro; or German. Kanpnange BaelrrTrew Tork, or a at t r.l&a. ooAuIMl. 4meanv entire one of the tarar in onr own bolldlnir. WKSKLL OIMU1SAT eS2.oead 1 1 ' f. n-li Iff I. . 11 15i "iJ NHHHUiW I j if N. L., rata Stw CHICAGO. iLtLi CITY T.WRKET. Latest Market Prices Jo Cohsumers, ' . 1CBATS. Native Bef,. "first cut, rib, IS to 18. Steak, pirlaia, 15 to IS. Steak tesiderioaii, IE to 11. Round, 10 to 12 1 2. Beef, Western, rib rot, is to xv. Beef Western, airladm, 18 t 20, -Tenderloin, 20. Sweetbreiad, 25c pair. Lamb wb ole, 12 12. Leg of lamb, 15. Lamb Chop, 20. Veal whole; Leg veiaL 12 1-2 to lg. ii .J Veal chop. 12 1-2 to IS. Wiedaer eauflagie, 10. All pork atuatre 12 1 2. Mixed sausmttt, 10. Bologna aaosage, 10. Hamburg steak, 10 to 12 V-t. Pork loans, 12 1 2. Pork bams, 10. Pork steak, 12 12. Chopa, 12 1 2. Chickens, 12 1-2 to 18c pound. Turkeys, 15 to 18c pound. Greese, 15c pound. Squabs, 45c pound. , Ducks; 20 to 40c each. FISH. Shad, roes, 50 and 75 eacB. Shad, bucks, 20 and 60 eacht Black bass; 15a. U Channel hass, 8 and 10c. Sun' perch, 12 12. Spetekled trout, 10 and 12 11 Pikes, 16 and 12 1 2c. Halibut, 25. Breem, 12 1 2c. -Cat fish, 8 and 10c. Red snapper, 12 1 2c Sheep head; 8 and 10. Porgiea, 8 and 10c. Fresh herring, lOe. Mullets, 8 aaud lOc. Buncle fish, 12 1 2 to SOe bunch. oysters. Extra select, 50: Select, 40. DAIRY PRODUCT. Butter (creamery), 25. Butter (country), 12 1-2 to 20. Eg-gs (market quiet) 12 1 2c retail. VBGBTABLE3. Cabbage, 5c. one pound. Oftiona, 10c quart. Carrots, J.0c bunch. Beets, 10c bunch. Parsley 5c bumh. Lettuce, 5c bunch. Celery, So. stalk, 'i Rhubarb, 5c bunch. Irish potatoes, 35c peck. New potattoies, 65c peckt Sweet potatoes, 25c peck. Turnips, 35c. peck. ! - Caul! flower, 15 to 40o. Apples, 60 to 75c peck. Beams. 71-2o. quart. " Hulled corn, 5c quart. Squash, 71-2c. pound. Spinach, 25c peck. , T , Turnip greens, 20C peck. Mustard greens, 20c peck. Peas, 7 l-2c quart. Asparagus, 15 to 25c bunch. Green pepper, 30c do sen. Cucumebrs, 60c. dosen. To Cure Consttpatton Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. Tf C. C. C. Sail to cure, druggists refund money. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of a power of sale contained In a deed! of trust, executed by J. A. Mc Guinm and his wife, Arkansie McGuimn on the 12th day of March, A. D,, 1892. to the undersigned as trustee, default having been made in the payment of the indetedneas intended to be secured by the same, iby which the power to eell be came operative, and at the request pt the cestui que trust, the undersigned will of fer for sale, at the court house door in the city of Asheville, county of Bun combe and state of North Carolina, to the highest bidder for cash, on Tuesday, August 8, 1899, the following described lot or parcel of land, situate, lying and being In the county of Buncombe and state of North Carolina, in, the town of South BJDtmore, nths eastern side of the Buncombe turnpike road, and being lot No. 1 of Block No. 6, of the lands of 3. H. Reed, as per plat made by B. M. Lee, surveyor, andl known as Reed's ad diition to Biltmore, N. C, beginning at a stake in the eastern margin of said road, in the south margin of Hill street of said plat, at a point where Hill street intersects with said road, and thence running south twenty-five degrees east fifty-nine and! sixty one hundredths feet to a stake; thence north seventy-five degrees and fifty-eight minutes east one hundred and ninety feet to a stake in the western margin of Ridge Alley; thence with the western margin of Ridge alley north twenty-two degrees and) twenty four minutes west one hundred and itwenity-cnree ana tnree tenths feet to a Stake in the south margin of said Hill street; thence with the south margin of Hill street north fifty-six degrees and flfty-fivemlwutes west bn.e hundred and ninety-three and ninety-six one hun dredths feet to the' place of the begin ming; and being the same lot of land! as set forth arid described in said deed of trust, which Is recorded! in the office of the register of deeds, for the county of Buncombe and state of North Carolina. In Book No. 28 of the records of deeds of trust, on page 344; tS which deedj of trust and the records thereof reference 4 - - - . - .... . . . us nereoy maae as a part or tnis aescnp tien. This July 3, 1899. L. P. McLOUD, - -. Trustee. NOTICE. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain deedl of trust execut ed to A. J. Lyman, the undersigned trustee, by T. F. Starnea and wife, An nie L., Stames, dated September 10, 1892, for the purposs of securing the in debtedness v mentioned in -the sail dee d of trust, and because of default in the payment of said Indebtedness; the said trustee will sell at 12 m. cm MONDAY , THE 14TH DAT OF AU- GTJST, 1899, at the court house door in the city of "Asheville, county of Buncombe and sta'e of North Carolina,, to the highest bidder for cash, all that certain' real estate, sit 4iaife, lying and. being in the city ' of Asheville, adjoining! the lands of A. Rankin, W. L. Shope and others, and bounded as follows, viz: Begindng a!t a point on the southern margin of Cherry street, the northeast corner of A. Ran kin's lot, and runs thence with said lot south 31 degrees and 28 minutes east; three hundred and forty rthree and one half (343) feet to Starnes street (now styled Hiawassee Place); thence with Starnea street north 65 degrees 46" min ues east seventy-five (75) feet to a stake; thence north 31 degre: 22 mdnT utes west three hundred iand fifty-nine (359) feet to Cherry street, and thence with Cherry street south 53 degrees 47 minutes west seventy-five and one half (75) feet to ihe , beginhtng; .together with the two housesHpo) seid property. And f or further iaerlpitionof said premises, reference !s hereby made to said deed of trust, as registered on page 2ff et seq. of book No. SLiof itherrecords or" mortgages "arid Ttfeeds of rust ta the office of "the register of deeds for said Buncombe county, r This 14th July, 1839. ' t i; r - i ' (Signed.) ' A.. J. LYMAN, - t -v - - TTrustee. iCuon lUIRGnOUER should be used by every woman, man and child de siringa rich, soft, lostrons appearance of the hair. It furnishes Just the right stimulation to the half bulbs and encourages the natural-flew of hair moist ure. It prevents dandruff and Drematnre erav hairs. fit is the most refreshing. cooling ana invigorating dressing that can be ob tained. If your dealer cannot ktit- piy you, write tons and we will see to it that you are supplied. v Seven Sutherland Sisters 18 Desbrosses Street. New York City. SPECIAL RAILROAD RATES. The Southern railway will sell special round trip tickets for the following oc casions: Annual convention and (tournament, of the North Carolina State Firemen's as- Bociaftion, Greensboro, N. C. Tickets on sale July 31, August 1. 2. and 3, final limit August 7. For civil Hans, rate one first class fare for the round! trip. Rate from Asheville, $6:20. For firemen in urantform, ten or more on one ticket trav eling together, raite from Asheville, $4.10 per capita. Gala week, Greensboro, N. C. Tickets on sale July 31, August 1, 2, and 3, final limit-August 7. Rate of one fare for the round trip. Rate from Asheville $6.20. On August 2, 3, final limit August 5, from Ashevite, N. C, and Danville, Va.. ain-d from other points within radius of one hundred and fifty (150) miles from Greensboro, very low rates are authoriz ed Rate from Asheville, $4.10. For full information call on ticket agents or address, F. R. Darby, C. P. & T. A., Asheville, N. C, or R. L. Vernon, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. NOTICE. State of North Carolina, Buncombe County, In the Superior Court. Wingo, Elliott & Crump Shoe Co. , vs. - Notice. J. B. Ingle and Mary Vt-Gentry. By virtue of seven executions issued to -the undersigned sheriff of Buncombe counity from the supe-'lDr court of said county, in the above entitled actions, re turnable to the Augus-. term. 139'J. of paid court, I will sell at publi? auction to the highest bidder tor cash, at ;he count h.use door, in the said county cf Bun combe, oa Monday, the 14ih day of ivg uet, 1899, all therright, title and interest of the defendant, J. B. Ingle, in and to the following described pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and being In the counity of Buncombe and state of North Carolina: First tract: In Lower Hominy town ship, beginning on a stake the northeast corner of lot No. 4, the center of Bear Creek road, and runs wSth the said road north 11 3-4 degs. west 50 feet to a stake: thence south 89 degs. west 104 feet to a stake in the bank of the roaJtf; thence with the said road south 52 degs. west 54 feet to a stake in lot No. 4; thence north 89 2-10 degs. 132 feet to the begin nintg, containing 21 rods, arid being the lot of land on which the store house for merly occupied by the safrdi J. B. Ingle and more recently occupied by E. J Rhodes, is situated, and being the same lot of land conveyed to the said J. B. Ingle by G. W. Ballard and wife. Second tract: On Hominy Oreek.-'and joining the lands of W. G. Candler and others, beginning on a stake on the bank of North Hominy Creek, running north 23 degs. eaSt, seven poles to a Stake on the railroad; thence west with railroad 2 poles to a stake; thence south 23 degrees west seven poles to North Horrv. dny Creek; thence down said creek id the beginning, containing 20 rods more or less, and for a further description ref erence is hereby made to a certain deed executed by O. F. Thompson and wif A. F. Thompson to W. G. Candler, trustee, which 'deed in trust is recorded In book 27, at page 540 of the records of deeds of trust and mortgages of the said county of Buncombe. This the 14th day of July, 1899. R. F. LEE, Sheriff of Buncombe Counity. By F. M. JONES. D. S. NOTICE. The Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Association of Bunwombe county, North Carolina, will hold the first annual meeting' in the t:ourt house in Asheville August 5, at L30 p. m. ' All members are solicited to attend. All interesteid! in insurance are espe cially invited. . Respectfully, R. C. Clayton, -President; M. J. Bearden, Secretary and Itreaasurer; J. P. and J. W. Redd, General Agents; J. A. Hiim pQuries and Jesse P. Dowry, Local Agents. w-2t New Books at Rays. David Harum, by Westcott, Ir. Theme, Hagigand, Bill of Pains, Gilbert Parkerr Soul of Lifleth, 5orrelll Mr. Dooley in Peace and in War, Youmg Mistily, Strong Hearfs, West Point Wooing, Burnham, Caleb West, F. H. Smbith, Battle of the strong, When Knighthood was in Flower, Black Douglass, Crockett, Ragged Iiady, W. D. Howells Gfles Irgil'hy, W. E. Norris, Prisoners of Hope, Adventures of Francois, .Gloria Mundl, Frederick, Hearts, Cable, Talttle Tales of Cupdd, P. L. Ford, Soldiers of Fortune, The Christian, Choir Invisible, Sorrows of Satiam, II0n E, SWEET H0L1E Home cannot be sweet if a man comes from his workamd has a dusty old suit to put on. Tou dan have one nicely cleaned and pressed, .waiting for you by paying $1 per motnlth and being a mem ber of the Pressing Club. Hurry up and avoid the rulsh .Remember, we send fox and deliver all clothing. Special alenrttoitti and quick service for those not members .of .Club. Rooms 1, 2, 3, and 4, Gazette Building, c " - New Phone 389. 4 II listers I If 7 i.1 if X END OF SIBERIAN EXILE SYSTEM tfwV -i-i' . New York Sunl--f-i-f 7 ? 'i-- Three hundred and eight years have efcapsed since - the first degree of ban ishment to Siberia was pronounced. In that time 1,500,000 persona have been sent on tne long road, many of them hardened criminals,, others outcasts or ne'er-do-wells, often more unfortunate than crminal, and still many others the victims of their religious or polit ical opinions. Dissenters from the or thodox faith, the advocates of a con stitution for the state and cranks have been mingled by the scores of thous ands with those whose -offense againet society deserved the severest punish ment. All marched in the common chain gangs oyer toe bleak routes that became a two years' journey by the time Russia reached the eastern ocean. The first arrivals after an advance of the frontier were convicts. If one asks where the Siberian exiles have been chiefly kept the answer is, "Anywhere in that vast domain where Russian sol diers have carried their flag." Whether sent away for their country's good or the victims of their government's in justice, the exiles have marked by their presence every successive, stage of Russia's advance to the Amur. The rreceut czar hias decided ito close this long chapter of Siberia's history as a penal colony. He shais the opinion which bis father and grandfather held, that this Idi : grading use-s(h)ouad no longer be made of a vast and splemdid territory. There is plemty of honeslt Habor now with which .to build the roads and . fentresses, work the mines, ajid ti-W the government larliiss services for which ihe icompukory labor 'of the chain, gangs has been, em ployed. When Russli is atnviting' mil 'F.ons of her subjects IJo sprelad over Si te ii a.-2d make the wilderness iieem and blossom, she dan scarcely -continue ito send among ithem 'the refuse of the west e"u quarter of the empire. The tramp class, composed tenderly of esciaced con victs, have already 'treiateid some tul the new d demerits to -very unpleasanit ex periences. Russia, is en Ithe point of relieving- Siberia fiiom the odium of be ing a penai colony, just as, long- ago, she relieved Ithe governments of Perm and Orenberg from it, and as England re lieved Australia. The progress of Siberia, due tb the great railroad! now two-!thHrds Completed ithe improvement Of river nfavigial lion, i ha opening of Iairge areas to farmtag and rniclTg er terprsss, and the influx of hun dreds of thousands of settlers. has brought tabou't a new era. The nonula- fttom th".s year is over 6.000.000. tarndl fiOO.- 000 emligrtamrs have roured iritio ulh'? coaim- try 'since the beginning df 1898. So large a transference of settlers 'from one part to another cf the same country has nev er been witnessed before in s) 'short a time. These pioneers are Russian peas lainkis, amd many of ithem have been la-sslist-ed by the govennirjenit to iremlove 'to vir gin lands where they may secure larger fkrmsi They 'aire beginning 'by develorj the vast resources of the country, "De Witt's Little Early Risers did me more godd: than all blooxil medicines and Other pills," writes Geo. H. Jacobs, of Thorn pskn, Conn.. Prompt, never gripe. hey cure confftlip&tion, arouse the tor pid Mver to aatiomi-and give you clean blood), steady tnerves, a cflealr brain and healthy appetfite. Paragon Pharmacy. t'hey Net fetf Prayers. A member of parliament tells a guo. story of an out ot the way country clergy man who diu not keep up to date in what was going on in the world. One Suhdaj he asked his sexton: "Is the prayer for parliament to be used today? Is parliu ment still sitting?" Tht sexton's reply came promptly "Well, sir, I don't know, but, anyhow, better pray for them, for they're a precious had lot!" London Standard. Hamilton dark of Chauncey, Gau says he suffered with itching piles twen ty years before trying De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, itwo bbxe3 of which com pletely cured him. Beware of worthless and dangerous count eritt. Paragon Pharmacy. NOTICE. By virtue of the power vested) in the undersigned by-deed of trust; executed on the 16t'h day of November, 1895, by Mary A. Frady and Noah L. Frady, her husband, to Robert Clayton, trustee, to secure the 'indebtedness therein fully described, which deed of trus'tJ is duly recorded in the office-of the register of deeds of Buncombe counity, in book of deeds of trust and mortgages No. 40 at page 460; default having been' made Sn the paymento of said note, and at 'the. re quest of the present owner and the hold er of said note, the utnidiersigned will of fer for saJe alt the court house door in the cilty of Asheville, county of Bun combe, by public aucitiom for cash on Monday, the 28th day of August!, 1899, the following described piece or parcel of land in the county of Buncombe and state of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of M. A. Lance and others, be ginning at a double sourwood comer of land of Mary A. Frkldty amd running thence south 87 degrees weslt with little John B. Pattons line 24 4 poles to a Spanish oak corner; Uhience south thirty two (32) pole to a stake and pointers In M. A. Lamce's line; ithence with M. A Lance Is line an eastern direction to Nan ny's branch, thence with the meander togs of the branch to the beginning, and conitaiming five acres, more or less. This the 27th day of July, 1899. ROBERT E. CLAYTON. Trustee, NOTICE. By virtue of the power of sale con tained In a certain deed of truat exe cuted to me by M. E. Carter and wife on January 27 th 1893, registered on page 205 of book 32 in the office of the regis ter of deeds of Buncombe county, I will, on Saturday, August 26, 1899 at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door in the city or Asheville, expose to sale to the highest bidder for cash, the lands mentioned in the said deed of trust, the same being described as follows: One undivided half Interest in and to that certain piece of land lying and being in the county of Buncombe and state of North Carolina, om Sugar Fork and Little Left Hand Fork of Swannanoa river on the north east side of Brushy Mountain, beginning on a , stake on the second high top of Brushy mountain the corner of the lands formerly known as the Bailey lands and in the line of the Richard Fortune tract and rums north, crossing the Sugar Fork and Little Left Hand Fork to the top of the Grape Thicket ridge, then west up said ridge to the top of the mountain that divides the waters of the North Fork of Swannanoa river from those of Bee Tree; then a south course along the top of said mountain to a stkke In the Richard Fortune line, being at the junc tion of the Brushy mountain, with said mountain dividing said waters; then an east course with said .Fortune's line, down eaid Brushy mountai n -do wn the topto the beginning, containing four thousand Acres, more or less. I This July 24, 1899. - H. B. CARTER, Trustee. DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salve ' Caresl Piles. Scalds. Burns. "the'West Indian-Fer-de-lan ; x uu,j.erHie-ia uce is xounu aiso on xne Islands of Martinqce and Santa LuciCViL where the natives counteract Its Tirusj with a decoction of jungle hemlock,; " and the" basis of-its gruesome reputa-i tion seems to be the fact' that it does'; not warn the intruders of Us haunts, after the manner erf thercobra or the. rattlesnake but flattens its colls and,j with slightly vibrating tail, awaits events. ,If he unsuspecting traveler j should show no sign of hostile intent he may be allowed to pass by unharm ed withirx.tw yards of the coiled. ma tador, but " a closer approach is apt: to be construed as a challenge;and. the yiYOTon, suddenly' rearing its -oglyv head, may scare the trespasser into some nntion of self-defense he miy uX i! foot or brandish his stick In a; menacing mauuer. If - be does he is. I rw j : . . - - Z' lost. The- lower, colls will expands bringing the business end, neck and: all, a few feet nearer; the head 'points,'; like a leveled rifle, then darts forward' with electric, swiftness, guided by an unerring instinct for the selection of the least-protected parts of the body. And the vindictive brute is ready to repeat its bite. For a moment it rears back, trembling with excitement, and, -If felled by a blow of its victim's stick, will snap away savagely at stumps and stones, or even, like a wounded panther, at its own body. Bsarsths Signature of Th8 Kind You Have Always 8ougW Men's Feet. The man buying the shoes found the right on perfectly comfortable and easy, the left one rather snug. "It's usually so," said the salesman; "the left foot is commonly a little big ger than the right fpot." "Why don't you nake the left shoe a little bigger, then?" asked the cus tomer. "Well," said the salesman, "the dif ference is usually Slot great, and it might not be enough so that it would be noticed in trying on shoes. And then it is not so gieat but what the difference in feeling of the two shoes disappears very sooy. And then, too, in some cases the man's right foot is the larger, the nuan being right-foot- ed in this respect m men are some times left-handed, tjte reverse of the common habit- in he use of their hands. If shoes wer,j commonly made with the left a littlv! bigger than the right,, to fit the majority of cases, they'd be worse thaa ever when you hit a right-footed man. So the shoes are made alike in stae, a man gets a pair that fit him comfortably to start with, and they adapt themselves quick ly to any slight differences in the feet" SPREADS LIKE WILD FIRE. Tou can't keep a good thing down. News of it travels fast. When things are "the best" they become "the best selling." Abrahami Hare, a leading druggist of Belleville, Ohio, wri'tes: "Elec Mo Bitters are the best selling hiititers I have ever handled in my 2V years experience." You know why? Most diseases begin in disorders of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood and nerves. Electric Bitters tones up the srcomach, regulates liver, kidneys end bowels, purifies the blood, strengthens the nerves, hence cures multitudes of maladies. It bulMs up the entire sys tem. Puts new life and vigor into any; weak, Sickly, run-down man or woman! Only 50 cents. Sold by T. C. Smith, W. C. Oarmiichael, and Pelham's pharmacy guaranteed. Could Remember S6mi e Thlngr ." Traveling Missionary And how many child r kave you jjr. Burdock? Farmer Burdock (doubtfully) Well, now, 1 dunno. There's Dick and John and Kate. Wife, how many children are there around here? His Wife Nine; 6ve boys and four girls. Traveling Missionary A fine family and a fine farm, Mr. Burdock. Xou keep stock, I presume? Farmer Burdock Oh, yes. I've got 173 head of Jersey cattle, 589 sheep and 03 hogs New York World. PARKER'S MAID BALSAM ClMuuet and beaatifiM th hate. motet luxuriant growm. 9.41a a nMfnM Ami i Hair to its Youthful Color. Gore team disease ft nair tailing. VIRGINIA COLLEGE For YOUNG LADIES, Roanoke, Va. Opens September 12, 1899. One of the leading schools for young ladies in the South. Magnificent buildings, all mod ern Improvements. Campus ten acres. Grand mountain scenery in Valley of Virginia, famed for health. ' European amdl American, teachers. Full course. Superior advantages in art, and mustfe. Students from twenty-seven states. For catalogue address the president; Mattie P, Harris. Roanoke, Va. .... GREENSBORO. N.C. For the treatment of THE LIQUOR, OPIUM, MORPHINE and other Drug Addictions. The Tobbacco Habit Nerve Exhaustion iTLANTA DEHTAL COLLEGE Leading School of its kind in the South. CATALOGUES FREE TO PARTIES INTERESTED. SEND US ONE DOLLAR MT1 aew 16 patten hi -grade KJfSKKfGlB COAL ABDXOOB COOK STOVE, by freight C.O.D., subject to examination. Examine it at yoar freight depot and if found perfect ly satisfactory tna ihe relest Store BAR. "AIS yo a ever saw or heard of, pay the IGEST cor ;;hxial .Kit F, $13.00 ;ess the tl. R OUR BIG FRE1 CATALOGUE. .eni with or- rr or fel2.G0 and freight charges. -This stove Is elxe No. 8, orea 1 16x13x11, top Is 4 Jx23; made from best pig iron, extra ;arge flues, heavy covers, heavy linings and grates, large oven shelf, heavy tin-lined oven door, handsome) -aickel-plated ornamentations and trimmings,- extra large deep, genuine SUmiisa pereelaia lined reservoir, hand--crr.a lare ornamented base. Best eesl baraer made, and e f ui-ui?a VRKK an extra woed grate, making it a peT- Xcct iraod boraer. W ISSCK A BINDING 6CARABTEK vi'Jx svery stove and guarantee safe delivery to yoor rail- road station. Tour local dealer would enargeyov 925.00)" fnr such a stove, the freight is only about 01.00 for nch 500 miles, m we save yea at least $10. BO. Address. 4 SEARS. ROEBUCK &CO.(lKC CHICAGO. ILUi, 1 tgef, aahstfc Ce. are Uaraagaly reliable. UHtCj I i ft M -ft Wsul. In WHI'I'I.'. YY Cj CTnuc -2- - i i J. i J. A - ' .

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