THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE AUGUST l iCj 1 t v i if- i t- f'. v-- ALSO 0 and 0 TEA Put up only In tin cans. One tea spoonful 3s enough for two cups; use fresh boiling- waiter and siteep for five xnimuites. A.D. COOPER, 32 SOUTH MAIN STREET. IF YOU NEED A Suit or Extra Pants Now is Your Chan 20 Per Cent Off Any Light Weight Fuit or Pantp. ANY SIZE I . . . ANY STYLE 1 IN ALL GRADES ! 18 Patten Avenue. Loyers of Good Coffee, Listen ! Ielicious and delightful are the re sults you get on trying MONOGRAM - COFFEE. Phone No- 254 '"Them will be a cantii party at ithe Manor Thursday evenang. Prayer meetings will be Iheld every ev ening' flaring the week dt the First Bap tist church, poepairatiory to Itfoe revival ervioea which wlU begin. Sunday. The sifcose of b. Grose was entered Sun flay night end, about $25 worth of olgars digairettes and itoblacca stolen. The thief watered a window in Ithe rear of ithe store; Archie Nichols bas received the bicy cle me'dal for the Central Labor urnon, which was oridered throuerh Arthur M. Field The medial 4s fca every respecit a handsome traces. Misw Adia; Gufdsgrer will entterfcdin at cards We'inesdiay evein&nsr M honor of Miss Julietit Howard of Kenitucky, Miss Nafticy Davidscm of Texas, and M s Em ily WSQsoto of naimols. EX1 Gray, colored. ws arre ted last nieht by Oacttiadn Jordan. He Is wanted in Charleston for ithe larceny of a quar ter and a suit of clothes. The suiit was recovered An officer will come here af ter Gray. Eddie Belote won the 50 cemts. offered by Mrs. G. W. Yarborougfhi of the First Bapdst church Sunday 'school to the member of her class who memorized ithe editorial published in fche Gazette. Sun day 23d. "Ruskiar" was the subject of the editorial. Am excursion: wtill be run "to Knoxvilile August 8, by Cash Mosby, colored. There wi:u oe a numuieT oi coaianea icr winuie peDple, R. J. Sherrill and G. "F. ZeJily will mini win irfi7irsicta' ifirom Saluda to Hot Springs lalbout Augusit 22. THrVlfa f!rn irASiwiftrt sealtsJ If or i:ftl SUm- mm Rrhonl -ofimieept to be eiven Thursd'aiy evening at the opena. house may te pur-' chjased at HeiMitsh & Reaigjah's for 75 cetnl.s. Thcea who hoM ithe raguliar a;an tickcfts may exdhiange itlhem for reserv ed seat. At the reoruiiiline- office yesterday ithePhoGft rodrowlng men were received! for the Twenty-miiritll: L. Dougherty, A. S, Moore, M. Rose and. D. tOannon. of Bun- come counity, and C. Morris of Taaicey county. They will leave for Fort Mc- Pherson itMs morning. Slimmer in a . 1 mm L5J busT"tlie the 01 -Not whether you want one, weattoer'of ItheMfcropdos,. let baye Its eajse ,too.- Surnirnef with the doze, with the swinging repose -ha oae xteo f uBy eojoy only ' tal a" hammock.' Nofts" the harmondous blending o$ dlore in'ipur lint. The prtceii are right. : I ; ' ! - -; SO SOUTH MAlil STREET. An entertainment in aid of local 3u- cationiail work, to be calleiii tt!he "Arden Illustiraited Magazine, and to ccmi:3t of mmic, tableaux, a minuet, a play, etcv well be given at Arden House, the ivart dbmce otf C. W. Beale, esa.rjon Thuradav.4 AUgustt 3, &t 8.30 p. m. Admission 5 ceals; children vinder 12, 10 cents, y Tha tfluatnee, for the recovery of Geirge Smith, the (negro who Was shot by Con sbable James, aire increasing- wjith time. Ua&t night Dr. GCentn itold Smdtih he must take fthe rrfilk and soup pre&arlbe, He afereed ko 'do so, after some persatl sion, and added as a predilection of the rlace assex'teSi (itself, ."And, Dt. can't I have aiame wtatermelon " MARSHALL SUPERIOR COURT. 0NOGP3 m ORTEO ROASTED & CKtogl A composition of genuine Java and Mocha when green, thoroughly cleaned, all foreign substances carefully remov ed. Raastedl by the Balttest improved method and immediately packed In one, two and three pound cans, thereby re fcai'11 Sta natural "delicious flavor; "which aasmot be surpassed. If you enjoy good coffee and want good offee, order a trDafl can from our grocer. Bold by first class grocers everywhere. CHARLESTON IMPORTING AND EXPORTING COMPANY, Importere and Roasters of High Grade Coffee, Charleston, S. C, U. S. A. NOTICE. The Eureka Clnanig and; Presaiine Company ia prepared to dean, press and keep your clohea aa good orderfor 1 Please & us a trial, ij S wearing apparel given special at tention in dl earning and mending. , i LEWIS & FORD, tst t txt Proprietors. we also make a specialty of dLeanflng Carpets, RUg3, Pcrtleres, Drap Jackeits, RibbOrs, Scarfs, 'HOte? work given prompt attention : G- W. LEWIS, . General Manager. MRSVG. W. LEWIS, w Wa&e,r LaJdiee- Department. 102 -Paitton avenue. 14S-3m IF YOO USE PERIODICAL .TICKETS I - T6u save 4 percent; on ths mon- ejr you are Bpeajfllng dally. ; s Tickets "furnished, free w eppli': May Adjourn on AccoTint of Irregular ity in Drawing Jury. Superior count, in Marshall, mav ad journ much sooner than at first expect ed. The board of countv comTrtMwinTi- ers drew a Jury to serve only one week, a fact Which Is Cnn.rirlttroH for a thfee weeks' term, and therefore Judge Coble will probably decide that no more jury cases should be tried after the conclusion of the case now occupy ing the attention of the court. Shmiiri this be done the court will only remain in session a short time to hear motions. Before leaving Marshall Judge Coble is expected to render a decision in the case of White against Murray, the former having made the claim that he is the clerk ex-officio of the criminal court. W. W. West, Jr., won the 2nd race one mile of the series for the Athletic Belt J. Cartmell won the one mile race for 16 year old boys , They rode "Eagles. ' Don't you want one? ASHEVILLE CYCLE CO., EUGENE C, SAWYER, Prop. No. 18 and 20 Church St TIKI LU 53 South Main Street. I carry a select stock of Brandies, Wines and Whiskie3 ; every thing that's kept in an up-to-date saloon. All goo Is guaranteed in quality and price. ; Pat, Mclntyre PrnnnRtnr Fhone 218. P. O. Box 33?. ASK - FOR - BEACH - NUT RYE. a i liii in m in Tft ir ir It Beats the World how we can put such perfect work manship, on a shirt front, collar or cuff is what everyone says that examines our faultless laundry work. No spot or fray to mar the beauty of the Irre proachable color and finish put upon it that defies competition by any' laun dry ia this town. Our " laundry work has reached the top notch of perfection that has yet been obtained. AsheviM Steam Laundry Phone 95. 43 WEST COLLEGE ST. Bltmore Patent l-4k s. Bilimore " l2 sk. Biltmo " sk BUtmore p" lilil Collins' Whole f fem lit Flovi 1-4 st .78 "W prefw tha bread mad from whola wheat Hour t any tht w kT" vet had upon our table nd Wt ever used y but th. bt braa ,! Boor. Pre of Normal & CollegiAte Lut ForSale by all Dealers. PRATT & LAMBERT'S Spar Finishing Varnish We commend thi&to thoe who have felt the need of a firet-claps outside Varnish that will not crack, turn white, crawl, pit or bloom- For all exposed work like front ' doors or store fronts it bag no equal, 33 PATTON AVENUE. Brown, ITorthup & Co. JAS. P. SAWYER, Preside!. J. B. RANKIN, Cashj. a.pitaJL Stooiz - - - - $100,OOC: SUPERIOR FACILITIES POP. DOING A GflNBRAL - ii BANKING BUSINBSa CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR KENT. m AN IDEAL SPOT F. P. GOLDSMITH. Charged With Forging in Three In stances and Has Disappeared. The county criminal court 1a inter ested in the sudden disappearance of a defendant, F. P. Goldsmith.. OoMsmith is charged with forging orders for wit ness rees on Register of Deeds Mackey. It is alleged that three orders were forged. The cases were set for trial int at urday but Goldsmith cannot be found. He is supposed Mto have gone south, probably to Siartanbiirc. tt i hatna. followed by Robert Greenwood Mr. Greenwood is on his bond for $200. Dolph Stepp, colored. WAS WStoHav convicted of havinc: stolen of brass ronn the Southern Railway company. To Spend the Summer in Rest, Recreation nd Pleasure. ASHEVILLE COLLEGE BUILDING . ; J i 4 i i ! lias been thoroughly renovated and is now open for theaccommo- 4 dation of summer visitors. Excellent service, electrio lights and baths on every floor. ' - . THE 7-ACRE CAMPUS GROUNDS are Well shaded and afford delightful walks and beautiful mountain scenery. Terms $7.00 to $10 00 per week. Address ARCHIBALD A. JONES, AshevlUe, N. C e M'DOWELL COURT Hon. Locke Oralfi: has retn McDowell! superior court. Mr fv;i gave ithe Inforrniation that one of -th most interestinff suite of tVio t0r-n tio that of Bradley, administrator, vs. the o. K. & C railway for d&ma?M n-i a former trial the plaintiff was awarded oamages in the sum of $10,000. The trial last week resulted in a verdict of $6,00(7. The company will take the case to the supreme court.' Another suit is the Mitchell count v bond case. The county is endeavoring to avoid the payment of sis.onn nf u bonds. The 'case was called yesterday. Judge Avery, E. J. Justice, Mi H. Jus tice and John Perkins ejDDear for th cdunty of Miltcheli; Senator Lambert. Davidson & Jones and J. M. Gudger, Sr., for the bondholder. A FISHING EXCURSION on That you dldnt catcbJ any fish didn't hinder you having a good time, If you had plenty of good dhcinaiatl EJacpbrit beer, or some of our good Moun tain White Rye whiskey, or a bottle of Manhattan Whiskey or Martini Cocktail In your locker to wash Idtawn your lunch with. Every ode Should carry a flask of our Monogram Rye Whiskey or Grape Brandy when) golimg away from home Imported and Domestic Cigars Sold by me dox at factory Prices at the l KerKeley tigar Stand A Man That Loves Good lEating knows that a substantial roast from our pfrtme ribs of beef, legs of Jamb, saddle of mutton that he always gets fresh, JUdcy,-tendBr and delicious, is what will tick to his ribs in nutriment and digest easily. ZUIMMIAN & WHITEHEAD Telephone 4. City Market. Agents for Swift Co.'s West era Meats. BUIDING BLOWN DOWN. The old- brick bulldinet on Wntpr street, which, was declared a nuisance. oy tne aiaermen last Friday evening, was . blown down. vptp.ria.v. i tjwic. were bored, in the. centre oillars. dvnfl- mite tyiaced in. the hrvloa on o-nif: v -.- . " ew.vw w j eledtriciity.-The interior wall fell in. but the roof and part of the walls "were left. Another" charge was tmt in the outer wall, but : still , part of (the wall was left. This was- pushed in and the roof .then fellIn - We have da our Odorless Refrigerators now. cjf -v - - - MRS, L. A .-r JOHNSONS f0? 166,s; r ;27,NorHb, MtaJin St. i - ' - 's.'oo s iftTT eusoddo aottBAvn THE 'BOUANZA" WINE AUD LIQUOR CO. Telephone 72. 43 South Main Street; ;ooooooooooo P EN'S SHOES. We have just, gotten in our line of FALL AND WINTER SHOES '!. .- ' ." 1 -. -. ..... , ' ;.the celebrate . VTurner', Shoe, Jcnown everywhere as itlie best shoe for men thafs made Prices, 45.00 and $6.00, in patent leather. Tans, Vicl KM, Kid and Enamel. Look them over. : . . ' -- : . - "The Men's Outfitter." Phone 73 11 Patton Avenue. THE CELEBRATED TigSED ELECTO OIGAR... Is the Only 5 Cent Cigar Worth Smoking. It Has Stood the Test for the Last Ten Years. Try One. ..MOKRG Leader, 17 Patton Avenue Branch Cigar Stand, 14 Patton Avenue. Telephone No. 456. No Test Like a Trial , Our Ice Cream is the best in town. We are particular about making , it; use the purest cream, insist upon clean liness, quick service and politeness. These points make onr Ice Cream Famous. ar Candies are made fresh every day. L. LI. THPHRAI n 28 PATTOW AVE. ' Teiepaon. no. . ASttlEVlLLE CANDY KITCncn Closing OUt ; Hitf-Summer S At COST AT The Imperial MilM and Ladies' Outfitter No. :22 South Main Street. 7& rr -r1- cst. Hata, Ribbons, Zoweri Wlng Qulits, AJgretitea and Feathered Novelties :Mt,DM3. Alt. Dsit I - 7 :;icc . kjl vyncwg f . , -v.- nt-oo:ci Main St -