IBS " in tfce Vol 4 Noi 150 A8HKV1LLE N. CL, WBDNESDAJ;.lIORIIIIIff," AtJODST 2,1899. Prfco 5 Cento rf;;; vft:.--;--c;,-v?. yz; rrr- - Vjix . -- r V- - - -!.- : - worn, see page t of to-- m K tt It If It H 1 ' I 1 K M H ; )OUt ean fOtir 1EN Iter St 1ST jC Jt 4f OESTREICHER'S : 5 Patton Ave. - 1IS11M GERMAtl JUSTICE - ' VinSItlDlGIlAllf From Yellow Hever at J' -. , 7 - - . ... -. . . . ' National Soldiers' -, ; .- '.'Home. : We will put on sale ait elegant,.. -ssortment of Icewool and Sheit- ' "V- land SHAWLS in all the leading shades. These are the very -things needed for evening wear aad tor the p&azza. They will be sold at our uua quick selling prices, viz.: c, 50c, 75c, 89c, U:M,- $1-25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.50. All millinery on hand will be offered at less than half usual prices to close out $1.00 and $1.50 eailor Us at 50c,; $2.00 and $20 walking hats at 75c. ; OESTREICHER AMD CO., 51 Patton Avenue 4 . . J Because He Was Forced to Resign to American in Samoa. -;i Apia, July 2, via AUkland, Aug; 1. The heads of the- rival parties have eiened the agreemem a!bolishimg - the kingship and presidency of the xnunlc Ipal council and accepting the appoint rrvent of an administrator with &. leg-. ielative council of three, each of three powers nominating one. American. Con sul Osborne ia now'aatlng chief justice, Tr- 3rvlf itihA firman rn,rMiTitaJtive. im Tliree CaSeS Of T- t Il& Disease ! Indignant because the commissioners aiu not recognize 'uib :ia.vni iu w vurc justiceshipi Arnd he resigned the presi dency -of the municipality, asserting that his honor and nationality had beeni ptmulted. The Gerotan commissioner subsequently induced him to withdraw his resignation arid acquiesce inTThe appointment of Osborne, Bx-King Ma- taafa is seriously lfl. , ISGIPLINED BY LUDLOW Havana Editors - forced to Sign Articles of Good Behavior Discovered in Plioe bus. FflSniAlBTRfllll LEAVES THE RAILS Bad Wreck in Iowa Four Killed and Many Injuredr- Excitement Inf enfiB tt Hamp ton When This Was H " Learned. ? GERMANS DISSATISFIED WITH SAMOAII DECISION. Hampton and Town of Phoebus Placed Dr. Solf Retirement Regarded as an r '.tw!it;.t'u 1". ' Unpardonable Retreat . . . ... . Under Hartial Law WitH Shot Gun Quarantine. Newport News, Va.; ;AUg.' lFo'Ur deaths occurred atthe natiodal soldiers' home from yellow fever today. Three cases of yellow fever have been found in Phoebus just outside the home. When the news spread to Hampton the excitement was intense. There have been fifty cases in all sdnce the disease was discovered fmay even-- ing. Surgeon White, of the marine hospital service, reached here from Washington last r,i?)n. He has taken charge of. the situation on the outside. This evening he put the city of Hamp ton and the town, of Phoebus under martial lawand a shot gun quarantine was established. - Governor Woodfin. of the hamc, de id that' four men du-J ' todav." He states that up to t. 4', th.re have been, only seven death t. NyeilrV fever arid onb. one death u . Wehfngrton, August : Ij-mms.- era! Wyman refused to a!3t nOi$ to be sent through-' Washington . frcnjfc Fort Monroe ani 4f they xe,..,reT moved to Batttery Point they WiU - e taken by anoother route. Water trans portation, companies refused, to; carry the troops. . Surgeon General Sternberg today re ceived the following from Surgeon Vlckery, in -charge of. the sick atv tbe Soldiers1 home at Hampton: "Our epi demic is not extending. .During the last day there have been two cases and one death. The. origin of the disease has n6t been discovered. D(Kyou know if we can get immune buibcuhb a"" nurses Jaavana, Aug. I. The fight that li.i beinmade against Chief of Police ;ar dienas resulted today in the arrest of th editors of the Reconcentrado and the suppression of that paper. For a time the Reconcentrado has viciously attacked1 the character of public and private citizens. The climax was reach ed today -when the paper printed a vi cious attack on Cardenas. : It also pub lished, a letter signed by " ex-Poiics In spector Hernandez in which he boastel that fee spat 1n Cardenas' face. Hernandez was arrested last Might, attd today 5eneral Ludlow issued an order; for the suppression of the paper and he arrest of the editors. WJben they learned of the order for theli- arrest the editor and his assist ant Went into hiding, and sent f.n at torney to Ludlow to plead 1'pt another chanee. Ludlow consented; provided the editors would sign an agreement to ;con'ducta decent sheet Kevaf tor. This theyjSld. They will therefore esgape puhishment. Bone,- Ia,. Aug. 1.1-A fast mail train i on the - Chicago and Northwestern jumped the track, at "Kate Shelly curve" east of the Des Moines river brfdge this mornlngr" The following were killed: Engineer Masterson, Boone, la.; Fireman Schmidt, Boone, Postal CSerk Stone, Austin, IH .; Postal Clerk O' Brief, Chicago. The following were injured: Postal Clerk Fackert, IMxon, IlL Postal Clerk Hoy t, Cedar-Rapidi, la.; Postal Clerk Shirk, McCausland, 111.; Postal Clerk Roorik, IMxon, 111.; Bmkefnan Thomas Flannery, Postal Clerk LIndell.' The c&usjy of the derailment is known. Conductor Rose said he did not notice ' that the train was going at more than the usual speed. ' The engine rolled- completely over: The front truck was thrown one hun dred and "fifty feet into a cornfield. All the care went over the bank. Noth-lr ing 19 leit or me express car dui vac wheels. The postal car was badly wrecked. SPAH n On Trial.Before Court martial at Ma- -drid iBertin. Aue., t-VWif Cologne Gazette fl IU1I RnQT RERnMFS SECRETARY OF WAR publishes an Apia despatch saying that the. decision of the tripartite commis sion' regarding the government of Sa moathe assumption of American Con sul Osborne of the chief justiceship and the relinquishment o'f his claims to th?kt office by Dr. Solf are regarded as an iipacrdonable retreat.. The decision of the commission is en'.renr unsatsti'S- Wry from a German point of view. The Germans claim that, this diesatis faction is Justified owing to the thwart-' ing action of British Commissioner El iot and the United States. TO FIX RAILWAY FREIGHT Formal Transfer of the Office Alger's : .i. Congratulations. WrfshingtonA.ug. 1. Elihu Root took i the bath of office as secretary of war at 1 10:45j,stoday. The "ceremony occurred in i the presence of Secretaries Gage ; and Hitchcock, Assistant Secretary Meik lejohn, a large number of army offi cers' -In uniforms and others. The oath i was administered by Judge Coler of the supreme court of the District of Colum bia. General Aflger shook hands with Secretary Root'mosl corddaHy and said Wi!th all my heart I congratulate vou and the 'administration. You -will Prnnncal tA hft IvTflnft tft L.fin find - around you here men who-will K . hs-i help, fn the arduous duties of .your po aM49a t x TarrA slc?w. May' God. blesa you and- - give -5-- -it s Kcetarie'age ana ihcqcock ana KelktejohSn, General Cbrbfn and Chief un- Parejo and Toral Both Spealr; . in Their Own Be fanse. OUjp YOUIIC V0I.1AH MURDERS ANOTHER Jealousy the Cause Both Coirted by the Same Han. Birmingham, Aug. ' 1. Hattie HU1 was shot and killed here this morning by Beulah Sanders, a neighbor. Both women have 'been receiving attentions from the same young man. Last night the Hill woman, went with him ta a suburban park. This, morning the San ders girl accused Hattie- Hill of, alien ating the affections of the majT and flr ed two shots -at her. Bothtbuflets pass ed through the' heart. The Sanders girl made no effort to escape. She was tak en to jail. Men Were Starring and Could' r Not Withstand Amer ican Attack. m Blanco Declares He Never AdyisecL Surrender Government Alone -Responsible. Madrid, Aug. 1. General Pareja, commander of the Spanish forces at Guantanamo during the American Spanish war, made speech in his own " defence today before the court marifai ; trying him for surrendering to Americans. He said his men were ". starving. r--- General Toral, who surrendered at Santiago, assured the court he did not.: possess the requisite means- of defense, nd could not withstand the American' attack. Ex-Governor General Blanco eaid'he never advised the surrender, but. that the government approved the Americans; proposal without gicussion. STAT CONVENTION 1 - Commissioners, ih HARYiann kiistinf Tex., Aug. 1. Chairman RidX gan and Commissioner Mayneux, w xne Texas railroad commission, will attend the annual convention of the railroad commissioners to be held at Denver, Colo., August 10. They will urge the convention to reoomrnend important changes in the interstate commerce law. In a letter Chairman Reagan, on the subject of the railroad commission story, says: "The stability of inter state rates will never be attamedr until the law aodges authority in some 1?" We have a blended Tea that; we are selling, for 50c Pep Lb Splendid vulua f pr be vpcice. We believe this tea i equal to what you pay exF en4d -for at other places. , " w . '(JOYERNMENT'5 FINANCES. - Washington. A'ug.-. 1.- The mor. t hi y statement of the government's receipts and expenditures, issued voda, shows a deficit for July -f about .oix.wo, which-is-slightly in excess of the esti mates made by the officials on monitn ago. The iotal reeeipts roar .the -monn wlil be' about $48,05459, The debt - statement Issued - to3ay shows the debt incr-;ased ' during-July ; $6,267,436; .. r FOUND BURIED TREASURE. Vera Cruz, Mexico, Aug: 1-Arrlvals Here from the town of , Areas, on - the coast, of Campeche, report that the I tiwiirpi nf Larencillo. & notorious body as the Interstate commerce com mission to -make andcnforceireight rates with no less penalty than forfeit ure of chartered rights for their viola tion." EIe adds: "Such penalties as can now be enforced against employes Clrk SchofieJd extended "congratula Democrats i Will PrODaly tlo&Sw? "A3gei? picked up the commission. J - ; - - Nominate Smith for Governor. Baltimore,-Aug. 1. 'At noon-tomorrow the democratic state convention will be held here. A majority of the delegates arrived today from various counties and are busy at-their respective head-quarters-in the Carrollton hotel. . Gorman is taking no apparent part in the tight. The platform does not touch upon currency matters. It- deci&r against trusts and Dlam's republican vHere is vour commission,' he said smiling, V.'in which you lose your iden tity andi become Mr. Secretary- I g back to become a sovereign citizen of the United States and become Mr. Al ger.' '.- "I sincerely wish it were the other way,' said Mr. Root. The last official act of Alger was to sign a requisition for the allotment of such i tne S2pOO0,OOO f or transports. A BRUTE SPARED All fl TrlHi L YlinHEljfrulefor neSTb ruffianism in. he state, BASEBALL GAMES YESTERDAY by railroad companies for violation of Mob in Alabama Overtook: Hun wnen the law in paying rebates and other acts of discrimination, harsh as they are seem to have but little -effect. Under Interstate commerce law, shoraras it is hv the eourts of all the power it was supposed to have, rates can be legally levied at the will ano ieasure.p any railroad by simply filing its declarer tmn of war -with the interstate corn- He Was on the Way to Jail. Oeorgiana, Ala., Aug.'. L-Solornnn Jones, a negoi attempted a criminal as sault on a white girl named Watford, living" near Forest, and was lynched yesterday. .The negro, last Sunday ov ertook the young v woman a f ew hun-dred-yards-from her home. She fought At Cincinnati " R. H. E Cincinnati.. . v .... .... 10 17 . 1 Brooklyn ... . . .-. . .w, . . 4 9 1 Batteries: Hawley and Peitz; Dunn and Farrel 1. , R. H. E . ' 610 merce commission three days before the' J him, meantime screaming for help. Her battle begins. WILL NOT HELP G0EBEL Louisville!, Aug. ' l.GeneraI Hardin. Splsh bSccaneer .has heen discovered rai)rnatorial'nomlnatfon, 4eday denied hurled tn: the san by Joee by the Goebel papers Vpterdav morning party of seven set cries attracted her mother and brother. Upon their arrival the brute fled. He era, Kwerttafeen." however, and cut and Voa t ATI ffllmnst to insensibility. Cool Viads besrged that his life toe spared and he would be given ai trial. He was Glosey guarded during the nignt ana At Chicago- Chicago . Wafihineton ...... .. ..... ..... 5 10 Z Batteries: Griffith and Chance; Mer cer and Kittridge. ' WEAVER VI LLE ELECTRIC ROAlM About $10,000 Sttftcrli: Aeitisen of WeaverviHr trrJ; A-t St. Louis St. Louis ...... . Boston .... . ... Fourteen innings. R. H. E. 815 5 . 1. 7 1 1 Batteries: Sudr munity was aroused over the proposi- . tion to build tan electric line between that place and Asheville. A farmer en tered, my office recently, said the gen tleman referred to, and made a remans which is truly indicative of the' spirit - of the people. He explained that he had no money andi could not get control of any, but said he -would subscribe $200 toward a fund for constructing such a road, and would pay either, art;,. grading or in ties. There is much -to encourage those concernedi in tne. pro posed road. The right of way has been - secured and the ties will all be given' by one man who will take stock as re- muneratibn. The Ivy Power company has agreed to furnish power for ten. yeans and take stock as payment In cash $4,QQ0-has been, subscribed, J and ' taking material 'into consideration the ; stock subscribed will amount to fufly $10,000. It is generally believed that if wo or three thousand more could be secured thosentereed .woulcr be justi fied in having the work begin. - The company' Interested in the road has recently - been -reorganized iwltrj " I John Balrd as- president, and with JDr. - 3 J. A." Reagan; b secretary anl treas-i - urer. G.A. GREm 53 Patton AveBoe.7 the light housejeeeper, at nac ; p. -would speak: -for he ticket - lie The treasure is in tthe.form ot goia aii 1 . , . . t there were no grounds sllveYlbullion and . amounts to a rauu- whatever for such a statement suim... PRESIDENT TAKES A RIDE. ikufpl Chamolain. Aug. 1. Presidenf ' al Smith. and wife took, a long drive this afternoon, xne presi len: receiv- ca a few callers today but transacted rip official-business. ;-,v 'if": i hoff and Clarke. Schreckengost; out with him ror tnis piace, tne cuumj seat. They -had -not proceeded .far. be r, o TwAiVk". rtvo'rtwvlr -f-hPTn. . seized the negro and swung him. to the' limb of a darkness. Nichols - f and Second game postponed on,account of - , Has Been Appointed to a Lieutenancy 4 in Signal Corps. AFGHAN OFFICERS PUT TO DEATH. .- 'I Berlin, Aug. lA despatch . from St: Petersburg Btatesthat, Jenera4APaui Chaklm Khan and tnreeouier men Afghan officers have-been- puD.iciyuvt hv order of- the ameer in tne r puouu square at CabuL The crime for.rwhicn they were sentenced to aeaiu . w -embezzlement ht money intended for the payment of .BOldlers.. : r--.- tree. B0YC0P GROWS STRONGER , 0LYMP1A SAILORS INJURED. , Trieste. Aug. 1. Several sailors on the Olympia were injured by a cable chain - while Weighing anchor previous to the departure . of the cruiser for Naples for which place she saiiea n day. S . ," ". ' . BETTER WAGES.F0R MINEHS Ikhorn, - W Va., Aug CANADIAN YACHT WINS., " 1 . The 1 Canadian IklAlAl ....... - a. - 1 M.'t 4WIWIWTO ,if"U," ' ,;r;tnfe nelA thl.1 there wu. today : I T .' . . . f'l Ma T R I m6rning "aoTPancea tne -.toiuub , center nree-xjwueju! r - i... fected. r 'y ' , r ' :. . t I TURNIP I SEED Cleveland. -Aug. 1. The boycott by ftie street railway strikers continues to soread and Is growing . stronger, Ex- ej 1. ' j. ' . . . . , T, 1 - 'J-'" - - . .. . . . The five 1 cept Tor.some stone wowing ou a iua.u 1 acnt jien Calm defeated tne Ameri- can yacnt Constance-in wuaj a which was the third of the series- for the twelve miles. The Glen Cairn finished At Philadelphia ; Philadelphia . . Cleveland .... Batteries:. Frazer and Hughey and Sugden. Second game Philadelphia . cieveianw ....... - .Batteries: Magee and Schmidt aud Sugden. At Loulsvlle Louisville . . . . . . . New York Batteries: .JDowling Meekin and Warner. , , R.H. ... 7 7 1 -5 12 1 Iouglass; R.H. E. 2 9 ..... 6 9 11 -McFarland; R.H. B. .782 . 1 6 2 Powers; A large number of Asheville, people F' nfili be glad t5" know that Samuel It, . Burgtn has been given a commission &sV. lieutenant in the signal corps. -Mr. Burgin went from Asheville to-Ralegh and enlisted in a signal corps going from- there to? San. Francisco. - While in that city he was appointea to tne . pi-, fice of sergeant and went to - Manual Hwiith -General Merritt's a-rmy. The po sition to which Mr. Burgin has been appointed is equal to a captaincy In , the infantry-service. r and three minutes ahead of the Constance. on ready ito buy turaljTseed .0 ret us quote you pricss. Out stock S. well assorted ind; PP-- jCJ 4 Ft- fresh, V;.--... . - . . ' - zv. w V. . - s m n u.u a 5-1 a S Priced U 'sm fVNirth.:Ca-foi5na wtater O -r . vTfthies. Spy Glasses I Field Glasses ! . - - - , - v ' Eeading Glasses ! -"Magififyiiig Glasses I ? stf iSufi GIasses ! C . . . . .. .... . i " Spectacles! Eyeglasses! -All Kinds of.Glassasatri At Pittsburg- -. Pittsburg ........ Vc .. . Baltimore .. ..r. .. iBatteries: TanneiiEl ANOTHER TRANSPORT ARRIVES. -BVancisco. Aug. l.--The transport ., " .it." m.-A.W I m- 1 i . JX TDi nt4-airt Senator, from Manna wnn me xeuiu i jvxoijinniuy au. iwwiiwwx. Pennsylvania volunteers aboard; arriv ed tonight. Colonel Hawkins, or i Taiment, died aC sea) last night. His and R. H. E. 9-15 .. 2 17 Schrlver; s ijW'-'fS-liirr'iMA- -CF?.FC3TCFnCE n Cord,,E,., : Pattor,;ATe.: VA A A. A. , t body was aboard the j Senator, , THE FLORENCE POSTMASTERSHIFV riiimbia. SI C. Aug." 1. Senator Mo- i iurln returned from Washington with the committee-that went irom jpnorenc-e to protest; against a -negro postmaster for that town The senator saw me pwt I master general 4ut says jaoithing; ?fas hdeeidedv He hopes the aepaximeni w ; find a' way around tne aimcuuy.- : .... .-.- BOILER WAKERSSTRIKE. - 'New-York(A ln;rMore?ses, WHEBEJBET PLAY.TODAT. Baltimore arti PHfc-uTg. - . - PMliadelphiavat Cleveland. i Brooklyn at Uncmnatl. T . -f New York at Louisville. - JBOSraooj-sut aw uoimb . , " - -: Two Games. STANDING OF THE" CLUBS. Olnbi.. , . - " '.." W. L. Brooklyn:.. ... .. .. 60-29- Rodtlont .. .. .. ..:V.52' 34 Phlkelphila .. .. .. e 52 3b- St. Lousa:... .. .. ... a o Baltamore ' ' CSncInoair. . Pc. ,f74 JS0S .591 .586 .575 .5.40 SAMUEL L. BURGHI.: Sash and Neck oe Buckles "We are sbo wing a,new line "of SterliDg JJSUvfer gash and NecK Buckles ..4541 .523 Trort-'workfirsemtios sMrryrdBrbok?yhrn Neworfc-lw:.-- jwashinton mvi? F-i-.-', .1 .....iWnn. rw- r . ar 'ftn end tefter August 1-r- can b found t tii a stall formerly occupiled by R. I It cures all headaches. Baldwin leal- Owenbeyr opposite Hm & OoZs. -2 Curr, ZZz. Crzr Va riannry. J. 13. T7ALLC er hours ana, rare, ii)'r; French Gray 9 Rose axifllilie'-'-iiewaBt linisb iniimitation of CV. P"""-Vr -. r--v r V.... . i 'V, . - . . . !-' ;.'V- -J ... '. w: - If j-Hi t ' 1 1 3 1 I M 1 t i A". ! c 3"- -fSr-i if i! r 1 It u I" I ! It i ! t 1 it ' 1 w A''PI"' V i t 1 I V I I I