- ! - .1 . S v.... - 'V.v V;. Z'jf ". '. ..: . IS -V" f "4 r a - i r : : : - - ' - ' f twV'M - DDDfl THE '- - t DODO mm BALTIMORE 10 and 12 Patton Avenue OOP BIO x The last 'week of July turned' out to be he busiest. Many summer articles have been closed out, but many more are on hand r.nd must be closed out, as our fall stock has already commenced to arrive. Bress Goods . 7?--STL,K RIB- " p. 7- We have received isever'al mew and beiutiful KJiesigrn in Crepotas teund other ibJjiek d'r'ess gwloda, which w are offering at very low figure's. A handsome assartmenit af PlaM Drc3 -Gcods, which will please the eye of ev- ery lady. . 500 pieces of medium and dark shade in Priats, tfe Eretit:iet sejetlion wie have ever sttown. ONL TWO MORE3 WEEKS OF OUR CLEARANCE SADE, and you can mot afford -'to mies the many BAR GAINS which wfe. will offer. ijwr:, BONS, at one-haJf their value. Just Teceived, 100 pieces of TAPFEA RIBBONS, to 'all shades and widths at REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. I 100 dozem LADIES' HANDKER CHIEFS, cheap at 5c &piec. Our price. 30c a dozen. 75 tilozen. ladies' BLACK HOSE, the, 15c quality, a't 10c a pair. Another loit of ladies MUSLIN UN DERWEAR, just received. 2500 yards of fine all wool SUITINGS, Covert OTotlh, Serges, etc., ait a saving of 40 percent. The remlainSing jgtock of Dress Lawns, Organdies, and GingWams at a saving- of 40 percent. MEN'S UNDERWEAR. Just received, a full line of 'the cele- biaied'sRTvENlRASItSr For this wneek we offer 46 dozem men's Unidershiirle and drawers, the 75c quality, alt 37 l-2e. MEN'S BLEACHED JEANS DRAW ERS, wor:h 40c, at 23c. cr: iBIG mm MOIE 10 and 12 Patton Avenue wrtfrfitiEr'hflMled JthrouKh our'streets per;day.4ntended for use In 'the . Flor ence miM? . A representative t yie autre' has looked -into the matter a-lit-tle and found that4as!tr-weelC45 cords of s wood i.were receipted -for, teing-,-Jan average of-seventy-five jcorde .per ,aay. It takes about twelve cords per cay to run the - mill no,w and when "the new machinery ia all: installed it will re quire eighteen cords per day. The mill nmoajiv-now toa a-bout 1,300 cords or good dry pine wood on hand arid eighty cordis -of seasoned oak wood, enough to last about 105 days at the present rate. Forest City Enquirer. V" Bow Are t ow KJdey t n. TTkk.' ana4oma PilliKnTO nil ki(lnV ills. Ram pie free. Add. Sterling Remedjr Co., Chicago or N,y. C. B. Mi&yett ells: the correspondent of the Journal at SWftewall a "story of whavk f predioament' a nake got into who" trusted .too much to appearances. Mr. Midyetit was at the home of Mr. T. J. Sawyer a few days ago. The wo men folk went to the hen house" and there encountered a snake. They con cluded tihat the snake was upon the same errand as themselves, looking for eggs, and ithey judged by the appear ance of the enake that he had already helped himself. They were quite right in judging that the creature had '.'tak en something." An examination of his snakeship was made and they dis covered that it had swavloWed a white knob of a lock and not "only the knob but the iron attachment several inches long to which another knob is attach ed when put through the door. Of course the snake had swallowed -ithe knob because it was like am egg and had been put there by Mrs. Sawyer ats a nest egg. The snake must have found the door knob rather heavy, to say nothing of the iron attachment several inches long. 'New Bern Journal. TRY ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. A powder to be shaken into Ithe shoes. At tlhis season your feet feel swollen nervous ami hot, and geti tired easily, If you have smarting feet or tlgbJt shoes try Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools 'tine feet and makes walking easy. Relieves conns and bunions of all pain land gives rest and comfort. Try it ttoday. Sold by all druggists, grocers, shoe store and gen eral storekeepers everywhere. Price, 25 cents. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. T. AT ESMARILDA INN Esmeralda, Hickory Nut Gap, July 31. The Hickory Nut Gap ..Good Roads association was organized at 'iJat Cave on Tuesday, the 25th -instant, and elected the following officers: Colonel Thomas Turner, president; B. F. Free man, treasurer; G. W. Oonners, secr.e tary. ; Six months ago this road was a turn pike, but as the road was not kept in good condition by the -parties who own ed the franchise the 'toll "gate was die continued by the action of the present legislature. Upon which the road com missioners of Henderson county, Lthrough misrepresentation, accompa hied by a petition from parties who did not reside near the road and had no in terest therein, discontinued it as a pub lie road,- thereby leaving- the only thbr oughfare from the low country which supplies Asheville ith its finest water melons and sweet potatoes without any organization to keep it in order, as L4Kftl'l,,ato .deprive tourists and Ashe ville people who admire grand Scenery rom visiting Chimney Rock, Hickory Nut Falls and other numerous cascades and" waterfalls that are to' be 6eea in this grand section of the mountain country. The mountaineers, as good cVtizens who pay their taxes, thought they had some rights as such, but getting no redress the men of thegap as well as all of the boys and men Over age went to work with a will and worked the road for five miles and will finish the balance of the road this week, and if the Bun come county road commission- era do their dutyand work their portion from Sherral's Mountain house to the top of the ridge, a distance of three hundred yards, at the same time, a four to hand can drive over good roads from Aishevtfle to Rutherfordton through ts fine scenery as can be found anywhere. THOMAS TURNER, nrrnnrmiA ' Mrimn i UUIiULINM NiVS Interring Items from Va nous Parts of the State. Glimpses of Ufe and Progress in the Land of the Sky. Wote Gathered for; theGaietto and Selections from latest STorth Carolina newspapers. 'Brick laying on the new court house at 'States', (He In in progress. Last Friday Montezuma had a gala r- day. Tlje occasion was the celebration of the arrival of the railroad. Mitchell v . Mirror. : ' ."- - t ' - , - TV.,Hin tht: past ten days a good nu-r-Ver ot persons have be-jn inspecting tf'.e " ,varioui njineral deposits of our county, .nd the prospects are now favorable for - tome new investmenlts in this .line. - Mtrphy Republican. ':r A large4 collection of relics of the war In Cuba has" been .- tvreeented tr Trinity college . Historical society by v ssergeant j . t. Leweiaisnv of the Second "United States volunteers.- In tfhfc. nra. V. . lectfon , there are about- 400-specimens, i.imoBit of 'Which are now at Santiago de , juDa awaiting srupment. -v " The citizens of Murphy havepro 'V"! Clean blood Wans a clean skins ITo Lfceauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar ' tic clean,your blood and keep it clean, by - vauiBu viiuuiia. uuus, iNutcacB. DxacKneaas. ? anj 4 L..i .1.1.1 t-'l' . t f i . - " iuttu umous complexion oy taKint .Ca8caret8--beaTiTtjt. for tpn rent AH drug " sta,. aatisfactiviru.a, X0i Zfemv. T cured a sight arid Captain J. W. Coon- er will have, withln-the next sixty davs. a nounng miH roller process-ready for business. This promises more to the citizens of Cherokee thin anything offered. What enterprise next? "Mav the good work go on. Murphy Republi cans Next Saturday will be a -htc a Hillsbom and the surrounding country. jwigie juoage No. 71, A. F. and A. M., will have a jublic Instaillatidn of ofH cers arid basket picnic at OceoneecheA farm. The famous First regiment band will furnish music. Refreshments will be served on ithe grounds for the bene- nt of the Oxford Orphan asylum. At night the band will give a conecrt also for the benefit of the asylum. Yesterdav mnrtiln? nhnut 3 n'Msrir in. a m v v v viwii. a m front of Mrs. C. G. Southerlandf s board ing house on Wrightsville beach, W. N. Harris and W. G. Farmer captured a turtle that weighed 450 pounds. Mr: Shepard while on the piazza, where he had been asleep; disoovered . the turt'e on the beach, and, he called the others to his assistance. They also found ten dozen and two eggs which the turtle had laid. Wilmington Messenger. be hanged on October 4, 1899. It is re ported that an effort will be made to have this sentence commuted to im prisonment for life. Oxford Corre spondence News and Observer. ; 'Last Thursday, just across the line from Alexander4, in Wilkes county, near Kilby's Gap, Troy Laws' wife commit te suicide by hanging herself to a joist with her apron. It was her second at tempt, as she had tried to hang herself once before. The cause for Ithe act is J said to be Insanity. There lalso seems to be a propensity In the family -for committing suicide, as Mrs. Laws' great crandmbther hung herself not far from the same place. Her grandfather had the day set o kill himself but was stricken with piajralysis on that day and never recovered. The father of Mrs. Laws, Haines Kilby, shot himself some years ago. Statesville Landmark. Tona.ld Lassiter. the' desnerate neero. who burglarized" the residence of Mr. W. P. Wilkinsonr of thhr county, n 1886, and who had two trials resulting in a hung jury each time and then es caped from jail, recently 3 returned to this county, arid after a desperate en- fired a number of tiiries, - he wa oap- turea.. On vent cur a v tVi!rAn vpflrS after the offerise a was . commlttea. - he was7 tried, convicted , arid seatenced'to WltiKiCV Ts a. deceptive dis wrxt ijulcK results vyou t oara maae ii mlaetske by usinaDr. KMmers Swamp Root, Hthe 3 Breat- kldner ' -remiedy.'' At drUfijrfsts: fen fl f tv DPntff 'An ft- dATlar; phlet Celling you t howvto; find -out .if '' Address. Tr. Kilmea: A "Oo. . --Blnff Miamptoo-. N. x. 'For the 3aat nie-ht thpro aa been reasori to believe that some night thief is. getting in his work in our town and ti has been hoped that he would be caught. Two different houses have been prowled about but he has not yet been caught. Worse than all, though, was the one 'Sunday night when some person went to the window of the home of Mrs. f" TEJettief Johnson, on Spring street, where Will Johnson was sleen ing, and' poured sorite chloroform,. into his mouth and noise. This was - very probably -done about- -11 o'clock. " whilfterwards he Iwoke and found himself in this condition. His, blinds wee -found! "to be wide open and several tnings or smau vaiue were round out hi i the vard. lit Is thou erh t tna.t the terpetrator of the deed intended to ransack the room: to, find some money, but he failed. Concord Standard. ,06iiJideTable speculation has been' in dulgedTJn by the citizen's . committee recently regarding , t ne -xaot amount of -ST : Klodol Divsoeinsla. Cirp.iBren-dvTii!rrt because- Its ingveylHettfts -are" such, ibhat it oanTiieipTcKHng Th pubnc? -can re ly upott aoian A"' rnastjerr remeuy Dor ail dfe torders arisMg fitAKimpeft-feet digestton. Oaia Jourml of Heulth, JXryY.-'-- Paragon 1 Phjarmacy. i , ' 1 - - - ..." v '. -k. .r 2r . '.--: v . - .- .. ' - . - - -v k -5," n6 Vf . . r ' r r- -4-- -ir--. ."K. " ' r . i ' - rf c ti--- ' 1 ' 1 .- . - . .- s r v XL The Kind You HAve Always Bousrht. and wiiinii ii v. ui uso m vcr uu jcar, iuw oome tiie signature of ir Mi-Jiag oeen made under his per MjrJA supervision since its infant" Trirr AUow no one to 1 : . All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex. periments . thalT trifle with and endanger the health of IMits. aiid CJMldren Experience agrainst Experiment. mm is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant, it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency.; It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach ad Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. CEIMUINE CASTOaiA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of S9 Tie Kind You toe Always Bought In Use For Qv$r-30- Years. TH OCNTAUH OOMMNY, TT MUMMY STMCKT. MCW VOHK CITY. WlOTtS PENNYROYAL PILLS They overcome Weak- ness, irregularity and omissions, increase rip- j i -I . . " : or anu oanisn paini of rberistruation. They are," LIFE SAVERS " to girls at womanhood, aiding1 development of organs and body. No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm life becomes a pleasure. $r.OO PER BOX BY MAIL Sold by druggists. DR. MpTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohia FOR SALflffi BT DR. T. C. SMITH. SOUTHERN RAIJL W A Y. In Effect July 16, 1899. Bdncate YoqBw(I TVith Cscareti. Candv Cathartic, cure conatloation forever 0c, Z5c. It C. C. C. fail, druggiots refund money. And Be Ate 'ntem,', ; The nft ot "putting two and two to gether" is humorously exemplified in this dialogue from the New York-Weekly. Mrs. Pe GreeIIow did you manage to get home so early tonight? You said there were to be .a number of initiations. Mr. De Gree (prorninent Mason) The initiations had to be postponed. All the regalia, draperies and so forth had mys teriously disappeared. Mrs. De Gree- Aha! Now I've found out alk about yVu Masons! So it's true, after all, and you said it wasn't. Mr De Gree-What's true? "Mrs. De Gree-Youjceep a goaL Sunday Clothes. "What has become of the sanctity tlrai naed to be attached td one's best clothes? They were folded away Monday morning and didn't Appear for a whoie week. The association with Sunday and 'sermons in time gave -them a sort of sacred and re-. ligious air that is no longer associated with best clothes.- since they are Put on for every dinkey little party during tht week. Atchison Globe. ... i " For alx year I was a victim of dys pepsia in its iorst form. I could eat nothing but milk toast, and at times my Stomach would not retain and digest even that. Last March I began taking CASCARETS and since then I have steadily improved, until I am as well as I ever was in my life." - DAvrn H. Mdkpht. Newark. O. CANDY Pless&nt. Palatable. T PotnCrTat; Qoo4T Do Good, fever 8jckenr Weaken. or Gripe. lOo, S5e,tQe. ... CURE CONSTIPATlOtl. fttrHe Mw4r Cwiwi, ChlM KMtrMl. law Tarfc. 311 fl fl r7l and Whiskey HaMtt Iff I! reudt home with. lUI'lit ,.r?itpalnBooklof nai- www ticniars sent pnEEi (1 LAUanta. Ca. Office, 104 North Frjor'S? No. 17-11. No. 35. No. S3. EaJTern Time. Noa. 12-33. No. 36. No.34. 4.30pm 12.05am Lv New York Ar. 12.43pm 635am 6.55pm 3.5(Xam Lv Philadelphia Air. 10.15am! 2.56am 9.20pm 6.22am Lv Baltimore Ar, 8.00am 11.25pm 10.43prri 11.15am L,v ' Washington. Ar. 6.42am 9.05pm 6.10am 6.07pm Lv Danvlll A1 11.25pm 1.30pm 12.10am 12.01pm Lv Richmond Ar. 6.40arrx 6.25pm 8.35pm 9.10am Lv Norfolk " Ar. 8.20am 5.55pm 1.10am 2.50pm Lv. Selma Ar. 3.50am 12.35pm 2.09iam 3.50pm Lv Raleigh Ar. 2.45am 11.35am 5.15ami 6.35pm Ar Greensboro Lv. 11.45pm 8.50am Central Time 9.05am 7.50pm Lv Salisbury Ar. -6.35pm 9.30am 9.55am 8.30pm Lv Staesvill Ar. 5.44 pm 8.43am 10.35am 7.07pm Lv Newton Ar. 5.03pm 8.09am 15.52am 9.25pm Lv Hickory Ar. 4.45pm 7.52am 12.12pm 10.34pm v Lv Marlon Ar. 3.28pm 6.45am 2,15pm 12.03am Lv BHtmore Ar. 1.30pm 5.21am 2.25pm 12.10am Ar AshevHle Lv.' 1.20pm 5.15am 2.35pm 12.15am 9.05am Lv Asheville Ar. 1.10pm 6.10am 5.50pm 3.52pm 1.33am 10.25am Lv ,Hot Spuing Ar. 11.40am 4.00am 4.25pm -2.55pm 3.00am 12.30pm Lv ' Morristown Ar. 9.50am 2.30am 2.3Gpm 7.40pm 4.25am 2.05pm Lv Knoxville Lv. 8.25am 1.15am 12.55pm 11.35pm 7.40am . 6.10pm Ar Chattanooga Lv. 4.20am 10.00pm 9.4am 7.10pm 7.10pm 7.40am Ar Memphis Lv. 9.15am S.flOpra 6.40amr 6.33pm Ar. Nlashviflo Lv. 10pm' 9.10am ."' '. . 7.50km 7.50pr - sAri LouisvUle Lv. 7.45pm 7.40am . 7.30am 7.30pm Ar. Cfcocinnatl - Lv. ; 3.00pli 3.20am -8.25aan Ar. New Orteaaiii "Lv 7.30pffl , ; ; ; . . A. AND S. BRANCH. No. 14, No. 10. No. 34. 7.05am 2.05pm 8.pm 8.13ajn 3.15pm 9.10pm 9.08am 3.29pm 9.58pm 10.18am 5.pm 11.03pm". 11.22anii 6. 15pri 12.10am 3.20pm 9:35pm Central Time. No. 19. Lv AeSteville Ar. 6.00pm Eaatem Tlm Lv Blltmora Ar. - 6.52pm Lv Headersxmvllle Ar. 6.03pm Lv Tryoa ; Ar. 5.00pm Ar Spartanbtuig Lv. - S.lOpm Ar' Columbia, , Lv. Ilr30am No. 9. No. 31 1.40pm 8.45am 2.30pm 1.45pm 12.42pm 11.25am 8.30am 9.35an 8.50am 7.48aiH 6.50an 8.17pm 11.00am 'Ar' CSharlestoa Lv 7.0am 7.20pm ' Central Time " 5.20am " Ar Ucvaxma3i Lv. 12. 24am 9.15ain! Ar Jacklwatvffla ' Lv. 3.00pm 8.00am. -Ar Angnsta - Lv7 9.00pm 9.30pm 9.55pm 5.10am B.lOarn Ar Aitilaafaa Lv. 7.50ant 11.50pm LMP 7.40am '8.10pm 8.10pm Ar Kew Mensi Lv ' 7.45pm 7.55am 7.55am 1.40a.ni - -y - - .- -Ar Mempbla Lv. 9.00pm 820am Ar. Macon Lv. 7 l0pI T - -i. MIJRPHY BRANpH. No. 17. No. 19. Cen&al Time. ' Nb. 18. No. 20. 9.15am 2.45pm Lv - Asheville Ar. 7.15pm 12. 05pm 10.38am 4.10pm Lv.Wayoieaville; Ar. 5.53pm 10.38am 10.58am '4.30pm Lv Balaam Ar. 5.30pm 10.10am -TTSmpm -a23pxa Lv BryBoHiXItT Lv. 3.50pm 8.40am ,9. 30pm Af Murphy , Lv. 5.30am Daffly"cept Sundayw. Dattly except Sundays. TWaltie 87 and 11, and 12 ajrd 38 carry Fullmaat sleepers bettween e. :,1 1 . Columbia, AfheMu. York. ana no 11, and 10 ainJi 12, between, JaakBomvall,. Savannah, epmnigs, jnoxvuio, ana. crmcmnat . , Tratos 35 and 36 caarrv Pullman sHeec? ptf,wiPAn Salisburv. Aev H Sprlngis, Chattanooga, , and Memphia. - ,t. . Ttmiin 33 and 34 cairry PuMmaia aleeperB between Asheville, Spariannurg, lantn, and Monon. , nbur?. TrMrja 13 andl 14 cairry PuUmaik par!xr oaraibetween Asheville, Sparta" Cblumbia amd Charleston, t r - -; - v . t, $ ' Together wSth oiir ejell ulpmntan'sdbedul8 north ana all rail tbrongftL WasMngton, the public's special aJttention Is called t0 'loea 1.A . rime. This selbiuie allows ar dava srtton-over at Nonfodk. Va., airoranw -k, itunlty io.visJt Old Poitot Oomfort (Fort Monroe), Vlrgiinia, "I,Di moc f evport New; eUc Baggage called for and checked fjriom botela and nj at. j-oy me Asneviaie TratMsfer company, omcjev wfftn city ticket omce, o -teTAshe(y411e,. -cii ;rv ; -rrhin . THANK S. GANNON,'.TWraVie Prssldient and General Manager, asJTVRp- 4DV C; Jv M.vCULPTrafflc MaiWashingtoni D. ,C; S. H. njoX. . i-rviun. Aj-i y.-. -Mi Mrumm. i w. -gvr -. 1-1 "ayuik. a. vj. - vlll'Ky.; CAVBENSCOTER, iCT Gt P. A., OrialtJtanooga, Tenn.; xsAxxai, sy iasaenger ana uickcii Agent, ABneviiwt xn -t -ikAteral t Pajasenger Agenit,? vaahtogtoiLI. .C. v s 1

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