- ' - s. A, A -XV.. -4 r. . V.. s 1 V r THE GAZETTE. 1G. m ASHEVILLB GAZETTE FOB- " "LISHING COMPANX. - v TERMS OOT arUBSCinPTlOK. - fvinr nntt one year ...... I W .w ruH twelve weeks ...V. 1 C Daily Gazette , one month. Sunday Gazette, cue year 1 JJ w TatPL ne year 1 00 Weekly Gazette, six months ; GAZETTE TELEPHONES.' Knsiness office; 202. two ring. . to Editorial rooms, 202;' three rf vg- Do WhatYou There are some persons whose minds made up before idaey go to a wore to purchase, land there ore others -who do not know Just what they need. Tney know, however. That tbey need furni ture. Now, Blair always lakes pleas ure tq making uggeSiODS and also se Jectjom, wfcsn requested tQ do so by & class of his pabons, and in no jtastance ho ever heard & complaint A pur chaser should never feel ashamed when In doubt ,eo- aek' the advice of one whose experience 'hi a business makes hime a .more comoetect judge, than one 5 has never had any, Go Blair's, 45 Patton Avenue, and he will guarantee to supply your wants in a manner that wfll satisfy you. Asheviae is making notable progress as a wholesale center for Western Jforth Carolina. It is instructive to observe so cor rect a newspaper as the New York World scoring the New York Herald for publishing a fake. The Charleston News and Courier confesses it was actually "warm" in that city on Sunday Such candor is remarkable when one considers its eource. , In view of "the coming establishment of universal peace under the initiative "of the czar, the proposal to. connect the Black and 'Caspian seas by a great canal, for strategic purposes, is inter esting, a . The Chicago Record remarks that while the democrats are trying to dis cover which is the straight and narrow path, it may be interesting to them to observe that the Kentucky populists ' have .found the middle of the road again. The automobile can be as contrary as a. bicycle or any mule when occasion warrants it Mr. and Mrs. William K. Vanderbilt, Jr., the other day started from Newport to Narragansett Pier on 4ne of the self-propellers--fe---KOt stuck In the mud and had to foot it the bal- "ance of the way.' During yellow fever epidemics and luaramineB Asheville has always, been a favorite refuge for people who have not cared to remain in the places where either the fever or the quarantine was a danger threatening them. AshevtHe's -doors are always open except possibly a few on Sunday. Know Want? -If the mob that attempted to lynch ' .'-Tthe Mormoi elders in Georgia intended '"- '-to -fasten Mormon ism on that state - "7 hey took the surest method of doing it. But a lynching mob never has any in tention other than tb satisfy a -lust for "sport" such sport as a pack ofi hounds enjoys chasing a rabbit. . San Domfngo is now coming to the front as a-news center. The assassina tion of President Heureaux k fololwed by the information that a revolution is to he started "tomorrow" by Jiminez, a 'Violent hurricane has workedi great damage and two of our warships have been sent to the island to protect "American interests. Now we will see If science has made any significant progress in the treat ment of yellow fever. There is no ques- . tion that in the , way of preventive . measures great advance has been made, hut ft Is yet to be shown whether afte fern epidemic (has started the methods of dealing with it within the infected boundaries have progressed rapidly. THE CLEVE- The present state of affairs in Cleve- XAHD 8TBIXE land cannot last long, ' . and it can hardly be - doubted that the next turn will be the collapse of the "strike." Its history has followed closely the lines of the strike ton the Third avenue street railway in New York several years ago that proved mo disastrous to the Knights of Labor organization. There was to be sure no such amount of deadly violence as has rnade the Cleveland strike - notorious, ' 'm though there were some 'scenes closely resembling those of the Cleveland strike ij and after this form of warfare had be- Run to have a contrary effect to that MID SUMMER ' OF r Svtite Goods, Linehs, Colored digandles, Ladles9 V? : Waists, Crash Shirts and Sailor Mats. :sS?LZL ISS fa.i2!r2 buying an Immense line of fall .goods and we : . fi1st make room for them. Summar stuffs must go, therefore w& put spe- : ClcZ. Z em',9ne lot 01 10c" 12 l-2c,.end oragndies to goat 5c. . ' Atiolher Wot of 15c and 20c colored lorgbradles to go at 10c. Our pretty 25c organ . : :-:,;ttiea at 12 l-2c. We have & btefiuttiful ;Jne of ladies white, -ehiHB" watetsfreEh : - . 49c , $1.00 ones for 89c. Ladles' r-Ior - Received a large Invoice of table fled, wMch are, now on sale -at special . : - 'Bo- pktfal 1-2 inch toweling for toweling for. 4c yard, anid so on. New BONelWARCHE, ;iB! South IVlaint. tricts are invariably accompah " . 'rcjC- '.P':. - - . "-life j"" " -fV .- ' ' - ied lerangemenls -ofthe Stomach "tiver ? anrX Bowels. The" Secret of HealtfiT The liver is the great "driving wheel" -in the T mechanism- of man, and when it is but of order; the whole system becomes de l-ranged and disease is the result. Ttitt'ssfciver Pills desired- by the strikers 4n turning pub lic sentiment againt them, the boycott was tried. Stages were .run over the car route And the funds, of the triker haTin? become exhausted biff inroad were made in. thoee of ebe Knigbts of Labor organizations elsewhere. But it was all to. W purpose.' After the vio- 1 . Jt . J W n A & 1 . . L. . 1 cute ccoaru iuiu mic ub, luuukij iucv r - -.. . -a . - -rJL .Iber pos-ezsions w Sfeve acquired ,T " ' allowed to-run on regular seheoule the company found 'little difficulty ur enj - pkying men, and gradually they-sectxr- ed paseflgers,tfae-people wearying' of the fight and thfr strikers gradually be coming hopeless aad . finding;; employ ment elsewhere.4 This wSl doubtlesi he the iistory of the-eveland strike. Ita a fact' not bard to explain that in times of greatest prosperity there are the -largest number of labor strikes. Employes feel that they should share the profits of Hthefa" employers. The em ployers feel, on the other hand, that, having conducted their business at a loss perhaps through a season of dull ness, they should now realize some pro fit. The American people believe in fair play and we believe It is generally the rule that in these differences be tween labor and capital the right side wins. " Apropos of the third Zionist conven tion, which is shortly to assemble at Basle,. Dr. "Richard Gotthiel, professor of the Semitic languages in Columbi x university, gives the history of "The Zionist Movement" in the August num ber of the North American Review, ex plaining how it arose, what has already been effected through it, what t'ae as pirations of its adherents are, and the causes of the opposition to it whic& ex ists among certain classes of Jews. Tie Zionist desires a national home for his race.'- Says Dr. Gotthiel; "For this reconstructed nation or people a. home must; be found. It is as idle to' suppose" that the nations of the world will look 'With respect upon the people who are at the whim and the mercy of every demagogue who raises his voice above the crowd, as it is t us to feel for a man without a country. The issue is plain. As long as the Jews refuse the essential condition of 'as similation,' intermarriage, and that on a large scale, they will remain practi cally defenceless against all such ht tacks; which, while they remain with in the strict bounds of the law, are no less destructive to the peace and well oemg or a coTmrmnity. tr once, such a home be found, -he Jewish nation will take its pl"c among the nations of tl.- world. Its voice will demand a hearing: and, being in its own land, competition with other nations will run in natural lines. A centre will be established to which all Jews, wherever they may be placed, will turn; getting therefrom not only actual help but the spiritual force, ennobling and enlarging, which the true pride, of race and of nationality carries with it The Jew must cease to be an anonaly." THE PEACE CONFERENCE. Chicago Record. i When the ruler of the greatest mili tary nation on earth issued a call for a peace conference to consider plans for mitigating the barbarity of war . and lightening the burdens of militarism the pessimists made the project the ob ject of their shafts of wit and satire. Insincerity was imputed to the czar and to the various nations sending represen tatives to the . conference, which the skeptics declared would be barren of im portant results. Kipling the poet, of British militarism, warned his country men to beware of "the bear that walks like a man." Many even of those who feebly hoped for much from the confer ence feared that the entire project was visionary. By others the frailties and shortcomings of human nature ' were cited as reasons why .the conference was bound to prove a failure. No doubt the czar was influenced to a considerable extent by other than hu manitarian motives in calling the con ference. The imperfections of human nature offer serious obstacles to all movements for the betterment of man kind. But despite all the influences making for failure the conference has passed off jEtuspiciously and its deliber ations have not been harren of import ant results. To be sure, not everything was accomplished that was outlined. Rarely does an assembly representing divergent interests do its work strictly according to a prearranged program. But theconference at the Hague was a success beyond the hopes of many of Its friends. It framed an agreement for a permanent courttf arbitration which probably in time will supersede war as hats 50c. onsas for 25c, SLOO ttnd $1.25 dinask KWelsr towelings, linen f or hand- prices. ; .--- - . 3 l-2c."yard6 l-4c-plaid 17 1-2 ach things arriving dally. - SALE a. raeaxa "of settllrf -f sterna tiona.1 dis pute." rrt:r-" ; -; - r ' It is- significant that iW, peaslmiffts have ceased: their croalrfngVto a- large extents: rThexibfcstao. pniss3st tajr thattbe ajbitratfoir:pian outline-! k&rery" gocdyfa rilj pwt workjg practices:,? Seemingly how eTer,.they hare not so much- heart for criticism as tbey had before the confer ence: assembled. The civilized world is fast emerging from -pessimistic skep ticism into faith - in r arbitration aaji means of prerentinff war. - 5 - r; . CLEAB USStC OF THE STTUlTIOa. 0. A. Tbmpkina. of Charlotte, before C; Southern Icduatrial Ie2gco at Char; locte- ------- . It Is not for na tot-determine the ooexicn rf expaEsftm. Crctlizafceti, iwi- rrdUdJ by a. higher power than anyThu- naa power, fs keepne; a pace that we must follow ipr he relegated fc the rear! It dcterrolBed the at cf he-iodiaa. It determised tbe fJte f lavery." Ket an the forces in Q wo.fd could change the C3U-.S2 of civoit-on. - ' ?Tdet TtCKirnanes must succumb - -to the 'forces of cixttzaticm or. they .must perish from the eh- If our govera meat is not the agent of IthSs force soma other government will be. It would be as eyeless fd-this m&?n to try to dis avow the responsibilities of macurity and mazboOd; - ' "I believe that we oughi 4o keep the IX Philippines, Cubsw Borro Rico asd. the f the Et ad the West Indie. I believe c? i. . j j ntcv thian any ether nart of the TTriitjd gtress. ' i .. '-.!. bel'ere farther that. the. adminis trrt'on ought to take apposition- 4a the-i master ,of the, Chinese questrant-Wo ougStt to Join England and not permit the partrtkm of China. Our cotton gbods are aow -going to Manchuria. Russia, is gradually bringing thfs territory into her 'sphere of influence.' This means ul timate control and a handicap ott Amer ican trade there In favor, of Russian traefcei We have now a treaty wtth ChJ pa gSVHJg us tho rights of the more fa vored oa'lon. Th:s meaaa opesr and free trrde ln China. WeougbXf Invite the rooperatioa of "nglar8 to mat ntafa this oonditirm. We are sending volumes of goods o China and we ought to perpet uate the conditions which further this trade. "PiVretioo now means the extension and naatotenance of export trade. I am for this protection.' MianSla, like the Cuban cities, Sag greatly improved in appearance under American methods of ministration. One of the Kansas coldiers who has jnst returned from the firing Boe writes as follows: "Confing imo Manila the salt breeze from the bay which blew across it he Tondo district, w&ith was reduced to ashes early hi March, was mos in vigotwting. I-cstea1!. tof the filthy town we left it four months ago, Manila fs clean as a modern city. The merchants have ocened their eyes and put Sn glass fronts, a wrings of modern variety io fact., the changes are so many that it would be monotonous to .menffion all. A year mo-e and the mtost careful observer would hartsiy recognize the spot at all. We have a very large stock of bed room suits on band, and will give you very close figures if you win call at 57 North MaJnstreeL Phone 166. MRS. 1. A. JOHNSON. A Produce Fruit Depot J9 5oxrlA Mafl Street. Having buyers, some directly Interest ed in our business, located in several of the Jargest 6 hipping towns and points contiguous to AshevilJe we are able to furnish the best, freshest and healthiest goods in these lines at lowest prices. We sfe.aSso agents for this celebrated X Ray Egg Tester, and use fit in testing every egg we sell, Respectfully, C. S. COOPEK. does not Contain alum or ammonia; it Is 42he old reliable HcrsfoTd's BrcHad Prepar tionC except ft is ready mixed! an cans. .si." 4" .-' ,.. - .. '. , -- ' v -i- " ' Half 30c Half-pound cans 15c. ; .one-pound cans five-pound cam $1.25. - THREE BREAD FOR 10c AT HESTON'S ..RVMEOim BaMEg Powder THE COLUIIBIA GR .BAINBRIDGE'S BOOK STOBE Z 7 PATTON AVENUES 1 a a a a a no a a a Just the thinff We have the tees, Tables Etc.: Furniture, 16 PATTON AVENUE. Q Q U Q O I gliliiiiiieiiiiiiit llltIIllW 15 Per Gent Discount On Boys' Spring and Sum mer Suits, asces 3 to 16. H. REDWOOD & CO., ltlIl!lIll Asheville (INDEPENDENT.) Eridorsechby AsheyUle Board of Trade. Bates for Business Phones R Bates for Residence Phones a- S24 Per Year. i $16 Per Tear. OVER 400 PHONES Temporary Office, Barnard Bnfldingr W. Si PROCTOR, Supt Quisisana Nature Cure Sanitarium Asheville, N. C, 167 French "Broad Avenne. LATEST GERMAN METHOD No Medicine! No Operations! fostsu 1 cures; effected by MOTemenr. etc. NO CONSUMPTIVES TAKEN. SCHOOL aersa heauttful aod haalthful country home In Middle Carolina on the Southern railway. No barrooms. Non-denominational Faculty of seven tmmZ iaUsts, graduates. Bible, physical culture and penmanship, specialties. vrr reasonable terms. Scholarshioa. nrlzea. nA owtdoor: Prbv- Wholesome and abundant food. For handsomely fllnstrated catalogs address ; - Preston Lewis-Gray. B. L., Prtactpat - . - Bkigham School, Mebane, N. C Do You'Desire a Good Boarding Plae for tfie Summer? One wiftJ J1 Modern ImprovemenfaiprW. M - Ughta, call bdls, c? It Terms moderate, excellent MH.f HARRIS, No. 30 APH0PH0NE ; n q n d n a n a n a for tout Diazza. .Verr codvT gCKOds in Cfiidra, Eqqks, Set rsr-; Carpets, &c. : NEWhONE 113. D O DRY GOODS CLOTHING, FANCY GOODS, SHOES, HATS AND BUT TERICK PATTERNS. Telephone Go UNDER CONTRACT. Massage, Baths, Diet, Sweedish aii aiseases treated. ORANGE COUNTY, NEAR MEBANB, NORTH CAROLINA. ESTABLISBBin 17J4 e , .try ................... fare. Central location, on" French Broad Avenue mm Til Atw XTF TYCrr t a V ----- -t -Mt.-TOr-, Z P23JGHTFTJir wp t -x 2 - PAT. TOr- T r . . rr tomorrow if J " jQoi i W JT m Brfnr drop i a, other nico goods. i -, , Vou- ubllK riR 45 South Main st 'Phone 125. .00 bayed: fa every hundrei yoar cowl Cotton Seed Hulls and Cotton Seed Meal H. C. JOHNSON1 38 and 38 H. Main. AiheTill.. o TOMATOES -AT 0. MONDAYS, Stalls 10 and 12 CENTRAL MARKET. I All kinds of Fresh Vegeta bles and Fnuts. I Ball &Sbeppard, 6 Fatten Are. Asjtme wishing to put steam best W their building could not At beur tan Harrisburg Boiler. But yon must have experienced work" matt to do the work, and we x cas& dent that we can pleas you. Ball & Shepherd. PiONE 88 SJBSBaBSMVSBBBSSSSBBBSSaSBBBBBSSSBBBBBBBBBBBSSaBSSlBBMSMMSSBK Trinity college. Forty-fifth year opens V,"e-3i-esdy,. September 6th. Larees; ecc : ei of Jay college in the South. Cc-piete Gymnasium in the State. B :-.-r i to $10.00 per month. Loac s:r. arshlpa for worthy youag men. Yor.? woroea admitted to all classes. Seni f r cau kge to PRESIDENT KXLGO, Durhim. N C ROANOKE COLLEGE. Salem. Var Courses for dee-eea with eiectlvtt. Also Sub-Freshman and Cc.r.merclil Courses. Library of 22.0.V' o um Working laboratory. HeaJihful ix"; Six Churches No Barroormi. Moderate expenses. Aid sciv: 47th session, begins September I3'-h. Ot- alague with views free. Address. PTflftdSOl, FRENCH SpamSsb iand German Taugh: eonvem tionaOly at the ASHEVILLB SUMMER SCH00U through the. Celebrated Berli.z Me-Jwd. Otrecttar, PROF. J. L. BORGEI.HOFF, Ph. Principal of the At la- - s bwl of Languages. FOUtld&tLclSt Another shipment of our famous A FflSB at 20 CENTS Is expec:ed Wednesdav the 26th, .1 vvinu oauoKUfUVii xu I Some of it We also have tie K ana isreaKxast sacon at I FOSTER'S PORE FOOD STOP, $25 i 'vsv ATJt9 ' Merrimon A venue.