CfT s xn - n m v -v . , . THE WftRKETS7 J'.,:-.M1 Yesterday's QutafiraCvih StOCKS, Cotton lowest and clod i" noL Neau-etreV;tew ft fork York, Aug. l.-The market xe- Te v,a oftprnnmi on realizing A Arm- 'me wiun ieeims tot m nredomi nant. The outlook commons good. STOCKS. 109 Low- 43 162 , 116 115 132 :faj 69 Q1086 109 44 :87 Tobacco Con. Tobacco Con. Tobacco, pid. m. Sugar Brooklyn R. T. C. B. & Q (Extra Dividend.) jUinois Central 8t.Ful aontberii pfd 163 118 162 ii m 74 1132 26 115 63 60K federal bteei Ontario & Western mi; KortbernPac. pfa. 78 Am. Steel & Wire 60" WHEAT .High Low fllose geptember December 7 -69 72 71 COTTON. High Low 551- 550 571 568 -9 :71 idoa 551 570 August geptember BRANDY 6UAGERS. of fwm collector HarMns' office became effecive yesterday. The following have teeun rMeir work: ' - - 'X" : w m. West of Murphy, Miles. Parker of Gienvllle, W. 'F. Lowraarce of Ashe ville, C. B. Ieaver of, Brevard, R. I. (jrtant of Henderscov'Wile, J. P. Tilson of rxnaDevine, J. L. Hyatt of . BurawvHfle. w N Louron of Bukersville, E. T. "Rev ely of Ruitherfordtomf, A. A- Wilson, of Pallas, A. H. Rollins of Charlotte, I. Rl Burleson of Albemarle, J. P. Miller of Hickory, D- A. Lfttle of Taylor k A. Bristol of Morganiton, R. L. Shr rillof Lenoir, J. L. iCbunlcill Of ViUaa, T. of Topia, S. N. Samders of Mt Airy, B. Ad kins or saiem; is. x rynum, or GerrmaiKon, B. S. Call of , Wilkesflwiro, J. F. Barlow of Gbshen, P. B. Berxbow of Beasl: Bend, G. W. Sheek of MocJcs ville, F. R. LtofflMn of Lexington, E. C. Heddon off Salisbury. - " WILL GO TO EUROPE, Dr. and Mrs. SylvoS H,.voai Ruck letft y9terday for New York. On the 5th' i fhp nrese'nt moaith Tr. laaid Mra. Vcm Buck will 'take passage for Europe, where (they expedt to remain three or four years. While -abroad" Dr. von Ruik will take a. special course' In medicine Your shoes when you can get them at wholesale cost. We are not going to be long in closing but our stock of goods, and it is to your interest to come now, as we may have just what it takes i:o fit your foot. We still have a gfood assortment of men's iTan Shoes, sizes 5 y2 to 64, and sizes 9, 9) and 10. :for 'A -Os tg J 39 pMoffire &oooocc Editor ofthe;paette. Z -1 rtt notjceinyour- togtieW -last Sunday rnsorplns" anieditorlat denying- the1 Wlef of. Robert InsareraiU as that nf nn o, I irv, vus -i.trae.iii ii g inat xnere God, ho f utrire and tin hnna A:'jMn4 - t ". nefther;aeyoteer efollower of hsl But' the; Gaiette ! my. model for fair ness and Ijthlnk'youjwill- cheerfu'ly makei, 'iew. ttatemenia that ''ate&'-the' line; otcorrectine; a.seemiritf mlkabnr I have only one oJtfr. Ingersoll,a ad dresses a,t hamd but in. that I fljii words enough cf free Jilmfrom the epithet of a GiesBjoos jn - At the grave of a. ltttli ,chUd hfi said: " "We do not know ; whether, the grave. U th4 -end Qf thi iifei or ther dcof? ofotlrer. or whether the night ere fis knot some. wherelse a dawn, We cannot safthat death JsT not a. good. , 'We need have ro feaKVAaother aifels naught unless wo know isjiA love the ones who: love us here. The., dead. do not suffer. - If they live again, their .lives will surely be a 'goo6a tma." ; . . - - Such thoughts as these plainly "show that. at. most be did not know. 'But he nopej, and a pretty, etrong; hope, Joo. It this Is not enouglC take his nnaljsen tepce TQUered -on that ocjcaaion: J" "We Doonuve ourrjeiigion. and it is this. lleljb fbr the lfyiog hope for the lead. Argument rrom my pen is anneces . ; , ni4-anoTier address - lie - says : .. ','1 do nof.:say thereSisn6 jGod, brat I canned conceive of a God of hate," etc. : nBut these quotations .are enough jto' ablish my point. - ancTITthink your editorial writer fwill agree. 1, do not .c cuse you of Intentional injustice toward the-great dead agnostic-uny more than you would wrong thj httrnVestcitizen. But': cropping out in the Dress of thi day there. is a "whole Jolt of cheap mis representation! pass lg- cn'rrent. for learned wtedom. Mr.. ;nger iolfs ' life was; far above the average, and - bis death was an Ideal one. Will we ken ori denying this for fear it will claHh with something we believe or '.teach? Will we shut our eyes-to facts in order to be bigotedly consisted f? . And noWf finally, would it not leJct ter toadmlt thismarfs fine family life and' biscorisistency ? Be culd have had office "high In the - councils' , of the nation if he would only close his moufh on theological subjects. ' Absolute can dor and truthfulness were-more to himJ than official glory.- - Hoy many , of us 'Asto the grief of thjeIngensoll family being unusual. I have seen plenty of instances In the families of believers where'-it seemed aJmost tnapossible to- separate the living from; the dead, s that f the funeral -might proceed. Evan Mre. Garfield . asked to e left alone wfth her dead and ho voice was raised in owHr-like pity. I have heard believ ing persons ay after the death of a ioved one .that their hearts were broken, and would; never raJlyagam. Are they imore to be commended than the. In e-frroliB. -who av : "We do not know which is the eTeater blessing Wfe or death ?" X. Afirotnautn Thayer of Ni'es, Mich. 9fw fpini. ancl -was Instantly killed on - I ttv. r , - - ISxe Oay; her was to nave been tnaimea. Jln I 4 DDQD Splendid assortment ojF Baby ; shoes, made by Williams, " Hoy t & Co., sizes i to Sthat cost us . 65c a pair. Ladies with short, -narrow feet, that want shoes for home wear, I shouldivish-our stoife and see Iwhatfwe have "tlieiri at-less than half 4c , 1 &''. V cream of ;tartaar;T r - Saf guards thef ood agakist altint - Alum bating powders are tie greatest e to bialthioi the present day racoacers NOVM.I I PCHHM.H OOl, HEW WOK. A JURY DRAWII. To Serve at August Term Buncombe Superior Couit.. Cbairmaia Gaaton, Sheriff Ieo, Regis ter of-Deeds Maekey and. Magistrates Sam uei Brooks land Pelmet have nawn. tt jury to serve at the August ;erm tf Bunoome ipelouri woiwih begMs August 14. The Oist oilows: . For- the firett week '? " : AshevaJle townstiip W; E. Dogan Ckorgo' W. WoxJey, P. M.' MtHer. , Black "MouaDtaanr S. H. Stepp, R. A Gragg. .- , -,'.' Iiceeter J. V. Cole, J. E. Ramsey Sandy Mushe-T.C.; King, JT,: P. Rey mows, v 7 - ''--. f Reems Creek Roberit Chambers, Jam B. Garrison " PCafc 'Greek W. r. Black. ' . - - - Sannatfoa-:-.' A.NMerren" Avery's' Oneek--T. J. Cartscnd. Trench Brolad C. N, Parker. Ivy C. Hv aXUSMgh!am . f Lower Hbmray M. P. Courtriey, . T P. Hunter. -For the secotad. week . As.hevalle-J. M. Jones, N. A. Penland W. J: Houg1ivyGeorge?Hendersoik s Lie'icester J. H. SludeTi George Muse Upper Hbm4ay A. M,' Curs, D. Brookstr W. B. GuSger. Flat Creek Mindr Clmton, T. B. Red moo. Loer Hominy D, P. Muse. Reems Creek C. P. Weaver. Pairvi'ew J". D.Gajrren. Black Mounttfifin B. H; Burneltt. Swianiiiamioa George A. Pfckems. Ivy J. W. TXaKngthiam, Sherman West. ' , ' For the IthiriJ week Asheville W. A. Balird, W. R Hea bon, P.' M. Weaver. . LimeSlbne Ju'le Ducker, M. L. Shu ford. Averv's Greek Sam' Brooks. M. PJ Johnston. ."' - Upper Hominy Joseph O'KelQy. Paiirvlew J. L. Whltaktr. L Swamnathobi Robert' Young. ' Sandy Muiv Ambrose Teague, J. P. Wells. . Bl'ack MoumtaSif C. P. Keerlee. Xrfeicesit)er Lowry Browk. , Flat Greek H. C. Bteckstock. Lower Homfflny J. M. Hawkiass, S. L. Morgaoi, A.' L. Bright- price. y - V ft V:AK " 'L ' e mmmm Grille, One if thrDI-' : i tectors. P C. S. .Walton; of -PbHadeiphiaj-'cl P. Boyer and J. L. English.' or Majncville: Tenik, have been at the - Swansaanoa slnc ' Sundays conferrhig with v Colonel a. iincoin m regard to the affairs of the Tennessee "Lumber " Catiat ' com pany which has Just been organized in Tetmessee under the law of thafc'state. :The officers are C P. Boyer. of New port, 'renn., president: CS. Walton, of the firm of England & Bryan, of Phil adelphia, vice president and treasurer: C:3.' Haag, of -Newport; secretary and the directors tre: C. P. Boyer, Colonel F. A. LIncoto. of Asheville: C. S. Wal ton, C. B. .Haag, J. W, Fisher, of New port'-. - Colonel Lincoln, proprietor of the Swannanoa ihbtei-originated the plan or tnis . company last winter He went oyer the ground then which- the con- pany -noWtownsV oorMsting of 200,000 acres of tiie, finest ttrhbet' land in Ten nessee, extending Into North Carolina, ha the valleys and along the top of the Smoky mountains. He saw . the wonaerrui resources of the- land if the timber could be. gotten out! No railroad could: be" builit through' there - and he conceived the idea of building a canal from' the headt of Little river arid, the branches of Middle and West fork to a fpoinUknowa as Gainlble's store, and floating the lumber, bark, etc.V thereJa me ssoutnern will ouild an extension from .Maryville Gamble's storeV about nine miles, making a direct out let which Will be completed December 1. Erlgland and Bryan, of Philadel phia, who have three other immense tanneries, one at Newport, Tenn., wi.l build . a tannery t Gamble's store, which will cost $lW,t)00, and in connec tion with J. L; Englfeh & Co. will re move their large lumber mills, now situated at Rockfordi, to Gambles "store, and will place several smaller mills at different points along the canal. The canal will be fifty. . miles long when completed and wilt cost $150,000 in construction alone. . Work" has al ready been commenced.- England & Bryan will disburse $40,000 a" year for bark, aside f romi a large pay roll at their tannery. Tliey Jiave mow seventh five men employed outting timber for tjie construction of the canal and the building-of the tannery: About twenty miles of the canal wjll be completed by December 1. The company Is duly organized under the laws of Tennessee as common car riers, which will enable all parties own ing timber to transport it to. railroad connections at rates named by the canal company. The headquarters of the company will be at Marysvllle, and C. T. Boyer, will have direct charge of affairs. . .. ' . , . To Col. Lincoln is due the credit for the" organization- of the company, as he is the original promoter. He has spent a great deal of time and money in get ting, things in the present shape. He has made many trips to the north, and Ta great many more into Tennessee in Interesting apijal Jn the jnterprise f iMij. Walton left for Philadelphia' and Mr. Boyer., and Mr. English for Mary ville! yesterday after perfecting all ar rangements with Colonel Lincoln, which he' will carry out. , " "YOUNG BOYS DECAMP. Tom Clark and Ex Starnes, young boys, ran away yesterday after receiv ing' some money and had not been found at a 'late hour last night. It is Isupposed they went to Alexander on bicycles Intending there to take a train for the west. Clark was a messenger boy and had just received his pay. Young Starnes had been collecting for his father, Jesse Starnes. 1 - . ANGELINE NOTES Angeline, N. C., Aug. 1. OurTcoarJ ing houses are full of summer visi'o.'s. Mrs. Ben Jones and child returned home from here today. Mrs. W. T. Reynolds and daughter, Janie, sre vis iting your city for a few days at Floral Home. - 1 ; "Mountain parties, picnics a-od fishing parties seem to' be the order of th day. "Uncle" Sol Evans and quite a, gay arty left Evangelne on the 26th at 10 p. m., taking in Hendersonville the same night (straw ride) returning at 3 p. rn. The farms are in a prosperous condi- rtion in this section after the fine rains. Cabbages aire (bringing $1 per hundred weight, which nets $100 to 125 per acre. This is am unusual' price- . ... Henry Sumimey and Scudder John son hauled in la two horse wagon bed thirty five crates of cabbage at one load, netting them- $35. ' The Hominy baseball team and the Mills River. (team will" -play a series of three games beginning Friday morning, the 4th, ahd priding" on' Saturday, the 5th. . ..." .. ' . -. . .' " - MILLIONS GrVEN AWAY. s ' 14 to certainly- grattfytng to the public to know of one conoera xa the Sand who are not afraid Jo be goaerous to the needy and enfDermg. The proprietors of Dr. Ktog's New Discovery " or eonsump tion, coughs kdA colds, have jven. away over tea mOnZ trial botJ of thto great mefflctoieV amdhave the satis'ac tion of knowing It has absolutely cured thousands of (hopeless caeess Asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness and all dfaea ww of the tforoat, cheat and lungs ere surely cured by It. Call on TLC Smtth, C Carmichael and Pelham, druggists, end ret a trial bottle free; Regular size 50 c and $L errbottle guamnteed, or price refunded, -r -f . -f ;::""" - r-'"- " NOTICK'-"".- '" ' ' ilHavdng qualified; a adnalnfetra4rof the. estate, of J.. N. Rogers, deceased, ail persons tojcEebted to said estate fwill make immediifcek paymemt to the under signed, aina aB persons . having claims against the Bald estate will present them Jor payment a once, on or. before-the 15th July; 1900, or tiois , notice will be niAn.fl bar of-thelr recoveryr - , - - A. M jEOGERS- AdrniifiBltrator of the, estaite of ' J. - -N . - Rogemi, deceased. . ,n - . TU S: McCALL, Attorney. . - Asheville, N.C; July 13.1899. - , To cxrre Depression of .Spirits, .Falling a h Womb .amd". Weakness of Back usual 'fochangeof" Life, take Innnont Squaw Vine -Wane or, Tablets. - 'y- 7 ..... ' , 4HPaiz6n Ave, V fgiDoring Operas The, SappMre Country Hotels -anl Lakes - -... - - -ftultitia-a. 3.300 Eeot." ; . Is truly the land of the iky and Ihe most Address for. Booklets and rates: FAIRFIELD IIHI, y -ON Fairfield Lake. . . Aiken, Mgr. Fishing unexcelled, boating, horse Back (riding, and driving, jvfst what want for health and pleasure. SpecialTates to families and laree oarties j-iwtiixo ica.y ABaviu8 o.uo a. m 4.uo The Finest Line of French Briar , and Meerschaum Pipeis South of New Jork at MEp. IBirwlim JBanck's collection of old and rare VIlfiffi!i and lows. They can be inspected at the parlors of the Aslhie- vill (Doliege, Oxford Ties at Cost And. many at much, less: tihancosb We Wamt a iSeairanoe sale of odds and ends. Some 400 pairs of ladies' go from 75c up. The WeLt Oxfords and Burt's newest ones are exoepted, as we have a year round itraidfe on them. You know the high class of our goods (gind the core of our 'Wis." j. Spangenberg, COURT SQUARE, ASHEVILLE. Miss Clara-Lee of Molesboro, Mrs. J. T. Beason a-atd Mr. and Mrs. Padgext of Caroiiine, Jake arid' Charles Francis of Forest City, are visitling ait 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. F."Lee., T. B. Lyman was expected ilast orght to "arrive " from Washington. - He will remain at Tahkeeodtee 4armt several weeks. - Mra twarroll and sOa Of Shelby are vla tttog at the home of Mrs. Carroll's cous in, Mrs. Ftodley, Wept Cbestnuft treet J. M. Lorick amd ifamily have relume!! from a vSelt to Clyde.. - Mliss Bessie Felix . WUI arrive today from Virginia to v5s3t Miss Etihe'l Reeves. , Miss !E3stella Wells, its visiting Mrs4 Katherme Patterson. Zebufon F. Cuntis wfill go to Greens boro today on business. Miss Bessie Stewart of Mobile is a guest at Rock Ledge. , Mrs. S. W. Harbiacm' and Mrs. Joseph BeM. Harbiiison, two chaMren and taurse, ere guesfts at Rock Ledge. . 'Thos W." Galyton, (formerly connected with F. B. Mfiller, the walljpaper dealer, was in (the city last week, doing some Work at BOtmOre lor him. - , " ' : - -y- . . W. J. Slayden will go 4oGreensbord today to attend & .meeting1 of -the whole sale grocers' iassoctotio3i of the.Sfcate. 1 Ex-Congressman M. ?W Howard of Alabamta, is In. Asheville on" business. - . : ' -Miss Pansy BJacksitockr of Stocksvil'e, Is vSaBtSng at Dr. WMttSbrgitbii's.' . ,.R. C. Miller of Shelby, N. C, is vis iting M. -L. ReeHI, at Ms bojne on the Swannanoa river. t - x3 BvJJUWJr3le-Jaa! pecited to arrive today from Macon, Ga WMie-bere they will be tt (the ftiDane of Mr. ia-nk? Mrs. - W. C MteConnieM,: comer North 'Main street and Lexington ave nue., ' " Berkeley (arrivals : 'George H., JyTaonCiisr Hnoxv&Her fz? K. Carpenter, - -Thermal City? -MranH Mrs. T. ,B.b Henderson, xwsts vut ; m Dawa n out vmiuF ?- ; v I law) 4B'tf(fa -.' omf - . i ii. . . wAnrM so siu on suits. r-" v.- .-4- . We make the best flbang- . "suits o& trousersin Qp city. Our wcrk Is all doa :oa the premises. Call and prtce our. beautif ul- muntatn, scenery the Irun ATefr Sapphire Inn Cottages. Lake, e The Lodge. Ed. C. Wilson, Mgr, 0m the summit of Mounft Toxaway, alti' tude 5,000 feet. i yotf p. m.; arrive at Brevard 11.S0 a. m. ar Stand Spartanbuflg; J. A. Martta; Hfickory; W J. McDianiel, Vance Soroggma, E. -T. Relry, Rutherfcrafeoa; Henry Denni3 Charlestcai: G. M. Montgomery and family, Tazewtfl, Teintn.; Ri-T., FSckens. , Lexllinglbon.; G. A. Blssellt Charleston, S, C. ; J. T, Townsemd, Edeton IsBahi, S.A " v.; k, bl nuiacK, icinctonajti, O.; H. S. Gormley, Oiarlotte; J. W. Klmbrough, Thomasvaile; T. H. DeLbdoh, DemKjpo Ijs, Ala.; B. H. ManviMe, Barnwell, S. C; David C. Ringo, Lexington, Ky.; Sig WalBace, Sta'teevSlle. Sa-muel Burroughs, who has for sever al years Iheld a posiiaion on the Bfltmore estalte, will leave today for PblAi'delphia 'to make that my Ms home. TWO ROBBERS ARRESTED The police last night arrested Frank Avery and John Avery, colored, for the robbery of D. Gross' last Sunday night. A part, of the stolen goods were recov ered at Gray's grocery store on Woodfln street, where one of the men left it. The case was worked up by Captain Jordan and Officers Garrison, Jarviflr Ballard and Collins. BUNCOMBE COUNTY. CMc&so Record. Richard Goelet, the New York muiti mfiilionaire. who died in Europe receotlyf through 'Wis mother was la direct desoend ant of Colonel Flfwrd Bun,oombe, the first Ciitfizem of K'onh Cairolinla wbose, marne now appeairs lm Ithe dictionary to describe a boastful aini& bombastic form of speech. Colonel Buncombe1 was a" niative of the island of St. Kltts, in the WesH Itnddes, and came over to Whls country abouit 1760', tlakJing up a - large fcraot of Hand to Tyrrell county and buifidfimg' upon. t a historic intneion knowmi as Buncombe Hall, which lis still stiaridlng. Over its ttospttaible doors he inscribed the legend: Welcome All To Buncombe Hall. He brought wflith Mm tfrom St. Kitts a chaplain), a phystelan, a shepherd for his efflieep, a superintendent for Ms farm, a miameiger for btits sltock, more than two hundred slaves atoid! a rare collection of silver plate, portraits, furniture and othr valuables. . Has &destt daughter was eenit to school New York cfity, where she became ac quainted with Peter Goelet, tbe ances tor of the Goeleit mWlLonaftres,' and mar ried him. The Goelets were Huegue nots who left France sifter the reyoca, ition of Nantes, acnf their coat of arms was hung besSde' the Buncombe ' arms on tbe walla of the Bun-combe ' maa sion. They were paicited upco the panels of itihe family cotacU'taicd engraved upon, the -fom&ly silver. The origin of he .word "buncombe" Is fenaced to a member of Congress from thait county wfho was notorious for "hifa 'luitinr" htarangues, and particuJarly for bombastic eulogies of Oottcinct Buncombe arJJ the county whidh bears his came. One day. While ne wais making a speech, ' he was interrupted by anotiher member, who wanted Kid secure consaderaAion or some Important .business, amd declared the member from North Carolina wa only''talkiiiag Buncombe." The same ex pression was alterward used to describe simiilSar speeches, until St finally found it way into' the didtftraary. ' V:"-jr The Second Congress 'of the United, States votieU a lare grant of land fto the Ihedrs of Colonel j Buricombe, in recogni ISan of his services and. contributions of money during the RevolutSoiu He ra'sed and equipped an enftire regiment at Ms ljwnxpense and Monx- majraer uolii me aau.ue or liermanmown. where Ihe TecelvelJ.a nxorrtHl vwoundV?. ;W is said thatthSs grave remains unmarked. Mtihongh several, of his descendants are -mlUlctnaires. s".- ; - r -i v , ? . , The. Dangers of a Malarial Atmosphere may be averted fcy occasionally 1 taking Dr. M. A;' Simmons, Xflver Medicine. .t - Sapphif Berkeley - i a -- , ... - - . : 1 -X -v- jfc. -JW !r -4.'

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