A' -1 ' A -. - r'.-V -F, - -7-' 7, t Cruel Knife - It fs absolntely useleis to. expfect a '""i surgical operation to cure cancer, cot . -L-ariy other btttod disease. The cruelty ''V. Af such treatment is illustrated in the alarming number of deaths wmcn re suit from it. The disease is in the blood, and hence can not be cut out. Nine times but of ten the surgeorrY knife only hastens death. " " My ion had a most malignant Cancer, foi which the doctors said an operation was the ation was a severe one, as itiraa neces sary to cut dow'n to the jawbone and crape It. Before a great while the Can cer returned, and be ean. to grow rapidly. We gave him many remedies without re lief, and finaijy, upon the advice of a friend, decided. to try S. S.S. (Swift's 8peciflc), and withi Jegan to improve. After twenty bottles had - been taken, the Cancer disappeared entirely and he was cured. The eurcwasi permanent one. for he is now seventeen years old, ana has never had a sign of the dreadful disease to re turn. ' J- N. Murdoch, .279 Snodgrass St., Dallas, Texas. Absolutely the only hope for Cancer is Swift's Specihc, as it is the only remedy which goes to the very bottom of the blood and forces out every trace of the disease. i$. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no potash, mercury, or. other mineral. . - Books on Cancer will be mailed free to any address by the Swift Specmc Qo., Atlanta, Gra . Genefovi. I am willing to bear my share of th amonspa nf nroenrine the divorce, Har old," remark od the mismated" wife had been freed from, her bonds. "No. Georvriana." said the ex-husband. with a wave of his hand. "You have al enva hrmtfht mv ties. 1 will tmy for the untie' Chicago Tribune. Jealousy. only one," said "You're only one,' said the solitary fieure. ".Yes. but I stand before a long row of ' Vlnhprfc " was the answer. Cleveland Leader. Modest Women Modesty in women 13 no les3 a" charm than beauty and wit. Is it any wonder that wo men afflicted with physical disorders pecu liar to ifaeir sex shrink from oer-. fional examina ra tions by male MaLj physicians? The Irfr m weaknesses and irregrilarities of women may be recognized by certain muailing symptoms. Backache, headache, bearing. down pains, irritability and extreme Jierv- ousness indicate derangement of the delicate female organism. Bradfields Fe male Regulator is the standard remedy fox characteristic diseases of women. Sold by druggists at $ i.oo per bottle. THE BRADFIELO REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta. 4 BLOOD CURE SENT FREE. By addressing1 Blood Balm Co.. At lanta, Oa... and send two tampa any of our readers may obtain a sample bcttle of their famous B, B. B.Bo tamlc Blood Balm, tbs greatest, grand est, best and sttaoagect Blood Remedy made. Cures whm all else falls, pim ples, ulcers, scrofula, eczema, bolls, feloooS-polson, eating; sores, distressing skin eruptions, cancer, catarrh, rheu matism. Free medical advice included, when description ef your trouble la given.. Thla generous offer Is worth while accepting. Sample bottle sent all charges prepaid. Large bdttles, (coa Aalndne; nearly a quart of medicdne) for sale by all druggists at $1 per bottle. B. B. B. ir away ahead of all other Blood Remedies lor curing blood hu mors, Try BVB. B. For sale in Ashe vllle by Pelham's pharmacy. BLOOD POISON AND CANCER CURED BY B. B. B TRIAL . SENT FRE2H. Deadly cancer of the face, meek, legs, lip, eating cancer or sores, cured by B. B. B. Bdtanle Blood Balm. B. B. B. cures by : driving the deadly, virulent poteon wMch causes cancer, out of the blood. This is the only cure and B. B. B. Se the only remedy that can do thla lit the jsame way B. B. B. curve Blood . FodBooi -wheJther Inherited or acquired, produjetng ulcers, pslniful swellings, Matches, copper-colored spots, falling of the hair, sores An the throat or ton ue, scrofula. B. B. B. has maJde hun dreds of 'permamen cures, and Is a thoroughly tested, powerful Blood Remedy. Cures where all else falls. Tested for 30 yeans. To prove Its cura tive powers, we -send a sample bofctlf Tree to. any -one who writes for It. Large SSJS EJff by Z11 drugglsta lor $l. sample bettle send two stamps sd S10100 Balm 00 Atlanta, Qa,, f'Lur Ashevlue Pelham's Phaimacy, by Howard A. Haves Wright ,C. Stout MEMBERS OF THE New York Stock Exchange, New York Cotton Exchange, Chicago Bdartt of Trade. HAVEII & STOUT. Bankers and Brokers 1 Nassau St. cor. Wall, New York Deposit accounts mceto-rtf. anhiant ' n check on demand. Interest credited moathly oa daily balajinp. Aocounlbs bf blanks, coiialtians, firms and . Individuals received on f avoxtablf . verms. -s " 2PP9' hiterest, dividends, ndtei arafts collected for our correspondeoits. - Orders executed for r3i rir,-. S&& Blood f .m -cxttxm, grain or provisions. - riSEt S aavesttnent or carried on TriflirtHrn -Clients may telegraph . orders amd, In w uv-HwiB m ouB expem&ie. Copies of rocmo coae, may do nau, on appll. cation. . . - Inf orma,t3Dott legardlnis' . ouoa)Hin corporations - and- seourjities, ; chepJiCullj ' A '' Jm " --ii VliL M2-L.t LM- StJI- neer and an employer of swiiea laDor - recently visited large engineering e tablishments lttthev United States. H i was so mucn jniyvetMMsu ju. vations of Ariierican worknwen that h wrote' thus to-the SpectaJer: v. , I hare just returned from a snort visit to Pennsylvania, New York and the New. England states, where I had exceptional opportunities of seeing-and j- . 1 . . - v- .a 5' t nj. compating American : worKmen 'wiud the British mechanics iriih lyhom f 1 have leen associated for nearly forty years. I regret to say I cannot accept your, estimate of the English mechaa- ic's position. Americans show, in my view, a higher -inJeUigence and a great er desire td produce quantity, and qual ity, . -; In, America you find French, German and "Swedish and American mechanics working side by side in friendly rivalry- " Subcontract ing, the betenoire of trade unions, is common. Piecework prices are hot reduced when 'a mechanic : makes a fixed ratio of profit, as is often done in this country. I havejseen machine men's wages averaging $19 to $21 a week, and I should consider the work cheap, so great was the. quantity done. Any man, mechanic or not, can do any class Of work lie is capable of doing without- interference. Free competi tion istSe universal practice. Electri city is used-everywhere for light-and powsr. Education seems more practi cal, jthe general school system seems to bring employer and employed into closer svmuathv. The workmen re- jrvct with contempt the notion of re srtrictmg output to increase general employment. The standard of social comfort seems higher; the mechanics appreciate and use the dressing rooms and baths provided for them. Ameri can steel is equal and American cast iron superior to English, while the' best foundries are managed as scientifically as English steel foundries. Old ma chinery is replaced by new much soon er than here. Shop discipline is in finitely stricter. I have returned con vinced that English masters and men must wake up, and that they need all the energy ann intelligence they pos sess if they are to retain their hold on the world's markets. Above all things we masters must do all in our power to spread the knowledge that increased output will hurt neither producer nor his fellows, and that we have no mon opoly of brains and intelligence. There is vet time, but I think the jjext cycle of bad trade will show liow much America has progressed, ana how far We have receded from our old position of manufacturing supremacy as iron and machinery producers for the world." BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts. hmisp. sores, ulcers, salt rheum, lever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all sklni eruptions, and posi tlvely cures piiles, or no pay required. It is cuaranteed to give perfect eatls rertfcton or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For 6ale by T. C. Smith W. C. Carmlchael. amd Pelbam's phar rnacy. A fortunate animal is a little Hblaek and white kitten which recently at tached itself to the Church of St. Aug ustine, Highbury, says the London Telegraph. In spite of the efforts put forth by the officials to induce her to leave the sacred precincts, she retume again send again, her persistency in the end bringing its due reward. A lady connected with the church set aside a sum of money to be devoted to the comfort and maintenance of the cat. As a protection against bad weather, a neat little kennel has been erected at this lady's expense in a cosey corner of the grounds, while the purveyor of milk and the eats' meat man supply her daily needs. The protection of the law is also informally extended to the new tenant, for the constables on point duty at the spot show warm interest in the kitten's welfare. FOR SALE. A good farm cwrutaimng about 200 acres, situated 11 miles east of Brevard, in Tisylvania counity, handy to good schools, churches, postoffice, telephone, etc.; in a good,. neighborhood; a good five-room house, good barn, orchard, and about 35 ''acres of river bottom In culti vation. This place Js specially adapted to sfoock raising1 and general farming, and must be sold in the next three months, as owner has moved west and needs money. This self -sustaining farm will be sold for less than half its act ual value. For full particulars call at the Gazette office. Fnzzllng to Her. "I don't quite understand It," said the slow going wife who does a vast amount of thinking in order to acquire a small amount of knowledge. "Don't understand what?" asked her more astute husband sharply. "The commandments are just as strong, sound and binding as they were when given, are they not?" "Of course they are. What a silly ques tion." sAnd yet they are broken repeatedly every day. "Detroit Free Press. KJodol Dyspepsia Cure thoroughly dli geste (food wifohou't altd from the stomach, and at ithe fiame time heals and restores itihe diseased! digestive' organs. It is the uQiy remeay itnat- dioefc r bath of these tnimp twa loan be relfcSd- upon to perma nently cure dyspepsia."" Paragon Phar macy. . : - Many animals In desert regions neve nave any ivater except the dew on vege tation. A parrot in the London zoo is known to have lived 52 years without drinking a drop of water. Anybody who knows enough can learn something from anybody . else. Boston Christian Register; . 4 . For Infects and Children. TheKInd You Haye;Uways Bought Bears the Signature of - J - Ta 'itiWlit t) oceasioojaJly ?. -ficpW nturtfcm. with tome giipfog purgative, but use JTostec- te4a Stomach BiUea, a wneay- cheery bbdv tonOws. A dcse df he , Bisters tJak- en rrAiteriy will keep -the stJonadU wwet. the bowels regular, and prevemtv las well I a cure, all disorders, of a w'eaK'Stomaoh Se that a prlvtuleHevauie Stiamp cov ers ;the netck "of the bottle. tfEWAnVB OF! Hostettcr's Stoma h Bi ters. "SOMETHING JUST " AS GOOD. Some vOplom Lanamaisrea. Among alJ the European languages the English. is the richest so: far RS:the num ber of words is concerned, and it is also the one which has added to its vocabula ry the largest- number of words within thCliisr half century. The latest English dictionaries contain not less than 230,000 different words. Next in rank comes the German language, with 80,000 words, and then come' in succession the Italian, with "35.000; the French, with 30,000, and the - Spanish, . with 20,000 words. Among the oriental languages the Arabic is the most copious, its vocabulary being even richerthan that of. the English lan guage. - : In the Chinese languages there are 10,- 000 syllables or roots, out of which it is possible to frame 4i,000 words. Another notable language i the. bid Indian Tamil, which is now spoken in the south of In dia and which contains, according to the latest calculations, 07,642 words. In the Turkish language there are 22,530 words, And thus it is richer than the Spanish and some other European languages. A singular fact is tnat aborigines, as a rule, nave very limited vocabularies. The Kaffirs of South Africa have at their dis posal not more than 8,000 . words, and the natives of Australia use only 2,000 words. New York Herald. One minute Oough Cure quickly cures obstli'na'te summer coughs -aid ooMs. I consider it a modb wondirful med5'cine. quick and safe." W. W. Metrton, May- heV, Wis. Paragom Pharmacy. Ostrich plumes, as tney arrive in khs market, look like bedraggled turkey feath ers, and they pass through a score of hands before they become the well known nuffy . . . ... . . i I 4.4.2 n and graceiui aajuncs itBmiiiiuo auuira. The people of Ireland have $32,215,000 in the Postoffice Savings bank. Pat is not so thrif tlsss as some people suppose. REMARKABLE RESCUE. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plaiinfield-IH., makes the statement that she caught -wiri wbiph 4PtlI on Her lunfirs; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He toldier she was a hopeless victim of consump tion and that no mefllclne could cure her. druggist suggested Dp. King New Discovery for Consumption; she bought a botitle and to her dellgM found herself beneflbted from the first dose. She con tinued its use, and alter taking six bottles found herself sound and well; now does her own housework aind is as well as she ever was. Free trial botles of this great Discovery eft the drug stores of T. C Smith, W. C. Carnrfctoaea, end Pelham'p Pharmacy. One Minute Cough Cure, cures That.)? what It was trde for SWEDISH MASSAGE AND PACKS. For nervous, rheumatic amd other dis- Special: Thure Brandt massage for female diisease. Also face massage. PROF. EDW. GRUNER, Graduate of Cheminitz College, Ger many; formerly with the Oakland Heights Sanatorium. 5 South Main street Phone, 20 Home and Office Treatment. Theee are our instruments Osteopathy is no longer am experlmemit. Among the scores of thousands who have tried it and found it efficacious are Senator For aker, of Ohio, Gov. Frank Brtgga, of N. Dakotaj Gov. Stephens, of Missouri, Gov. Tanner, of IlllnodB, Gov. Groult of Vermont, Chief Jutice William Spring er, Gov. Fish, of Vermont, Gov. Dilling ham of Vermont, Gov. Pingree of Mich igan, Gov. Shaw of Iowa, Hon. T. H. Goodnight, of Kentucky, Opie Held, Gov. Nelson, of Minnesota, and Gov. Taylor of Kentucky. C. M.CASE, M.D., Osteopath, 18 Church S. Adtfiett WILBUR R. SMITH, LEXINGTON, ST. mi onovui or nn Cheapest and best College." COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OF KY. UNIVERSITY ftaffera to thousands of raoeeraftil graduatm. Coat to complete Fall BusipeM Course, lnoladlng TbIUob, Books and BoaH, about 90. Fhoaography, TTpe-Wrltiac; aad Telefraphjr taught. Address WILBUR B. SMITH, Iexiikrton,Kjr. Et?riv nnnafvsw QBfcy iiiief tua y 6JABE BIOf CAIINET iUgDIci SEWIHO MACHINE I Uoa. i Yoa can examineC as your nearest trie ight found ywfetUy wtttfMtofT. exactly as reDrescnted. mmI i BMUMtknwli a Ugh mm SCO.OO, ui THX- CbBATBST BAMAII TOD KTKK BXiKB o7W 7r W $13.50 tor Ui. DROP DESK CABINET tm tarn btsswh vaiua tw ooerea try any Aouse. DEWARE OF IMITATIONS rTS! Tertisments, offering aakaswa atckliN under rarious names, with arioas Inducements. Writs sssw Ma4 ia Ckieur sad learn whs art BILLABLE AID WHO ASM MOT. TUI7 DIIDniPlf hM erery KODIBH nCPBOTRsm. I WlKm PUtfUimi BTKBT GOOD POINT OF STKBT HIGH GRADK BACH IKK BADS. WITH THE swexa, or sua a. MADE BY Tp BEST MAKER IN 1 -fBOM THE BEST fMK Finest Um, Big Ann i?ssfnr C U A R A N T E E D . T k-sw. .tt Just now anyone can IT COSTS YOli to cfin nn. and rar frsteht airaiitbs I Vh. intxaU r If mm 15.60. WB T0"Rkf b&r TOTS tl6.SO If at aslU iksaTSl ''TSLEn DAf. BOlf'T DKL1T. fSears. Rebuck&Cto.arethownSSfl2rIlT ssyyam 4 st satlsSsd. OROEB TO rmyiw, icHii?y wcuywsv u vv. unc. Chicago, III, fThW are? three thnigsi that mefes diih The f horse v?naHnore.:4. auv :. are more peculiarities about -a horse- tfiat affect Value in ne way or another than dn, anV other iarni jraf mal hdrif is subject to more aunienia- w ueoowu that 'he is subject to more gooses man any other animal., !", These items afford a wide jrange. for. deception, so that a nianmusthxTe a 1 -1 lill. . A. -m i.-Vila 1 tnorougii Knowieuge w wc; uses if he is able to judge intelligently and accurately -all of ? the points that add to or detract fi-om lthe leal ralae of:ja. horse. St. Louis Republic ' QUfckly cure canaffipatsion arud rebuild . - i and ; .tavlgoratte !the emtdire s s em never gripe or auemteDeWlate ntcae uurix Biiseina. Bailagon Pharrhacy. STATE OF'OHIO. CITY; OF TOLEDO, LUCAS COUNTY. . FraBJ. Cheney makes cth thiat he is the senior partner of. the Jirm of JF. J. Cheny & Co., dotog- business' In the city of Toledo, county and State aiforesadd. and ithat said firm -will pay the stun, of ON!B HUNDRED DOLLARS for eaeh amd) every case of catarrh that can not be cured by the use of Hall's' Catarrh Cure. N " - ' Sworp to before me and subscribed In my presence, ithis 6th dayof December. A. P.. 1886. (Seal.) A. W. GLEASON, Notray Public. Hall's Caltarrh Cure is taken toternally and acts directly am the. blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. '.,"'. F. J. CHENEY & CO., , Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists; 75 cents. ' Hall's Farnlly Ptllls are the .best; NOTICE. By vidtue of the power Df sa e contain ed in a cental deed trust made by M. L. Taylor to; tine uandensismed trus tee, dialed July 24, 1897, amdi registered in the office of the.'reglstep- of deeds for Buncombe county, state of North Caro-! lina, In book 43 of mortgages and deeds of trust, at page 261., et eeq., .to which reference is heiieby maJde, and by reason of default having been made in the-pay ment of the indebtedness secured by tiie said deedi in trust, whereby the uower of sale therein onltatoed has become oper-i atlve, I will on Monday, the 28ih day of August 1899, at the court house door to .the city of Asheville, N. C, between th hours of 12 m. and 1 p. m., ssell at public auctlion, to the highest bidder 'or cash, the following described lots lying and ibetog ifni the city of Asheville, coiiiuty of Buncombe and state -of No-rth Carolina, on Cumberlaind avenue, and more artlc ularly described as follows: Lot No. 22, block No. 9, beginning at a .a lake In ithe west, margin of Cumber land avenue and south miargin pf an al ley from Moo'tf ord avenue to Cumber laiid avenue, and running thence with said .west margla of said Cumberland avenue, south 101 4-10 ifeet to a stake the northeaslt comer of lot No. 24 - of block No. 9; rtibenee west with the north line of ldt No. 24, 294 30-100 feet to a stake; thence moreh 92 feet to a stake in soiith "murgin- of said alley: thence east with the south margin of said alley 251 7-10 feet tto the beginmlng' For further reference see Map "Sub division of property of George W. Pack," registered in the office, of tihe register of deeds for Buncombe counity, in book 89 pages 60 and 6. This 27th iday of July, 1899. J. E. DICKERSON. Trustiee hns demonstrated ten thonsandl Iom that it is almost infallible FOR WOMAN'S PECULIAR WEAKNESSES. Izregnlarltles and derangement. It has become tbe leading remedy for this class of troubles. It exerts a wonderfully healing, strength ening and soothing influence upon the menstrual organs. It cures "whites" and falling of the womb. It stops flooding and relieves enp- Sressed and painful menstruation, 'or Change of life it is the best .medicine made. It is beneficial during pregnancy, and helps to bring children into homes barren for years. It invigorates, stimu . lates, strengthens the whole eys tem. This great remedy is offered to all afflicted women . w hy will any woman suffer another minute with certain relief within reachr Wine of Cardui only costs $1.00 per bottle at your drug store. . For advice, in eases requiring special dirertions, address, givtng symptoms, the ' Ladies' Advisory Department,,f The Chattanooga Medicine OaLt Chat' tanooga, Tenn. Rev. J. W. SMITH, Camden, S.C., says: "My wife used Wine of Cardui at home for falling of the womb and it entirely cured her." with yobr order. cut this tl, rh( v. w. w. imM m "r r . . wmm nt.n depot . ' X ' BUBOZCK AMERICA, O MATERIA!, SOLID QUARTER SAWED OAK SSS.SW io.ou ) - 'I L cents for each BOO mflef. I I , in your own home, and -1 f not satisfied. Wa mI dif- I , , t t $9.60, SlO.OO, lx.Mr.V (K H lBB 1 r. I r; bis ii tm i ii an wifh full lenSTth t.htA mnA h. S . VV " WW v...vv.v. jit" rr, . ur&wer pails, rests on 4 caa. -Nters. ball bearing adjustable treadle, mnniit. Ji'i TA hd, positive four motion f eeCseTf thrianVribrit. ti Us h to rt rut tf"l - i toforatah.4 s Mr Free lMtrTSw!S! ronit and oeither plain or aw Und of fSZ-ZXr NOTHING Jtt then if conrlno :r"iiw..1,B" JP4.0.00 -f l I I I It ' I I ft When you go to Arkansas or Texas you can travel in comfort if yoa know how. ; Ask the ticket agent for a ticket via the COTTON BELT ROUTE and you can ride in a reclining chair car, without extra cost, and thus avoid the discomforts you. would encounter in an ordinary car. The chairs are arranged so you can have a comfort able seat durmgthe day and a ood place to sleep at night. Each car is supplied -with a ladies' dressing room and a gentlemen's smoker. You will not have to botbe aoout changing cars, for these cars run through from Memphis jnd Cairo to Texas without change Direct connections are made at Cotton Belt junctions with trains for all parts of Texas, Indian Territory, Oklahoma and the far West. K you are thinking of taking: a trip, write and tell us where you are going and when you will leave, and we will tell you how much your ticket will cost, what train to take so as to make the best time and coj.ctions, and anything else we can that will help make your trijM comfortable one. Anlnteresting little booklet, "A TRIP TO TEX5s," win be mailed free to any address. Ii. H. SUTTON, " Traveling I'assenger Agent. fori Some B13c GH ATTAJ?OOGA, FIFTEEN DAY lagara TUESDAY. AUGUST 8, Yia the D. M, s& HD and Michigan Central Bjs, Only $7 Round Trip From Cincinnati. $6.50 Additional to the Thousand Islands. $1.00 Additional to Toronto, Connecting Lines Will Sell Via This Route. Elegant Special Trains. Plenty of Rocm. Fast Time. '.For Sleeping Car Service Reservations or Information of aDy kind,applv to your nearest C. H. and D. agent. , D. Gi EDWARDS, Passenger Traffic Maisger, Cincinnati, 0- "QUEEN OF SEA ROUTES' TO- Providence Boston, AND New England Resorts is VIA THE Merchants' and Miners' Trans Co. Steamship Lines, FROM Norfolk, Va Steamers leave far Boston every Mon day, Wednesday and EM day ait 6 p. m. Leaves for Providence every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday at 6 p. m. STEAMERS NEW, FAST AND ELB QANT. AccommodatDoais amd Culjsine Umsur passed.- Send for Hluvtrated folder. R. H. WRIGHT, agt. NoTfolk, Va. T. C. WHITNEY, Traffic Manager. W. P. TURNER, Gen. Pass. Agent. General Offices. Baltimore. Md. .... THE .... o o TTUBEIP Mew IZork IS VIA THE dDEiHD inKDMuERQiaDBr is most attractive and! refresMng. - Jtine ocean s-teamships leave Norfolk, va., aaiiy except Sunday, at 7.30 p. m., ror JNew yotk direct, affdrdlne oddot tunSty f or throogli passengers from the South, Southwest and 'West to visit iuchmond, Old Podn(t Comfort and Vir ginia Beach enroute. For tickets and general Information apply to railroad ticket aerenita. or to M. B. CROWELL,' General Agent, NoiffloIkJ vol.; J. Jtf MAYER; Agent, 1212 Main St., Richmond; Va. H. B. Walker, Traffic Jjanager; J. J. Brown, General-Passenger Agent, tblclteater' EbsHbIi Diamond Brand. ENHVROYAL PILLS Oriirlnal rod ObIt Cmmln. safe, alwartt relUbU. ladics aik itragRut ror VlUchetta t Bnglith Dia mond Brand In Ued and Gold metallia ner, leaiM with blue ribbon. Take o other.' Refute danaem-u mbttitu- la Btmp fcr part$Dlar, teMlmosUl and IJUer To 1tdira.M in Utttr, bf rctara m m w X. Mi E. W. LaBEAUME, Gen'l Pass'r and Tkt. Agent, (43) ST. IXms, Ma EXCURSION TO alls! Atlanta and Nei Orleans Sbort Line. Atlanta & West Point Railroad Company AND The Western Rw?y o! Air.. THE SHORT LINE BETWEEN ATLANTA AND NEW ORLEANS, Operate magnificent vestibuled trdn between Atlsmta and Montgomery, Ma bile and New Orleans, at which lit Iter point close and direct connections are made for A'l Texas, Mexico And lornia Po'nts, Cali- In Addition to this Excelled Through Train and Car Servise- These (railroad offer moat favorable r commodationi and inducements to their patrons and residents alcmg tbi7 line. Any one contemplating a cfcang of home cam find no location more tractive mor more oonduei''.ie to pro perity than is to be foun3 on the li of .these roads. "THE HEART OF THE SOUTH." A beautiful illustrated book giving d tailed informaton as to the indutrit and attractions along these lines, cas be had upon application to the eadr signed, who will take pleasure in frt Ing all desired Information. B. F. WTLT, Jr., Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agents Atlanta, Ga. It. a. LUTZ, Traffic Mgr. Montgomery, Ala. GEORGE C. SMITH, Pres. and Ck Manager, Atlanta, Ga. Finest Passenger Seivice nr "No iorouble to anjiwer questionsv Direct lii te TEXAS, MEXICO, ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA. Write for new book on Texas, free. I S. THORNE. V. P. and Gen'l Mr. B. T. TURNER. Gen'l Pass, and TicK Agent Dallas, Texas. WE PAy $200 for many postage between 1847 and W.O. l-ooj up your old letters and th ot yoor neighbors ; you tocl rtampTworth &of of dollars. Send toy IU KEE illnstrated jsia. RAILW STintnai) stabp ro st. Lnt, 5 it i '- "V. 7